Literature Review On Equity Investment
Literature Review On Equity Investment
Literature Review On Equity Investment
requires extensive research, critical analysis, and synthesis of existing literature to provide a
comprehensive overview of the topic.
The process begins with identifying relevant sources such as academic journals, books, and reputable
websites. Once the sources are gathered, they need to be carefully reviewed and analyzed to extract
key insights and findings.
Organizing the literature in a coherent manner is another challenge. It involves categorizing the
sources based on themes, theories, or methodologies and identifying the relationships between
different studies.
Furthermore, writing a literature review requires strong writing skills to effectively communicate the
findings and arguments. It involves crafting clear and concise sentences, structuring the review
logically, and citing sources accurately.
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Finally, he presented ETFs and index funds major sources of costs and, regressing average return on
expense ratio, and observed a significant positive relation of ETFs with their expense ratio. A
financial market is a market in which people and entities can trade financial securities, commodities,
and other fungible items of value at low transaction costs and at prices that reflect supply and
demand. May 18, 2006: The Sensex registered a fall of 826 points (6.76 per cent) to close at 11,391,
following heavy selling by FIIs, retail investors and a weakness in global markets. Further, on the
basis of the parameters like Sharpe ratio, Deutsche, Franklin Templeton, Prudential ICICI (in private
sector) and SBI and UTI (in public sector) mutual funds schemes have out- performed the market
portfolio with positive values. Average share price and percentage returns of the company is as
follows. However, the promoters’ capital and the borrowings from banks and financial institutions
may not be sufficient for setting up or running the business over a long term. Investors in a mutual
fund scheme can recover the value of the moneys invested, from the mutual fund itself. Once a unit-
holder has bought into the scheme, investment management is left to the fund manager (within the
broad parameters of the investment objective). Concluding that the fund is a long term investor
oriented fund. But yes, some 24 million shareholders was accustomed with guaranteed high returns
by the begining of liberalization of the industry in 1992. The latter zone, dominated by Norway
spruce, is especially rich in Telamonia species. He suggested selling the shares the moment company
has or almost reached the peak of its growth. B) According to the time of closure of the scheme:
While launching new schemes, Mutual Funds also declare whether this will be an open ended
scheme (i.e. there is no specific date when the scheme will be closed) or there is a closing date when
finally the scheme will be wind up. The necessary HR practices to promote collective perceptions
that generate a desired work climate as well as the relevant organisational effectiveness criteria for
three generic business strategies are presented in Table 1. Table 3 displays the other variables
investigated in the research project. Download Free PDF View PDF Free PDF Computational
Design and Analysis of a Magic Snake Thomas Bishop 2020, Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics
The Magic Snake (Rubik’s Snake) is a toy that was invented decades ago. Login details for this Free
course will be emailed to you. The only option to decide when to buy and sell high priced shares is to
identify the individual merit or demerit of each of the shares in the portfolio and arrive at a decision.
Psoriasis is a multifactorial immune-mediated inflammatory disease triggered by both genetic and
environmental factors. Case presentation We describe a challenging case of an elderly female patient
with multiple comorbidities who presented with symptoms and signs of heart failure with a previous
history of mechanical aortic valve replacement 15 years prior to presentation. Milonas and Rompotis
(2006) conducted a study on the performance and the trading characteristics of the ETFs. William
A.Birdthistle (2007) studied the Exchange Traded Funds. At last to mention, as long as mutual fund
companies are performing with lower risks and higher profitability within a short span of time, more
and more people will be inclined to invest until and unless they are fully educated with the dos and
donts of mutual funds. The operationalisation used here is useful because the issue of Human
Resources is of practical relevance to organisations and Human Resources are measured anyway as
part of the normal functioning of an HR department. The high percentage of return the Nifty has
given is 234% in 2013-14 for the continuous 10 year period. The fund had given 395% of return in
the period 2013-14. The allocation of abstracts to either include or exclude took place using the
following guidelines. Overall the fund is mostly good for long term investors. Rishi Gupta What's
hot ( 20 ) Rahul Gupta MBA Finance IVth SEMESTER Project Rahul Gupta MBA Finance IVth
SEMESTER Project project-on-hdfc-mutual-fund project-on-hdfc-mutual-fund comparative Analysis
of mutual fund comparative Analysis of mutual fund A PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF
investment opportunities And investment pattern of salari. This review indicates that PVA and other
various adhesives such as epoxy, ethylene vinyl alcohol (EVOH), and polyester etc. Ostroff and
Bowen (2000) state that different patterns of HR practices lead to different performance outcomes
but identifying the most appropriate HR systems for different strategies is a research question that
remains unanswered.
