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Paraxial Theory of Direct Electro-Optic Sampling of The Quantum Vacuum

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Paraxial Theory of Direct Electro-Optic Sampling of the Quantum Vacuum

A.S. Moskalenko,∗ C. Riek, D.V. Seletskiy, G. Burkard, and A. Leitenstorfer

Department of Physics and Center for Applied Photonics,
University of Konstanz, D-78457 Konstanz, Germany
(Dated: April 3, 2018)
Direct detection of vacuum fluctuations and analysis of sub-cycle quantum properties of the
electric field are explored by a paraxial quantum theory of ultrafast electro-optic sampling. The
feasibility of such experiments is demonstrated by realistic calculations adopting a thin ZnTe electro-
optic crystal and stable few-femtosecond laser pulses. We show that nonlinear mixing of a short
near-infrared probe pulse with multi-terahertz vacuum field modes leads to an increase of the sig-
nal variance with respect to the shot noise level. The vacuum contribution increases significantly
for appropriate length of the nonlinear crystal, short probe pulse durations, tight focusing, and
arXiv:1508.06953v1 [quant-ph] 27 Aug 2015

sufficiently large number of photons per probe pulse. If the vacuum input is squeezed, the signal
variance depends on the probe delay. Temporal positions with noise level below the pure vacuum
may be traced with a sub-cycle accuracy.

PACS numbers: 42.50.Ct, 42.50.Lc, 42.65.Re, 78.20.Jq

Finite fluctuation amplitudes in the ground state of

empty space represent the ultimate hallmark of the quan-
tum nature of the electromagnetic radiation field. These
vacuum fluctuations manifest themselves indirectly in a
number of phenomena that are accessible to spectroscopy
such as the spontaneous decay of excited atomic states as
well as the Lamb shift [1] in atoms [2] and in quantum-
mechanical electric circuits [3]. Access to the quantum
aspects of electromagnetic radiation is provided by the FIG. 1. (color online) Electro-optic sampling setup and geom-
analysis of photon correlation [4, 5] or homodyning [6– etry. (a) The incoming near-infrared (NIR) probe and multi-
11] measurements. However, these approaches require THz signal fields mix in the electro-optic crystal (EOX). The
amplification of the quantum field under study to finite NIR (blue) spatial mode amplitude is depicted by the con-
intensity and averaging of the information over multiple tour plot whereas a sampled THz (red) spatial mode is in-
optical cycles. dicated by wave fronts. Bottom left corner: time profiles of
the NIR intensity envelope INIR(t) and a representative multi-
On the other side, precise determination of voltage or
THz vacuum field ETHz(t). After collimation by a lens (L),
electric field amplitude as a function of time represents the
 modified NIR field is analyzed using a quarter-wave plate
a fundamental task in science and engineering. Opti- λ
, a Wollaston prism (WP) and balanced detectors (Ds ,Dz )
4 a
cal techniques have to be applied when detecting electric measuring the difference in the photon flux for the split com-
fields oscillating in the terahertz (THz) range and above. ponents. (b) Spatial directions determining the electro-optic
Those approaches involve probing with ultrashort laser effect in the zincblende-type EOX and the following ellipsom-
pulses of a temporal duration on the order of half an os- etry analysis.
cillation period at the highest frequencies under study.
Far-infrared electric transients [12, 13] can be charac-
terized by photoconductive switching [14]. Electro-optic [23]. Even vacuum fluctuations may be sampled without
sampling in free space [15–17] allows field-resolved detec- amplification by broadband probing of electric field am-
tion at high sensitivity in the entire far- and mid-infrared plitudes in the multi-THz region with few-femtosecond
spectral range [18, 19]. Direct studies of the complex- laser pulses of moderate energy content.
valued susceptibilities of materials and the elementary We consider the geometry of electro-optic sampling
dynamics in condensed matter may be performed with shown in Fig. 1. An ultrashort near-infrared (NIR) wave
these methods [20, 21]. The time integral of near-infrared packet with electric field Ep propagates along the [110]
to visible electric-field wave packets is accessible with at- axis of an electro-optic crystal (EOX) [23, 24]. Its wave
tosecond streaking [22]. So far, all those techniques were vector kω is perpendicular to the z-axis ez of the EOX.
restricted to the classical field amplitude. We select Ep k ez [25]. In this configuration, the second-
In this Letter, we demonstrate theoretically that the order nonlinear mixing of Ep (t) with an incident THz
quantum properties of light may be accessed directly in field ÊTHz (t) induces nonlinear polarization in the EOX
the time domain, i.e. with sub-cycle temporal resolution. plane with the components (for details, see Ref. [25])
Our considerations are based on the realistic example
of electro-optic detection with zincblende-type materials P̂s(2) (t) = −0 dÊTHz ,s (t)Ep (t), P̂z(2) (t) = 0 . (1)

