(Gridsol CUBE) - Catalog - EN - 202305
(Gridsol CUBE) - Catalog - EN - 202305
(Gridsol CUBE) - Catalog - EN - 202305
Regulation Sustainability
Resilience igitalization
GridSol CUBE
essential Software solution that provides the processes and tools you need for managing
Power management, event detection, equipment malfunction factor control
Big data for optimization, AI-driven simulations, and predictive analytics
Efficient energy management by the integrated management of energy
supply and sources of consumption
Provides an emergency crisis response mode using a crisis management
system in the event of disasters natural or otherwise
1. About Gridsol CUBE 02
Energy 2. Configuration and Main Functions of GridSol CUBE 04
3. Key Features of GridSol CUBE 06
4. Components of GridSol CUBE
- Smart & Wide Area Combined Diagnosis System 14
- Smart MV Solution 18
- Smart LV Solution 22
Configuration and Main Functions of GridSol CUBE
GridSol CUBE
Digital Twin Operational Crisis Data
management management
Integrated SI
Edge Control
Press, injection machine, automation equipment Fire detection, fire extinguishing system
GridSol CUBE
Main Functions of Enables real-time resource management, relationship management, and prediction/simulation
GridSol CUBE functions by collecting all information within the equipment, including various equipment resource
operation information, physical location, asset information of resources, and service information.
GridSol CUBE • 3D-powered Digital Twin: Identifies critical disaster factors and minimizes access to
Service Core technology hazardous equipment with 3D implementation of equipment
• Energy savings: Analyzes energy consumption to optimize and boost efficiency
• Data visualization: Delivers important data and provides event information for more
convenient managing
• System integration: Manages multiple equipment such as power, air conditioning, IT,
GUI*-based monitoring
and firefighting in an integrated environment
* GUI : Graphical User Interface • Integrated disaster safety management: Establishes a smart integrated disaster
prevention system
Key Features of GridSol CUBE
3D-driven Prevents access to hazardous facilities with 3D modeling, detects/prevents/forecasts major disaster factors,
manages sites to secure the health and safety of workers
Digital Twin
Managing spaces in 3D
On-site image for managers Internal structure of facilities Temperature spikes and malfunctioning points
GridSol CUBE
Optimizing energy Analyze the cause of waste accurately by visualizing the consumption of energy
consumption and Improve the efficiency of operating energy based on analyzed data and manage optimizations
spatial applications Support the optimal layout by analyzing major factors such as top surface layout, power consumption, and calorific
Distribution • Recommended average power density for Distribution • Displays abnormal temperature or wasted cooling
computing equipment: 4.0kW/m2 (EPA Guide) of calorific energy based on the expected calorific value
of electric
• Displays of over/insufficient power based on average value and standard and temperature readings collected from
power power density temperature the temperature sensor
Configure facility layout considering floor space, power consumption, temperature and humidity distribution, etc.
Key Features of GridSol CUBE
3. Visualizing data
Deliver critical data Assess and identify situations promptly using 3D imagery, hierarchical spatial management, and situation monitoring
and visualize event
Visualizing information for better Visualize system resource Visualize system resource asset
data visibility deployment information information
• Visual effects for rapid situational • Information on the actual location • Asset information on system
awareness of installations (smoke detectors, resources
• Information confirming event fire extinguishers, transmitters,
• Asset management according to
location cameras, etc.)
• All site information such as CCTVs, • Information on the configuration of standard management system
sensors, and edge devices system resources
GridSol CUBE
Systematic and Improves convenience when managing the system Simplifies interface and helps devise intelligent
integrated with full integration of BMS/PMS/EMS through an management plans using downstream devices and
integrated platform. IT-driven open standard technology.
management using Provides “single-insight” to grasp the overall status.
