Civil Engineering Literature Review Example
Civil Engineering Literature Review Example
Civil Engineering Literature Review Example
Crafting a comprehensive
literature review can be a daunting task, requiring extensive research, critical analysis, and precise
writing. It's a crucial component of any academic or research project, laying the foundation for your
work by summarizing existing knowledge, identifying gaps, and providing context for your study.
But fear not, help is at hand. At ⇒ ⇔, we specialize in providing top-notch assistance
with literature reviews, including those in the field of civil engineering. Our team of experienced
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By ordering from ⇒ ⇔, you can save yourself time, stress, and frustration, allowing
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The publication time period of these collected articles spans from 1970 to 2020. You can use a
subheading for each theme, time period, or methodological approach. Annual reviews online This
database provides review journals from across the sciences, with articles that review significant
primary research literature to help you keep up to date in the area of your research. Being the best
paper writing service, we can easily cope with narrative, persuasive, expository, descriptive, and other
types of essays. Structural performance improvement is the second hottest topic and accounts for
22% of the total selected articles. National Technical Information Service search for products.
Another aspect of civil engineering is construction. Use them to find the gaps and advances in your
area. Original Description: Original Title Literature Review. Assessing risk and uncertainty inherent
in Chinese highway projects using AHP. Exploration aims to generate diverse solutions for
comparison, while exploitation is used to find the current optimal solution. Then, go online and
search the articles by using a reference list to find other relevant articles. Introduction Not to be
confused with a book review, a literature review surveys scholarly articles, books and other sources
(e.g. dissertations, conference proceedings) relevant to a particular issue, area of research, or theory,
providing a description, summary, and critical evaluation of each work. Zhang X, Li M, Lim J, Weng
Y, Tay Y, Pham H, Pham Q. However, it comes with its own additional challenges and risks.
Structural Optimization in Civil Engineering: A Literature Review. D Printhuset. The construction of
Europe’s first 3D Printed building has begun and is almost complete. 3D Printhuset.. Accessed 1
Nov 2018. CyBe. Redefining construction by enabling 3D concrete printing by providing hardware,
software, material, education, certification and business development. This approach was applied to
a publicly released Drosophila metamorphosis data set (White et al. The journal of Computers and
Structures is ranked first with 21 papers published, followed by Structural and Multidisciplinary
Optimization and Engineering Structures, each of which also published more than 10 papers.
Researching and Writing Literature Reviews Step 1 - Find Literature Step 2 - Is it Relevant. The
team of true professionals has been helping students to write papers of any academic level and
complexity for many years. Report this Document Download now Save Save Theses in Civil
Engineering — Civil Engineering Re. As mentioned above, there are four different types of
objectives in structural optimization. Whether students are struggling with a particular assignment or
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succeed. This could be the whether the study was theoretical, experimental, numerical simulation, etc
main theoretical approach, model, algorithms, etc number of test specimens or subjects key
assumptions made that might impact its general validity key outcome measured, statistical
significance of it, etc Your own comments - for example, strengths and weaknesses Synthesizing the
papers and structuring your review Concept mapping. Therefore, the problem formulation will be
discussed according to the type of objective. To some extent, the continuum optimization method has
better performance than the discrete optimization method because the optimal design does not
necessarily lead to truss-like or beam-like structural elements. Instead, it is best to organize your
review thematically. As FRPs are non-corrosive, high strength and modulus values compared to their
density, light weight, acceptable deformability, tailored design and excellent formability enable the
fabrication of new elements and the structural rehabilitation of the existing parts made of traditional
materials. Second, the metaheuristic algorithms do not require the gradient information.
The USGS provides seismic hazard assessments for the U.S. and areas around the world. Based on a
host of articles about precast concrete frame structure system at home and abroad,it,in this
paper,summarized and prospected the latest stress performance research of precast concrete frame
structure and up-to-date engineering application. Report this Document Download now Save Save
Literature Review. Application of Genetic algorithms for Neural Network Learning - Srdjan Mladj.
Through these steps, a set of keywords which are sufficient to cover most of the articles in this
domain could be obtained. 3. Statistical Analysis of Selected Literature The distribution of papers
regarding the publication years is presented in Figure 2, which divides the timeline into five time
periods. Feature papers represent the most advanced research with significant potential for high
impact in the field. A Feature. Water resource engineering is another aspect of civil engineering.
