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Metrix ST5484E Datasheet

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ST5484E Seismic Velocity 4-20 mA Transmitter

The ST5484E is a self-contained seismic velocity transmitter that
incorporates a piezoelectric accelerometer, signal integrator, RMS
peak detector, and a 4-20 mA signal conditioner into a single
package. It can be mounted directly on a machine case or bearing
housing without intervening signal conditioning equipment. The
amplitude of the integrated acceleration (velocity) signal is con-
verted to a proportional 4-20 mA signal compatible with industrial
process control instrumentation such as PLCs, DCSs, and SCADA
systems that can provide trending and/or alarming capabilities for
a simplified vibration monitoring strategy. Flying Leads 2-Pin Terminal Block
(Option D=0, 1, 5, or 6) (2-wire (Option D=2)
When the flying lead or terminal block connector options are shown; 4-wire also available)
chosen, the transmitter does not need a separate environmental
housing and can directly accept conduit. To reduce installed cost,
it can be used with barriers for intrinsically safe installations, or
wired directly to explosion-proof conduit fittings for explosion-
proof installations.

Need A Local Display?

4-Pin Terminal Block 2-Pin MIL Connector
When continuous, local indication of vibra- (Option D=3) (Option D=4)
tion levels is required at the transmitter, the
Metrix ST5491E provides these capabilities. Explosion Proof Versions
Its sensing and transmitter elements are similar to with Option D≠4
the ST5484E, but it includes a convenient 2½ digit LCD
Note: Units sold with an explosion proof rating will in-
display in an integral conduit elbow and is rated for use clude a conduit elbow:
in temperatures from -10oC to +70oC. Refer to Metrix 8200-000 IEC for ATEX/IECEx/INMETRO/KOSHA/EAC
datasheet 1004598 for ordering information and de- 8200-000 for CSA
tailed specifications.


A vibration transmitter may be appropriate in applications where velocity, and displacement measurements are inter-related math-
a stand-alone monitoring system may not be warranted. ematically, seismic velocity measurements tend to be more con-
sistent over a wide range of frequencies than either displacement
The ST5484E handles general-purpose vibration measurements or acceleration. Consequently, broadband (sometimes called
on a wide range of rotating and reciprocating machinery with ro- “overall” or “unfiltered”) velocity measurements are appropriate
tative speeds between 120- and 6,000-rpm. Seismic measure- for monitoring many machines as a reliable indicator of damag-
ments are suitable for machines with rolling-element bearings ing vibratory energy, with the notable exception of machines with
because shaft vibration in such machines is usually transmitted fluid-film bearings, which are usually better addressed by shaft-
directly through the bearing to the bearing housing without sub- observing proximity probes.
stantial damping or attenuation. Seismic transducers can also
measure vibration that does not originate at the shaft, such as Casing displacement is not a practical measurement to make
bearing-related wear and defects, footing/foundation problems, directly and is typically just an integrated seismic velocity mea-
piping resonances that are coupled to the machine, etc. surement. As such, the primary decision when selecting a seis-
mic sensor will usually be whether to measure casing velocity or
Why Measure Velocity? casing acceleration. As noted above, casing velocity will often be
more appropriate because it tends to be a more reliable indicator
Acceleration and displacement levels are heavily influenced by of damaging vibratory energy over a broad frequency spectrum
the frequencies at which the vibration is occurring, while velocity for low- to medium-speed machinery.
levels are much less influenced. Thus, although acceleration,

