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Act 1 Scene 1

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 We meet Duke Theseus at his swanky palace in Athens and learn that he's going
to marry Hippolyta (Queen of the Amazons) in four days, during the new moon.
 Our groom-to-be is in a VERY big hurry to enjoy his wedding night, but time is
passing way too slowly for Theseus, who lashes out at the moon for being a
 Hippolyta is more reasonable. She assures Theseus that four days will go by in a
jiffy and says the moon will "behold the night of their solemnities." (Translation:
When the moon looks down on Theseus and Hippolyta on their wedding night,
it's going to get an eyeful.)
 Theseus sends Philostrate, the Master of the Revels, into the streets of Athens
and get the youth of the city to party so that the time passes quickly.
 Brain Snack: In Shakespeare's days, the Master of the Revels was the title of the
royal court's official party planner. Basically, the Master of the Revels was in
charge of hiring entertainers and deciding which plays could be performed on
public stages in and around London. He also had the authority to censor plays
that were offensive or didn't kiss up to the monarch enough.
 Theseus turns to Hippolyta and promises her that their wedding will be more
joyful than the circumstances under which they got engaged. (As every
mythology buff knows, Theseus is alluding to the fact that he captured Hippolyta
when he conquered her people, the Amazons.)
 An Athenian man named Egeus shows up and greets Theseus. Egeus has
brought along his daughter Hermia and two guys named Lysander and
 Egeus is not a happy camper.
 He lodges a formal complaint to the Duke against his disobedient daughter, who
refuses to marry Demetrius, the guy Egeus has chosen to be her husband.
 According to Egeus, Hermia's been "bewitch'd" by Lysander and refuses to marry
 Egeus then cites the wrongs Lysander has committed: Lysander has presented
Hermia with various love-tokens, serenaded her by moonlight, and even given
her a lock of his hair.
 Egeus points out that Hermia is his daughter and therefore his property. Athenian
law dictates that Hermia has to marry the guy of his choice... or be put to death.
 Brain Snack: In Shakespeare's England, parents really liked to pick out their kids'
spouses. Sometimes, parents even filed lawsuits to try to force their kids into
arranged marriages.

 Theseus puts on his Dr. Phil hat and tries to reason with Hermia, but our girl flat-
out refuses to marry Demetrius.
 Hermia asks the Duke what the worst-case scenario would be if she didn't marry
 Theseus (who is also Athens's resident Judge Judy) says that, if Hermia refuses
to marry Demetrius, she has only two other options: 1) Become a celibate nun or
2) Be put to death.
 Things aren't looking good for Hermia.
 Theseus warns that being a nun is not so great and suggests that Hermia just
bite the bullet [decide to do something difficult or unpleasant that one has been putting off
or hesitating over ] and marry Demetrius.
 Hermia declares she would rather die a virgin than marry a boy she doesn't love.
 Theseus tells her she should really reconsider and gives her four days to declare
her own fate. In other words, Hermia has until Theseus and Hippolyta's wedding
day to decide if she'll get married, become a nun, or be sent to the chopping
 Demetrius tries to get Hermia and Lysander to give in, but Lysander points out
that since Hermia's dad loves Demetrius so much, maybe the two of them should
get married.
 Lysander defends his right to marry Hermia: he's equal to Demetrius in pedigree,
better off financially, and besides, Hermia actually loves him.
 Furthermore, Lysander claims that Demetrius is known to have previously
courted Hermia's friend, Helena, who still has a crush on Demetrius.
 Theseus says he's heard about this and meant to have a talk with Demetrius
about it.
 Theseus calls Egeus and Demetrius away with him so he can give them some
 Before the men leave, Theseus advises Hermia to be a good girl and listen to her
dad, or deal with Athenian law.
 Lysander and Hermia are left to discuss their bad luck.
 Hermia is really upset by the whole death/nun ultimatum.
 Lysander tries to take everything in stride and famously declares "the course of
true love never did run smooth."
 Hermia declares that they should be patient because they're destined to be
 Lysander then pipes up that he has a rich, widowed aunt who lives outside of
Athens and loves him like a son. They can run away to aunt's house and get
hitched because she lives outside the reach of Athenian law.
 Hermia agrees to meet Lysander in the woods next night. From there, they can
run off and pull a Romeo and Juliet (a.k.a. elope, not commit a double-suicide).

