LESSON 1 Projectile Motion
LESSON 1 Projectile Motion
LESSON 1 Projectile Motion
Learning Objectives:
1. Define projectile motion.
2. Identify the different parts and dimensions of projectile motion.
• Horizontal Motion
– Constant, no acceleration. Projectile Calculations
• Vertical Motion Fo r Pro je c tile s La u n c h e d h o rizo n ta lly
– Free fall, acceleration due to gravity.
Ho rizo n ta l Dista n c e
d = v(t)
Ho rizo n ta l Ve lo c ity
vf = vi + a t
Ve rtic a l Dista n c e
d = v it + ½ g t 2
Ve rtic a l Ve lo c ity
Vf = Vi + g t
Activity 2: DIRECTION: Read the statement in each number and identify what is being asked. Write
your answer on the box provided below.
• What force (s) is acting on the
3. 2. 1.
Any object that continues in
motion by its own inertia and is
influenced only by the
downward force of gravity is
called ____________.
5. 4. 6.
Activity 3:
Direction: Draw vector arrows representing the (horizontal) vx and (vertical) vy velocity components
during the course of the motion.