Synopsis Format
Synopsis Format
Synopsis Format
(Computer Science & Engineering)
Urvashi Mam
February – 2024
1. Title
Web Application Firewall
2. Introduction
Web App Firewall helps to protect web applications. It’s one of the cyber crime and security
projects because it enables you to comprehend cyber security in a general context
3. Objective
Web application firewalls (WAFs) act as security guards for websites, filtering
incoming traffic and blocking malicious attempts like SQL injections or data
breaches. They shield the application by inspecting and filtering HTTP requests,
safeguarding it from various cyber threats.
4. Scope of the Project
Focus on developing a novel detection & mitigation technique for specific emerging
attack types (e.g., API attacks, zero-day threats).
5. Literature Review
WAFs offer diverse features (filtering, anomaly detection, machine learning) but
struggle with false positives or performance overhead. Your project explores
potential solutions through [your key area of focus, e.g., advanced detection
techniques, optimization strategies] for enhanced web security.
6. Proposed System/Implementation
Leveraging real-time behavioral analysis and machine learning, this WAF adapts to
novel attacks, providing dynamic protection for evolving web applications.
7. Tools and Technologies
Signature-based rules for known threats + Machine learning for anomaly
detection using python programming
8. Project Timeline
Milestone Deadline
9. Expected Outcome
WAFs can evolve with: 1) AI-powered anomaly detection for zero-day attacks, 2)
API security integration for comprehensive protection, 3) cloud-native flexibility
for scalability and adaptability, 4) self-learning capabilities for continuous
improvement, and 5) context-aware automation for faster, smarter responses.
12. Conclusion
Developed WAF successfully mitigates [cross-site scripting, file insertion, SQL
injection] with [key technology], achieving [performance metric] improvement
and demonstrating potential for real-world application security.
Project delivers robust WAF enhancing [user benefit, e.g., data privacy] for
web applications, offering a valuable tool in the fight against cyber threats.
13. References
Gemini , , google , geeks for geeks and w3schools.