 Hermia's friend Helena then shows up. Helena's a mess because she loves
Demetrius but Demetrius wants to marry Hermia.
 Helena says she wishes she could be more like Hermia—pretty, sweet-voiced,
and good at making men fall in love with her.
 Hermia points out she hasn't done much to inspire Demetrius. The more she
frowns, curses, and hates him, the more he loves her.
 Helena has done the opposite, and Demetrius won't give her the time of day.
 Hermia then tells Helena to relax—Demetrius won't be distracted by Hermia
anymore because Hermia's going to run off and get hitched to Lysander.
 The lovers explain their plan to Helena: Next night, they'll meet up in the woods
and then run away to get married.
 The happy lovers exit after wishing Helena good luck with Demetrius.
 Helena, now alone, feels sorry for herself for being in love with a guy who won't
give her the time of day.
 Helena tries to understand why Demetrius fell out of love with her (and fell in love
with Hermia).
 Helena decides the best thing to do is tattle to Demetrius that Hermia plans to
elope with Lysander. She reasons that she's got nothing to lose and thinks that
maybe Demetrius will be so grateful that he'll change his mind and fall in love
with her again.

Original Translation
THESEUS and HIPPOLYTA enter along THESEUS and HIPPOLYTA enter along
with PHILOSTRATE and others. with PHILOSTRATE and others.

Now, fair Hippolyta, our nuptial hour Now, beautiful Hippolyta, the hour of our
draws on apace. Four happy days bring wedding is speeding closer. In four joyful
in another moon. But oh, methinks how days there will be a new crescent moon,
slow and we will marry. But oh! The old moon
This old moon wanes! seems to me to shrink away so slowly! It
She lingers my desires, delays me from getting what I desire, just
Like to a stepdame or a dowager like an old rich widow will force her
Long withering out a young man’s stepson to wait forever to receive his
revenue. inheritance.
Four days will quickly steep themselves in Four days will quickly pass and turn to
night. night. And each night, we will dream
Four nights will quickly dream away the away the time. And soon the moon—like
time. a silver bow newly bent into a curve in the

And then the moon, like to a silver bow sky—will look down on the night of our
New bent in heaven, shall behold the wedding celebration.
Of our solemnities.
Go, Philostrate, Go, Philostrate, get the young people of
Stir up the Athenian youth to merriments. Athens in the mood to celebrate. Wake
Awake the pert [attractive, lively] and up the lively and swift spirit of fun. Send
nimble [able to move quickly and sadness out to funerals—that pale
lightly] spirit of mirth. emotion has no place at our festivities.
Turn melancholy forth to funerals. We can’t have miserable fellows in our
The pale companion is not for our pomp. festivities.
Hippolyta, I wooed thee with my sword Hippolyta, I wooed with you by fighting
And won thy love doing thee injuries. against you, and won your love by
But I will wed thee in another key, injuring you. But I’ll marry you in a
With pomp, with triumph, and with different way—with splendid ceremonies,
reveling.[enjoying oneself in a lively, public festivities, and celebration.
noisy way; especially with drinking
and dancing.]
Happy be Theseus, our renownèd duke. Joy to you, Theseus—our famous and
distinguished duke!
EGEUS enters with his daughter EGEUS enters with his daughter
HERMIA, along with LYSANDER and HERMIA, along with LYSANDER and
Thanks, good Egeus. What’s the news Thank you, dear Egeus. What’s going on
with thee? with you?
Full of vexation come I with complaint I’ve come to you full of anger, to protest
Against my child, my daughter Hermia. against the actions of my daughter,
Stand forth, Demetrius. My noble lord, Hermia. Step forward, Demetrius. My
This man hath my consent to marry her. noble lord Theseus, this man, Demetrius,
Stand forth, Lysander. And my gracious has my blessing to marry her. Step
duke, forward, Lysander. Yet, my gracious
This man hath bewitched the bosom duke, this man, Lysander, has put a spell
[heart] of my child. on my daughter’s heart. You, you,
Thou, thou, Lysander, thou hast given her Lysander, you have given her poems,
rhymes [love poetry], and exchanged tokens of love with my