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Doc# 1004457 • ST5484E • October 2019-Rev AJ• Page 1 of 9
NOTE: For machines with fluid-film bearings, shaft-
ST5484E Seismic Velocity 4-20 mA Transmitter
observing proximity probes will provide more effective Datasheet
vibration measurements than seismic transducers due
to the rotor dynamics of the machine and the attenuation
of vibratory energy through a fluid-film boundary. Accord- • RMS Amplitude Detection – Measures Root Mean Square
ingly, Metrix recommends and provides proximity probes (RMS) vibration amplitude. Options available for True RMS
and associated 4-20 mA transmitters or monitoring systems or scaled RMS (RMS x √2) for “derived peak”
for such applications.
• Numerous Full Scale Ranges – The full scale ranges provid-
For machines with rolling element bearings and running ed in option AAA reflect frequently-ordered ranges; how-
above 6,000 rpm, and/or where impulsive casing vibration ever, many others (too numerous to list) are also available.
occurs, acceleration may be a better measurement. In such
situations, it is recommended that you consult with Consult factory for applications requiring other full scale
a Metrix sales professional who can review your application ranges
and assist with selection of the proper transducer type and
associated transmitter or monitoring system. Notes:
1. Dynamic raw acceleration signal available with 4-wire versions only
(ordering options D= 1 and D=3).
FEATURES 2. Metrix recommends flexible (rather than solid) conduit when pos-
• RFI/EMI Immunity – Enhanced circuit design and installa- sible. Solid conduit can introduce preload forces on the sensor and
tion techniques aggressively filter out noise from common alter of the vibration response of the sensor.
sources such as handheld radios
• Excellent Moisture Resistance – The 2-pin MIL connec- SPECIFICATIONS
tor version is hermetically sealed to provide an IP67-rated All specifications are at +25°C (+77°F) and +24 VDC supply voltage
enclosure. Flying lead and terminal block versions are fully unless otherwise noted.
potted and rated to IP66 when installed with optional IEC
conduit elbow Inputs
• Hazardous Area Approvals – North American (CSA), Brazil- Supply Voltage 11 – 29.6 VDC (24 VDC nominal) (intrinsi-
ian (INMETRO), and European (ATEX & IEC) approvals avail- (see also note cally safe); 11 – 30 VDC (24 VDC nominal)
able under max loop (explosion proof and non-incendive);
• Dynamic Signal Availability – 2-wire versions provide a 4-20 resistance) Metrix patented IPT® independent polar-
mA velocity- proportional signal for easy connection to PLCs, ity diode bridge circuit allows voltage to
DCSs, and other plant control systems. Optional 4-wire ver- be connected without regard to polarity
sions1 also provide the raw acceleration signal (100 mV/g) Circuit-to-Case 500 Vrms
for use with vibration data collectors and analyzers Isolation
• Variety of Connection Options – Flying leads, terminal Outputs
block, and MIL-type connectors available
4-20 mA Proportional to velocity full scale
• Conduit-Ready2 – Terminal block and flying lead options
range (4mA = 0 vibration,
have conduit threads on top of sensor. No special housings 20mA = full scale vibration)
are required for connection of conduit
• Rugged, Industrial Design – Robust construction offers out- Maximum 4- RL = 50 x (Vs – 11) W where Vs = Supply
standing durability; built-in base and housing strain protec- 20 mA loop resis- Voltage at transmitter terminals.
tion helps ensure that over-torqueing sensor-to- machine
NOTE: For every 50 W of resistance in the
and sensor-to-conduit connections won’t damage internals 4-20 mA loop, 1 VDC above the minimum sup-
or body ply voltage (11 VDC) must be available at the
• High- and Low-Pass Filter Options – The ST5484E can be transmitter terminals. For example, 12 VDC at
ordered with a wide variety of low- and high-pass filter the transmitter terminals will allow a 50 Ω loop
options to precisely tailor the band over which vibration is resistance; 30 VDC at the transmitter terminals
measured will allow a 950 Ω loop resistance. For intrinsi-
• Polarity-Independent Wiring – Metrix patented IPT® tech- cally safe applications, the use of a passive
nology allows loop power to be connected without regard zener barrier will incur a voltage drop of
to voltage polarity, reducing field wiring errors and ensuring approximately 8.1 volts at the barrier, and the
loop supply voltage is limited to 26 VDC. Thus,
that the raw acceleration output1 is not phase inverted
with passive barriers and a 26 VDC supply, the
• Multiple Mounting Options – Integral and removable
maximum available voltage at the transmitter
mounting stud options available in both metric and English will be 17.9 VDC and the corresponding maxi-
thread sizes; flat base mounting adapters are also available mum loop resistance will be 345 Ω.
• Loop-Powered – Runs on nominal 24 VDC power supplied by
Dynamic Signal 100 mV/g (10.2 mV / m/s2) acceleration,
the 4-20 mA current loop
filtered to same frequency band as pro-
• Wide Supply Voltage Range – Accepts loop power voltages portional velocity (see ordering options E
from 11 to 29.6 VDC (intrinsically safe) or 30.0 VDC (explosion & F)
proof & non-incendive)

