DOI 10.1007/s10479-006-0042-7
Abstract This paper attempts to provide a systematic approach to the DEA model building.
To this end, we try to identify some essential aspects of DEA modelling. Three key building
blocks in a DEA model are identified: they are preference order, production possibility set
and performance measure. It is shown that the preferences and performance measurements
used in the standard DEA models are only particular examples in this framework. It is also
illustrated in this work that this methodology is useful in building new DEA models to
handle nonstandard applications such as those involve non-Pareto preferences or undesirable
W. Liu ( ) . J. Sharp
Kent Business School, University of Kent, Canterbury, UK
Z. Wu
Department of Economics, Bradford University, Bradford, UK
106 Ann Oper Res (2006) 145:105–127
Take the single-input and single-output case as an example, one always has
Output Output + M
e≡ < , ∀M > 0, e < 1
Input Input + M
Thus even a simple data transformation changes efficiency unless the unit is 100% efficient.
Also it is important to reflect the preferences of evaluators for some of the inputs or outputs,
like profits in productivity analysis. One of the plausible approaches is to derive DEA models
specially to suit a particular application.
Thus whenever possible a practitioner should select or derive a DEA model which is
most suitable for his or her application. This calls for a more through understanding of the
structures of DEA models.
Most of the fundamental DEA models are derived from economic efficiency theory in-
cluding Debreu-Farrell efficiency, Pareto-Koopmans efficiency, and more general technical
efficiency axiomatic approaches (see Fare and Lovell, 1978; Russell, 1988). It is clear that
derivation of DEA models for a particular application may not be an easy task.
In this paper, we examine the structures of DEA models and try to identify the building
blocks that comprise them. Some ideas used in Liu and Sharp (1999) in multiple criteria
decision making theory have been adopted here. We actually identified three main building
blocks on which most DEA models are based. Here we have no intention of exhausting every
possible way of constructing these blocks, rather to show the essential ideas by giving some
illustrative examples. We also examine and summarize the main functions of these blocks so
that in many cases it should become relatively easy for practitioners to tune existing DEA
models to new applications. However at present there is still no reliable way to construct the
blocks to build new DEA models according to the requirements of a particular application.
Nevertheless this study should pave the way for further investigations of this topic.
Assumed that there are n decision-making units to be evaluated. Let X i and Yi denote the
inputs and outputs of DMU i with i = 1, 2, . . . n.
The first building block of any DEA models is preference. It is clear that decision making
units are built or operated for some specific purposes. In order to be able to evaluate DMUs,
we first have to know our “preference” in the input-output space (X, Y ). To set up certain
order relationship among the input-output possibilities, preference can be viewed as an order
relation, that aims to clarify precise meaning of our fuzzy desires like “higher”, “lower”;
“better”, or “worse”. Any evaluation of performance efficiency has to be carried out against
a preference measure.
The second building block is production possibility set. DEA works by performing mul-
tiple comparisons and by so doing, implies a measure of preference. However, we need a
sufficient number of peers so that comparisons can meaningfully identify the “best” DMUs.
Most of the preference in business applications are too weak to pick up “best” among finite
set of DMUs since there are not enough peers for comparison. The production possibility set
P({(X i , Yi )}) contains all realizable DMUs associated with the preference, although some of
them may not in fact exist. Sometimes, they are referred to as “virtual” DMUs, and are also
included in the comparisons. If a real DMU (X i , Yi ) is found to be “best” in P({(X i , Yi )}),
then it is considered to be efficient.
The third building block is performance measurement. In order to find whether or not
a particular DMU (X 0 , Y0 ) is “best” in P({(X i , Yi )}), we need to use some performance
measurement to measure how much better (X 0 , Y0 ) than peers in P({(X i , Yi )}) in terms
of their performance. Performance measurement is often given by a merit function m(·, ·)
which is strictly monotone in the selected preferences, in the sense that if (W, Z ) is better
Ann Oper Res (2006) 145:105–127 107
than (X, Y ), then m((W, Z ), (X 0 , Y0 )) > m((X, Y ), (X 0 , Y0 )), see Section 5 for the details.
We shall discuss merit functions and explain how to use them to identify the best virtual
DMUs in Section 5.
Then whether or not DMU (X 0 , Y0 ) is efficient depends on if one can find a better vir-
tual DMU in production possibility set P({(X i , Yi )}), and this may be found by solving a
mathematical programming problem like:
This is essentially a DEA model. If the maximum is more than m((X 0 , Y0 ), (X 0 , Y0 )) then
the DMU (X 0 , Y0 ) is inefficient, and otherwise it is efficient. These will be elaborated in the
following sections.
