Buzz Flight Hosting Guidelines
Buzz Flight Hosting Guidelines
Buzz Flight Hosting Guidelines
1. To create a flight, you must create an event in the flight planner channel, here’s the format.
Staff join: (Hammer time)
Join at: (Hammer time)
Departure Airport:
Arrive Airport:
Server lock: (Hammer time)
2. Once it’s time for Staff Briefing for the flight, do “@everyone The server is open! Please join
our server! [Airport link]”
Flight Announcements - Discord
Server unlocked - Please head to Gate [XX] for boarding of [Flight code]
[Game link]
In-game announcements
:h Please invite your friends right now as we will server lock soon.
:h The server is now locked, please head to the gate and ready to board. Airport services will be closed
:h Airport Services are now closing at this time. Please make your way to the gate as we will begin the
boarding phase now. Thank you.
:notify admins Cabin Crew, Cabin Crew Manager please head to the plane and stand at the boarding
:h ! Ladies and Gentlemen, we will begin the boarding process for this flight. Please be seated until your
class is called.
:h We would like to invite all First Class passengers to line up and board the aircraft.
:h We would like to invite all Business passengers to line up and board the aircraft.
:h Boarding Process will be halted for preflight services, please find a seat and wait until further notices of
:h We would like to invite all Perineum Economy passengers to line up and board the aircraft.
:h We would like to invite all Economy passengers to line up and board the aircraft.
:h Ladies and Gentlemen, good afternoon, welcome aboard this flight. I’m your purser for today, please
listen to the following safety messages.
:h Please listen to the safety audio carefully, our cabin crew will start to check the cabin now.
Now that we’re almost ready for take-off, make sure that your tray table is put away. Your seat
should now be in the upright position, and your seat belt fastened.
Breaking the Sky - Crossing the Limit” - Thanks for choosing Buzz Airlines!
:notify admins Cabin Crew, Cabin Crew Managers please be seated for takeoff.
:h Ladies and gentlemen, we have reached cruising altitude and our captain has turned off the seatbelt
sign, cabin crew will now start to serve.
:notify admins Cabin Crew, Cabin Crew Managers you may now start serving.
:h 注意! Ladies and gentlemen, have you enjoyed the food? I hope you all did! We're now
starting to decent, please ensure your tray tables have been put away and seatbelts fasten.
:notify admins Cabin Crew, Cabin Crew Managers please be seated for descent.
:h Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to [Destination], before we arrive at the gate, please fasten your
:h Ladies and gentlemen, thanks for choosing Buzz Airlines. We will shut down the server in 2 mins.