341-Article Text-791-1-10-20230517
341-Article Text-791-1-10-20230517
341-Article Text-791-1-10-20230517
* jubilezer.sihite@uhn.ac.id
This article examines multicultural literature as a significant and strategic object of study
in responding to problems. Multicultural literature is focused on multicultural issues that
are often found in literary works. The main issues are related to certain identities or
characteristics. This article examines the structure and identity construction of the
murderous character in the novel Beltway (capital crime #24) by Margaret Truman, with
the main focus on identity issues: (1) identity and identity issues; (2) articulation of
identity; (3) text representation of identity discourse in the novel. The sociology of
literature approach is used to understand reality in multicultural literary texts, especially
in novels and their relation to the phenomenon of identity issues in other fields of study.
The results of the study show that the process of identity articulation and text
representation in identity discourse in multicultural social phenomena as well as identity
issues and the process of identity articulation in multicultural societies deserve more
serious attention. An identity is not stable but dynamic in the face of development.
Keywords: character identity, mistery, construction, Margareth Truman
In essence, humans have different characters. Thus, it can be easily distinguished
between the characters. Character is a set of traits that are believed to be a sign of a
person's goodness, virtue, and moral maturity. Etymologically, the term character comes
from the Latin language, namely character which means character, psychological nature,
character, personality and morals. Character is a collection of good behavior from a human
child, this behavior is a form of awareness in carrying out the roles, functions and duties of
carrying out the mandate and responsibility given, otherwise the character on the contrary
shows "a number of bad traits of a person" Sudewo (in Nasir, 2013 :10). Character consists
of elements of goodness. Kindness itself has elements such as honesty, courage, justice, and
compassion which are dispositions to behave morally in social life. Character is a good
objectivity representation of human qualities, whether known to humans or not. This virtue
is affirmed by societies and religions around the world. Because in essence good, has the
right to human conscience.
Literary work is a social phenomenon because it relates to the author, relates to the
reader, and relates to aspects of human life expressed in literary works. Literary work is a
complex structure, so to understand it requires analysis, namely the breakdown of its parts
or elements. Recently, literary experts have realized the importance of readers as recipients
of information and givers of meaning in a literary work. Literary works are autonomous but
Vol. 13, No. 1, 2023
ISSN 2721-9283
Jurnal Sinestesia
ISSN 2721-9283
c. Tritagonist. The tritagonist role is a companion role, both for the role of protagonist
and antagonist.
The character and attitude of the characters develop, by themselves they will experience
development and change from the beginning, middle and end of the story according to the
demands of the coherence of the story as a whole. Characters who experience changes and
character development in line with the storyline. In line with the development of the plot
which displays various events and conflicts which are also increasing, the characters also
experience changes and developments to respond and adapt to the demands of the plot.
Thus, changes and developments in the flow remain related to the flow and can be
accounted for. That is, character change and development does not just happen without a
conflict that triggers it. (Nurgiyantoro, 2005:230).
According to Sadewo (2011: 15) characters are divided into main characters and selected
characters. The main character is the character that forms the basis of the chosen character,
regardless of his profession. The main character includes basic figures, superior figures, and
leading figures. The basic character consists of three traits, namely selflessness, honesty, and
discipline. Superior character consists of seven good qualities, namely sincerity, patience,
gratitude, responsibility, sacrifice, self-improvement, and sincerity. The character of a leader
includes nine traits, namely fair, wise, wise, polite, humble, simple, visionary, solutive,
communicative, and inspiring. While the character of choice is good behavior that develops
attached to the work profession, each of which has a teacher character that is different from
the military character according to their profession.
The way the author presents characters or actors is called characterization (Aminudin,
2002:79). Characters with good character traits usually become protagonists because
readers will tend to side with that type of character. The protagonist is a character who
carries a mission of truth and moral values as opposed to an antagonist who actually brings
evil or disaster (Nurgiyantoro, 2005:226). The protagonist is often used as a hero, a hero
because he is tasked with bringing values into the ideals of the reader. On the other hand,
antagonists tend to be characters that readers anticipate because of their evil nature.
Nurgiyantoro (2012: 167) argues that although the characters in the story are only
characters created by the author, they must be characters who live naturally, as human life
consists of flesh and blood, who have thoughts and feelings. According to Nurgiyantoro
(2005:78) in general, character can be expressed in two ways, namely the direct method and
the indirect method. The explanation is as follows. a. The analytical method, namely the
author explains or tells directly with the description by the author. The author clearly shows
or describes the character's character. Then there is what is called the dramatic way, namely
by expressing the character's character indirectly through the storyline. So, the character is
not described and described directly, but is revealed covertly through the story.
