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Concept of Nabhi – A Review Study

Article in Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences · August 2017

DOI: 10.21760/jaims.v2i4.9350


1 6,979

3 authors:

Kishor G. Satani Hemang Raghavani

P D Patel Ayurved hospital, Nadiad, Gujarat, India J. S. Ayurveda College


Kunjal Bhatt



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ISSN: 2456-3110 REVIEW ARTICLE July-Aug 2017

Concept of Nabhi – A Review Study

Kishor G. Satani,1 Hemang U. Raghavani,2 Kunjal H. Bhatt3
Associate Professor, Dept of Samhita and Siddhanta, 2Assistant professor, Dept of Panchakarma, 3Assistant
Professor, Dept of Shalakya Tantra, J. S. Ayurveda College, Nadiad, Gujarat, India.


The central point of body in between Amashaya (location of undigested food) and Pakvashaya
(location of digested food) is termed as Nabhi. In classical texts of Ayurveda; scattered references
regarding Nabhi are available like Nabhi is mentioned as a vital spot (Marma) of body. Nabhi is also
included among the fifteen Koshthangas of body. In Sharirasthana of Sushruta Samhita; Acharya
Sushruta mentioned that Sira and Dhamani are originated from Nabhi. Acharya Vagbhatta has quoted
Nabhi as a dominant place of Pitta Dosha. Nabhi is an abode of Pranas (vital energy). Available
literature and commentary on Nabhi interprets it as a Navel but practically it doesn’t make a sense to
stick with this interpretation. Therefore; it is need to review classical texts of Ayurveda and
contemporary literature to get clear and unambiguous meaning of the word “Nabhi” now a day. After
thoroughly reading and interpreting the literature available regarding Nabhi; core of physiological
process would be considered by the term Nabhi.
Key words: Nabhi, Marma, Kosthanga.

INTRODUCTION person would not have complete knowledge of that

term he cannot become able to interpret the term
Ayurveda; science of life has focused firstly on
accordingly just like ‘Nabhi’.
preventive aspect rather than curative one in
compare to other systems of medicine. Through the By the word ‘Nabhi’ in Ayurveda; a central part of
aims and objectives of Ayurveda; one can perceive its body or Navel is being translated or interpreted.[1]
holistic approach in service to any living being. In spite Scattered references available in classical texts of
of having oldest stream of living being and medicine; Ayurveda about Nabhi do not fit with this
Ayurveda doesn’t get its original identity in compare interpretation. For an example; Acharya Sushruta has
to other systems of healthcare available now a day. So included Nabhi among fifteen types of Koshthangas.[2]
many causes may be there but one of the leading As per the etymology of Koshtha available in
cause for that knowingly or unknowingly scholars and Amarakosha; Koshtha is a gate between two media
experts of Ayurveda under the influence of modern where transformation process continues to maintain
systems of medicine always interpret or correlate the the homeostasis of body.[3] E.g. In Yakrit, Pliha,
terms of Ayurveda with modern terms. Unless a Amashaya, Vrikka etc. fifteen Koshthangas almost all
types of raw materials are converted in to final
Address for correspondence:
Dr. Kishor G. Satani product diurnally. Hence, Navel which is made from
Associate Professor, Dept of Samhita and Siddhanta, dense fibrous tissue doesn’t fit with Koshthanga
J. S. Ayurveda College, Nadiad, Gujarat, India.
E-mail: kishorsatani@gmail.com
‘Nabhi’ at this place.
Submission Date : 07/08/2017 Accepted Date: 28/08/2017 In Sushruta Samhita; Nabhi is highlighted as origin
Access this article online place of Sira[4] and Dhamani.[5] On dissecting the Navel
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of any person we couldn’t find as such vessels at that
Website: www.jaims.in place. Anatomical description of Nabhi mentioned by
Acharya Sushruta in Sharirasthana reveals Nabhi as a
center for reticulation similar to that of the spokes of
DOI: 10.21760/jaims.v2i4.9350 a wheel.[6] Again here; Navel somehow mismatches
with the correlation made for Nabhi.

Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences | July - Aug 2017 | Vol. 2 | Issue 4 186
Kishor G. Satani et.al. Concept of Nabhi – A Review Study

ISSN: 2456-3110 REVIEW ARTICLE July-Aug 2017

All the above references force us to draw out the be communicated as well as interpreted in term of
perfect, clear and unambiguous meaning of the word existing knowledge for international debate. An effort
“Nabhi”. To get the knowledge of different aspect of has been made by author to touch the overall aspect
any word one should start with etymology, definition, of Nabhi through variable references of classical texts
contemporary views, applicability of different aspect of Ayurveda.
related to the word.
Anatomical point of view
Etymology of Nabhi
Nabhi as a Navel
The term is derived from words 'Nah - Bandhe'.[7] It
means to bind or tie to the central point just like the Nabhi is taken as a center of gravitational force in the
spokes of wheel held at the nave. body. During the pregnancy period the foetal
movement occurs through this center. Generally;
Nabhi is considered as a superficial regional landmark
A binding or connecting media of scattredly available to describe the sites of various organs like Grahani is
structural parts of body is known as Nabhi.[8] situated on Nabhi, Pakvashaya at lower side of it.[10]
Amashaya is situated in between Nabhi and Stana.[11]
Location of Nabhi is mentioned in between Amashaya
(substratum for undigested food) and Pakvashaya Nabhi is made of dense fibrous tissue. Its position is
(substratum for digested food).[9] variable. In healthy adults, it lays in anterior median
line at the level of disc between L3 and L4 vertebrae. It
is lower in infants and in persons with pendulous
The present study depends on the data collected from abdomen. Nabhi is lying midway between the
the classical texts of Ayurveda and modern books, suprasternal notch and symphysis pubis.[12]
national and international journals, magazines,
A cord which is attached with navel of baby and on
conferences, internet materials, critically evaluated
other side with placenta of mother is known as
and important information will be sought to approach
Umbilical cord (Nabhinadi). Hence; Nabhi is avowed
the objectives scientifically.
as the Dharani i.e foundation, truly umbilicus is the
DISCUSSION base of your body and during foetal life it is the
support of survival for foetus. Regarding the
Due to blind persuasion of methodology of modern
describing the signs indicating the elongated life of
system of healthcare to interpret any word or concept
baby; Acharya Charaka mentioned that the baby
of Ayurveda; suitable and clear meaning of most of
having right curved Navel would get elongated life.[13]
the fundamental principles or technical terms had not
been perceived by the scholars of Ayurveda. Hence; Nabhi has relevance as a vital spot (Marma) and
not only new comers but scholars of Ayurveda had According to the classical descriptions it is not clear
suffered with many hurdles to get the exact and that the 4 angula size of Nabhi Marma is in terms of
complete aspect of any terms of Ayurveda since few length, breadth or depth. As observed in the cadaveric
centuries. dissection, the 4 Angula circumference and depth
around the umbilicus have more relevance.[14]
A scattered description about Nabhi is available in
Ayurvedic literature but due to lack of correlative Leonardo’s illustration of the theory of Vitruvius is a
interpretation and applied aspect of Nabhi with latest pen ink drawing of a male figure whose outstretched
up to date modern parameters; Ayurvedists do not limbs touch the circumference of a circle and the edge
have confirmative knowledge and applicability of of a square. The navel is the centre of the circle in this
concept of Nabhi. The advancing age of information drawing of the Vitruvian Man by Leonardo da Vinci.[15]
technology demands the classical ancient Ayurveda to

Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences | July - Aug 2017 | Vol. 2 | Issue 4 187
Kishor G. Satani et.al. Concept of Nabhi – A Review Study