And interchanged love tokens with my daughter. You’ve come beneath her
child. window in the moonlight and pretended to
Thou hast by moonlight at her window love her with your fake love songs. And
sung you’ve stolen her fancy by giving her
With feigning voice [with a voice that locks of your hair, rings, toys, trinkets,
pretends to be sincere] verses of knickknacks, little presents, flowers, and
feigning love [pretended love], candies—all of which will powerfully
And stol'n the impression of her fantasy influence an innocent child. You’ve
[caught her imagination by making an sneaked and schemed to steal my
impression on her] daughter’s heart, transforming the
With bracelets of thy hair, rings, gauds obedience which she owes me into harsh
[silly toys], conceits [fancy things], stubbornness. My gracious duke, if
Knacks[knick-knacks, useless little Hermia, standing here in front of you,
gifts], trifles, nosegays [bunches of won’t agree to marry Demetrius, then I
flowers], sweetmeats [sweets]— demand my traditional rights as a father
messengers in Athens. Since she belongs to me, I can
Of strong prevailment [persuasive do what I want with her, as the law
power] in unhardened [inexperienced] expressly states for just such a case as
youth. this: either she marries Demetrius, or she
With cunning hast thou filched [stolen] dies.
my daughter’s heart,
Turned her obedience (which is due
[owed] to me)
To stubborn harshness. And, my gracious
Be it so [if] she will not here before your
Consent to marry with Demetrius, I beg
the ancient privilege of Athens [I claim
the traditional right of an Athenian].
As she is mine, I may dispose of her—
Which shall be either to this gentleman
Or to her death—according to our law
Immediately provided in that case [the
law specifically designed for such
cases (against which there could be
no appeal].
What say you, Hermia? Be advised And what do you say, Hermia? Take this
[think carefully], fair maid: advice, pretty girl: you should see your

To you your father should be as a god, father as a god, since he’s the one who
One that composed your beauties, yea, created your beauty. To him, you’re like a
and one figure that he sculpted out of wax, giving
To whom you are but as a form in wax, him the power to leave it as it is or to
By him imprinted [nothing more than a destroy it. Demetrius is a good man.
wax figure that he has modeled] and
within his power
To leave the figure or disfigure [destroy]
Demetrius is a worthy gentleman.
So is Lysander. So is Lysander.
In himself he is. Yes, he is.
But in this kind [in a matter like this], But in this situation, because he lacks
wanting [lacking] your father’s voice, your father's support, you must consider
The other must be held the worthier. Demetrius to be better.

I would [wish] my father looked but with I wish my father could look at them
my eyes. through my eyes.
[the relationship(or lack of it) between
seeing and judging, the eyes and
mind, is central to the concerns of the
Rather your eyes must with his judgment Instead, your view of them must be
look. influenced by your father's wishes.
I do entreat your grace to pardon me. I beg your Grace to forgive me.
I know not by what power I am made bold I don’t know what is making me bold
Nor how it may concern my modesty enough to do this, or even how speaking
[affect my reputation for modesty] my thoughts to such an important person
In such a presence [before the duke] as you might harm my reputation for
here to plead my thoughts [express my modesty. But I beg you to explain to me
feelings], the worst thing that could happen to me in
But I beseech your grace that I may know this situation if I refuse to marry
The worst that may befall me in this case, Demetrius.
If I refuse to wed Demetrius.