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Doc# 1004457 • ST5484E • October 2019-Rev AJ• Page 2 of 9
ST5484E Seismic Velocity 4-20 mA Transmitter
Dynamic Signal 10 kΩ Physical
Output Operating -40°C to +100°C (-40°F to +212°F)
Impedance NOTES: Temperature
1. The dynamic signal output is short-circuit
protected by means of a 10 kΩ resistor, Weight 0.9 lbs (0.36 kg)
resulting in a relatively large output imped- Dimensions Refer to Figures 1 and 2 on page 8
ance. Many data collectors and analyzers have
relatively low input impedances (100 kΩ or Sensitive Axis Same as mounting stud axis
less) which will load this dynamic output and
attenuate the signal by 10% or more. Refer to Axis Orientation Any
Table 1 for the dB and percentage attenuation Enclosure • 303 stainless steel (standard)
for various load impedances. Material • 316 stainless steel (optional)
Enclosure Rating MIL-Style Connector (option D=4):
2. Because the ST5484E is a loop-powered
• IP67 and NEMA 4X
device with low operating power, the dynamic
signal output requires a buffer amplifier for ca- Flying Leads and Terminal Block Connec-
ble runs in excess of 16 feet (5 meters). Longer tors (option D≠4):
cable runs will also introduce distributed cable
capacitance that acts as a low-pass filter, attenu- • IP66 when used with the following con-
ating high- frequency signal content. In such duit elbows:
situations, consult the factory for assistance 8200-001-IEC, 8200-003-IEC, 8200-008-
selecting an appropriate low-capacitance cable. IEC,
Recommended 500 kΩ
• No Rating* when used with the follow-
Minimum (see also note 1 above)
ing conduit elbows:
Load Imped-
8200-001, 8200-003, 8200-005, 8200-008,
ance (Zload) for
8200-101, 8200-103, 8200-108
Dynamic Signal
* NOTE: IP and NEMA ratings pending;
Signal Processing refer to table on page 6.
Frequency 2 Hz – 1500 Hz (standard) Connector Types • Flying Leads (2- and 4-wire)
Response (+/- 2 Hz – 2000 Hz (optional) • MIL-C-5015 (2-wire only)
3dB passband) • Terminal Block (2- and 4-wire)
Humidity • 95%, non-condensing (flying lead and
Optional High- 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, or 200 Hz terminal block versions)
Pass Filter Corner (must be specified at time of ordering) • 100% condensing (MIL-style connector)
High-Pass Roll- 12 dB / octave Approvals
CE Mark • Yes
Optional Low- 230, 250, 350, 450, 500, or 1000 Hz
Pass Filter Corner (must be specified at time of ordering) Hazardous • CSA
Areas • ATEX
Low-pass Roll-Off 12 dB / octave • IECEx
Accuracy ± 2.5% (within passband) • INMETRO
± 4% (at corner frequencies) • KOSHA
• Custom Union EAC
Maximum Full 5.0 in / sec (others by request)
Scale Recommended IS Barriers
Minimum Full 0.5 in / sec (others by request) Passive (Zener MTL 7787+ or equal
Scale Type)
Full Scale Range • in / sec (standard) Active (Zener MTL 7706 or equal
Units • mm / sec (available by request) Type)
Amplitude True RMS detector; full scale may be or- Active MTL 5541 or equal
Detection dered with True RMS units or scaled RMS (Galvanic Type)
(RMS x √2) for “derived peak” measure- ST5484E Entity • Vmax: 29.6 VDC (intrinsically safe)
ments Parameters • Vmax: 30 VDC
(explosion proof and non-incendive)
See ordering option AAA. • Imax: 100 mA

