Question Bank by Ivy Anyakora
Question Bank by Ivy Anyakora
Question Bank by Ivy Anyakora
c. Short note on the combination therapies (standard treatment
for peptic ulcer disease)..(4mks)
d. Briefly explain the cause and treatment of paracetamol
e. Discuss briefly the pharmacological effects of ethanol..
2a. Give 2 examples for each of the following classes of drugs:
&THERAPEUTICS (i) Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (ii) Tricyclic
antidepressants (iii)5-Hydroxytriptamine (5HT2) Receptor
1ST CONTINUOUS ASSESSMENT(CA)EXAM b. Mention four(4) ways by which uric acid levels may be lowered
as a therapeutic strategy for gout…. (4marks)
Date:8th July,2021
c. Discuss briefly the pharmacological intervention in the
Time:3hours management of Parkinson's
INSTRUCTION: (1) Answer all questions. (2) Each question disease..(4marks)
must be answered in a separate sheet. (3) Write your reg.
d. List the adverse effects of Gabapentin.... (4marks).
number on each page of the answer sheet. (4) All answer sheet
without reg. number will be scored zero (5) Any attempt to e. State the cardioprotective effects of Helium as a therapeutic
cheat (amounts to exam malpractice) and will be dealt with gas....(4marks)
according to the university rules/laws.
1a. Define pharmacokinetics and briefly explain the following 3. Write short note on the following: a. Hypolipidaemic
pharmacokinetic parameters:(i) Bioavailability (ii)Volume agents.....(4marks)
of distribution (iii) Clearance (iv) Half life......(4marks) b. biological assay.............(4marks).
c. Antihistamines..................(4marks).
b. Short note on the potency and efficacy of drugs.......(4marks) d. Synthesis of eicosanoids......(4marks).
a. List 5 justifications why acetylcholine should be called c. Outline the drugs of choice in the management of premature
neurotransmitter of the cholinergic nerve.......(4marks). labour and pelvic
4a. Write short note on CNS stimulants under the following d. Classify general anaesthetics with relevant examples.......
headings:(i) Classification (4marks).
(ii)Therapeutic uses(ii) Side effects(iv) Drug
interaction..................................(4marks). e. Outline the drug of choice for the management of postpartum
b. Classify diuretics with examples, paying particular attention to
their mechanism of
action................................(4marks) GOODLUCK
c. Classify antiarrhythmic agents based on the method described by
d. Discuss briefly the pharmacological treatment of Heart failure.....
e. Short note on mechanistic classification of drugs of abuse with
(d) Briefly explain the following terms: Bioaccumulation, (d)Discuss the (5) general principles that must be observed-
Biomagnification, and biodegradation….5mks in the use of steroids.....5mks
(e) Explain why the use of corticosteroid is not
recommended in chronic gouty arthritis...5mks
4. (a) Write short notes on cyanide toxicity and Arsenic
(b) Outline the pharmacological effects of insulin on the
following target organs: Liver,muscles and adipose 6. (a) Discuss the steps involved in Rational
tissues...................5mks. prescription.................... .5mks
(c) Outline the clinical features of vitamin B12 the pharmacology of combined oral
deficiency……5mks contraceptives.........5mks
(d) List ten (10) poisoning and their pharmacological (b) Discuss bbriefly the metabolism and pharmacological
antidote(s)..........5mks intervention of Cyanide poisoning……...5mks
(d) What is Autoimmunity? Outline the Mechanisms of
5. (a) Classify Thyroid and Antithyroid Autoimmunity of three (3) autoimmune diseases…….5mks
(b)Discuss brieflyy the pharmacological intervention of GOOD LUCK GOOD LUCK GOOD LUCK GOOD LUCK
infertility....5mks GOOOD LUCK GOOD LUCK
INSTRUCTION: (1) Answer five (5) questions only. (2) Each
question must be answered in a separate sheet. (3) Write your
registration number on each page of the answer sheet. (4) All 2. (a) Discuss briefly the metabolism of alcohol.
answer sheets without a registration number will be scored zero. (b) Classify antihypertensive with 2 significant examples each.
