Legal Method
Legal Method
Legal Method
Law is an official rule of a country or state that says about what the people
may or may not to do. Law is a set of rules decided by a Particular State
meant for the purpose of keeping the peace and security of Society.
An activity becomes illegal if it breaks a law by not following it. This may deal
with things like police and courts of punishments. Law is required for the
smooth functioning of society and for the maintenance of order, peace and
justice which are being enforced by the State through its force and other
The Law should be obeyed and followed by each and every citizens according
to the legal consequences. It is the cement of society and also an essential
medium of change.
Principles of Laws:
Establishing standards,
Maintaining Orders
Resolving disputes
Protecting liberties and Rights.
Many jurists, thinkers and scholars have tried to define the law, but no one is
able to find proper definition which has been acceptable to all.
5. Salmond : He feels that law is those set of rules which the courts
recognise and apply in the administration of justice.
Essence of law:
Watson in his book 'The Nature of Law' discuss the various features of law
and ultimately argues that maintaining order is the only essential feature of
Hence, law need not to maintain order for the purpose of attaining something
else such as liberty or justice. The justice, liberty and channelling of behaviour
are also functions of law, but they are necessary only to the extent that,
absence of any one factor may cause the failure of the maintaining the order.
Thus, order alone is the essence of law. All other features were secondary
and subordinate to an order.
Law is there to guide the society towards happiness without bloodshed and in
peace and harmony. Law helps us to restrain ourselves in times of great thirst
for more money or power. It curbs our greed reminding us that there is
someone or rather something out there ready to punish us if necessary. It
helps to restore the balance in the society and bring justice to the victimized.
The greatest thing about law is that all are equal before it. No man is rich or
poor in the eyes of the law. No man is more powerful than the other in the
eyes of the law. Law helps to regulate the behavior of the people. It prevents
us from descending into anarchy.
Kinds / Types of Law
1. Customary Law
2. Common Law
3. Divine or Religious Law
4. Natural Law
5. Human or Positive Law
2. Common Law
The Common Law also known as case law or Judicial precedent or judge-
made law is a section of law which is derived from the judicial decision of
courts and similar tribunals. As the name suggests it is common to all. The
example set by higher courts is binding on cases tried in lower courts. Lower
courts can also choose to overturn the precedent, but this rarely occurs.
3. Religious / Divine Law - The morality, ethics, or laws that are prescribed by
a particular religious' tradition or teaching are known as religious law. Many
Islamic nations have legal systems based in whole or in part on the Quran.
Divine Law is referred to as laws made by a deity to govern the affairs of man.
A good example of divine law can be found in Islamic law as postulated in the
Q’uran. These laws are said to be given by God to the Prophet Muhammed in
order to guide the affairs of man.
The logic behind the use of divine law stems from the fact that God, accepted
as all knowing and all wise, is in the best position to make laws for the use of
4. Natural Law: In the legal sense, natural law can be said to be law as
espoused by the natural law theorists. This law is said to be the law that is
innate in all mankind and can be deduced through the use of reason. For
example, it is accepted in all cultures that murder is wrong and should be
punished. Natural law is said to be the guide which positive law must follow in
order for it to be valid. If Positive Law is at variance with natural law, it could
lead to injustice in the society.
5. Positive or Human Law: Positive Law can also be regarded as human law.
These are laws made by man in order to guide the conduct of members of the
society. They are laws made by persons given the authority to do so either
directly or indirectly by the society. Legal positivism doesn’t concern itself with
morals. Once a law has been enacted by persons in authority, it is valid.
Is Law is Necessary:
The question whether Law is necessary has attracted the attention of jurists
and other scholars for thousands of years. We cannot ignore the question
because there is always a doubt whether we can simply get rid of law since it
is not required for creating a justice (fair) to Society or that law is dangerous
obstruction which prevents man to live his life happily in society.
Many famous thinkers from the ancient to the modern times beginning from
Plato to Karl Marx have rejected the necessity of law for many different
reasons from time to time. Some religious systems such as Christianity have
also rejected the necessity of law in society instead they considered the
Father at Church as superior to judge.