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Doc# 1004457 • ST5484E • October 2019-Rev AJ• Page 3 of 9
ORDERING INFORMATION ST5484E Seismic Velocity 4-20 mA Transmitter
A A A - B B C D -E F Datasheet
ST5484E- - -
AAA Full Scale Range1 3 ATEX, Ex ia IIC T4 Ga (intrinsically safe)
1 2 1 1.0 in/sec (25.4 mm/s) peak 2
4 CSA US/C, Class I, Div 1, Grps A-D
1 2 2 0.5 in/sec (12.7 mm/s) peak 2 (intrinsically safe)
1 2 3 2.0 in/sec (50.8 mm/s) peak2 5 INMETRO, Ex ia IIC T4 Ga (intrinsically safe)
1 2 4 5.0 in/sec (127 mm/s) peak2 6 INMETRO, Ex d IIC T4 Gb (explosion proof,
includes 8200 conduit elbow)
1 2 6 0.8 in/sec (20.3 mm/s) peak2
7 IECEx/KOSHA Ex ia IIC T4 Ga (intrinsically safe)
1 3 2 3.0 in/sec (76.2 mm/s) peak2 16-AV4BO-0214X
1 5 1 1.0 in/sec (25.4 mm/s) true RMS 8 ATEX/IECEx/KOSHA Ex d IIC T4 Gb (explosion
1 5 2 0.5 in/sec (12.7 mm/s) true RMS proof, includes 8200 conduit elbow) 16-AV4BO-
1 5 3 2.0 in/sec (50.8 mm/s) true RMS
A EAC, Ex ia IIC T4 Ga (intrinsically safe), Ex d IIC
1 5 4 5.0 in/sec (127 mm/s) true RMS T4 Gb (explosion proof, includes 8200 conduit
1 5 6 0.8 in/sec (20.3 mm/s) true RMS elbow)
1 6 2 3.0 in/sec (76.2 mm/s) true RMS B ATEX/EAC, Ex ia IIC T4 Ga (intrinsically safe)
BB Housing Material & Stud Size1 D Connection Type3
00 303 SS housing, ¼” NPT stud 0 24” Flying Leads, 2-wire5;
01 303 SS housing, ½” NPT stud (4-20 mA output only)
02 303 SS housing, ⅜ x 24 UNF – ½” stud 1 24” Flying Leads, 4-wire5; (4-20 mA output
and dynamic raw acceleration signal)
03 303 SS housing, ½ x 20 UNF – ½” stud
2 Terminal Block, 2-wire5; (4-20 mA output only)
04 303 SS housing, M8 x 1.0 – 12 stud
3 Terminal Block, 4-wire5; (4-20 mA output
05 303 SS housing, M10 x 1.25 – 12 stud and dynamic raw acceleration signal)
06 303 SS housing, ¼ x 20 UNC – ½” stud 4 2-Pin MIL-Style (MIL-C-5015); (4-20 mA output
07 303 SS housing, ¼ x 28 UNF – ½” stud only)
08 303 SS housing, M8 x 1.25 – 12 stud 5 72” Flying Leads, 2-wire5; (4-20 mA output only)
09 303 SS housing, ⅜ x 16 UNC – ½” stud 6 72” Flying Leads, 4-wire5; (4-20 mA output
and dynamic raw acceleration signal)
10 316 SS housing, ¼” NPT stud
E High-Pass Filter
11 316 SS housing, ½” NPT stud
0 2 Hz (standard)
12 316 SS housing, ⅜ x 24 UNF – ½” stud
1 5 Hz
13 316 SS housing, ½ x 20 UNF – ½” stud
2 10 Hz
14 316 SS housing, M8 x 1.0 – 12 stud
3 20 Hz
15 316 SS housing, M10 x 1.25 – 12 stud
4 50 Hz
16 316 SS housing, ¼ x 20 UNC – ½” stud
5 100 Hz
17 316 SS housing, ¼ x 28 UNF – ½” stud
6 200 Hz6
18 316 SS housing, M8 x 1.25 – 12 stud
X Custom (consult factory)6
19 316 SS housing, ⅜ x 16 UNC – ½” stud
F Low-Pass Filter
20 303 SS housing, ½ x 13 UNC – ½” stud
0 1500 Hz (standard)
30 316 SS housing, ½ x 13 UNC – ½” stud
1 500 Hz
C Hazardous Area Certification3,4,5
2 1000 Hz
0 No Hazardous Approval Area
3 2000 Hz
1 CSA US/C, Class I, Div 2, Grps A-D
(non-incendive) 4 250 Hz6
2 CSA US/C, Class I, Div 1, Grps B-D 5 230 Hz6
and Class II, Div 1, Grps E-G (explosion proof, 6 350 Hz6
includes a 8200 conduit elbow)

