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Review of Literature On School Dropouts in India

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Crafting a literature review on school dropouts in India presents a multifaceted challenge, stemming

from the complex interplay of socio-economic, cultural, and educational factors influencing dropout
rates. This intricate topic demands an exhaustive exploration of diverse sources, including academic
papers, government reports, and case studies, to construct a comprehensive narrative that not only
identifies the prevailing reasons behind dropout rates but also evaluates the effectiveness of various
interventions aimed at mitigating this issue.

One of the primary challenges in writing such a literature review is the need to critically analyze a
vast array of literature from multiple disciplines. Researchers must navigate through studies in
education, sociology, economics, and psychology to understand the multifarious reasons contributing
to school dropouts, such as financial constraints, gender disparities, rural-urban divides, and the
quality of educational infrastructure. This requires not only a broad understanding of the subject
matter but also the ability to synthesize complex information into a coherent analysis.

Moreover, the task is compounded by the need to assess the credibility and relevance of sources,
given the proliferation of research in this area. Distinguishing between empirically sound studies and
less rigorous research demands a high level of expertise and critical thinking. Additionally, the
dynamic nature of the factors affecting school dropouts in India means that researchers must remain
abreast of the latest studies and trends, integrating new findings with existing knowledge to provide
an up-to-date review.

Given these challenges, individuals embarking on this endeavor might find it beneficial to seek
professional assistance. Ordering a literature review from a reputable service like ⇒ StudyHub.vip
⇔ can provide several advantages. It ensures that the review is crafted by experts familiar with the
intricacies of the topic, who are adept at navigating the complex landscape of interdisciplinary
research. These professionals have the skills to critically evaluate sources, synthesize diverse pieces
of information, and present a nuanced analysis that captures the complexity of school dropouts in
India. Opting for professional assistance can save time and guarantee a high-quality literature review
that contributes meaningfully to the discourse on this critical issue.
The Beti Bachao Beti Padhao scheme cannot run on a Rs 200-crore allocation,” Rai added. The
statement holds ground but the real challenge is how, when and where to invest in knowledge. Now
equipped with the essential steps to start your literature review, you're set on the right path. For this
classification, inductive criteria (Mejia Navarrete 2011 ) and open coding (Strauss 1987; Strauss and
Corbin 1998 ) were used: the classification categories were not the result of a restrictive a priori
theoretical framework but rather several readings of the data. Here is how to write a good literature
review: Step 1: Search Relevant Literature Start by searching for scholarly sources that you will cite
in your paper that are closely related to your research topic. Aside from the lack of careful studies in
this area, the analysis and organization of interventions carried out at this level is lackluster at best.
With respect to adapting vocational education programs to students’ needs, one of the more
interesting recommendations suggests that it would be useful to carry out programs in a language
different from the official one so as to prevent immigrant populations from being those who most
drop out (Aguirre, 1991). Despite being looked upon as a written form, its oral forms are also
emerging. TemplateLab templatelab.com 50 Smart Literature Review Templates (APA). Thus, the
present paper is centered on two kinds of sources: articles from peer-reviewed journals and doctoral
theses. She left a private school because her family did not want to spend “too much on the
education of a girl”. Sample Format Of A Literature Review rftp.com literature review sample
example dissertation format abstract Definition Essay: Sample Literature Review For Research Paper
magetrilof.blogspot.com libguides conducting 50 Smart Literature Review Templates (APA). Using
relevant keywords and phrases in your search is essential, experimenting with diverse combinations
for a thorough collection of relevant sources. The education gives a new shape to the teacher as well
as the nation. The government of the day faces the twin challenge to see that the immediate needs
are taken care of and there is adequate investment in future. This would involve teachers giving more
emotional support to students and giving extra attention to the factors associated with a risk of
school leaving, and thus compensating, in some way, for possible shortcomings in other areas
(Cadena, 2013). Data shows the gap between rural and urban students keeps increasing in higher
classes. How many litres of O.R.S. solution can be given to a 21 year-old within a span of 24 hours.
In this respect, students with families can benefit from the salaries they receive from their internships