0 is the vacuum permittivity. The coupling constant is the RI at Ω, whereas n and ng are the RI and the
d = −n4 r41 can be determined from the electro-optic group RI c0 ∂kω /∂ω at ω = ωc , respectively. Going be-
coefficient r41 and refractive index (RI) n at the cen- yond Ref. 17 where an expression similar to Eq. (5) was
tral frequency ωc of Ep [26–28]. In general, both fields derived for the case of plane waves in order to establish
(2) a classical theory of electro-optic sampling, Eqs. (4) and
ÊTHz ≡ ÊTHz ,s and P̂s in Eq. (1) are quantized, whereas
Ep = Ep,z = hÊp,z i denotes the classical part of the (5) include the transverse spatial dependence of the fields,
probe field. We neglect the effect of quantum mechan- the quantized form of the signal as well as the contribu-
ical fluctuations of the probe field on P̂(2) , assuming a tion of quantum fluctuations at the probe frequencies.
sufficiently large Ep . These points are crucial for our further analysis.
The nonlinear polarization P̂(2) generated by the wave From Eq. (4), we see that the nonlinear mixing of the
mixing in the EOX represents a source in the inhomoge- probe and THz components generates a new field prop-
neous wave equation describing propagation of the elec- agating in the same direction and polarized perpendic-
ular to the probe. For the analysis of the polarization
tric field Ê in the EOX. The fields F̂ = Ê, P̂(2) prop-
agating in the forward direction rk (see Fig. 1) can be state of the modified probe, we consider the field√com-
R∞ i(k r −ωt) ponents in the coordinate frame ea = (ez ∓ es )/ 2 ro-
decomposed as F̂(r, t) = −∞dω F̂(r; ω)e ω k , where b
tated by 45◦ with respect to the ez,s frame [Fig. 1(b)],
kω = ωnω /c0 . c0 and nω are the velocity of light and the  √
Êa0 (Y) = Ep (Y) 1 ± iφ̂(Y) / 2 + δ Êa0 (Y) . Here φ̂(Y) =

frequency-dependent RI of the EOX, respectively. Using b b
the paraxial approximation [29, 30], the inhomogeneous iÊ (2) (Y)/Ep (Y) must be small for the frequency range
wave equation reads of the probe.
" # The ellipsometry setup used in typical experiments is
∂ ω2 explained in Fig. 1(a). We consider its effects at the exit
∆⊥ + 2ikω Ê(r; ω) = − 2 P̂(2) (r; ω) , (2)
∂rk 0 c0 surface of the EOX. This simplification is justified when
all probe photons are detected without spatial filtering.
2 2
where r⊥ = (rs , rz ) and ∆⊥ = ∂r∂ ∂
2 + ∂r 2 . From Eq. (1)
The first step of the analysis consists in describing the
(2) R ∞
s z
action of the quarter-wave plate with axes oriented along
we obtain P̂s (r; ω) = −0 d −∞ dΩ ÊTHz (r; Ω)Ep (r; ω − ea and eb such that it phase-shifts the a-component of
i(k +k −k )r
Ω)e Ω ω−Ω ω k . The electric field of the probe beam the field by π/2: Êa00 (Y) = iÊa0 (Y), Êb00 (Y) = Êb0 (Y).
provides a solution of the homogeneous part of Eq. (2) The Wollaston prism splits the electric field into its z-
which can be decomposed into Laguerre-Gaussian (LG) and s-components:
modes [31, 32] (see Ref. [25]). We adopt a probe pulse π
e±i 4 Ep (Y) 
train with a fundamental Gaussian transverse mode of Êz00 (Y) = 1 ∓ φ̂(Y) + δ Êz00 (Y) .

