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Abdominal Sho

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Prepared by Nigel Dawes L.Ac.

Source Text: Kanpo, A Clinical Guide to Theory and Practice Otsuka, K.; Translated by De Soriano, G. & Dawes, N. Churchill Livingstone, London, 2010 ISBN: 9780443100932

KEY: 1. The KF# refers to the Formulas index in the above-mentioned text and may be referenced directly in Appendix #1 2. The KH# refers to the Herb index (Appendix #2) 3. Words in Caps refer to Japanese Terms in the Glossary (Appendix #3)

NOTE: The formulas accompanying each Abdominal SHO are intended by Dr. Otsuka as EXAMPLES used in each case. We must pay attention to the patho-mechanism and treatment principle in each example given so that other, similar formulas may be considered and differentiated.

1. Lax & Powerless Fuku Bu Nan Jyaku Mu Ryoku

Vitality Combination, KF147 (Shibu To / Zhen Wu Tang)
Indications: This formula was originally called Genbuto, but the name was changed after the death of the Emperor Gen. It is used to treat various symptoms such as when the metabolic function is waning, causing SUI DOKU, to collect in the gastro-intestinal tract, or abdominal pain and diarrhoea, or dizziness or rapid heart palpation. Most commonly, the abdominal area is Soft and Lax, ( Nanjyaku), the Pulse is Deep, and Weak, or Slow, or Small, and Slow, or Floating, Weak, and Slow, with extreme fatigue, hands and feet that get cold easily and a general lack of SEI KI. Applications: Ptosis, visceroptosis (prolapse of an organ), hypotension, gastrointestinal atony, chronic gastrointestine colitis, chronic diarrhoea, chronic nephritis, urticaria, eczema, motor/ sensory palsy.

Ginseng & Ginger Combination, KF203 (Ninjin To / Ren Shen Tang aka: Li Zhong Tang)
Indications: This formula is used to warm Internal coldness, KAN, when there are KYO, weak digestive organs, poor skin tone, lack of vital KI. The tongue is not coated and is Damp, the urine is clear and copious, the four limbs easily become cold, the saliva is thin and collects in the mouth (traditionally this means coldness of the stomach), the faeces are soft and there is a tendency to get diarrhoea easily. There may also be complaints of dizziness, vomiting and stomach pain. There are two types of Abdominal SHO, the rst is a thin soft Abdomen with no strength, when the splash sound, SHIN SUI ON, is present. In the second SHO, the Abdominal wall is thin and hard like a sheet of veneer when pressed. Applications: Gastric ptosis, gastric atony, gastroenteritis, gastric ulcer, emesis, infantile autointoxicity, intercostalneuralgia.

Four Major Herb Combination, KF117 (Shikunshi To / Si Jun Zi Tang)

Indications: The strength of the KI, is waning and there is a tendency towards anaemia, and weakness of the gastro-intestinal system. The Pulse and Abdomen are both lacking strength, the arms and legs are tired and heavy, and even the spoken words have no strength. Applications: Gastric ptosis, gastric atony, gastric ulcer, stomach cancer.

Major Zanthoxylum Combination, KF170 (Dai Kenchu To / Da Jian Zhong Tang)

Indications: There are two types of indications; in the rst there is a swollen abdomen which is accid, weak and powerless, uids and gasses easily stagnate, there is peristaltic distress or disturbance (such as ilius), which can be observed visually as though the abdominal wall were transparent. As the peristaltic movement becomes extreme, there may be complaints of abdominal pain and vomiting. In the second type, the entire abdominal wall becomes tense and distended through the stagnation of gases this symptom can not be observed visually, although there are complaints of abdominal pain. There is HIE SHO, and the pulse is weak. Applications: Peristaltic distress, intestinal stenosis (especially due to intestinal adhesion after surgery), intestinal atony, urinary stones, Douglas its (inammation of Douglas pouch), appendicitis, circumscribed peritonitis (not general but restricted), abdominal pain due to ascariasis.

Minor Cinnamon & Peony Combination, KF135 (Sho Kenchu To / Xiao Jian Zhong Tang)
Indications: Usually this patient has a weak and KYO, body and is easily tired or is normally t and strong but has become extremely exhausted as difculties piled up. There are two types of abdominal SHO. In the rst abdominal SHO the abdominal wall is thin, and the abdominal muscles seem to oat on the abdomen surface, and are tight KIN CHO. In the second abdominal SHO, the abdominal area is weak, thin and has no strength, the peristaltic movements (of the intestine) are increased and can be visibly observed beneath the abdominal wall. The rst SHO resembles the abdomen of Major Zanthoxylum Combination SHO, KF170. Other similar symptoms are heart palpitations, complaints are of abdominal pains, nocturnal sweating, epistaxis, nocturnal emission, HAN NETSU, of the hands and feet, painful heavy limbs, dryness of the mouth, losing urine. Applications: Improve the constitution of weak children, enuresis, inguinal hernia, abnormal nocturnal crying in children, gastritis, common cold, measles, pneumonia and other progressing diseases accompanied by acute abdominal pain, spinal caries, chronic peritonitis, neurosis, gastric ptosis, asthma, purpura, appendicitis, conjunctivitis, retinal haemorrhage.

Inula & Hematite Combination, KF162 (Senpukuka Taishaseki To / Xuan Hu Hua Dai Zhe Shi Tang)
Indications: Used for treating gastrointestinal weakness (Icho Kyojaku ) where there is stagnant water beneath the heart, epigastric distention, Nobose, sour stomach, vomiting, frequent reux a delicate (KYO) constitution and a pule that is weak. Applications: Sour stomach, gastrectasia, gastric distention, gastroptosis, gastritis, gatric ulcer, gastric cancer, pyloric constriction, toxemia during pregnancy, pediatric vomiting.