According to some of the jurists, scholars and thinkers and Legists argued
that man was initially greedy, selfish with evil activities and later good ways
were influenced by the social environment such as teachings, rituals,
restraints, and penal laws and which made the society in order.
From ancient times, now and then, some groups of people always taken out
fights and demonstrations against the organised authority and control (law
and Govt) in the hope that their fights would result in a better life for humans.
But such acts haven not succeeded in improving the lives of people.
Law is essential in the society. Law is there to guide the society towards
happiness without bloodshed and in peace and harmony. Law helps us to
restrain ourselves in times of great thirst for more money or power. It curbs
our greed reminding us that there is someone or rather something out there
ready to punish us if necessary. It helps to restore the balance in the society
and bring justice to the victimized. The greatest thing about law is that all are
equal before it. No man is rich or poor in the eyes of the law. No man is more
powerful than the other in the eyes of the law. Law helps to regulate the
behaviour of the people. It prevents us from descending into anarchy.
In a world where ‘survival of the fittest’ is prevalent, and looking at the size of
human population we can say only one thing. Law is needed for survival. We
cannot go against each other as it will definitely lead to destruction. Law
plants an element of fear which may prevents in killing of fellow human beings.
It gives each one his or her own share, what they deserve.
Explain Classifications of Law?
Law may be classified in various different ways but the most important
classifications of law are as described as follows: –
The matter between the each parties called as Issues which is framed by the
Court. Confession if it is admitted or arguments / evidence if it is not
accepted by the Defendant. Hon'ble Judge will remain neutral until and unless
the guilty is proved with evidences between the lawyers of both the parties.
Substantive law:
Substantive law refers to the rules and principles defining the rights, powers
and privileges possessed by person whose status is recognised by law and
the corresponding duties liabilities and disabilities to which others are subject
under the law. It included the rules of law, civil or criminal, defining whether it
is wrong or offence.
It relates to the purposes and subjects of the matter and not to the process of
the litigation, such as Hindu Marriage Act, Indian Contract Act, Law of Torts,
Transfer of Property Act and Indian Penal Code etc. are comes under the
substantive laws.
Substantive law is the law which governs the original rights and obligations of
individuals. It may derive from the common law, statutes, or a constitution.
Further, Public Law is the branch of law which deals with the state.
Organization of the various organs of states in their sovereign and political
functions. It also determines the relationship of the state with its subjects. In
all cases of public law one of the parties will be the state. In public law the
objective is the promote collective interest rather than individual interests.
Constitutional Law, Administrative Law and Criminal Law were the further
classifications under Public law that are being determined with inter-
Private law is the branch of law that deals with the rights and duties of private
individuals and the relationship between them. Private law deals with the
rights and obligations of individuals, families, businesses and small groups
and exists to assist citizens in disputes involving private matters.
Criminal law deals with crimes that are committed against society. Criminal
law is the body of law that deals with crime and the legal punishment of
criminal offenses. It serves different degrees of punishment for the crime
committed. Criminal law deals with serious crimes like murder, rape, arson,
robbery, assault etc. The government files a petition in a criminal law case. As
a matter of criminal law, the punishment is done according to the severity of
the offense or a fine can be imposed. “Beyond a reasonable doubt”: Burden of
proof is always on the state/government.
Public International Law deals with rules regulating the relationship between
nations, international organisations and the people. Private International Law
or Conflict of Laws deals with the choice of law when two foreigners have a
dispute between them.
International law is a set of rules which are binding between countries and
aims to ensure security and peace among various nations. It is an
independent system of law existing outside the legal framework of a particular
state. International law has been incorporated into national law by various
countries such that the United States has declared that all international law
will be part of the nation’s law.
Even the UK has incorporated in its municipal laws and whenever there is a
conflict between international law and municipal law courts, decisions have to
be taken keeping in mind the harmonious construction between them.
Municipal Law :
It is also called as State Law or Local law which is nothing but national law. It
regulates the affairs of a nation and its subject internally.
Municipal law is a domestic law that governs the subjects of the state.
Municipal Law regulates the relations between the individuals under the
influence of the respective State and the relations between the State and the
respective individuals. State approves the law. It is generally regional in nature
as it is applied within the territory of the country itself.