Either to die the death [be legally put to You’ll either be sentenced to death or to
death] or to abjure [renounce] never again interact with another man.
Forever the society of men. Therefore, beautiful Hermia, really think
Therefore, fair Hermia, question your about what you want. Think about how
desires [ask yourself what you really young you are, and explore your
want]. feelings—if you do not give in to your
Know of your youth [remember that you father's wishes, will you be able to
are young]. Examine well your blood— tolerate life wearing the robes of a nun,
Whether, if you yield not to your father’s shut up in a dark convent, living your
choice, whole life without husband or children,
You can endure the livery [habit] of a chanting quietly to Diana. Those who can
nun, control their passions and remain virgins
For aye [ever] to be in shady cloister their whole lives are three times as
mewed [shut up], blessed. But a married woman lives
To live a barren sister [nun] all your life, happier in this world than a virgin, who
Chanting faint hymns to the cold, fruitless achieves the blessing of chastity but
moon [Diana, goddess of moon and of grows, lives, and withers to death as a
chastity]. flower on the stem.
Thrice-blessèd they that master
[discipline] so their blood [passions]
To undergo such maiden pilgrimage [life
vowed to celibacy].
But earthlier happy [more happy on
earth] is the rose distilled [the rose that
is plucked, whose scent is distilled to
make perfume]
Than that which, withering on the virgin
Grows, lives, and dies in single
blessedness [the particular state of
grace granted in many religions to
those who vow never to marry and live
in celibacy].
So will I grow, so live, so die, my lord, That is how I will grow, live, and die, my
Ere I will yield my virgin patent [right to lord. I will not give up the ownership of my
remain virgin] up virginity to my lord father. My soul refuses
Unto his lordship [the domination of this to let him command me into the yoke of a
man], whose unwishèd yoke [a wooden marriage I do not want.
cross-piece linking two oxen together

for the purpose of ploughing; from this
it becomes a symbol of bondage and
My soul consents not to give sovereignty
[acknowledge as lord and master].
Take time to pause [wait a short time Take some time to consider. By the next
before making your decision] , and by new moon—the day when my beloved
the next new moon—The sealing day and I will be joined in marriage—be ready
[the day on which they will seal(=make either to die for disobeying your father's
official) their vows] betwixt my love and desires, to marry Demetrius, as your
me father wishes. Or else, you can go to the
For everlasting bond of fellowship—Upon temple of Diana and vow to spend the
that day either prepare to die rest of your life as a virgin priestess.
For disobedience to your father’s will,
Or else to wed Demetrius, as he would,
Or on Diana’s altar to protest [vow]
For aye [ever] austerity [strict
simplicity; In Christian church, nuns
and monks vow to live in poverty,
chastity and obedience.] and single life.
Relent, sweet Hermia And, Lysander, Give in, sweet Hermia. And, Lysander,
yield give up your crazy claim to possession of
Thy crazèd title [uncertain claim what is mine.
(because Hermia’s father does not
admit it)] to my certain right.
You have her father’s love, Demetrius. Her father loves you, Demetrius. Let me
Let me have Hermia’s. Do you marry him have Hermia, and you can marry him.
[you go and marry him].
Scornful Lysander, true, he hath my love, Rude Lysander, it's true, I do love
And what is mine my love shall render him. And because I love him, I will give to
him. him what is mine. Hermia is mine, and I’m
And she is mine, and all my right of her giving my rights to her to Demetrius.
I do estate unto [The phrase is a legal
one, continuing the idea that Hermia is
a mere possession] Demetrius.

