Compiler Final Modified
Compiler Final Modified
Compiler Final Modified
Language translator: Language translators convert programming source code into language
that the computer processor understands. Programming source code has various structures
and commands, but computer processors only understand machine language. Different types
of translations must occur to turn programming source code into machine language, which is
made up of bits of binary data.
Compiler: Compiler is a language translator which translates the higher language program into
machine language. The Compiler transforms source code into executable program. The
output of the compilation has been called object code or sometimes an object module. The
object code is machine code that the processor can process or "execute" one instruction at a
A compiler requires
1) Determining the correctness of the syntax of programs.
2) Generating correct and efficient object code.
3) Run-time organization.
4) Formatting output according to assembler and/or linker conventions.
Structure of Compiler:
A compiler consists of three main parts: the frontend, the middle-end, and the backend.
Front End: It checks whether the program is correctly written in terms of the programming
language syntax and semantics. Here legal and illegal programs are recognized. Errors are
reported, if any, in a useful way. Type checking is also performed by collecting type
information. The frontend then generates an intermediate representation of the source code
for processing by the middle-end.
Middle End: It is where optimization takes place. Typical transformations for optimization are
removal of useless or unreachable code, discovery and propagation of constant values,
relocation of computation to a less frequently executed place (e.g., out of a loop), or
specialization of computation based on the context. The middle-end generates another
intermediate representation for the following backend. Most optimization efforts are focused
on this part.
Back End: It is responsible for translating the intermediate representation from the middle-end
into assembly code. The target instructions are chosen for each intermediate representation
instruction. Variables are also selected for the registers.
2) Syntax Analysis: Syntax analysis analyzes the stream of tokens generated by lexical analysis
and checks whether it satisfies the rules of the grammar of the programming language. It
takes the first components of the tokens produced by the lexical analyzer to create a tree like
intermediate representation that depicts the grammatical structure of the token stream. A
typical representation of this is a syntax tree or parse tree.
3) Semantic Analysis: A semantic analyzer uses the syntax tree and the information in the
symbol table to check the source program for semantic consistency with the language
definition. It also gathers type information and saves it in either the syntax tree or the symbol
table, for subsequent use during intermediate-code generation. An important part of semantic
analysis is type checking, where the compiler checks that each operator has matching
4) Intermediate code generation: After semantic analysis, many compilers generate all
explicit low-level or machine-like intermediate representation, this intermediate
representation should have two properties:
• It should be easy to produce.
• If should be easy to translate into target machine code.
5) Code optimization: Code optimization phase attempts to improve the intermediate code
so that better target code will result. Usually, better means faster, but other objectives may be
desired, such as shorter code that consumer less power. This phase is optional.
6) Code Generation: The intermediate instructions are translated into sequences of machine
instructions that perform the same task. A crucial aspect of codes generation is the
assignment of registers to hold variables.
7) Symbol table manager: A symbol table is a data structure used by a language translator
such as a compiler or interpreter, where each identifier in a program's source code is
associated with information relating to its declaration or appearance in the source, such as its
type, scope level and sometimes its location.
2) Two- pass compiler: In two-pass compiler the source code is scanned twice.In first pass-
lexical analysis, syntax analysis, semantic analysis and intermediate code generation are
performed. In the second pass code optimization and code generation are performed.
The first pass is machine independent while the second pass is highly machine dependent.
Two pass compiler is preferred over one-pass compiler because memory requirement of
one-pass compiler is very high.
PARSING: Parsing is a process or techniques used to determine whether a given string can be
generated by a grammar.
Types of parsing:
Top-Down parsing: It is a technique to generate string staring from the start symbol.
Bottom-up parsing: It is a technique to reduce the string into start symbol. Grammar of
programming language must be unambiguous. Bottom up parsers are more powerful than top
down parser.
Top down parser: Top down parser are also known as predictions parser or LL parser
L = Left to right scanning of string
L = left most derivation.
Generally, top down parser uses LL(1) grammar.