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the first author’s research institution. As a by-product, authors reported that the SVD-based probit.
Analysis (PCA). Examination of the components has provided an approach into the underlying.
Sizing optimization of skeletal structures using the enhanced whale optimization algorithm. Upload
Read for free FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel
Next What is Scribd. Ductility of 3D printed concrete reinforced with short straight steel fibers. The
library contains articles from journals dating back to 1896. Themes: what questions or concepts recur
across the literature. Alternatively, you may need to include one at the beginning of a research paper
or as a chapter in a dissertation or thesis. In this type of structural optimization, compliance
minimization is generally set as the objective function to maximize the stiffness of structures. For
example, the structural cost is often quantified as the weight of the structure. An assessment of
implementation of entry-level 3D printers from the perspective of small businesses. International
Journal of Refrigeration 31(7):1123-1133. Researching and Writing Literature Reviews Step 1 - Find
Literature Step 2 - Is it Relevant. This will help you keep track of your references and auto-populate
citations as you write your review. No part of this document may be published without permission of
the author. Make sure you analyze patterns, turning points, and key debates that have shaped the
direction of the field. A Review of Various Methods Used in the Analysis of Functional Gene
Expressio. Table 2 presents a summary of some other studies on structural optimization that involve
improved metaheuristic algorithms. Although these variants of traditional metaheuristic algorithms
have many different forms, each of them focuses on improving certain ability (abilities) of the
original algorithm. Handbooks and encyclopedias provide background information but are also tools
to find equations, material properties, and other valuable pieces of information needed by engineers
to succeed. The paper also discusses and categorizes the benefits, challenges, and risks of 3D printing
in construction. These gradient-based optimization methods are also termed as conventional methods
and are widely used in the early studies on civil engineering structural optimization.
Through these steps, a set of keywords which are sufficient to cover most of the articles in this
domain could be obtained. 3. Statistical Analysis of Selected Literature The distribution of papers
regarding the publication years is presented in Figure 2, which divides the timeline into five time
periods. Applications of additive manufacturing in the construction industry: a forward-looking
review. Secondly, we work with well-known payment systems and offer you a partial payment
option. Mix design and fresh properties for high-performance printing concrete. For structural
optimization, the design variables include one or more of cross-sectional areas, nodal coordinates,
and connectivity of structural elements. Then, individual country was used as the geographical scope
to further analyze the geographical trends of research in the field of civil engineering structural
optimization. They specify characteristics and properties of certain processes or products which may
be required to satisfy contracts or grants or just to make sure your project will interact. Number and
proportion of articles with each objective in each time period: ( a ) number of articles, and ( b )
proportion of articles. WorldCat This link opens in a new window A worldwide union catalog created
and maintained collectively by more than 9,000 OCLC member institutions. IJDKP SCDT: FC-
NNC-structured Complex Decision Technique for Gene Analysis Using Fu. The main benefits of 3D
printing in construction include constructability and sustainability benefits. ASCE Civil Engineering
Database Provides full-text access to the journals published by the American Society of Civil
Engineers. Being the best paper writing service, we can easily cope with narrative, persuasive,
expository, descriptive, and other types of essays. Step 4 - Develop an Outline for Review There are
various approaches to organizing a literature review: Chronological The simplest approach is to trace
the development of the topic over time. A citation management tool such as Zotero, Mendeley, or
EndNote. The rapid technological development in the field of genomics has created an. We hire 1
out of 10 applicants that satisfy our requirements and current needs. What do your professors want
in a literature review. Journal of Low Power Electronics and Applications (JLPEA). Structural
optimisation methods as a new toolset for architects. In addition to the architecture, the study
showed the usefulness of the proposed approach by. Reading and Note-taking on Individual papers
When you actually read the papers that you find, most people take a staged approach to save time:
Read the abstract fully to determine if it's actually on topic. Few studies concentrate on reducing the
environmental impact of civil engineering structures alone, which only account for 2% of the selected
articles. An Application of Genetic Algorithm for Non-restricted Space and Pre-determin. The
computing software, such as MATLAB, is used to perform optimization codes and generate optimal
solution through iterations. That you have understood them enough to identify major trends,
methods, approaches, and differences. Design variable can be divided into two categories according
to its value, namely continuous design variable and discrete design variable. Civil engineering ensures
that appropriate housing and infrastructure are set up to support the population of a given
community. In: MATEC web of conferences 203, 2010. 2018.. Hager I, Golonka A, Putanowicz R.