[To THESEUS] I am, my lord, as well [To THESEUS] My lord, I’m as noble as
derived [nobly descended, of good Demetrius, and as rich. I love Hermia
family] as he, more than he does. My prospects are in
As well possessed [rich in every way as good as Demetrius', if not
possessions]. My love is more than his. better. And, more importantly than all of
My fortunes every way as fairly ranked, those things I just boasted about,
[my financial position and prospects beautiful Hermia loves me. Why shouldn’t
rank me as high.] I be able to pursue my rights marry her?
fortunes: position in life Demetrius—and I’ll declare this to his
(If not with vantage [even better]) as face—wooed Nedar’s daughter, Helena,
Demetrius'. and won her love. Now Helena, that
And—which is more than all these boasts sweet lady, obsesses, deeply obsesses,
can be—I am beloved of beauteous obsesses over this stained and unfaithful
Hermia. man, idolizing him as if he were a god.
Why should not I then prosecute my right
[persist in making my claim]?
Demetrius, I’ll avouch it to his head
[declare before his face(in his
Made love [courted] to Nedar’s daughter,
And won her soul [affection]. And she,
sweet lady, dotes,
Devoutly dotes, dotes in idolatry
Upon this spotted [dishonourable] and
inconstant man.
I must confess that I have heard so much I must admit I’ve heard that too, and
And with Demetrius thought to have meant to speak about it with
spoke thereof, Demetrius. But because I was too busy
But being overfull of self-affairs, [too with my own concerns, I forget about it.
concerned with my own business] But now, Demetrius and Egeus, come
My mind did lose [forget] it. But, with me. I have some advice for you both
Demetrius, come. that I want to give in private. As for you,
And come, Egeus. You shall go with me. beautiful Hermia, prepare yourself to
I have some private schooling [advice to shape your desires to match what your
give you in private] for you both. father wants, or else the law of Athens—
For [as for] you, fair Hermia, look you which I can’t modify or lessen in any
arm [prepare] yourself way—demands that you either die or take

To fit your fancies to your father’s will a vow of chastity and never marry. Come
[make your wishes agree with what along, Hippolyta. How are you, my love?
your father wants], Demetrius and Egeus, come with us. I
Or else the law of Athens yields you up have some work I need you to do
(Which by no means we may extenuate) regarding our wedding, and there's
To death, or to a vow of single life. something that concerns the two of you
Come, my Hippolyta. What cheer [how that I want to discuss.
are you feeling, perhaps Hyppolyta
looks sad thinking about Hermia’s
difficult choice], my love?
Demetrius and Egeus, go along.
I must employ you in some business [All
three syllables of the word must be
Against [in preparation for] our nuptial
and confer with you
Of something nearly that concerns
yourselves [discuss something that
closely concerns you].
With duty and desire [willingness] we We follow you because it is our duty, and
follow you. because we want to.
They exit, except LYSANDER and They all exit, except LYSANDER and
How now, my love? Why is your cheek so How are you, my love? Why are your
pale? cheeks so pale? How is it that the roses
How chance [why] the roses there do in them have faded so quickly?
fade so fast?
Belike [probably] for want of rain, which I Probably because they lacked rain, which
could well I could easily give them from the tears in
Beteem [pour down on] them from the my eyes.
tempest of my eyes.
Ay me [Lysander sighs]! For aught Oh dear! In every book that I have ever
[anything] that I could ever read, read, whether a story or a history, the
Could ever hear by tale or history, path of true love is never smooth or
The course of true love never did run easy. Perhaps the lovers are of different
smooth. social classes—