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Doc# 1004457 • ST5484E • October 2019-Rev AJ• Page 4 of 9
ST5484E Seismic Velocity 4-20 mA Transmitter
7 450 Hz Datasheet
X Custom (consult factory)6
Table 3 – Allowable Combinations for C & D Options
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A B
1. Smaller-diameter mounting studs are not able to withstand sus- D
tained ambient vibration levels above 2.0 in/sec. Consult Table 2
for allowable combinations of A and B options. 0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
2. The ST5484E uses an RMS amplitude detection circuit. Full scale 1 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
ranges in peak units use scaled RMS (i.e., RMS x √2). The “derived
peak” measurements will equal true peak only under the special 2 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
case of a pure sinusoid, not complex vibration signals. 3 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
3. Hazardous Area Certifications are not compatible with all connec-
tion types. Consult Table 3 for allowable combinations of C & D 4 Y Y N Y Y Y N Y N N Y
options. 5 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
4. Some approvals require intrinsic safety barriers, others require
Explosion-Proof wiring practices. Refer to Table 4. 6 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
5. Refer to the Accessories section of this document. Units sold with
an explosion proof rating will include an 8200-000 IEC or 8200-000
explosion proof elbow that will be affixed at the factory.
6. High- and Low-Pass filter corners for standard filters must be Table 4 –
separated by at least one octave (low-pass frequency must be at Approvals and corresponding wiring requirements
least twice the high-pass frequency). All combinations are allowed

XP Wiring Not
except E = 6 and F = 4, 5, or 6. Custom filters with closer separa-

I.S Barriers or
Proof Wiring
tion and/or different roll-offs may be available in some instances.

I.S. Barriers

Consult the factory if custom filters are required. C Agency Approved Areas



Table 1 –
Attenuation of Dynamic Signal versus Load Impedance (Zload) 1 CSA US/C Class I, Div 2,Groups A-D

Data Collector / Dynamic Signal Dynamic Signal (non-incendive)
Analyzer Load Voltage Voltage 2 CSA US/C Class I, Div 1, Groups B-D;
Impedance (Zload) Attenuation (dB) Attenuation (%) Class II, Div 1, Groups E-G ●
10 MΩ 0.01 dB 0.1% (explosion proof)
5 MΩ 0.02 dB 0.2% 3 ATEX Ex ia IIC T4 Ga

(intrinsically safe)
2 MΩ 0.04 dB 0.5%
4 CSA Class I, Div 1, Groups A-D
1 MΩ 0.09 dB 1% ●
(intrinsically safe)
500 kΩ 0.18 dB 2% 5 INMET- Ex ia IIC T4 Ga

200 kΩ 0.43 dB 5% RO (intrinsically safe)
100 kΩ 0.84 dB 9% 6 INMET- Ex d IIC T4 Gb

RO (explosion proof)
50 kΩ 1.61 dB 17%
7 IECEx / Ex ia IIC T4 Ga
20 kΩ 3.57 dB 33% ●
KOSHA (intrinsically safe)
10 kΩ 6.10 dB 50% 8 ATEX / Ex d IIC T4 Gb
IECEx / (explosion proof) ●
Table 2 – Allowable Combinations for AAA & BB Options
Full Scale Range AAA = Allowable BB options
A EAC Ex ia IIC T4 Ga
(Mounting Stud Sizes)
(intrinsically safe)
121, 122, 123, 126, 151, 152, All (no restrictions) ● ●
Ex d IIC T4 Gb
153, 156 (explosion proof)
124 and 154 00, 01, 03, 10, 11, 13 B ATEX/ Ex ia IIC T4 Ga

