MS-0003 Earthworks
MS-0003 Earthworks
MS-0003 Earthworks
Method Statement
[Survey, Setting out, Grading, Cleaning, Excavation,
Backfilling, Spreading and Compaction]
Sr. Project
Endorsed by:
Table of Contents
1. PURPOSE: ............................................................................................................................................... 3
2. SCOPE: .................................................................................................................................................... 3
3. REFERENCE: ............................................................................................................................................ 3
4. APPLICABLE CODES & STANDARDS ........................................................................................................ 3
5. ABBREVIATION: ...................................................................................................................................... 4
6. RESPONSIBILITIES AND SUPERVISION .................................................................................................... 4
6.1. PROJECT MANAGER (PM) ................................................................................................... 4
6.2. EXECUTION TEAM ............................................................................................................... 4
6.3. QC ENGINEER/INSPECTOR .................................................................................................. 5
6.4. SUPERVISORS & FOREMAN ................................................................................................. 5
6.5. CHIEF SURVEYOR AND LAND SURVEYORS .......................................................................... 5
6.6. HSE MANAGER .................................................................................................................... 5
6.7. HSE LEAD ............................................................................................................................. 6
6.8. HSE OFFICER ........................................................................................................................ 6
6.9. NURSE/FIRST AID STAFF ...................................................................................................... 7
7. RESOURCES ............................................................................................................................................ 8
7.1. MANPOWER: ....................................................................................................................... 8
7.2. TOOLS, PLANTS AND EQUIPMENT: ..................................................................................... 8
7.3. MATERIALS: ......................................................................................................................... 8
8. PROCEDURE ........................................................................................................................................... 8
8.1. SURVEY OF SITE ................................................................................................................... 8
8.2. SETTING OUT....................................................................................................................... 8
8.3. CLEARING & GRUBBING ...................................................................................................... 9
8.4. GRADING ............................................................................................................................. 9
8.5. EXCAVATION WORK: ........................................................................................................... 9
8.6. STACKING/DISPOSAL OF EXCAVATED MATERIALS AND STOCKPILE ................................. 10
8.7. BACKFILLING ..................................................................................................................... 10
8.8. COMPACTION.................................................................................................................... 11
9. HSEW REQUIREMENTS......................................................................................................................... 11
9.1. HEALTH SAFETY REQUIREMENTS: ..................................................................................... 11
9.2. EMERGENCY PROCEDURE ................................................................................................. 12
9.3. ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS: ................................................................................. 12
9.4. HOUSEKEEPING ................................................................................................................. 12
10. RECORDS .............................................................................................................................................. 13
11. DISTRIBUTION ...................................................................................................................................... 13
12. ATTACHMENTS..................................................................................................................................... 13
The purpose of this method statement is to describe the step-by-step procedure to be followed and adopted
to ensure that the Earth Works carried out in the project in compliance with the approved designs and
material using as per project specification / requirements are compliant with project quality & safety plan
and associate’s safety procedure compliance with the contract specifications and drawings.
The scope this method statement is applicable for the completion of the Survey, Setting out, Grading,
Cleaning, Excavation, Backfilling, Spreading and Compaction in the project.
1. Contract Drawings / Design Drawing.
2. B.O.Q.
3. No Objection Certificate
4. Permit to works
5. Approved Shop Drawings
6. Contract General & Particular Specification
7. Project Quality plan
8. Project HSEW Plan
1. Project :
2. Employer :
3. Contractor : Basatin Landscaping LLC
4. PQP : Project Quality Plan.
5. MS : Method Statement.
6. ITP : Inspection & Test Plan.
7. ITL : Independent Testing Laboratory.
8. WIR : Work Inspection Request.
9. MIR : Material Inspection Request.
10. HSEW : Health, Safety, Environment and Welfare.
11. QA/QC : Quality Assurance/Quality Control.
12. IFC : Issued for Construction.
13. SD : Shop Drawing.
time of inspection. The site engineer is also responsible for filling out the inspection checklist and
handing it to QC Engineer/Inspector.