√ (6)
s 2 s
amplitude αp (ω):
Finally, the photon numbers in both field components are
Ep (r; ω) = αp (ω)LG00 (r⊥ , rk ; kω ) . (3)
detected and subtracted. The photon number operator
A length l of the EOX much shorter than the Rayleigh for the polarization α = z, s reads [34]
range of a beam at the relevant THz frequencies Ω with Z ∞ Z
waist size w0 is assumed, i.e. l  kΩ w02 /2. N̂α = C dω d2 r⊥ Êα00† (r⊥; ω)Êα00 (r⊥; ω) , (7)
0 }ω
The EOX is located at the beam waist, rk = 0, and
has anti-reflection coating on its surfaces. Denoting where C = 4πc0 n0 , the dagger denotes Hermitian
F̂(r⊥ ; ω) ≡ F̂(r⊥ , rk = 0; ω) we find that at the exit from conjugation and the spatial integral covers the entire
the EOX, rk = l/2, the total electric field in the (110) transverse profile of the probe beam. The frequency-
plane is given by dependent quantum efficiency of the photodetector
η(ω) ≈ 1 over the detected frequency range but vanishes
Ê0 (Y) = Ep (Y)ez + Ê (2) (Y)es + δ Ê0 (Y) , (4) quickly for ω → 0.
Inserting Eq. (6) into Eq. (7) and neglecting the
where Y ≡ {r⊥ ; ω}. δ Ê0 (Y) = Êp (Y) − Ep (Y)ez denotes second-order terms in δ Ê00 as well as the mixed terms
the vacuum field contribution at the probe frequency ω depending linearly both on δ Ê00 and on ÊTHz (contained
in the vacuum picture [33]. The correction to the probe in φ̂) [35], we obtain for the total detected quantum sig-
field generated in the EOX is evaluated as nal
Z ∞
Ê (2) (r⊥; ω) = dΩ ÊTHz (r⊥; Ω)Ep (r⊥ ; ω−Ω)ζω,Ω , (5) Ŝ ≡ N̂s − N̂z = Ŝeo + Ŝsn , (8)
h i where the electro-optic signal (EOS) Ŝeo is
where the factor ζω,Ω = lΩ
−id 2clω0 n sinc 2c (nΩ − ng ) de- Z Z ∞
η(ω) h i
|Ep (Y)|2 φ̂(Y) + H.c.
Ŝeo = C d r⊥ dω (9)
termines phase matching. Here sinc(x) ≡ sin(x)/x, nΩ 0 }ω

and the shot noise (SN)