(5) Any attempt to cheat amounts to exam malpractice and will
be dealt with according to the university rules/regulation. (c) State 2 examples for each of the following dermatological
agents: Topical antibiotics used in acne, topical antifungal
1. (a) Mention the classes of drugs used in the management of agents, Immunomodulators, Depigmentation agents,
asthma with examples. State their mechanism of action if &Trichogenic agents.
(b) Explain briefly why ASA is contraindicated in patients (d) List 15 disinfectants of pharmacological importance in no
with peptic ulcer and bronchial asthma. particular order.
(e) Mention all the essential elements of a prescription. Design
(c) Write short note on the clinical uses and adverse effects a prescription chart for Mr. Theophilus Eze who is thirty years
of sedative hypnotics. old, living at number ten broad street and is required to take five
hundred milligram of Ampiclox three times daily for five days;
(d). State the mechanism of action and toxicity effects of Intramuscular Arthemether one hundred and sixty milligram
aminoglycoside, tetracycline and chloramphenicol. daily for three days and oral Paracetamol 1000mg three times
(e) Explain briefly the mechanism of lactation. Mention 5 daily for three days
inducers and 5 inhibitors of lactation.
3. (a) Short note on clinical trials. (d) State the antidotal therapy for snake, scorpions and spider
(b) Short note on Pharmacological uses of drugs.
(b) Short note on classification of vitamins.
4. (a) List 5 justifications why acetylcholine should be called a
(c) Classify antiretroviral drugs with examples based on neurotransmitter of the cholinergic nerve.
mechanism of action.
(b) Define Angina pectoris and discuss briefly its (b) List 15 convulsant of pharmacological importance in no
pharmacological intervention. particular order.
(c) Classify antimalarial drugs with examples. (c) Classify general anaesthetics with examples.
(d) Outline 5 classes of ocular drugs with examples and state (d) Classify thyroid and antithyroid drugs with examples.
their corresponding effects on the eyes.
(e) Discuss briefly the pharmacological interventions of infertility
(e) Define the following terms: pesticides, insecticides,
herbicides, fumigants, rodenticides, defoliants.
5. (a) Classify antiarrhythmic drugs with specific examples.
(b) Short note on mechanistic classification of drugs of abuse.
(c) Classify antidepressants with examples, paying particular
attention to their mechanism of action. GOOD LUCK
(d) Define anemia and outline the pharmacological agents for
its treatment.
E. Outline the pharmacological intervention of tuberculosis and
2. You are referred a 49 year old male for on-going care after having
suffered an acute myocardial infarction (AMI). The notes from the
cardiologist states the patient is apparently not
hypercholesterolaemia but is somewhat obese and his father died of a. Discuss the lipid profile in terms of its risk potential and
a heart attack at 59years of age. On clinical examination you causation after calculating the LDL
confirm the obesity (BMI =31), the patients blood pressure is
165/105mmHg, he admits to smoking between 20 and 30 cigarettes b. Discuss the overall risk of the patient
a day until his AMI, but no overt evidence of hyperlipidaemia is c. Discuss what other laboratory determination(s) that may be
detected. Other than his father there is no clear history of premature useful in assessing this patient.
coronary artery disease in his family. A fasting cholesterol is
5.2mmol/L(<5.2mmol/L),HDL-Cis0.8mmol/L(>1.0mmol/L),triglyc d. Outline your approach to treatment (25 marks)
erides 2.7mmol/L,(<1.7mmol/L).