The point of the legal process is the resolution of the dispute, actual or
occasionally potential, by means of decision, to find the essential
function we must be more specific.
Legal process is a set of inter related procedures and rules for deciding
disputes by an authoritative person or persons whose decisions are
regularly obeyed.
The First two Functions are described by examining the trial by battle
(dual) method of settling disputes.
Njal’s Saga: A Dowry Dispute Gone Wrong : A dispute over a dowry i.e.,
one Hrutur marries Unnr, but due to a curse the couples are incompatible,
leading to an ugly divorce but does not return dowry. When Unnr's father
demands the return of the dowry, instead of returning it, Hrutur
challenges. Unnr's father requests Mord Fiddle to fight for settling the
dispute of returning the dowry but he refuses because he knew that
Hrutur was strong and if they fought he would be hurt. Thus, they didnot
fight Hurtur won although justice was in favour of Mord.
Later in the story, when Hrutur has become older and weaker another
person Gunner challenges Hurtur for a fight. But Hrutur refuses to take
part in the fight since he know that Gunner was stronger. Thus, Gunner
wins although justice was in favour of Hrutur.
Thus, even though the dispute is settled neither justice is done nor the
settlement is done after establishing facts and applying the law to the
facts. Hence it is considered that the first two functions are not
essential functions of Legal process.
Legal Aid:
Money buys good lawyers. Good lawyers are expensive. In the case of
legal aid provided by the state, the opposite party may not be able to
have good lawyers, when the government provides a good lawyer and
other party looses the case. Then also the dispute is resolved but here
also neither justice is done nor the facts and law are the deciding factors,
not the decision is settled in the interest of the parties. Hence all the 3
functions fails.
Since all the five functions have failed to attain the status of essential
functions and only the sixth one is left. It must be an essential function.
When the case is decided by the court, it resolves the dispute once
for all. The decision is authoritative the parties to the case have to
avoid by the decision even though they dislike it. Because the
court will take coercive action if its order is not obeyed.
If the dispute is not resolved, it will continue and further fester like
wound, poison the minds of the parties and erupt into violence.
Other persons may also be drawn into it and thus create mass
And finally in criminal cases when the case is decided, the accused
is imprisoned such that he is prevented from committing further
crimes and thereby increasing the number of conflicts.
Thus for all these five reasons, resolution dispute to inhibit further
conflicts can be said to be the true essential function of the legal
An activity becomes illegal if it breaks a law by not following it. This may
deal with things like police and courts of punishments.
Law is required for the smooth functioning of society and for the
maintenance of order, peace and justice which are being enforced by
the State through its force and other means.
The Law and legal process with legal system should be obeyed and
followed by each and every citizens according to the legal consequences.
It is the cement of society and also an essential medium of change.
Wrong doers and culprits should be punished and should not flee from
the eye of law thereby giving a justice and equity to the innocent.
Assignment Writing
Obtaining the Topic: Student has to receive or accept the topic given the
superior and should have the basic knowledge of the topic assigned.
Assignment consist of three parts., i.e. Preliminaries, the text and the
The Text: Introduction, main body of the report (features, uses, merits and
demerits in chapters and sections), conclusion.
Footnotes – Suitable and applicable footnotes along with the page numbers.
1. Restrictive Distinguishing.
It cuts down the expressed ratio Decidendi of the earlier case.
Footnotes are commonly separated from the text by short solid line called
separator. The separator is drawn from the left hand margin and one double
space below the last line of the text.
Source of information
Date of publication
Being a backbone of a law school, a good law library must fulfil many X-
factors like quality staff, strong services and collection of combination of
print and digital collection as well.
A person who wishes to use a law library and wants to make best use of it
must know how to use it. He should have a general idea of the types of books
a law library usually contains. He should know where to look for the materials
for research and also about the guides and aids which would facilitate to
locate the materials.