QC Engineer will manage and coordinate the inspection and testing in accordance with ITP and
responsible for ensuring all the activities are carried out as per this method statement,
recommendation from equipment manufacturer and specifications. He shall ensure the controlled
copies of the drawings only using at site, which are issued to the site supervising team. He is responsible
for reviewing WIR for all the related day to day activities at the site as per the approved ITP and
attending all the required day-to-day inspections along with the site engineer and the Employer’s
Representative’s for approvals.
9. Promote awareness of injury prevention and damage control to all levels of employees.
10. Supervise the recording and analysis of information on injuries, damage, and loss, assess
accident trends and review overall safety performances.
11. Keep up to date with recommended codes of practices and new safety literature; circulate
information applicable to each level of employee.
4. Identify potential hazards on new contracts before and during the course of the works,
notifying the site safety organization of these and any additional fire precautions that may
be required.
5. Conduct safety meetings with site personnel and subcontractors.
6. Foster safety awareness in all tradesmen and supervisors
7. Investigate further improvement in existing safe working methods.
8. Investigate and advise on any legal requirements affecting safety, health, and welfare.
9. Ensure provision and use of protective clothing and equipment and its use.
10. Ensure suitability from a safety viewpoint, of new and hired plant and equipment, and
validity of all appropriate test certificates.
11. Determine the causes of any accidents or dangerous occurrences and recommend means of
preventing recurrence.
12. Supervise the recording and analysis of information on injuries, damage, and production loss,
assess accident trends and review overall safety performances.
13. Supervise the recording of all employees’ safety training records.
14. Have absolute power to stop work on site if they consider a dangerous situation exists or
could exist and cannot be remedied immediately.
15. Identify the training need and the competency factor of the site personnel.
16. Conduct training as per program and maintain attendance records.
17. Fully coordinate with internal and external auditors to carry out the audits.
18. Initiate follow-up audit activities in order to verify audits and record the implementation and
effectiveness of corrective and preventive action taken.
19. Report the result of internal site inspections, corrective and preventive actions, and the
overall effectiveness of the system to the HSE Manager, with a copy to concerned head of
the section.
20. To conduct site safety induction.
21. Set a personal example.
7.1. Manpower:
1. Project Manager 1. Supervisors
2. Construction Manager 2. Site Foremen
3. Site Engineer 3. Skilled workers
4. QAQC Engineer / Inspector 4. General Workers
5. Safety in charge
7.3. Materials:
All materials used on site have to be approved prior to start any work. The following list is a
summary of key materials to be used for the activities.
1. Approved load bearing material 5. Safety barriers
2. Approved Subgrade 6. Traffic cones
3. Selected Excavated material/ 7. Grade stakes
borrow material. 8. Emergency Kits
4. Warning Tapes
8.1. Survey of Site
4. Coordinate with other disciplines involved, verify any existing service/ utilities by manual
excavation with proper PTW.
5. All excavation and preparation of formation will be carried out to comply with the
requirements of the approved Inspection test Plan, which in turn reflects the testing
requirements of Contract Specification.
8.4. Grading
1. Earth filled areas not within routes shall be well graded and finished as per Project
specification and Employer’s Representative requirement.
2. Newly graded areas shall be protected against traffic and erosion.
3. All surplus soil and waste materials shall be removed and disposed of, to designated locations
as approved by Employer’s Representative.
6. Where the excavation site is close to the existing structures, sufficient shoring and bracing
system shall be planned and approved by the Employer’s Representative.
7. Any existing service if exposed during excavation will be clearly marked, protected, and
properly supported during all activities, the protection being carried out in accordance with
the requirements of the relevant utility’s agency.
8. Excavate up to the desired level, width and length as required to conform to the latest IFC
drawing. The vertical tolerance shall be as per specification.
9. If the area does not permit the stockpiling of excavated materials, transport and store the
excavated materials to a designated stockpile area.
10. Remove and replace with compacted structural fill, any sort of contaminated soil, if any,
found at excavation bottom.
11. Over excavation shall be backfilled & compacted layer by layer properly as per project
8.7. Backfilling
1. Backfilling works can be divided into two categories. Load bearing fills at pedestrian and roads
area and non-load bearing fills at service corridors and green areas, all fills will be placed in
150mm layers Maximum. All testing materials will be followed by AASHTO, ASTM or other
approved test procedure.