3. Discuss diabetes mellitus,highlighting the definition,
classification and clinical features. Outline the complications
diabetes and discuss the nathogenesis of the complications(25
1. What are porphyrias. In a tabular form, present the enzyme
4. Write short notes on deficiencies of porphyrias/types of porphyrias. Briefly distinguish
between acute and non acute porphyrias(20 marks)
a. Galactosaemia (10 marks)
b. Liver function test (15 marks) 2. Write an essay on the biochemical markers of bone turnover
under the following headings: introduction, application of
biochemical marker of bone turnover, makers of bone resorption,
markers of bone formation and considerations in the laboratory
measurements of makers of bone turnover. (20marks)
3. Discuss the concept, diagnostic criteria and cardiometablic
COLLEGE OF MEDICINE & HEALTH SCIENCES implications of the metabolic syndrome. (20marks)
4.(a) Enumerate the functions of magnesium. What are the clinical
Instructions: Attempt all Question Date:17th February 2022 features of hypomagnesaemia and hypermagnesemia? Explain the
role of the use magnesium sulphate in the treatment of eclamptic
seizures. (15 marks)
(b) Write succinctly on phenylketonuria. (10 marks)
(c) Write briefly on the pathogenesis of chronic complication of
diabetes Mellitus. (10marks)
(d). List five characteristics of point of care testing devices.
Paper 2
Instructions: attempt all questions
Date:10th May,2021
Time allowed:3hrs
4. Haematological disorders usually results in derangement in the b. Write a short note on Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura.
quality and quantity of the various cellular components of the blood.
Discuss the above statement in relation to a typical example. 3.a. Write concisely on the membrane attack complex of the
5. A. What will be the likely investigation findings in a patient with complement system
Iron deficiency anaemia? b. Write a short note on the factors that distinguish the classical
B. Briefly describe the Ann Arbor staging system for Hodokins and alternative pathways of the complement system
RBC 4.76X1012/L What types of modified red cell concentrate are used in blood
component therapy?
Hb 8.7g/dl-
c)What type of transfusion reaction is this?
MCV 58.6f
d) e) Which of the above specific modified red cell concertrate
MCH 18.4 pg
will this child receive on subsequent transfusions?
MCHC 31.3g/dl
IMMUNOLOGY 1ST TEST Instruction:Answer all questions
TIME:1 hour
a.Define Immunology.
Ib.Briefly describe passive immun.
2a. Give a brief account of primary immune response.
2b.List and describe the features of antigen presenting cells.
3a. Briefly describe the basis for classification of antigens.
3b.Give a brief account of specific immunity. GREGORY UNIVERSITY,UTURU
4a. Give a concise account of the alternative complement COLLEGE OF MEDICINE&HEALTH SCIENCES
4b. Classify the lymphoid system, with examples.
College of Medicine and Health Science
Third MBBS Examination Faculty of Basic
Clinical Medicine
Department of Medical Microbiology and
Theory Questions Time: Allowed:3 Hours
INSTRUCTION: ATTEMPT ALL (i) List 2 microbes that may be associated with urethritis.
QUESTIONS (ii) Using one of these microhes discuss its antigenic structure,
pathogenesis and diagnosis.
QUESTIONS 1: Mr J.U.O a 38-year-old
teacher presented to your clinic with his 34-year-
old wife with complaints of inability to achieve (i) Discuss the Pathogenesis, Clinical findings and diagnosis of
conception after 5 years of marriage. There was. Clostridium tetani
history of dysuria, purülent urethral discharge, (ii) Write short note on Mycetoma under the following
itching, urgencý and unprotected sex with multiple headlines; aetiology Laboratory Dianosis and
sexual partners while taking your history. After pathogenicity.
your examination, you made a diagnosis of
primary infertility. QUESTIONS 3:
(i) Briefly describe the pathogenicity of vaginal trichomoniasis.
(b) Write short note on the pathogenicity of P. falciparum malaria
in the under-five.
(i) Discuss the symptomology and diagnosis of Covid-19
(ii) Enumerate 5 methods in the laboratory diagnosis of fungal
A twenty-seven old Miss ACU presented in clinic with complaints (i) List 3 microbial causes of atypical pneumonia
of fever, persistent dry hacking non-productive cough, sore throat
and weakness. Haven taken your history and examination; you made (ii) What is the commonest bacterial cause of atypical pneumoniae
a working diagnosis of pneumonia [? Atypical pneumonia] (iii)Discuss the organism in (ii) under the following; characteristics,
transmission, pathogenesis and laboratory diagnosis.
