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7 Chakras

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What Is a Chakra: 7 Chakras Signs of Being Balanced or Imbalanced

The concept of Chakras is closely attached to the energy. The energy within us, also which is manifested in
the whole universe. The Universe is referred to as a system of many elements acting or fused together to
function as a unit.
According to Tantric Buddhism and Hinduism, just like the Universe, Our body itself is believed to be made
of five core elements Air, Space, Earth, Water, and Fire.
Concept of the Human Body Breakdown the Universe, our body has small systems of cells working
together, in which energy is flowing or moving constantly in the form of 5 elements, just like in the
universe. There are constant changes occurring in our bodies because of these energies.
Different energies circulate through us continuously to establish and maintain our inner system that
certainly affects our outer system as well. These energies are vital contributors to our behavior, mood,
nature, conscience, and wellness.
Speaking of energies, many questions arises in the mind including, what is the source of these energies in
our body? What makes up to the definitive but a vast system of human mechanism?
Henceforth, the Yogic system enables us to find the right sources of energy, their purpose, and meanings
through Chakras.

What Is Chakra? ‘Prana – The Life‘ in certain major parts of our body constantly spinning to keep us alive
and active. The spinning or rotating nature of Prana made these parts of the body, ‘centers of energy‘ also
known as Chakras. The word ‘Chakra’ (In Sanskrit Cakra) refers to ‘Wheel’ or ‘Disc’, which named because
it’s made of the rotating motion of Prana. Chakras are basically the junction points of Nadis in the body.
Converging at certain points in our body, Anodea Judith stated in her book ‘The Wheels of Life‘, these
Nadis form a junction we know as Chakra.
Where Nadis are the pathways of ‘Prana – life force’, Chakras are the distributor and purifier of the Prana.
Indeed, Nadis always meets at junction points in a triangular shape
but even after that these points are called Chakra, not Trikon
(Triangular). The reason behind it is – Prana within
Nadis. Prana introduces a motion at the junction points and motion
(energy) always radiates in the circular form. This is how Chakra’s
formation takes place.
3 States of Chakras To understand the working of Chakras, each
Chakra has the 3 states of activeness. Rate of rotation of Prana in
each Chakra defines the state of Chakra at a particular time.
 The Overactive state of a chakra – When Prana spins at a
higher rate than the normal one, chakra is said to be in
overactive states. In this state, you will feel the excessive
energy flow through corresponding organs of the overactive
 The Balanced State of a chakra – When Prana spins at the normal rate so that energy neither
excessively flow through certain organs nor in a deficient manner.
 The Underactive State of a chakra – When Prana spins slower than usual rate due to lack of
attention or certain physical activity, chakra becomes underactive.
In both cases (overactive and underactive), there is a faulty flow of energy happens through the chakra,
called Imbalanced or Blocked chakra. If Chakras gets blocked, it may cause illness and other difficulties
that are clearly visible whether behavioral or physical.
History of Chakras: The historical meaning of the word Chakra revolves around 600 BC where Chakras got
mentioned first as psychic focal points of consciousness in the Upanishads. Yoga Sutras of
Patanjali adopted the same in Circa 200 BC. The etymology indicates that this concept of chakras (Wheels
of life) first evolved in Hinduism and Tantric Buddhism. It first got developed around and introduced in
Vedas, which was introduced by Upanishads and Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. Different interpretations led to
the discovery of a varying number of Chakras stating own understanding of Kundalini (the energy that is
unleashed in creation, and lies coiled and sleeping at the base of the spine). The similar theory emerged in
Sufism, later.
From India, the notion of Chakra as an energy center got carried forward to China, where, it was absorbed
and harmonized with Chinese concepts of the flow of energy (Qi energy) replacing Kundalini.
Today, the chakra concept remains popular among the New Age Movement in the West. The Modern Age
movements have led to an increased interest in the West regarding chakras.
How Many Chakras Are There? Yoga formulations typically describe seven chakras, says Dr. Georg
Feuerstein in his book Yoga Encyclopedia although additional chakras also described in some systems.
Apart from the yogic system, prominently there are 114 Chakras with 72,000 Nadis lies in the body.
114 Chakras can be divided in the following way.
 112 chakras present in the physical structure of the body and rest 2 lies in the outer plane.
 Out of 114 Chakras, 86 are micro chakras which also called acupuncture points on the body.
 Now, out of rest 28 Chakras, 21 are minor chakras that work in conjunction with major chakras and
distributed all over the body.
 Last 7 are called major Chakras, 5 lies along the spinal column, 1 on the forehead and 1 over the head
(outside of the body).
Each Chakra has a distinct role, symbol, energy frequency, and is identified by a different color. Each one is
connected to different organs and glands within the body to channelize the energy (in the form of Prana)
through ‘Nadis’.
There are 3 main Nadis in the subtle body along the spinal cord: Ida (left side), Pingala (Right side), and
Sushumna Nadi (Central).
7 Chakras are the converging point of Ida and Pingala Nadis which are the
source of Sun and Moon energy in the body. Joining sun and moon energy at
these places produces a powerful vortex of energy; hence it’s called ‘7 centers of
energy’ (7 chakras).
Each Chakra has a different meaning & purpose which are identified by its unique
Characteristics of 7 major chakras It’s described using some key points. These are
the following.
Location of Chakras: Location of a chakra represents the energy accumulation from
massive nerves center at a specific position. These positions are 5 along the spine
and rest 2 on the forehead and above forehead.
The element of Chakras: 5 elements of the physical body represents the first 5
chakras. The last 2 chakras (Ajna and Sahasrara) respectively the representation of
the mental body and consciousness.
Number of Petals in Chakras: Chakra also called Lotus and there is a specific number of petals considered
for each Lotus or Chakra.
These lotus petals signify the number of Nadis meeting at the junction point. Higher the number of petals
of a lotus, higher is the energy associated with a specific chakra.
Sound or Mantra of Chakras: All the 7 Chakras stimulate corresponding to a particular set of frequencies.
The vibrations of the corresponding chakra are resonated through each Beej mantra. Beej mantra with
daily meditation balances the energy of each chakra.
Color of Chakras: Energy emitted through each chakra gives a specific color, called ‘chakra’s color’. This
emitted color through each chakra usually indicates the emotions, physical & spiritual state of a human
Now, you’ve been introduced the basics of Chakras, let’s discuss in-depth how each chakra associated with
physical, mental, and every other aspect of your life.
We are going to discuss the following points about each chakra
 Location and chakras element  Signs of balanced and imbalanced Chakras
 Chakras Symbol, Color, Mantra  Healing of blocked chakras.
1st Chakra – The Root Chakra – Muladhara The meaning of Sanskrit term Muladhara denotes 1st
Chakra significance i.e. Mula means Basic or Root and Dhara mean Support.
1st Chakra is responsible for the basic needs (Survival, Shelter, and Food) a person has to go through in
their life. It defines our ability to survive and to stay grounded.
4 petals in the root chakra symbol show there are 4 subtle Nadis meetings at the base of the spine.
Qualities of Root Chakra
Root Chakra makes you familiar with qualities such as:
 Your ability to sense and smell
 Sense of security
 Your physical involvement in the outer world.
 Your presence in the world by helping you stay grounded.
The Root Chakra at a Glance
Sanskrit Name Muladhara
Location The base of the spine, the pelvic floor.
Color Red
Seed Mantra Lam
Element Earth
Qualities Stability, survival instinct, and security
Signs of balance Full of vitality, fearlessness, and sense of belonging
Signs of imbalance Fatigue, constipation, fear, anxiety, lack, and instability
What is Root Chakra?
The root chakra is the first of 7 chakras present at the base of the spine in our subtle body. Being
the first and base chakra, the energy of this chakra works like the foundation for all the above
In Sanskrit, the root chakra is known as Muladhara. The term Muladhara comes from the
prefix mula, meaning “root,” and adhara, meaning “support” or “base.” It’s called Muladhara
because the development of this chakra begins at the conception date and it provides a supportive
foundation to develop the spine and other body organs.
Signs of Balanced Root Chakra: In a state of the balanced root chakra
 You would experience vitality & feeling of the responsibility
 Sense of security being grounded and connected with earthly elements will grow
 Tend to be more satisfied while striving to meet the needs to survive
Signs of Overactive Root Chakra: When root Chakra is overactive,
 You are more likely to grow as a fearful individual
 Problems associated with Spine, Kidneys, Prostate, and Suprarenal Glands working becomes more
common for you
 Over possessive mind
 Anxiety becomes common as it comes with fear
 Unaccomplishment for the basic needs to survive
When root Chakra is overactive, Individual’s endeavor
should bypass the excessive energy from it to other
underactive chakras and hence, make it balance.
To balance an overactive root chakra
 Bring yourself forward to act of kindness,
 Connecting yourself with earthly elements,
 Channelize your energy into works like gardening,
planting or walking.
When you feel a sense of instability for the basic survival
needs like food and shelter or you don’t trust anyone
other than yourself only, it indicates the problem in your
root chakra.
The root chakra is an instinctual energy center. It means everything we need to survive and evolve
on this earth like a sense of safety and security (fight-flight, or freeze response), our basic needs,
and emotional needs are initiated from the root chakra. When these instinctual needs are met, root
chakra happens in its balanced form and you feel grounded and safe.
Where exactly is root chakra located?
The root chakra is located in the pelvic floor, exactly at the
tailbone, where 3 vertebrae fuse to produce a triangular
shape area. In the subtle body, your root chakra present at
the center of this small area.
Physically you can be aware of root chakra location by
placing your hands (finger pointing downwards) at the
tailbone. The point where your downward-pointing little
finger touches the pelvic floor is the location of your root
In females, the location of the root chakra consists in the
center of the anus and vagina. It lies posterior to the genital organ i.e. cervix. While in males, this
chakra occupies the area above the perineum or lies inside it.
What is the color of root chakra? The color of energy that radiates from the root chakra is red. It’s
because this chakra has the closest vicinity to the earth element and the red color shows a
reflection of the earth’s inner surface and core.
The reason for the red color of the root chakra is that red is the color of energy and determination
that stimulates the limbic system of the brain. The limbic system governs behavior we need for
survival: feeding, reproduction, and fight or flight response.
Moreover, the red color also denotes how much we are connected to the earth. Being connected to
earth means how well you are aware of yourself. The more you aware of yourself, the more you
would come to know how less your basic needs are and this is what the work of a balanced root
chakra is.
What does root chakra symbol shows? The symbol of root chakra contains 4 simple components;
downward-pointing triangle, square, lotus petals and text lam at the center.
 Downward-pointing triangle – It points towards the earth and home of kundalini shakti present
in this chakra. Also, the downward arrow reminds us to be grounded and connected to the
 Square inscribed in a circle – Square shown in the root chakra symbol is the representation of a
firm foundation to support everything. Earth being the element of root chakra provides us that
firm foundation.
 Lotus flower 4 petals – 4 lotus petals represents the connection between Nadis and chakras. It
indicates the merging of 4 nerves (Nadis) at the root chakra. These 4 Nadis in the symbol
represented with 4 Sanskrit syllables वं (vaṃ), शं (śaṃ), षं (ṣaṃ), and सं (saṃ).
 Text लं on the center – “Lam” is the ‘Bija Mantra’ (seed mantra) of the root chakra. Its sound has
the power to stimulate the earth element and so the root chakra.
Some textual reference shows the symbol of root chakra with an elephant picture within the
square. The elephant is a representation of mother
earth bearing the weight and hence symbolizes the
inner strength associated with this chakra.
Key characteristics of the root chakra
Root chakra governs the following functions in our
 It creates a firm foundation and grounded us
by nurturing lower body parts like feet, legs,
and hip flexors in conjunction with the minor
 Being centered at the mid-section of our body, the root chakra controls the functioning of
skeleton bones, Kidneys, colon, adrenal glands, bladder, and arterial blood flow to the left
chamber of the heart.
 Root chakra locates at the place where kundalini energy lies in the dormant state. In spiritual
language, awakened Kundalini or open root chakra is considered the gate for higher energy.
 The Muladhara chakra has instinctual characteristics that control our animal nature and
governed by the predominant survival sense of smell and taste.
How to know if the root chakra is balanced?
Image: Canva
When the root chakra is spinning at a balanced rate, it radiates energy in all aspects of a person’s
life. You are more involved in activities that explore your physical and emotional side. Hence you
impart positive vibrations just like a winner in all walks of life.
The signs of a balanced root chakra are;
 Full of vitality and passion – In a balanced root chakra state, you are more passionate about
whatever you do. You would experience vitality and feeling of the responsibility for your work,
family, and friends.
 Satisfaction with survival needs – You tend to be more satisfied while striving to meet the
needs of surviving.
 Connected with core values – Balanced root chakra is all about governing the force of being
grounded. Hence, the person with a balanced root chakra would be connected with the core
values of life.
 Equanimity of logic and emotion – When your root chakra is balanced, it helps you to keep your
mind equally drawn to the logic and emotion in something you are more active.
 Fearless personality – A person having Root Chakra aligned feels to be fearless and prepared for
physical, financial, moral, and psychological tasks.
How to know if the root chakra is imbalanced?
When root chakra happens to out of balance, a sense of incompleteness and retreated from
everything takes place in the person.
Imbalance in root chakra appears in two ways – under-activity and overactivity.
1. When Root Chakra is Under-active
In case of under-active root chakra imbalance,
 You feel taken down by depression, withdraw from
whatever you plan or intend to do.
 There is more possibility that you grow vague feelings
about your insecurity and start leading a life of a loner.
 The more you lack the energy, the harder is to trust
others. This makes you more self-centered. This leads you
to live aloof being disconnected from the earth and the
2. When Root Chakra is Overactive
Overactive root chakra makes you overconfident, which eventually ends up developing the
following signs.
 Overflow of root chakra energy may lead you to disconnect from the basic notion that you are
an earthly creature.
 You become possessive, tend to attach too much to the people or things that make you more
rigid physically and psychologically.
 Being short-tempered, angry, belligerent, and greedy are some common traits of being an
overactive root chakra.
What causes the root chakra imbalance?
The imbalance of root chakra may happen because of an old accident or regular activity you are
most feared of. A trauma that has been affecting you from a long time (Childhood Trauma) could
lead to an under-active root chakra.
Moreover, some general causes of root chakra imbalance are;
 A toxic relationship, Longtime illness, Abuse at an early age, Mounting fear, Abandonment in
relationships, Have been in relative poverty or Lack of empathy for your family.
Problems caused by imbalanced root chakra
Root chakra manifests its imbalance by means of different physical and psychological problems. You
might face the following problems when your root chakra is in an imbalanced state.
1. Physical Problems
As physically root chakra locates in the pelvic area, it shows the main problems related to the
bladder, kidney, lower spine, adrenal glands, prostate, hip flexors, and leg joints.
Some physical problems caused by imbalanced root chakra are irregular menstruation in females,
blood diseases, constipation, diarrhea, piles, hemorrhoids, colitis, prostate cancer, glaucoma, and
kidney diseases, and pain in the feet.
2. Psychological Problems
Psychologically, when the root chakra is imbalanced, you are more addicted and indulgence in any
external agency for instant happiness.
Other psychological problems caused by imbalanced root chakra are Irritation, eating disorders,
depression, hypertension, money addiction, migraines, and stubborn behavior.
How to balance root chakra?
Image: Canva
Your root chakra is very easy to prone out of balance as it’s the bridge between us and the external
world. The number of external agencies can influence it but simultaneously some little efforts are
enough to balance it.
You can follow the following practices if you are facing any problems associated with the root
1. Do Meditation with Mantras and Mudras
One of the common causes of the disturbed root chakra is when you are not grounded, in both
senses physically and psychologically.
Meditation, besides, introducing you to your inner dimension, also helps you to connect with the
Although many meditation practices are available to bring your root energy in balance but a focused
seated asana with mantra chant and mudras for meditation is the easiest one.
Choose a silent place and follow this small meditation practice to balance your root chakra.
 Sit in padmasana (lotus pose). Make Gyan mudra or Earth mudra with your hands.
 Bring your awareness down at the physical location of the root chakra and imagine a connection
establishing between the pelvic floor and earth.
 To make the connection more effective, chant the seed mantra ‘Lam‘ vocally or subvocally.
Vibrations induced out of mantra chanting stimulates root energy and thus balancing becomes
 As the nose is the sense of organ of the root chakra, you can also meditate on the nose tip in
seated asana to balance root energy.
2. Ground yourself with yoga poses
Physical exercise is another simplest approach you can opt to bring your root energy in balance.
In yoga, asana balances ease and effort and thus, a better alternate of physical exercises.
A few yoga poses which focus on energy associated with the root chakra are Pavanamuktasana
(wind-relieving pose), padmasana (lotus pose), malasana (garland pose), tadasana (mountain pose),
and virabhadrasana 2 (warrior pose 2).
You can practice yoga poses on green grass to feel more connected to the ground. It balances root
chakra energy by strengthening lower legs, thighs, enhances hips mobility, and relieves back pain.
3. Harness the energy of stones
Some stones and crystals have the vibrating frequency to restore the balance of your Root Chakra.
The root chakra vibrates at the lowest frequency of 396Hz.
Since the Muladhara Chakra is linked with Red Colour, Red-colored stones are resonant with Root
Chakra. These are Red Jasper, Bloodstone, and Red Carnelian. With each stone possessing different
characteristics, their symbolic significance on the Root Chakra is also different.
 You can wear Red Carnelian for Root Chakra which represents strength & courage and is used to
cleanse & activate the Chakra.
 Red Jasper for Root Chakra is commonly known for cleansing and bringing the wheel to a
balanced state. You can wear it in the state of deficient or overactive Root Chakra.
 Bloodstone for Root Chakra is suitable for you if you have shrunk your self-esteem and are
working towards pushing the negative vibes out of you.
4. Nourish yourself with green veggies
Since the deficiency in Root Chakra is caused due to less interaction with the earth, whether directly
or indirectly. It is time you tasted some earthly delights to balance your first wheel.
You can add green and root vegetables to your diet plan to start over a restoration chapter. Some of
the vegetables are Beets, onion, Garlic, Tomatoes, Potatoes, carrots, radishes, and beetroots.
It is not hard to say when or how your Root Chakra gets out of alignment. Each state represents its
different symptoms and causes. All you can do is to focus inwards to stay grounded and vibrant.
This state can only be achieved through Meditation, Correct Mudras, wearing suitable Stones, and
following earthly red foods.
Signs of Underactive Root Chakra
Being in a deficient state of Root Chakra can lead you to
 Feel homelessness (insecurity),
 Depression and thus not being able to be grounded,
 Lack of strength for any work,
 Misunderstanding which even can make you feel like a victim.
How to Energize Underactive Root Chakra – There are 3 ways to energize your deficient root chakra:
 By chanting the seed sound (Bija Mantra) Lam
 By eating red-colored/Root vegetables such as Radish, carrot, Potato, Tomato, Cherries, strawberries, etc.
 By wearing stones/Gems like Bloodstone, Red Jasper, and Black Tourmaline that help stimulate Root Chakra.