LL (1)
The look ahead for this grammar is 0 i.e. it is LL(0) because c will always be the
first character that can be generated.
Both LL & LR grammars are the subset of unambiguous grammar.
First: FIRST of a non-terminal is the set of terminals that can occur as the first token in a string
derivable from that non-terminal.
Follow: FOLLOW of a non-terminal is the set of terminals that can occur immediately after
that non-terminal in a string derivable from the start symbol of the grammar.
Left recursion: A grammar is said to be left recursive if it has a non-terminal A, Such that
A à A a/b
b may be ε
Left Factoring: A grammar is said to be left factored if it has a non-terminal A such that,
These are the necessary but not sufficient conditions for a grammar to be in LL (1).
Number of column’s = Number of terminals (except ε) in the grammar + one column for $
Number of rows = Number of non-terminals in the grammar.
1) For each terminal a in first (A) add the production Aàa to M (A, a).
2) If ε is in first of (a) then for each terminal b in follow (A), add Aàa , to M [A ,b]. If ε is
in first (a) and $ is in follow (A), add Aàa to M[A,$]
If any cell contains more than one entry then the grammar is not LL(1).
Ex. Construct the predictive parsing table and find whether the grammar is LL(1) or not.
E`à +TE`/ε
F à(E)/id
First (E) = {(, id} Follow (E) = {$,)}
First (E ) = {+, ε} Follow (E`) = {$,)}
First (T) = {(, id} Follow (T) = {+, $, )}
First (T`) = {*, ε} Follow (T`) = {+, $,)}
First (F) = {(, id} Follow (F) = {*, +, $,)}
Bottom up parser: A bottom-up parse starts with the string of terminals itself and builds
from the leaves upward, working backwards to the start symbol by applying the productions
reverse. Bottom-up parsing algorithms are more powerful than top-down methods.
Bottom up parsers are also known as shift reduce or LR parser.
Parsing through bottom up parser: Bottom up parser uses stack for parsing.They are
also known as shift reduce parser.
4 action performed by bottom up parser.
1) Shift: in shift the next input symbol is shifted on the top of stack.
2) Reduce: In reduce the parser reduce the context of stack by non- terminal.
3) Accept: in accept the parser announces successful completion of parsing.
4) Error: In error the parser discovers that a syntax error has occurred & call’s on error
recovery routine.
Types of LR parsers:
1) SLRà Simple LR
2) CLRàCanonical LR
3) LALRàLook ahead LR
SLR Parsing: SLR parser can parse LR(0) grammars. It is based on DFA.
LR (0) Items: An LR(0) item of a grammar G is a production of G with a dot (.) at some
position in the right hand side.
SàCC -----(1)
CàcC ----(2)
Càd ----(3)
I0: S`à.S
I2: SàC.C // . variable is applied and add 2 production start with variable
I5: SàCC.
I6: CàcC.
Construction of SLR parsing table: The SLR parsing table consist of two parts:
1) A Parsing-action function ACTION
2) A goto function GOTO.
Only Shift-Reduce & Reduce-Reduce conflicts can occur in the parsing table.
CLR parsing: CLR parser can parse LR(1) grammars. It is also based on DFA.
LR(1) items: The general form of an LR(1) item is [Aàa.b, a] where Aà ab is a production
and ‘a’ is a terminal or the right endmarker $.It is an LR(1) item where 1 refers to the length
of the second component called the look ahead of the item.
How to calculate Look ahead: The look ahead of the augmented production is always $.
If A à a.B b is an LR(1) item with look ahead g i.e.
Aàa.Bb, g
Then the look ahead of the production starting with B is. First (bg) i.e.
Bà.aba, First (bg). // any production starting with B
1) Augment the grammar. The look ahead of the augmented production rule is always $.
2) Make the states of the DFA i.e. LR(1) items.
a. In the first state (I0) put all the LR(1) items and calculate look ahead for them.
b. Shift the dot (.) of the production rule in I0 to make new states. If after dot (.) there is
a non-terminal, than add all the productions which starts with that non-terminal and
calculate look ahead for them.
