Literature Review On Domestic Violence in Uganda
Literature Review On Domestic Violence in Uganda
Literature Review On Domestic Violence in Uganda
Are you struggling with crafting a comprehensive literature review on domestic violence in Uganda?
Look no further! Writing a literature review can be an arduous task, especially when it comes to
complex and sensitive topics like domestic violence. It requires extensive research, critical analysis,
and the ability to synthesize information from various sources.
Understanding the nuances of domestic violence in Uganda, including its socio-cultural dynamics,
legal framework, and impact on individuals and communities, requires in-depth knowledge and
expertise. However, navigating through a myriad of academic papers, reports, and studies can be
overwhelming and time-consuming.
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Many of the reasons behind the difficulties in accessing treatment for IPV were explored by
Rweyemamu in his presentation on barriers to care, which has been summarized earlier in this
chapter. They hypothesized that alcohol use would be directly and indirectly correlated with
domestic violence within intimate relationships. The police, common society, government officials
and even appointed authorities of the High Courts and Supreme Court have offered these contentions
of the abuse of laws eagerly. Here, Rweyemamu shared a quote from his study interviews in which a
25-year-old female from Dar es Salaam explained that in cases of forced anal sex, parents will
immediately tell their daughter to get a divorce and welcome her back into the family home. The
problem statement notes that domestic violence has serious physical, emotional, and psychological
effects and poses a problem for society. You can download the paper by clicking the button above.
This workshop brought together a variety of stakeholders and community workers from Uganda,
Kenya, and Tanzania to engage in a meaningful, multidirectional dialogue regarding intimate partner
violence in the region. Waller and her colleagues (2012) preformed a study that focused on effects of
alcohol sales and the rate of domestic violence within a large demographic areas. In addition to these
general results, additional details regarding the prevalence of IPV within the study population were
gathered. In this regard, like many other speakers, Swai highlighted the lack of resources available in
country. A girl child always does the house chores while the boy child relaxes. At the village level,
there is the Village Executive Officer or Street Leader. To that end, on August 11-12, 2014, the
Institute of Medicine's Forum on Global Violence Prevention, in a collaborative partnership with the
Uganda National Academy of Sciences, convened a workshop focused on informing and creating
synergies within a diverse community of researchers, health workers, and decision makers committed
to promoting intimate partner violence-prevention efforts that are innovative, evidence-based, and
crosscutting. The study was guided by the following objectives; to establish the causes of drug abuse
in Nagongera; to identify efforts to curb drug abuse and domestic violence in Nagongera; to
establish the effects of drug abuse in Nagongera Sub County. They also further highlight the strength
of intergovernmental relationships and the sharing of best practices throughout the region, which was
also recommended by a number of speakers. The purpose is to establish the effects of domestic
violence on women and children in Adyel Division, Lira District. In fact, many women who received
referrals reported high levels of satisfaction with the IPV treatment they received. This article
explores the experiences and wellbeing of eight facilitators from one cohort of the Building Better
Relationships (BBR) programme in England. This study is a cross-sectional survey designed to
capture information from various stake holders like the police, local council leaders, men, women
and children relating to their experience and encounter with domestic violence amid Covid-19. The
data that SASA! collects is used to evaluate what the successes and challenges of each program
were. 135 This data can then be used to find out what changes should be made to plan and improve
follow-up activities. 136. All of the data is in regards to family incidents between the years 1996-
2005. The present study is an empirical study done by survey method. The alternate hypothesis is
proved in this research i.e There is a significant relationship between the Age and the thought that the
domestic violence is invisible in our society an d also the Protection of Women Domestic Violence
Act (2005. The Universal Peace Federation (UPF) recorded 163 deaths of women in Uganda due to
domestic violence in 2016, almost a 50 percent increase from 2010 when the act was passed. 31
Contributing Factors Gender Roles, Patriarchy, and Inequality within the Home Societal customs
and gender expectations in Uganda have led to a culture of patriarchy, which enables IPV against
women. They also included questions about each offenders past and childhood experiences. Global
Health Action 4(7288). (accessed May 28, 2015). The study found that Culture, unemployment and
frustration brought about by family problems like sicknesses are the leading causes of drug abuse in
Nagongera. The study suggested that, due to the increase in pulse, wives of abusive husbands
experience heightened feelings of rage, sadness, worry and fear (Lavinia et. l. 2010). This study
shows that research does not support that abusive partner’s experience heightened cardiovascular
response to discourse compared to that of non-violent partner. Only 63% and 47% of women who
did not experience physical violence experienced anxiety and depression, respectively. 87. Undie
also emphasized the need for data synthesis that goes beyond RCTs.
