DE I - PPT - CH 1
DE I - PPT - CH 1
DE I - PPT - CH 1
India 14 30 40 1.8
Italy 80 87 92 5.0
USA 89 91 93 2.4
• From the table Morris observes that there is no
automatic link between GNP per capita and PQLI
• In fact, the presence or absence of social relations,
nutritional status, public health, education and family
environment determine a society’s PQLI
• Further, it takes considerable time to build institutional
arrangements that can generate and sustain a high PQLI
➢ Morris admits that PQLI is a limited measure of basic
➢ It supplements but does not supplant the GNP
➢ It does not measure economic growth
➢ Further, it does not explain the changing structure of
economic and social organization . Therefore, does not
measure economic development
➢ Similarly, it does not measure total welfare. However, it
measures the qualities of life which are essential for the
➢ Morris has been criticized for using arbitrary weights
for the three variables of his PQLI.
According to Meier, “Non-income factors captured by the
PQLI are important but so are income and consumption
statistics and distribution-sensitive methods of
aggregation by which to obtain an overall poverty index
Despite these limitations, the PQLI can be used to identify
particular regions of under-development and groups of
society suffering from the neglect or failure of social
It points towards that indicator where immediate action
is required
2. Human Development index
The Traditional Human Development Index
Developed by UNDP in 1970 in
• HDI ranks all countries on a scale of 0 (lowest human
development) to 1 (highest human development)
• It based on three goals of development
– longevity as measured by life expectancy at birth.
25 years and 85 years
– knowledge as measured by a weighted average of
adult literacy (two-thirds) and gross school
enrollment ratio (one-third)
– standard of living as measured by real per capita GDP
adjusted for the differing PPP. $ 100 and $ 40,000
• The HDI ranks countries into four groups:
– low human development (0.0 to 0.499)
– medium human development (0.50 to 0.799)
– high human development (0.80 to 0.90) and
– very high human development (0.90 to 1.0)
• HDI can be calculated for groups and regions in
a country