Coptis & Rhubarb Combination, KF103 (San-o Shashin To / San Huang Xie Xin Tang)
Indications: Use for such symptoms as NOBOSE, Tidal Red Face, feelings such as uneasiness, or anxiety, with a tendency toward constipation. The pulse has STRENGTH, during the abdominal exam there is no KYO KYO KU MAN, nor is there Rectus Abdominal Spasm (RI KYU), though the patient experiences a feeling of fullness in the epigastrum area. Often the muscles of the abdominal wall are neither tense nor accid, but are elastic on the surface and powerful in the depths. Applications: Cerebral haemorrhage, cerebral hypermia, hemopetysis, coughing blood, epistaxia, uterine hemorrhage, hemorroidal hemorrhage, hypertension, neurosis, insommia, gastric ulcer, gasrititis, CHI NO MICHI, climatic disturbances, skin disease, eye disease, epilepsy, schizophrenia, burns

2. Abdominal Fullness Fuku Man

Cinnamon & Peony Combination, KF64 (Keishi Ka Shakuyaku To / Gui Zhi Jia Shao Yao Tang)
Indications: This is Cinnamon Combination with increased doses of Peony (Peony is applied for muscle contractions in female diseases). Applied for HIE SHO, with abdominal pain and FUKU MAN. These symptoms are often aggravated by the cold, and accompanied by diarrhoea or vomiting. The rectus abdominus is tense and swollen and seems to oat on the surface of the abdomen when touched. Applications: Colitis, parotitis, and chronic peritonitis.

Minor Cinnamon & Peony Combination, KF135 (see Abdomen #1 above) (Sho Kenchu To / Xiao Jian Zhong Tang) Aconite, Ginger & Licorice Combination, KF115 (Shigyaku To / Si Ni Tang) Indications: This formula is used when metabolic functions are at a low point, and are very much exhausted; so this formula has the ability to heal by promoting these functions. This condition manifests itself in two different forms, in the rst there is coldness of the extremities and OKAN, pallor/blue-white face, diarrhoea, vomiting, abdominal pain and so forth when the Pulse is Deep, and Fine, or Slow, and Weak. In the second form, there is External Heat and Internal Cold (if the temperature is taken it registers very high 39-40 0C, yet there is the desire to wear more warm clothing or to use blankets), a red face, a feeling of fever on the body surface, but a Pulse Deep, Infrequent and Weak. This syndrome is sometimes misdiagnosed as the Cinnamon Combination SHO, KF60 of the TAI YOH BYO, (Tai Yang stage). Applications: Various acute febrile diseases, various acute disease stages with vomiting and diarrhoea, appendicitis, severe dysentery (bacterial). Major Buplerum Combination, KF171 (Dai Saiko* To / Da Chai Hu Tang) Indications: The main symptoms are of KYO KYO KU MAN, and a feeling of obstruction in the epigistrum. There is a tendency to be constipated, and obesity. This is Minor Bupleurum Combination, KF136 for the JITSU SHO. Applications: Hypertension, inammation of the gallbladder, gall stones hepatitis, gastritis, asthma, obesity, habitual constipation. Major Rhubarb Combination, KF172 (Dai Jyoki To / Da Cheng Qi Tang)
Indications: This formula is representative of those applied for YOH MEI BYO, (Yang Ming Stage). When used for febrile diseases such as SHO KAN, there will be symptoms such as FUKU MAN, delirium, CHO NETSU, (Tidal Fever) and a Strong pulse which may be Slow, and Deep. With various common diseases, there may appear other symptoms such as a Strong swollen abdomen, FUKU MAN, constipation and a Strong Pulse. The Major Bupleurum Combination, KF171 sign, KYO KYO KU MAN, is not present. Applications: Obesity, hypertension, psychosis, habitual constipation, tetanus, and food poisoning.

Capillaris Combination, KF5 (Inchinko To / Yin Chen Hao Tang)

Indications: The abdomen, especially the upper abdomen is swollen, and from the solar plexus to the chest there is a reeling of discomfort that is difcult to explain. Because of the expansion of the abdomen, there are complaints of nausea. Further, though there is thirst and water is drunk, the quantity of urination is scant and there is constipation. There may be jaundice but that is not a certain symptom. When there is jaundice, the colour of the urine resembles a boiled extract of Phellodendron Bark, KH16. Yet there are times when there is no dry mouth, and the volume of the urine is not conspicuously decreased. Also oedema may be seen. Applications: Hepatitis, Urticaria (hives), Food poisoning, Nephritis, Nephrosis. Combined indications of Major Bupleurum Combination and Minor Bupleurum Combination.

3. Epigastric Obstruction Resistence Shin Ka Hi Ko

Pinella and Licorice Combination, KF43 (Kanzo Shashin To / Gan Cao Xie Xin Tang)
Indications: This is Pinellia Combination with an increased quantity of Licorice. It is similar to Pinellia Combination SHO, KF214 though for the acute emergency symptoms. Applications: Severe diarrhoea, insomnia, stomatitis, and the acute emergency stage of gastroenteritis.

Pinellia Combination, KF214 (Hange Shashin To / Ban Xia Xie Xin Tang)
Indications: There is the Abdominal Sho SHIN KA HI KO, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, abdominal gurgling and diarrhoea. There may be white tongue fur. If there are complaints of belching and bad breath use Pinellia & Ginger Combination, KF142. In acute emergency cases with symptoms such as these use Pinellia & Licorice Combination, KF43. Applications : Gastro-enteritis, gastric ulcer, gastric ptosis, diarrhoea with atulence, hyperacidity of gastric uids, stomatitis, neurosis, insomnia, somnambulism, gastric dilation.

