Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Institute of Technology
School of Computing, Software Eng A/program
Quality is an intangible concept.
The terms good quality, poor quality are used in our everyday
life to tell how good or bad a product functions.
Quality is a complex concept it means different things
to different people, and it is highly context dependent.
To be able to capture the quality concept, it is important to
study quality from a broader perspective. This is because the
concept of quality predates software development.
Views of Quality
Transcendental View
In the transcendental view, quality is something that can be
recognized through experience but is not defined in some tractable
Quality is viewed to be something ideal, which is too complex to
lend itself to be precisely defined. However, a good-quality object
stands out, and it is easily recognized.
User’s View
It perceives quality as fitness for purpose. According to this view,
while evaluating the quality of a product, one must ask the key
question: “Does the product satisfy user needs and
Manufacturing View :
Here quality is understood as conformance to the specifications.
The quality level of a product is determined by the extent to
which the product meets its specifications
Product View :
Quality is viewed as tied to the inherent characteristics of the
A product's internal qualities determine its external qualities.
Quality is that high degree of modularity, which is an internal
property, makes a software testable and maintainable.
Value - Based View :
Quality, in this perspective, depends on the amount the customer
is willing to pay for it.
What is Software?
Based on IEEE definition
Software is: computer programs, procedures, and possibly
associated documentation and data pertaining to the operation of
a computer system.
ISO definition lists out the following components of software:
Computer programs (the “code”)
Data necessary for operating the software system
Software Quality
Pressman’s definition:
Conformance to explicitly stated functional and performance
requirements, explicitly documented development standards, and
implicit characteristics that are expected of all professionally
developed software.
IEEE definitions:
The degree to which a system, component, or process meets
specified requirements.
The degree to which a system, component, or process meets
customer or user needs or expectations.
Detection vs Prevention
Quality Assurance (QA): Is a set of activities for ensuring
quality in the process by which products are developed.
QA focuses on improving software development process.
Quality Control (QC) - Is a set of activities for ensuring
quality in products.
QC does not deal with the processes used to create a product;
rather it examines the quality of the “end products” and the final
Quality Assurance Quality Control
Verification Validation
Verification includes checking documents, It is a dynamic mechanism of testing and
design, code and program validating the actual product
It does not involve executing the code It always involves executing the code
Verification uses methods like reviews, It uses methods like Black Box Testing,
walkthroughs, inspections and desk- White Box Testing and non-functional
checking etc. testing
It checks whether the software conforms to It checks whether software meets the
standards or not requirements and expectations of customers
or not
It finds bugs early in the development cycle It can find bugs that the verification process
can not catch
The target is a software architecture, The target is an actual product
specification, complete design, high level
and data base design etc.
QA team does verification by using the SRS, With the involvement of testing team
design, etc. documents. validation is executed on software code.
Objective of Software testing
To find any defects or bugs that may have been created when the
An Error is a mistake made in the code due to which compilation
or execution fails.
Faulty Requirements Definition
Usually considered the root cause of software errors
Incorrect requirement definitions
Simply stated, ‘wrong’ definitions (formulas, etc.)
Incomplete definitions
Unclear or implied requirements
Missing requirements
Just flat-out ‘missing.’ (e.g. Program Element Code)
Inclusion of unneeded requirements
(many projects have gone amuck for including far too
many requirements that will never be used.
Impacts budgets, complexity, development time, …
Client-developer communication failures
Misunderstanding of instructions in requirements documentation
(written / graphical instructions)
Misunderstanding of written changes during development.
Misunderstanding of oral changes during development.
Lack of attention
to client messages by developers dealing with requirement
changes and
to client responses by clients to developer questions
Very often, these very talented individuals come from different
planets, it seems.
Clients represent the users; developers represent a different mind
set entirely some times!
Deliberate deviations from software requirements
Developer reuses previous / similar work to save time.
Often reused code needs modification which it may contain
contain unneeded / unusable extraneous code.