2nd Chakra – The Sacral Chakra – Svadhishthana

Located below the belly button and extended to its center, the 2nd in 7 chakras is – Svadhishthana Chakra.
Svadhishthana – Sva (One’s Own) + Adhishthana (Place). Also, sometimes it’s meaning derived from the
world ‘Svad’ means ‘Activity of taking pleasure.’
Concluding meaning of the word Svadhishthana, 2nd Chakra is all about making you realize your identity as
a human, son, brother, friend or a father, etc. with the world surrounding you.
Symbol of Sacral Chakra contains up-turned silver crescent moon inside an orange color circle.
The silver crescent moon represents the water element of the sacral chakra. Also, 6 lotus petals cover
circle circumference in which a unique Sanskrit syllable has written.
Qualities of Sacral Chakra
Qualities of Sacral Chakra associated with:
 Your ability to make decisions based on the response influenced by intelligence.
 Sense of sexual activity and expression is also the quality of sacral chakra.
 Your intuitional and creativity.
Sign of Balanced Sacral Chakra
Depression is literally a closing down of this chakra’s energy
says Ambika Wauters in her book “Healing with Energy of
Following signs are helpful in identifying if you have balanced
sacral chakra
 A balanced sacral chakra let you enjoy every pleasure of life
without being addicted or overdoing to it,
 You are more humble and strong at maintaining relations with people near you,
 Your perception towards the world and to yourself is the same hence building friendly and joyful
Signs of Overactive Sacral Chakra
When over energy is flowing through Sacral Chakra =
 You are more possibly to turn into a manipulative person
 Physical symptoms include – obesity, hormone imbalances, and restlessness
 With an overflow of energy through 2nd chakra, you become addicted to pleasures
 A person becomes lustful, and selfish person with an urge to be controllable.
How to Balance Sacral Chakra
To balance 2nd Overactive Chakra,
 Redirect the overactive energy of it in nearby chakra. For this, withdraw from addicted means of
pleasures and be more grounded with natural things.
 Consider every action based on whether it’s healthy or nourishing for you, if not, skip it.
Signs of Underactive Sacral Chakra
You will start feeling the following signs when there is a deficiency of energy in Sacral Chakra
 Heeding to the practical things while forget to enjoy the process of working on something
 Physically you will suffer from low back pain, sexual dysfunction, and lack of sense of taste
 Psychologically you become emotionally unstable, have trust issues, and lack of passion
How to Energize Underactive Sacral Chakra –
Following practices are helpful to restore the energy state of Sacral Chakra.
 Reciting the seed sound “Vam” regularly while meditating.
 Keeping yourself close to water and water bodies is a way to level the depreciated level of energy
(since the element of Sacral Chakra is water).
 Gems like Orange Aventurine, Orange Carnelian, Citrine, Orange Calcite, and Coral Calcite can help up
the level of your Sacral Chakra
The Sacral Chakra at a Glance
Sanskrit Svadhishthana – dwelling place of self
Name – Meaning
Location Two inches below the navel
Color Orange
Seed Mantra VAM
Element Water
Characteristics Creativity, Relationships, and Sexuality
Symptoms of balance Freedom of expression, energy for creativity, desire, movement, and pleasure.
Symptoms of blocked Feelings of fear, depression, emotional instability, loss of imagination, sexual
dysfunction, reproductive issues, and addiction.
Healing crystal Carnelian, Amber, Orange Moonstone, Goldstone.
The sacral chakra is the 2nd of 7 major chakras. It lies in line with the spinal cord between the coccyx and
the sacrum. This chakra is concerned about all the experiences and karmas we get involved in as being a
conscious person on this earth.
In chakras evolution, after we grew up from the physical-emotional needs of survival and self-preservation
of the first chakra Muladhara, the second chakra is where Prana (life force) gets activated and we start
experiencing the world consciously. The Muladhara is an unconscious state of our existence whereas in the
second chakra we become conscious experiencer of the world.
Svadhishthana meaning
Svadhishthana is the Sanskrit name of Sacral chakra. Sva means “Self” and adhishthana means
“rule” or “dwelling place”. On combining root terms Svadhishthana literally means “place of self” or
“place where self rules”.
This meaning shows Svadhishthana chakra makes one aware of their identity which is explored by
an individual’s creativity, emotions, desire, pleasure-seeking karmas, etc. In this context, the second
chakra is called “Seat of Life”. It’s also known by other names as spleen chakra, splenic chakra, and
orange chakra.
Advertisements When we start building our fantasy world with the help of mental and intellectual
faculties, understand that second chakra energy is dominated within us.

Mostly in boys, this chakra energy dominant between 7-14, and in girls, the 6-12 age.
Sacral chakra location and associated organs
The sacral chakra is in the lower abdomen, centered
between the navel and the genitals. The exact location
of it however is described as two finger-width above the
first chakra (tailbone) or about four fingers below the
This location corresponds anterior to the Sacrum or
exactly below the 5th lumbar vertebrae in our spine. In
front-view, it corresponds to the area above the pubic
bone. The sacral chakra, in this way, is attached to the
ovaries in females or testicles in males. All pelvic floor
muscles are considered the area of the root chakra and
sacral chakra combindely.
As sacral chakra is located just below the pubic area;
sexual organs ovaries/testicles, bladder, bowel, and
lower intestine are associated with it. Along with that,
sacral chakra’s characteristics of being creative, playful,
and passionate about life come from its association with
the adrenal glands located above both kidneys.
Orange color significance
The sacral chakra exudes a feeling of warmth and excitement. Hence it makes perfect sense that the
color of this chakra is orange.
The effect of the orange tone in the body’s feelings is identified with sexuality, imagination, want,
the conceptual framework, sympathy, and
numerous others.
The Symbol
The symbol of the sacral chakra is composed of
six lotus petals around two concentric circles
which create a crescent moon shape.
Six lotus petals represent 6 vrittis (modes of
consciousness): anger, envy, hatred, cruelty,
pride, and desire. These vrittis are the cause we
are tied up with the cycle of birth & death. In
sacral chakra, one can break this cycle and raise
the consciousness level through conscious efforts.
The circle in the center is the representation of the water element present in our body. Apart from
water, the upturned crescent moon is also an important symbol of Svadhishthana. It represents the
female energy and establishes a link with the subconscious.
The energy frequency and seed mantra
Being second in the order, sacral chakra consists of a higher energy level than root chakra. At the
balanced state, this Chakra vibrates at 288 Hz frequency.
“Vam” is the seed sound (Bija Mantra) that resonates with the Sacral Chakra. This sound is
considered a healing chant in case you face experience the disturbance of Sacral Chakra.
Characteristics of sacral chakra
Emotions: The sacral chakra energy connects with the feelings and emotions of an individual.
 Joy: Motivated by joy and bliss, the sacral chakra is answerable for your satisfaction in life
through the senses. It makes the establishment for passionate prosperity.