Coptis & Rhubarb Combination, KF103 (see Abdomen #1 above) (San-o Shashin To / San Huang Xie Xin Tang)

4. Epigastric Obstruction Shin Ka Hi

Ginseng & Ginger Combination, KF203 (See Abdomen #1 above) (Ninjin To / Ren Shen Tang) Four Major Herb Combination, KF117 (See Abdomen #1 above) (Shikunshi To / Si Jun Zi Tang)

5. Hypochondriac Painful Fullness Kyo Kyo Ku Man 6. Hypochondriac Obstruction Resistence Kyo Ka Hi Ko
Bupleurum & Peony Formula, KF33 (Kami Shoyo San / Jia Wei Xiao Yao San)
Indications: This is used in CHI NO MICHI SHO, (a womans neurosis characterised by tiring easily, capricious moods which do not calm down) when everything seems to weigh on ones mind, and there are such symptoms as a heavy feeling in the head, headache, stiff shoulders, dizziness, insomnia, NOBOSE, cold feet, irregular menstruation, lumbago and constipation etc, as well as when the complaints seem endless. Applications: CHI NO MICHI SHO, KDX, irregular menstruation, hysteria, eczema, sterility, chronic hepatitis, early light stage of pulmonary TB, cystitis, leucorrhoea.

Bupleurum & Dragon Bone Combination, KF95 (Saiko* Ka Ryukotsu Borei To / Chai Hu Jia Long Gu Mu Li Tang)
Indications: Applied to those patients with and Abdominal SHO similar to the that characteristic of Major Bupleurum Combination, KF171 or Minor Bupleurum Combination, KF136, when there is KYO KYO KU MAN, and fullness of the upper abdomen, and in some cases even a rapid palpitation in the area around the navel (SHIN KA KI). With that Abdominal SHO, there may be complaints of irritability, excitability, insomnia, mental confusion or in extreme situations even psychosis. Cramps also may occur, as may such symptoms as cardiac palpitation, and shortness of breath. Applications: Neurosis, insomnia, hypertension, cardiac valvular failure, arteriosclerosis, epilepsy, hysteria, cardiac neurosis, sequela (a lesion or affection caused by an attack) of apoplexy, impotence, and Basedows disease.

Bupleurum, Cinnamon & Ginger Combination, KF99 (Saiko* Keishi Kankyo To / Chai Hu Gui Zhi Gan Jiang Tang)
Indications: Similar to Bupleurum & Dragon Bone Combination, KF95, but these signs are one step more positively KYO SHO. For example, body strength is weak, there is poor skin tone, cardiac palpitations, shortness of breath, dry mouth, both a Pulse and Abdomen with no strength, a rapid increased palpitation of abdominal aorta ( Fukubu no Doki Koshin), and symptoms such as a splash in the epigastrium, SHIN KA BU SHIN SUI ON. Applications: CHI NO MICHI SHO, neurosis, complications of the common cold, pneumonia, pulmonary tuberculosis, pleurisy, cardiac palpitation.

Bupleurum & Cinnamon Combination, KF98 (Saiko* Keishi To / Chai Hu Gui Zhi Tang)
Indications: This formula must be regarded as the combination of Minor Bupleurum Combination, KF136 and Cinnamon Combination, KF60 in that when used for symptoms similar to Minor Bupleurum Combination SHO; plus OKAN, OFU, body aches and similar accumulations of Outside SHO (HYO SHO) manifestations. Apart from that, the most common of the various diseases to which it is applied are with KYO KYO KU MAN, when there is also seen the Rectus Abdominis Spasm (RI KYU). Further, Dr. Saburo Aimi1 , has discovered that increasing the dosage of peony to 5 - 6 grams per day is very effective for various diseases brought on by stress. Applications: Common cold, inuenza, gastritis, gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, bronchial asthma, epilepsy, enuresis, cholecystitis, gall stones, neurosis.

Minor Bupleurum Combination, KF136 (Sho Saiko* To / Xiao Chai Hu Tang)

Indications: This formula is used for fevers, especially in the SHO YO BYO, (Shao Yang Stage) as alternating fever and chills; and SHIN NETSU (Body Fever), (Shin Netsu) not accompanied by KYO KYO KU MAN. Further symptoms may include those such as a bitter taste in the mouth, white tongue fur, loss of appetite, SHIN PAN, (an unpleasant feeling in the chest), nausea, vomiting, or dry throat. When there is no fever it is used for various diseases when there is KYO KYO KU MAN. Applications: Various febrile diseases and diseases accompanied by fever, common cold, inuenza, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, parotitis, pneumonia, pleurisy, bronchitis, tuberculosis of the lung, lymphatic tuberculosis, hepatitis, and gastro-enteritis.

Bupleurum Formula. KF247 (Yokukan San / Yi Gan San)

Indications: Commonly used for extreme hot temper or irritability originally this formula was used for spasmodic seizures in children, but now is also used for adults with nervousness and insomnia. As for the Abdominal SHO, often on the left side of M. rectus abdominus the Koren, (Koren) is observed, but this symptom is not always present. If the abdominal muscles are powerless, weak and soft, and the pulsation of the abdominal aorta beats abnormally strong, then use Bupleurum Formula, KF247 plus Citrus, KH139 and Pinellia, KH163 (making Bupleurum, Citrus and Pinellia Formula, KF248). Applications: Neurosis, hysteria, children crying at night, insomnia, climactic disturbance, CHI NO MICHI, poliomyelitis, rachitis (inammatory disease of the vertebral column), squella, torticollis of a neutrogenic nature.

Aimi Saburo Shi a Colleague of Dr. Otsukas

7. Epigastric Splash Sound Shin Ka Bu Shin Sui On

Hoelen Combination, KF222 (Fukuryo In / Fuling Yin)
Indications: Used for treating stagnant uids in the stomach: Suidoku. As a result there will be nausea, fullness and distention in the epigastrium (especially after eating), fatigue, heavy limbs and so on.In addition to this abdominal SHO you will often nd: 4. Epigastric Obstruction (Shin Ka Hi ). Applications: Gastritis, gastroptosis, enlargement of the stomach, gastroxia and gadtrointestinal exhaustion.