The plan of the paper is as follows: In Section 2, we examine the notion of preference,
which is important for goal setting. In Section 3 we examine the production possibility set. In
Section 4 we discuss goals associated with DMUs. In Section 5 we investigate performance
measuring via merit functions. In Section 6 we formulate a general DEA model and derive
some DEA models from it.
It is important to reflect decision makers’ preference in production analysis. There are many
existing approaches, (see Allen et al., 1997; Golany, 1988; Halme, Joro, and Korhonen, 1999;
Thanassoulis and Dyson, 1992; Zhu, 1996). In our view, preference could be introduced into
DEA more directly. In fact, it forms a building block of DEA models. DMUs are expected
to achieve certain goals. The evaluator has to have some criteria, in order to be able to say
which unit may be doing better than another. Thus we need a preference structure.
To be more precise we need to introduce some basic ideas from multiple criteria decision
making theory. Preference can be viewed as an order relation, and aims to clarify the precise
meaning of our fuzzy concept like “higher”, “lower”; “better”, or “worse”. With a preference
selected, we can unambiguously say that one outcome is greater or lower than another.
We require that preference is transitive, etc; see Liu (1985) and Nemhauser (1989) for the
details. In fact, the preferences most widely used in DEA like Pareto, K-cone, and Lexico-
graphic are all transitive.
The most frequently used order in DEA is Pareto preference. Let X = (x1 , , , xn ), Y =
(y1 , , , yn ) ∈ R n . Then in Pareto preference, X ≥ Y if and only if xi ≥ yi (i = 1, 2, , , n).
X ≤ Y if and only if −X ≥ −Y . Assuming equal importance for all the components, the
Pareto preference is most widely used in business and economical research. However we
have to emphasis that other orders such as K-cone order and lexicographic order are also
very useful in DEA model building. The former can, for instance, lead to the well-known
Cone Ratio model (Charnes et al., 1989) and the latter may let us build DEA models which
are able to express the preferences of the lexicographic order. Again readers are referred to
Liu (1985) and Nemhauser (1989) for the more details on preference.
108 Ann Oper Res (2006) 145:105–127
A lexicographic preference is sometimes very useful when the k-th component is over-
whelmingly more important than the k + 1-th component for k = 1, 2, . . . , n − 1. A lexico-
graphic ordering preference is defined as follows: the outcome Y = (y1 , . . . , yn ) is preferred
to X = (x1 , . . . , xn ) if and only if y1 > x1 , or there is some k ∈ (2, . . . , n) so that yk > xk
and yi = xi for i = 1, . . . , k − 1.
X+ Y+ W+ Z+
X= , Y = , W = , Z=
X− Y− W− Z−
Here we assume the first part is desirable, and the second part is undesirable. Then we define
the following preference:
Ann Oper Res (2006) 145:105–127 109
Let A be a l × l matrix. A preference on input set X can be defined via the matrix A such
that W is preferred to X if and only if AX ≤ AW in the Pareto order. Similarly one can define
a preference on Y via a s × s matrix B. Therefore under DI-DO, DMU(X, Y ) is preferred to
DMU(W, Z ) if and only if
When A, B are the unit matrices this is just the standard Pareto preference.
In the discussion to follow, it is assumed that there are n DMU s to be evaluated. Each
DMU consumes only two inputs to produce two outputs. Let the 2-dimensional vector X j =
(x1 j , x2 j )t denote the inputs of DMUj , and 2-dimensional vector Y j = (y1 j , y2 j )t denote the
outputs of DMUj . Let
1 1
1 −1
y1i + y2i ≥ y1 j + y2 j (1.3)
y1i − x2i ≥ y1 j − y2 j (1.4)
Many preferences can be obtained this way. The Cone Ratio model is closely related to
this preference.
Economic profit is defined to be the difference between the revenue that a DMU receives
and the costs that it incurs. A basic assumption of most economic analysis of firm behavior
is that a DMU acts so as to maximise its profits. Here we assume that the DMU faces fixed
prices for its inputs and outputs, and the market is competitive.
Let the prices of the inputs be W = (w1 , w2 , . . . , wm ) and the prices of the outputs be
P = ( p1 , p2 , . . . , ps ). Normally the prices of both inputs and outputs are positive, although
negative prices can be set for undesirable outputs. For example, pollution or emissions taxes
(more generally, externality taxes) have been proposed by economists on numerous occasions
as ways of reducing pollution.
The profits that the DMUj receives, π j , can be expressed as
π j = PY j − WX j
The first term of the right side is the revenue, and the second term is the cost. A preference
is defined such that DMU i is preferred to DMUj if and only if πi ≥ π j .
