Resume Template UniAway - Fresher
Resume Template UniAway - Fresher
Resume Template UniAway - Fresher
2) In the resume sample below, there are a good number of hyperlinks. Here the idea is to put
hyperlinks wherever necessary. The University website, the company where you previously
worked, the certificates and awards you achieved, the publications you have. All of these can be
made hyperlinks like in the above resume. If the evaluator wants to look at the certificate, they just
click the hyperlink. Also, these hyperlinks prove the authenticity of your claims. You can out these
certificates in your Google Drive and add the hyperlink where necessary. Make sure you set the
Google Drive sharing setting properly so that anyone with the link can view the documents. DO
NOT put too many unnecessary hyperlinks and confuse the reader. (In the above resume all the
hyperlinks are intentionally linked to
3) Since you are applying for universities abroad, put +91 in front of your phone number.
4) Build a good Linkedin profile and put the link to your profile in the resume. This looks professional.
5) If you have a GIT profile put a link to that also.
6) Do a spell check and Grammar check.
7) The below resume is 3 pages since the student has done a lot of work but we recommend keeping
your resume to 2 pages unless you have too many projects/certifications and internships like in the
below case
8) Good Luck!
In most places we see that a resume should be kept to one page. But for graduate applications we believe
that it should be as elaborate as possible but at the same time DO NOT elaborate it just for the sake of
doing it. This is because when you are applying for jobs if the interviewer likes your resume then you will
get an opportunity to interview with them and explain everything in detail. However, for most graduate
courses interviews are NOT involved. We recommend the below format for freshers because it covers as
much information as possible and gives you an opportunity to portray all your strengths.
NAME : UniAway Student
DEGREE : Bachelor of Technology.
BRANCH : Computer science and Engineering
COLLEGE : Kakatiya Institute of Technology and Science
Course Institution Completion By Marks
Kakatiya Institute of Kakatiya (CGPA
B. Tech 2021
Technology and Science, University Up to VI
Warangal semester)
Semester I II III IV V VI
GPA / 10 9.15 9.04 9.00 8.92 8.81 8.73
• Completed Two month Internship on Machine learning in Verzeo from 01st June 2019
to 31st July 2019.
• Completed Two month Internship project on Applying AI to understand the Sentiments,
Thoughts and Aspirations of Young people at Omdena from 9th June 2020 to 12th August
• Completed Virtual Internship at ANZ as Data Analyst in December 2020.
• Good Knowledge in use of MS Word, Excel, Power point.
• Proficient in using programming languages like C, C++, Java, Python, R, SQL, GNU
Octave, and JavaScript.
• Good at using MySQL, Apache Hive, Apache Impala, Tableau, Java Server pages (Jsp),
Servlets and libraries like Scipy, Matplotlib, Keras, Scikit-learn, Pandas and Numpy.
• Equally good at LINUX and WINDOWS operating systems.
• Strong verbal with written communication in English language with IELTS Score 7
• Good Interpersonal skills and ability to build relationship and good team work.
• Algorithms and Data structures
• Data Analytics and Visualization, Data Engineering.
• Text Mining and Natural language processing
• Image processing and Computer vision
• Machine learning and Deep learning
I, Rajeev Kashetti, do hereby confirm that the information given above is true
to the best of my knowledge.
Place: Warsaw
Date: 27.11.2020 (RAJEEV K)