Ginseng & Ginger Combination, KF203 (See Abdomen #1 above)

(Ninjin To / Ren Shen Tang)

Vitality Combination, KF147 (See Abdomen #1 above) (Shibu To / Zhen Wu Tang) Pinellia & Magnolia Combination, KF213 (Hange Koboku To / Ban Xia Hou Pu Tang)
Indications: This is one of the most important Ki regulating prescriptions. It disperses the KI NO UTTAI, (Qi Stasis), and brightens the spirits. When there is a feeling of obstruction in the throat or a feeling as though a disc were stuck in the throat, this relieves that kind of sensation. Applications: Anxiety neurosis, CHI NO MICHI SHO, bronchial asthma, oesophageal spasm, bronchitis, whooping cough, morning sickness, gastritis, gastric atony, oesophageal diventicle.

Alisma, Hoelen & Ginger Combination, KF225 (Bukuryo Kyonin Kanzo To / Fu Ling Ze Xie Tang).
Indications: This formula is based on: Atractylodes & Hoelen Combination, KF259 (Ryo Kei Jutsu Kan To / Ling Gui Zhu Gan Tang) with Alisma (Ze Xie) and Ginger (Sheng Jiang) added. Used for treating gastric distress with vomiting and thirst, oliguria, palpitations, Nobose, headache, vertigo, abdominal distention and pain. Applications: Abdominal distention, gastroptosis, gastromegaly, gastric ulcer, gastric cancer, pyloric onstruction, eclampsia, regurgitation of milk in young infants.

8. Inside Spasm Ri Kyu

Minor Cinnamon & Peony Combination, KF135 (See Abdomen #1 above) (Sho Kenchu To / Xiao Jian Zhong Tang) Major Zanthoxylum Combination, KF170 (See Abdomen #1 above) (Dai Kenchu To / Da Jian Zhong Tang)

9. Lower Abdomen Tight Spasm Sho Fuku Ko Kyu

Rehmannia Eight Combination, KF209 (Hachimi Gan / Ba Wei Di Huang Wan / Ba Wei Wan)
Indications: This formula is also known as Kidney KI Pills, and is used in cases of ebbing kidney functions. However, the Kidney in oriental medical theory also includes functions of the uro-genital organs. Therefore, fatigue or heaviness in the lower half of the body, polyuria, frequent urination, scant urination, RINREKI, lumbar pain, HAN NETSU, KETSU REI, (abnormal coldness of the extremities), thirst, dryness of the mouth, and such symptoms are included. This formula is to be avoided by people with loss of appetite, nausea, diarrhoea, vomiting and such symptoms. There are two types of Abdominal SHO. In the rst, the central medial line is caved-in and powerless, also the lineal alba can be detected by touch. In the second type, in the region of the pelvic bone, the muscle rectus abdominus is tense, hard and tight. This condition is called SHO FUKU KO KYU in classical Kanpo terminology. Applications: Cystitis, prostat-hypertrophy, nephritis, mephlosclerosis, hypertension, intermittent claudication , diabetes myelitis, cerebral haemorrhage, impotence, diabetes insipidus, lumbar pain, sciatica, retention of urine, urinary incontinence., enurisis, leukorrhea, white cataracts, tinnitus.

10. Cardiac, Epigastric and Lower Abdominal Pulsations Shin Ki / Shin Ka Ki / Sai Ka Ki / /
Baked Licorice Combination, KF122 (Shakanzo To / Zhi Gan Cao Tang)
Indications: This formula is alternatively called Fukumyakuto (the restorer of the pulse). It is applied for rapid palpitations, shortness of breath, waning of body strength and exhaustion, when the quality of the pulse is Knotted, (Myakuno Kettai). Applications: Hyperthyroid, heart disease, neurogenic palpitations, and hypertension.

Cinnamon & Dragon Bone Combination, KF68 (Keishi Ka Ryukotsu Borei To / Gui Zhi Jia Long Gu Mu Li Tang)
Indications: A constitution that is not strong, nervousness, easily both tired and excitable, with a tendency for NOBOSE, where the lower extremities are cold, when palpitations can be felt near the navel, and there are complaints of frequent urination. Often the pulse is large and not strong. Other common symptoms are complaints of coldness of the external genitalia and the loss of hair from the top of the head. Applications: Neurosis, impotence, decreased vitality, nocturnal urination, nocturnal pollution, premature ejaculation.

Pinellia & Magnolia Combination, KF213 (See Abdomen #7 above) (Hange Koboku To / Ban Xia Hou Pu Tang)

Atractylodes & Hoelen Combination, KF259 (Ryo Kei Jutsu Kan To / Ling Gui Zhu Gan Tang)
Indications: The epigastrium is lled with water and gases, and there may be such symptoms as dizziness, palpitations, headache, and a feeling as though the body is wobbling. Applications: Neurosis, gastric ptosis, gastric atony, cardiac valvular disease, eye disease, and Menieres syndrome.

Hoelen, Licorice & Jujube Combination, KF260 (Ryo Kei Kanso To / Ling Gui Gan Zao Tang)
Indications: The uses include running piglet syndrome, a neural system disorder which is something like modern day hysterical rapid heart palpitations. At the time of the attack from the lower abdomen to the chest, air feels to be violently rushing upwards, and there is a subjective feeling like the breathing will stop, at this time there may be a loss of consciousness, accompanied by complaints of strong abdominal pain. Applications: Hysteria, infantile autointoxication, neurotic palpitations, cramp/spasm of uterus, stomach cramps/spasms.

Hoelen Five Herb Formula, KF91 (Go*rei San / Wu Ling San)

Indications: There is thirst and although water is drunk the volume of urine is scant. In these cases there may be vomiting accompanied by diarrhoea. Applications: Inuenza in children, lack of appetite, autointoxication, hangover, one-sided headache, trigeminal neuralgia, quince oedema, nephritis, nephrosis, cardiac valvular disease, acute gastro-enteritis, childhood scrofula (TB swellings).

11. Lower Abdomen Lacking Benevolence Sho Fuku Fu Jin

As per Abdomen #9 above here the depletion is more severe (especially the Yang).

