G, Upreme Qeourt: Second Division
G, Upreme Qeourt: Second Division
G, Upreme Qeourt: Second Division
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This Court resolves the Petition for Review on Certiorari 1 under Rule
45 of the Rules of Court assailing the Amended Decision2 of the Court of
Appeals (CA), which affirmed with modification the Judgment3 of the
Regional Trial Court (RTC) convicting Rowena B. Plasan (Rowena) for
violation of Section 10(a) of Republic Act No. 7610.
The Antecedents
• On official busin ess per Special Order No. 303 IO dated October 6, 2023 .
Rollo, pp. I 7- 35.
Id at 53- 55. The June 2 1, 2022 Amended Decision in CA-G.R. CR No. 01784-M IN was penned by
Associate Justice Oscar V. Badelles and concurred in by Associate Justices Li~ V. Biton and An i sah B.
Amanod in -Umpa oft he Fonner Twenty -Third Division, Court of Appea ls, ffl' I.
Id at 78-90. T he December 22, 20 ! 7 Jud men t was penned by Presiding Judge Eduardo S. Casals of
Br anch I , Regional Trial C"ou1i. .
Decision 2 G.R. No. 262122
Upon arraignment, Rowena pleaded not guilty to the charge against her.
Pre-trial commenced, and then, trial on the merits ensued. 5
•• In line w ith Amended Administrative C ircular No. 83-2015, as mandated by Republic Act No. 7610, the
names of the private offended parties, along with all other personal circumstances that may tend to
establish th eir identities, are maJe confidential to protect their privacy and dignity.
ldat:78- 79.
Id. at 79.
Id at 79- 82.
Decisi0n ) G.R. No. 262122
Rowena denied the allegqtions against her and insisted that it was
physically impossible for her to be at the barbecue stand at the time of the
incident and utter those words. Her co-work.er Ramon corroborated her claim,
ass~rting that Rowena was at their workplace the entire day, including during
their lunch break. 10
In its Judgment, 11 the RfC found Rowena guilty of the _crime charged,
the dispositive po1iion .ofwhich .states:
1 Id. 3t 80.
8 Id.
'> Id
Id. at 39. 87.
Id at 78- 90.
Id at 00.
" Id at 89
14 Id. at 40. 66-·--77.
Decision 4 G.R. No. 262 122
•Iri its .D ecis ion, 15 the CA d~nied the appeal. of Rowena and affirmed her
conviction for the crime charged. 16
In deny ing the appeal of Rowena, the CA found that the utterances she
made were committed with intent to debase, degrade, or demean the intrinsic
worth of the child. Rowena made the utterances without any provocation nor
were they made out of excitement. 17
In the present Petition, Rowena raises the following arguments: (1) she
cannot be punished under Republic Act No. 7610 when the acts complained
of fall under the Rev ised Penal Code;2' (2) Section l O(a) of Republic Act No.
7610 requires an intent to debase, degrade, nr demean the intrinsic worth of a
15 Id. at 37--45. The March 25, 2021 Decision in CA-L•.ll. CR No. 01784-MIN was penned by Associate
Justice ~scar~- Badell~s and_concuffe,d in by_Associate Justices Lii,i:'. V. Biton and A nisah £3. Amanodi n-
Ump2 ot the lwenty : Jn1rd D1v1s1on, court or A.ppeal~.. $ I .
• !d.at4S.
17 Id. ar ,r~,.
~ Id ::it 45 .
IJ. ai 46-5 i.
Id. at 5'.;-.'.: 5.
:> ! Id. at )S.
" Id. a! ::>4--.'.l:5.
2; Id a, 28- 29.
Decisio11· 5 G.R. No. 262122
.. ..
child 'vic_~im and this was not proven by the prosccution;24 and (3) the
Indeterminate Sentence Law was not correctly applied .25
[P]rior to the enactment of R.A. No. 7610, an act fatting under Article 59 of
P.O. No. 603, when committed by a non-parent, is punishable under the
appropriate counterpart provision of the RPC. With the absence of a
counterpart provision under the RPC for paragraphs 6, 10 and 11 of Article
59 of P.O . No. 603, a significant gap was left in the legislation concerning
• Id at 26- 28.
Id. at 29- 31.
' Id. at I I 3- 132.
