Witchcraft Clause For Morgellons
Witchcraft Clause For Morgellons
Witchcraft Clause For Morgellons
Father in Heaven I identify my ear ringing and bring this affliction before you.
I choose to lean on the finished work of Jesus Christ as my deliverance.
I bind and neutralize all hexes, curses, incantations, spells, vexes, smotes,
enchantments and jinxes and send them back on the heads of the senders, and those
they work for and answer to, a hundredfold by the blood of Jesus.
Offering Clause
I offer up my ears, inner ears, brain, gall-bladder, kidneys, and all related
components of my neural networks as a free-will offering in Christ.
I repent for all intentional and unintentional ungodly applications of these
components of my body. I receive cleansing for them by the blood of Jesus and your
living water.
I pray that these parts of my body would receive the outpouring of your heavenly oil
of anointing. I bless them in the name of Jesus and call them sanctified.
I declare that the attack against my ears will not prevail against the voice of the
Most High God, and that I have ears to hear what the Spirit of the Lord is saying.
In this I break all curses upon the hearing and reading of the Word of God that are
operational against me with the blood of Jesus.
Tinnitus Clause
I declare that you are my healer King Jesus. By your stripes I was healed, and I
declare that the Sun of Righteousness rises in my heart with healing in His wings.
I bring my cochlea, inner ear, ear bones, ear drum, kidneys, and gall bladder before
I receive the healing balm of Gilead upon the physical components of my body that
are out of alignment with your kingdom and glory.
I speak restoration, healing, and miraculous recovery to my body in accordance with
my promises found in Christ Jesus. I receive you as Jehovah-Rapha, and I renounce
tinnitus and all of its symptoms in Jesus’ name.
Parts Clause
I now identify all parts in me that come from my humanity or the humanity of
anyone else that has been programmed to act as or to be part of constructs acting as
circuits, receptors, receivers, or antenna arrays associated with the ringing in my
I call them all fired from their posts now in the name of Jesus and renounce every
document, covenant, contract, agreement, certificate, oath or vow entitling them to
be held in place.
I declare that these parts are collected by your heavenly hosts and escorted to third
heavenly places for processing. I call for their healing and deliverance in the name of
I speak that their testimonies of injustice are collected and presented before the
courts of heaven.
I pray for your righteous judgment, and that your justice would transact liberty in my
life, and the lives of those whose parts are represented.
CERN Clause
I renounce my tethering to, overlaying and interfacing with, and all existence as
I also renounce all interface points with my genetics, cells of every type, DNA
strands, bone marrow, meridian lines, energy signatures, acupuncture points,
anchors, and markers.
I address all the powers of darkness associated with CERN, including all related over
souls and quantum technologies, and serve them a bill of divorce.
I pull up the hidden documents detailing every covenant, contract, agreement,
certificate, oath, and vow entangling me and include all related books of wisdom,
books of knowledge, books of philosophy, books of time travel, Freemasonic books,
programming books, computational books, and all other evil sacred books and
command that they be stamped with the blood of Jesus.
I call for them to be nailed to the cross of Jesus Christ and burned with holy
consuming fire.
I now call for the judgment of, and disconnection from, all related Madras Towers,
evil laboratories, military bases, radar facilities, cell towers, antenna arrays,
satellites, grids, transmitters, circuitry, nanotech, backdoors, front doors, quantum
computers, holographic computers, physical, electrical, energetic, or spiritual
implants, implicated space-filling curves, and all other technology and unnamed evil
facilities involved, in Jesus’ name.
I break all links established by the technology that powers up the ear ringing
affliction through interface with other targeted individuals.
I furthermore break all links established by the technology that powers up the ear
ringing affliction through interface with any broken, traumatized, programmed, or
captive parts of my humanity.
I engage with your word which says that you came to open the prison to those who
are bound.
It is written that he whom the Lord has set free is free indeed.
It is written that you will break in pieces the gates of brass and cut in sunder the bars
of iron.
I pray that you would overshadow these evil facilities, Lord Jesus, as you place me
under the shadow of your wings.
I release the armies of the Lord, warhorses, and chariots of fire. I pray that every
related prison, laboratory, and evil facility would be expunged of all human parts,
spirit, soul, and body and that these parts would be exported through a wormhole to
third heavenly places for processing.
I call for the indictment all evil ruling entities overseeing these labs, computer rooms,
and evil facilities and call for the heavenly cosmic records detailing their acts of
injustice to be presented before the courts of heaven.
I pray that these entities would be forced to give an account for wrongs committed
and suffer the judgment determined by their actions.
I deed the territory of these facilities over to you, Jesus Christ, and I pray that you
would rule over it with your rod of iron.
I pray that your angels would destroy these evil facilities, and completely remove
them from out of me.
I call this worked sealed in every realm, timeline, dimension, and reality, and in this,
consummate destruction upon all related backup programs.
Cancellation Clause
I call all ear ringing, and related false verdicts coming from any courts of hell,
cancelled right now in Jesus name.