110 Ann Oper Res (2006) 145:105–127
Again suppose that the firm’s (a special DMU) objective is to maximise its profit. An
important implication of the DMU choosing a profit-maximisation production plan is that
there is no way to produce the same amounts of outputs at a lower total input cost. Thus, cost
minimisation is a necessary condition for profit maximisation. When a DMU is not a price
taker in its output market, the profit function can no longer be used for analysis. Nevertheless,
as long as the DMU is a price taker in its input market, the results from the cost minimization
problem continue to be valid for the profit maximisation problem.
The production plan of a DMU is constrained to a given production possibility set representing
essentially its limited technological knowledge. For a given DMU, a production plan is a
specification of the quantities of all its inputs and outputs. A given production plan may
be technically possible or impossible for a DMU. The set of all the production possible
for a DMU is called its Production Possibility Set. Formally (X, Y ) ∈ P if input X can
produce output Y. We restate some commonly assumed properties of production possibility
sets. The appropriateness of each these assumptions depends on the particular circumstances
(Mas-colell, Whinston, and Green, 1995). We wish to emphasis that the preference (≥) used
in the assumptions may depend on what is being used in building block one. Thus they may
have very different practical meanings with different preference specified.
The set P includes its boundary. Thus, the limit of a sequence of technologically feasible
input-output vectors is also feasible. That is, (X n , Y n ) → (X, Y ) and (X n , Y n ) ∈ P imply
(X, Y ) ∈ P, here convergence is understood in the conventional R m sense.
It is impossible to produce something from nothing. That is, if (X, Y ) ∈ P and X = 0
then Y = 0.
The property of free disposal holds if the absorption of any additional amounts of inputs
without any reduction in output is always possible. Formally under DI-DO,
The interpretation is that the extra amount of inputs or output can be disposed of or
eliminated at no cost.
In the discussion that follows it is assumed that there are n DMUs to be evaluated.
Each DMU consumes varying amounts of m-different inputs to produce s-different out-
puts. Let the m-dimensional vector X j = (x1 j , x2 j , . . . , xm j )t denote the inputs of DMUj ,
and s-dimensional vector Y j = (y1 j , y2 j , . . . , ys j )t denote the outputs of DMUj . Mixture of
input-output systems is given by
X (λ) = λi X i , Y (λ) = λi Yi , λ ∈ S,
1 1
Ann Oper Res (2006) 145:105–127 111
Here we assume the first part of each vectors, i.e. X i+ , Yi+ , is desirable, and the second part
X i− , Yi− is undesirable.
The production possibility set is
Many multiple criteria decision making processes involve multiple objective optimisation,
where instead optimizing only one objective function as in the standard case, multiple objec-
tive functions are considered. The most important example as far as this paper is concerned
is the procedure to find efficient or inefficient DMUs as described in the introduction. In
a sense, a DI-DO DMU is efficient if it minimizes its inputs for a given output level, or it
maximizes its outputs for a given input level.
Multiple criteria optimisation is a difficult area and the theory and algorithms, by compar-
ison with single objective optimisation, are far from complete. In particular, it is very rare that
one is able to identity the universally acceptable solutions. In multiple criteria decision theory,
a different approach is adopted to seek “good enough” solutions. In this approach, instead of
optimizing multiple objective functions, we set up a group of goals to be achieved. It may
be impossible to achieve all these goals simultaneously. It is thus important to investigate
whether these goals can be simultaneously achieved, and furthermore whether these goals
have been set properly or can be further improved, and if not, how to find some compromise
112 Ann Oper Res (2006) 145:105–127
solutions. These questions constitute a part of modern multiple criteria decision making
studies, in particular the essential part of Goal Programming. The details of multiple criteria
decision making theory and conventional goal programming theory may be found in, e.g.,
Liu (1985). Each DMU can be viewed as an input-output system, designed and operated to
achieve a set of pre-assigned goals. In a sense, DEA aims to evaluate how well these goals
are met by the system, and to identify possible avenues to improve the system performance
whenever possible, see (Liu and Sharp, 1999) for details.
Setting up goals to suit a particular application is by no means trivial, and has been extensively
studied in the literature. Here we only examine some cases relevant to our later discussions. Let
l-dimensional vectors Z i = (z 1i , z 2i , . . . , zli )t , i = 1, 2, . . . , n, and let λ = (λ1 , . . . , λn )t ∈
S as before.
