JAN-901 Instruction Manual
JAN-901 Instruction Manual
JAN-901 Instruction Manual
Thank you for purchasing the JRC JAN-901 ECDIS.
JAN-901 has been designed to fully meet the safety requirements imposed on bridge systems.
JAN-901 adopts an ECDIS (Electronic Chart Display and Information System) that meets the
performance stan-dards of the IMO (International Maritime Organization) and the IHO
(International Hydro graphic Organization), and serves to improve safety, reduce fuel combustion,
reduce voyage time and automate voyages.
● For the best operation and performance results, read this manual thoroughly before use.
● Keep this manual in a convenient place for future reference.
Make use of this manual when experiencing operation difficulties.
● This LCD uses 1,920,000 or more TFTs (Thin Film Transistor).
If some pixels on the screen are not clear, the color is different, or the screen is brighter than
usual, it is not because of defect, instead it is because of inherent characteristic of the TFT
display technology.
● The information in this manual is subject to change without notice at any time.
● Before Operation ●
Pictorial Indication
Various pictorial indications are included in this manual and are shown on
these equipment so that you can operate them safely and correctly and
prevent any danger to you and / or to other persons and any damage to your
property during operation. Such indications and their meanings are as
Please understand them before you read this manual:
Warning label
There is a warning label on the top cover of the equipment.
Do not try to remove, break or modify the label.
● Precautions Upon Equipment Operation ●
Do not remove the cover of this set. Otherwise, you may touch a high-voltage part
and suffer from an electrical shock.
Do not place a vessel containing water, etc. or a metallic object on this set.
When water spills or when water or the object enters the set, a fire, an electrical
shock, or a failure may occur.
Do not insert or remove the power cord or operate switches with a wet hand.
Otherwise, you may suffer from an electrical shock.
Do not use this set at a voltage other than the supply voltage stated on the set.
Otherwise, a fire, an electrical shock, or a failure may occur.
In the event that you spill or drop any liquids or metals etc., turn off the main unit,
unplug the power supply terminal, and contact our company, branch,or local office.
Continuing operation as is may cause a fire, electric shock or malfunction.
In the event that smoking or burning odors are detected, immediately terminate
operation of the set and contact your dealer.
Continuing operation as is may cause a fire or electrical shock. Never attempt to
service the interior of this set.
Before removing or inserting the cable connector to peripheral equipment, be sure
to turn the power switch off.
Use with the cable connector connected might cause fire or electric shock.
Before removing and inserting the units, and removing and inserting the connector
cable with other units, be sure to turn the power switch off.
Use with the cable connector connected might cause fire or electric shock.
Our contacts
See the list of sales offices at the end of this manual.
Please assign the electrical work for the set to our marketing dept, our branch or
marketing office that is nearest to you. Any electrical work by any person other than
our specialized maintenance persons may cause malfunction of this set.
Do not use or leave alone this set at any place where the CRT tube is exposed to
direct sunlight for a long time or the temperature rises above 50˚C Otherwise, a
malfunction or defect may occur.
Do not place the set in an unstable position such as on a shaking stand or tilting
Otherwise, this set may drop or turn over resulting in an injury.
During installation, firmly connect the earth cable to the earth terminal.
Failure to do so might cause electric shock if the unit malfunctions or current leaks.
When removing the power cord, be sure to remove the power cord terminal correctly.
If the power cord is pulled, the cord may be damaged resulting in a fire or an electrical
When the cleaning the surface, do not use any organic solvent such as thinner or
Otherwise, the painting on the surface may be damaged.
For cleaning the surface, remove the dust and refuse and wipe with clean dry cloth.
This device is only an aid to navigation.
● The information displayed by the unit cannot be directly used for navigation
It must be used together with the appropriate marine charts.
● The unit does not automatically assess position information.
It is the user's responsibility to judge position and navigational information.
Do not touch the unit with hands or gloves made wet with fresh water or salt water.
Doing so might cause electric shock or malfunction.
Do not insert the disk in Floppy disk drive and CD-ROM drive for long time.
Doing so will cause damage to drive.
◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆ FIRST AID TREATMENTS ◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆
✩ First-aid treatments
As far as the victim of electric shock is not in dangerous condition, do not move him and practice artificial
respiration on him immediately. Once started, it should be continued rhythmically.
(1) Do not touch the victim confusedly as a result of the accident, but the rescuer may also get an electric
(2) Turn off the power source calmly and certainly and move the victim away quietly from the electric
(3) Call a physician or ambulance immediately or ask someone to call a doctor.
(4) Lay the victim on his back and loosen his necktie, clothes, belt, etc.
(5) a. Examine the victim’s pulse.
b. Examine his heartbeat bringing your ear close to his heart.
c. Examine his breathing bringing the back of your hand or your face close to his face.
d. Check the size of the pupils of his eyes.
(6) Open the victim’s mouth and take out artificial teeth, cigarette or chewing gum if any. Keep his mouth
open, stretch his tongue and insert a towel or the like in his mouth to prevent the tongue from suffocating.
(If it is hard to open his mouth due to set teeth, open it with a screwdriver and insert a towel in this
(7) Then, close his mouth so that foaming mucus does not accumulate inside.
✩ When pulse is beating but breathing has stopped
(1) Tilt the victim’s head back as far as this face looks back. (A pillow may be inserted under his neck.)
(2) Push his jaw upward to open his throat wide (to spread his airway).
(3) Pinch the victim’s nostrils and take a deep breath, block his mouth completely with yours and blow
into his mouth strongly. Take a deep breath again and blow into his mouth. Continue this 10 to 15
times a minute (blocking his nostrils).
(4) Carefully watch that he has recovered his natural breathing and stop practicing artificial respiration.
(5) If it is difficult to open the victim’s mouth, insert a rubber or vinyl tube into one of his nostrils and
blow into it blocking the other nostril and his mouth completely.
(6) When the victim recovers consciousness, he may try to stand up suddenly, but let him lie calmly and
serve him with a cup of hot coffee or tea to keep him warm and quiet. (Never give him alcoholic
Mouth-to-mouth respiration
✩ When both pulse and breathing have stopped
When no pulse has come not to be felt, his pupils are open and no heartbeat is heard, cardiac arrest is
supposed to have occurred and artificial respiration must be performed.
(1) Place your both hands, one hand on the other, on the lower one third area of his breastbone and compress
his breast with your elbows applying your weight on his breast so that it is dented about 2cm (repeat
compressing his breast 50 times or so a minute). (Cardiac massage)
(2) In case of one rescuer,
Repeat cardiac massages about 15 times and blow into his mouth 2 times quickly, and repeat this
In case of two rescuers,
One person repeats cardiac massages 5 times while the other person blows into his mouth once, and
they shall repeat this combination. (Cardiac massage and mouth-to-mouth respiration)
(3) Examine his pupils and his pulse sometimes. When the both have returned to normal, stop the artificial
respiration, serve him with a cup of coffee or tea and keep him warm and calm while watching him
carefully. Commit the victim to a medial specialist depending on his condition. To let him recover
from the mental shock, it is necessary for persons concerned to understand his situations and the
necessary treatments.