linked information
Integration of connected systems
Automatic control and monitoring of mechanical and Integrated power management system for real-time
electrical equipment in buildings, air conditioning systems, monitoring, control, and analysis of power control systems
CCTVs, security, firefighting, and access control systems Power facility interface and automatic control support
Collect and analyze data such as electricity, water, and gas in Integrated management service based on condition
the area using sensors monitoring and analysis of power facilities
Identify factors that could save energy, automatically Efficient facility operation and maintenance convenience
compile reports containing operational analysis Real-time PD measurement and temperature/humidity
monitoring as well as diagnosis
Key Features of GridSol CUBE
Secure the highest level of environmental safety, and establish a smart integrated disaster prevention system to
prevent hazards and accidents in advance
Comprehensive event-based disaster monitoring
Integrate all field environmental data as well as disaster events, and visualize critical information
Manage disaster control/status/response procedures/safety training history
Organizations and systems to manage disasters, and pop-ups with countermeasures
Disaster Response
Act of Send
terrorism message to Administrator
detected administrator confirmation
Report Status Phone calls
received update
Solution (evacuation)
Act of
terrorism Mobile app-guided
detected evacuation
User Report Evacuation
Disaster Sensor-guided evacuation
Status Self-determined evacuation
Disaster User direction of
Sensor Report detected emergency
Integrated event When an event occurs at another place of business while monitoring, move to the relevant site and assist by searching history of past events
Moving when event occurs Displaying videos of current and past events
• Search for events using the event history page • Indicates workers and work status on the dashboard
• Displays 16 or more event pop-up windows on the • In the detailed worker status, users can search
electronic map equipment, equipment name, location status, and
• Allows user to maintain map magnification when location information at specified times
moving between different areas
• Allows user to move to the event screen when an event
occurs while moving to another area
GridSol CUBE
Managing worker Collects GPS data of workers/vehicles and displays their location on the control screen in real-time
locations and lines of
❶ Wireless tag signal
movement (routes) information
• Data transmission every second
• Safety monitoring in enclosed spaces: Data received every 5~10
Data collection
Workers server
Storage server
Key Features of GridSol CUBE
6. Data-driven AI analytics
Analyze and predict Detect abnormalities by analyzing integrated data that cannot be detected by each individual SCADA device
abnormalities using Analyze patterns prevailing in the operating environment using data collected from equipment
AI technology Extract abnormal patterns through a comparative search with the manufacturer's characteristic data, and detects
abnormal symptoms through data analysis
Use AI models featuring the latest machine learning and deep learning technology
※ AI model function is a premium service and requires a separate agreement
Forecast future expected values by utilizing integrated
data on power, firefighting, and security Past Present Future
- Forecast the future by learning past data rather than
simply listing data values
Learning forecast
- Learn from long-term operational data to develop an AI
1 hour 2 hour 3 hour 4 hour 5 hour Time
- Provide optimal AI service tailored to the client
Abnormal Detection
Contains patterns Finds patterns Recognizes patterns
Execute comparative search with manufacturer's
characteristic data
- Analyze patterns by comparing operational data f(X)
against manufacturer data Data Train Algorithm Build Model
- Optimize operations using long-term operating data
Predictions or
- Prevent failure using horizontal evaluation model for Equipment maintenance based on
Predictive Maintenance
predictions of equipment failure
Used data Data from each load Integrated set of multiple load data
Threshold Simple threshold Dynamic threshold using multiple variables (time, weather, work patterns)
[Example: Visualization and forecasting services for power consumption patterns at each load]
GridSol CUBE
7. Installation/subscription service
Client can select When introducing a system, client can select the initial investment in hardware, solution, and construction costs
installation/ or annual installments for subscription services
Client can choose scale of investment to build GridSol CUBE
subscription service
Subscription service can help verify operational experience and efficiency
S/W Management
Viable options
• Clients prepared for large Recommended clients • Clients looking to install system after
investments verifying efficiency
Components of GridSol CUBE
LS ELECTRIC's Smart & Wide Area Combined Diagnosis System is the optimal solution for
clients looking to enhance the operational stability of their equipment by monitoring/
diagnosing accidental failures caused by component defects/environmental issues that may
occur while operating power equipment or caused by elements failing from natural
deterioration in advance.
•Platform-based HW system
- Applies various sensors
- Offers high scalability
Smart & Wide Area Combined Diagnosis System
Applicable fields
Components of GridSol CUBE
System configuration
CMD direct
connection available
Lightning arrester Gas density Breaker action Dissolved gases in oil Bushing
Smart & Wide Area Combined Diagnosis System
Partial discharge
-UHF Ant.