12. Lower Abdomen Fullness / Lower Abdomen Resistant Fullness Sho Fuku Man / Sho Fuku Ko Man /
Cinnamon & Hoelen Combination, KF78 (Keishi Bukuryo To / Gui Zhi Fu Ling Tang)
Indications: For all the various symptoms of OKETSU, such as where there is an area of resistance in the lower abdomen and pain with pressure there. The most distinguishing characteristic in those patients is the abdomen that is well-nourished elastic and shows good muscular tension. There are no signs of anaemia and only rarely is the abdominal wall lax, weak or lacking strength in the depths. Applications: Irregular menstruation, menstrual disturbances, trauma or bruises, Urticaria, eczema, haemorrhoids, uterine myoma (uterine tumour containing muscle tissue), sterility, appendicitis, ovaritis, inammation of fallopian tube (salpengetitis), urinary stones.

Persica & Rhubarb Combination, KF186 (Tokaku Joki To / Tao He Cheng Qi Tang)
Indications: For manifest symptoms of OKETSU SHO, similar to Cinnamon & Hoelen Combination SHO, KF78, but with more intense symptoms such as complaints of constipation and the abdominal examination reveals SHO FUKU KYU KETSU, (lower abdominal resistance and strong pressure pain) usually on left side. Applications: Used often by females with menstrual disturbances and various menstrual irregularities, menstrual or postpartum delirium or confusion, incessant uterine haemorrhage due to retained placenta, subarachnoidal haemorrhage, haemorrhoid, prostatitis, trauma-induced subcutaneous or mucus membrane haemorrhage, eye disease, toothache, urethalstenoisis, pelvic peritonitis.

Rhubarb and Moutan Combination, KF169 (Daio Bo*tanpi To / Da Huang Mu Dan Pi Tang)
Indications: This formula is primarily applied for signs of OKETSU, and abdominal pain especially complaints of pressure, resistance and pain in the lower abdomen especially on the right side when accompanied by constipation. Applications: Periproctitis, appendicitis, red stool, dysentery, haemorrhoids, adnexis(inammation of the uterus and the adenexa), pelvic peritonitis, gonorrhoea, gonorrrhoeal epidiymitis, pyelonephritis, urinary stones.

Polyporous Combination, KF185 (Cho*rei To / Zhu Ling Tang)

Indications: Loneliness Disease, ( Rinreki), the urinary disturbance which impairs fast urination, painful urination, feeling of residual urine in bladder, scanty urination, thirst. Applications: Cystitis, urethritis, gonorrhea, urinary stones, pylonephritis (infection spreads from bladder to kidney), nephritis, insomnia.

13. Lower Abdomen Spastic Knot Sho Fuku Kyu Ketsu

Persica & Rhubarb Combination, KF186 (See Abdomen #12 above) (Tokaku Joki To / Tao He Cheng Qi Tang) Cinnamon & Hoelen Combination, KF78 (See Abdomen #12 above) (Keishi Bukuryo To / Gui Zhi Fu Ling Tang) Minor Rhubarb Combination, KF139 (Sho Joki To / Xiao Cheng Qi Tang)
Indications: Lower abdominal fullness is the key here with constipation (or possible hot diarrhea), Nobose, heat sensations and possible fever, thirst, dry mouth, difcult urination, rapid and forceful pulse. In febrile diseases, this formula belongs to the Yang Ming Stage. It is a purgative but also recties the Qi of the intestines. Applications: Acute febrile diseases, habitual constipation, hypertension, obesity, food poisoning, epilepsy, emotional disorders, food stagnation, tetanus, dysentery and dysuria.

Index Pinyin



Bensky Translation
"Formulas & Strategies"

Hong Yen Hsu Translation "Commonly Used Chinese Herbal Formulas"

Cardamon and Fennel Comb. Rehmannia Eight Combination Pinellia and Gastrodia Combination Pinellia and Magnolia Combination Pinellia Combination Ginseng and Astragalus Combination Bupleurum, Cinnamon and Ginger Combination Bupleurum and Cinnamon Combination Bupleurum and Dragon Bone Combination Major Bupleurum Combination Major Rhubarb Combination Rhubarb and Moutan Combination Major Zanthoxylum Combination Tang-Kuei, Cinnamon and Peony Combination Tang-Kuei and Peony Formula Tang-Kuei, Evodia and Ginger Combination Licorice and Aconite Combination Licorice Combination Sweet Combination Licorice and Jujube Combination Pueraria Combination Gambir Formula Trichosanthes and Chi Shi Combination Cinnamon and Hoelen Combination Cinnamon and Aconite Combinatio Cinnamon and Dragon Bone Combination Cinnamon and Peony Combination Cinnamon Combination Coptis and Gelatin Combination Coptis and Scute Combination Coptis Combination Stephania and Astragalus Combination Astragalus Comb. Ginseng, Longan and Bupleurum Combination Bupleurum and Peony Combination

KF1 KF209 KF215 KF213 KF214 KF235 KF99 KF98 KF95 KF171 KF172 KF169 KF170 KF189 KF192 KF191 KF44 KF41 KF48 KF47 KF36 KF183 KF39 KF78 KF66 KF68 KF64 KF60 KF23 KF24 KF22 KF232 KF17 KF32 KF33