College of Medicine and Health Science Faculty of Basic Clinical 3. Cysts of Entamoeba histolytica are fromed in:
(a) The lumen of the intestine (b) The tissues (c) The soil
Department of Medical Microbiology and Parasitology (d)All ofthe above.
Third MBBS Examination MCQ QUESTIONS 4. Infective stage of Entamoeba histolytica is:
(a)Trophozcite (b)Binucleate cysts (c)Quadrinucleate cyst (d)
Time:Allowed:90 minutes None of the above.
Instruction:Attempt All Questions 5. Superficial intestinal ulcers do not extend beyond.
1. Mature cyst of Entamoeba histolytica is: (a)Muscularis mucosae (b) Submucosa (c) Muscular coat (d)
(a)Uninucleate. (b)Binucleate. (c)·Quadrinucleate. Peritoneum.
(d)Octanucleate. 6. Most common organ involved in extraintestinal amoebiasis is:
(a) Liver (b)Lung (c)Brain (d)Spleen.
7. Which type of vector of malaria parasitic is female Anopheles
2. Glycogen mass and chromidial bars are absent in the cysts of mosquito?
Entamoeba histolytica in: (a) Mechanical. (b)Propagative. (c)Cyclo-development.
(a)Uninucleate stage. (b)Binucleate stage. (c)Quadrinucleate stage. (d)Cyclo-propagative.
(d)Octanucleate stage. 8. Blood-sucking insects may transmit:
(a) Anycylostom duodenale (b)Ascaris lumbricoides
(c)Wuchereria bancrofti (d)Strongyloidesstercoralis.
9. Parasite which may be transmitted by sexual contact is: 15.Diagnosis of Trichomonas vaginalis infection can be established
(a) Trichomonas vaginalis. (b)Trypanosoma cruzi. (c)
Leishmania donovani (d) Enteromonas hominis. (a) Demonstration of trophozoites in wet mounts (b)Cultivation
(c)Nucleic acid hybridižation techniques (d).All of the above.
10. Parasite transmitted by percutaneous route is:
16.Which type of vector of material parasihe is female n.y
(a) Entamoeba histolytica (b) Giardia lamblia (c) Babesia spp
(d) Naegleria fowleri (a) Mechanical (b)Propagative (c)Cyclo-developmena. (d)Cyclo-
11.Pemicious anaemia is seen in:
17. Blood-sucking insects may transmit:
(a) Diphyllobothriasis (b)Malaria. (c)Hookworm diseases.
(d)Filariasis. a. A. duodenale b.A. lumbricoides W.bancrofti d.S. starcoraiis
12. How many pairs of flagella are present in the trophozoites of 18. Undercooked pork may act as a source of:
Giardia deudenale?
a. T.solium b.T.saginata c.D. latum d.A. duodenale.
(a)One pair (b)Two pairs. (c)Three pairs (d) Four pairs.
19.Which of the following parasites is transmitted congenitally?
13.Which is the infective form of G.deudenale?
aT.gondii b.W.bancrofti c.E.histolytica d.G.intestinalis
(a)Trophozite (b)Cysts (c)Precyst (d)Pseudocyst.
20.Parasite which may be transmitted by sexual contact is:
29.Diagnostic titre of indirect haemagglutination test in hepatitis a.Duodenum b.Jejunum c.Ileum d. Colon
a. 1:16 or more b.1:32 or more c. 33.Which is the infective form of Giardia lamblia?