R 2 R ∞ η(ω) h ∗
contribution Ŝsni reads 15 (a) (b)
00 10
Ŝsn = C d r⊥ 0 dω }ω Ep (Y)δ Ê+ (Y) + H.c. . Here
H.c. denotes the Hermitian conjugate and δ Ê+ (Y) = 0
√ 0 50 100 150 10-5
eiπ/4 [δ Ês00 (Y) + iδ Êz00 (Y)]/ 2 is the circular component
of the probe field vacuum contribution [36]. Summing up 8%
the signals from both detectors, we obtain the expecta- (c)
tion value of the number of detected photons per probe 4%
4πc0 n0 ∞
dω η(ω) 2
pulse N = hN̂s + N̂z i = ω |αp (ω)| .
109 1010 1011 1012
} 0 0%
Using Eqs. (3) and (5) in Eq. (9), we obtain 0 5x109 1x1010
Z Z ∞
dlN ωp 2 2
Ŝeo = d r⊥ g00 (r⊥ ) dΩ ÊTHz(r⊥; Ω)R(Ω). (10) FIG. 2. (color online) (a) Calculated integrand function
c0 n −∞
Ω (n/nΩ )|R(Ω)|2 entering Eq. (13). (b) Double-logarithmic
plot of the ratio ∆S/N in dependence on N . Black dotted
g00 (r⊥ ) ≡ LG00 (r⊥ , rk = 0; kω ) = 2/π w0−1 exp(−r⊥2 /w02 )
(red dashed) line shows the bare SN (multi-THz vacuum) con-
is a normalized Gaussian independent of ω and ωp = tribution. (c) Increase of (∆S − ∆Ssn )/∆Ssn with N . Param-
R∞ R∞
dω η(ω)|αp (ω)|2 0 dω η(ω) ω |αp (ω)|
is the aver- eters are defined in the main text.
age detected frequency. We hhave introduced i the re-
sponse function R(Ω) = sinc 2c0 (nΩ − ng ) f (Ω) with 2
Evaluating hŜeo i for the multi-THz vacuum yields
the normalized Hermitian spectral autocorrelation func- 2 R ∞
tion f (Ω) = f+∗ (Ω) + f− (Ω) /2, where f± (Ω) = } 0 dΩ Ω (n/nΩ )|R(Ω)|2
2 2 3 lωp
.R hŜeo i = N n r41 (13)
4π 2 0 c0 nw02
R∞ ∞
dω η(ω) αp∗ (ω)αp (ω ± Ω) 0 dω η(ω)|αp (ω)|2 . c0
Within the paraxial quantization [32], ÊTHz (r⊥ ; Ω) in where we have used hâs,0,0 (Ω)â†s,0,0 (Ω0 )i = δ(Ω − Ω0 ),
Eq. (10) is given by [25] whereas the expectation values of other possible
s quadratic combinations of â†s,l,p and âs,l,p vanish. Note
X }Ω 0 that the second and third factors on the right-hand side
ÊTHz (r⊥ ; Ω) = −i âs,l,p (Ω)glp (r⊥ ) (11)
4π0 c0 nΩ of Eq. (13) have the dimensions (m/V)2 and (V/m)2 , re-
spectively. The latter can be interpreted as the square
for Ω > 0, ÊTHz (r⊥ ; Ω < 0) = ÊTHz †
(r⊥ ; −Ω). Here, of the effective multi-THz rms (root mean square) vac-
âs,l,p (Ω) annihilates a photon with frequency Ω, or- uum electric field filtered by the response function. The
bital quantum numbers l, p and polarization es . We former, ∝ r41 , determines how effectively this field is sam-
have introduced the transverse mode functions glp 0
(r⊥ ) ≡ pled for a fixed N .
LGlp (r⊥ , rk = 0; kΩ ). In contrast to the probe beam, the To illustrate the results, we assume the following real-
waist size w00 characterizing these mode functions is a istic specifications of the sampling few-femtosecond NIR
free parameter of the expansion (11). Inserting Eq. (11) laser pulse: center frequency 255 THz, spectral band-
√ width 150 THz with rectangular spectral shape and flat
into Eq. (10) and selecting w00 = w
R 0 2 / 2, we can per-
form the spatial integration using d2 r⊥ g00 0
(r⊥ )glp (r⊥ ) = phase, leading to ωp = 247 THz, and waist size w0 =
√ 1 δ δ . Then we obtain from Eq. (10)
3 µm [37]. We consider a l = 7 µm thick ZnTe EOX
πw0 l,0 p,0 with r41 = 4 pm/V [38, 39], n = 2.76, ng = 2.9, and
s nΩ varying only slightly (from 2.55 to 2.59) for relevant
√ Z ∞
Ω  THz frequencies [25]. The resulting integrand function
Ŝeo = −i B dΩ âs,0,0 (Ω)R(Ω) − H.c. , (12)
0 nΩ entering Eq. (13) is shown in Fig. 2(a) (for details, see
 Ref. [25]). Diffraction effects are taken into account by
where B = (d2 l2 N 2 ωp2 }) (4π 2 0 c30 n2 w02 ). excluding wavelengths λ with λ/(2nΩ ) > w0 .
As an input, we now consider a THz quantum field Based on this input, we calculate the dependence of
with no coherent (classical) contribution: hÊTHz i = 0, the rms value of the signal ∆S = hŜ 2 i1/2 on the aver-
e.g., a bare multi-THz vacuum. Then hŜi = 0 since age number N of photons in the sampling NIR pulse, as
hŜsn i = 0 and φ̂ in Eq. (9) depends linearly on ÊTHz , shown in Fig. 2(b) on a double-logarithmic scale. Above
thus also hŜeo i = 0. However, the variance of the sig- a certain N , the EOS contribution of the multi-THz vac-
nal does not vanish. If the range of detected THz fre- uum changes the typical SN scaling. The relative increase
quencies, determined by R(Ω), does not overlap with the of the rms value of the signal with respect to the SN level,
frequency content of the probe beam, the signal variance (∆S − ∆Ssn )/∆Ssn , is depicted in Fig. 2(c) for moder-
hŜ 2 i−hŜi2 = hŜ 2 i can be written as hŜ 2 i = hŜeo
2 2
i+hŜsn i. ate N and with linear scaling. For even higher N , the
Calculating the SN contribution using the paraxial quan- vacuum contribution starts to dominate so that the de-
tization [32], we obtain the expected result hŜsn i = N. pendence saturates to the constant EOS level [Fig. 2(b)].
R Ω2
√ 1
dΩ âs,0,0 (Ω)e−iλ + H.c. , with X̂ = X̂0
2(Ω2 −Ω1 ) Ω1