Ex. Construct LR (1) Items for the grammar
Sà CC ---- (1)
CàcC ---- (2)
Càd ----(3)
I1: S`àS., $ // look ahead is calculated , now shift dot as done in SLR parsing
I2: SàC.C, $ // shift the dot and write all production starting from C with look ahead
Cà.cC, $
Cà.d, $
I4: Càd., c/d. // the next item of this production is already calculated in I4
I5: SàCC., $
I6: Càc.C, $
Cà.cC, $
Cà.d, $
I7: Càd., $
I9: CàcC., $
Steps to construct parsing table:
1) Construct C= {I0, I1, ……………………In}, the collection of sets of LR(1) items for G’
(Augmented Grammar). //done above
2) State i of the parser is constructed from Ii. the parsing action for state I is determined as
a) If [Aàa. a b, b ] is in Ii and GOTO (Ii, a) = Ij then set ACTION [I, a] to “shift j”. //for
terminal in Action transition
b) If [Aàa., a ] is in Ii A¹S`, then set ACTION [i, a] to “reduce Aàa.” // dot at last
c) If[S`àS. $ ] Is in Ii, then set ACTION [i, $] to “ accept”
If any conflicting actions result from the above rules, we say the grammar is not
3) The goto transition for state ‘I’ for all non-terminals A are constructed using the rule If GOTO
[Ii ,A] = Ij then GOTO [i, A]= j. // for Variable in goto transition
Number of states in SLR and LALR are equal, but in CLR it is grates than that of SLR or LALR.
All the procedure for constructing LR(1) items & parsing table are same as that of CLR only
some states are merged.
YACC (Yet another Compiler-compiler): YACC provides a general tool for imposing
structure on the input to a computer program. The YACC user prepares a specification of the
input process; this includes rules describing the input structure, code to be invoked when
these rules are recognized, and a low-level routine to do the basic input.
YACC then generates a function to control the input process. This function, called a parser,
calls the user-supplied low-level input routine to pick up the basic items (called tokens) from
the input stream.
These tokens are organized according to the input structure rules, called grammar rules; when
one of these rules has been recognized, then user code supplied for this rule, an action, is
invoked; actions have the ability to return values and make use of the values of other actions.
YACC is available as a command on the UNIX system. If input is gives to it then it gives the
cods of its parsing. It creates the code for LALR parsing.
YACC resolve shift-reduce conflict in favour of shift and removes reduce entry
YACC does not generate any error where ambiguous grammar is given as input.
Cs 2003, Q. 83 (a), Q.83 (b)
Operator Grammar: A grammar is said to be operator grammar when there exist no null
production and there should be no consecutive non-terminal on the right hand side.
Ex: EàE+E
Ex. EàE+T/T
Viable prefix: Viable prefix is any prefix of right most derivation.
Ex. EàE+E
Sol: Rightmost derivation for string id + id * id
EàE+ E
EàE+ E * E
Eà E+ E * id
Eà E+ id * id
Eàid+ id * id
Viable prefix: E+E*, E + id*, E +
Handle: A handle of a string is a substring that matches the right side of a productions and
whose deduction to a non-terminal on the left side of the production represents one step
along the reverse of a right most derivation.
Cs 2005, Q.59
A grammar in which each production rule is assigned some semantic rule is called as attributed
grammar. Or an SDD without side effect is also called attribute grammar.
Synthesized Attributed Grammar: Those syntax directed definition in which value of node
depends on the value of child is known as synthesized attributed grammar.
Ex. E.val = E1.val + E2.val
Inherited attributed grammar: Those syntax directed definition in which the value of node
depends on the value of its parent or siblings is known as inherited attributed grammar.
Ex. E1. val = E. val + E2. Val
Every synthesized attributed grammar is inherited attributed grammar but every inherited
attributed grammar is not synthesized attributed grammar.
Annoted parse tree: A parse tree showing the value of its attribute is called annoted parse
tree. The process of computing the attributes values at the nodes is called annotating (or
decorating) of the parse tree.
