Strategy Chapter 6 - Strategic Implementation
Strategy Chapter 6 - Strategic Implementation
Strategy Chapter 6 - Strategic Implementation
Strategic Management Model
Strategy Execution
“In too many companies there is a grand, and overly vague, long-term goal on
one hand…and detailed short-term budgets and annual plans on the other
hand … with nothing in between to link the two together
… the long term doesn’t start at year five of the current
strategic plan. It starts right now!”
Competing for the Future by Gary Hamel and C.K. Prahalad (Harvard Business Press)
Issues includes:
- What new business to enter
- What business to abandon
- How to allocate resources
- Expand operations or diversity
- Merge or form joint venture
Issues includes:
- Annual objectives
- Policies
- Employee motivation
- Resource allocation
Fluctuating = Good performance =
Strong vision + Strong vision +
Weak Strong
implementation implementation
Going nowhere = Conservative = Excellent
Weak vision + Weak vision + performance
Weak Strong management
implementation implementation
scenario 1 scenario 2 scenario n
result 1
result 2
result n
Strategy implementation is the total activities and choices
required for the execution of a strategic plan. It is the process by
which strategies and policies are put into action through
programs, budgets, and procedures.
Achieving Synergy:
States what actions are going to be taken, by whom,
during what time frame, and with what expected results.
and Training Requirements Change
• Human resources needed to support the strategy
• Selection process and procedure
• Training is also needed in implementing strategies like
Corporate culture
Like structure and staffing, corporate culture should support the strategy
• Affects firm’s ability to shift its strategic direction
• Strong tendency to resist change
• Corporate culture should support the strategy