Fritidskortet er en universell ordning for alle barn og unge fra 6 til fylte 18 ar som skal kunne brukes
til a dekke utgifter til deltakeravgiften i forbindelse med organiserte fritidsaktiviteter. UTADIS multi-
criteria decision aid method is employed in order to develop mutual. This data was derived from the
COMPUSTAT database. This also means having relatively low exposure to seasonal fluctuations in
cash flows. The mean scores for the three corporate performance measures for HR oriented firms and
non-HR oriented firms were also not reported so the reader is not able to inspect the means and must
trust that the HR orientated firms had the higher mean corporate performance scores. Treynor and
Mazuy (1966) evaluated the performance of 57 fund managers in terms of their market timing
abilities and found that, fund managers had not successfully outguessed the market. Companies that
are characterised by functional flexibility, where employees have the opportunity to be transferred to
a different function, department or subsidiary, enable employees to develop in their changed work
settings whilst retaining their general and company specific expertise within the organisation.
Download Free PDF View PDF Free PDF Computational Design and Analysis of a Magic Snake
Thomas Bishop 2020, Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics The Magic Snake (Rubik’s Snake) is a
toy that was invented decades ago. In a PMS, the investor has better control over what securities are
bought and sold on his behalf. Studies that measured employee performance at the group level, using
absolute values or interval data rather than self-report or observation measures were included. An
investor’s money is invested by the mutual fund in a variety of shares, bonds and other securities
thus diversifying the investor’s portfolio across different companies and sectors. The interline power
flow controller (IPFC), if optimally placed, can regulate the impedance of multiple lines to improve
active power transfer capacity and voltage profile. It suggests the enlistment of corporate securities in
more than one stock exchange at the same time to improve liquidity. Based on pre-1998 literature it
is difficult to draw many conclusions. A study on various investment opportunities And investment
pattern of salari. We were interested in looking at literature conducted in organisational (corporate,
governmental and NGO) settings as well as military, health care and educational institutions. The
currency factor contributes to investor decision making framework in adoption of gold investment
The inflationary hedging ability of gold and currency rate volatility is the key independent variable in
this research and it is widely study by many of the professors. Journal articles and book chapters
were included whilst books and dissertation abstracts were excluded. One of the main thing is that
the Nifty hasn’t shown a negative return for the continuous long term and short term period.
Therefore, Continuous monitoring of environmental variables such as temperature, humidity, and soil
moisture gives information to the grower to better understand, how each factor affects growth and
how to manage maximal crop productiveness. Erfaringer fra forsokskommunenes innforing av
Fritidskortet Daniel Arnesen 2021 Denne delrapporten tar for seg kommunenes erfaringer fra
innforingen av forsoket med fritidskort for barn og unge. Bull: In jallikattu bull is raising its horns
for showing its maximum strength. He opined that in an uncertain world, investors cannot predict
exactly what rate of return an investment will yield. For a short term investor the return was not so
good except the initial stages. Download Free PDF View PDF Free PDF See Full PDF Download
PDF Loading Preview Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. Graph 4.11: Price and return of Bharti
Airtel Ltd. Table 4.9: Price and return of Maruti Suzuki India Ltd. Budidaya tanaman dilakukan
dengan naungan N1 (60%), N2 (70%), N3 (75%), N4 (90%), dan N0 tanpa naungan. After all the
fund is most with the long term as well as short term investors. The investor need not bother with
researching hundreds of stocks.
Table 2 provides an overview of which HR practices foster which employee attributes and work
processes. This quest for empirical evidence is complicated by the fact that Human Capital is an
intangible asset that is not easily captured in financial statements but is nevertheless incorporated into
market value. Furthermore, some research focuses on the characteristics of ETFs or analyses their
performance with their corresponding benchmark or the market ind ex. The larger yield on equity
shares results from an increase in principal or capital gains, which are taxed at lower rate than other
incomes in most of the countries. March 17, 2008: The Bombay Stock Exchange benchmark Sensex
crashed by 951 points to close at 14,809 on weak cues from the overseas markets. The quality and
productivity of plants inside greenhouse is highly dependent on the management quality and a good
management scheme is defined by the quality of the information collected from the greenhouse
environment. A developmental HRM approach fits with a differentiation strategy, given the need for
high quality, extra-role behaviours and good customer service, while the cost leader is more likely to
emphasise efficient performance to specified objectives, which may be facilitated, by a performance
HRM approach. Average share price and percentage returns of the company is as follows. Schemes
where the money can be recovered from the mutual fund only on closure of the scheme, are listed in
a stock exchange. Mathrubhumi Yearbook Plus 2014. (refer page no: 42-58, 472-479, 546-561, 625-
686). The results contradicted both Sharpe and Jensen measures. 4. Bull: In jallikattu bull is raising its
horns for showing its maximum strength. As we can see that the share price is growing yearly, which
has not showed any negative return for the continuous 10 years. The launch of the NSE (National
Stock Exchange) and the OTCEI (Over the Counter Exchange of India) during the mid-1990s by the
government of India was meant to usher in an easier and more transparent form of trading in
securities. The expectations of investors touched the sky in profitability factor. This results in market
growth, which in turn provides a stronger equity return potential and pose less of a risk for the
investors. B) According to the time of closure of the scheme: While launching new schemes, Mutual
Funds also declare whether this will be an open ended scheme (i.e. there is no specific date when the
scheme will be closed) or there is a closing date when finally the scheme will be wind up. In 2007
and 2008, a period in which stock market crash happens, then also the Nifty did not shows it badly.