Book suggests developer(s) may overtly omit functionality due to
time / budget pressures.
Another BAD choice; System testing will uncover these problems to
everyone’s dismay!
I have never seen this done intentionally – but understand it!
Developer inserting unapproved ‘enhancements’ (perfective
coding; a slick new sort / search ); may also ignore some
seemingly minor features, which sometimes are quite major.
Have seen this and it too causes problems and embarrassment during
Logical design errors
Definitions that represent software requirements by means of
erroneous algorithms.
Wrong formulas
Wrong Decision Logic Tables
Incorrect descriptions in text
Process definitions: procedures specified by systems analyst not
accurately reflecting the real business process.
Note: all errors are not necessarily software errors.
This seems like a procedural error, and likely not a part of the
software system. But they are errors nonetheless!
Erroneous Definition of Boundary Condition – a common source
of errors.
The “absolutes” like ‘no more than’ “fewer than” “n times or more”
“the first time” etc
Coding errors
Too many to try to list.
Non-compliance w/documentation & coding instructions
Non-compliance with published templates (structure)
Non-compliance with coding standards (attribute names)
Size of program;
Other programs must be able to run in environment!
Data Elements and Code.
Required documentation manuals and operating instructions
SQA Team: testing not only execution software but coding
standards; manuals, messages displayed; resources needed;
resources named (file names, program names).
Shortcomings of the Testing Process
Likely the part of the development process cut short most
Incomplete test plans
Parts of application not tested or tested thoroughly!
Failure to document, report detected errors and faults
So many levels of testing….we will cover.
Failure to quickly correct detected faults due to unclear
indications that there ‘was’ a fault
Failure to fix the errors due to time constraints
Many philosophies here depending on severity of the error.
User interface and procedure errors
Missing or wrong functionality
Spelling, actual and context error
Documentation errors
Errors in the design documents
Trouble for subsequent redesign and reuse
Errors in the documentation within the software for the User
Errors in on-line help, if available.
Listing of non-existing software functions
Planned early but dropped; remain in documentation!
Software Testing Principles
A principle of software testing refers to the brief mentioned and
proven concepts which guide testing professionals during software
testing process.
Principle 1. Testing shows the presence of bugs
Testing shows the defects but cannot prove that there are no
defects. Meaning that the testing team cannot say that the product
is 100% defect-free. ◦
Testing reduces the number of undiscovered defects in the
application. ◦
Therefore, it is important to design test cases which find as many
defects as possible.
… Principles
Principle 2. Exhaustive testing is impossible
For instance, consider there are 15 fields in one screen which contain
… Principles
Principle 5. The pesticide paradox
If you keep running the same set of tests over and over again, no
more new defects will be discovered by those test cases.
Because as the system evolves, many of the previously reported
defects will have been fixed and the old test cases do not apply
Anytime a fault is fixed or a new functionality added, we need to
do regression testing to make sure the new changed software has
not broken any other part of the software.
However, those regression test cases also need to change to
reflect the changes made in the software to be applicable and
hopefully find new defects.
… Principles
Principle 6. Testing is context dependent
Different methods, techniques and types of testing are related to
the type and nature of the application.
For example, a software application in a medical device needs
more testing than a game software. More importantly a medical
device software requires risk based testing, be compliant with
medical industry regulators and possibly specific test design
Similarly, a very popular website, needs to go through rigorous
performance testing as well as functionality testing to make sure
the performance is not affected by the load on the servers.
… Principles
Principle 7. Absence of errors fallacy
Just because testing didn’t find any defects in the software, it
doesn’t mean that the software is ready to be shipped.
Were the executed tests really designed to catch the most defects?
Were they designed to see if the software matched the user’s
There are many other factors to be considered before making a
decision to ship the software.
What is SQA?
The degree to which a system, component, or process meets
specified requirements.
The degree to which a system, component or process meets
customer or user needs or expectations.
SQA encompasses the entire software development process such
software requirements
software design
source code control
code reviews
change management
configuration management
31 release management