30.All are nonpathogenic Entamoeba Except: a. Trophozite· b.Cyst c.Precyst d.Pseudocyst
a. E.Coli b.E.histolytica c.E.hartmanni d.E.gingivalis
34.Giardia lamblia resides in:
31.All nonpathogenic amoebae live in the lumen of large intestine
·a.Duodenum and upper part of jejunum b.Caecum c.Colon
a. E.Coli b.E. histolytica cE:gingivalis d.E.nana
32.Amoebic ulcers are seen in: 35.Trichomonas tenax resides in:
a. Vagina b.Mouth c.Duodenum d.Caecum
36. Diagnosis of Trichomonas vaginalis infection can be established d:All of the above.
37. Which is the infective form of the malaria parasite?
a. Demonstration of trophozoites in wet mounts
a. Oocyst b.Sporozoite c.Bradyzoite d.Tachyzoite
b.Cultivation 38.Resting stage of the malaria parasite is known as:
c.Nucleic acid hybridization techniques a. Sporozoite b.Trophozoite c.Merozoite、 d.Hypnozoite
39.Relapse of malaria ismot seen in infection with: c. Its erythrocytic schizogony takes place inthe capillaries of
intemal organs
a. Plasmodium vivax b.Plasmodium ovale、 c.Plasmodium
falciparum. d. All of the above
d. All of the above 41.Which forms of plasmodium 'alciparum are generay blood film
of the patient?
40. Plasmodium falciparum is the most pathogenic of the human
plasmodium a.Rings b,Schizonts c.Crescents d.None of the above.
a. It causes a high level of parasitaemia. 42. Maurer's dots in red blood cells are seen in infection with:
b. It invades erythrocytes of all ages a. Plasmodium vivax b.Plasmodium falciparum. C.Plasmodium
malariae d.Plasmodium ovale
43.A 40-year-old patient developed high fever of sudden onset. yellowish-brown in colour. Which of the following malaria parasites
Peripheral blood film showed all stages of malaria parasite. The is the causative agent?
mature schizonts were 9-10um in diameter and contained 14-24
a. Plasmodium Falciparum b. plasmodium vivax c. plasmodium
ovale d. Plasmodium malariae
68.Which statement is the most accurate regarding transposons? a.They are killed by boiling for 15minutes.
a.They encode enzymes that degrade the ends of the bacterial b.They are produced primarily by gram-negative cocci.
c.They are formed primarily when the bacterium is exposed to
b.They are short sequences of DNA that often encode enzymes that antibiotics.
mediate antibiotic resistance.
d. They are produced by anaerobes only in the presence of oxygen.
c.They are short sequences of RNA that silence specific regulatory
e.They are metabolically inactive yet can survive for years in that
inactive state.
d.They are a family of transfer RNAs that enhance mutations at “hot
71.Ofthe following bacterial components, which one exhibits the
spots" in the bacterial genome
most antigenic
69.Which one of the following is the most accurate description of variation?
the structural differences between Gram-positive bacteria and Gram-
negative bacteria? a. Capsule b.Lipid'A ofendotoxin c.Peptidoglycan d. Ribosome
a.Gram-positive bacteria have a thick peptidoglycan layer,whereas
gram-negative bacteria have a thin layer. 72.In the process of studying how bacteria cause disease, it was
found that a rare mutant of a pathogenic strain failed to form a
b.Gram-positive bacteria have an outer lipid-rich membrane,whereas capsule. Which one of the following statements is the most accurate
gram-negative bacteria do not. in regard to this unencapsulated mutant strain?
c.Gram-positive bacteria form a sex pilus thaf mediates a.It was nonpathogenic primarily because it.was easily
conjugation,whereas gram-negative bacteria do'not. phagocytized.
d.Gram-positive bacteria have plasmids,whereas gram-negative b. It was nonpathogenic primarily could not invade tissue.
bacteria do not.
c.It was nonpathogenic primarily could only grow b.Transposition of a mobile genetic element
c.Transduction of chromosomal gene
d.It was highly pathogenic because it could secrete larger amounts
of exotoxin. dConjugation resulting in transfer of R factor
e. It was highly pathogenic because it could'secrete larger amounts 77.When tinea infection is from the soil, it is be
of endotoxin. a) Anthropophilic A(b)Geophilic(c) Zoophilic (d)None of the above
For question 73 and 74 : A 3months old child presents in the clinic 78 Tinea infection of the nail is referred to as (a) Tinea
with fever, projectile vomiting, refusal to suck breast. Your Corporis(b)Tinea Capitis (c)Tinea Unguim(d)Tinea Pedis
examination findings included bulging anterior fontanelle.