A girl child always does the house chores while the boy child relaxes. Thus, some people would have
to travel thousands of miles to reach a shelter. 53, 54 The last reason that the DV is not enforced
successfully is corruption among police officers and among government workers. Too often this
preventable form of violence is repetitive in nature, occurring at multiple points across the lifespan.
Based on this, Undie contended that decisions regarding IPV programming and screening should be
made based on a broad range of study designs and data. The similarity score of your literature
overview will be low if you use our writing service. The ECSA’s efforts in convening regional leaders
within the health sector to produce a coordinated response to health related issues, including IPV,
show promise in producing lasting change within the East African region. However, some customers
want to make the most out of service. Rweyemamu explained that this makes the system itself a
barrier to accessing services and care for victims of violence. Data from the most recent
Demographic and Health Surveys conducted in these countries with domestic violence module were
used to explore this relationship. The study considered different variables including whether or not
the participant had ever witnessed or been a victim of domestic violence. Moreover, our literature
review writers identify the current research gap and help you relate your findings to previous
research. Swai explained that this lack of resources results in a limited understanding of women’s
health, which is a barrier to providing effective treatment opportunities in the region. In order to
accomplish this a feminist and human rights consciousness is utilised. This is undertaken within the
context of state, law and media responses, and the extent to which they reflect men’s interests by
ignoring abuse or blaming the victim, both of which serve to undermine the human rights of women
in general and immigrant women in particular. This change from 13% to 14% was not statistically
significant, so there was no significant change in sexual IPV due to the SASA! program. Evidence
has shown that the children of these women also experience a significant burden of negative health
effects. These include a Domestic Violence Act, an act prohibiting the practice of female genital
mutilation, as well as an act aimed at preventing the trafficking of persons. Seven countries from the
region were invited to attend, including Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania. The last nationally conducted
survey found that an estimated 16 percent of married Americans experienced domestic violence
within the previous year. There was a lack of secondary information about methods which
universities used, so I telephoned universities’ Students’ Unions to ask how they helped students in
need. Having the ability to predict those most at risk is essential in identifying victims’ earlier,
reducing harm and improving access to support and justice. Every writer holds a degree and knows
authoritative literature in their subject. In this study, a random sample of 18- to 49-year-old
community members in Kampala, Uganda (where the SASA. Additionally, clients and providers are
highly accepting of screening efforts. The problem statement notes that domestic violence has serious
physical, emotional, and psychological effects and poses a problem for society. Since we are aware
of it, writing specialists complete every review from scratch. She also explained that screening for
IPV during antenatal care is a crucial opportunity as it takes advantage of a time period where
women are regularly accessing medical care. The Universal Peace Federation (UPF) recorded 163
deaths of women in Uganda due to domestic violence in 2016, almost a 50 percent increase from
2010 when the act was passed. 31 Contributing Factors Gender Roles, Patriarchy, and Inequality
within the Home Societal customs and gender expectations in Uganda have led to a culture of
patriarchy, which enables IPV against women. Condom use increased from 29% to 33%, whereas
use decreased in the control group. 132 In addition, the percentage of women reporting that their
male partner participated in housework increased from 56% to 72%. 133 Ultimately, 76% of men
and women exposed to the SASA. The unacceptable forms of violence against women identified by
study participants included rape by a stranger, threatening a female with a weapon or using one
against her, severe physical abuse, and forced anal sex.