(A) (B)
(C) (D)
Cardiac massage
Equipment Appearance
PREFACE ...................................................................................................................................................... i
3.3.8 Adjusting the Radar Image ([RADAR]) ............................................................................. 3-23
3.3.9 Turning the ARPA/AIS Target Display ON/OFF ([ARPA]) ............................................... 3-25
3.3.10 System Restoration in Case of Abnormal Operations ......................................................... 3-30
3.4 Selecting ROUTE and To WP .......................................................................................................... 3-31
3.4.1 Selecting ROUTE and To WP Using the Display Panel ..................................................... 3-31
3.4.2 Selecting ROUTE and To WP from the Menu .................................................................... 3-32
3.5 Changing the Object Category (S-57/C-MAP Only) ....................................................................... 3-34
3.6 Shifting the Chart ............................................................................................................................. 3-36
3.6.1 Shifting the Chart with the [HOME] button ........................................................................ 3-36
3.6.2 Shifting the Chart with the Cross Cursor ............................................................................ 3-36
3.6.3 Shifting the Chart with the Hand Cursor ............................................................................. 3-37
3.6.4 Shifting the Chart with the [PORT LIST] Button ............................................................... 3-37
3.6.5 Displaying the Chart by Entering the Position .................................................................... 3-39
3.7 Zooming In/Out the Chart (S-57/C-MAP Only) ............................................................................. 3-40
3.7.1 Zooming Area Using the Rubber Band (S-57/C-MAP Only) ............................................. 3-40
3.7.2 Zooming In/Out (S-57/C-MAP Only) ................................................................................. 3-41
3.7.3 Switching the Range (S-57/C-MAP Only) .......................................................................... 3-42
3.7.4 Switching the Scale (S-57/C-MAP Only) ........................................................................... 3-43
3.8 ARCS Chart Display Options (ARCS Only) ................................................................................... 3-44
3.8.1 High Resolution Area Selection (ARCS Only) ................................................................... 3-44
3.8.2 Selecting Larger/Smaller Chart (ARCS Only) .................................................................... 3-44
3.8.3 Selecting Chart under Cursor (ARCS Only) ....................................................................... 3-45
3.8.4 Selecting Chart from All (ARCS Only) .............................................................................. 3-45
3.8.5 Changing Active Panels ....................................................................................................... 3-46
3.8.6 Loading a Low Resolution Chart (ARCS Only) ................................................................. 3-47
3.8.7 To Selecrt the High Resolution Chart (ARCS Only) .......................................................... 3-47
3.8.8 Displaying the Note and Diagram (ARCS Only) ................................................................ 3-48
3.8.9 Displaying Temporary and Preliminary Notice (ARCS Only) ........................................... 3-48
3.8.10 Adjusting Datum (ARCS Only) .......................................................................................... 3-49
3.9 Selecting a S-57/C-MAP Chart (S-57/C-MAP Only) ..................................................................... 3-51
3.10 Displaying a User Chart ................................................................................................................... 3-52
3.11 Accepting the S-57 Updating Chart ................................................................................................. 3-53
3.12 User-Marking/Highlighting ............................................................................................................. 3-54
3.12.1 Marking the Event Mark (EVENT) ..................................................................................... 3-54
3.12.2 Marking the Information Mark ........................................................................................... 3-56
3.12.3 Marking the Tidal Stream Mark .......................................................................................... 3-57
3.12.4 Highlighting ........................................................................................................................ 3-58
3.13 Reading Out Information of the Objects ([INFO]) .......................................................................... 3-59
3.14 Displaying Chart in Various Ways (Multi View/Wide View) ........................................................... 3-61
3.14.1 Multi View Screen ............................................................................................................... 3-61
3.14.2 Selecting an Area ................................................................................................................. 3-62
3.14.3 Wide View Screen ............................................................................................................... 3-62
3.15 Using the Analog Meter ................................................................................................................... 3-63
3.16 Own Ship’s Setting ([Ship] - [Option]) ........................................................................................... 3-64
3.16.1 Primary Position and Secondary Position of Own Ship ...................................................... 3-64
3.16.2 Ship’s Shape ........................................................................................................................ 3-65
3.16.3 Vector Display and Heading Line at Primary Position ........................................................ 3-66
3.16.4 Danger Detection Vector and Guard Ring ........................................................................... 3-67
3.16.5 Track and Time Label Display ............................................................................................ 3-68
3.16.6 Display and Track of Secondary Position ........................................................................... 3-69
3.16.7 Bearing and Speed Settings ................................................................................................. 3-69
3.17 Operating EBL/VRM ....................................................................................................................... 3-70
3.17.1 Operating EBL/VRM Using the Operation Panel ............................................................... 3-70