Quadruple: A quadruple has four fields, which we call op, arg1, arg2 and result, the op field
contains an internal code for the operator.
Ex. C = a + b * d.
Triple: A triple has only three fields which we call op, arg1 & arg2, using triples, we refer to
the result of an operation x op y by its position.
Ex. C = a + b * d.
Basic Block: A basic block is a sequence of consecutive statements in which flow of control
enters at the beginning & leaves at the end without halt.
Control Flow Graph: Once the program is partitioned into basic block we represent the
flow of control between them by a flow graph. The nodes of the flow graph are the basic
blocks. There is an edge from block B to block C if and only if it is possible for the first
instruction in block C to immediately follow the last instruction in block B.
Ex. Construct control flow graph of previous Ex.
Code optimization Techniques:
3) Dead code Elimination: The statements that compute values that never get used, are
dead codes. The compiler should remove that statement.
4) Code Motion: An important Modification that decreases the amount of cods in a loop is
code motion, this transformation takes an expression that yields the same result
independent of the number of times a loop is executed, and evaluates the expression
before the loop.
Ex. for ( i=1; i<10; ++i)
C = 20;
K= i * C;
Sol: In this every time loop runs C is initialized a value of 20.
\ This code can be written as
C= 20;
For (i = 1; i<10; ++i)
K= i * c;
5) Constant Folding: If the expression involves some constant then evaluate them at
compile time so that run time run time reduces.
Ex. X + 0 = 0 + X = X
a * b + a * c = a * (b + c)
i.e. if possible apply algebraic identities to reduce the time consuming operations.
Cs 2006, Q.60 Cs 2004, Q. 32
1) Loop Fusion: If Possible merge the two loop so that cache misses are reduced and run
time be saved.
Ex. For (i=1; i<=10; ++i)
a [i] = a [i] +1;
For (i=1; i<=10; ++i)
b[i] = b[i] +1;
Sol: We can merge these two loops as
For (i=1; i<=10; ++i)
a[i] = a[i] +1;
b[i] = b[i] +1;
2) Loop Fission: It is just the reverse process of loop fusion. If possible then divide the
3) Loop interchange: If possible then change the loop so that cache misses can be reduced.
Ex. For ( i=1; i<=10; ++i)
For (j=1; j<=10; ++j)
a[j] [i] = 0
Sol: The above ex. accesses the away column wise resulting in more cache misses. So, that
above code can be written as
4) Loop unrolling: Operations from one iteration can not overlap with those from another.
One simple but highly effective technique to mitigate this problem is to unroll the loop a
small number of times before code scheduling.
Ex. For ( i=0; i<=N; i++)
Sol: The above code can be written as
For (i=0; i+4<N; i+ = 4)
Machine Dependent Optimization or Peep Hole Optimization: A simple but
effective technique for locally improving the target code is peephole optimization, which is done
by examining a sliding window of target instructions (called the peephole) and replacing
instruction sequences within the peephole by a shorter or faster sequence, whenever possible.
The code in the peephole need not be contiguous. It is characteristic of peephole optimization
that each improvement may spawn opportunities for additional improvements.
Ex. goto L1
L1: goto L2
it can be replaced by
goto L2
L1: goto L2
Ex: goto L1
L1: if a <b goto L2
it can be replaced by
if a<b goto L2
goto L3
(4) Use of machine idioms: The target machine may have hardware instructions to
implement certain specific operations efficiently. Detecting situations that permit use of these
instructions can reduce execution time significantly. For example, some machines have auto-
increment and auto-decrement addressing modes. These add or subtract from an operand
before or after using its value. These modes can also be used in code for statements like
X= X+1
Storage Classes of variable in C:
1) Auto
2) Register
3) Static
4) Extern.
By default variable belongs to auto class.
1) Auto: If the class of variable is not mentioned then by default it belongs to auto class.
When function is called auto variables are created and destroyed when function call
terminate. By default they contain garbage value. They are crated in stack.
2) Static: Static variables once created exists throughout the life time of the program.