The fund is little bit down for short term investors in the period 2008-09 and 2011-12. In today’s
knowledge economy, the people that make up an organisation are seen as wealth and capability
generators who can profoundly affect market appeal, reputation and performance (Rylatt, 2003).
Average share price and percentage returns of CNX NIFTY is as follows. You might have heard
some animal’s names in Stock Market activities. A Mutual Fund is a trust that pools the savings of a
number of investors who share a common financial goal. The 1992 stock market scandal, the losses
by disinvestments and of course the lack of transparent rules in the whereabout rocked confidence
among the investors. The implementation of high performance or innovative work practices may be
combined with the introduction of other organisational changes that may have their own
performance effects and which have feedback effects on high performance work practices. The NSE
was conceived as the market for trading in the securities of companies from the large-scale sector
and the OTCEI for those from the small-scale sector. Table 4.7: Price and return of State Bank of
India. An informed investor needs to do research before investing. Bharti Airtel Limited is the largest
telecom company in India. Overall the fund is best suited for long term investors.
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1 of 17 Search inside document. There are various investment avenues available to an investor such
as real estate, bank deposits, post office deposits, shares, debentures, bonds etc. This has pushed up
the operational efficiency of the Indian stock market to global standards and as a result the country
has been able to capitalize on its high growth and attract foreign capital like never before. Becomes a
Public Limited Company named Geojit Securities Ltd. Gold ETFs are listed on a stock exchange,
quoted in local currency, with no minimum investment. In India, one of the earliest attempts was
made by National Council of Applied Economics Research (NCAER) in 1964 when a survey of
households was undertaken to understand the attitude towards and motivation for savings of
individuals. But its share price shows a little bit disappointing for the long term as well as short term
investor. But these indicators are insufficient since they do not place an estimate on the bottom-line
value of Human Capital. But fund is better for its long term investors as it had given 260% of return
in the year of 2013-14 period. The 1992 stock market scandal, the losses by disinvestments and of
course the lack of transparent rules in the whereabout rocked confidence among the investors. The
model identifies individual, organisational and cross-level variables and proposes the mechanisms
through which these variables interact and reciprocally influence one another. They also suggest that
performance could be analysed from the initiation of HR selection, compensation and development
practices. Hence, these order types act as a risk-management strategy to safeguard your shares,
stocks, or any other securities. Costs incurred for managing the scheme are shared by all the Unit
holders in proportion to their holding of Units in the scheme. However, these conclusions and
implications seem somewhat exaggerated since in the univariate correlations only one of the
measures of corporate performance was significantly correlated with HR orientation. Friend, et al.,
(1962) made an extensive and systematic study of 152 mutual funds found that mutual fund schemes
earned an average annual return of 12.4 percent, while their composite benchmark earned a return of
12.6 percent. Their alpha was negative with 20 basis points. Based on pre-1998 literature it is
difficult to draw many conclusions. It is more difficult to rule out the possibility of omitted variables
in cross-sectional designs. How to Close a Demat Account What is India International Stock
Exchange. The literature has been clustered according to the independent variable, Human
Resources, since the subject of this thesis is about the impact of HR on organisational performance.
Here in the comparison I had chosen those equity stocks from NSE CNX NIFTY, but the benchmark
has not given such a huge return in the past 10 financial year period, that’s because of balancing of
high and low returns. For a short term investor who started investing in 2008-09 period and his
investment period is of medium (1, 3, or 5) he should have earn a record return. First of all, I am
extremely grateful to Mr. Sunil K (Branch Manager, Kottayam) for his guidance, encouragement and
tutelage during the course of the internship despite his extremely busy schedule. The income earned
through these investments and the capital appreciation realised are shared by its unit holders in
proportion to the number of units owned by them. The heavy metal pollution of the investigated
cities was on a comparable level. Rohatgi (1973) states that the basic function of the stock market is
to provide ready marketability or liquidity to holdings of securities. However, they are all have the
same meaning here and refer to intermediate and bottom-line financial indicators of performance. It
is also one of the company in which, has not given a negative return for continuous 10 year period. It
tracks the gold price and each share represents one-tenth of an ounce of gold. The example below is
taken from PWC’s Private Equity Trend Report of 2019, it portrays the opinion of industry leaders
when asked in which industries would they consider investing (as GPs) over the next two to three