3.17.2 Operating EBL/VRM Using the Menu ............................................................................... 3-74 Selecting 1-step/2-step Option ............................................................................. 3-74 1-step Operation ................................................................................................... 3-74 2-step Operation ................................................................................................... 3-77
3.18 Running Fix ..................................................................................................................................... 3-80
3.19 EBL Maneuver ................................................................................................................................. 3-81
3.20 Selecting Motion/Azimuth Mode .................................................................................................... 3-83
3.20.1 Selecting Motion Mode ....................................................................................................... 3-84
3.20.2 Selecting Azimuth Mode (S-57/C-MAP Only) ................................................................... 3-85
3.20.3 Setting Chart Fix Mode ....................................................................................................... 3-85
3.21 My Port List ..................................................................................................................................... 3-86
3.21.1 Adding to My Port List ....................................................................................................... 3-86
3.21.2 Deleting My Port List .......................................................................................................... 3-87
3.22 Logbook ........................................................................................................................................... 3-88
3.22.1 Displaying the Logbook ...................................................................................................... 3-88
3.22.2 Setting Logbook Options .................................................................................................... 3-91
3.23 Setting the Chart Options ................................................................................................................. 3-93
3.23.1 Setting S-57/C-MAP/ARCS Options .................................................................................. 3-93
3.23.2 Setting Other Chart Options ................................................................................................ 3-106
3.23.3 Setting Scales ...................................................................................................................... 3-106
3.24 Setting the Alarm Options ............................................................................................................... 3-107
3.25 Setting the View Options ................................................................................................................. 3-109
3.25.1 Setting Radar Options ......................................................................................................... 3-109
3.25.2 Setting ARPA/AIS Options ................................................................................................. 3-111
3.25.3 Setting Analog Meter Options ............................................................................................. 3-113
3.25.4 Setting Logbook Options .................................................................................................... 3-113
3.25.5 Clear Voyage Distance ......................................................................................................... 3-113
3.25.6 Setting Date/Time ................................................................................................................ 3-114
3.26 Shifting Own Ship Position ............................................................................................................. 3-115
3.26.1 Shifting Using the Cursor .................................................................................................... 3-115
3.26.2 Shifting by Entering the Position ........................................................................................ 3-116
3.26.3 Shifting by Entering the Offset Value .................................................................................. 3-116
3.27 Canceling the Ship Offset ................................................................................................................ 3-117
3.28 Printing Out (Only when Connected to a Printer) ........................................................................... 3-117
3.29 Displaying the Startup Menu (Exit the ECDIS) .............................................................................. 3-117
xiv Table Editing Mode .............................................................................................. 4-5 Table Editing Menu and Button Functions (Table Editor) ................................... 4-6 Operation Flowchart for Table Editor ................................................................... 4-9 Making a New Route File (Table Editor) ............................................................. 4-11 Recalling a Previous Route File (Table Editor) .................................................... 4-20 Inporting Route Files ............................................................................................ 4-21 Exporting Route Files ........................................................................................... 4-22
4.1.3 Route Planning Using the Graphic Editor ........................................................................... 4-23 Graphic Editing Mode .......................................................................................... 4-23 Graphic Editing Menu and Button Functions (Graphic Editor) ........................... 4-24 Operation Flowchart for Graphic Editor .............................................................. 4-27 Making a New Route File (Graphic Editor) ......................................................... 4-29 Recalling a Previous Route File (Graphic Editor) ................................................ 4-36 Inporting Route Files ............................................................................................ 4-37 Exporting Route Files ........................................................................................... 4-38 Creating a Route Using EBL/VRM Keys and Dials ............................................ 4-39
4.2 Creating an Alternate Route ............................................................................................................. 4-42
4.2.1 Operation Flowchart ............................................................................................................ 4-42
4.2.2 Creating Alternate Route ..................................................................................................... 4-43