Id. ai I 1_8- 120.
Id at 120-124.
Id. at 124- 127.
G.R. No. :?36628. January J7, 20.:.3 p,er' J. Lope?.. En Banc].
Decision 6 G.R. No. 262122
31 Id at 12-- 14. This o·i np • int citaticn refers to the copy of the lJecision uploaded to the Supreme Court
Decision '7
G.R. No. 262122
(a) Any person who shall commit any other acts of child abuse, cruelty or
exploitation or to be responsible for other conditions prejudicial to the
child's development including those covered by Article 59 of Presidential
Decree No. 603, as amended, but not covered by the Revised Penal Code,
as amended, shall suffer the penalty of prision mayor in its minimum period.
(Emphasis in the original)
Section 3 (b) ( I) focuses on the act and the general criminal intent to commit
the physical or psychologic3l abuse, whi le Section 3(b)(2), which, in
• 578 Phil. 876 (201.18) [Per .I. Chico-Nazario, Third Div1~ion] .
" Id at 884-ll85.
Decision 8 O.R. No. 262 122
To recall, the Information filed against Rowena did not carry the
qualifying allegations of "debases, degrades, or demeans the intrinsic wo1ih
and dignity of a child as a human being." Instead, the Information alleged that
through Rowena's remarks, she inflicted "emotional abuse .... and other
form[s] of psychological maltreapnent to the prejudice of the psychological
and mental development of the [victim ]"35 which falls under Section 3(b)( 1).
Thus, the argument of Rowena that the intent to debase, degrade, or demean
the intrinsic w01ih of a child victim must be proven is misplaced.
34 Supra note JO, at 15-- 18. Th is piripoint citation refers tn Lhe cupy uf Lhe Decision uploaded to the Supreme
Court website.
l?ollo, pp. 78-79.
Decision 9 G.R. No . 262122
As the framework to be observed in scrutinizing the criminal liability
of Rowena has already been laid down, this Court shall now detennine
whether Rowena's guilt for violation of Section 1O(a) of Republic Act No.
7610 was proven beyond reasonable doubt.
In any case, even after a judicious review of the case, this Court finds
that the prosecution was able to establish Rowena's guilt beyond reasonable
doubt for violation of Section IO(a) of Republic Act No. 7610. It must be
emphasized that the subject of Rowena's remarks, which were expressed in
the presence of AAA262 l 22, attacked her character, reputation, and dignity.
This exposed AAA262 l 22, who was only 16 years old at the time of the
incident, to contempt, ridicule, and humiliation. This naturally gave rise to
psychological abuse within the context of Section 3(b)( 1) of Republic Act No.
7610 and this abuse became apparent as she felt ashamed and did not want to
go out of their house anymore. 37
Q: Now[,J when this alleged utterance was being told by the accused,
she toid this to you only?
A: Yes, Sir.
Jr, Grageda v. Facf-F'mding lnvesfigw iun Bureau, G.R. Nos. 244042, 244043 , & 243644, March 18, 2021
[P:c:r J. Carandang, First O1·1isionj.
Rn/Ju. p. 80.
-~ Id
Decision 10 G.R. No. 262122
Q: So are you trying to say Madam Witness, that the accused in this
case was telling something bad in a loud voice that the person
can hear?
A: Yes, Sir.
Q: But you could not say whether or not [AAA262122] was able to
hear what this accused told to you?
A: I am so sure about . it because we were very near with each
other. 39 (Emphasis in the original)
Considering the foregoing, this Court finds that the guilt of Rowena
was proven beyond reasonable doubt.
In line with this Court's ru ling in San Juan, Rowena is held liable to
pay AAA262122 PHP 20,000.00 as moral damages on account of the
psychological abuse she suffered. This shall earn interest at the rate of 6% per
annum from the finality of this Decision until full payment.
" Id. at I?2.
" Id. at 55 .
Decision 11 G.R. No. 262122
The monetary award shall earn interest at the rate of 6% per annum
reckoned from the finality of this Decision until full payment.
Associate Justice
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CP'~ '""·
~- MA IC M.V.F. LEONEN ...._____
Senior Associate Justice ~
1 attest that the conclusions in the above Decision had been reached in
consultation before the case was assigned to the writer of the opinion of the
Comi's Division.