132 and 162 00, 01, 02, 03, 05, 09, 10, 11, EAC (intrinsically safe)
12, 13, 15, 19

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Doc# 1004457 • ST5484E • October 2019-Rev AJ• Page 5 of 9
ST5484E Seismic Velocity 4-20 mA Transmitter
Conduit elbows are used with flying leads and terminal block versions of the ST5484E transmitter. They are not compatible with MIL-
connector versions of the transmitter. A variety of available configurations accommodate English and metric conduit thread sizes,
hazardous area approvals, materials of construction, and IP ratings. Note that not all configurations are available with hazardous area
approvals or IP ratings. Consult the ordering information below. For ST5484E’s that need an explosion proof (Ex d) rating, that are utiliz-
ing flying leads, Option D=0, 1, 5, & 6, will have an attached 8200 conduit elbow and must be used with a certified junction box or other
certified connection location. For ST5484E’s that need an explosion proof (Ex d) rating, utilizing integral terminal block, Option D=2 & 3,
no junction box is necessary. Table 4 in the datasheet relates what hazardous area (Option C) is allowed per ST5484E Connection (Op-
tion D). ST5484E sold with an explosion proof rating (Ex d) will include a 8200 explosion proof elbow and will be affixed at the factory.

8200- -
A A A B2,5 Conduit Fitting Size Coating Approvals IP Rating Material
0 0 0 1” NPT Powder CSA/UL1 NEMA4 Copper-free aluminum
0 0 0 IEC 1” NPT Powder ATEX/IECEx 3,4
IP66 Copper-free aluminum
0 0 1 ¾” NPT Powder CSA/UL1 NEMA4 Copper-free aluminum
0 0 1 IEC ¾” NPT Powder ATEX/IECEx 3,4
IP66 Copper-free aluminum
0 0 3 ½” NPT Powder CSA/UL 1
NEMA4 Copper-free aluminum
0 0 3 IEC ½” NPT Powder ATEX/IECEx 3,4
IP66 Copper-free aluminum
0 0 5 ½” NPT None None None 303 stainless steel
0 0 8 M20 x 1.5 metric Powder CSA/UL 1
NEMA4 Copper-free aluminum
0 0 8 IEC M20 x 1.5 metric Powder ATEX/IECEx 3,4
IP66 Copper-free aluminum
1 0 1 ¾” NPT Powder + clear epoxy CSA/UL 1
NEMA4 Copper-free aluminum
1 0 3 ½” NPT Powder + clear epoxy CSA/UL1 NEMA4 Copper-free aluminum
1 0 8 M20 x 1.5 metric Powder + clear epoxy CSA/UL 1
NEMA4 Copper-free aluminum

8200-000 IEC Reducers

Part Description Material Rating
91104-032 Reducer, 1”NPT(M) - ¾”NPT(F) Nickle ATEX/
91104-031 Reducer, 1”NPT(M) - ½”NPT(F) plated IECEx
91104-022 Reducer, 1”NPT(M) - M20 X 1.5(F)