SECTION 7 Tool Menu/Maintenance Menu
7.1 File Manager .................................................................................................................................... 7-2
7.2 Connection ....................................................................................................................................... 7-5
7.3 Color Pattern (S-57 Only) ................................................................................................................ 7-6
7.4 Color Pattern (ARCS) ...................................................................................................................... 7-7
7.5 Gray Scale ........................................................................................................................................ 7-8
SECTION 8 ChartPortfolio
8.1 Entering/Exiting the Chart Portfolio Mode ..................................................................................... 8-2
8.2 Chart Portfolio Main Screen ............................................................................................................ 8-3
8.3 Overview Flowchart ......................................................................................................................... 8-9
8.4 Obtaining an Authorization (S-57 Primar/C-MAP/ARCS) ............................................................. 8-10
8.4.1 Getting Permission (For S-57 Primar) (Currently not available) ........................................ 8-10
8.4.2 Getting Permission (For C-MAP) ....................................................................................... 8-11
8.4.3 Importing/Registering the Chart Permit (ARCS) ................................................................ 8-13
8.4.4 ARCS Chart Permit FD Backup .......................................................................................... 8-13
8.5 Importing/Updating the Source Charts (For S-57/C-MAP/ARCS) ................................................. 8-14
8.5.1 Reading the Source Charts .................................................................................................. 8-14
8.5.2 Importing/Updating Operation ............................................................................................ 8-15
8.6 Editing Operations (For S-57 Primar Online/C-MAP) (Primar is not currently available) ............. 8-17
8.6.1 Selectable Filter ON/OFF Selection (Selectable Filter) ...................................................... 8-17
8.6.2 Selecting all Source Charts (Select All) .............................................................................. 8-17
8.6.3 Deleting the System Chart (Delete) .................................................................................... 8-17
8.7 Filtering the Source Charts (For S-57Primar Online/C-MAP) ........................................................ 8-17
8.8 View Operations .............................................................................................................................. 8-19
8.8.1 Getting Chart Information ([Information]) ......................................................................... 8-19
8.8.2 Viewing the Cell Permit Information (For S-57 Primar) ..................................................... 8-20
8.8.3 Viewing the ARCS License Information (For ARCS) ........................................................ 8-20
8.8.4 Viewing the Version Information of the Chart Portfolio ..................................................... 8-20
8.9 Setting the Options .......................................................................................................................... 8-21
8.9.1 [S-57] Accepting Chart Update ........................................................................................... 8-21
8.9.2 Setting the S-57 Primar Options (Primar is not currently available) ................................... 8-22
8.9.3 Setting the C-MAP Options ................................................................................................ 8-23
8.9.4 Setting the ARCS Options ................................................................................................... 8-24
8.9.5 Setting the Boot Options ..................................................................................................... 8-24
8.9.6 Setting the Advanced Options ............................................................................................. 8-25
SECTION 12 After-Sales Service
12.1 When Asking for Service ................................................................................................................. 12-2
12.2 Checks and Inspection ..................................................................................................................... 12-2
12.3 Hardware Monitor............................................................................................................................ 12-3
SECTION 13 Disposal
13.1 Disposal of the Product .................................................................................................................... 13-2
13.2 Disposal of Used Batteries ............................................................................................................... 13-2
13.3 Disposal of LCD Module ................................................................................................................. 13-2
SECTION 14 Specifications
14.1 Bridge Display Terminal .................................................................................................................. 14-2
14.2 Navigation Interface Board .............................................................................................................. 14-2
14.3 Navigation Workstation (Option) ..................................................................................................... 14-3
A. Alarm Function ................................................................................................................................ App-2
B. ARCS Security Related Alarm ........................................................................................................ App-6
C. Abbreviation for Geodetic System .................................................................................................. App-7
AIS : Automatic Identification System
AUTO SAIL : The system automatically navigates to keep the scheduled route. Same as auto-
matic sailing.
DIST. : Distance
DR : Dead reckoning
GC : Great Circle
LON : Longitude
RL : Rhumb line
VRM : Variable range markers
WP : Waypoint
WP-WP : The division of the leg specified by two waypoints. Displays data between two
consecutive waypoints are displayed.
Over View
1.1 Function
The JAN-901 ECDIS is a high-performance, advanced navigation system having ECDIS (Electronic Chart Display
and Information System) functions. Consequently, JAN-901 can become the core of an integrated navigation sys-
tem (INS) or integrated bridge system (IBS) that supports one-man bridge operation.