There are several ways that can lead us to recognize the characters in a story. Sumardjo &
Saini, (1997:65) suggests the following; a. Through what he does, his actions, especially how
he behaves in critical situations. A person's character is often clearly reflected in his attitude
in critical (important) situations, because he cannot pretend, he will act spontaneously
according to his character: Critical situations here do not have to be dangerous, but
situations that require him to act. make decisions quickly. From what a character says in a
story, we can identify whether he or she is an old man, a person with low or high education,
his ethnicity, a woman or a man, a refined or violent person, and so on. Through the physical
Vol. 13, No. 1, 2023
ISSN 2721-9283
depiction of the character. The author often makes a description of the body shape and face
of the characters, namely about how to dress, body shape, and so on. In older fiction,
physical depictions were often used to strengthen characters. d. Through his mind. Depicting
what a character is thinking is an important way to develop character. In this way the reader
can find out the reasons for his actions. In real life, such a description is impossible. But this
is a fictional convention. Through direct lighting. In this case, the author describes at length
the character of the character directly. This is very different from the indirect way, which
reveals character through his actions, what he says, by the way he thinks, and so on.
According to Aminuddin (2002), the main character will always be present in every event
that occurs in the story and can be found on every page of the novel or storybook in
question. But there are also those who don't appear in every incident because they are not
immediately shown in each chapter after chapter in the story, instead the presence of the
main character is told through other characters. Usually the main character or character in a
novel can be more than one character. So the priority level is different. In that case the main
character appears by showing his dominance in the story. To determine the main character
in the story can be done by involving the character with the theme or meaning of the story.
The character can master everything in the story so that the main character will always be in
contact with other characters automatically. In this case, the reader can determine for
himself which character is the main character and which is the secondary character.
Previous research examined the stage of role identity, but did not find a true identity,
giving rise to the question who am I. The results showed that the character experienced
identity confusion with symptoms of not being able to answer the question "who am I",
changing the meaning of life, and his life was divided into before and after. Several possible
factors cause the character to experience identity confusion. They receive less support from
their parents. Their parents forced them to create an identity, and they didn't decide
anything for their life.
At this stage a descriptive method approach was applied, which means that the data is
broken down in the form of words and not in the form of numbers (Semi, 2012: 30). This
method was applied to describe the structure and construction of identity contained in the
novel Murder Inside the Beltway (Capital Crimes #24) by Margaret Truman. The reason for
using the qualitative form is to understand the phenomena experienced by research subjects
such as speech, actions, behavior and others that describe the characters contained in the
novel. The source of the data was written text novels. The data are the characters in the
form of words, sentences, and related events in the novel. In this case, a library approach is
also carried out, namely by collecting data that can support the content. Classify and verify
data. That means collecting and selecting data from the novel, recording data related to the
topic in a notebook computer, disclosing data based on the psychoanalytic anxiety of the
main character in the novel and drawing conclusions.
Jurnal Sinestesia
ISSN 2721-9283
Social identity is related to society because it needs interaction with other people to
construct. Social identity refers to certain assumptions about human nature and society and
their interests (Hogg, 2004). Social categories divided into some categories namely age
categories (e.g., young or old), social class, nationality, ethnic, and cultural categories. Thus,
the first stage that must be done by an individual before obtaining social identity is the
categorization process. The second is social identification shows how identity is explained as
a self-concept as seen from behavior, knowledge, and background in the social context.
Below are the excerpts from the novel texts that show us the phenomena of social identity.
The cops knew her name. The building’s super, who sat in the apartment’s living
room with two other residents of the building, had provided it: Rosalie Curzon.
She’d been a tenant for two years: “Always paid her rent on time,” the super had
told the cops. “Nice lady.”
Hatcher called headquarters to run the name. Her history was brief. Ms. Curzon
“Gotta run,” he said. “I’ll see if I can leave today at a decent hour, maybe grab
something out tonight. Okay?”
“Okay, boss,” she said, tossing him a snappy salute.
As she watched him drive away, her sunny face turned cloudy
“Please answer Detective Hatcher’s question,” Jackson said.
“How did you first become a client of Ms. Curzon’s?”
“A friend of mine told me about her.”
“Who was that?” Hall followed up.
“I don’t want to involve other people.”
In the past, the word "cop" had different meanings in that it basically had the task of
being a law enforcer. But the word is also sometimes used for a profession of slur such as
thieves, though most police officers are fine with that in today's context. School police are
the same as law enforcers even in informal situations, but most of them prefer to be called
police. Boss means someone who gives orders to others in a superior manner. The word
boss can be interpreted as a lord which in ancient times was used to avoid or replace the
word master. Because the word Tuan has a slightly lower meaning because it is often used
for bone mass in a certain area. While the word detective means a police officer or police
officer who is generally in charge of investigating criminal crimes, by carrying out several
investigative steps such as monitoring, interviewing, checking records, to carrying out raids
to arresting something. A detective has an important task because he specializes in
shrouding a crime case that falls into a serious category such as robbery, murder, fraud or
assault on certain persons.