 Creativity: The sacral chakra assists with comprehension and fosters private associations with
 Passion: The sacral chakra stirs the innovative articulation, permitting the investigation of
groundbreaking thoughts and invigorates the creative mind.
 Enthusiasm: The sacral chakra’s energy permits finding and investigating what a person is
enthusiastic about. This enthusiasm allows one to enjoy life.
How to know if the sacral chakra is balanced?
A balanced Sacral Chakra houses creativity, healthy relationship,
and sexuality. It is openness to the surroundings. The signs of a
balanced sacral chakra are:
 Creativeness: The Sacral Chakra’s fundamental center permits
the person to find what they appreciate, shape pastimes, and
make adoring and energizing connections.
 Helps to identify personal identity: The Second Chakra
focuses on the individual role in the outside world and how it reacts to the alluring powers of
the actual world.
 Financially stable: The Svadhisthana is the establishment of a sound conscience that permits us
to associate with the world without undercutting ourselves or claiming to be somebody else.
Individuals with a solid Second Chakra can endure monetarily and indeed on their own and bond
with others to form a good friendship.
 Can face challenges: A decent Second Chakra can face challenges and have the strength to
recuperate when things turn out badly.
How to identify when the sacral chakra is imbalanced?
The imbalance in the sacral chakra can weaken it. Discouragement, being excessively delicate,
encountering nervousness would all be able to be indications of the unaligned sacral chakra. The
dread of letting go in a relationship with enthusiastic or over-the-top conduct is an indication of an
imbalance in Sacral Chakra. It likewise influences the association with natural things like work and
You can identify imbalance in sacral chakra in two ways – underactive or blocked state and
overactive state.
1. Blocked / underactive sacral chakra
When the sacral chakra is blocked, it makes feel an absence of control. It goes from vulnerability to
an inability to adapt to life’s progressions. The way to unreservedly express desires also impedes
creative capacities. Additionally, being reliant or mutually dependent on others makes a mental
unevenness causing separation from oneself.
2. Overactive sacral chakra
An overactive Sacral Chakra distributes too much energy throughout the body. Since Sacral Chakra
oversees feelings, overactive chakra makes a mind-boggling feeling. Encountering feelings more
profoundly and outrageous emotional episodes show an extremely touchy nature. The sensation of
disappointment with life can bring habit-forming practices given continually attempting to satisfy
yourself with outside things.
Problems caused by imbalanced sacral chakra
When sacral chakra is blocked, physically you start experiencing back pain, dysfunction in
reproductive organs, sudden pain in the lower abdomen, kidney troubles and urinary problems. The
premenstrual condition can likewise be an aftereffect of an unbalanced sacral chakra.
Psychologically, a person with imbalanced sacral chakra may have guilt feeling about sex, confusion
about own feelings, excessive emotions, obsession, emotional dependency, and addictive
How to balance sacral chakra?
Image: Canva
You can follow the following practices if you are facing any
imbalance in your sacral chakra.
1. Meditate on orange color
While meditating, sit with averting your energy towards the
central part of your lower abdomen. Since each of the seven
chakras is associated with a different color, for the sacral
chakra, imagine an orange color shade around your lower
Considering that in whatever you do, your motive is to bring yourself peace and inner joy. Meditate
by relaxing, not focusing; focusing means, you are stressing about something.
2. Chant Seed Mantra “Vam”
Frequently chanting the seed sound “Vam” while meditating helps you vitalize the state of your
Sacral Chakra. This Seed Sound (Bija Mantra) is directly associated with the frequency of the Second
Continuous chants of this Mantra help you vitalize your sexuality, creativity, and encourages you to
participate in pleasure activities. You directly influence the functions of Sacral Chakra by reciting
this Seed Sound aloud and internally.
3. Mudras to Activate Sacral Chakra
Mudras in yoga are simplest exercise to redirects the blocked energy chakra within the body.
Shakti mudra and ushas mudra help balance the sacral chakra. These Mudras (Hand Gestures)
stabilize the imbalance caused by several factors. Usha Mudra pacifies creativity and sexuality.
Shakti Mudra is practiced to enhance your physical and mental wellbeing hence focusing on inner
Now combine Meditation, Mudra, and Chant along the Mantra to see you transform.
4. Practice hip opening yoga poses
Hip opening yoga poses can help alleviate physical problems caused by the imbalance of sacral
chakra. Yoga poses to balance sacral chakra are upavistha konasana, goddess pose, mandukasana,
pigeon pose, and triangle pose.
5. Stones for sacral chakra
In a deficient or hyperactive state of your Sacral Chakra, wear Orange Calcite, as it is directly
associated with your sexual energy and playfulness.
Carnelian Stone is helps boost your creativity, compassion, and gives you courage. Citrine also
possesses the same characteristics as that of carnelian stone and contains cleansing qualities to
prevent blockage of Sacral Chakra.
You can wear Moonstone for its soothing and emerging properties in the case of hyperactive state
and underactive of Second Chakra.
6. Food to balance
Since the Wheel depicts the second element, water and is orange in colour, feed yourself watery
vegetables, like watermelons, muskmelons, cucumber, Pine Apples, Oranges, Mangoes, etc. Try
Cinnamon, Vanilla, and sesame seeds for spices to tune up your abdomen and neighbouring parts.
Affirmations to Vitalise imbalanced Sacral Chakra
In the end, speak these affirmations as a reminder to yourself:
 I value my body
 I am peaceful inside and outside
 I feel compassion and pleasure
 I embrace my sexuality
 I am creative and full of desires
 I allow myself to connect indifferently
 Every relationship is full of joy.
 I stay connected with my feelings.
If you haven’t been to any water sighting, do it now because that is what disturbs your Sacral
Chakra. Most likely, lack of water in your body leads to urinary and bladder-related troubles,
ultimately misaligning the second chakra. Taking a walk to the riverside, seashore, or a lake will help
you indeed.

3rd Chakra – The Solar Plexus Chakra – Manipura

The third Wheel of life is denoted by Manipura, which sits right at the center of the body. It is placed
directly above the navel also associating itself with your digestive system.
‘Manipura‘ means the ‘Lustrous Gem‘ which is located in the center of the body. It has a symbol of a
descending red triangle inside the circle that signifies your will power and individual identity.
The 10 number of Petals represent ten Pranas of vibrations in Solar plexus chakra. It has a yellow
color comparing your light to that of the sun. The bright yellow color stands for the energy you hold for
your personal and professional growth.
Its principal element is Fire associating with body organs Pancreas, Stomach, Liver, and Gall Bladder.
Qualities of Solar Plexus Chakra
The qualities associated with the Solar Plexus Chakra are:
 It is the meeting point of Prana and Apana (the second life force of total five i.e., Prana, Apana, Vyana,
Udana, and Samana).
 Your consciousness and will power.
 It is linked with your ego and exertion of will power and self-control.
 Distribution of Nourishing elements in the body.
Signs of Balanced Solar Plexus Chakra
The following states indicate that your third Wheel is balanced.
 When you feel more determined and self-confident in whatever you do.
 Your will to seek the truth about your life grows further.
 You become more decisive, self-controlled, and affirmed about your intention and actions.
Signs of Overactive Solar Plexus Chakra
In the overactive state of Solar Plexus Chakra:
 You tend to become excessively authoritative and try to get control over people or surroundings.
 You try to speculate things more logically.
 Making plans and rigid limits over yourself are one of the examples of the overactive state of Solar
Plexus Chakra.
Getting angry over little things is one of the most common issues arising due to the excited state of
Manipura Chakra.
How to Balance Solar Plexus Chakra –
To ground the overactive Solar Plexus Chakra, you need to:
 Open up yourself with love and kindness to others.
 Show compassion and empathy for others as well as yourself.
 Give more time to yourself to realize your actions and assess them.
 Your actions must be such that they do not affect people in your surroundings negatively.
Signs of Underactive Solar Plexus Chakra
You are easily depressed when you go through a deficient state of Solar Plexus Chakra.
 In this state, you become less confidence; hence, losing your decision-making ability.
 You grow to become shyer and are unable to speak out your concern.
 You lose your ability to realize your self-worth, are more submissive, and less likely to respect yourself.
How to Energize Underactive Solar Plexus Chakra –
 Since the Bija Mantra associated with Solar Plexus Chakra is “Ram” chanting this seed sound is helpful
to restore this Wheel to the energized state.
 The yellow-colored foods help stimulate the Underactive Solar Plexus Chakra. You can enrich your diet
with turmeric, and eat yellow colored-fruits and vegetables. Cereals, flax seeds, and rice to boost your
Manipura Chakra.
 Crystals that stimulate your Solar Plexus Chakra are Amber, Citrine, Lemon Quartz, Yellow Jasper,
and Yellow Tourmaline.
“Contemplating the Self as the Manipura chakra, which is luminous like the rising Sun, and gazing at
the tip of the nose, the yogi shakes the world.” – Goraksha-Praddhati
The prior thing that separates us from the crowd is our confidence, self-esteem and will power.
Every person is different in behavior and character only because of these things. Isn’t it?
All these powers come from our subtle body and the source of our inner powers in our subtle body
is Manipur/Solar Plexus Chakra.
Solar Plexus or Manipura Chakra: Energy Centre of Transformation
The third major chakra in the series of 7 chakras is Manipura Chakra- the Solar Plexus Chakra. This
chakra is associated with fire, the power of transformation. The energy of this chakra allows us to
transform according to the challenges of our life.
The literal meaning of Manipura in Sanskrit is ‘City of
Gems’, where ‘Mani’ means ‘gem’ and ‘Pura’ means ‘city’. In the case of
chakra, Manipura means Bright Gem or Lustrous Gem. In Yogic language, the gem within us is our
self-esteem and will power and this chakra is the source of our confidence and self-esteem.
Balancing this chakra makes out your true self shine brightly.
This chakra is located in the navel region just above the belly and below the breastbone. This is
located at the center of our body.
Manipura chakra is the junction of Prana and Apana Vayu. This is the core of our personality and
Moreover, Solar Plexus Chakra is also called Navel chakra. The Srimad Bhagawatam also calls
Manipura Chakra by the name of Navel Chakra in the following Verse.
कृ त्वा समानावनिलौ जितासना सोदानमुत्थात्य च नाभिचक्रतः ।
Then she (kundalini) carried the life air upwards and placed it in the position of equilibrium near the
Nabhi Chakra/ Navel Chakra [Manipura Chakra.] (S.B. 4.4.25)
Manipura Chakra in Detail To know Solar Plexus Chakra in detail, you need to draw your attention
to the following points. Location, Color significance, Symbol, The energy frequency and seed
mantra, Associated element.
Location of Manipura Chakra Manipura Chakra is located in the Naval region (just above the navel),
in correspondence with the solar plexus.
There is a lot of confusion in the exact location of this chakra. Many say it is exactly at the navel,
however, many say it exactly at the Solar Plexus. But the location of Manipura is described by Guru
Gorakhnatha in Goraksha Sataka.
तं नाभिमण्डलं चक्र प्रोच्यते मणिपुरकम् ।
Chakra present in Navel region is called Manipura.
According to Ramkrishna Paramhansa and Swami Vivekananda,
the Chakras do not exist in the gross body or physical body.
Moreover, they are part of the subtle body and are only visible
when the Sushumna Nadi is opened.
Organs associated with the solar plexus chakra
Due to its location at the abdomen, Manipura Chakra is
connected with the pancreas, organs of the digestive system and the outer adrenal glands. These
glands secrete hormones for digestion and conversion of food into energy.
Color Significance The color associated with the Manipura Chakra is Yellow.
Yellow is the color for brightness and enlightenment. This color represents energy. Yellow is also
considered as the color of the sun, that represents shine.
Here Yellow color signifies the enlightenment of one’s true self. This means Solar Plexus Chakra
emits bright energy to show one’s strong will power and confidence.
Symbol of Solar Plexus Chakra Manipura Chakra is represented by a downward-facing triangle in
the middle of a ten petal lotus in yellow color.
1. The number of petals (10 petals). 10 petals represent 10 pranas within us. These petals are
connected to 5 pranas and 5 upa-pranas [efn_note] what are pranas and upa-prana
2. The Downward-Facing Triangle. The
downward-facing triangle signifies the energy of
the lower three chakras is being gathered and
spread towards the higher chakras.
3. Symbolized Animal. Ram (riding animal of
God of fire) is the animal symbol of this chakra.
4. Deities Connected. Deities connected to this
symbol are Shiva and Shakti Lakini (wife of lord
The energy frequency and seed mantra
Bijaakshara or Seed Mantra: RAM
Frequency: 384 Hz
Associated Element with Manipura Chakra
Out of 5 elements lies within us, the element
associated with the Manipura Chakra is
Fire/Agni that is formed as heat in the solar
plexus. Therefore we also call it the Fire center
of the body.
The Manipura Chakra associates with the
following behavioral characteristics.
 Control over thoughts and emotions.
 Willpower and self-discipline.
 Confidence and self-esteem.
 Power to transform thoughts into ideas.
Balanced Solar Plexus (Manipura) Chakra
When the Solar Plexus Chakra is balanced, one becomes confident and determined. We become
self-controlled and self-disciplined. It is like mastering our own body. The following are
characteristics of a Balanced Manipura Chakra.
 Inner empowerment- The Manipura Chakra is the core of our powers, so, it gives us control over
the thought process, emotions, and mood swings. As a result, a good mood and optimistic point
of view arise.
 Calm Mind– Controlling over our thought process and emotions, Solar Plexus Chakra allows us
the flexibility of mind. We become calm and flexible. Further, we do not get angry easily, and we
solve every problem with a calm mind.
 Self-esteem- The Solar Plexus is the source of our self-esteem and confidence. So, it gives us the
power to believe in ourselves and make decisions & actions confidently.
 Digestion- Manipura Chakra helps to generate the digestive fire. Balance in this chakra keeps
the digestive system healthy.
Imbalanced in Solar plexus Chakra Even a slight imbalance in Solar Plexus Chakra can damage our
inner willpower and confidence. As a result, the following disorders take place in our body.
 Problems in the liver and kidney, Difficulty in respiration, Nerve pain, Poor digestion.
 Get easily offended, Feeling of worthlessness, Dissatisfaction and restlessness.
 Anger, Overreactiveness, Judgemental, Unwillingness.
A blockage in Solar Plexus Chakra makes you greedy, short-tempered and unwilling. Moreover, you
will feel worthless and all your desires will seem unreachable. This makes us angry and rude.
There are two types of imbalances in Manipura Chakra. One, when it becomes overactive and
second when it becomes underactive. Let’s discuss them one by one.
Overactive Solar Plexus Chakra When Manipura Chakra is overactive, one becomes power-hungry
and highly aggressive. In addition, one becomes a bit bossy type and try to get control over other
people. Here are some signs that occur when Solar Plexus is overactive.
 Getting angry over little things, Trying to get control over the surroundings, Self-centered
behavior, Lust for power, Hyperactive and possessive, Intolerant or conservative behavior,
Underactive Solar Plexus Chakra When Solar Plexus Chakra is underactive, one feels a lack of
confidence and ambition. Here are some signs of underactive Manipura Chakra are: Losing decision
making power, Hesitation to speak out your concern, Lack of confidence and willpower, Bad
digestion, Low self-esteem and self-trust, Weak mentality and thought process, Fear to take
If you feel any of the symptoms within you, it means your Solar Plexus Chakra is imbalanced. Now
the question comes what you need to do to balance this chakra?
So, let me take you to the process of balancing the Manipura Chakra.
How to balance your Solar Plexus Chakra? When there is an imbalance in your Solar Plexus Chakra,
you need to do the following practices in your daily life to balance it.
Physical Activities: 1. Give some time to yourself: In our busy lives, we often forget to give time to
ourselves. Consequently, this habit doesn’t let you analyze yourself. Give some time to yourself, try
to realize your actions and their outcomes. In addition, try to deepen your mind towards your inner
self. This will let you know who you are and what you are capable of.
2. Behavioral Changes: Your rude behavior does not let you open up with others. Try to express
yourself to others with love and kindness. Certainly, open up with others and try to get some new
experiences. Getting out of your zone and trying something new can help you to open up and bring
balance to Manipura Chakra.
3. Get Some Sunlight: Since the fire element is the core element of Solar Plexus Chakra, therefore,
the Sun has a very beneficial effect on it. So, try to get out on sunny days and take sunbaths. This
can help you to balance the Solar Plexus Chakra.
Yogic Activities Yoga practices can be very helpful to balance your Solar Plexus Chakra. Hence, you
can perform the following Yoga practices to bring balance to this chakra.
Yoga Asanas: Here is a list of Yoga Asanas that you can perform to bring balance to your Manipura
Chakra. Surya Namaskara (Sun salutation), Paripurna Navasana (Boat Pose)
 Tittibhasan ( Firefly pose), Dhanurasana (Bow pose)
Yoga Mudra The following Yoga Mudras are very beneficial to balance Manipura Chakra: Surya
Mudra, Apana Mudra, Rudra Mudra, Anjali Mudra
In addition, when you perform these mudras in conjunction with Pranayama, these mudras show
the best effects.
Meditation Meditation is very helpful in balancing the chakras. When you perform meditation for
balancing the chakras, you need to bring your awareness to the location of that chakra. Similarly,
here you need to bring your awareness to the location of Solar Plexus Chakra, which is just above
the navel. You can perform the following steps to balance this chakra with meditation.
 Sit in a comfortable Asana such as Sukhasana or Padmasana, hands on your lap. Relax your
whole body with a couple of breaths and close your eyes.
 Bring your awareness to the Manipura Chakra location, that is just above the navel.
 Since this chakra is associated with Yellow color, therefore, imagine a yellow source of light just
above your navel.
 Now take deep breaths and try to warm the navel region. Maintain the whole process for 5-10
 When you are done, rub your hands on your face gently and slowly open your eyes.
 Chant the mantra RAM (Manipura Seed Mantra) during the meditation
Moreover, you can do this whole process in Kapalbhati Pranayama for better results.
Solar Plexus Chakra Affirmation
Affirmations are some positive thoughts or statements, that we say to ourselves, so that, we can
conquer fear and negative thoughts. Here are some powerful affirmations that help in balancing the
Solar Plexus Chakra. I am strong and confident. I pose my own powers. I love myself and accept
every aspect of my life. I am worthy of love and respect. I am the creator and ruler of my life.
Solar Plexus Crystals It is believed that nature and Earth pose the same powers as our bodies. Since
crystals and stones are part of nature and Earth, therefore they associate some powers within them
and helps in balancing the chakras.
To balance the Solar Plexus Chakra, helpful crystals and stones are Citrine, Carnelian, Topaz, Tiger
Eye Stone, Malachite, Amber and Yellow Sapphire. Among these, the most beneficial stone is the
Tiger Eye Stone.