• Safe sailing
• Energy-saved sailing
• Safe navigation using the crossing alarm function and guard ring function working for safety contours and
dangerous areas
• Optimized displays of navigation warnings, weather warnings, and emergency messages from the connected
Navtex receiver
• Multi view function to display two charts at a time (cannot mix S-57/C-MAP and ARCS)
• Automatic sailing by connecting with autopilot (Normal (manual), ANTS Manual, or ANTS Auto)
• Standard Equipments
• Option
H-2695110006 H-2695110006
250V-TTYCS-4 250V-TTYCS-4
(MAX10m,NMEA0183) (MAX10m,NMEA0183)
INTERSWITCH 2095110057(MAX50m)
RUDDER Wind Direction: 250V-MPYC-5(SYNCHRO SIG.) 250V-TTYCS-1
Wind Speed: 250V-DPYCS-1.25(4-20mADC) OR (MAX50m,NMEA0183 CUR.)
250V-TTYCS-4 250V-TTYCS-1
(MAX10m,RS422) (MAX50m,NMEA0183 CUR.)
26 27
1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
23 24
19 20 21 22
- Range down.
Enters menu mode and open the menu title bar on the top of the screen. 2
12 PANEL Dims the operation panel in four steps.
13 DAY / NIGHT Changes the display color of the screen to suit the lighting conditions of the
14 ALARM ACK Press to acknowledge an alarm.
15 INFO Reads the information belonging to each of the objects on electronic charts.
Reading out information of electronic chart
16 MONI / PLAN Not used.
17 RADAR*1 Displays the radar echo on the chart screen.
18 ARPA*1 Displays the ARPA target on the chart screen.
19 EBL1 / EBL2 Turns the Electronic Bearing Line ON/OFF, and operates the Electronic
Bearing Line.
20 F1 - F6 Function keys. (Not used.)
21 DATA A-Z Alphabet keys.
ENTRY CHAR Not used.
CHART Not used.
. Enters the decimal point.
(BS) Back space. Moves the cursor to the left.
Moves the cursor to the right.
0-9 Number keys.
CLR Clear of set data.
ENT Enters set data.
22 VRM1 / VRM2 Turns the Variable Range Marker ON/OFF, and operates the Variable Range
23 LEFT Button Left-click button used for selecting the menu and menu options. Also it is
used for carrying out operations on electronic charts.
24 RIGHT Button Right-click button used for opening the shortcut menu on the chart.
25 TRACKBALL Moves the cursor on the screen.
26 AUTO GUARD Used in combination with the [SET CO.] or [AUTO] or [TURN] switches.
SAILING AUTO*2 Starts or stops automatic sailing.
Use this switch in combination with the [GUARD] switch.
TURN*2 Starts turning.
Use this switch in combination with the [GUARD] switch.
SET CO. Not used.
27 JOYSTICK Not used.
Display Panel:
The display panel displays various navigation information for sailing including alarms. Also, buttons that will be
frequently used for navigation operation are arranged in this panel.
Memo: All of the button functions in the display panel can be accomplished by the menu operation.
Date and time of Local Mean Time. ( ) shows the time zone.
Auto sailing status. See “Auto Sailing Status Panel” on page 2-9.
Course and speed of primary (The vector of the vessel’s motion over the
Ship’s heading
Vector time
The contents of this CHART panel differs depending on the chart type.
For S-57/C-MAP, see 2-6. For ARCS, see 2-7.
When left-clicked, shows the registered port name list. Selected port
name position will be displayed on the chart.
Scale of the chart being displayed (Drop-down list shows all avail-
able scales.)
Range of the chart being displayed (Drop-down list shows all avail-
able ranges.)
Zoom Area: You can magnify the specified area using a rubber
Wide View:You can display additional wide range view in the dis-
play panel area, which makes you easier to see your
ship’s geometric position.
When Fix is clicked (in red), the currently displayed chart is held.
Opens the “Select Chart” panel. You can select the ARCS chart
you want. See, 3.8.4 “Selecting Chart from All (ARCS Only)”.