An Zhong San Ba Wei Di Huang Wan Ban Xia Bai Zhu Tian Ma Tang Ban Xia Hou Pu Tang Ban Xia Xie Xin Tang Bu Zhong Yi Qi tang Chai Hu Gui Zhi Gan Jiang Tang Chai Hu Gui Zhi Tang Chai Hu Jia Long Gu Mu Li Tang Da Chai Hu Tang Da Cheng Qi Tang Da Huang Mu Dan Pi tang Da Jian Zhong tang Dang Gui Jian Zhong Tang Dang Gui Shao Yao San Dang Gui Si Ni Jia Wu Zhu Yu Sheng Jiang Tang Gan Cao Fu Zi Tang Gan Cao Tang Gan Lu Yin Gan Mai Da Zao Tang Ge Gen Tang Gou Teng San Gua Lou Zhi Shi Tang Gui Zhi Fu Ling Tang Gui Zhi Jia Fu Zi Tang Gui Zhi Jia Long Gu Mu Li Tang Gui Zhi Jia Shao Yao Tang Gui Zhi Tang Huang Lian E Jiao Tang Huang Lian Jie Du Tang Huang Lian Tang Huang Qi Fang Ji Tang Huang Qi Jian Zhong Tang Jia Wei Gui Pi Tang Jia Wei Xiao Yao San Ling gan Jiang wei Xin Xia Ren Tang Ling Gui gan Cao tang Ling Gui Zhu Gan Tang Liu Jun Zi Tang Maimendong tang Ren Shen Tang Zhong Tang - KF251) San Huang Xie Xin Tang San Wu Huang Qin Tang Shi Quan Da Bu Tang Si Jun Zi Tang Si Ni Tang Si Wu Tang Tao He Cheng Qi Tang Tuo Li Xiao Du Yin Wei Feng Tang Wei Zheng Fang Wen Jing Tang Wen Qing Yin Wu Ling San Wu Zhu Yu Tang Xiao Chai Hu Tang Xiao Jian Zhong Tang Xiao Qing Long Tang Xiong Gui Jiao Ai Tang Yan Nian Ban Xia Tang Yi gan San Yi Zi Tang Yin Chen Hao Tang Yin Chen Wu Ling San Yue Bi Jia Zhu Tang Zhen Wu tang Zhi Gan Cao Tang Zhu Ling Tang Zhu Ru Wen Dan Tang Zhu Ye Shi Gao Tang Zi Yin Jiang Huo Tang Zi Yun Gao (Li

Anchu San

Hachimi Gan (Hachimi Jio Gan, Jinki Gan) Hange Byakujutsu Tenma To Hange Koboku To Hange Shashin To Ho*chu Ekki To Saiko* Keishi Kankyo To Saiko* Keishi To Saiko* Ka Ryukotsu Borei To Dai Saiko* To Dai Jyoki To Daio Botanpi To Dai Kenchu To Toki Kenchu To Toki Shakuyaku San Toki Shigyaku Ka Goshuyu Shokyo To Kanzo Bushi To Kanzo To Kanro In Kanbaku Taiso To Kakkon To Choto San Karo Kijitsu To Keishi Bukuryo To Keishi Ka Bushi To Keishi Ka Ryukotsu Borei To Keishi Ka Shakuyaku To Keishi To Oren Akyo To Oren Gedoku To Oren To Boi Ogi To Ogi Kenchu To Kami Kihi To Kami Shoyo San Ryo Kan Kyo Mi Shin Ge Nin To Ryo Kei Kanso To Ryo Kei Jutsu Kan To Rikkunshi To Bakumondo To Ninjin To To) (Richu () ( )

Calm the middle powder Eight-Ingredient Pill with rehmannia Pinellia, Atractylodes Macrocephala and gastrodia Decoction Pinellia and Magnolia Bark Decoction Pinellia Decoction to Drain the Epigastrium Tonify the Middle and Augment the Qi Decoction Bupleurum, Cinnamon Twig and Ginger Decoction Bupleurum and Cinnamon Twig Decoction Bupleurum plus Dragon Bone and Oyster Shell Decoction Major Bupleurum Decoction Major Order the Qi Decoction Rhubarb and Moutan Decoction Major Construct the Middle Decoction Tang-Kuei Decoction to Construct the Middle Tang-Kuei and Peony Powder Tang-Kuei Decoction for Fridgid Extremities plus Evodia and Fresh Ginger Licorice and Prepared Aconite Decoction Licorice Decoction Sweet Dew Decoction Licorice, Wheat and Jujube Decoction Kudzu Decoction Uncaria Decoction Trichosanthes Fruit and Immature Bitter Orange Decoction Cinnamon Twig and Poria Decoction Cinnamon Twig Decoction plus Prepared Aconite Cinnamon Twig Decoction plus Dragon Bone and Oyster Shell Cinnamon Twig Decoction plus Peony Cinnamon Twig Decoction Coptis and Ass-Hide Gelatin Decoction Coptis Decoction to Relieve Toxicity Coptis Decoction Stephania and Astragalus Decoction Astragalus Decoction to Construct the Middle Augmented Restore the Spleen Decoction Augmented Rambling Powder Poria, Licorice, Ginger, Schizandra, Asarum, Pinellia and Apricot Kernel Decoction Poria, Cinnamon Twig, Licorice and jujube Decoction Poria, Cinnamon Twig, Atractylodes Macrocephala and Licorice Decoction Six Gentlemen Decoction Ophiopogonis Decoction Regulate the Middle Decoction Three Yellows Drain the Epigastrium Decoction All Inclusive Great Tonifying Decoction Four Gentlemen Decoction Fridgid Extremities Decoction Four Substance Decoction Peach Pit Decoction to Order the Qi Strengthen the Interior and Eliminate Toxicity Decoction Stomach Wind Decoction Not in Bensky - Japanese formula (by Hukui Futei) Warm the Menses Decoction Warming and Clearing Decoction Five Ingredient Powder with Poria Evodia Decoction Minor Bupleuerum Decoction Minor Construct the Middle Decoction Minor Bluegreen Dragon Decoction ?? Pinellia Decoction to Prolong Life Restrain the Liver Powder Not in Bensky - Japanese formula (by Hara Nanyou) Atemisia Yinchenhao Decoction Atemisia Yinchenhao and Five Ingredient Powder Maidservant from Yue Decoction plus Atractylodes True Warrior Decoction Honey-Fried Licorice Decoction Polyporus Decoction Lophatherus and Gypsum Decoction Purple Cloud Ointment

KF257 KF260 KF259 KF252 KF207 KF203 KF103 KF128 KF117 KF115 KF118 KF186 KF177 KF3 KF2 KF9 KF11 KF91 KF93 KF136 KF135 KF140 KF56 KF15 KF247 KF25 KF5 KF6 KF13 KF147 KF122 KF185 KF178 KF179 KF111