Temperature (thermal imaging)
Components of GridSol CUBE
Smart MV Solution
Smart MV Solution is a switchgear solution that improves system monitoring, preventive
management measures, operational reliability, and efficiency by converging embedded
sensors and digital technology.
Reliability – Reducing loss costs and enhancing reliability due to preventive diagnosis of power equipment
•Quick query service for events and alarms for each switchgear unit
- Queries operating waveforms and thermal imagery of sensor embedded VCB
Efficiency – Improving the efficiency of facility and equipment operation with digital technology
•Streamlines operations and reduces costs by ensuring efficient connection of switchgear devices
Efficiency - S CADA-based real-time data and alarm services
- Visualizes high-voltage system loads and energy management services
- Connects wirelessly to wireless sensors and simplifies wiring
- Provides simplified connectivity using RSTP Network Topology
Smart MV Solution
Upper System •Longitudinal power monitoring S/W that receives system status data from high-voltage
power equipment, and remotely monitors them in real-time
•Remote real-time monitoring of malfunctions by receiving status data from each high-
voltage power equipment itself
•Web-based operating S/W optimized for remote operations and energy management of
low/high-voltage smart switchgear and power equipment, and also preventive
GridSol CARE
management of devices as well as monitoring services
Operation S/W
•A S/W used to manage the past on-site monitoring and inspection history of smart
Smart Viewer switchgear components by accessing via the user's mobile device and on-site HMI
(Mobile App.) (IP, NFC, QR Code access)
•Provides push alert function
Communication Device •Installed inside the switchgear, collects the switchgear data in batches, and provides it to
MV Gateway the parent device
•Delivers monitoring services for switchgear by connecting to mobile device app.
•Digitally converts, collects, and transmits information from motion sensors attached
to the VCB to the parent device.
•A key relay product from LS that monitors high-voltage breakers (VCB) in the fields of Feeder/
XGIPAM Incoming, Bay Controller, Motor, Transformer, and Distributed Generation, and also controls to
protect the system in the event of an accident
VCB •A key relay product from LS that monitors high-voltage breakers (VCB) in the fields of
GIPAM3000 Feeder/Incoming, Motor, Transformer, and Distributed Generation, and also controls to
protect the system in the event of an accident
TC/CC/Motor monitoring •Hole sensor that monitors trip/closing coil and motor current
Accessories •Thermal image detector module for precise measurement of switchgear service booths
and hot spots
Thermal imaging camera
Wireless sensor •Wireless sensors measure temperature and humidity inside VCB draw-in and out
connections and switchgear
and humidity)
Switchgear •Active solution that can protect workers and minimize damage to electrical equipment or
Protection Arc Protection System secondary damage from arcs by promptly detecting arc accidents and events in the
System switchgear, then extinguishing the arc
•Grounds the 3-phase short circuit to bypass the fault current and extinguish the arc in the
event of an accident
Arc Eliminator
Components of GridSol CUBE
MV Gateway
Stroke sensor
monitoring sensor
Smart MV Solution
GridSol Cloud Monitoring GridSol Operation S/W GridSol Diagnostic System
MV Gateway or
Ethernet GIPAM
GIMAC-V Diagnostic
Stroke sensor
TC/CC/Motor monitoring
Components of GridSol CUBE
Smart LV Solution
Smart LV Solution is LS ELECTRIC's special smart switchgear solution that improves
measuring and monitoring capacity using IoT and digital technologies.
•Enables remote monitoring and control of all breakers from ACB to MCB
•Delivers improved device self-diagnostics function
- Contact life, number of opening/closing, temperature status, relay operation, battery, wiring status, memory, time, etc.
Reliability •Diagnostics and prediction services for power equipment
- Operating time, circuit breaker operating time, electrical/mechanical operation count, trip count, etc.
•Monitors temperature to prevent fire
- TRIO: Temperature monitoring function for high-risk elements
- Thermal CAM: Temperature monitoring function for dangerous areas and areas of interest
•Improves measuring precision of smart breakers (STU, ETU models) (Class 1.0)
•Improves network stability using Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP)
•Auto Discovery, Auto time Sync - Provides automatic query and time synchronization functions for
smart breakers and measuring instruments
•Enables real-time monitoring of systems and devices
•Enables on-site/remote monitoring of power equipment
Parent System Functions Notes
Monitoring S/W (Cloud) Cloud monitoring Optional
GridSol CARE Operation S/W Remote monitoring and control
Maintenance S/W Project management, testing
Panel HMI (3.5 inch) On-site monitoring
Panel HMI (7.0 inch) On-site monitoring and control
BLE: On-site monitoring
Smart Viewer (Mobile App.)