Experts argue that the concept we have about ourselves is our own identity, while our
expectations and the opinions of others will shape our social identity. This is in line with the
understanding that cultural identity represents a certain character of a group
communication system that appears in certain situations. This concept has shown that
social, cultural, and self-identity have different domains and have different positions that
can contribute to a situation where one attempts to define one's identity. It is completely
unacceptable for one to want to establish an existence without a complete identity.
Meanwhile, established identity will contribute to established existence. Below are excerpts
from novel texts that show us the phenomenon of identity problems.
Vol. 13, No. 1, 2023
ISSN 2721-9283
“Looks like some
John figured he didn’t get his money’s worth.”
“She’s a hooker?” Jackson said.
Hatcher looked at the young detective as though he’d mispro-nounced a simple
word. “What do you figure she was, Jackson?” he asked. “Your mother decorate
her bedroom like this?”
Sections were reserved for home decorating books, murder mysteries by big
name authors, and for biographies of a variety of famous names in business,
politics, the military, and religion.
“The well-read hooker, huh, Matt?” Hatcher said, joining his young colleague in
perusing the books.
Hatcher called headquarters to run the name. Her history was brief. Ms. Curzon
had twice been arrested for prostitution four years ago when she worked for one of D.C.’s
myriad escort services. She’d paid a fine—or someone did—and she walked.
“Williams and Shrank are considering filing a bias complaint against him.”
“I didn’t know that.”
“He evidently got into it with them the other day, called them stupid, said there’s
proof that blacks’ IQs are lower than whites’, the usual garbage from him.”
“Do you think being a separated and soon-to-be-divorced man will hurt your
Chances to win in November?”
“It didn’t hurt Ronald Reagan,” he responded. “He was the first divorced man to
win the presidency, and I intend to be the second
Identity conflicts often occur just to get and build a certain existence. Mystery of murder
shows that there is a big problem done by someone. Having been arrested twice for
prostitution shows that there have been big problems in the past due to prostitution. And he
was imprisoned for many years. Being a separated man and soon to be divorced will hurt
your chances of winning indicates that there is a major bankrupt problem at the moment.
Identity, which was previously assumed to be constant and single, is actually the result of
temporary, specific and historical establishment as an arbitrary closure. Meanwhile, other
experts argue that articulation is the relationship between two different elements in certain
situations. The unity of identity is the articulation of two separate and distinct elements in
different historical and cultural settings. That is, there is no automatic correlation between
identity, social class, gender, and race discourses. Therefore, it can be assumed that
individuals who share the same racial background have different identities. Furthermore,
this concept can be seen in the text of the novel as follows:
“And you leave them alone in there to get their formal stories straight?”
“Hatch, I—”
“Get back in there!”
Jackson avoided Hall’s exasperated look as she left the room.
“The nine-one-one call came in at ten thirty-seven,” Jackson said.
“Somebody in the building said she heard noises in here, like a fight.
That pins down time-of-death.”
“She’s warm but starting to cool,” said the ME. “It didn’t just happen. I’d say
two, two-and-a-half hours ago.”
“Tell me about the lady in there,” Hatcher said, nodding toward the bedroom.
“Miss Curzon? What about her?” His English was good.
“How long has she been here?”
“Must be two years now.”
“She sign a lease?”
“Sí. Everybody does.”
Jurnal Sinestesia
ISSN 2721-9283
“Don’t sí me, José. You’re in America, so speak American. English.”
The super’s expression mirrored his confusion, and fear.
“How much she pay you on the side?”
He stared blankly at the detective.
“Come on, José, don’t give me that dumb look. You knew she was turning tricks.
She’s a puta, right? A whore. How much she pay you to look the other way?”
“Oh, no, no, sir, you are wrong. I do not care what the tenants do as long as they
don’t bother nobody else. I say live and let live.” He forced a smile in the hope it
would indicate sincerity.
From the above quote, some interesting things can be found, namely that Jackson
avoided Hall's irritated look as he left the room," said Jackson. "Someone in the building said
he heard noises that looked like a fight. It can be seen that the process of articulation of
identity in the concept of relative situation. Meanwhile, America is well known as a native
that was created to become an energy of resistance against ethnic groups that are seen as
more established and dominant. Americans look modern and more confident because they
dare to articulate themselves. In America one has to speak American English. This shows a
different phenomenon when the process of articulation of identity seems to be more
adaptive as a result of the political oppression of ethnicity. Such a phenomenon results in
ethnic suffering towards the articulation of identity which is more directed to the context of
cultural groups as a force in the form of a silent minority. People unintentionally brought
about the evil on which the story is based. Below are excerpts from the text of the novel that
show us examples of crimes.