Declaration is executed only once when function is called for the first time, but other code
is executed many times. By default these variables are initialized to 0. They are created in
3) Register: Default value of register variable is garbage. They are created in stack and can
be used only for integer variable. Programmer requests compiler to assign register to
variables, if variable declared to belong to register class. Access to register variable is fast
because they are present in register and register access is faster than that of memory
4) Extern: Extern variables are crated in heap and they use the global value of the variable
Sol: Implementation of p1 is incorrect because ‘a’ is a auto variable and crated in stack but it will
be destroyed as function terminates. Therefore ‘a’ contains the address of variable which has
been destroyed & hence result in runtime error.
Implementation of p2 is correct because although ‘a’ is destroyed but address is always
present in heap, hence prints the address of variable which exists.
Parameter passing Techniques:
1) Call by value
2) Call by reference
3) Call by need
4) Call by name
5) Call by values result
1) Call by value: In this technique actual parameters and formal parameters have different
memory locations i.e. they do not share memory. When any function is called the value of
actual parameters are copied into formal parameters.
So, it does not swap the values of i, j and original value is printed.
2) Call by Reference: In this technique actual parameters and formal parameters refers to same
memory location i.e. they share memory. Formal parameter refers to the actual parameter’s
memory location. If constants (literals) or expressions are passed then, it will behave as call
by value. Name of actual & formal parameter can be same or different.
3) Call by need: Call by need is like call by value. Actual formal parameter does not share
memory. In this when needed actual parameters value is copied into the formal parameter,
therefore it is also known as lazy evaluation technique.
4) Call by value Result: It is like call by value. Actual & formal parameter does not share
memory locations.
Values of actual parameter is copied into formal parameter at the time of
function call and at the end of function call the value of formal parameter is copied into the
actual parameter.
Output: 10, 0
Call by name
void main( )
int k[] = {10, 20, 30};
int i =0;
c = i;
i = k[i];
k[i] = c;
Output: c = 0
10 = k[0]
k[10] = 0
Call by reference & call by result may produce different answers.
1) Static scoping: Function which declare variables within its body then that function use local
variable if no such variable is declared then function use global variable. Technique used to
decide scope of variable in C is known as static scoping.
Ex. int a= 10
Void P() void Q( ) void main( )
{ { {
int a = 100; cout <<a P( );
Q ( ); } Q ( );
cout <<a }
2) Dynamic Scoping: In dynamic scoping all variables are crated within stack whether they are
global or local. In stack global variables are stored first. When a function is called its local
variable is stored in stack and at the end of function call this variable is destroyed.
Ex. int a= 10
Void P() void Q( ) void main( )
{ { {
int a = 100; cout <<a P( );
Q ( ); } Q ( );
cout <<a }
Output 100, 100, 10
In dynamic scoping, scope is decided at runtime. C does not uses dynamic scoping.
Call by name: In this for every formal parameter compiler creates a thunk which contains the
actual parameter corresponding to formal parameter. In this whenever needed thunk is
created for formal parameter.
Parsing through bottom up parser:Bottom up parser uses stack for parsing. They are
also known as shift reduce parser.
4 action performed by bottom up parser.
5) Shift: in shift the next input symbol is shifted on the top of stack.
6) Reduce: In reduce the parser reduce the context of stack by non- terminal.
7) Accept: in accept the parser announces successful completion of parsing.
8) Error: In error the parser discovers that a syntax error has occurred & call’s on error
recovery routine
Ex. Consider the grammar
EàE +E
EàE x E
Eà id
And the string id +id x id perform bottom up parsing.
Stack Input Action
$ id+ id x id $ shift
$ id + id x id $ reduce (Eàid)
$ E + id x id $ shift
$E+ id x id $ shift
$ E + id x id $ reduce (Eàid
$E+E x id $ reduce (Eà E+ E)
$ E x id $ shift
$Ex id $ Shift
$ E x id $ reduce (Eàid)
$ExE $ reduce(EàExE)
$ E$ Accept