and Ŷ = X̂π/2 , normalized so that [X̂, Ŷ ] = i are in-

troduced. The error contours for PV as well as for SV
as described above and two different squeezing phases,
θ = 0 and θ = π, are featured in Fig. 3(b). The depen-
2 2
dence of the normalized EOS variance hŜeo isv (τ )/hŜeo i,
where hŜeo i is given by Eq. (13), on the time delay τ is
shown in Fig. 3(c) for the same states as in Fig. 3(b) and
sampling parameters used for the PV case. For specific
delay times, the EOS variance of the multi-THz SV is
FIG. 3. (color online) (a) Frequency dependence of the
by 64% lower than the unsqueezed value of the PV state
squeeze factor r. Squeezing correlates Ω and 2Ωc − Ω (for details, see Ref. [25]).
modes (as indicated by arrows). (b) Error contour in the We emphasize the cardinal difference between our find-
complex-amplitude plane for PV (gray circle) and SV with ings and similar-looking results obtained in the context
θ = 0/θ = π (red/green ellipse with reduced uncertainty in the of homodyning [45, 46]. In homodyning experiments, the
phase/amplitude quadrature Y /X). (c) Normalized (with re-
signal is determined by the temporal overlap integral of
spect to the constant PV level, solid black line) EOS variance
in dependence on the time delay τ of the probe NIR pulse for the complex amplitudes of the electric fields of an input
SV with θ = 0/θ = π (solid red line / dashed green line). state and a local oscillator, i.e. the information is essen-
tially averaged over multiple oscillation cycles of light. A
restricted frequency bandwidth has to be assumed to jus-
tify the slowly varying amplitude approximation under-
Subtracting the SN contribution from the total signal
lying this approach. In contrast, electro-optic sampling
variance, the bare EOS variance induced by the sampled
provides a true sub-cycle resolution of the probed multi-
quantum field can be obtained and analyzed.
THz electric field. Moreover, registration of photons is
To elaborate on this point, we apply our the- transferred into the NIR, circumventing the lack of effi-
ory to a multi-THz vacuum which is squeezed in cient single-photon detectors in the multi-THz frequency
an interval around a central frequency Ωc . The range. Most importantly, the multi-THz quantum field
corresponding state of light is obtained by ap- may be studied without the necessity to reduce or am-
h R the continuum squeezing operator [40–42]i plify its photon content - even if it remains in its ground
1 2Ωc ∗
exp 2 0 dΩ αlp ξΩ âα,l,p (2Ωc − Ω)âα,l,p (Ω) − H.c. state.
to the multi-THz pure vacuum (PV) state considered In conclusion, we theoretically clarify the contribution
above. Here the frequency-dependent squeezing param- of the quantum fluctuations of the multi-THz vacuum
eter ξ(Ω) satisfies the condition ξ(Ω) = ξ(2Ωc − Ω). electric field to the signal in ultrabroadband electro-optic
We assume that all spatial and polarization modes sampling by differentiating it from the trivial shot noise
are squeezed equally. In this case, the EOS can be of the high-frequency gating pulse. The crucial aspects
obtained from Eq. (12) applying the transformation are a strong localization of the sampling beam in space
âs,0,0 (Ω) → âs,0,0 (Ω) cosh rΩ − â†s,0,0 (2Ωc − Ω)eiθΩ sinh rΩ and time as it passes the nonlinear crystal, a large second-
[40–42] and working in the vacuum picture. The ex- order nonlinear coefficient and proper phase matching
pectation value of the signal remains zero. Evaluation that might be further optimized selecting an even more
of the EOS variance for the squeezed vacuum (SV), appropriate material than the thin piece of ZnTe we have
hŜeo isv (τ ), is analogous to the PV case. However, considered as an example. For a multi-THz squeezed vac-
the SV EOS variance depends on the time delay τ uum, the possibility to trace the oscillations of the EOS
of the NIR probe pulse leading to the transformation variance with the time delay of the probe pulse is pre-
R(Ω) → R(Ω)e−iΩτ of the response function, a fact that dicted. Positions occur where the noise remains signifi-
was unimportant for handling the PV [cf. Eq. (13)]. cantly below the level of unsqueezed vacuum. The same
For a probe pulse symmetric with respect to t = τ , i.e. formalism can be applied for the analysis of more complex
Ep (t − τ ) = Ep (τ − t), we find R(Ω) = R0 (Ω)e−iΩτ , quantum fields in a time-resolved and non-destructive
where R0 (Ω) is real-valued. manner. Experimental implementation of these ideas
For our illustration we assume constant squeezing with might open up a new chapter of quantum optics oper-
ξ(Ω) ≡ ξ = reiθ in the frequency range [Ω1 , Ω2 ] with ating predominantly in the time domain and with access
Ωc = (Ω1 + Ω2 )/2, where r = |ξ| is the squeeze factor to sub-cycle information on the quantum state of electro-
[43, 44] and θ = Arg(ξ) is the squeezing phase [41]. No magnetic radiation.
squeezing occurs outside this range. In particular, we We acknowledge funding from the ERC via the Ad-
use Ωc /(2π) = 40 THz, Ω2 − Ω1 = Ωc and sinh r = 2 [see vanced Grant 290876 “UltraPhase” and by DFG within
Fig. 3(a)]. Generalized quadrature operators [40] X̂λ = SFB 767. We thank M. Kira for useful discussions.