while they are being trained (Tas, Bora, Selvitopu, and Demirkaya, 2013). Their areas were by and
large sparsely populated and they had evolved over centuries their own system of maintaining law
and order. During the post-Independence period the governments, social workers and voluntary
organizations have made efforts to develop these groups. The main aim of this article is to indicate
main changes in teacher's educational system in India and also give an overall view of current trends,
innovations, new techniques and reforms in educational system. It was only in modern Indian
languages that state board students in as many as 19 states and UTs crossed the 50% correct-answer
mark. Haick’s (2010) study, in accordance with the National Academy Foundation (2009), defines
Career Academy programs as a schools within schools which offer classes that are reduced in size
and have curricula designed with career- and technical-education in mind. We need dedicated
teachers for subjects from class VI onwards and we need good teachers at the primary level.”. Are
parents of these 18 year olds seeing rainbows at night? It should be pointed out that some initial
verbatim were rejected within the analysis because of dealing with very specific issues in the
countries where the research was carried out. The NAS for junior classes saw the percentage dipping
to 54% in Class V and 42% in Class VIII. Descriptive research design was used for this study. It is a
well known saying that teacher is the nation builder.
According to official figures from the District Information System for Education (DISE), enrollment
in Std VIII almost doubled in the decade between 2004-5 and 2014-15, from 11 million to almost
22 million. Maharashtra has filled SCERT and DIET vacancies by selecting and training qualified
teachers from within the system through a competitive process. Ultimately, it involves improving the
quality of teacher-student relationships (Jahnukainen and Helander, 2007; Jonasson, 2012) and
building an environment that encourages support and learning processes (Cadena, 2013) and that
emotionally and intellectually involves students in their academic environments (Diamond, 2007;
Elffers, Oort, and Karsten, 2012; Cadena, 2013). Thus, the present paper is centered on two kinds of
sources: articles from peer-reviewed journals and doctoral theses. Then, we compiled, organized, and
came to a consensus regarding the recommendations that were gathered and created a single
working paper to simplify the analysis. The educational problems of Tribal children have been deal
with from various social, cultural, religious, environmental, administrative, economic and other
perspectives. The paper looks on the literacy level, enrolment in school education and higher
education of tribals in Kerala. For example, 28.7% of children enrolled in private schools had
watched videos or other pre-recorded content online, as compared to 18.3% of government school
students. The choice about which sources to use was made based on an exhaustiveness criterion. As
a result of the second phase of the analysis, we proceeded to organize the verbatims, into five overall
categories referencing the different specific areas of educational interventions. One of the most
noteworthy recommendations suggests the creation of management teams that develop strategic
plans for education centers in order to help students at risk of dropping out (Cadena, 2013). The
NAS for junior classes saw the percentage dipping to 54% in Class V and 42% in Class VIII. In this
regard, the way in which teachers explain class material and their ability to provide clear and simple
explanations to their students are important (Diamond, 2007). Every year since 2005, the Annual
Status of Education Report (ASER) has reported on children’s schooling status and their ability to
do basic reading and arithmetic tasks. There's just so much out there, and it's easy to feel lost.
Education is the best tool for facing any up and down situation through the whole life. They are
highly customizable, and you can use them in any way you desire. California Dropout Research
Project, October 2008. Crafting a literature review is a strategic process encompassing various vital
steps to ensure a comprehensive and coherent review. Indian training framework is broadly criticized
in multi-measurements for its inability to make required employability in its understudies as per the
business prerequisites and its failure to add to comprehensive development in the country all in all.
Download Free PDF View PDF A Monthly Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed Open Access
International e-Journal -Included in the International Serial Directories EDUCATIONAL
Publisher ijmra.us UGC Approved Download Free PDF View PDF See Full PDF Download PDF
Loading Preview Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. Study habits keep the learner perfect in
getting knowledge and developing attitude towards things necessary for achievement in different
field of human endeavor. The minimum drop from class III was 13 percentage points, while in
Nagaland, Puducherry, West Bengal and Telangana, the average maths scores fell by more than 30
percentage points. Other recommendations suggest that it would be useful to provide the teaching