Assume that we wish to maximise a mixture of Z j (with respect to λ)
Z (λ) = λi Z i , λ ∈ S. (3.1)
Instead of maximizing this quantity directly, we may first select an initial target G 0 =
(g10 , . . . , gl0 )t
∈ R l , and then set goals to find λ = (λ1 , . . . , λn ) such that
λi Z i ≥ G 0 , λ ∈ S, (3.2)
where G 0 = (g10 , . . . , gl0 )t is referred to as the goal level, and ≥ is in the sense of a selected
preference. This type of goal will be referred to as positive response goal (PR), as a higher
level of the goal is desirable in the selected preference. If a goal level is set too high, then
the goal may not be achievable. Similarly we can set up the following goals:
λi Z i ≤ G 0 , λ ∈ S. (3.3)
λi Z i = G 0 , λ ∈ S. (3.4)
These two types of goals will be referred to as negative response (NR) and targeted
response (TR) goals respectively. Clearly goals of NR type aim to minimize the mixture.
Assume that we use the Pareto preference. Then the above three basic goals are:
λi z 1i ≥ g10 , . . . , λi zli ≥ gl0 , λ ∈ S, (PR) (3.5)
1 1
Ann Oper Res (2006) 145:105–127 113
λi z 1i ≤ g10 , . . . , λi zli ≤ gl0 , λ ∈ S. (NR) (3.6)
1 1
λi z 1i = g10 , . . . , λi zli = gl0 , λ ∈ S, (TR) (3.7)
1 1
− λi z 1i − g10 , . . . , λi zli − gl0 ∈ K, λ ∈ S. (KNR)
1 1
In the following we apply the basic ideas introduced above to examine DMU systems,
which can be viewed as input-output systems, which are fundamental to DEA theory. It
is assumed that there are n decision-making units to be evaluated. Each DMU consumes
varying amounts of m-different inputs to produce s-different outputs. Let the m-dimensional
vector X j = (x1 j , x2 j , . . . , xm j )t denote the inputs of DMUj , and s-dimensional vector Y j =
(y1 j , y2 j , . . . , ys j )t denote the outputs of DMUj with j = 1, 2, . . . , n. Therefore each of the
DMUs is viewed as an input-output system with a set of goals pre-assigned by evaluators.
In a sense, DEA evaluates the efficiency of the DMU by finding whether or not these goal
levels (or its performance) can be further improved. In the following we try to examine the
DMUs according to their desired input-output response.
Desirable Input Desirable Output (DI-DO)
In many applications, both inputs and outputs are desirable. Thus a DMU is expected to
yield a higher level of outputs when its input level is increased for selected preferences in
the input and output spaces, if this unit is being operated satisfactorily. The efficiency of
this DMU is judged by how much more output can be produced by the unit for less inputs.
Thus one wishes to maximize the outputs and to minimize the inputs. Such a DMU can be
described by a DI-DO system as defined in Section 2.1.
114 Ann Oper Res (2006) 145:105–127
where G 0X , G 0Y are selected goal levels for X (λ), Y (λ) respectively. Thus inputs have NR type
of goals but outputs have PR type of goals. Unless explicitly stated otherwise, in this paper we
shall always use this goal type with a DI-DO. Depending on the selected preference, the goal
can have various practical interpretations. For instance, assuming K in -order and K out -order
are selected for the input and output spaces, associated with K in ⊂ R m and K out ⊂ R s , the
precise meaning of the goal associated with a DI-DO is then
Of course one may select other preferences according to needs of an individual application,
or set up different types of goals for a DI-DO.
Desirable Input Undesirable Output (DI-UO)
In some situations, outputs are undesirable. Thus a DMU may be expected to yield a lower
level of its outputs when its input level is increased. So one wishes to minimize both the inputs
and outputs. An example of such outputs is the pollution level of a factory, taking investment
as the input. Such a DMU is described by a DI-UO system as defined in Section 2.1.
We define the goal type associated with a DI-UO as
Thus inputs and outputs both have NR type of goals. Unless explicitly stated otherwise,
we in this paper shall always use this goal type with a DI-UO. Again one may select other
preference according to needs of an individual application.
Assume K in -order and K out -order are selected for the input and output spaces, associated
with K in ⊂ R m and K out ⊂ R s . The precise meaning of the goal associated with (DI-UO) is
We can similarly set goals for UI-DO and UI-UO systems. The type of an input-output
system does not depend on the sign of the input or output data, i.e., whether they are positive
or negative.