4th Chakra – The Heart Chakra – Anahata

The Fourth in the Seven Major Chakras is represented by green
color which signifying the free flow of energy like air, hence has
air as its element.
The symbol of heart chakra denoted with 12 Lotus Petals.
Heart Chakra encompasses the areas surrounding the heart,
which are Lungs, thymus, and liver. Since this Chakra is in line
with heart, it is also associated with blood circulation.
Qualities of Heart Chakra
 Ability to maintain relationships with people
 It’s the center of your awareness and insight integration
 How you love others and yourself determined through the Heart chakra
The Heart Chakra at a Glance
Sanskrit Anahata – unstruck sound
Name – Meaning
Location Centre of chest
Color Green
Seed Mantra YAM
Element Air
Characteristics Harmony with nature, unco
Symptoms of blocked Headaches, blurred vision,
hormone function
Healing crystal Green Aventurine, Prehnite,
Image Source: fitsri
Kindness is the language which the deaf can
hear and the blind can see.
– Mark Twain
With this quote, I would like to mark the
importance of the Heart Chakra i.e. the chakra
of relationships motivated by the principles of
integration and transformation.
The heart chakra is the center of the chakra
system, in terms of its location in the body and
4th in order among 7 major chakras. Being at
the center it connects the lower 3 chakras (root
chakra, sacral chakra, solar plexus chakra) with
the upper 3 higher chakras (throat chakra, third
eye chakra, crown chakra).
In the lower 3 chakras, the ego (as our
identity) is connected to the mundane
world, to security, outer beauty, and the world of name and fame. Here, in the fourth chakra, the
ego opens for a greater cause, and instead of being self-centered, it makes us feel one with all. It’s
the quality of heart chakra.
The heart chakra is associated with balance, serenity, and calmness. When you become anxious or
stressed, your brain overrides the emotions that block your heart chakra and you will notice both
mental and physical disturbance.
This guide will lighten your vision about your feelings to get connected to other souls by allowing
awareness to penetrate the heart chakra.
Anahata chakra meaning
Anahata is the Sanskrit term used for the heart chakra. This term literally means “unstruck or
unbeaten sound”, the sound that is produced without striking any objects. It’s usually associated
with a calm sound void of peace, also called soundless sound.
The sound of OM is the perfect example of Anahata. It is believed, the natural vibration of OM is
still present in the universe as it was at the time of the creation of the universe (when there was
nothing to make sound).
The reason the heart chakra is associated with the Anahata sound because the heart opens up the
door of higher wisdom. It can only be perceived when one is able to be receptive enough to
perceive the subtlest sounds i.e. the sound of thyself. And one of the most important ways of
achieving this listening ability is meditation. Nada yoga and kriya yoga practices can help you
achieve that meditation state easily.
Location and associated organs
The heart chakra is located in the front and middle of your chest (between right and left lung),
behind, and slightly to the left of your breastbone. From the back view, it lies at the level of T8
thoracic vertebrae.
The significance of the heart chakra’s area close ties to the lungs and the heart, oxygen regulation
plays key components in keeping the heart chakra balanced. Pranayama is a potent practice to help
this space of the energy system in the human body.
This chakra is mainly associated with the upper back, including the thorax and thoracic cavity, the
lower area of lungs, skin, hands, and arms. This heart space has connections with the cardiovascular
system, the respiratory system, and the immune system.
Moreover, the heart chakra regulates the thymus endocrine gland which is an important part of the
immune system. The thymus gland is said “higher heart chakra”, also knows as “seat of the soul”. It
represents spiritual growth, unconditional love, compassion, and forgiveness.
Green color significance
It is believed that each chakra in your body is directly associated with a particular color and vibrates
your body with its own frequency.
The soul is tinged with the color of its thoughts.
The heart chakra has green color. Its green color represents freshness, safety, compassion, and the
ability to transform. It emphasizes the essence of fresh growth, the promise of new hopes, the
eternal nature, and the ability to share the love.
Exposure to green chakra color objects like plants in the morning prompts the release of cortisol
(stress hormone). It helps you wake up early and gives rise to fresh stimulation in the morning time.
Heart chakra symbol

