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Form Referente ID

PO BOX80683
SEATTLE, WA 98108·0683


BEAR, DE19701

0 CORRECTED (if checkedl

PAYE:R'S name, stteet addfess, city Of town, state Or' ptOVinoe, couot,y, ZIP
foreign postal eo<le, and telephone no.
0MB No. 1545-0116
Fonn 1099-NEC
PO BOX 80683 Nonemployee
SEATTlE, WA 98108·0683 (Rev. January 2022)
f0< calendar year
20 23
PAYER'STIN AECIPIENT'STIN 1 Nonemployae compensatlon CopyB
23-2774532 XXX-XX.1132
$ 4 9.786.92 For Recipíent
2 PBy$ made direct sales totaling SS,000 0< more of Thís is � tax
RECIPIENT'S name and infonNlion and i$ being
ooosumer products to fecipient fof resale
address h.rrished to the IRS. 1 you an,
WANDA MARTINEZ VAZQUEZ 3 requlred 10 file a rett.rn, a
5 FIELDSTONERD nogigence penalty or olher
BEAR, DE19701 sanction � be in-.,o,ed on
4 Federal income tax withhetd you tt ltis looome Is lalCable
end the IRS determnes lhat �
$ 0.00 has not been-ed.
5 State tax wlthheld 6 State/Poye,'s
state no. 7 State lncome
Account number (see instructlons) $ PA
------------------- --------------- --
1099NEC_ 1006938737 $ ....................... . $ ........................
Fonn 1099-NEC (keep f0< your reoo«ls) www.irs.gov/F0<m1099NEC Oepartmeot of the Tfeasury - lntema1 Revenue Setvice

lnstructions for Recipient

You received this form instead of Form W-2 because the payer did not Note: lf you are receiving payments on which no income. social security,
consider you an employee and did not withhokl income tax or social and Medicare laxes are withheld, you should make estimated tax
security and Medicare tax. payments. See Form 1040-ES (or Form 1040-ES (NA)). lndividuals must
lf you believe you are an employee and cannot get the payer to correct report these amounts as explained in these box 1 instructions.
this form, report the amount shown in box 1 on the line for "Wages, Corporations, fiduclaries, and partnerships must report these amounts on
salaries, tips, etc." of Form 1040, 1040·SR, or 1040-NR. You must also the appropriate Une of thelr tax retums.
complete Form 8919 and attach it to your retum. For more lnformatlon, see Box 2. lf checked. consumar products totaling $5,000 or more were sold
Pub. 1779, lndependent Contracto, or Employee. to you for resale, on a buy•sell. a deposit-commlsslon, or other basis.
lf you are not an employee but the arnount in box 1 is not self• Generally, report any income from your sale of these products on
employment (SE) income (for example, it Is lncome from a sporadlc activity Schedule e (Form 1040).
or a hobby), report the amount shown in box 1 on the "Other íncome" line Box 3. Reserved for future use.
(on Schedule 1 (Form 1040)). Box 4. Shows backup withhokllng. A payer must backup withhold on
Recipient's taxpayer identification number (TIN). FO< your protection, this certain payments if you did not give your TIN to the payer. See Form W-9,
fonn may show only the last four diglts of your TIN (social security number Request for Taxpayer ldentif,cation Number and Certification, for
(SSN), indivídual taxpayer identification number (ITIN), adoplion taxpayer information on backup wi1hhokling. lnclude this arnount on your income
identificatioo number (ATIN), or employer identificatioo number (EIN)). tax return as tax withheld.
However, the issuer has reported your complete TIN to the IRS. Boxes !>-7. State lncome tax withheld reporting boxes.
Account number. May show an account or other unique number the payer Futura developments. For the lates! information about developments
assigned to distlngulsh your account. related to Form 1099-NEC and ils lnstructlons, such as legislation enacted
Box 1. Shows nonemployee compensation. lf the amount In thls box is SE alter they were published, 90 to www.irs.gov/Form1099NEC.
income, report it on Schedule C or F (Form 1040) lf a sole proprletor, or on Free File Program. Go to www.irs.gov/FreeFife to see if you qualify for
Form 1065 and Schedule K-1 (Form 1065) if a partnershlp. and the no-cost onllne federal tax preparation, e-fillng, and dlrect deposit or
recíplenVpartner completes Schedule SE (Form 1040). payment options.

Printed On Jan 02, 2024

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