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Supplemental Material

Paraxial Theory of Direct Electro-Optic Sampling of the Quantum Vacuum

A.S. Moskalenko, C. Riek, D.V. Seletskiy, G. Burkard, and A. Leitenstorfer


For the nonlinear mixing in the EOX, we select the orientation of Ep parallel to the z-axis. This choice of the
polarization direction of the probe field ensures that the maximum signal is detected in the electro-optic detection
scheme for a copropagating classical THz electric field polarized perpendicular to the probe electric field [S1]. In the
experiment, adjustment is achieved by rotation of the EOX around the [110] axis for fixed, mutually perpendicular
polarization directions of the probe and detected electric fields. Also, only one of two possible polarization modes of
the detected field [the one perpendicular to the probe field, i.e. oriented parallel to the unit vector es in Fig. 1(b)]
contributes to the signal in this geometry. There is no THz field generated by optical rectification of the probe for
this orientation of the EOX.
The second-order nonlinear mixing of the probe field Ep (t) with the detected THz field ETHz (t) then induces
nonlinear polarization in the EOX with the following components [S2–S4]:

Px(2) (t) = 40 dxyz ETHz ,y (t)Ep,z (t) (S1)

and similarly for the y-component with the interchange of indices x ↔ y in Eq. (S1). Here 0 is the vacuum permittivity.
(2) (2)
For the zincblende-type EOX we adopt as an example, the tensor components dxyz ≡ χxyz /2 and dyxz ≡ χyxz /2 are
both equal to the same constant denoted by d36 [S2–S4]. This coefficient is related to the constant r41 used for the
description of the Pockels effect as d36 = −n4 r41 /4. n is the refractive index at the central frequency of the probe
electric field. For the following discussion, it is convenient to introduce d = 4d36 = −n4 r41 . Writing Eq. (S1) as
an instantaneous relation in the time domain we assume that the frequencies Ω of the THz field are lower than the
frequencies ω of the probe field and that the second-order nonlinear coefficient can be considered constant in the
frequency range determined by the spectral width of the probe field. The frequency dependence of the nonlinear
coefficient can be easily included writing the corresponding equations in the frequency domain, similar to Ref. [S5]
but taking care of the particular geometry. However, the discussion of the geometrical issues is more concise in the
time domain whereas the effect of the frequency dependence of the nonlinear coefficient is finally not significant in
our case.
(2) (2) (2)
The nonlinear polarization induced in the (110) plane is given by P(2) = √12 (Py − Px )es , i.e. Pz = 0 and
(2) (2) (2)
Ps = √12 (Py − Px ), using the unit vectors es and ez as a basis in this plane. Taking Eq. (S1), expressing also
the components of the quantized THz field in this basis and neglecting the effect of quantum mechanical fluctuations
of the probe beam on the induced nonlinear polarization, i.e. assuming a sufficiently strong probe field, we arrive at
Eq. (1). Inclusion of the vacuum contribution for the probe beam at this place would mean taking into account mixed
second-order corrections linearly dependent on both the vacuum fluctuations of the probe field and on the probed
THz field. In our present consideration, we neglect such terms since they do not lead to significant effects.


In electro-optic sampling, propagation of the NIR probe beam through the EOX can be well described within the
paraxial approximation. The same approximation can be naturally used to describe the sampled multi-THz quantum
fields. The corresponding expression for a quantized electric field within the paraxial approximation was derived in
Ref. [S6]. In free space, with the propagation axis selected as shown in Fig. 1, it reads

XZ ∞
}Ω h i(kr −Ωt)
Ê(r, t) = −i dk eα âα,l,p (k)e k LGlp (r⊥ , rk ; k) − H.c. , (S2)
0 4π0

where âα,l,p (k) denotes the annihilation operator for a photon with absolute value of the wave vector k, frequency
Ω = c0 k, orbital quantum numbers l, p, and polarization direction eα . The spatial mode functions are given by the

Laguerre-Gaussian (LG) modes LGlp (r⊥ , rk ; k) ≡ LGlp (r⊥ , ϕ, rk ; k) which can be written as [S6, S7]
s √ !|l| ! " #
2p! 1 2r⊥ 2r⊥2 2r⊥2 kr⊥2
LGlp (r⊥ , ϕ, rk ; k) = L|l|
p exp − 2 + ilϕ + i + iΦG (rk ) . (S3)
π(|l| + p)! w(rk ) w(rk ) w2 (rk ) w (rk ) 2R(rk )
Here w(rk ) = w0 2 (Ω) is the transverse mode radius at the longitudinal position r with w being the
1 + rk2 /lR k 0