3D printing of buildings and building components as the future of sustainable construction. Number
and proportion of articles for each optimization objective.
Optimization techniques and methods refer to the way to perform the structural optimization and
obtain the optimal design. Adv Robot Autom. 2016.. Li R. An economic analysis on automated
construction safety: internet of things, artificial intelligence and 3D printing. Berkeley: Apress;
2014.. Book Google Scholar Maskuriy R, Selamat A, Maresova P, Krejcar A, Olalekan David O.
Industry 4.0 for the construction industry: review of management perspective. Economies.
2019;68(7):4.. Article Google Scholar Bock T. Engineering Research Database This link opens in a
new window Provides indexing and abstracts for international serial and non-serial literature
pertaining to civil, earthquake, environmental, mechanical, and transportation engineering. Building
information modelling (BIM) implementation and remote construction projects: issues, challenges,
and critiques. Unleashing the Power of AI Tools for Enhancing Research, International FDP on.
Large-scale 3D printing by a team of mobile robots. Find support for a specific problem in the
support section of our website. Understanding the key risks in construction projects in China. In
conclusion, there are four major contributions of this review article. This paper has filled the gap that
there is a lack of comprehensive review work in the field of civil engineering structural optimization,
providing a useful reference and guidance for future works in this field. The better the assigned
writer, the higher the price to pay. Constraints are usually the safety and serviceability requirements
that must be satisfied during the optimization process, including stress, displacement, etc. Themes
and connections: You should determine the relationships between all the articles that you have read
during organizing a literature review format. To some extent, the continuum optimization method has
better performance than the discrete optimization method because the optimal design does not
necessarily lead to truss-like or beam-like structural elements. Defining the objective function refers
to finding a quantification of the desired result for an optimization problem while satisfying some
requirements. Hardened properties of high-performance printing concrete. These methods use
weights as the parameters to represent the preferences of decision-makers. Objective function refers
to a function or a set of functions that can be used as a measure of the optimization result. From the
review, it is obvious that data is partitioned by clustering algorithms used in. Check what students
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(EJIHPE). There are two values of these variables, namely 1 and 0. You can use a subheading for
each theme, time period, or methodological approach. These techniques are widely used in the
subsequent researches. Is it safe to use your relatively cheap paper writing service. Students writing
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thesis statement topic to another. All articles published by MDPI are made immediately available
worldwide under an open access license. No special. No part of this document may be published
without permission of the author.
Future work may focus on proposing a comprehensive criterion to weight each objective and thus
convert multi-objective optimization problem to single-objective optimization problem. Risks in
Chinese construction market—contractors’ perspective. You can use it to discuss various theories,
models, and definitions of key concepts. You want to be organized from the start when doing a
literature review, especially for a project that will take a long time. Number and proportion of articles
for each optimization objective. In fact, a structural optimization problem generally has more than
one local optimum, so these gradient-based algorithms may converge to one of these local optimum
if the initial design and the search direction are not well defined. The better the assigned writer, the
higher the price to pay. Susan When I need to write my paper, I usually turn to this service. Arizona
State University, M.S. Thesis. This author effectively uses a separate chapter for the literature review
for his detailed analysis. Moreover, every essay writer we hire is devoted to honing papers to
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successful and effective written communication it is necessary to pay attention to the audience; the
purpose of writing; researching the topic; focusing the ideas; information organization and content.