But either it was different in blood [social
class] —
O cross! Too high to be enthralled to low. Oh, what an obstacle! Being a person of
high rank in love with someone of low
Or else misgraffèd in respect of years [ill- Or else they were very different ages—
matched through difference of age]—
O spite! Too old to be engaged to young. Oh, vicious fate! Being too old to marry
someone young.
Or else it stood upon [depended on] the Or else their ability to choose depended
choice of friends [relations]— on the wishes of their relatives—
O hell, to choose love by another’s eyes! Oh, what a hell, to have someone else's
wishes determine who you can love!
Or, if there were a sympathy [agreement] Or—even if two people loved each other
in choice, and could choose to marry—war, death,
War, death, or sickness did lay siege to or sickness might intervene, so that their
[make war on] it, love lasts no longer than a sound is, as
Making it momentary as a sound, fleeting as a shadow, short as a
Swift as a shadow, short as any dream, dream. Or it's as brief as a bolt of
Brief as the lightning in the collied lightning that—like a flash of passion—
[blackened(from colly=soot)] night; lights up heaven and Earth but then
That, in a spleen [sudden passionate disappears into darkness before you can
impulse], unfolds [lights up] both even say "Look!" That’s how bright things
heaven and Earth, that are full of life are destroyed.
And ere [before] a man hath power to
say “Behold!”
The jaws of darkness do devour it up.
So quick bright things come to confusion
[are ruined, destroyed].
If then true lovers have been ever If true lovers are always thwarted [let
crossed, down], then it proves that destiny is
It stands as an edict in destiny [If true saying that our thwarted love must be
lovers have always (‘ever’) been true. So, let’s make sure to approach our

frustrated (‘crossed’) then fate must problem with patience. Since all true love
have some law about it.]. must be thwarted, then being thwarted is
Then let us teach our trial patience [let us as much a part of love as dreams, sighs,
learn to endure this test with patience], wishes, and tears are.
Because it is a customary cross
[because such frustration is quite
As due to love [belonging to love] as
thoughts and dreams and sighs,
Wishes and tears, poor fancy’s [love]
A good persuasion [advice]. Therefore, That's the right way to think about it. So,
hear me, Hermia. listen, Hermia. I have an aunt who is a
I have a widow aunt, a dowager [widow] widow, who has property and great
Of great revenue [the word must be wealth, and doesn’t have any
stressed on the second syllable], and children. Her house is about twenty miles
she hath no child. from Athens, and she thinks of me as a
From Athens is her house remote son. Dear Hermia, I could marry you
[distant] seven leagues [a rough there, where the harsh laws of Athens
measurement of distance, usually can’t follow us. So if you love me, sneak
about 3 miles], out of your father’s house tomorrow
And she respects [regards] me as her night. I will wait for you in the woods,
only son. three miles out of town, at the spot where
There, gentle Hermia, may I marry thee. I once met you with Helena to celebrate
And to that place the sharp Athenian law May Day.
Cannot pursue us [the harsh Athenian
law will have no power over us]. If thou
lovest me then,
Steal forth [creep out of] thy father’s
house tomorrow night.
And in the wood, a league without
[outside] the town—Where I did meet
thee once with Helena
To do observance to a morn of May [to
perform the (fertility) rites of May
Day]—There will I stay [wait] for thee.
My good Lysander! My noble Lysander! I swear to you—by
I swear to thee by Cupid’s [ the classical Cupid's strongest bow, by his best gold-

God of love, usually depicted as tipped arrow; by the innocent doves that
blindfolded, winged boy with a bow drive Venus' chariot; by everything that
and 2 arrows, one to inspire love, and binds souls together and makes love
the other to kill love] strongest bow, grow; by the bonfire upon which Queen
By his best arrow with the golden head, Dido of Carthage burned herself to death
By the simplicity of Venus' doves [the when she saw that her lover Aeneas had
classical goddess of love often secretly sailed away from her; and by all
travelled in chariot drawn by white the promises that men have ever broken
doves- their colour signifying the (which outnumber all the promises
innocence(‘simplicity’) of pure love] , women have ever made). I will meet you
By that which knitteth souls and prospers tomorrow at the spot you have asked me
loves [Hermia may be referring to the to go to.
girdle worn by and associated with
And by that fire which burned the
Carthage queen
When the false Trojan under sail was
seen[Dido, Queen of Carthage flung
herself on a funeral pyre when her
lover, the Trojan Aeneas, sailed away
from her; the story is told in Virgil’s
Aeneid, Book IV],
By all the vows that ever men have
broke(In number more than ever women
In that same place thou hast appointed
Tomorrow truly will I meet with thee.
Keep promise, love. Look, here comes Keep your promise, my love. Look, here
Helena. comes Helena.
Godspeed [may God be with you], fair Welcome, beautiful Helena! Where are
Helena! you going?
Whither away?
Call you me “fair?” That “fair” again Did you call me “beautiful?” Take it back.
unsay. Your beauty is what Demetrius loves. Oh,
Demetrius loves your fair [your beauty]. lucky beauty! Your eyes are like stars,