Desirable Input Targeted Output (DI-TO)
In some applications the desired outputs have a targeting type in the sense that the per-
formance of the DMUs will be judged by the closeness of the outputs to a pre-set level (or
interval). An example of such outputs is the level of a drug in a patient’s blood. Such a DMU
is referred to as Targeted Response System. As an example of possible extensions, we set the
following goal type for a targeted response system with positive input:
Z (λ) = λi Z i ≥ G 0 , λ ∈ S,
Thus s1+ is nonnegative, but s2+ can be negative. Also note that for the lexicographic pref-
erence, if s + ≥ 0, one can only say s1+ is nonnegative. Thus the quantity l1 w j s +j may not
be a suitable measurement. For merit functions in MF1-MF4 below, we will simply assume
that the selected preference is given as in Example 3: Let A = (ai j )l×l be a l × l matrix. The
preference is defined as follows: Z ≥ W if and only if AX ≥ AW in Pareto order. This type
preference includes most preferences used in DEA models. A merit function of additive type
for the lexicographic preference will be discussed in MF5.
(MF1). Additive Merit Function
We can then define the following additive merit function for a mixture Z (λ)
Often we shall write m(Z , G 0 ) as m(Z ) as G 0 is always fixed. It is clear that this function is
strictly increasing for Z (λ) ≥ G 0 in the sense that m(Z (λ1 )) > m(Z (λ2 )) if Z (λ1 ) > Z (λ2 ).
Therefore it is compatible with the commonly used Koopmans’s efficiency, and we have the
additive property: m(α Z + (1 − α)W ) = αm(Z ) + (1 − α)m(W ) for 0 ≤ α ≤ 1. For Pareto
preference, A is the unit matrix. Then
m(Z (λ), G 0 ) = w j s +j , (4.2)
n + n + 0 +
1 z 1i λi −s1 =g1 ,..., 1 z li λi −sl =gl ,s j ≥0,
where G 0 = (g10 , . . . , gl0 )t ∈ R l is the goal level. The additive merit functions have been used
in well-known Additive DEA Model.
(MF2). Ratio Merit Function
A potential problem of using the additivemerit function is that s +j may all have very
different units or magnitudes. Thus the sum l1 w j s +j may have no clear meanings. When
all the components of the two vectors to be compared are positive, one naturally can use
weighted sums of the ratios of respective components as a measurement. Let = (θi, j )l×l
Ann Oper Res (2006) 145:105–127 117
m(Z (λ), G 0 ) = wjθj, (4.3)
:AZ (λ)=AG 0 , j=1,...,l
where G 0 = (g1+ , . . . , gl0 )t ∈ R l is the goal level, and ≥ is in the sense of Pareto preference.
This function is also strictly increasing for Z (λ) ≥ G 0 . Note m(G 0 ) = 1 here, while m(G 0 ) =
0 for the additive merit function. It is clear that this merit function is positive homogeneous.
For Pareto preference we further have
m(Z (λ)) = wjθj, (4.4)
1 z 1i λi =θ1 g‘0 ,..., n1 zli λi =θl gl0 ,θ j ≥1, j=1,..,l
When all the weights are equal, it is just the Russell measure. This type of merit functions
was used in Zhu (1996).
(MF3). Radial Merit Function
Again assume that all the components of the two vectors to be compared are positive. If
all the components in the above merit function use the same ratio, then we have the so called
radial measurement. Let θ ≥ 1. Assume that g 0j > 0 for j = 1, 2, . . . , l. Define
This function is NOT strictly monotone under Pareto preference, though it is positive homo-
geneous. Thus although Z (λ) > G 0 in Pareto preference (thus Z (λ) performs better than G 0
in the Koopmans’ efficiency notion), we may still have m(Z (λ)) = m(G 0 ) = 1.
(MF4). Almost Radial Merit Function
The above radial merit function is unfortunately not strictly monotone, and therefore may
not be accurate enough to measure possible extra performance. One can define a strictly
increasing merit function, which is almost radial, by using slacks as follows. Let θ ≥ 1.
Assume that g 0j > 0 for j = 1, 2, . . . , l. Define
m(Z (λ)) = max θ + si+ , (4.6)
θ ≥1,s + ≥0:AZ (λ)−s + =θ AG 0
118 Ann Oper Res (2006) 145:105–127
This merit function has been used in the classic DEA models like CCR and BCC models.
It can be seen that the above merit functions can be broadly divided into two classes:
one adopts Koopmans’ efficiency notation and treads radial and non-radial parts of extra
performance essentially equally; the other adopts Farrells’ efficiency notation and thinks the
radial part of dominant importance.
z 1i ≥ z 1 j (4.8)
z 1i + z 2i ≥ z 1 j + z 2 j , (4.9)
This preference means that marks of mathematics are higher and so are overall marks. This is
very different from the Pareto preference, which would imply both marks of mathematics and
physics are higher for this example. In this case the additive, ratio, and radial merit functions
are given by
respectively. The first two merit functions are strictly increasing in this preference.