Hoelen and Schizandra Combination Hoelen, Licorice and Jujube Combination Atractylodes and Hoelen Combination Major-Six Herb Combination Ophiopogon Combination Ginseng and Ginger Combination Coptis and Rhubarb Combination Scute Three Herb Combination Ginseng and Tang-Kuei Ten Combination Four Major Herb Combination Aconite, Ginger and Licorice Combination Tang-Kuei Four Combination Persica and Rhubarb Combination Gleditsia Combination Atractylodes and Setaria Comb. Eucommia and Achyranthes Formula Dang Gui and Evodia Comb. Dang Gui and Gardenia Comb. Hoelen Five Formula Evodia Combination Minor Bupleurum Combination Minor Cinnamon and Peony Combination Minor Blue Dragon Combination Tang-Kuei and gelatin Combination Evodia and Pinellia Comb. Bupleurum Formula Cimicifuga Combination Capillaris Comb. Capillaris and Hoelen Comb. Atractylodes Comb. Vitality Combination Baked Licorice Combination Polyporus Combination Bamboo and Ginseng Combination Bamboo Leaves and Gypsum Combination Phellodendron Combination Lithospermum Ointment

Sano Shashin To Sanmotsu Ogon To Ju*zen Taiho* To Shikunshi To Shigyaku To Shimotsu To Tokaku Joki To Takuri Shodoku In Ifu To Isho Ho Unkei To Unsei In Go*rei San Go*shuyu To Sho Saiko* To Sho Kenchu To Sho Seiryu To Kyu Ki Kyogai To En-nen Hange To Yokukan San Otsuji To Inchinko To Inchin Gorei San Eppi Ka Jutsu To Shinbu To Shakanzo To Cho*rei To Chikujo Untan To Chikuyo Sekko To Shiun Ko

Index Hong Yen Hsu Translation "Commonly Used Chinese Herbal Formulas"
KF115 KF17 KF259 KF3 KF13 KF122 KF178 KF179 KF98 KF95 KF33 KF247 KF99 KF6 KF5 KF1 KF25 KF66 KF68 KF78 KF64 KF60 KF23 KF103 KF24 KF22 KF9 KF11 KF2 KF15 KF93 KF117 KF183 KF235 KF203 KF128 KF32 KF177 Aconite, Ginger and Licorice Combination Astragalus Comb. Atractylodes and Hoelen Combination Atractylodes and Setaria Comb. Atractylodes Comb. Baked Licorice Combination Bamboo and Ginseng Combination Bamboo Leaves and Gypsum Combination Bupleurum and Cinnamon Combination Bupleurum and Dragon Bone Combination Bupleurum and Peony Combination Bupleurum Formula Bupleurum, Cinnamon and Ginger Combination Capillaris and Hoelen Comb. Capillaris Comb. Cardamon and Fennel Comb. Cimicifuga Combination Cinnamon and Aconite Combinatio Cinnamon and Dragon Bone Combination Cinnamon and Hoelen Combination Cinnamon and Peony Combination Cinnamon Combination Coptis and Gelatin Combination Coptis and Rhubarb Combination Coptis and Scute Combination Coptis Combination Dang Gui and Evodia Comb. Dang Gui and Gardenia Comb. Eucommia and Achyranthes Formula Evodia and Pinellia Comb. Evodia Combination Four Major Herb Combination Gambir Formula Ginseng and Astragalus Combination Ginseng and Ginger Combination Ginseng and Tang-Kuei Ten Combination




Bensky Translation
"Formulas & Strategies"

Shigyaku To Ogi Kenchu To Ryo Kei Jutsu Kan To Ifu To Eppi Ka Jutsu To Shakanzo To Chikujo Untan To Chikuyo Sekko To Saiko* Keishi To Saiko* Ka Ryukotsu Borei To Kami Shoyo San Yokukan San Saiko* Keishi Kankyo To Inchin Gorei San Inchinko To Anchu San Otsuji To Keishi Ka Bushi To Keishi Ka Ryukotsu Borei To Keishi Bukuryo To Keishi Ka Shakuyaku To Keishi To Oren Akyo To Sano Shashin To Oren Gedoku To Oren To Unkei To Unsei In Isho Ho En-nen Hange To Go*shuyu To Shikunshi To Choto San Ho*chu Ekki To Ninjin To To) (Richu

Si Ni Tang Huang Qi Jian Zhong Tang Ling Gui Zhu Gan Tang Wei Feng Tang Yue Bi Jia Zhu Tang Zhi Gan Cao Tang Zhu Ru Wen Dan Tang Zhu Ye Shi Gao Tang Chai Hu Gui Zhi Tang Chai Hu Jia Long Gu Mu Li Tang Jia Wei Xiao Yao San Yi gan San Chai Hu Gui Zhi Gan Jiang Tang Yin Chen Wu Ling San Yin Chen Hao Tang An Zhong San Yi Zi Tang Gui Zhi Jia Fu Zi Tang Gui Zhi Jia Long Gu Mu Li Tang Gui Zhi Fu Ling Tang Gui Zhi Jia Shao Yao Tang Gui Zhi Tang Huang Lian E Jiao Tang San Huang Xie Xin Tang Huang Lian Jie Du Tang Huang Lian Tang Wen Jing Tang Wen Qing Yin Wei Zheng Fang Yan Nian Ban Xia Tang Wu Zhu Yu Tang Si Jun Zi Tang Gou Teng San Bu Zhong Yi Qi tang Ren Shen Tang Zhong Tang - KF251) Shi Quan Da Bu Tang Jia Wei Gui Pi Tang Tuo Li Xiao Du Yin Ling gan Jiang wei Xin Xia Ren Tang Wu Ling San Ling Gui gan Cao tang Gan Cao Fu Zi Tang Gan Mai Da Zao Tang Gan Cao Tang Zi Yun Gao Da Chai Hu Tang Da Cheng Qi Tang Da Jian Zhong tang Liu Jun Zi Tang Xiao Qing Long Tang Xiao Chai Hu Tang Xiao Jian Zhong Tang Maimendong tang Tao He Cheng Qi Tang Zi Yin Jiang Huo Tang Ban Xia Bai Zhu Tian Ma Tang Ban Xia Hou Pu Tang Ban Xia Xie Xin Tang Zhu Ling Tang Ge Gen Tang Ba Wei Di Huang Wan Da Huang Mu Dan Pi tang San Wu Huang Qin Tang Huang Qi Fang Ji Tang Gan Lu Yin Xiong Gui Jiao Ai Tang Dang Gui Shao Yao San Si Wu Tang Dang Gui Jian Zhong Tang Dang Gui Si Ni Jia Wu Zhu Yu Sheng Jiang Tang Gua Lou Zhi Shi Tang Zhen Wu tang (Li