staff with training that would allow them to better understand the cultural and linguistic diversity
present in the student body (Aguirre, 1991) and how this diversity relates to school dropout
(Fanoiki, 2014). Teacher quality, teacher learning, and teacher improvement are becoming the foci of
researchers, policy makers, program designers, implementers, and evaluators. Prof R Govinda,
former vice-chancellor of National University of Educational Planning and Administration, said,
“The results don’t surprise since basic skills are not being inculcated and cumulatively, the deficit
will increase. Teachers' proficiency and competence can be enhanced by facing current challenges in
the educational system. Discrimination against women, occupational differentiation, and emphasis on
status and hierarchical social ordering that characterize the predominant mainstream culture are
generally absent among the tribal groups. Today our way of Teacher Education is completely
governed by the people those who have not any vision for its quality except to make it money
worthy. This should lead to an overall judgment of the external validity of the review.
Are the studies identified sufficient to address all of the objectives of the review?” (Higgins and
Green 2011, p 84). You can download the paper by clicking the button above. TemplateLab, (PDF)
Article Literature Review and also College essay: Essay about literature example. So, whatever part
of the research paper you need help with, we will deliver. Similarly, if monsoon maps have been
updated, they can be included in the books. Sample was 164 students of Hindi medium secondary
schools of Agra district of India. In his study, Portis (2013) mentions the Dropout Recovery
Programs that are a part of the Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education. Third
stage: putting the search formulas into the databases The database queries Footnote 2 were carried
out in November and December of 2015, and a time limit was set to search for documents from
published before 2014. This paper is an attempt to show some of the glaring inequalities of education
among the tribals in Kerala. But the task may face many challenges at the grass root level of the
teacher education program in India. The report called for developing a digital pedagogy and to
prioritise efforts to break the digital divide. Rajasthan, for instance, trimmed references to the
country’s first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru. Cummins (1973) and Raffington (2012) suggest
creating records with data on each student who enrolls. Thus, the number of verbatims cited in each
one of the categories does not coincide with the total number of verbatims included in the analysis.
The need to determine and implement the timetables that are most beneficial, whether they are full-
or part-time, is equally important (Karling, 2008). You can download the paper by clicking the button
above. Here is how to write a good literature review: Step 1: Search Relevant Literature Start by
searching for scholarly sources that you will cite in your paper that are closely related to your
research topic. By doing this, we are in some way putting the blame on students and absolving
teachers and institutions from blame. The state Kerala is well known for its high level of human
development including the literacy campaign. The study by Hui and Cheung (2014) uses the concept
of “cultural literacy” to refer to a set of personal competencies that go beyond professional ones. It
also highlights the trends of drop out in different schools of kalinganagar. Therefore, approaching
education as a commodity shall certainly make those who run the institutions richer and richer
because education is thus considered as a commodity and not as a tool arousing critical
consciousness. With this year’s focus on an older age group, it is important to understand the level of
basic skills among youth as well as their preparedness for tasks that go “Beyond Basics”. They
belong to different racial stocks and religious backgrounds and speak different dialects. Since the
sixteenth century, the tribes have been seen as sub-people who live under primitive conditions.
Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous
Carousel Next What is Scribd. Another recommendation is to reduce the distance that students have
to travel to attend courses by building multidistrict vocational education centers (Wade, 1974) or
resolving transport problems that students might face when going to and coming from the centers
(Karling, 2008). We wish to close this paper by highlighting the need to increase and improve the
research (systematically and rigorously) that focuses on which intervention measures and strategies
are the most appropriate and effective for combating the high number of dropouts seen in vocational
education programs, and therefore promote the design of robust and successful policies and
interventions. Most of the literature includes challenging words which upon learning boosts a
student’s communication skill. And others suggest coming up with early warning indicators (Fanoiki,
2014) that provide counselors and teachers with information that allows them to identify students’
needs on time (Diamond, 2007; Mohd Kamalludeen, 2012).

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