(MF5). Additive Merit Function in Lexicographic Order
We have
if there is some k ∈ (2, , , .n) so that z k (λ) > gk0 and z j (λ) = g 0j for j = 1, . . . , k − 1. For
this merit function we have Z (λ) > G 0 in the lexicographic order if and only if m(Z (λ)) > 0.
Ann Oper Res (2006) 145:105–127 119
Goals of NR type:
As in (4.3), set
Z (λ) ≤ G 0 , λ ∈ S. (4.12)
We can similarly introduce merit functions as for PR gaols. For instance under Pareto
preference, we define the additive merit function:
m(Z (λ)) = w j s −j , (4.13)
n − n − 0 −
1 z 1i λi −s1 =g1 ,..., 1 z li λi +sl =gl ,s j ≥0,
where is understood as Non-Archimedean. Note that here the ratio and almost radial merit
functions are strictly increasing, while the additive merit function is strictly decreasing.
There are many more possible merit functions that can be introduced to suit a particular
application. For instance, one can introduce more nonradial types of merit functions using
the Fare-Lovell (or Russell) measure and the Zieschang measure (see Fare and Lovell, 1978;
Zieschang, 1984). We now examine the mixture of the above two types.
Goals of Mixed Type: PR-NR
As in Section 4.1, let
G 0+
G =0
G 0−
Z + (λ)
Z (λ) = .
Z − (λ)
Similarly we can introduce the additive merit function. For instance, under Pareto prefer-
m(Z (λ), G 0 ) = ((s + )t w + + (s − )t w − ), (4.17)
z + (λ)−s + =G 0+ ,Z − (λ)+s − =G 0−
120 Ann Oper Res (2006) 145:105–127
where s+ and s− are nonnegative vectors, and (w+ , w − ) are the positive weight vectors
without any zero components.
Let us note that up to now, λ is fixed in all the discussions above. We then can go further
to find out the maximum extra performance of the whole mixture Z (λ), λ ∈ S for the given
goal level. This extra performance can be found by solving a mathematical programming:
where m(·, ·) is a suitable increasing merit function. If the merit function is strictly decreasing,
then minimization should be taken instead. Let λ0 ∈ S be a solution. If m(Z (λ0 )) > m(G 0 )
(or m(Z (λ0 )) < m(G 0 ) in the case of minimization), then the mixture Z (λ0 ) performs better
than G 0 . Furthermore m(Z (λ0 )) − m(G 0 ) represents the maximum extra performance. For
instance using the additive merit function of mixed type defined above, this extra performance
can be found by solving the following linear programming:
If the maximum is positive, then one is able to say that there exists an λ0 ∈ S such that
Z (λ0 ) can achieve a goal better than G 0 . Clearly this is one of the essential functions for any
DEA models.
n above merit functionsn can be readily extended to input-output systems. Let X (λ) =
1 λ i X i and Y (λ) = 1 λi Yi be a mixture of inputs and outputs specified by an λ ∈ S.
If we have merit functions m X , m Y for X (λ) and Y (λ) respectively, then we can for instance
m (X (λ), Y (λ)), G 0X , G 0Y = m X X (λ), G 0X + m Y Y (λ), G 0Y , (4.20)
where (G 0X , G 0Y ) is a goal level set for the input-output system (X (λ), Y (λ)). Monotonicity
of this merit function is in fact depends on types of the systems. For instance for a DI-DO
input-output system, the above merit function is increasing for the preference defined in
Section 2.1 if m X is decreasing and m Y is increasing. If m X is increasing instead, then the
above function is not necessarily monotone for a DI-DO system, but is increasing for a UI-
DO system. In this case we can define the following increasing merit function for a DI-DO
system if m(X (λ), G 0X ), > 0:
m (X (λ), Y (λ)), G 0X , G 0Y = m X X (λ), G 0X + m Y Y (λ), G 0Y , (4.23)
Let us further find out the maximum extra performance for the input-output system
(X (λ), Y (λ)), λ ∈ S with the given goal level (G 0X , G 0Y ). The extra performance can sim-
ilarly be found by solving:
where m(·, ·) is again a suitable increasing merit function for the DMUs. If the merit func-
tion is strictly decreasing, then minimization should be taken. Let λ0 ∈ S be a solution.