79 Most Mycoses are difficulf to treat because (a) Fungi are
Laboratory investigation result showed gram negative diplococcic, Eucaryotic(b)Fungi share numerous homologous genes with their
oxidase positive and ferments glucose. human hosts (c)Fungi share many gene products and pathways
73.Which organism was likely isolated with'their human hosts (d)All of the above
a. Haemophilus influenza b.Klebsiella pneumonia c.Neiserriae spp 80 The purpose of KOH used during the laboratory diagnosis of
d.Campylobacter jejeni e.Staphylococcus spp Ring worm infection is to;
74.Which other biochemical test will you use in identifing the (a) digest the keratin surrounding the fungi so that the hyphae and
particular specie involved. spores can be seen.
a.Oxidase test b.Coagulase rest c.Maltose utilization test (b)Digest the chitin of the fungi so that the hyphae and spores can be
d.Optochin test seen
75.The identification of bacteria by serologic test is based on the (c)Nóne of the above (d) All of the above.
presence of specific antigens which bacterial component is least 81The following media are used in diagnosis of fungal infections
likely to contain useful antigen except
a.Capsule b.Flagella c.Exotoxin d.ribosome (a)Sabouraud Dextrose Agar {SAB} (b)Brain Heart Infusion Agar
76.Which of the following process involves a sex pillus {BHIA) (c)MacConkey Agar(d)Sabhi-Agar
(c) Mycetoma is a chronic infcection of the subcutaneous 93.Which of these statements is correct in negative staining
tissue , usually of the foot. (d)all of the above. (a) The organism is stained leaving the background
87. Classification is defined as the categorization of organisms into unstained
taxonomic groups(T/F). (b) The background is stained leaving the organism
88.Escherichia coli cause Haem olytic Uremic Syndrome (HUS) in unstained
infants(T/F) (c)Both the background and the organism are stained
89. Since bacteria are almost transparent, it is important to use a dye (d)None of the above
and create a contrast between the bacterial cell and the
94.The length of time it takes a single bacterial cell to divide or for Time (b)Viable Time(c)Generation Time(d)None of the above
the population in a culture medium to double is called(a)Holding
A twenty seven old Miss ACU presented in clinic with complaints (iii), Discuss the organism in (ii) under the following;characteristics,
of fever, persistent dry hacking non-productive cough, sore throat transmission, pathogenesis and laboratory diagnosis.
GREGORY UNIVERSITY,UTURU 5(a). Outline the pathological events in the healing of a surgically
incised wound stating how this differs from the healing of an
College of Medicine&Health Sciences infected open cutaneous wound.
Department of Anatomic Pathology
3RD MBBS Examination May 2021 (b).What are the possible complications of wound healing?
Time Allowed:2hrs (c).Enumerate the factors that may influence the healing process.
1(a). List four major and four minor prognostic factors to breast
(b).Describe four differential diagnosis of breast cancer describing
in each case the unique presenting features and mode of treatment.
COLLEGE OF MEDICINE AND HEALTH SCIENCES 2. Outline the morphologic lesions seen in diabetes mellitus.
3.A.Compare and contrast ENDOMETRIOSIS and 4. List in chronological order, the movement of tissues from the
ADENOMYOSIS Surgeon's table to the Histologists' microscope, pointing out the rate
limiting step.
B.Briefly discuss the theories that support the origin of
endometriosis 5. Outline 10 common patterns of glomerular lesions.
TIME:2hours 30minutes
1. b. Define Febrile Seizures (Febrile convulsion) (4marks)
c. State 4 causes of Febrile Seizures
paediatrics d. Classify Febrile Seizures (4marks,
e.Differentiate between the classes of Febrile Seizures (4marks)