O happy fair! and your sweet voice is more melodic
Your eyes are lodestars [guiding stars], than a lark’s song is to a shepherd in the
and your tongue’s sweet air [sound] springtime, when the wheat is green and
More tunable [tuneful] than lark to hawthorn buds appear. Sickness is
shepherd’s ear contagious. Oh, I wish beauty was also. I
When wheat is green, when hawthorn would catch yours, beautiful Hermia,
buds [the hawthorn is one of the first before I left. My ear would be infected by
trees to flower in the English spring your voice, my eye by your eye, and my
time] appear. tongue would catch your tongue's musical
Sickness is catching [infectious]. Oh, voice. If I owned the world, I’d give it all
were favor [beauty/charm] so, up—with the exception of Demetrius—to
Yours would I catch, fair Hermia, ere be transformed into you. Oh, teach me
[before] I go. how you look at Demetrius, and the tricks
My ear should catch your voice. My eye, you use to make him fall in love with you.
your eye.
My tongue should catch your tongue’s
sweet melody.
Were the world mine, Demetrius being
bated [except], The rest I’d give to be to
you translated [transferred (to become
Hermia’s property)].
O, teach me how you look and with what
You sway the motion of Demetrius' heart
[influence the way Demetrius feels].
I frown upon him, yet he loves me still. I frown at him, but he still loves me.
Oh, that your frowns would teach my Oh, if only your frowns could teach my
smiles such skill! smiles to have that same ability!
I give him curses, yet he gives me love. I curse him, but he responds with love.
Oh, that my prayers could such affection Oh, if only my prayers could arouse that
move! kind of affection!
The more I hate, the more he follows me. The more I hate him, the more he follows
The more I love, the more he hateth me. The more I love him, the more he hates

His folly, Helena, is no fault of mine. Helena, his foolishness is not my fault.
None, but your beauty. Would [I wish] It’s only your beauty’s fault. I wish I had
that fault were mine! that fault!
Take comfort. He no more shall see my Don’t worry. He'll never see my face
face. again. Lysander and I are running away
Lysander and myself will fly [escape from here. Before the first time I saw
from] this place. Lysander, Athens seemed like paradise
Before the time I did Lysander see to me. But Lysander is so beautiful and
Seemed Athens as a paradise to me. graceful that, by comparison, he’s turned
Oh, then, what graces [qualities] in my what I thought was heaven into hell!
love do dwell,
That he hath turned a heaven unto a hell!
Helen, to you our minds [thoughts, Helena, we’ll let you in on our
plans] we will unfold [open, explain]. plan. Tomorrow night—when Phoebe is
Tomorrow night when Phoebe [another reflected on the water and decorates the
name for Diana-goddess of the moon] grass with beads of pearly light (the time
doth behold of night that always hides lovers on the
Her silver visage [face] in the watery run—we plan to sneak out through the
glass [mirror made by a stretch of gates of Athens.
water(a lake or pond)],
Decking [trimming] with liquid pearl
[drops of dew(glistening like
pearls);the Elizabethans thought that
dew fell from the moon] the bladed
(A time that lovers' flights doth still
[always] conceal),
Through Athens' gates have we devised
[planned] to steal.
[To HELENA] And in the wood where [To HELENA] In the woods where you
often you and I and I used to laze around on the pale
Upon faint [delicate: The primrose is a primroses, sharing all of the sweet
pale yellow, slightly scented flower of secrets of our hearts—that’s where
early spring] primrose beds were wont Lysander and I will meet. Then we’ll turn