2. The materials to be used for fill will be originated from the excavated materials taken from
designated areas and approved by the Employer’s Representative. The filling material will be
mixed with water, complying with the contract specifications, and prepared in the stockpile
area to the optimum moisture content. Then it will be transported to site via dump trucks
where it will be spread and leveled by graders and compacted initially by steel drum roller.
3. Scarifying and Pre-wetting of the existing or excavated surface is essential as it increases the
bonding between the layers. Non-potable water used for such purposes will be tested and
will conform to the requirements as per Project Specifications. Any such source will be
approved by the Employer’s Representative prior to use.
8.8. Compaction
1. The grade checkers will then check levels by dip checking and mark the cut or fill required. It
is preferred after initial compaction to cut rather than fill to avoid any separation between
the added fill and the compacted layer. The grader will have a second and third run (if
required) accompanied by the steel roller till levels are reached. The finished surface will be
moistened, not dampened, and compacted with a roller compactor to have a better cohesive
layer and achieve the required compaction. Additional layers of fill material will be placed in
the same method as described above, until the desired elevation has been achieved. Dry
density testing and CBR testing (if necessary) will be performed in accordance with Project
Specifications and approved QA/QC Plan.
2. The backfill material will be thoroughly compacted in layers not exceeding 150mm thickness
to achieve a density of at least 95% of the laboratory maximum dry density, in accordance
with the above Project Specifications.
3. Inspection Request to be submitted for Employer’s Representative’s approval for each layer.
4. In areas of fill, the SE will verify that no visible voids are formed within the fill. If necessary,
materials will be mixed to ensure an overall grading which will not result in visible voids being
present in the fill.
9.1. Health Safety Requirements:
1. Activities covered in this method statement shall be carried out in strict compliance with
the requirements of the approved Project HSEW Plan.
2. Job briefing / Toolbox Talk shall be conducted by concerned Charge hand/ Foreman before
starting activity.
3. Special care shall be taken for working in confined space as instructed by the Safety
4. Attention will be given to ensure that the safety of all devices is being used for the job.
5. Experienced workers shall be deployed for operation of all types of machine and tools.
6. All the required PPEs such as helmet, safety goggles, hand gloves, overall, safety shoes and
ear plugs shall be used by involved workers.
7. Proper supervision shall be ensured to monitor the work.
8. Appropriate Safety guidelines must be adhered to during all stages of construction activity.
9. Manual Handling training shall be conducted.
10. First aid facilities shall be provided with provision of First Aider/ Male Nurse
11. Accident / incidents will be reported immediately followed by a written report within 24
hours of the occurrence as per site accident / incident reporting procedures.
12. Proper escape routes in case of evacuation shall all be designated, marked, and notified to
all personnel.
13. Work area shall be barricaded as applicable and necessary.
14. Required safety sign boards shall be placed in the area.
Document No. BAS-MST-0003 Rev.: Issue: Issued Date: Page No.
Document Title: Method Statement for Earthworks 00 1 21.03.2024 Page 11 of 13
E70 – Midfield Terminal
Landscaping Works
Client Project Contractor
9.4. Housekeeping
1. Housekeeping of the site will be done in accordance with DMT and OSHAD procedures and
also in accordance with the project safety manual.
1. Work inspection request approvals.
2. Test reports
Copies of this Method Statement shall be circulated to the following for Information & action.