Questions about the tape on which he was captured with a prostitute were
nimbly skirted and quickly turned to what he intended to
say about his policies versus those of his opponent.
and I have been investigating a crime,” Jackson explained.
“That doesn’t give him the right to drive like a maniac
I want him strung up as much as you do.”
“I’m not looking to string anybody up,” Jackson said
American people
want to lead them through these perilous times?” they asked, always adding,
it would go a long way to dispelling those rumors
Prostitution is sexual activity carried out for commercial reasons because doing so is
considered a job. However, the word 'prostitution' does not only have a meaning that refers
to commercial sex. The word also contains negative connotations that reflect ugliness. Even
though it is known that work is despicable, many are still trapped in the practice of sexual
activity. While this may be more appropriate in certain contexts it is still considered to
contain elements of a crime. A detective works to solve the mystery. They question every
suspect, search for clues, and follow new leads in hopes of finding the guilty party. Below is
an excerpt from the text of the novel that shows us an example of an investigation.
That’s impossible to say, Barbara,” he replied, “but I wouldn’t rule it out.” His
smile was charming, as it was throughout the interview, examination, inspection, exam, hearing,
Interview is part of the investigation to solve the case. The interviews were carefully
planned and conducted. The location of the victim's interview and who will attend are
equally important to consider. Everyone interviewed was required to explain their role in the
Vol. 13, No. 1, 2023
ISSN 2721-9283
Murder is a very serious violation of laws and social norms. There is no greater impact
than the killing of a person's life, work and family. Sometimes the killings are triggered by
the victims themselves. Experts have an overview of the phenomenon of murder in several
countries which includes the profile of the perpetrator and victim, the context of the
situation and the incident of the murder. Also trying to answer the question how is the
relationship between the symptoms of homicide and criminology. The detective unravels the
remaining puzzle pieces and solves the mystery. Below is an excerpt from the text of the
novel showing us examples of variations.
After being analyzed, it was found that the elements of identity consisting of social
identity, problem identity and articulation identity are important parts of a literary work,
especially in novels. Although novels as literary works have various types of genres, basically
all of the elements of identity above are contained in each novel. However, there are other
elements that are also found in the novel besides the elements of identity that have been
described previously, namely the discovery of other elements, namely identity discourse and
negotiated identity.
Discourse identity is the person or range of power that can be claimed by certain people
in a certain discourse which consists of a series of roles interacting with social roles in which
a person has the power, right, or obligation to make in a certain discourse. Identity is a
concept of intercultural communication and relies heavily on the notion of culture itself
where human groups can be analyzed even though they have different internal
characteristics so that significant differences can be seen from members of other cultural
groups. While this is a very useful idea in the context of cultural research it is often
problematic in the study of discourse and communication. In this case, the novelist tries to
present the characters in the novel in a very clear form of identity so that it is easy for the
reader to understand. In analyzing a novel, one must also consider the elements supporting
Jurnal Sinestesia
ISSN 2721-9283
the genre of the novel. In this novel found elements that are very supportive so that this
novel deserves to be included as a mystery novel. These elements are elements of crime,
investigation, twist and violation. The results found in the analysis of the novel, it can be
stated that research on novels does not always get the same results as those carried out by
other researchers even though they have the same research object. Likewise, analyzing a
novel using the same theory does not guarantee the same results and conclusions at the
end. This can be seen from the results obtained by researchers regarding the identity
construction of the characters in the mystery novel Murder Inside the Beltway by Margaret
Truman. There are five identities contained in the character identity novel, namely: social
identity, problem identity, articulation identity, discourse identity and negotiated identity.
Basically the author still refers to the theory applied in researching this novel so that it is
easier to draw conclusions and of course it is different from what other researchers have
done. In this case the researcher only concludes that this novel contains three main
elements of identity, namely social identity, problem identity and identity articulation.
The identity of each individual can be seen from the aspects of one's identity and
attitude. Identity and attitude are two things that are inherent in every individual. Stories,
roles, and actors in novels are tools that can be used to find out individual identity. Each
individual who plays the character in the novel will get input about the lifestyle, attitudes
and beliefs that are built through the novel's story. The construction of the character's
identity through the story in the novel can be seen from one's talent, personality and ability
to develop himself. In addition to lifestyle and attitude, identity can be seen from the ability
to develop talents through characterizations in performances or stories. By being willing to
play the characters in the novel, each individual will certainly gain new experiences and also
be able to develop himself and his personality into a stronger identity.
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