Each of the 7 chakras is represented by a unique

symbol that tells the core qualities and function of
that particular chakra.
The symbol for the heart chakra is a circle of twelve
lotus petals surrounding two intersecting triangles,
forming a six-pointed star.
The heart chakra symbol has the following elements.
1. Twelve lotus petals: Twelve petals positioned in a circle depicted qualities of heart when the
chakra lies in balanced state.
2. The animal nature: In the Hindu tradition, the deity associated with the heart chakra is Vayu
(air), who sits at the center of the symbol, riding an antelope.
The animal nature here is well depicted by the black antelope. It runs around restlessly but
always in joy, searching for the source of the smell of the musk that resides in its navel.
3. Triangles: The triangles represent the descent of spirit into the body and the ascent of matter
rising to meet the spirit. The heart is indeed a center of the intersection of two triangles,
creating a Shatkona (6 angles), a symbol used in Hindu Yantra.
The energy frequency and seed mantra The energy spread out of each chakra corresponds to a
certain frequency and wavelength of the visible spectrum.
Heart chakra vibrates at 639 Hz frequency. The sound of this frequency helps balance emotions and
elevate the mood. Listening to the music of this frequency helpful when you are anxious, feeling
negative emotions in your heart, or have relationship problems.
YAM is the seed mantra of the heart chakra that corresponds to 639 Hz frequency. This “mantra” is
connected to the control over the air and Prana (life force) in our body.
The heart chakra element is Vayu (air), the least dense of our physical elements so far. It makes the
heart chakra dominant in the Vata dosha person. Air represents freedom, openness, and freshness,
lightness, simplicity, and softness.
Characteristics of heart chakra The heart chakra is the control center for compassion, empathy,
connection, and forgiveness. It lets you experience and accepts any situation in life, no matter
circumstances are in favor or against you.
This chakra determines your ability to rise up beyond materialistic identity. It’s actually the state
when you identify yourself with the higher self.
When your heart chakra is activated, you allow yourself to be guided by the power of higher self
that many refer to as God, or The Source, or Cosmic Intelligence.
The voice of Heart Chakra enchants; “I am worthy of love. I lovingly allow joy to flow through my
mind, body, and experience”. which can be experienced when;
1. Release Expectations When expectations are not met as per our definitions, we get to hurt. So
let go and release the expectations from life. Focus on doing activities and then respect the
outcome, This is what Karma Yoga teaches us. On releasing expectation, love flows unconditionally
and thus you can feel fully blossomed Heart Chakra.
2. Release Attachments Desire gives the fear of losing and hence gives suffering. Whatever gives us
pleasure also gives us pain. We are no longer a victim of desires connected to the material world
when we can surrender our ego.
To evolve in life, one has to break attachments, remove expectations and make love unconditional
and divine.
3. Trust your Relationships Having trust over relations with full awareness is what Anahata is based
on. No one betrays anyone but acts as per their perceptions, limitations, priorities, and fears.
4. Forgiveness Release the pain and hurt and forgive those who hurt intentionally or non-
intentionally as that alone will set you free.
How to know if heart chakra is balanced? When our heart chakra is balanced and open, waves of
love and compassion flow within us, enabling us quickly to forgive, and accept others and ourselves.
Balancing the Anahata chakra allows us to release our emotional pain through unconditional love.
The ancient classics believed that our “jiva atman” (soul)- resides in the heart chakra, which is the
transition zone of our material self to the divine self. As the heart center expands with love and
compassion, our sapling of inner peace and harmony can open and grow. Balanced heart chakra
manifests in the form of;
 Harmony with nature
 Unconditional love
 Positive neutrality
 Harmonious relationships
 Nonjudgmental of self or others
 Compassionate
 Peaceful
Imbalanced heart chakra symptoms and its causes An imbalanced heart chakra gives way to grief,
anger, jealousy, fear of betrayal, and hatred toward ourselves and others. It results in physical
symptoms including asthma, heart problems, hypertension, breathing problems, infection at the
level of the lung, and bronchitis.
Imbalanced heart chakra manifests in the form of; Loneliness, Jealousy, Bitterness, Inability to
forgive, Passive aggression, Inability to love, Judgmental, Lack of empathy, Smothering behavior
An imbalanced heart chakra leads you to experience poor energy levels in the whole body as the
heart basically is the center of all bodily functions. The predominance of negativity and hate can be
responsible for an imbalance in the heart chakra. You will feel hopeless, shy, rejected, and
disconnected from the whole world. Hopelessness can make you distance yourself from other
people and you will lose some valuable relationships.
Physically you will feel a weaker immune system (colds, flu, and frequent infection), low/high blood
pressure, poor circulation, and breathing difficulties happen because of the imbalanced heart
1. Overactive heart chakra
When there is an excess flow of energy in the heart, it manifests imbalance in the form of the
overactive heart chakra.
If the heart chakra is overly open, it may exhibit into:
 Being overly demanding, especially close family or partner
 Extending to fulfill other people’s perceived needs to the cost of one’s balance
 The tendency to feel like a victim
 Losing a sense of personal boundaries in a way that is detrimental for well-being
Apart from this, because of overactive Anahata Chakra, we get disconnected in our relationships
and get controlled by emotions and possessiveness.
2. Blocked heart chakra
When there is suppressed flow of energy in the heart, it manifests imbalance in the form of the
blocked or underactive heart chakra.
In the case of the blocked heart chakra, there is a lack of compassion and empathy for self and
others in person. A person becomes cold-hearted and emotionally inaccessible, or overly sensitive.
Underactive Anahata makes us feel scared to love or be loved because
of fear of betrayal. Therefore we continue to hold on to bitterness,
sorrow, and grief and do not trust others, become judgmental, critical,
and intolerant.
How to balance heart chakra?
Hand gesture apana vayu mudra at heart level. Source: canva
1. Incorporating karma yoga principles
Karma yoga is the path that emphasizes one to follow their duty without
any attachment to the results. Incorporating the principles of karma
yoga principles can help you open the heart chakra.
1. Experience without attachment – Experience each moment for what it is and accept it,
without referencing it to past or future moments. No moment can last forever because
nothing is permanent.
2. Let go of attachment to the past – We often remain cling to situations or people when we
feel happy, safe, and comfortable with their company. So, letting go past attachments and
opening the mind and heart, sets away to a new future.
3. Let go of attachment to outcomes – Make peace with the moment as it is, without worrying
about the outcome. Release the need to know and accept uncertainty. There are no
guarantees about how life will play out. Just live well today.
4. Let Go of Attachment to Feelings – Understand that pain is unavoidable. You will lose things
that matter and feel some level of pain. But it doesn’t have to be as bad as you think. As the
saying goes, pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.
2. Practice pranayama and heart opening yoga poses
Balancing the heart chakra with yoga helps to live with an open heart, accept people, to accept
ourselves, and dispose of hatred and negativity.
Pranayama practice directly impacts the working of the heart by regulating the flow of air entering
in and out of the lungs. These pranayama breathing exercises for lungs will surely help you maintain
open up and balance your heart chakra.
Try to incorporate the following yoga poses to open your heart chakra and view the world through
the eyes of love;
 Half Camel Pose (Ardha-Ushtrasana): Half Camel Pose is a deep backbend for your upper
back, and literally and metaphorically opens up your heart space.
 Wheel Pose (Urdhva Dhanurasana): Wheel Pose develops mobility and flexibility in your
spine and hip flexors as well as creating space in your heart.
 Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana): Bridge Pose is a gentler variation of Wheel Pose
and it begins to create flexibility and strength in your spine.
 Reverse warrior pose: Warrior 1 Pose strengthens your quads while creating flexibility in
your hips.
 Upward Facing Dog Pose ( Urdhva Mukha asana): Upward-Facing Dog strengthens and tones
your arms while creating flexibility in your spine.
 Bow Pose (Dhanurasana): Bow Pose generates mobility in your spine as well as flexibility in
your hip flexors.
3. Practice meditation with heart chakra mudra
Meditation and mudras make a perfect combined practice to direct energy to any part of the body.
All we have to do is meditate on a particular part of the body and hold hands in a specific mudra to
redirect energy to that part.
To balance the heart chakra, holding hands in Apana vayu mudra and bringing your awareness to
the heart center is the easiest way. This mudra has the power to ease the pain around the chest
area and improves blood circulation.
4. Using heart chakra stones
One of the best ways to balance an underactive or overactive heart chakra is by using crystals.
The nine crystals below all resonate at the frequency of the heart chakra, so they enhance love and
compassion. They also allow empathy and forgiveness to flow freely, which can bring harmony to
any relationship.
 Rose Quartz: Stone of Unconditional Love
 Rhodochrosite: Stone for Selfless Love and Compassionate Heart.
 Emerald: Stone of Successful Love
 Rhodonite: Stone of Self Love and Unconditional Love referred to as an emotional balancer.
 Green Aventurine (Stone of Opportunity)
 Green Jade: Dream Stone and Stone of Fidelity
 Amazonite: Stone of Hope and Courage, supports both the heart and throat chakra.
 Prehnite: Stone of Unconditional Love and Healing
5. Add heart chakra food in diet and do lifestyle changes
Green vegetables and fruits are your great companion to open up your blocked heart chakra.
 Eat green vegetables like leafy greens, salad greens, pot herbs, brussels sprouts, spinach, and
 Use aromatherapy oils such as Sandalwood, Jasmine, Lavender, and Geranium.
 Listen to the sound of wind instruments like flute, saxophone, etc.
 Wear 15 Mukhi Rudraksha and gemstones like Emerald.
If you keep your heart chakra balanced and healthy you can be transformed into a loving and
compassionate person towards others. You can’t expect anything in return but give forgiveness,
love, and kindness to others because this is the only thing that heart chakra is aiding you to do.

Sign of Balanced Heart Chakra

 One tends to feel love and compassion for yourself as you do for others.
 You treat everyone with unconditional affection, selflessly with compassion, and devotion.
 No matter how tense or sparse your situation is, you still have empathetic thoughts for others.
Signs of Overactive Heart Chakra
You sense to have been undergoing an overactive Heart Chakra if:
 You overexpress your feelings.
 Become too judgmental and jealous.
 Unable to control your emotions or have grown too much affection to something or someone.
 You are undergoing a discerning relationships
 Your sentiments are ruling you.
 Saying yes has become your habit without even considering the pros and cons of it.
How to Balance Heart Chakra
You can bring your Heart Chakra to a Balanced State by:
 Treating yourself with some visits to nature.
 Learning to love yourself and letting go is the first way to bring the Anahata Chakra to Balance.
 Learn to say no at times when necessary. Sometimes it the best way to heed to yourself.
 Remain kind and compassionate to others even at your worst.
Signs of Underactive Heart Chakra
The underactive heart chakra is when you experiencing:
 Lack emotions for others.
 You are hard to be kind to others or compassionate.
 It is hard to get involved in love relationships for you.
How to Energize Underactive Heart Chakra
You can raise your energy level of underactive Heart chakra using these simple acts.
 Green is the primary color, so have green food, take walks in the places full of greenery surrounding
yourself with this color.
 Practice reciting the chant of “Yum” while meditating to up the level of heart Chakra.
 Wear gems that enhance your Heart Chakra namely Malachite (that prevents negativity from
entering you and pacifying heart chakra energy level), Epidote (to enhance good intentions), and
Chrysoprase (to bring more joy and positivity).

5th Chakra – The Throat Chakra – Vishuddha

Vishuddha, the 5th chakra, means Purity and Clarity.
5th Chakra sits at the center of the neck on throat navel hence
also known as Throat Chakra. Located in the vicinity of the vocal
cords, the Throat Chakra signifies the ability to speak and hear the
Throat Chakra symbol symbolizes using a circle inside a
descending triangle with a crescent moon that defines your pure
instinct and communication ability. It is identified by the color blue
and has 16 Lotus petals.
The other names by which throat Chakra known are KanthPadma and ShodsashDala.
Qualities of Throat Chakra
 Your ability to express the truth and listen to the truth
 Ability to be creative and realize your purpose
 Defines verbal and non-verbal communication as well as internal and non-internal communication
Sign of Balanced Throat Chakra
 You are more precise about your thought process and communication.
 Your creative side to the world is better reflected.
 You are affirmed about your purpose.
Signs of Overactive Throat Chakra
 Losing control over your speech.
 Your words sound hurtful.
 Manipulative words or thoughts start creeping into your mind.
How to Balance Throat Chakra
 Practicing to listen more and speak less
 Inculcating Patience and thinking about what you are to talk about and to whom
 Keeping close to the blue sky or ocean, since the blue color is the indicator of Throat Chakra
Signs of Underactive Throat Chakra
 A slurry and less confident speech.
 Lack of ability to express yourself.
 Less communication with the people.
 Feeling scared while expressing your views.
How to Energize Underactive Throat Chakra –
Try these simple ways to amplify the deficient Throat Chakra:
 Get involved yourself in Art and creativity more.
 Chant the Bija Mantra (Seed Sound)- Hum/Ham often while Meditating.
 Wear Blue Stones and Gems that help you escalate the lower energy levels, which are: Azurite,
Lapis, Turquoise, Lazuli, Sodalite, and Aquamarine.
Throat Chakra (Vishuddha) Meaning: What Is It?
In the series of 7 major chakras in our body, the throat chakra holds the title of the fifth
chakra when counting in ascending order from the base of the spine to the crown of the head.
The throat chakra is the home of creativity with sound, as it is located at the base of the subtle
body’s throat. Its purpose is to express truth emanating from the soul and to serve as the center
of communication, speech, and the regulation of hearing and listening
In Sanskrit, it’s referred to as Vishuddha, which literally means “Purest.” Indeed, Vishuddha is
associated with something that is purified on both a physical and mental level.
Other names of the throat chakra include Kantha, Kantha-desha, Kantha-padma, Kantha-pankaja,
shodasha, and kanthambhoja, etc.
The element associated with this chakra is ether/akasha, which acts as a transmitting pathway to
the vibrations of mantras.
The energy that emanates from this chakra is the source
of the voice in the body and acts as a pressure valve,
allowing the energy to transfer from one chakra to the
next one.

