Question Bank
Question Bank
Question Bank
1.Define Signal.
Signal is a physical quantity that varies with respect to time , space
or any other independent variable.
It is a mathematical representation of the system
Eg y(t) = t. and x(t)= sin t.
2. Define system .
A set of components that are connected together to perform the particular
3.What are the major classifications of the signal?
(i) Discrete time signal
(ii) Continuous time signal
{1, n=0
Unit impulse is also known as unit sample.
A signal that does not satisfy the above periodicity property is called an
aperiodic signal.
where c and a are complex numbers. If c and a are real ,then it is called as real
ao=1/T ∫ x(t) dt
an =1/T ∫ x(t)cos nωot dt
bn=1/T ∫ x(t)cos nωot dt
Parseval’s relation states that the total average power in a periodic signal
equals the sum of the average power in all of its harmonic components.
23. Define continuous time system.
A continuous time system is a system in which continuous time input signals are
applied and result in continuous time output signals.
37. State initial value theorem and final value theorem for laplace transform.
When the system produces bounded output for bounded input, then the system
is called bounded input& bounded output stable.
If the signal is bounded, then its magnitude will always be finite.
43. Define memory and memoryless system.
The output of a memory system at any specified time depends on the
inputs at that specified time and at other times.Such systems have memory or
energy storage elements.
The system is said to be static or memoryless if its output depends upon
the present input only.
If an input consists of the weighted sum of several signals, then the output
is the superposition that is, the weighted sum of the responses of the system to
each of those signals
x[n-k] Z X[Z].
60. What is the differentiation property in Z domain.
x[n] X(Z) then
nx[n] -z d/dz{X[Z].}.
Here c is a closed contour .It encloses the origin and lies in the Roc which
is common to both X1(v). X2(1/v)
A discrete LTI system with rational system function H(z) is causal if and only if
i. The ROC is the exterior of the circle outside the outermost pole.
ii. When H(z) is expressed as a ratio of polynomials in z , the order of
the numerator can not be greater than the order of the denominator.
82. What is the condition for stability if H(z) is given.
A discrete LTI system with rational system function H(z) is stable if and only
if all of the poles H(z) lies inside the unit circle. That is they must all have
magnitude smaller than 1.
83. Check whether the system is causal or not ,the H(z) is given by (z + z)/(z+1).
The system is not causal because the order of the numerator is greater
than denominator.
84. Check whether the system is stable or not ,the H(z) is given by (z/z-a).,|a|<1.
The system is stable because the poles at z = a lies inside the unit circle.
85. Determine the transfer function for the sys tem described by the difference
equation y(n)- y(n-1) = x(n)- x(n-2).
By taking z transform on both sides the transfer function
2 2
H(z)=( z - 1)/( z - z).
87. What arte the classification of the system based on unit sample response.
a. FIR (Finite impulse Response) system.
b. III ( Infinite Impulse Response) system.
Recursive system.
+ F[x(n),x(n-1)-------x(n-m)
Y (n-1)…… …..y(n-m)]
i.Direct form I
ii. Direcct form II
iii. Cascade form
iv. Parallel Form.
97. What is natural response?
This is output produced by the system only due to initial conditions .Input
is zero for natural response. Hence it is also called zero input Response.
X(n) y(n)
+ +
z-1 z-1
+ +
102. Give the direct form II structure..
x(n) y(n)
+ +
+ +
H1(z) +
X(n) Y(n)
ao=1/T ∫ x(t) dt =0
2 .Find the exponential fourier series for half wave rectified sine wave.
ak=A/л (n -1)
3.Find the energy and power of the signal.
P = Lt 1/2T ∫ x(t) dt = 2W..
T → ∞.
ii. x(n) = (1/3) u(n).
x(n)=∑ak e
5.Find the fourier series representation for Full wave rectified sine wave.
X(t)=2/ л +4/ л ∑(1/1-4n )Cosn ωot
6. Consider a continuous time system with impulse response h(t)=e u(t) to
the input signal x(t)=e u(t) .Find the system response.
-at -
Answer: y(t)=1/(b-a)[e u(t)-e
-t 2t
7.Find the laplace transform of x(t)=δ(t)-4/3 e u(t)+1/3e u(t).
Answer: X(s)=(s-1)2/((s+1)(s-
10 . Determine the Fourier transform of the signal x(t)=e u(t).,a
>0, plot the Magnitude and Phase Spectrum.
x[n-k] Z X[Z].
x1[n] *x2[n] X1(Z) X2(Z)
That is convolution of two sequences in time domain is equivalent to
multiplication of their Z transforms.
14. (i).Determine the Z Transform and Plot the ROC for the sequence
n n
x[n]= a u[n] - b u[n],. b>a
Answers:X(Z)= Z/(Z-a) – Z/(Z-b)., |z| > b.
(ii) Compute the invers Z transform of X(Z) = (z + 0.5 )/ (z + 0.6 )(z + 0.8).
| z | > 0.8, using n-1
residue method. n-1
Answers.: -0.5(-0.6) u(n-1)+1.5(-0.8) u(n-1).
-1 -2
15. Find the inverse z Transform of the function X(Z)= 1/(1-1.5Z +0.5Z ).
Using power series method for |Z|> 1 and |Z|<1.
Answers: 1.For |Z| >1, x(n)= {1,1.5,1.75,1.875 …………}
2 For |Z| <1, x(n)= {………….62,30,14,6,2,0,0}
16. Find the inverse z Transform of the function X(Z)= Z/(Z –1)(Z-2)(Z-3).
Using partial fraction method for ROC |Z|> 3, 3>|Z|>2 and |Z|<1.
n n
Answers: 1.For |Z| >3 , x(n)= 0.5u(n) – 2 u(n)+0.5(3) u(n).
n n
2 . For 3 > |Z|>2, x(n)= 0.5u(n) – 2 u(n)-0.5(3) u(-n-1).
n n
3. For |Z| <1, x(n)= -0.5u(-n-1) +2 u(-n-1) –0.5 (3) u(-n-1).
19. Determine the output of the discrete time linear time invariant system whose
input and unit sample response are given as follows.
x[n]=b u[n]
h[n] =a
u[n] Solution:
The impulse response of the discrete time linear time invariant system is
Y[n]=∑ x[k] h[n-k];
25. Obtain the Direct form I and Direct form II realization for the system
2 2
described by the differential equation d y(t)/dt +5dy(t)/dt+4y(t)=dx(t)/dt.
Soution : The procedure is same as to DT system . Here take the laplace
transform and find the transfer function H(S) = Y(S)/X(S).
H(S)= H1(s) H2(s).
Draw the block diagram representation for Cascade form. And Parallel
27. Obtain the direct form I, Direct form II,Cascade and parallel realization of
the system described by the difference equation
y(n)= 0.75y(n-1)-0.125y(n-2) + x(n) +7x(n-1) + x(n-2).
Solution : Draw the Four Form realization structure using the above procedure.