waist size of the probe beam (mode radius at rk = 0) and lR (Ω) = kw02 /2 denoting the Rayleigh range of the
h i
beam at given k. R(rk ) = rk 1 + lR (Ω)/rk2 is the phase-front radius, ΦG (rk ) = −(2p + |l| + 1) arctan(rk /w0 ) is
the Gouy phase and Lp (x) are the associated Laguerre polynomials [S8]. The LG modes are normalized such that
R 2π R ∞
dφ 0 dr⊥ r⊥ LG∗lp (r⊥ , φ, rk ; k)LGl0 p0 (r⊥ , φ, rk ; k) = δll0 δpp0 (for any k and rk ), where δij denotes the Kronecker
delta. The annihilation and creation operators satisfy the continuum commutation relations [âα,l,p (k), âα0 ,l0 ,p0 (k 0 )] =
[â†α,l,p (k), â†α0 ,l0 ,p0 (k 0 )] = 0 and [âα,l,p (k), â†α0 ,l0 ,p0 (k 0 )] = δαα0 δll0 δpp0 δ(k − k 0 ). Expressing the creation and annihilation
operators as functions of frequency, whereby they satisfy [âα,l,p (Ω), âα0 ,l0 ,p0 (Ω0 )] = [â†α,l,p (Ω), â†Ω0 ,l0 ,p0 (k 0 )] = 0 and
[âα,l,p (Ω), â†α0 ,l0 ,p0 (Ω0 )] = δαα0 δll0 δpp0 δ(Ω − Ω0 ), Eq. (S2) transforms into

XZ ∞
}Ω h i(k r −Ωt)
Ê(r, t) = −i dΩ eα âα,l,p (Ω)e Ω k LGlp (r⊥ , rk ; kΩ ) − H.c. . (S4)
0 4π0 c0

By writing kΩ we have stressed that we consider k ≡ kΩ = Ω/c0 as a function of Ω in this expression. Note that
the factor of 16π 3 in the denominator under the square root in Eq. (20) of Ref. [S6] needs to be replaced by 4π.
This fact is confirmed by deriving the expression for the total energy operator of the electro-magnetic field and
has been considered in Eq. (S2). From Eq. (S4), the total energy operator Ê is obtained in its correct form as
Ê = 0 dΩ }Ω α,l,p â†α,l,p (Ω)âα,l,p (Ω).
In media with refractive index nΩ , the factor under the square root in Eq. (S4) should be additionally divided by
nΩ [S9, pp. 391-392]. This measure again ensures a correct expression for the total energy operator of the field so
that Eq. (S4) takes the form
XZ ∞ }Ω h
i(k r −Ωt)
Ê(r, t) = −i dΩ eα âα,l,p (Ω)e Ω k LGlp (r⊥ , rk ; kΩ ) − H.c. . (S5)
0 4π0 c0 nΩ

When we consider a thin EOX located at the beam waist (rk = 0), we use LGlp (r⊥ , rk ; k) ≈ LGlp (r⊥ , rk = 0; k) ≡
glp (r⊥ ), which are given by
s √ !|l| 
2  2 
2p! 1 2r⊥ |l| 2r⊥ r⊥
glp (r⊥ ) = Lp exp − 2 + ilϕ . (S6)
π(|l| + p)! w0 w0 w02 w0

The transverse modes glp (r⊥ ) ≡ glp (r⊥ , φ) are independent of k. They are normalized such that
Z 2π Z ∞

dφ dr⊥ r⊥ glp (r⊥ , φ)gl0 p0 (r⊥ , φ) = δl,l0 δp,p0 .
0 0

The fundamental (lowest-order) mode is Gaussian-shaped and given by

r  2
2 1 r
g00 (r⊥ ) = exp − ⊥2 . (S7)
π w0 w0
When the EOX is located at rk 6= 0, the same approximation applies and one can proceed similarly, just changing
w0 → w(rk ) in the expressions for glp (r⊥ ).


In the paper we used a sampling few-femtosecond NIR laser pulse of the following specifications [S10]: center
frequency ωc /(2π) = 255 THz, spectral bandwidth ∆ω/(2π) = 150 THz with rectangular spectral shape and flat

1 .0 1 .0

N I R p r o b e in te n s ity ( a r b . u .)

in te n s ity e n v e lo p e ( a r b . u .)
0 .8 0 .8

0 .6 0 .6
F W H M = 5 .9 fs

0 .4 0 .4

0 .2 0 .2

0 .0 0 .0
-2 5 -2 0 -1 5 -1 0 -5 0 5 1 0 1 5 2 0 2 5
tim e t (fs )

FIG. S1. Temporal profile of the intensity (red line) and its envelope (blue line) of the NIR probe pulse used in our calculations.