Signs of an Imbalanced Throat Chakra

An imbalanced throat chakra can manifest in various
ways, both physically and spiritually. Here are the signs
that indicate an imbalance in the throat chakra:
Physical Symptoms:
1. Sore Throat: Persistent or recurrent sore throat
without apparent physical cause.
2. Tight Jaw: Tension and tightness in the jaw,
leading to discomfort and restricted movement.
3. Stiff Neck: Stiffness and discomfort in the neck
4. Frequent Headaches: Headaches that occur frequently and may be related to tension in the
throat and neck.
Spiritual and Emotional Signs:
1. Habitual Lying: Engaging in a pattern of dishonesty or avoidance of truth.
2. Fear and Doubt: Overwhelming feelings of fear and doubt, particularly in expressing oneself
3. Stammering or Loss for Words: Difficulty articulating thoughts, leading to stammering or
being at a loss for words.
4. Feelings of Isolation: Sensation of being isolated and misunderstood in communication.
5. Manipulative Behavior: Resorting to manipulative tactics rather than open and honest
Communication Challenges:
1. Fear of Speaking: A heightened fear of speaking in public or expressing oneself.
2. Difficulty Expressing Feelings: Challenges in expressing emotions and feelings verbally.
3. Shyness and Withdrawal: Becoming shy, quiet, and withdrawn in social situations.
4. Disconnected from Desires: Feeling out of touch with personal desires and aspirations.
5. Lack of Trust in Intuition: Inability to trust intuitive powers and inner guidance.
Physical Imbalances:
1. Cold Symptoms: Recurrent cold-like symptoms, possibly linked to suppressed expression.
2. Tickle or Phlegm in the Throat: Sensation of a tickle or excess phlegm in the throat.
3. Coughing: Persistent or unexplained coughing.
4. Stress: Heightened stress levels, especially related to communication.
5. Hyperactivity: Restlessness and hyperactivity.
6. Allergies: Increased susceptibility to allergies.
7. Signs of a Goiter: Swelling or enlargement of the thyroid gland in the neck.
8. Stuffy, Runny Nose: Persistent nasal symptoms.
9. Fatigue: Unexplained fatigue and lack of energy.
Sign of Balanced Throat Chakra
When the Throat chakra is in a balanced stage, one can express thoughts and desires in a
connective relationship with the heart chakra and the mind.
The energy radiated from the balanced Vishuddha chakra springs upward from the sacral chakra
through the solar plexus and continues its path, enabling the free expression of values and needs
within the energy.
During this balanced state, individuals:
 Openly express feelings and thoughts.
 Live in a creative way.
 Possess a good sense of timing and communication skills.
 Engage in imaginative and imperative speech.
 Trust their inner guidance, viz., their inner selves.
 Openly share knowledge.
Therefore, when your voice is rhythmic and resonant, clear with precise expression, it symbolizes
your balanced stage of the fifth chakra, defining your ability to make decisions and, consequently,
to follow your dreams.
Throat Chakra : Location, Sybmbol & Mantra
1. Location: Throat Chakra
Anatomical Location: Located at the center of the neck at the level of the throat above the
This chakra acts as the passage of the energy between the lower parts of the body and the head,
and is mainly driven by the principle of expression and communication.
Corresponding to the laryngeal nerve, this chakra is associated with both hearing and listening & is
the purification point of the body and the center of wisdom, willpower, truth.
The Throat chakra is associated with the pharyngeal and brachial plexus and is connected to the
body organs mouth, jaws, tongue, pharynx, and palate. It’s is also linked to the shoulders and the
Glands Associated: Thyroid, which regulates the processing of energy in the body through
temperature, growth, and in large parts, metabolism.
2. Color Coding of Throat Chakra:

Color: Blue or turquoise

In our color spectrum, Blue is the first of the three primary
colors, connecting us with the Divine and it is also the color
associated with Heaven.
Blue energy is pure, soothing, healing & is also at the cooler
end of the spectrum, allowing us to take time to be still.
On physical anatomical level blue relates to the throat,
esophagus, thyroid gland, neck, cervical spine, mouth, teeth,
and jaw.
3. Symbol of Awakening:

 Number of Petals in Throat Chakra

Symbol: 16 (Sixteen)
 The lotus flower symbolizes the development
of human consciousness. This chakra has 16
petals, each linked with one of the Sanskrit
vowels and a mantra.
 White Circle/Silver Crescent: The central
chakra region is white, transparent, sky-blue,
symbolizing the cosmic sound (nadam),
representing purity. It signifies the full moon,
pointing towards psychic powers.
 Downward-Pointing Triangle: Represents the akasamandala. The downward-pointing
triangle of the throat chakra symbolizes spiritual growth and is affiliated with the gathering
of information, while the wide upward sides represent knowledge leading to Enlightenment.
 White Elephant: Airavata (elephant) is the animal gesture of the throat chakra. Airavata
carries the sound mantra, and according to Hindu mythology, it is associated with Indra, the
god of thunder. The white elephant is symbolic of strength, prosperity, and luck.
4. The Energy Frequency and Seed Mantra:
 Frequency: 384 Hz, with the seed mantra “HAM.”
 HAM unblocks the Throat Chakra, defining your physical and spiritual voice.
Ham is the mantra to unblock the Throat Chakra defining our physical and spiritual voice
viz the means of communicating of “who you are” and “what you need and want” from
yourself and the universe
5. Associated Element with Throat Chakra:
The element associated with the Throat Chakra is Ether/Spirit/Life and Sound
which represents the Level of Psychology/Mind and is associated with
Transformation, Unification, Power, Time.
Through the throat, the sound is propagated into the air and its vibration can
be felt not just in our ears, but also in our whole body.
Characteristics of Throat Chakra
1. Honor your right to speak: This characteristic is quintessential to the throat chakra as each word
acts as your bond. Every time you give your word, you’re putting your honor on the line. This
implies that others can place their trust in you because you value integrity and would never let
them down.
2. Honor your unique power of existence: Each being is born with unique talents and has a
distinctive life purpose. This emphasizes the necessity to analyze true desires clearly and not be
influenced or enchanted by others. Balanced throat chakra fosters self-esteem, whether
negative or positive, allowing individuals to accept their uniqueness and express it.
3. The 5 T’s of Communication: The 5 T’s of communication include: Throat chakra – Balanced,
Timing, Tone, Technique, Truth
These communication rules lay the groundwork for the total impact of our words in a positive way.
The throat chakra aids in releasing all fears of speaking and listening, ultimately allowing one to be
completely present in the moment with wisdom and the ability to articulate thoughts.
4. Respect your words; they are the bond with your Vishuddha Chakra: If you have given a
promise to someone, no matter who the person is or how small the promise, you must honor
your commitment. It demonstrates the capacity to make decisions with the knowledge that,
regardless of the decisions made, you can keep your word to yourself or to another person.
5. Will Power and Power of Choice: The choices you make reveal your intentions; hence, one
must develop strong willpower by making choices in alignment with their life purpose. This
alignment draws on both the desires of the heart and the wisdom of the mind.