8200-000 Reducers
Stainless steel elbows Copper-free aluminum elbows
(models AAA=005) (all models except AAA=005) Part Description Material Rating
Elbow made from 6061-T6 aluminium which is considered a
marine grade aluminium and powder coated in epoxy.
91104-011 Reducer, 1”NPT(M) - ¾”NPT(F) Feraloy CSA
Iron Alloy
91104-015 Reducer, 1”NPT(M) - ½”NPT(F)
1. CSA approved through manufacturer (not Metrix) for the following areas: UL approved through manufacturer (not Metrix) for the following areas:
Class I, Div. 1 (Grps C & D) Class I; Div. 1 (Grps. B, C, D)
Class II, Div. 1 (Grps E, F & G) Class II; Div. 1 (Grps. E, F, G)
Class III
2. B=IEC is only available for AAA=001, 003, and 008 at this time
3. ATEX approved through manufacturer (not Metrix), (B=IEC)
Ex II2G, Ex d IIC
Ex II2GD, Ex db IIB Gb, Ex tb IIIC Db IP65 minimum
4. IECEx approved through manufacturer (not Metrix)
Ex d IIC
IECEx QPS 16.0012X
Ex db IIB Gb, Ex tb IIIC IP66
5. Elbow 8200-AAA-IEC is required for ST5484E installations meeting
ATEX/IECEx/INMETRO/KOSHA/EAC Ex d (flameproof) hazardous area certifications

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Doc# 1004457 • ST5484E • October 2019-Rev AJ• Page 6 of 9
ACCESSORIES - CABLES ST5484E Seismic Velocity 4-20 mA Transmitter
Part Number Description
8978-111-XXXX 2-pin MIL Splash-Proof (IP66) Cable Assembly
Used with 2-pin MIL style connector. Cable-to-sensor connection made by
means of tight friction fit between cable molded boot and sensor - does not
NOTE: Dielectric grease use threads. Connector is fully potted to provide IP66 seal against moisture
must be applied on the ingression. 6.4mm (0.25”) diameter polyurethane jacketed cable encapsulates
rubber boot connector a single twisted pair of conductors and shield.
to prevent moisture XXX.X = cable length in meters (example: 0035= 3.5 m)
ingression. Min. cable length: 0.5m (XXXX=0005)
Max. cable length: 999.5m (XXXX=9995)
Note: Must be ordered in increments of 0.5m
8978-211-XXXX 2-pin MIL Cable Assembly
Similar to 8978-111 but without splash-proof boot and without IP66 rating;
identical constraints on XXXX ordering options.
8978-200-0000 2-pin MIL Connector Assembly
Similar to 8978-211 but without cable (connector can be disassembled for
field installation of cable)
8978-311-XXXX 2-pin MIL Submersible (IP67) Cable Assembly
Similar to 8978-111 but uses overmolded screw-type connector for IP67
rating. 4.9mm (0.19”) diameter polyurethane jacketed cable encapsulates a
single twisted pair of 20 AWG conductors and shield. Gold plated contacts,
Stainless steel 316L Nut.

XXX.X = cable length in meters (example: 0050= 5.0 m)

NOTE: only 5m, 10m, and 20m lengths available at this time. 5m length stock std;
other length may incur longer lead times.
9334-111-XXXX-YYYY 2-pin MIL Splash-Proof (IP66) Cable Assembly With Armor
Used with 2-pin MIL-style connector. Connector is fully potted
and provided with integral molded boot to provide IP66 seal against moisture
ingression. 7.1mm (0.28”) diameter 304 stainless steel armor encapsulates a
single twisted pair of conductors and shield.

9334-211-XXXX-YYYY 2-pin MIL Armored Cable Assembly

Similar to 9334-111 but without splash-proof boot and without IP66 rating;
identical constraints on XXXX and YYYY ordering options.

NOTE: Dielectric grease XXX.X = armor length in meters (example: 0035= 3.5 m)
must be applied on the Min. armor length: 0.5m Max. armor length: 60m
rubber boot connector Must be ordered in 0.5m increments
to prevent moisture
ingression. YYY.Y = cable length in meters
Min. cable length: 1.0 Max: 999.5m Must be ordered in 0.5 m increments;
NOTE: cable length must exceed armor length by at least 0.5 m.
8169-75-002-XXX 2-wire Cable Assembly
Designed for installations where conduit will not be used to protect field wir-
ing. Fitting mates directly to all 8200 elbows with ¾” NPT reducers. Cable is
2-conductor (20 AWG) twisted, shielded pair in PVC jacket. Cable grip includ-
ed for strain relief.
Material: zinc-plated steel

XXX= length in feet (example: 010=10 feet)