1. Project Manager. 5. HSE officer.
2. Construction Manager 6. Supervisors
3. Site Engineer. 7. Foremen.
4. QC Engineer / Inspector.
1. Inspection Test Plan
2. Checklist
3. Risk Assessment.
PROJECT TITLE: PORJECT: Design & Build E 70 Midfield Terminal -Landscape works DATE OF ISSUE 10/05/2023
E= Extreme Risk, H= High Risk, M = Medium Risk, L = Low Risk, A = Acceptable Risk Page 1 of 11
Project CLIENT
PROJECT TITLE: PORJECT: Design & Build E 70 Midfield Terminal -Landscape works DATE OF ISSUE 10/05/2023
4 Survey and • Manual Handling • Improper • Personnel 3 3 9 H • Site will be inspected thoroughly to ensure a safe 1 3 3 L Surveyor
setting out (operation of handling of Injury/ working environment. Engineer
works hand tools and survey Fatality • No unauthorized entry. Basic PPE including footwear to
survey instruments • Health issues be worn full time on site.
instrument) and working in • All existing survey pegs will be identified properly and
installing open area. protected site, Use of basic PPE (helmet, shoes,
(pounding into • Ignore moving reflective jacket and glass) mandatory.
the ground of vehicle working • HSE Induction, pre-task safety talk.
survey markers, near • Use vehicle to transport surveying instruments for long
Dust, distance.
• Working near to • Adopt good manual handling techniques.
moving vehicle • Survey markers will be driven to the ground with
and machines painted wooden pegs or steel survey rebar with rebar
• Exposure to caps, flags will be avoided.
adverse weather • Hand and eye protection will be worn while driving the
condition. survey markers.
• Use of dust mask and safety glasses.
• Regular dust suppression for dust control.
• Close Supervision.
• No working close to moving machines.
• Exclusion zones by provide barricades I cones.
• Post look-out / banksman.
• Adequate rest work interval breaks.
• Stop work in case of heavy wind, move workers to safe
E= Extreme Risk, H= High Risk, M = Medium Risk, L = Low Risk, A = Acceptable Risk Page 2 of 11
Project CLIENT
PROJECT TITLE: PORJECT: Design & Build E 70 Midfield Terminal -Landscape works DATE OF ISSUE 10/05/2023
5 Plant and • Struck by moving • Activity not • Personal 4 4 16 E • TBT conducted before start of work 1 4 4 M Foreman
equipment plant and supervised Injury • Activity to be supervised at all times Engineer
equipment • Flagman/ • Serious • Certified plant and operator with valid TPI certificate Operator
• Caught in signal man Injury • All drivers and operators with adequate training Flagman
between does not • Damage to • Flagman / signal man to be present to control
• Collision present to property movement of plant and equipment and personnel
• Turn over guide • Load to be tie-in securely
• Failure of load operators / • Area to be cordoned off
• Overloading
• Unsecured load
• Area not
isolated from
6 Working • Employee hit by Employee in Personnel 4 4 16 E • Close Supervision for the work activates 1 3 3 L Foreman
adjacent to heavy equipment vicinity to injury • Banks man to be availed for equipment’s for equipment Engineer
vehicular traffic • During the road heavy reversing, each equipment must be fitted with reverse
works equipment alarm flashing light and fire extinguisher
Man-machine • Safety training and toolbox talk to include all active safety
interface measures and emergency procedure.
• Equipment to be inspected before starting the job
• Labors are not allowed to stay too close to equipment’s
• Specific PPE include suitable safety Shoes and high
visibility vest must be worn
• Speed limit on site must be followed
7 Loading and • Manual handling • Use of • Physical 4 4 16 E • Worker should be trained on manual handling procedure 1 4 4 M Logistic
offloading of • Unauthorized use defective injuries + working gloves shall be provided to personnel activity, Site
equipment and of equipment’s equipment s • Serious adequate supervision to be provided Engineer
materials • Loading and for loading and injury • TBT shall be conducted on daily basis prior to start of the
offloading offloading • Damage to activity
• Incorrect purposes property • Only authorized licensed and 3rd party trained personnel
slinging/ragging • Unauthorized • Vehicles turn shall be allowed to operate equipment for unloading and
technique personnel over materials
• Unstable or inside lifting Material • Only third-party certificatied equipment shall be used for
unstable ground area and the loading and off-loading of materials and equipment
surface equipment shall be inspected before use
• Pinch points fall off
E= Extreme Risk, H= High Risk, M = Medium Risk, L = Low Risk, A = Acceptable Risk Page 3 of 11
Project CLIENT
PROJECT TITLE: PORJECT: Design & Build E 70 Midfield Terminal -Landscape works DATE OF ISSUE 10/05/2023
E= Extreme Risk, H= High Risk, M = Medium Risk, L = Low Risk, A = Acceptable Risk Page 4 of 11
Project CLIENT
PROJECT TITLE: PORJECT: Design & Build E 70 Midfield Terminal -Landscape works DATE OF ISSUE 10/05/2023
E= Extreme Risk, H= High Risk, M = Medium Risk, L = Low Risk, A = Acceptable Risk Page 5 of 11
Project CLIENT
PROJECT TITLE: PORJECT: Design & Build E 70 Midfield Terminal -Landscape works DATE OF ISSUE 10/05/2023
10 Backfilling work • Mechanical • Lack of training • Damage to 4 3 12 H • Activity will be always under close supervision 1 3 3 L Foreman
Failure of • Lack of property • Drivers /operators to inspect and report any defects Engineer
equipment. supervision • Physical found in their vehicles and equipment 's Operator
• Overturning of • Failure to injury • Unloading area to be leveled and compacted.