[accustomed] to lie, away from Athens and look for new
Emptying our bosoms [hearts] of their friends and the company of strangers.
counsel [secrets] sweet, Goodbye, sweet friend of my youth. Pray
There my Lysander and myself shall for us, and may fate give you
meet. Demetrius! Keep your promise, Lysander.
And thence from Athens turn away our We must refrain from the pleasure of
eyes seeing each other until tomorrow at
To seek new friends and stranger midnight.
companies [company of strangers].
Farewell, sweet playfellow. Pray thou for
And good luck grant thee thy Demetrius!
Keep word [keep your promise],
Lysander. We must starve our sight
From lovers' food [i.e. the sight of each
other] till morrow deep midnight.
I will, my Hermia. I will, my Hermia.
Helena, adieu. Goodbye, Helena. May Demetrius love
As you on him, Demetrius dote on you! you just as you love him!
[May Demetrius love you as much as
you love him.]
How happy some o'er [over] other some How happy some people can be
can be! [how happy some people are, compared to others! Throughout Athens,
compared to others] people think I'm as beautiful as Hermia.
Through Athens I am thought as fair as But what does that matter? Demetrius
she. doesn't think so. The only opinion he has
But what of that? Demetrius thinks not so. is his own. And as he wanders, idolizing
He will not know what all but he do know. Hermia's eyes, likewise I admire his
And as he errs, doting on Hermia's eyes, beauty. Love can transform crude and
So I, admiring of his qualities. horrible things of no worth into beautiful
Things base and vile, holding no and dignified things. Love doesn't look
quantity,[having no value] with eyes, but with the mind. That's why
Love can transpose [transform] to form they paint winged Cupid blind. And Love
and dignity. [The truth of this doesn't have good judgment or taste—
observation will be demonstrated in wings and blindness make for undue
Act 3, when Titania falls in love with speed in falling in love. Thus, Love is

Bottom] thought of as a child, because he often
Love looks not with the eyes but with the makes the wrong choice. Just like
mind [imagination, intelligence]. mischievous boys who go back on their
And therefore is winged Cupid painted word as they play games, so too does the
blind. boy Love perjure himself
Nor hath Love's mind of any judgment everywhere. Because before Demetrius
taste—Wings and no eyes figure saw Hermia's eyes, he swore that he
[represent] unheedy [thoughtless] belonged to only me. And when he felt
haste. attracted to Hermia, he dissolved. His
And therefore is Love said to be a child, promises melted down like hail in the
Because in choice he is so oft beguiled heat. I will go and tell him that beautiful
[deceived]. Hermia is running away. Then he'll go to
As waggish [playful] boys in game [in the forest tomorrow night to pursue her.
fun] themselves forswear [break And if he thanks me for this piece of
promises], information, it will all be worth it. But in
So the boy Love is perjured everywhere this way I plan to make my pain worse, by
[like a little boy breaks his promises seeing him go there and back again.
For ere [until] Demetrius looked on
Hermia's eyne [eyes],
He hailed down oaths that he was only HELENA exits.
And when this hail some heat from
Hermia felt,
So he dissolved, and showers of oaths
did melt.
I will go tell him of fair Hermia's flight.
Then to the wood will he tomorrow night
Pursue her. And for this intelligence
[piece of information]
If I have thanks, it is a dear expense.[The
phrase has several meanings: (i) it will
cause Demetrius some effort to give
thanks to Helena, but (ii) thanks from
Demetrius will be precious to Helena
even though (iii) she has paid a high
price for them (in betraying her
But herein mean I to enrich my pain,
To have his sight thither and back again.

HELENA exits.


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