6th Chakra – The Third-Eye Chakra – Ajna

The Third-Eye Chakra is also known as Ajna Chakra located in the Centre
of the forehead between the eyebrows. It is also referred to as the Brow
Chakra due to its location (in the space between the eyes).
Components of the Ajna chakra symbol are 2 Lotus petals with a
downward-pointing triangle under a circle. This symbol signifies the
merging of two important nadis viz idea and Pingala at this point.
Ajna Chakra is connected with our lower brain, pituitary gland, spine &
sixth sense. It affects the functions of eyes, ears, nose, pineal glands, and psychic or extrasensory
Qualities of Third-Eye Chakra
 Ability to perceive the concepts between life and death through wisdom
 Visualizing the surroundings using the third eye that physically does not exist
 Recognizing patterns and correlating them to a bigger picture hence bringing clarity and subtleness
Sign of Balanced Third-Eye Chakra
 It is believed that once Third Eye Chakra gets balanced, your eyes reflect it with a sparkle.
 Your vision becomes far, and metabolism gets stronger with more strength generating in the upper
 Memory becomes sharper, and your tendency to think wisely and calmly is at its optimum.
Signs of Overactive Third-Eye Chakra
The overactive state of Third Eye Chakra has drastic effects on your psychological behavior. These include:
 Fantasizing more often.
 Continuous or excessive flow of thoughts can make you mentally drained.
 Even the easiest of decisions can be hard to take in the hyper state of Ajna Chakra.
 Hallucinations, Anxiety are the most common experiences of the excessive state of Ajna Chakra.
How to Balance Third-Eye Chakra –
 To calm the hyperactive state of this Chakra, connect yourself to ground.
 To balance this state, a simple way to bring a solution is to work on the lower level chakras (Heart,
Throat, and Sacral).
 Get off the Decision-making chair and get some rest to let your senses get in line.
 Before judging others quickly, question yourself.
With the art of expression, you can share words, feelings, emotions and creativity with others and
make the world a more beautiful place, can’t you?
The throat in our body is the source of expression and influences communication, hearing and sight.
In the subtle body, we can understand the energy associated with the throat in the form of the
throat chakra.
Overactive Vishuddha Chakra
The over-reactive phase of this chakra makes the person yell and dominate others in a
conversation, not allowing them to speak or listen to them, with a loud and shrill voice, and become
judgmental by overanalyzing things.
When your Vishuddha Chakra is overactive;
 Voice will be loud with dominancy.
 Interrupt behavior with ongoing conversations.
 Over-opinionated and critical of others.
 Bad listener and intellectualize things to avoid the vulnerability of feelings.
 Mostly a compulsive liar prone to gossiping.
 Dishonors his own words with an inability to fulfill commitments and promises.
Underactive Vishuddha Chakra
Underactive chakra makes one whisper and speaks in a timid voice with stammering. These people
find it hard to initiate conversations or find the right words when speaking.
When your Vishuddha Chakra is underactive:
 Difficulty to express feelings and emotion
 Feel shy and timid.
 Unable to initiate a conversation and think that you do not have the right to ask a question.
 Feel under-rated with your own feelings and difficulty in telling the truth and being honest with
How to Balance Throat Chakra(Vishuddha)
Yoga Poses for Throat Chakra
Lion’s Breath (Simhasana Pranayama):
 Sit in a comfortable position.
 Inhale deeply through the nose.
 Exhale forcefully through the mouth, sticking out
the tongue and making a “ha” sound.
 Releases tension, stimulates the throat, and
promotes self-expression.
2. Shoulderstand (Sarvangasana):
 Lie on your back and lift your legs towards the
 Support your lower back with your hands and lift your hips.
 This pose stimulates the throat region and improves blood circulation.
3. Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana):
 Press through your feet, lift your hips towards the ceiling, and clasp your hands under
your back.
 Lift your chest towards your chin, opening the throat.
4. Ujjayi Pranayama (Ocean Breath):
 Inhale deeply through the nose, slightly constricting the back of the throat.
 Exhale slowly, creating a soft, ocean-like sound.
 Enhances mindfulness, balances the throat, and promotes clarity in communication.
5. Matsyasana (Fish Pose):
 Lie on your back and arch your chest upward, supporting the weight on your elbows.
 Stretches the neck and throat, promoting openness and expression.
6. Yin Yoga Poses:
 Poses like Sphinx, Seal, or Melting Heart
Pose help in opening and balancing the
throat chakra by targeting the neck and
upper back.
Tips for Throat Chakra Yoga:
 Practice poses that focus on stretching and
opening the neck and throat.
 Pay attention to your breath and engage in
pranayama exercises to promote mindful
 Visualize a bright blue light at the throat area during your practice to
enhance the connection with the throat chakra.
 Include affirmations related to communication and self-expression in your yoga practice.
Chanting and Mantras:
 Chanting the seed mantra associated with the throat chakra, “HAM,” can help activate and
balance it.
 Listen to or chant mantras related to communication and self-
Throat Chakra Stones One of the best ways to balance an underactive or
overactive chakra is by using crystals. The crystals below all resonate at the
frequency of the throat chakra,
 Amazonite: Dispels and guards against negativity while restoring
emotional balance.
 Lapis lazuli: Used to open, stimulate, and balance. This “stone of truth” restores your ability to
communicate effectively.
 Turquoise: Used to stimulate and balance. Dispels negativity and restores confidence to speak
and express one’s thoughts effectively.
 Aquamarine: Used to cleanse and stimulate. It offers courage and promotes tolerance and
compassion while dispelling fear.
Affirmations can be a powerful tool for balancing and healing the throat chakra. Here are some
affirmations specifically tailored to the throat chakra to help foster clear communication, authentic
expression, and balance:
1. I Speak My Truth:
 “I express myself honestly and openly.”
 “My voice is strong, and I speak my truth with confidence.”
2. I Communicate Clearly:
 “My thoughts are clear, and my words are articulate.”
 “I communicate effectively and with ease.”
3. I Listen with Understanding:
 “I listen attentively and understand the perspectives of others.”
 “I am present in conversations and show empathy.”
4. My Voice Matters:
 “I value and honor my own voice.”
 “My opinions are valid, and I deserve to be heard.”
Balance Lifestyle
A balanced lifestyle that nurtures the throat chakra involves a holistic approach to well-being. Begin
with a nourishing diet, emphasizing fruits, vegetables, and whole grains while minimizing irritants
like caffeine and alcohol. Regular exercise, especially practices like yoga, not only supports physical
health but also helps align and open the throat chakra. Prioritize hydration, as water is essential for
vocal cord health. Ensure adequate sleep to rejuvenate both body and mind, and practice
mindfulness and meditation to reduce stress and promote mental clarity.
To summarize, unleashing the power of the throat chakra is a transformative journey to authentic
living and clear communication. By understanding its importance, recognizing signs of imbalance
and cultivating a balanced lifestyle, you can pave the way to a harmonious and vibrant throat
chakra. This holistic approach not only enhances spiritual well-being, but also contributes to a more
authentic and fulfilling life.
Signs of Underactive Third-Eye Chakra
This Chakra is said to be in a deficient state if:
 You feel intimidated by your thoughts often.
 Stress, Depression, and Anxiety are getting a daily business to deal with.
 It is hard to remember even the simplest things and events.
How to Energize Underactive Third-Eye Chakra –
Practice these to Vitalize your Third-Eye Chakra:
 Eat healthily and put some blueberries, raspberries, grapes, Wine, and blackberries on your table.
 Chant the Seed Sound “Om/Aum” associated with Ajna Chakra frequently while meditating.
 Wear Third-Eye Chakra Stones to bring the Ajna Chakra to the Vital State, namely Indigo/Blue Kyanite,
Phenacite, Satyaloka Quartz, and Tanzanite.
7th Chakra – The Crown Chakra – Sahasrara
The final and the topmost Chakra that sits outside of the body is The Crown Chakra. This Chakra is also
known as Sahasrara translated into a Thousand Petals.
The violet color indicates of this chakra represents your presence of being beyond the physical
Crown Chakra is the Centre where all the lower level Chakras integrate with their respective traits. It is
said that once you master your lower level chakras, you are more likely to balance your Crown as well.
There is well known Sanskrit proverb, If you die in Varanasi, you will achieve liberation.
Varanasi is a powerful spiritual city of India. Varana means ‘eyebrows’ and Nasi means ‘nose’.
Hence, ‘Varanasi’ also translates as Third-Eye – the space between nose and eyebrows.
It is believed, if your identity dies in Varanasi when you
leave your awareness at the Third Eye, you will become
In the History of yoga, the Rishis & Yogis viz the
Enlightened Ones lived with extraordinary powers tuned to
their normal everyday living. As the Seers, their Divine
Eyes glazed beyond the plurality of the ‘seer’, ‘the act of
seeing’ and ‘seen’; far from the confines of past or future!
In other words, ancient yogis could see beyond the limited
perceptions of the mind, senses, and emotions. The power
of observing beyond the limitation of senses & mind comes with the third eye.
Certain History Instances of Using Third Eye
1. Maharishi Valmiki wrote the whole scripture Ramayana by analyzing the cosmic records of
every minute happening and experience through his third eye vision.
2. In Mahabharat, Veda Vyasa awakens the third eye of Sanjaya, the king’s charioteer, to visibly
narrate to him the happenings and even the mind-set of Kurukshetra warriors.
3. Sri Krishna gifts the third eye vision to his dear devotee, Arjuna, amidst the waging war-field
of Kurukshetra during the Bhagavad Gita. He says:
divyam dadami te cakṣuḥ ~ Bhagavad Git Chapter 11, verse 8
Divine i am giving you eyes to see my inconceivable pyschic power.
The most vital and unique mystic power gifted by Lord Shiva to the Universe is the awakening of the
third eye or Ajna chakra, also known as trinetra with infinite power, Kundalini Shakti.
Third Eye Chakra or Ajna: The Command Centre
Well quoted by Carl Jung- Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own
heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.
Third eye Chakra, the 6th in 7 major chakras, is the gate that opens up to the space of higher
consciousness and is also the main organ through which the spiritual energy can be awakened and
regulated. It provides perception beyond ordinary sight.
Meaning of Ajna Chakra is actually the “Command” or “Perceiving” Centre, where we transcend
duality – the duality of a personal “I” separate from the rest of the world, of a personality that
exists independently from everything else.
The third eye chakra located on the forehead, between the eyebrows. It is the center of intuition
and foresight.
Characteristic of Third Eye Chakra
1. Foundation of Wisdom The third eye chakra will work on building your inner knowledge,
inspiration, and your true purpose of life.
2. The Third Eye Chakra is Intuitive This chakra focuses on developing your intuition, in
strengthening your psychic knowing. Furthermore, It interacts with the rational mind in order to
deepen intuitive insight to see beyond the veil of illusion.
3. Ajna chakra Means to Open Up The third eye chakra is associated with vision and intuition.
When vision and intuition opened up, subtle energy movements and their perception become
4. Trust Your Own Instinct This chakra has a strong connection to your insight and wisdom. It
motivates your creativity and inspiration.
5. Focuses on The Fact, Death is Nothing To Fear Maintaining your awareness of your third eye
chakra requires focus and an ability to relax into a new way of seeing.
When you focus your mind and your consciousness, you can see beyond the illusions and the
distractions that are in front of you.
Third Eye Chakra in Detail To know in detail, you must be aware of the following points.
1. Location of Third Eye Chakra The location of Ajna chakra is between the eyebrows, slightly above
at the bridge of your nose. Exactly, it can be assumed at the point where our inner eyebrows would
meet if extended.
It can also be described as being located behind the eyes in the middle of the head. Note
that, secondary chakras run along the midline of the forehead, but the third eye chakra is typically
located lower. Anatomically, the Ajna chakra is positioned in the pituitary gland, directly behind the
center of the forehead.
The Third eye chakra is associated with the pineal gland in charge of regulating biorhythms,
including sleep and wake time.
Pineal gland located in the brain, that is a center of attention because of its relationship with the
perception and effect of light and mystical states of consciousness. It’s positioned close to the
optical nerves, and as such, sensitive to visual stimulations and changes in lighting.
2. Color Significance of Third Eye Chakra
The third eye chakra is represented with the color indigo. Although, the aura energy radiated from
this chakra can also be seen as translucent purple or bluish-white. When observing this color,
 It brings clarity to the sense organs – your seeing, hearing, and feeling.
 Indigo color also connected to your sixth sense, which has the same place as your third eye has.
 Acts as a bridge between heaven and earth, and helps to make a transition towards life or
towards death.
 Indigo is the energy of symbolic thinking.
 It allows transforming the energies of lower chakras into higher spiritual vibrations.
3. What Third Eye Chakra Symbol Signifies
The Third Eye Chakra Symbol is a two petaled purple lotus with a
downward pointing triangle inside of it. Inside the triangle is the
symbol of OM.
 The two petaled lotus: These two petals represent the last
remaining duality viz that the Self and God
 Round Circle: It symbolizes the void within the lotus petals.
 Within the circle, an inverted triangle representing Shakti, and above it a Shivalingam
 The OM symbol: It represents the ultimate reality, consciousness and the soul (Atman).
4. Third Eye Chakra Energy Frequency and Seed Mantra Frequency of Ajna chakra helps in
awakening intuition and returning to the spiritual order, thus helps in healing of headaches &
The energy of this chakra also deals with issues related to eyes, nose, and throat (ENT) as it directly
linked to the pituitary gland and energetically to the pineal gland.
Seed mantra: OM
Sound: A Note/Aum (Om)
Frequency of 426.7Hz
5. Associated Element of Third Eye Chakra
Associated element: Light
The way Sixth Chakra sees is that of pure seeing, or witnessing, and is transcendent in nature.
However, it is also the seat of conscience; it does not only see, but it also perceives the meaning of
what is seen in the light of the soul.
Anatomically, this chakra relates to the brain, forehead, brow, the pituitary gland, the pineal gland,
eyes, nose, and the carotid nerve plexus.
Third eye chakra is the center of confluence where the three nadis – ida, pingala and sushumna –
merge into one stream of consciousness and flow up to the crown Chakra. Transformation of
individual consciousness is brought about by the merging of the three great nadis (energy
Also, the seat of the “inner Guru (teacher)”, which is the source of inner guidance, and the “eye of
intuition”, through which one enters the astral and psychic dimension of consciousness, and
receives revelation and insight.
Psychological and behavioral characteristics related to this chakra are; Vision, Intuition, Perception
of subtle dimensions and movements of energy, Psychic abilities, Access to mystical states as in
hallucinations, Connection to wisdom, Motivates inspiration and creativity
Balanced Third Eye Chakra Balanced third eye chakra has a strong sense of intuition and perception
beyond ordinary sight, connected to a different way of seeing and perceiving the things.
So, while your eyes see the material world, balanced Ajna chakra helps you look into deeper realms:
intuition, clairvoyance, imagination, creativity, and
visualization. A person with a strong Ajna Chakra has
greater intuition, a strong sense of identity, and the
ability to self-reflect.
Balanced Ajna chakra has following characteristics
with an affirmation, “I align my consciousness with
the source of all life”;
 Helps to experience visions of things with
prophetic and intuitive dreams
 One becomes sensitive to subtle energies and
vibrations of people & things
 Wisdom is easily accessible
 Makes conscious level rise above the emotions
with a broader understanding that life and
situations have a deeper meaning
 Makes the soul open to receiving messages from
 One becomes motivated, inspiring and creative
Imbalanced Third Eye Chakra & Its Causes The
unbalanced sixth Chakra can appear as either too
conceptual, analytical and rigid, or too mentally
feeble and fluid.
Some of the symptoms are: Having fear of believing others, Confusion, Negative beliefs,
Irresponsibility, Headaches & Migraines, Learning disabilities, Close-mindedness, Mental rigidity,
Cut off from emotions, Eyes, Ears problems, Nose and sinuses, Nausea
What Causes Imbalance of Third Eye Chakra? The unbalanced sixth Chakra can appear as either too
conceptual, analytical and rigid, or too mentally feeble and fluid.
Stress, illness, emotional disturbances, or conflict all together cause an imbalance in the chakra
system. Since all of the seven chakras are interconnected, hence when one chakra experience
imbalance, it affects all the others.
An imbalanced third eye chakra can lead to two extremes; Either being so consumed with the
negatives in the reality that one feels depressed or feeling disillusioned and lost in fantasies.
Main causes of imbalanced Third eye chakra in a nutshell are: Lack of faith in your purpose, Feeling
pointless, Indecisiveness, Finding your work or life insignificant.
Imbalance in a chakra can be seen in terms of its under-activity or overactivity.
1. Underactive Third Eye Chakra When Prana in the third chakra revolves at a slower pace, it’s
under-activity of third eye chakra. If the third-eye chakra is underactive or closed,
 It makes difficult to understand spiritual connections
 Makes it difficult to get connected to see how things spiritually relate
 One is not able to make a balance with the body and its commands.
 One feels confused and disconnected & rely too much on own beliefs and not open to new
 One feels stuck and not able to look beyond the problems.
 Not able to clarify situations in a deeper way due to lack of vision of clarity.
2. Overactive Third Eye Chakra In case higher spinning of Prana in this chakra, it becomes
overactive. If the third-eye chakra is overactive,
 One tends to be over-intellectual in thinking
 Becomes judgmental, over-logical, and unsympathetic
 May create circumstances in mind that aren’t happening
 One misinterprets spiritual information for logic and ‘what makes sense’
 May fantasize too much leading to anxiety and stress.
How to Get Your ‘Command Station’ Balanced? First and foremost, to heal Ajna Chakra one often
needs to deal with it indirectly; that is, by taking care of the lower Chakras psychological issues.
When worries, anxieties, feelings, emotions in terms of mind fluctuations stop projecting
themselves onto the sixth Chakra, one’s mind already becomes much more lucid.
 Visualize the third-eye chakra symbol in the center of the eyebrow in the meditation process.
starting from the most basic ones, such as concentration techniques.
 Learning to disassociate from thought, and realizing that one’s mind can be inherently free from
identification with disturbing thoughts.
 Wear or carry third-eye chakra crystal that best fit your balancing needs during meditation or
everyday use.
1. Asanas for balancing third-eye chakra
1. Uttanasana or Standing Forward Bend: This pose allows the flow of blood towards third eye
chakra location and helps to balance it.
2. Janu Sirsasana or Head-to-Knee Pose: This pose makes chakra highly stimulated by the forward
bending movement & helps in increasing flow of the blood to the face, relaxing and activating
the third eye.
3. Makarasana or Dolphin pose: Dolphine pose creates a sense of balance by increasing circulation
to the face and brain.
4. Balasana or Child’s pose: in this pose, when we touch the eyebrow centre on the floor, it offers
to ground all negativity from our soul.
2. Using Stones Using stones of a particular chakra add up the healing process of chakra. For third
eye chakra, you can use the following stones in your practice.
Amethyst, Chevron Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli, Sodalite, Herkimer Diamond, Purple Fluorite, Moonstone
Diet & Lifestyle Tips To Harmonize Ajna Chakra
 Sitting in sunlight and detoxifying the body to boost the pineal gland and balance the third-eye
 Use of aromatherapy with essential oils that correspond to the third-eye chakra.
 Listen to third-eye chakra sound frequencies to cleanse and balance third eye chakra.
 Blue-Green Algae, Purple-red foods like eggplant, purple kale, purple grapes, raisins, and plums.
 Eat foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids such as fish and nuts.
 Eat vegetables and fruits rich in antioxidants such as blueberries.
Conclusion Ajna Chakra is not just the center of thinking but also is the center of attention. It makes
us free to choose what has to be given attention and thus helping to achieve physical health.
Knowing Ajna Chakra is a guide to understand your physical and mental existence. It heals the
physical & mental ailments and brings the body back to normal health because the Third Eye is the
seat of intuition and will-power.