One should know how to use the library with knowledge of basic bibliography,
index and reference materials. Should understand the ways in which the
libraries organize their collections such as;
In simple sense, a modern law library has a hybrid collection of print as well as
digital information conveniently referring case laws whether national or
international courts, legislations whether central or local or international
bodies, law reform reports of international bodies, central bodies,
commissions or committees set up under the rule of law, treaties either
bilateral or multinational, legal journals and scholarships including academic
journals, academic repositories and finally monographs, treaties,
commentaries of specific nature of laws
It is originated for the first time in Heydon's Case. The mischief rule was
established in Heydon's Case in 1584 that is all about the lease hold
right of Heydon's case that has been considered as void given by the
Ottery College and considered the Copyhold rights given by the Ottery
College to Ware and his won on tenancy.
Its main aim is to determine the “mischief and defect of the case". The
purpose of this rule is to suppress the mischief and advance the remedy
This rule was initially set out in Heydon’s case when applying this rule,
the courts are obliged to consider the following -
This rule gives the court a justification for going behind the actual
wording of a statue in order to consider the problem that the particular
statue was aimed at resolving.
Crockery V/s Carpenter 1951 - riding the bicycle under the influence of
alcohol, wherein The court applied the mischief rule holding that a riding
a bicycle was within the mischief of the Act as the defendant
represented a danger to himself and other road users
Smith V/s Hughes (1960), the defendants were charged under the street
offences act (1959) with soliciting in a public place. The prostitutes were
soliciting from windows, technically not a public place. The Mischief
Rule was applied to interpret that the prostitutes were doing what the
statute was trying to abolish so they were convicted.
Nature of Man
Human nature refers to the characteristics of mankind. This means ways of
thinking, feeling and acting which humans have naturally.
It is a source of advice on how to live well, but it also puts limits and
obstacles on living a good life.
According to Aristotle and Plat Man is a Conjugal animal means living
together, building a house and forming a village. He is a political animal with
able to develop communities and the size of the city or town and law-making.
Man’s nature is intrinsically evil and no social progress could be attained
without the restraints of penal laws. Man was originally created good by
nature, due to sin, corruption or greed for wealth, the nature of man become
distorted and thus required of its control the rigours of a punitive system of
Man’s nature might be corrupt and sinful but he still possessed a natural
virtue which was capable of development. The evils of society arose not from
man’s corrupt or sinful nature but from the effects of oppressive human
Jean Bodin, Thomes Hobbes, Godwin and David Hume have given their own
views and concepts about the Nature of man in their books.
The Latin term of the obiter dicta is ‘things said by the Way’.
It is an expression of opinion by a judge on a question immaterial to the ratio
Decidendi and unnecessary for the decision of the particular case. It is no way
binding to any court, but may receive attention as being an option of high
It is also described as statements of law made by a judge in course of a
decision, arising out of the circumstances of the case, but not necessary for
the decision. It is a mere observation made by the court which is not
necessary to the case. Obiter dicta translates to “by the way,” and refers to
information that a person says, “in passing.”
Prof. Goodhart defined obiter dictum as a conclusion based on a fact.
Julia v/s. Acme Company
For Washer and drying machine case for not acknowledging the terms and
conditions for warranty service.
Lost Dog complaint in paper and reward of $1000 in paper publication.
The Latin phrase of the Ratio Decidendi means ‘The Reason’ or ‘The Rationale’
for the decision. It is the legal rule used by the Judge to determine the final
decision of the case.
At the end of every case a judgment is given by the Judge by giving his
decision and the reasoning for that decision and the same is being recorded in
the law reports. Ratio Decidendi is necessary for awarding the decision of a
particular case.
The ratio Decidendi of the superior court is binding on the subordinate courts.
It is a well considered statement in reference to the matched facts of the case.
The ratio decidendi refers to the facts of the case, those things that no one
can debate and the ratio Decidendi is binding in its fact of precedent.
According to
Salmond – It is a concrete decision binding between the parties.
Prof. Keeton – It is a principle of law forms a basis of decision
Goodhart – It is a material facts of the case plus the decision thereon.
Wilkinson V/s. Downton 1897 –
Joke told by the Defendant – Wilkinson to Downton that her husband met with
an accident and lost his 2 legs, which made the Plaintiff to get a mental shock
and illness. Here the defendant was held liable for his wilfully done an act to
cause physical arm to plaintiff. The rule that ‘the tort to do any act with intent
to affect the plaintiff in body or mind is wider rule’.