The thesis may focus on an analysis of one of the elements of fiction drama poetry or nonfiction as
expressed in the work. In terms of convergence rate, their study presented the convergence curve of
each algorithm instead of comparing the convergence rate directly. Assignments and referencing A
summary of the main arguments or idea of each source A critique or evaluation of the source’s
usefulness, reliability, objectivity or bias A reflection on how the source fits into your research Both
provide a critical review of the literature Review articles are publications synthesizing research
already conducted on a topic. Another 22% of the collected articles aiming to improve the structural
performance based on structural optimization, whereas 14% of the articles engage in structural
optimization for more than one goal. This step will help you work out the structure of your literature
review and show how your own research will contribute to existing knowledge or how it fits into the
whole. IJDKP SCDT: FC-NNC-structured Complex Decision Technique for Gene Analysis Using
Fu. Thus, a paper writing service for college makes you more prepared in all senses. It is found that
most researchers are from the standpoint of project stakeholders and focus on the objective of cost
minimization, accounting for 62% of the selected articles. One technique is to create a concept map
or 'mind map' showing the relationships or groupings of the key papers on your topic, with short
labels. Objectivity—Is the author's perspective even-handed or prejudicial. The structural
components tested so far include slabs, beams, columns and bridge culverts. When at least one of
these functions are non-linear, the optimization methods are termed as non-linear programming
methods. Feasible domain contains design points that satisfy all of the constraints, while design
points that violate at least one constraint constitute infeasible domain. Distribution of the selected
articles regarding the publication year. Includes professional handbooks and analytical tools. The
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However, although a substantial number of studies as well as survey reports were published in this
domain, none of them achieved a comprehensive review of the research developments on structural
optimization. Artificial Intelligence in the field of Civil Engineering-A Review This paper consists of
different literature reviews on the application of Artificial Intelligence in the field of Civil
Engineering and discusses different techniques and methods of. I have decided to build a career in
civil engineering. We offer experts with at least a B.A. degree to complete the assignment. Journal of
Experimental and Theoretical Analyses (JETA). Students of Energy and Environmental Technology
at the school of engineering (FHNW) in Switzerland write a total of six technical reports about their
project work (mostly in German). Finally, limitations of the current research on structural
optimization were identified, and future works were recommended to address the limitations. In
retrofitting, fiber reinforced polymers (FRP) is relatively new technique to strengthen and repair
damage of the structures. It’s important to admit that our company utilizes contemporary encryption
algorithms to provide the highest protection level. The study has the following specific research
objectives. Then, the design variables are transferred into the design software to update the structure
model with new geometric properties. Then, the optimization objectives of the selected articles are
categorized and analyzed regarding the temporal and spatial trends in Section 4. Based on your
reading and notes, you can look for: Trends and patterns (in theory, method or results): do certain
approaches become more or less popular over time. Le T, Austin S, Lim S, Buswell R, Law R, Gibb
A, Thorpe T. The overall optimal design can be obtained by combining the optimal design of each
section. Second, mathematical quantifications must be found to represent the optimization objectives
appropriately in order to conduct structural optimization. In addition, some researchers focus on
simultaneously achieving several different objectives through structural optimization. Step 5: Write
your Review Depending on the length of your literature review, you might want to divide the body
into subsections. Through these steps, a set of keywords which are sufficient to cover most of the
articles in this domain could be obtained. 3. Statistical Analysis of Selected Literature The
distribution of papers regarding the publication years is presented in Figure 2, which divides the
timeline into five time periods. Writer's Handbook: Common Writing Assignments: Review of
LIterature Additional tools and resources for doing a literature review can be found on this Canvas
Open Webpage Thank you to UC Santa Cruz for this great overview of a literature review ( ) 1.
However, the proportion of this theme in the last four time periods is less than that in the first period
(before 2000), with 54%, 59%, 67%, 58% respectively. The interactive approaches provide the
decision-makers’ preferences during the search. Therefore, it is necessary to select a structural
analysis method that is computationally inexpensive, especially for large, complex civil engineering
structures. Make sure that you select sources that are credible, authoritative, and up-to-date. There
are two values of these variables, namely 1 and 0. Identification of Differentially Expressed Genes by
unsupervised Learning Method Identification of Differentially Expressed Genes by unsupervised
DIFFERENTIALLY EXPRESSED G. Editors select a small number of articles recently published in
the journal that they believe will be particularly. We are advocates for the incorporation of
Indigenous knowledge systems and research methodologies within contemporary library practice.
Murty and Flynn 1999), Collaborative Document Clustering (CDC) (Hammoudaand Kamel. Many
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