3 Nano Composites Offer New
3 Nano Composites Offer New
3 Nano Composites Offer New
One of the areas where nanocomposites have been predicted to offer great potential in the plastics industry is in the field of flame retardancy. Dr. Gnter Beyer summarizes current developments in nanocomposite reseach.
Once a fire starts in a room containing flammable materials, it will generate heat, which can heat up and ignite additional combustible materials. As a consequence the rate at which the fire progresses speeds up because more and more heat is released and a progressive increase in the room temperature is observed. The radiant heat and temperature can rise to such an extent that all materials within the room are ignited very easily, resulting in an extremely high rate of fire spread. This point in time is called flash-over and leads to a fully developed fire. Escape from the room will then be virtually impossible and the spread of the fire to other rooms is highly likely. When a fire reaches flash-over, every polymer will release roughly 20% of its weight as carbon monoxide, resulting in excess toxic smoke. Consequently, most people die in big fires and 90% of fire deaths are the result of fires becoming too big, resulting in too much toxic smoke. Every year about 5,000 people are killed by fires in Europe and more than 4,000 people in USA. Direct property loss through fire is roughly 0.2% of the gross domestic product and the total cost of fires is around 1% of the gross domestic product. Consequently, there is a considerable need for well designed flame retardant materials. In many cases existing flame retardant systems show considerable disadvantages. The applications of aluminium trihydrate and magnesium hydroxide require a very high portion of the filler to be deployed within the polymer matrix; filling levels of more than 60 weight % are necessary to achieve suitable flame retardancy, for example in cables and wires. Clear disadvantages of these filling levels are the high density and the lack of flexibility of end products, the low mechanical properties and the problematic compounding and extrusion steps. In Europe there are reservations about the general use of brominated compounds as flame retardants. In addition, intumescent systems are relatively expensive and electrical requirements can restrict the use of these products. (see Figure 1). The most important fillers that can be used for the generation of these structures at a nanometer level are layered silicates. Very often modified montmorillonites (organoclays) are used after an exchange of the originally inorganic small cations within the galleries of the layers by more bulky organic cations (for example, quaternary ammonium cations). This exchange of cations increases the gap between the layers, which allows polymers to penetrate into the galleries. During processing by extrusion the layers are separated, which leads to the different structures. Unfortunately, not all organoclays can be nanodispersed in all polymers. There has been a significant amount of research material published indicating that a polar polymer matrix is very helpful and that also the length and the chemical structure of the quaternary organic ammonium compound play an important role in the successful production of a nanocomposite. Therefore, polymers like ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA) and polyamide (PA) easily form nanocomposites, while it is considerably more difficult for non-polar polymers such as polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP). For the non-polar polymer PE it is reported that a blend of PE and MSA-g-PE can be used to create a nanocomposite. Only 3-5% of a nanodispersed organoclay within a polymer matrix is required to improve mechanical properties significantly. Nanocomposites
A new class of materials, called nanocomposites [1], can avoid the disadvantages of traditional flame retardant systems. Generally, the term nanocomposite describes a two-phase material with a suitable nanofiller usually modified layered silicates (organoclays) or carbon nanotubes dispersed in the polymer matrix at the nanometer (10-9 m) scale. Compared with pure polymers, nanocomposites can show tremendous improvements; the amount of nanofiller needed within the polymer matrix is often in the range of 2-10 weight %. There are two possible forms of nanodispersion. An intercalated structure is generated if the nanodispersed filler is still ordered; while if the filler is homogenously dispersed then an exfoliated structure is generated
Flame retardants
often show reductions of heat release rates up to -70 %. Heat release is the most important single factor in a fire and can be described as the driving force of a fire.
Heat release
Heat release is measured by the cone calorimeter (see Figure 2). The mechanism of this extraordinary reduction for the heat release rate is related mainly to two factors. Firstly, during the degradation of the nanocomposite the formation of a char can be observed, which shields the nanocomposite below against the external heat. In addition, there is a reduction in permeability of burnable gases from the polymer decomposition to the external flame. Secondly, there is also a change of reaction mechanism during the degradation [2] of nanocomposites. Polymers like PMMA and polystyrene (PS), which are only depolymerizing (ie: do not form a char) as virgin polymers, degrade with char formation as nanocomposites. Of particular importance to the industry is the fact that often very similar reductions in heat release rates are observed for both intercalated and exfoliated structures. In practice, the flame retardancy of polymers is currently achieved using different traditional additives. Halogen-free flame retardancy, which is most important for Europe, is achieved through aluminium trihydate (ATH) and to a smaller degree by magnesium hydroxide. Nitrogen- and phosphorus based flame retardants are also used. The proportion of ATH needed
Figure 1: Dispersion of a filler within a polymer. can be very high - up to 150-175 phr for adequate flame retardancy. The low flexibility of such compounds, only moderate mechanical properties and very often difficulties during compounding and extrusion or injection moulding are frequently reported. Alternatively, the amount of halogen-based flame retardants for polymers is lower, but particularly in Europe customers and legislators are demanding the development of non-halogen flame retardants. Therefore, the aim of an innovative flame retardant solution for Europe would be a significant reduction in the amount of traditional halogen-free flame retardants for compounds, while still maintaining a high level of flame retardancy. Nanocomposites offer a solution. Organoclays alone [3] do not exhibit sufficient flame retardancy in a polymer matrix, for example for cables. However, a combination of ATH or magnesium hydroxide with organoclay produces sufficient flame retardancy and simultaneously allows the reduction of the total filler content. The phrase nano meets micro could be considered to summarize this concept. The industry awarded this concept in 2003 and 2004 [4] and many companies and universities are now investigating the synergistic effects of organoclays and classical flame retardants, such as ammonium polyphosphates and phosphorus esters, as well as brominated flame retardants.
Flame retardants
October 2002, 22-28 2. Ch. Wilkie, Polym. Degrad. Stab. 2003, 539 3. G. Beyer, Fire and Materials, 2002, 193 4. Jack Spergel Memorial Award by IWCS to Dr. G. Beyer in 2003 and 2004 for the concept of nanocomposites as a new flame retardant material class and science concept. 5. G. Beyer, Fire and Materials, 2005, 61 6. G. Beyer, Presentation at the 16th annual BCC conference "Recent advances in flame retardancy of polymeric materials", Stamford, CT, USA, 2005. Contact: Gnter Beyer Kabelwerk Eupen AG B-4700 Eupen, Belgium Tel: +32 87 59 70 00 Fax: +32 87 59 71 00 E-mail: guenter_beyer@eupen.com
Figure 2: Cone Calorimeter. In addition to organoclays, many other fillers can produce nanocomposites with improved flame retardancy. POSS (polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes), modified hectorites and silica are well known nanodispersable fillers. Carbon nanotubes are also very efficient flame retardants; because of their enormous L/Dratio the char generated was strengthened and the degradation of carbon nanotubebased cables was retarded [5]. Over the next year, many new flame retardant systems will enter the market using nanotechnology to create synergistic effects between nanodispersable fillers and classical flame retardants. However, there are also problems with nanocomposites to be solved. For example, the thermal stability of the organoclays must be improved, which limits the technical synthesis and applications of nanocomposites due to rapid thermal decomposition of the quaternary ammonium compounds at >200C. In addition, the reduced long life time behaviour of nanocomposites must be improved by adequate stabilization [6].
1. G. Beyer, Nanocomposites - A new class of flame retardants or polymers, Plastics Additives & Compounding, Plastics Additives & Compounding September/October 2005