Oross: (11, Aoo:, ::or (B)
Oross: (11, Aoo:, ::or (B)
Oross: (11, Aoo:, ::or (B)
. : . . ..
i2) •
-,, .,. v-•uation
• ..
. .
· t.
. . !"'
·...~")',_,··. .
IP . . . . . • •." •• • r·•r.t•~ ':'~r.jll~,4'~=•
.. .
(14,000 X 12) -· . . ,. . - . ... '. '
K°5!1"~tion 6: Mr. X has let out one hoUse property to Mr. Y ®--~ S0;.0.QQP. ebo-'.ndl~~
. lllllctpal valuation ~80 000 p.m. and Standard rent of the house t76,000_p.m. ·par tai/lA~l6G11 'f!1
~r 2 months and there ~as unrei.tlised rent for 3 months. Mr. X has
etere on loan for construction of house property is t69,000. He ha~ causa .me~· ,. ..,, ··· ."'.X
rrm~u~e his Income and.Tax Liability for A.Y.2024-25: . _ : _: : : :. <;'° t-.\ ·.
L. l