Social Engineering
Since the man is a social animal and needs a society for his leaving, working
and enjoying the life and by forming the group of individual forms which led to
creation of Society. Society has become essential condition for human life to
develop one’s personality. Therefore society and human life always go
Every human has born with some desires and expectations which are inherent
in nature. From childhood to old age, every human being expects that his
desire to be fulfilled but it is impossible to fulfil all the desires of a human
being. So to fulfil the desires of maximum, the concept of social engineering
came into existence by the Great Scholar – Roscoe Pound.
Social engineering is based on the notion that laws are used as a means to
shape the society and regulate the people’s behaviour. It is an attempt to
control the human conduct through the help of Law. According to Pound, Law
is social engineering which means a balance between the competing interests
in society in which applied science are used for resolving individual and social
Sources of Law
The word source means ‘Origin’. Many jurists have given their different
opinion regarding the origin of law. The phrase ‘Sources of law’ is being used
in three senses.
In the 1st Sense
The person who has the authority to make law
Legislature, Customs, Curt of Precedents & Executive (delegated legislation).
In every country there will be an authority called legislature. The law made by
the legislature is called as legislation or enacted law or written law or
enactment or a Statute. An act of legislature is written with Capital 'A' for e.g.,
The Information Technology Act, 2000.
Depending upon the nature and purpose of the Act, it may be called differently,
when a law is made on subject matter for the first time it is called as
declaratory Act. If an Act is made to modify (amend) an already existing law
then it is called as an amending Act. Eg., The Karnataka Stamp Act, 2007
amends the definition of the word family to include brother and sisters for the
purpose of stamp duty reduction.
Another example is the criminal Amendment Act 2013. Sometimes some laws
are enacted to bring together a number of declared rules in one place, such
law is called as Consolidating Statute. The companies Act, 2013 is an
example of consolidation Law. At time, various matters on the same subject
matters, may lie distributed in many places, when it is brought together in one
statue is called as Codifying Act. For eg., the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955
codifies the whole law on Hindu Marriage.
The law is enforceable by the government. A statute, is a law that has been
enacted by a legislature, which is the body that has been granted the power by
a constitution to enact legislation, or laws. When a statute is passed, it
becomes law and therefore part of statutory law. The federal legislature of the
United States is the United States Congress. Each state has its own legislature,
which enacts laws for that state.
Once it is enacted by the legislature, statutes are signed into law by the chief
member of the executive branch - the president for federal statutes and the
governor for state statutes. Statutes are drawn together and organized by
subject in what are called codes.
Parts of Statute:
There is no uniformity in structure between the different statutes. But
generally the following will be the order and contents.
Short Title - The short title starts with 'this may be called....' the law will
be cited by everyone in the name. The short title of an Act is for the
purpose of reference & for its identification.
3. Definition Clause
For easy interpretation the statue law down the meaning of certain
words and phrases as to in which sense they are used in the Act.
5. Marginal Notes: Marginal notes are those notes which are inserted at
the side of the sections in the Act and express the effect of the
sections. These are also known as side notes
6. Explanations:
The explanations are inserted with the purpose of explaining the
meaning of a particular provision and to remove doubts which might
creep up if the explanation had not been inserted. The purpose of
explanations are to explain the meaning and intention of act, to clarify in
case of obscurity or vagueness and to provide additional support to the
object of the act.
7. Proviso
The proviso to a section has the natural presumption that enacting part
of the section would have included the subject matter of the proviso.
The proviso serve four different purposes- qualify or exempt certain
provision, provide mandatory condition to be fulfilled by to make
enactment workable, act as optional addenda and become integral part
of the enactment.
8. Sections
This is the Heart of the statue which lays down the actual subject
matter of the law. This forms the major party of the text.
9. Procedural Provisions
This part actually lays down the procedure to be followed by the officers
and courts while implementing the law.
10.Exceptions Clause
This part declares as to whom the law is not applicable. Either explains
or exempts or puts conditions for operation of sections.