Again if m((X (λ0 ), Y (λ0 )) > m((G 0X , G 0Y )), then the virtual DMU (X (λ0 ), Y (λ0 )) performs
better than (G 0X , G 0Y ), and m((X (λ0 ), Y (λ0 )) − m((G 0X , G 0Y )) represents the maximum extra
Example 6. For DI-DO DMUs in Pareto preference. We first use the non-orientation type
merit function:
If we use the additive merit functions with the same weights for both inputs and outputs, and
remember that DI-DO DMUs have NR type goals for inputs and PR for outputs, then the
maximum extra performance can be found by solving
If the maximum is positive, then there exists an λ0 ∈ S such that the virtual DMU
(X (λ0 ), Y (λ0 )) is better than (G 0X , G 0Y ) in the preference defined in Section 2.1 for a
DI-DO system.
Then we use the merit function with output orientation:
If we use the additive merit function with the same weights for inputs and almost radial merit
function for outputs, then the maximum extra performance can be found by solving
+ −
θ + si− + si+ (4.26)
θ,s ,s ,λ
0 0
subject to
X i λi + s − = G 0X , Yi λi − s + = θ G 0Y , s + ≥ 0, s − ≥ 0, λ ∈ S. (4.27)
0 0
They are in fact quite close to corresponding DEA models. One only needs to specify the
technology set S and suitable goal levels to finalize the models.
122 Ann Oper Res (2006) 145:105–127
Example 7. Let us examine Mixed Input Mixed Output (MI-MO) DMUs. Let:
X i+ X (λ)+ Yi+ Y (λ)+
Xi = , X (λ) = , Yi = , Y (λ) =
X i− X (λ)− Yi− Y (λ)−
Here we assume the first part of each vector, i.e. X i+ , Yi+ , is the desirable part, and the second
part X i− , Yi− is the undesirable part. We use the non-orientation additive merit functions with
the same weights for inputs and outputs, and adopt Pareto preference. Then the maximum
extra performance can be found by solving
max |s I− | + |s I+ | + |s O− | + |s O+ |, (4.28)
where |s I− | is the sum of components of vector s I− : |s I− | = (s I )i
subject to
Yi+ λi − s O+ = G 0Y , Yi− λi + s O− = G 0Y ,
1 1
X i+ λi + s I+ = G 0X , X i− λi + s I− = G 0X , s I− , s I+ , s O− , s O+ ≥ 0, λ ∈ S,
1 1
Now suppose we wish to evaluate efficiency for the DMU (X 0 , Y0 ) among the DMUs (X i , Yi ).
We first have to select a preference ≥, and then a performance measurement m(·, ·) strictly
increasing with the preference. Finally we have to decide what production possibility set
P({(X i , Yi )}) to be used in this evaluation. Then to decide if the DMU (X 0 , Y0 ) is efficient
or not, we only need to find out the maximum extra performance over the whole produc-
tion possibility set P({(X i , Yi )}) for the given goal level (X 0 , Y0 ) by solving the following
programming (GDEA):
(X,Y )∈P({(X i ,Yi )}) m((X, Y ), (X 0 , Y0 )), (5.1)
If we recall the structure of PPS under various assumptions in Section 3, then (GDEA)
can be simplified:
where the technology set S needs to be chosen according to different assumptions on convexity
or return to scales of PPS.
This is essentially a DEA model. If the maximum is more than m((X 0 , Y0 ), (X 0 , Y0 )) then
the DMU (Y0 , Y0 ) is inefficient, and otherwise it is efficient. Efficiency of the DMU may then
be quantified via exploring the quantity max(X,Y )∈P({(X i ,Yi )}) m((X, Y ), (X 0 , Y0 )) according
to respective economic theory. An immediate conclusion is that assuming closed convex
Ann Oper Res (2006) 145:105–127 123
technology set and continuity of the merit functions, there is at least one solution to the
(GDEA) due to continuity of the cost functions and compactness of the constraint sets.
Clearly there does not exist enough space here to allow us to fully explore this framework,
though we shall try to give some illustrations. In the following examples, we assume the
convex technology such that
P({(X i , Yi )}) = (X, Y ) : X ≥ X (λ), Y ≤ Y (λ), λi ≥ 0, λi = 1 .
Example 8. Assume Pareto preference is applied on both inputs and outputs for DI-DO
DMUs (X i , Yi ) to be evaluated. Select the additive merit function with the equal weights and
adopt non-orientation. Then the above (GDEA) reads
n max si− + si+
0 X i λi +s − =X 0 , n0 Yi λi −s + =Y0 ,s + ≥0,s − ≥0,λi ≥0, n1 λi =1
0 0
subject to
X i λi + s − = X 0 , Yi λi − s + = θ Y0 , s + ≥ 0, s − ≥ 0, λi ≥ 0, λi = 1.