9 9
re fra c tiv e in d e x n

8 7
7 5
re fra c tiv e in d e x n

6 3
5 1
0 5 1 0 1 5 2 0 2 5
4 fre q u e n c y (T H z )
0 5 0 1 0 0 1 5 0 2 0 0 2 5 0 3 0 0 3 5 0
fre q u e n c y (T H z )

FIG. S2. Dispersion of the refractive index in the THz (solid red line) and NIR (dashed blue line) range. Inset shows the
dispersion with a higher frequency resolution in the range of small THz frequencies.

phase. The corresponding temporal profile of the NIR probe intensity is shown in Fig. S1. For such a pulse we get
ωp = 247 THz, where ωp is defined in the text after Eq. (10). Notice that ωp ≈ ωc . However, there is a small difference
in these quantities due to different averaging used in their definitions. This difference is of minor importance for our
consideration. The normalized Hermitian spectral autocorrelation function f (Ω), as defined in the text after Eq. (10),
can be found as
f (Ω) = 1 − H(∆ω − |Ω|), (S8)
where H(x) denotes the Heaviside step function. For our example with a rectangular probe spectrum, f (Ω) takes the
shape of an isosceles triangle with the vertex at Ω =
h 0. In order to
i determine the response function R(Ω), we have to
multiply f (Ω) by the phase-matching function sinc 2c0 (nΩ − ng ) . The latter requires knowledge about the refractive
index nΩ in the THz range and group refractive index ng at the (NIR) central frequency ωc of the probe pulse.
Refractive index properties of a ZnTe crystal in the NIR frequency range are modelled by a Sellmeier formula [S11]

n2ω = A + [Bλ2 /(λ2 − c2 )], (S9)

with λ = 2πc0 /Ω, A = 4.27, B = 3.01, and c2 = 0.142 [S12]. The corresponding frequency dependence is shown on
the right side of Fig. S2. For the refractive index nΩ in the THz frequency range, we use the parametrization from

1 .0

r e s p o n s e f u n c t i o n R ( Ω)
0 .8

0 .6

0 .4

0 .2

0 .0

0 5 0 1 0 0 1 5 0
f r e q u e n c y Ω/ ( 2 π) ( T H z )
FIG. S3. Calculated response function R(Ω) without the low-frequency cutoff (solid black line) and with the low-frequency
cutoff (dashed red line).

Ref. [S13]:
s  !
(}ωLO )2 − (}ωTO )2
nΩ = Re 1+ ∞ , (S10)
(}ωTO )2 − (}Ω)2 − i}γΩ

with }ωTO = 177 cm−1 , }ωLO = 206 cm−1 , γ = 3.01 cm−1 , and ∞ = 6.7. The corresponding frequency dependence
is shown on the left side of Fig. S2. From these models we obtain the following values of the refractive index and
the group refractive index at ωc =255 THz: n = 2.76 and ng = 2.9. It is important that these indices are almost
constant in the neighborhood of ωc . Using the calculated nΩ and ng in the phase-matching function with l = 7 µm,
the response function R(Ω) depicted in Fig. S3 results. As discussed in the text of the paper, we introduce a low-
frequency cutoff excluding wavelengths λ with λ/(2nΩ ) > w0 , in order to take into account diffraction losses. The
modified response function is also shown in Fig. S3. The resulting integrand function entering the integral in Eq. (13)
is found in Fig. 2(a) of the paper. Note that without introducing the low-frequency cutoff we would get just a small
increase of approximately 21% for the EOS variance calculated from Eq. (13).


2 2
For the EOS variance hŜeo isv (τ ) normalized with respect to the EOS variance of the pure vacuum hŜeo i, given by
Eq. (13), we obtain
2 2
hŜeo isv (τ )/hŜeo i = 1+2aM +2b M (M + 1) cos(θ − 2Ωc τ ). (S11)

Here M = sinh r, a = Ia /I, and b = Ib /I, where

Z ∞
I= dΩ %2 (Ω), (S12)
Z Ω2
Ia = dΩ %2 (Ω), (S13)
Z Ω2
Ib = dΩ %(Ω)%(2Ωc − Ω), (S14)
with %(Ω) = Ω/nΩ R0 (Ω). The real coefficients a and b generally satisfy the Cauchy-Bunyakovsky-Schwarz inequality
2 2
b ≤ a. Obviously, also a ≤ 1 is valid. The dependence of hŜeo isv (τ )/hŜeo i on the time delay τ is shown in Fig. 3(c)
for the same states as in Fig. 3(b) and sampling parameters used for the pure vacuum case. We clearly see that

for certain delay times the EOS variance of the squeezed multi-THz vacuum can beat the uncertainty limit set by
the pure vacuum state. Here, for M ≡ sinh r = 2, its minimum value constitutes ≈ 36% of the pure vacuum level.
For the selected parameters, a slightly stronger suppression of the quantum noise down to 34% can be achieved by
increasing M to ≈ 5.8, whereas the maximal noise is more than doubled. These values are generally determined by
the coefficients a and b, introduced above, for which we have b < a < 1 in the considered case. Here, due to the
limitation set by this inequality, a complete noise suppression in the EOS variance is impossible for any time delay.

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