Min. cable length: 1 foot (001) Max. cable length: 999 feet (999)
8201-001 Conduit Union
Fits between ST5484E and 8200 conduit elbow when there is not enough
room to rotate the elbow. Suitable for Class I, Div 1 (Grps A,B,C,D) and Class II,
Div 1 (Grps E,F,G) hazardous areas.
Material: zinc-plated steel

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Doc# 1004457 • ST5484E • October 2019-Rev AJ• Page 7 of 9
ST5484E Seismic Velocity 4-20 mA Transmitter
7084-001 Flange Mount Adapter
Adapts ½” NPT mounting stud on ST5484E to 3-hole flat-base pattern. Hole
pattern is three equally spaced 0.26” diameter holes on 1.5” diameter circle.
Adapter is 2” diameter x 0.75” thick. Material: 303 stainless steel
7084-002 Flange Mount Adapter
Same as 7084-001 except center hole adapts ¼” NPT stud on the 5484E.
7084-005 Flange Mount Adapter
Same as 7084-001 except center hole adapts ⅜ x 24 UNF stud on the 5484E.
8253-002 ½” NPT to ¼” NPT Reducer Bushing
Adapts ¼” NPT stud on ST5484E (B=0) to ½” NPT mounting hole.
Material: 303 stainless steel
93818-004 Cable Grip Strain Relief Fitting
Used primarily with 8978 cable assemblies where cable enters junction box.
¾” NPT male thread to cable grip. Fits cable diameters from 0.156” to 0.25”.
Complete with sealing ring and locknut. Hot dip / mechanically galvanized fin-
ish. Suitable for NEMA 4 junction boxes.
93818-018 Cable Grip Strain Relief Fitting
Similar to 93818-004, but fits larger cable diameters from 0.4”
to 0.5”, such as customer-supplied cables used with terminal block versions of
ST5484E (D = 2 or 3).


Figure 1: Outline dimensions of the ST5484E (all versions except MIL-Style Figure 2: Outline dimensions of the
Connector). Dimensions in mm [inches]. Optional* 8200-001 conduit ST5484E-XXX-XX4-XX (MIL-Style Connec-
elbow shown installed. tor). Dimensions in mm [inches].

* NOTE: 8200-000-IEC elbow is mandatory for ATEX/IECEx/INMETRO/KOSHA/EAC

Ex d (flameproof) approved installations. The 8200-000 elbow is mandatory for
CSA Ex d (flameproof) approved installations.

www.metrixvibration.com • info@metrixvibration.com • 281.940.1802

Doc# 1004457 • ST5484E • October 2019-Rev AJ• Page 8 of 9
ST5484E Seismic Velocity 4-20 mA Transmitter
Table 5 – Wiring Connection Legend
Connector Type Dynamic Signal Connections Power Connections
MIL-C-5015 Not Available 24 VDC power may be connected to all ST5484E models without regard
2-wire flying leads Not Available to polarity. Sensor uses IPT® independent polarity diode bridge circuit
that will always orient voltage correctly inside sensor, regardless of
2-wire terminal block Not Available polarity externally.
4-wire flying leads Red: Power +
Blue: Power -
White: Dynamic Signal - NOTE: Although the ST5484E allows polarity in either direction, installations
Black: Dynamic Signal + using I.S. barriers will need to observe correct polarity at the barrier input side.
However, the barrier output side (i.e., sensor connection) may be wired without
4-wire terminal block regard to polarity.


Figure 3: Typical installation for a single

ST5484E seismic vibration transmitter.

Figure 4: Typical installation for multiple

ST5484E seismic vibration transmitters.

Description Metrix Document Number
Manual M9162
Installation Drawing – Hazardous Area with I.S. Barriers (CSA) 9426
Installation Drawing – Hazardous Area with I.S. Barriers (CENELEC) 9278
Installation Drawing – Div 2 / Zone 2 1086105

Trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners.

Data and specifications subject to change without notice.
© 2014 Metrix Instrument Co., L.P.

www.metrixvibration.com • info@metrixvibration.com • 281.940.1802

Doc# 1004457 • ST5484E • October 2019-Rev AJ• Page 9 of 9

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