Ex 5
Ex 5
Ex 5
1- Ali Mohammad yaseen 2- Amjad Kayed
3- 4-
Performed on: 3.june.2020 Submitted on: 4.june.2020
Report’s Outcomes
ILO __ =( ) % ILO __ =( ) % ILO __ =( ) % ILO __ =( ) % ILO __ =( ) %
Evaluation Criterion Grade Points
answers of the questions: “What did you do? How did you do it? What 0.5
did you find?”
Introduction and Theory
Sufficient, clear and complete statement of objectives. In addition to 1.5
Presents sufficiently the theoretical basis.
Apparatus/ Procedure
Apparatus sufficiently described to enable another experimenter to
identify the equipment needed to conduct the experiment. Procedure
sufficiently described.
Experimental Results and Discussion
Crisp explanation of experimental results. Comparison of theoretical
predictions to experimental results, including discussion of accuracy
and error analysis in some cases.
Conclusions and Recommendations
Conclusions summarize the major findings from the experimental
results with adequate specificity. Recommendations appropriate in
light of conclusions. Correct grammar.
Title page is complete, page numbers applied, content is well 1
organized, correct spelling, fonts are consistent, good visual appeal.
Total 10
-seven segment - resistors
-capacitors - Breadboard
- Different wires.
Part (1): Our aim in this part is to build a counter that counts from 0
to 9.
*steps :
1- Testing the 7 segment: we connect the 7 segment display and test
it, our 7 segment was a common anode, so we connect an 470 ohm
resistor between the common pin and the VCC, and then we test
each pin (a-g) by connecting it to the GND.
2- Testing the decoder: We connect the decoder to the 7 segments
display corresponding to its data sheet, then we test the decoder by
taking different combinations on the input (A,B,C,D) and noticing
what will be displayed on the 7 segments.
3- We connected the binary counter 74193
4- We connect the following circuit as a source for pulses (using
Schmitt trigger) and we connect the output of this circuit to the up
pin of the counter, and with the resistor and capacitor to make a
mechanical push button, then we started pressing the button several
times, by connecting and disconnecting the wire with the GND to
make pulses as a clock generator to verify the circuit.
When the number on the seven-segment arrives to nine, the next
pulse will put a random value on the seven-segment, but after six
random values the counters will repeat from zero.
1-We replaced the 74193 by a 74192, and we noticed that the
random values disappeared, that is: it counts from 0 to 9 and then
repeats itself.
2- We designed decade counter using 74LS193 & NAND gate
- We connected the NAND gate to detect the 10 at the output of
the counter.
- we connected the NAND output to the load input.
- we connected number 3 to the counter’s input (0011)
Part (3): Debouncing
The basic R-C circuit used for debouncing is shown above. The circuit
uses Resistor,Capacitor, Schmidt trigger hex inverter, and switch:
Aim: to build a clock generator using 555-timer.
Cascaded counters:
- We used the circuit we’ve built in part 4 and another circuit built by
another group
- We connected the clock generator to the UP input of the counter in
our circuit (stage 1)
* We use the NAND gate to detect specific value to control the range
of the counter.
*if we connect the push button directly with the counter, it would
give unknown values (undebounced) , but when we used Schmitt
trigger, to eliminate the bounces generated by mechanical push
button, it counted correctly (debouncing).