NFC: Check condition/status before power outage
Efficiency – Improving the efficiency of facility and equipment operation with digital technology
Smart LV Solution
Upper System •Manages data through a cloud server to provide LV panel monitoring feature
(AnyTime, AnyWhere)
•Delivers real-time energy information such as device status, power consumption,
GridSol CARE
quality, demand, and peak
Monitoring S/W (Cloud)
•Provides e-mail and SMS functions (events, reports)
•Manages data through a local server to monitor and control the LV panel
•Delivers real-time energy information
GridSol CARE
(e.g. device status, power consumption, quality, demand, and peak)
Operation S/W
GridSol CARE •Provides project engineering, device setting, and control functions
Maintenance S/W •Relay setting and relay testing (automatically compiles reports)
•3.5 inch TFT Color LCD •Real-time monitoring and IO control of connected devices
(max. eight devices can be connected)
Panel HMI (3.5 inch)
Smart Viewer •On-site monitoring of smart breakers (BLE), checks prior events (NFC) during a power outage
(Mobile App.) •Provides push alert function
Communication Data Logger •Connects to GridSol CARE Monitoring S/W and transmits data •Includes gateway function
•Auto discovery, Auto time sync • Provides Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP) function
•Provides thermal imaging camera monitoring and web service support functions
•Collects data measuring the quantity of electricity of small sensing modules (E TAG)
E COLLECTOR via wireless communication
•Supports quick registration and web services via the Auto Discovery function
•MCB/MCCB On/Off/Trip status monitoring and On/Off control
•No. of contacts: DI 6 points, DO 4 points, AI 1 point
TRIO •ACB temperature monitoring (7-Segment) •ACB On/Off control and contact monitoring
T Connection Module •Offers easy connection with RS-485 Multi-Drop •Provides terminal processing function
DC Power Module •DC 24V output •Offers five configurations according to input and output specifications
i-Tester •Stores current relay test and test history results (used for test reports)
Portable Battery & •Supplies DC power to Smart MCCB •Can check tripping of Smart MCCB
Trip Module
Breaker •Susol & Metasol ACB with Smart Trip Unit (STU)
Smart ACB •Equipped with IoT function and upgraded measuring accuracy, measuring items,
and relay functions
•Susol MCCB with Electronic Trip Unit (ETU)
Smart MCCB •Equipped with IoT function and upgraded measuring accuracy, measuring items,
and relay functions
MCB •Mini Circuit Breaker (BK63H Series)
Measuring •Measures voltage, current, power and power volume, and also provides data on
instruments GIMAC1000 harmonics, THD, and TDD functions for voltage and current
•Provides Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP) function
•Tag-type small sensing module used for measuring quantity of electricity
(voltage/current/power/power factor/frequency)
•Supports wireless communication for simpler wiring within the panel
(interfaces with E COLLECTOR using wireless communication)
•Measures and protects current
•Provides various reset (manual/automatic/electrical reset) functions
•Measures current, voltage, and wattage, also protects power factor
•Offers various motor starting methods with one model
Components of GridSol CUBE
Upper System
1 2
※ TRIO' is optional
Battery &
Smart Viewer Trip Module
Smart ACB
Main panel
24 ※ Please use one of the communication devices ① (Gateway) or ② (Ethernet Converter). ※ Devices available for additional installation: GIMAC1000, GIMAC-B, MMP, DMPi
※ RSTP(Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol) supported devices : Data Logger, Gateway, Ethernet Converter, E COLLECTOR
Smart LV Solution
Tester Cable
GridSol CARE Maintenance S/W Hardwire
Panel HMI (3.5 inch) Panel HMI (7.0 inch) Panel HMI (7.0 inch)
1 2
Smart Viewer
2023. 05 2023. 04. LS ELECTRIC Co.,Ltd. All rights reserved. / (01) 2023. 05. PACO STORY