Fridgid Extremities Decoction Astragalus Decoction to Construct the Middle Poria, Cinnamon Twig, Atractylodes Macrocephala and Licorice Decoction Stomach Wind Decoction Maidservant from Yue Decoction plus Atractylodes Honey-Fried Licorice Decoction Lophatherus and Gypsum Decoction Bupleurum and Cinnamon Twig Decoction Bupleurum plus Dragon Bone and Oyster Shell Decoction Augmented Rambling Powder Restrain the Liver Powder Bupleurum, Cinnamon Twig and Ginger Decoction Atemisia Yinchenhao and Five Ingredient Powder Atemisia Yinchenhao Decoction Calm the middle powder Not in Bensky - Japanese formula (by Hara Nanyou) Cinnamon Twig Decoction plus Prepared Aconite Cinnamon Twig Decoction plus Dragon Bone and Oyster Shell Cinnamon Twig and Poria Decoction Cinnamon Twig Decoction plus Peony Cinnamon Twig Decoction Coptis and Ass-Hide Gelatin Decoction Three Yellows Drain the Epigastrium Decoction Coptis Decoction to Relieve Toxicity Coptis Decoction Warm the Menses Decoction Warming and Clearing Decoction Not in Bensky - Japanese formula (by Hukui Futei) Pinellia Decoction to Prolong Life Evodia Decoction Four Gentlemen Decoction Uncaria Decoction Tonify the Middle and Augment the Qi Decoction Regulate the Middle Decoction All Inclusive Great Tonifying Decoction Augmented Restore the Spleen Decoction Strengthen the Interior and Eliminate Toxicity Decoction Poria, Licorice, Ginger, Schizandra, Asarum, Pinellia and Apricot Kernel Decoction Five Ingredient Powder with Poria Poria, Cinnamon Twig, Licorice and jujube Decoction Licorice and Prepared Aconite Decoction Licorice, Wheat and Jujube Decoction Licorice Decoction Purple Cloud Ointment Major Bupleurum Decoction Major Order the Qi Decoction Major Construct the Middle Decoction Six Gentlemen Decoction Minor Bluegreen Dragon Decoction Minor Bupleuerum Decoction Minor Construct the Middle Decoction Ophiopogonis Decoction Peach Pit Decoction to Order the Qi Pinellia, Atractylodes Macrocephala and gastrodia Decoction Pinellia and Magnolia Bark Decoction Pinellia Decoction to Drain the Epigastrium Polyporus Decoction Kudzu Decoction Eight-Ingredient Pill with rehmannia Rhubarb and Moutan Decoction Stephania and Astragalus Decoction Sweet Dew Decoction ?? Tang-Kuei and Peony Powder Four Substance Decoction Tang-Kuei Decoction to Construct the Middle Tang-Kuei Decoction for Fridgid Extremities plus Evodia and Fresh Ginger Trichosanthes Fruit and Immature Bitter Orange Decoction True Warrior Decoction

( )

Ju*zen Taiho* To

Ginseng, Longan and Bupleurum Combination Kami Kihi To Gleditsia Combination Takuri Shodoku In Ryo Kan Kyo Mi Shin Ge Nin To Go*rei San Ryo Kei Kanso To Kanzo Bushi To Kanbaku Taiso To Kanzo To Shiun Ko Dai Saiko* To Dai Jyoki To Dai Kenchu To Rikkunshi To Sho Seiryu To Sho Saiko* To Sho Kenchu To Bakumondo To Tokaku Joki To Hange Byakujutsu Tenma To Hange Koboku To Hange Shashin To Cho*rei To Kakkon To

KF257 KF91 KF260 KF44 KF47 KF41 KF111 KF171 KF172 KF170 KF252 KF140 KF136 KF135 KF207 KF186

Hoelen and Schizandra Combination Hoelen Five Formula Hoelen, Licorice and Jujube Combination Licorice and Aconite Combination Licorice and Jujube Combination Licorice Combination Lithospermum Ointment Major Bupleurum Combination Major Rhubarb Combination Major Zanthoxylum Combination Major-Six Herb Combination Minor Blue Dragon Combination Minor Bupleurum Combination Minor Cinnamon and Peony Combination Ophiopogon Combination Persica and Rhubarb Combination Phellodendron Combination Pinellia and Gastrodia Combination Pinellia and Magnolia Combination Pinellia Combination Polyporus Combination Pueraria Combination Rehmannia Eight Combination Rhubarb and Moutan Combination Scute Three Herb Combination Stephania and Astragalus Combination Sweet Combination Tang-Kuei and gelatin Combination Tang-Kuei and Peony Formula Tang-Kuei Four Combination Tang-Kuei, Cinnamon and Peony Combination Tang-Kuei, Evodia and Ginger Combination Trichosanthes and Chi Shi Combination Vitality Combination

KF215 KF213 KF214 KF185 KF36 KF209 KF169 KF232 KF48 KF56 KF192 KF118 KF189 KF191 KF39 KF147


Hachimi Gan (Hachimi Jio Gan, Jinki Gan) Daio Botanpi To Sanmotsu Ogon To Boi Ogi To Kanro In Kyu Ki Kyogai To Toki Shakuyaku San Shimotsu To Toki Kenchu To Toki Shigyaku Ka Goshuyu Shokyo To Karo Kijitsu To Shinbu To

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