Co1 Problems
Co1 Problems
Co1 Problems
Total Time = T Initial Handshaking time +1250 packets T.T.+ 1249 * R.T.T.
(waiting time)
2. Calculate the bandwidth*delay product for the following links. Use one-way delay,
measured from first bit sent to first bit received.
Ans. a. The b x w product is 100 x 10^6 bits/sec x 10 x 10^-6 secs = 1000 bits =
125 bytes
b. The first-bit delay is 5020 microsecs through the store-and-forward switch. The
bandwidth x delay product is thus 10 Mbps x 5020 microsecs = 50200 bits
(Alternatively, you can think of it as each link can hold 100 bits and the switch can
hold 50000 bits.)
3. What is the total delay (Latency) for a frame of size 5million bits that is being on
the sent on a link with 10 routers each having a queuing time of 2 μsec and a
processing time of 1μsec. The link has a bandwidth of 5Mbps. Which component
if the total delay is dominant? Which one is negligible? Assume The length of the
link is 2000 Km. The speed of light inside the link is 2 x 10^8 m/s
4. Compute two-dimensional parity for the given data word 1100 1111 0110 0011
1110 0001 0011 01101000 (four bits at a time) using even parity. Introduce error
in two different bit positions and correct the errors.
Ans. 1100 0
1111 0
0110 0
0011 0
1110 1
0001 1
0011 0
0110 0
1000 1
0100 1
Introduce error in two different bit positions and repeat the same process.
Note: two-dimensional parity catches all 2-bit errors. If the 2 bits that have been
altered are not in the same column, then the column parity bits will be incorrect,
and if they are not in the same row, the row parity bits will be incorrect. Two
positions cannot simultaneously be in the same row and same column; hence the
error can be detected.
5. A network with pure ALOHA transmits 250 bits per frame on a shared channel of
500 kbps. Compute the time required to make the transmission collision free?
Ans. Average Frame Transmission time T fr is 250 bits/500 kbps or 0.5 ms.
This means no station should send later than 0.5 ms before this station starts
transmission and no station should start sending during the one 0.5- ms period
that this station is sending.
6. Compute total time delay for transmitting a file of 5MB file on link in 50Mbps line
of length of 12000km where the signal travel with a velocity of 2.8*10^8 m/sec.
7. Consider the message sender wants to send is1010001101, and the generator
polynomial is x^5+x^4+x^2+1. Find the message transmitted by the sender. If the
receiver receives the message, check if the receiver receives the correct message
or not.
Ans. The image is 1024*768*3 bytes or 2,359,296 bytes. This is 18,874,368 bits.
Propagation delay to travel from S to R1 (P) = (Distance) / (Link Speed) = 10^5/10^8
= 1ms
So, the total time taken to transmit the first packet from source to destination is
P+T= 3+3 ms=6ms
While first packet was reaching D, other packets must have been processing in
parallel. So, D will receive remaining packets 1 packet per 1 ms from R2. So,
remaining 999 packets will take 999 ms. And total time will be 999 + 6 = 1005 ms
10. Calculate the latency (from first bit sent to last bit received) for the following: (a)
10-Mbps Ethernet with a single store-and-forward switch in the path, and a packet
size of 5000 bits. Assume that each link introduces a propagation delay of 10 μs
and that the switch begins retransmitting immediately after it has finished
receiving the packet. (b) Same as (a) but with three switches.
so total latency=1020us
b) for 3 switches =510*4=2040 us (as packet must go over 4 links)
11. Suppose the following block of 32 bits is to be sent using checksum 8 bits
11100101011010111000111101011011 and check your answer for the receiver
receives 11100101111010111000111101011011.
12. Hosts A and B are each connected to a switch S via 10-Mbps links as in shown in
figure below. The propagation delay on each link is 20 μs. S is a store-and forward
device; it begins retransmitting a received packet 35 μs after it has finished
receiving it. Calculate the total time required to transmit 10,000 bits from A to B.
(a) as a single packet (b) as two 5000-bit packets sent one right after the other b)
Illustrate networking devices?
The packet reaches the switch at t trans + tprop = 1020 micro sec.
After 1055 micro sec., the packet starts transmitting from the switch.
The packet reaches B after 1055 micro sec + t trans + tprop = 1055 + 1000 + 20 = 2075
micro sec.
The First packet reaches the switch in 520 micro sec. After 35 micro sec. of switch
delay, the switch retransmits packet 1 which reaches B at 520 + 35 + 520 = 1075
micro sec.
Immediately after the transmission of the first packet, A sends the second packet
which reaches the switch at 520 micro sec. After 520 micro sec, the switch can
start receiving the second packet and at 520+500=1020 micro sec, second frame
is completely received by the switch (we don't need to add propagation time here
as packet 2 can just follow packet 1).
So, at 1055 micro sec from the start the switch starts sending the second packet
and this will be received at destination after another 520 micro sec (1055+520) that
is 1575 micro sec. Since we added transmission time, this ensures that the last bit
of data is received at the sender. Therefore, at 1055 + 520 = 1575 micro sec.,
Packet 2 is received at B. The transmission is complete at 1575 micro sec.
General definitions