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Rules regarding the Writ of Habeas Corpus

What is a writ
The following are the rules related to the writ of Habeas Corpus: The applicant should be in
A writ is a written official order issued by the court. The formal order may be in form of warrant, custody of another
direction, command, order etc. Writs can only be issued by the High Court Under Article 226 of
Indian Constitution,1950 and by The Supreme Court under Article 32 of Indian
Usually, the detained person and his family members are allowed to file an application for
Constitution,1950. Indian constitution has adopted the concept of prerogative writs from English
habeas corpus but the court has also allowed such application by strangers if it is done in public
common law. Writs was first used to describe a written command of the King. Whereas, these
writs are now available to a person aggrieved by the decision of the inferior courts or
administrative body in England.
The manner prescribed for filing this writ is not necessary so both formal and informal
applications in respect of the writ is accepted by the Courts. For e.g. a writ application can also
Habeas corpus
be made by postcard. In the case of Sunil Batra v. Delhi Administration, the Supreme Court
had accepted the application made through a letter by a co-convict (a stranger) due to the
The Writ of Habeas Corpus is issued by the Courts in those cases where a person is illegally inhuman treatment of prisoners. In this case, the letter was accepted as an application and the
detained. Habeas Corpus means ‘to have the body’ and it is one of the most effective remedies writ of Habeas Corpus was issued.
available to a person detained.
A person cannot make the application for the Writ successively to different judges of the same
By this Writ, the Court commands the person or authority who has detained or restrained another court. Thus, if an application is rejected by one judge, the same application cannot be made to
person to present such person before the Court. The Court requires the detaining person to another judge of the same court and if it is done, such an application will be rejected because of
provide the grounds on which the person has been detained and if he fails to provide a valid the principle of res judicata.
ground, the person who has been detained will be released by the Court immediately.
This Writ will apply in case of an arrest made by the police when all the formalities and
Illustration: A is wrongfully detained by B, a police officer. A writes to the High Court regarding procedures which are required to be followed are not followed. For example – the requirement of
the same. The High Court summons B with A and asks the grounds for detaining A. If B fails to presenting the arrested person before a magistrate or the officer in charge of the police station.
provide a valid ground or justification for A’s detention, A will be free to go. [Section 56 of CrPC]

This Writ is very important for the personal liberty of the citizens because if this Writ is not In Kanu Sanyal v. District Magistrate , while enunciating the real scope of writ of habeas
provided by the Constitution a person can be unlawfully restrained or detained by any authority corpus, the Supreme Court opined that while dealing with a petition for writ of habeas corpus,
and it will be a clear violation of the personal liberty of the citizens. the court may examine the legality of the detention without requiring the person detained to be
produced before it.
Even though the purpose this Writ is to prevent a person from being detained but it will be
applicable only when the detention or restraint is unlawful. If the Court finds the grounds for In Sheela Barse v. State of Maharashtra, while relaxing the traditional doctrine of locus standi,
detaining to be justified then this Writ cannot be issued. Also, if the Court orders the detention of the apex court held that if the detained person is unable to pray for the writ of habeas corpus,
a person then it does not amount to unlawful detention and this Writ cannot be issued. someone else may pray for such writ on his behalf.

This Writ can be applied not only by the person who is detained but it can also be done by some
other person on behalf of the detained person.

Mandamus of Mandamus will be issued by the Court. But in cases of discretionary duties, the writ cannot be
issued but the authority still has to act in good faith while deciding whether the discretionary
Mandamus is another important Writ which is provided for by the Indian Constitution. In the duty should be performed or not.
Writ of Mandamus, the superior courts order the Inferior Courts to do an act or to abstain from
doing an act. This order can also be given to an Inferior Tribunal, Board, Corporation or any In the case of Vijaya Mehta v. State of Rajasthan, a petition was filed in the High Court for
other type of administrative authority. compelling the State to perform its duty of appointing a commission to look into the climate
change and floods in the State. It was held by the Court that the State Government would have to
In India, the Supreme Court is the apex court, therefore it has the power to issue the Writ of appoint a commission only when a resolution was passed by the Legislature, moreover, it was a
Mandamus even against the High Court even though the High Courts have also been provided discretionary duty and not a mandatory duty, so the Writ of Mandamus was not issued in this
with the power to issue such Writs under Article 226. So, a High Court can issue this Writ under case.
Article 226 only to the Inferior Courts such as the trial court of a district.
When is Mandamus not allowed?
This Writ is useful for enforcing the duty which is required to be done by law or by the office
which a person holds. For e.g. the Judge of the Court has a duty to follow the principles of The Writ of Mandamus is a discretionary power of the Court and is not a right which can be
natural justice and if the Judge fails to do so, a Writ can be issued by the Superior Court to enforced by the petitioner therefore in many cases this Writ can be refused by the Courts. The
observe the fulfillment of this duty. Courts can refuse to issue these Writs in the following cases:

One of the most important points about the Writ of Mandamus is that it cannot be issued against Where the right of the petitioner has lapsed
a private person and therefore only the State or the people who hold any office which falls in the
category of a public office can be compelled to do or to abstain from doing an act. The duty has already been fulfilled by the authority against which such a Writ is sought to be
issued and therefore issuing the Writ would amount to nothing in such a situation.
Grounds for Mandamus This Writ can be issued by the Courts on the following grounds: The
petitioner has a right recognized by law. The whole purpose of this Writ is to enforce the rights
of the citizens but if there is no right which accrues to a plaintiff, he cannot approach the court to
issue the Writ of Mandamus.

The right of the petitioner has been infringed. Having a right does not automatically give ground
for issuing the Writs because any person will approach the court without having any cause of
action. Thus only when a right is violated, the Writ can be issued by the court.

The petitioner has demanded the authority to perform their duty but there has been
nonperformance of such duty. The Writ is issued to compel the authority to do the act which they
are required to do by law or by the post they are holding thus it is an essential ground for

The last essential ground for Mandamus is the absence of an effective alternative remedy which
can be resorted to by the petitioner to enforce the duty of the authority. The petitioner has to
show to the Court that a duty is owed to him by the authority and such authority has not
performed their duty. This Writ can be issued against all the administrative actions which are
unlawful in nature.

The authority has many duties, some of which are mandatory and while some are left at their
discretion to be performed. Thus, if an authority does not perform their mandatory duty, the Writ

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