Crown Chakra (Sahasrara): Everything You Should Know About It

Knowing others is wisdom, Knowing the self is enlightenment. ~ Lao Tzu
This quote underlines the fact that moving beyond materialistic identity to
connect with the whole universe, is something that the ultimate reality of
life is.
The most quoted affirmation of Crown Chakra “I am one with the universal
consciousness” highlights the question, are you connected to the eternal?
In this Guide of Crown Chakra, I’ll let you know the basics of crown
chakra which eventually help you to feel the energy radiated through it. Also, symptoms of the
imbalanced crown chakra mentioned in this article will guide you on how to get it to balance.
Crown Chaskra or Sahasrara: Thousand Petaled Lotus
The crown chakra is the 7th chakra, situated at the top of the “ chakra ladder” starting from the
base of the spine with Muladhara, that grounds us with the Earth and progresses upward to the
crown of the head, which connects us with the divine source of creation.
In step-ladder pattern, the lower chakras store and direct psychological and mental tendencies
towards the sixth or Ajna chakra, which eventually opens up at the crown chakra.
The Crown Chakra, also known as Sahasrara in Sanskrit, means “thousand-petaled” blooming at the
top of the head. It symbolically depicted as a lotus flower viz the energy center within our body
responsible for thought, awareness, wisdom, and our connection to the divine also referred
to Shunnya, Niralambapuri.
The central theme of the seventh chakra is tied to the greatest level of consciousness within the
reach of a person.
A healthy crown chakra brings the feeling of deep inner peace and harmony, which transcends all
dualism. It can lead to the experience of eternal happiness and can establish contact with the
reality that is beyond rational thinking.
Sahasrara depicts the focus of control and activity of fundamental consciousness of a being,
according to the extent it is aroused and energized.
Characteristics of Crown Chakra sCrown chakra is the meeting point between finite (ego) and
infinite (soul), and where death and eternal life meet.
Sahasrara chakra manifests the following characteristics when lies in a balanced state,
1) “Be — don’t try to become” which means giving up Illusion of Possession. The materialistic
illusion that one possesses puts one under pressure as you fear to lose them. What you own today
is transient and may belong to somebody else tomorrow. So, detach yourself from the bondage.
2) “It’s not about you”, so Don’t take things personally You can control your behavior but not that
of others as it’s a product of their upbringing, experiences, and thinking. Hence, if they hurt you
learn not to take it too personally.
3) Release Illusion of Dependency Drop the idea of becoming someone, because you are already a
masterpiece. You cannot be improved. You have only to come to it, to know it, to realize it. External
stimulus can bring us joy as well as pain, but the Experience of Soul gives you true happiness.
4) Drop your Discontentment “Truth is not something outside to be discovered, it is something
inside to be realized.”
Release this discontentment to find that you always
attract with an attitude of contentment.
5) Have Faith in yourself Believe in yourself. You
are braver than you think, more talented than you
know, and capable of more than you imagine. Your
only limitations are those you set upon yourself.
6) Trust Yourself, your instincts Trust yourself
because, in your Self, the Almighty resides. So,
remove dependency from all external sources and
through patience, faith, fearlessness and do your
Crown Chakra in Detail
Qualities of Crown Chakra
 This Chakra defines your state of
consciousness and is considered as the gateway to
meet the divine self
 The energy associated with Crown Chakra unravels
the mystery of the universe through harmony and
 Crown Chakra helps you drop your pride and ego
and think beyond selfishness and other
Sign of Balanced Crown Chakra
There has not been any tangible evidence yet as who
has reached this energy level so far. But when your
Crown Chakra is balanced,
 You attain the highest level of consciousness and enlightenment.
 You feel most joyful, peaceful, happiest feeling connected with universal creatures.
 Expecting nothing in return, you envision everything and everyone equally.
Signs of Overactive Crown Chakra
 Though it is said that you can turn into an egomaniac, proud, and selfish with the intention to rule once
you experience an overdrive of the Sahasrara.
 This is where you are most likely to misuse your power and senses.
How to Balance Crown Chakra –
In case of an overactive Crown Chakra, you need to descend your energy to the lower parts of the ladder to
bring the Crown Chakra to a calming level.
 Think about the Universal principle, everything is connected, and we are all made of the same
 Live in gratitude, learn to trust more, and once you realize you have everything to survive, help others
in need with what you have.
 Go out facing the sun, let the light shine on you.
Signs of Underactive Crown Chakra
 It is considered normal to experience the underactive state of Crown Chakra.
 In some cases, the underactive state can lead you to remain aloof and disconnected.
 You are least likely to experience any spiritual connection.
 Loneliness and meaninglessness are the common traits of a deficient Crown Chakra State.
 When you possess wisdom and knowledge, but you don’t agree to share it with others.
How to Energize Underactive Crown Chakra –
The first step to work towards enlightenment is to let the ego vanish. (I am the same as everyone, I know
my purpose, I serve my purpose without expectations).
 To vitalize your underactive Crown Chakra, practice reciting Bija Mantra “Om/Aum” while meditating.
 Wear Kyanite to enhance the energy-level of Crown Chakra.
 Eat herbal foods like Sage, Juniper, Myrrh, and Copal to restore your energy level.
Crown Chakra (Sahasrara): Everything You Should Know About It
1. Location of 7th viz Crown Chakra
If you know the place of Ajna Chakra, It can help you in knowing the location of the crown chakra.
 Place your wrist at the Ajna chakra, in between the eyebrows.
 Extend fingers upwards towards the center of the head.
 The place where the finger reaches on the head is called crown of the head.
7th chakra is located several inches above the crown of the head. It symbolizes like a crown,
radiating energy upwards. The crown chakra, also known as the thousand-petal lotus of light,
references the light of enlightenment.
Anatomically, The Crown chakra is associated with the pituitary & pineal glands and linked with the
hypothalamus in the brain, which regulates hormone secretion in the body. Sahasrara position
made it closely associated with the brain and the whole nervous system.
In Sahasrara, Ida and Pingala channels, which already have met at Ajna chakra, connects with
the Sushumna channel. When both Nadi channels are fully open and all chakras are balanced, the
energy flowing from the Muladhara chakra to the Sahasrara connects us to our highest self.
2. Crown Chakra Color Significance
Violet is the color of the crown chakra. Violet color represents our
connection with the energy of heaven that promotes the feelings of being
connected with all. The energy frequency of this color brings mind
thoughts and feelings to spirituality, oneness, and meditation.
Positive aspects of violet color frequency: An appreciation for all life,
Self-sacrificing, Idealism, An ability to see the right path for the benefit of
the higher self
Negative aspects of violet color frequency:
 No concern for others happiness & well-being
 Feelings of superiority & egoism
 Lack of contact with reality viz being materialistic
3. Symbol of Crown Chakra The symbol of thousand petal crown chakra embraces an attitude of
gratitude, tuned into the highest form of consciousness and the divine. Its symbol depicted as a
lotus flower with a thousand leaves, which represents infinity.
The symbol of the Crown chakra is composed of:
 A circle: It represents the full moon, a symbolization of openness, an awakening of the conscious
 Thousand Petals: It symbolizes the development of a person’s consciousness. Represent the
connection to the divine. Our unity with prosperity and eternity of the integral connections.
4. The Energy Frequency & Seed Mantra The energy of this chakra allows experiencing mystical
oneness with everyone and everything in nature. Violet is the color of spirituality with the shortest
wavelength and the highest vibration of the colors of the visible spectrum of light.
.Seed sound: Ah .Frequency: 480 Hz .Seed mantra: OM (To be hummed silently)
5. Element Associated with Crown Chakra Element: Light
 On a Physical aspect (anatomically), crown chakra relates to the cerebral cortex, the skull, and
the brain.
 On the Mental aspect, people with balanced violet color frequency are open-minded, curious,
and deep thinkers.
 Emotionally, crown chakra manifests deep grief and sadness, suffering within the joy of living
with an acceptance of the journey of life.
 On a spiritual level, it indicates a person to give without the need for acknowledgment.
Balanced Crown Chakra When this Chakra is in a balanced state, one has a sense of connection to
the world that brings unlimited energy, and a sense of peace, love, wholeness, and gratitude.
Balanced Feeling: Connected, Knowledge, Guided, Spirituality.
Karmic Lesson: Eliminate earthly attachments, and ego, so that you know you are being led by
something higher than yourself for a divine purpose.
When this chakra is in balance, we feel connected to our Higher selves. It makes us aware that we
are spiritual beings having a human experience. We recognize that divine intelligence has some
control over our lives, and the hand we are dealt at birth. We can surrender to circumstances that
are out of our control, while simultaneously making the best of them.
Imbalanced Crown Chakra Symptoms & Its Causes Reasons for Crown Chakra Imbalances and
Blockages…A Spiritual Awakening, Limited Beliefs, Being Abused or Persecuted For One’s Spiritual
Common symptoms include, Apathy, Lack of care and compassion towards others, Excessive
egotism, Insomnia, Nightmares, Boredom with life, Narrow-mindedness, Existential depression,
Spiritual disconnection, Rigid and limiting self-identity, Greed and materialism, Lack of purpose and
direction, Mental confusion.
1. Overactive Crown Chakra Common symptoms include;
 When Sahasrara Chakra is overactive one has trouble with grounding itself and making it
difficult for others to take one seriously.
 One may possess a “God Complex” and consider himself better than others around.
 One usually intellectualize things too much and is addicted to spirituality while ignoring your
bodily needs.
 One may feel disconnected from the physical world and have problems relating to people.
 One has negative beliefs about money.
2. Underactive Crown Chakra Common symptoms include;
 When Sahasrara Chakra is under-active one feels a lack of purpose in life and that everything is
 One assumes unloved and blames circumstances.
 One lack of balance in life and face difficulties in coordinating with life.
 One finds it difficult to grasp new ideas, lack the desire to explore inner self, and have an
excessive fear of death.
How to Get Your Crown Chakra Balanced? The Crown chakra is a doorway that leads into other
dimensions, but one has to focus on them to the exclusion of everything else. ~ Frederick Lenz
As the goal of yoga practices is samadhi or the superconscious union of the ego with the divine self,
the crown chakra is the point at which the soul dissolves ego-consciousness, clearing, opening, and
harmonizing our bodies and energy fields.
Following practices can help to make it in a balanced state.
1. Stop blaming destiny- Awaken the greatness within When one not achieve success in
undertakings, he finds it convenient to blame other people, situations and even God that stop the
unconditional flow of divine blessings. Stop believing your thoughts that create suffering.
Instead of blaming, one should focus on support and encouragement one got from the whole
Universe is being whomever you are now, alive and experiencing. As “It’s easy to blame others for
your situation. It’s much more productive to search your past and find what caused your faults.
2. Live in an attitude of Gratitude as we know, “A rich life comes from giving.” Through His Divine
Grace we can breathe, smell, taste, hear and experience all that we do. Every single moment of our
life is a Bhiksha from His Kindness. So, pay your gratitude to existence for this divine gift of life, and
all the support systems that keep you nurtured and taken care of, right from the birth that your
parents gave you, their unconditional love and care and so on.
3. Hum or chant the sound “OM” & Meditate Meditation is the tie between the crown chakra and
spirituality. Silence comes with meditation is best for crown chakra activation because it does not
distract one from spiritual practice. The sound of Om and deep, tonal sounds can also be healing
music for Sahasrara. So commit yourself to your spiritual practice, with always open to guidance.
4. Wear violet!! Wearing and surrounding yourself with the color violet is a wonderfully simple way
to stimulate your crown chakra.
Yoga Poses to Balance The Crown Chakra Knowing what asana is and then practicing these
energetic expressions helps us to direct energy from one part to other parts in the gross and subtle
body both.
Practicing following yoga poses redirects energy to the crown chakra or distribute energy among
other organs (if lies in excessive amount) to get head region energy balanced.
 The Corpse pose (Shavasana): It calms and balances the crown chakra & challenges to be
connected with the ground, to be still in the present moment.
 Rabbit Pose (Shashankasana): it feeds the nervous system with fresh blood and oxygen and aids
in digestion and metabolism.
 Lotus or Half Lotus pose (Ardha Padmasana): Sitting crown chakra yoga poses are the gateway
to higher consciousness. helps to connect with the wisdom and inner knowing.
 Half headstand/Dolphin pose (Ardha Sirsasana): It increases the straightness of the spine,
toning and stretching the back, nape, and legs.
 The Headstand (Salamba Sirhasana): It nourishes the crown chakra by drawing blood to the
head which carries prana (energy) to the 7th spiritual center.
Crown Chakra Stones Use crystals as energetic ways that will help to balance crown chakra energy.
Try meditating or carrying crystals such as; Selenite, Danburite, Charoite, Labradorite, Amethyst,
Conclusion: There is always a fight between balance and imbalance. When your chakras are aligned and
open, your mind body and soul are at their healthiest level.
However, imbalances tend to manifest themselves and that is when problems arise. You feel defeated,
lethargic, unhappy and depressed. Overcoming them is not always about taking medicine. Sometimes the
answer is very simple and requires a little physical activity.
And yet other times it becomes necessary to supplement it with medical care. Whatever be the problem,
most things can be healed by opening up your chakras. Don’t be cynical and rule out the goodness of yoga.
Learn more about it and embrace it in your lives to make it more worthwhile.

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