ISSN: 2456-3110 REVIEW ARTICLE July-Aug 2017

Nabhi as a center of arterioles and venules - capillary In Charaka Samhita; Nabhi is included among the
fifteen types of Kosthangas. As per the discussion
made at introductory portion Koshtha is one type of
media or door to transform the foreign body in to
material homologous to body. Navel or umbilicus
doesn’t perform such types of activity but capillaries
can do as they are supplying the oxygenated blood to
the respective cells as well as they are collecting the
deoxygenated blood and pass it to venules. During
According to Acharya Sushruta; Nabhi is the site of this procedure the supplying and collecting materials
origin of both Dhamani and Sira. There are 700 Sira[16] are converted in the finished materials through the
and 24 Dhamani[17] are there in our body. They energy available in capillaries.[19] That is the reason for
originate from the Nabhi and moves in the three mentioning the Nabhi as a dominant place of Pitta in
directions - i.e. upwards, downwards and transverse. Ashtang Hridaya Sutrasthana.[20]
In cadaveric dissection of umbilicus there are not any Twelve types of Prana (Vital energy) of an oraganism
such types of vessels available at that place. So, as per are located at Nabhi as per the reference of Sushruta
the description of above mentioned stanzas through Sharirastana seventh chapter.[21]
Nabhi one can assume a media which connects both
the vessels i.e. Sira and Dhamani. In early stage of Being as one of the Sira Marma any kinds of injury
pregnancy at the reticular structures of venules and over Nabhi may lead to sudden death of the person.
arterioles are been connected by capillaries which By accepting Nabhi as cappilaries it can easily be
seems more appropriate with the examples narrated understood that Rakta is mentioned as one of the
by Acharya Sushruta. Pranas and bleeding from plexus of an organism may
lead to hamper the functional integrity of different
Capillaries are the smallest type of blood vessel in the mechanism of an organism.
body. They are only one cell thick and their job is to
enable the exchange of oxygen and other nutrients Anatomical description of Nabhi as mentioned in this
between the blood and surrounding tissues; they also stanza also resembles with capillaries of body. Nabhi
collect carbon dioxide waste materials and fluids for having the center for reticulation like spokes of a
return to the veins. They connect the tiny muscular wheel become center for the radiating venules and
branches of arteries, called arterioles, with tiny veins. arterioules.
Ultimately, the capillary is the site of internal or Physiological point of view
cellular respiration and is responsible for the
Nabhi being as a center of Agni; or a dominant place
utilization of oxygen by the tissue and the
of Pitta with the help of Samana Vayu located at
transporting of carbon dioxide as waste to the veins
Nabhi perform the process of digestion through
for elimination by the lungs. The arterial blood system
Grahana (consumption / selection), Pachana
branches extensively to deliver blood to over a billion
(conversion), Vivechana (separation) and Munchana
capillaries in the body. One place where they can be
(give up for next stage).[22]
easily seen from the outside is on the whites of the
eyes.[18] Capillaries are found in every square inch of Acharya Sharangdhara has narrated beautifully the
the body, from the skin to the deepest tissues in the normal physiology of respiration but by accepting
body's cavities. There are between 60,000 to 100,000 Nabhi as umbilicus it seems difficult to get the
miles of blood vessels stretching throughout the practical applicability of the procedure mentioned in
human body, depending on the size and weight of the it. Nabhistha Prana means deoxygenated blood
person, and most of these are capillaries. available in capillaries; converted into oxygenated

Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences | July - Aug 2017 | Vol. 2 | Issue 4 188
Kishor G. Satani et.al. Concept of Nabhi – A Review Study

ISSN: 2456-3110 REVIEW ARTICLE July-Aug 2017

blood after connecting through Hrat Kamalantaram accepted as per context of that particular Stanza. As
means lungs.[23] per the discussion made over indicates that Nabhi as a
navel only doesn’t reflect its overall aspect but one
Same way; mode of action of Basti described in the
should also accept reticular bed formed by capillaries
definition of Basti would be understood by Vaidya by
as a Nabhi. More over Bhavartha of the word ‘Nabhi’
accepting Nabhi as capillaries. By entering and oiling
as a center part of any physiological process seems
into central part, surrounding part and lateral part of
more authentic aspect of it as per the description
Kukshi; Basti expels out the vitiated Doshas and Malas
made by authors of classical texts of Ayurveda. In
outside the body.[24] Capillaries available at small and
nutshell; three types of meaning of the word Nabhi
large intestines absorb the medicated oil or decoction
alike; Shabdartha - Nabhi as a Navel, Gudhartha -
on administration of Basti and that is the reason
Nabhi as Capillaries, Bhavartha - Nabhi as core of any
behind the efficacy of Basti is observed on all over the
physiological process.
Pathological point of view REFERENCES
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How to cite this article: Kishor G. Satani, Hemang U.
19. Agnivesha, redactor Acharya Charak, Charak Samhita,
Raghvani, Kunjal H. Bhatt. Concept of Nabhi - A Review
edited by Vaidya Yadavaji Trikamji Acharya,
Study. J Ayurveda Integr Med Sci 2017;4:186-190.
Sutrasthana, 28/03, Chaukhamba Surabharati
Prakashan, Varanasi, 2008:p.174
20. Acharya Vagbhatta, Ashtangahridaya Samhita with Source of Support: Nil, Conflict of Interest: None
commentaries of Arunadatta and Hemadri, declared.
Sutrasthana,12/02. In: pt. Bhishagacharya Harishashtri
Paradkar Vaidya, editor. Reprint; Chaukhambha
Sanskrit Series office, Varanasi, 2000: p.192.


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