0 0 1
This is just the output orientation BCC model. Taking the technology set of constant return
to scale, one then has the CCR model. If one selects a K-order, one can then derive the Cone
Ratio model in Charnes et al. (1989) and Wei and Yu (1997).
If we use the ratio merit function with the equal weights for the outputs and the additive
merit function with the equal weights for the inputs, and adopt output orientation, then the
above (GDEA) reads:
θ j s + si−
θi ,s ,λ
1 0
subject to
X i λi + s − = X 0 , y1,i λi = θ1 y1,0 , . . . , ys,i λi = θs ys,0 ,
0 1
n 1
θ j ≥ 1, s − ≥ 0, λi ≥ 0, λi = 1. (5.3)
124 Ann Oper Res (2006) 145:105–127
This is a Russell model. When the constraints: θ j ≥ 1 are dropped, similar models (but input
oriented) were studied in Zhu (1996). If we use the radio merit functions with the equal
weights for both the inputs and outputs, and adopt merit function in (5.21), then the above
(GDEA) reads:
1 βj s
max m
0 αk
αk,β j ,λ m
subject to
x1,i λi = α1 x1,0 , . . . , xm,i λi = αm xm,0 , 0 < αk ≤ 1
1 1
y1,i λi = β1 y1,0 , . . . , ys,i λi = βl ys,0, β j ≥ 1, λi ≥ 0, λi = 1.
1 1 1
This model was first studied in Pastor and Sirvent (1999) and used in Liu and Meng (2004)
to study scale efficiency for research groups in CAS.
In general, the three building blocks have to be selected according to particular needs
of applications. In Liu and Sharp (1999), we derive a DEA model using the almost radial
merit function for inputs and the additive merit function with the equal weights for outputs to
evaluate some medical therapies, where two of the three outputs are undesirable, and some
classic transformations were shown to be inappropriate. In the follows we derive an additive
DEA model which can handle undesirable inputs and outputs.
Example 9. Let us examine Mixed Input Mixed Output (MI-MO) DMUs. As in Example 7,
we assume that inputs and outputs can be grouped into desirable and undesirable parts:
X i+ Yi+
Xi = , Yi = ,
X i− Yi−
max |s I− | + |s I+ | + |s O− | + |s O+ |
where |s I− | = (s I )i subject to
Yi+ λi − s O+ = Y0+ , Yi− λi + s O− = Y0− ,
1 1
X i+ λi + s I+ = X 0+ , X i− λi − s I− = X 0− , s I− , s I+ , s O− , s O+ ≥ 0, λi ≥ 0, λi = 1.
1 1 1
Ann Oper Res (2006) 145:105–127 125
DMU 0 is efficient if and only if the maximum is zero. If we use the almost radial merit
function for the inputs, the additive merit function with the equal weights for the outputs,
and adopt input orientation, then we obtain the DEA model derived in Liu and Sharp (1999).
Next we show that our framework provides a direct mechanism to incorporate value
judgements in DEA. We will use Example 5 to illustrate how to introduce value judgements
into a DEA model by adopting suitable preferences in our framework.
Example 10. Assume that a mathematical department wishes to investigate study efficiency
of mathematics and physics for its students via DEA. Total time on study is used as input, and
examination marks of mathematics and physics are used as outputs for each of its students.
Let X j = x1, j be the inputs and Y j = (y1, j, y2, j )t denote the examination marks of mathe-
matics and physics respectively as output for student-j in the department. As a mathematical
department, it puts more emphasis on mathematics. Thus it adopts the preference used in
Example 5 for the examination marks, while the standard Pareto preference is used for the
inputs. If we use the almost radial merit function for the outputs, the additive merit function
with the equal weights for the inputs, and adopt output orientation, then the above (GDEA)
subject to
x1,i λi + s − = x1,0 , y1,i λi − s1+ = θ y1,0 ,
1 1
y1,i λi + y2,i λi − s2+ = θ (y1,0 + y2,0 ).
1 1
6. Conclusions
Preference, production possibility set and performance measure are three of the essential
elements of any DEA models. These three Ps more or less decide a DEA model. In this
paper, we have re-examined DEA models from these three Ps’ perspective. We have presented
some examples of different preferences and performance measures, and discussed a possible
framework to assemble them into DEA models.
Some DEA models with non-classic preferences and goals motivated from real applica-
tions will be discussed in forthcoming papers.
126 Ann Oper Res (2006) 145:105–127
Acknowledgments The first author was supported in part by Foundation of NSFC (L022 5002), P.R.China.
The authors wish to express their sincere thanks to Ms Wei Meng and Mr. D.Q Zhang for their valuable
comments on this paper.
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