vehicles. inspect and • Serious • Work area to be cordon off to prevent unauthorized
• Damage to report Injury entry.
existing utilities • Defects of Illness • Competent Banks man / flagman with clean solid yellow
• Dust exposures vehicles or or green high visibility vest and
• Hand tools equipment • Suitable flashers and reflectors to be installed at site.
• Absence of • Unlevelled • Dust suppression to be carried out prior to start work
barricading and ground and as required.
safety signages • No flagman / • Close supervision required while working near the live
• Absence of flag banksman to utilities.
• Inclement direct trailers • Adequate safety signages / boards to be installed at
weather site.
E= Extreme Risk, H= High Risk, M = Medium Risk, L = Low Risk, A = Acceptable Risk Page 6 of 11
Project CLIENT
PROJECT TITLE: PORJECT: Design & Build E 70 Midfield Terminal -Landscape works DATE OF ISSUE 10/05/2023
E= Extreme Risk, H= High Risk, M = Medium Risk, L = Low Risk, A = Acceptable Risk Page 7 of 11
Project CLIENT
PROJECT TITLE: PORJECT: Design & Build E 70 Midfield Terminal -Landscape works DATE OF ISSUE 10/05/2023
E= Extreme Risk, H= High Risk, M = Medium Risk, L = Low Risk, A = Acceptable Risk Page 8 of 11
Project CLIENT
PROJECT TITLE: PORJECT: Design & Build E 70 Midfield Terminal -Landscape works DATE OF ISSUE 10/05/2023
18 Extended hours • Stress and • Poor • Irritabilit 3 4 12 H • All extended hours shift should be well planned and 1 4 4 M PM
work fatigue planning y and developed and evaluated CM
• Tiredness • Poor mood • Consultation between employees and management is Engineer
• Lack of estimation swings essential HSE
attentiveness • Lack of • Disturbe • Decision should be made after the working party
• Concentration manpower d eating consultation
problem • Lack of pattern • Sufficient arrangement to be done prior the start of
• Lack of focus resources • Increase shift e.g., food, water, transportation, and a
• Eating disorder • rate of competent supervision
E= Extreme Risk, H= High Risk, M = Medium Risk, L = Low Risk, A = Acceptable Risk Page 9 of 11
Project CLIENT
PROJECT TITLE: PORJECT: Design & Build E 70 Midfield Terminal -Landscape works DATE OF ISSUE 10/05/2023
Insignificant (1) Minor (2) Moderate (3) Major (4) Catastrophic (5)
Rare (1) 1 2 3 4 5
Possible (2) 2 4 6 8 10
Likely (3) 3 6 9 12 15
Often (4) 4 8 12 16 20
Frequent (5) 5 10 15 20 25
E= Extreme Risk, H= High Risk, M = Medium Risk, L = Low Risk, A = Acceptable Risk Page 10 of 11
Project CLIENT
PROJECT TITLE: PORJECT: Design & Build E 70 Midfield Terminal -Landscape works DATE OF ISSUE 10/05/2023
E= Extreme Risk, H= High Risk, M = Medium Risk, L = Low Risk, A = Acceptable Risk Page 11 of 11