I used secondary sources such as journal articles, government publications and charities’ web pages
to gain understandings of definitions, statistics and strategies. To many people, in many cultures,
domestic violence was seen as not only acceptable, but necessary in some situations. The researcher
has focused on the fatal and non-fatal outcomes of Domestic Violence on females irrespective of age
and children and had tried to find out what could be the possible solutions for controlling domestic
violence, for the better understanding of the data collected the researcher had compiled it in a tabular
form. The data that SASA! collects is used to evaluate what the successes and challenges of each
program were. 135 This data can then be used to find out what changes should be made to plan and
improve follow-up activities. 136. In one study, it was found that when a boy’s father beat his wife,
that boy was 11.8% to 13% more likely to perpetrate IPV against his own wife later on. 42 Barriers to
IPV Law Enforcement In 2010, the Domestic Violence (DV) Act put laws in place to discourage
IPV, 43 providing two avenues in which people can report domestic violence—through local council
courts and through police officers. 44 Despite these laws and processes, the DV Act is not enforced
and reports are rarely made. In this study, a random sample of 18- to 49-year-old community
members in Kampala, Uganda (where the SASA. The study took a period of two months, from May
to July 2017, due to the limitation ofresources for a longer period in the field obtaining data plus the
whole work required for the dissertation to be completed. Within the local government authorities,
as mentioned before, the structural hierarchy and system of referrals can be extremely difficult to
navigate, often leaving victims of IPV and GBV without support. Established by the respective
health ministers from each region, the ECSA oversees seven different programmatic areas, with the
program focusing on family and reproductive health housing the issues of IPV and GBV. Both
bivariable and multivariable logistic regression analyses were done. Most of these cases, Undie
explained, occurred in the antenatal care setting, which sees a high volume of clients on a daily
basis. These include a Domestic Violence Act, an act prohibiting the practice of female genital
mutilation, as well as an act aimed at preventing the trafficking of persons. You can download the
paper by clicking the button above. These studies are certainly effective tools; however, in order to
gain a better understanding of the whole picture, it is important that researchers and health workers
in the region understand their strengths and limitations as they analyze conclusions surrounding IPV
screening efforts. While addressing the media Makumbi also called on the ministry of Gender and
Social Development to expedite the passing of the policy on Domestic Violence Act 2010 to enable
its implementation. Gender Based Violence results in is HIV infection, visible physical injuries,
experience lack of self confidence, sadness and low self esteem, anxiety and fear of spouse and
generally very unhappy in their households. The study found a high incidence of IPV amongst
women and girls in Tanzania across the lifespan. Of those, 64 percent reported emotional violence
and 53 percent reported physical violence. It is estimated that women in Uganda who experience IPV
are 3 times more likely to experience PTSD than those who do not experience IPV. 90 PTSD
manifests itself in multiple ways among abused women. That’s why you have no more reason for
fear of cyber attacks. Women who have experienced DV, in particular, suffer from the gynecological,
nervous system, and stress-related issues. And although this may seem daunting, other speakers, such
as Undie and those found earlier in this chapter, have explained that referrals are an effective and
feasible method of intervention in resource constrained settings, meaning that it is perhaps a
worthwhile undertaking. The study tried to get responses from all students that were originally in
Wave III, however the response rate was only around 77. 4 percent. They were administered
questions via laptops. Yet, the experiences of facilitators of probation-based, domestic violence
perpetrator programmes have long been neglected. At every level, the woman will be asked if she
consulted with the lower authorities; if the answer is “no,” she will be sent back down the chain. The
unacceptable forms of violence against women identified by study participants included rape by a
stranger, threatening a female with a weapon or using one against her, severe physical abuse, and
forced anal sex. Starting is the hardest thing, especially if it’s a literature review. The males had to be
seriously violent ranging from shoving to weapons. Issues with the academic writing style and field-
specific terminology just make matters worse. Also, we investigate whether domestic violence
influences the decision of women to terminate pregnancies.