Track deviation
Dest WP:
Distance from the ship to the destined waypoint (not for direct path,
but total sum of the distance of each leg)
New course after arrival of the next waypoint
Name of waypoint displayed at “To WP”
Latitude of the next waypoint
Longitude of the next waypoint
Estimated Time of Arrival at the final waypoint
Total sum of distance between the own ship and the starting WP0.
New Course
Own Ship
[New Course]
Note: To use auto sailing feature, the Auto Pilot equipment must be con-
Notes on Description:
(1) Keys/Buttons/dials/menu names:
The keys on the operation panel, buttons on the display panel and the menu names are written as [xxxx] in this
• [MENU] key (on the operation panel)
• [MENU] button (on the display panel)
• [(1) Cursor] (menu name)
Before starting operation, please understand how to operate the menu referring to 3.1 “Menu Operation”.
The flowchart described in 3.2 “General Flowchart” will give you general procedure for JAN-901.
Left button:
Left button
Right button Used for fixing and selecting a position on the chart, or
(Right-click) selecting a button, menus and options on the screen.
Pressing the left button is written as “left-click” in this
Major cursors
Cross Cursor Hand Cursor
Indicates the position on the chart. Appears when the cursor is moved while
pressing and holding down the left but-
ton in the chart area. You can grip and
Arrow Cursor (Pointer) move the chart freely.
Indicates the position on the display panel,
menu title bar and panel (dialogue box, etc.) Box Cursor
Indicates the position on the chart when
Lens Cursor you are using the user chart, for ex-
Appears when area zoom function is se- ample.
lected. The rubber band can be drawn to
magnify an area.
The menu title bar appears on the upper part of the screen.
○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
MENU or 2 1 2
[(2) Chart] [(2) Information Mark]
[(1) Marking/Highlighting]
Drop-down list
1) Left-click the button to open the drop-
down list.
2) Left-click an item you want from the list.
Text box
You can enter numbers and letters.
How to enter, see 3.1.3 “How to Enter Numbers and Letters”.
Check box
Left-click the item to turn it ON or 3
The check mark ( ✔ ) shows that the
selected item is set to ON.
List box
You can select any item in the list.
Left-click the item to turn it ON or OFF.
The check mark ( ✔ ) shows that the selected item is set to
Command buttons
Left-click the button to perform the button function.
2) To change the value with the red underline, press the numeric keys on the operation panel.
Then, the red underline moves to the next value.
For example, press [3] and then [3].
Black underline
Red underline
Black underline
3) To change the value with the red underline, press the numeric keys on the operation panel.
Then, the red underline moves to the next value.
For example, press [4] and then [5].
Red underline
Black underline
Black underline
Text box
1) Left-click the arrow mark or left-click the inside of the text box. Then, the cursor appears in the box.
2) While pressing and holding the [GUARD] key, press the [MNO] key twice to enter “N”.
[Startup Menu]
3.2.1 General Flowchart
[Startup Screen] The Startup Screen will be au-
Power switch ON ECDIS tomatically displayed if
[ECDIS] is left-clicked or no
Startup Menu operation is conducted for 10
selection seconds.
Chart Portfolio
Startup Screen
• Screen brightness Display panel
• Operation panel brightness
• Sound volume
• Radar echo, etc. display area)
Display panel
Sailing monitoring operation User chart making/
• Alarm monitor editing
(Arrival, Route, etc.) [MENU]
Menu operation
Chart Portfolio
(S-57 chart updating)
Create alternate
Move you ship to the sea • Move your ship manually. Your ship will always be displayed on the chart.
Ship's bearing
Bearing to the To WP
• When the ship crosses a waypoint boundary, there will be an updated “next
Route monitoring
WP,” and an “ARR (arrival)” alarm occurs. After confirming the alarm con-
("ARR (Arrival)" occurs
when arrived at the WP.) tents, press the [ALARM ACK] key on the operation panel or the alarm but-
ton on the display panel to stop the alarm.
It repeats itself until the
ship arrives at the last WP
before the final destina-
When the ship exceeds the boundary of the final destination , "ROUTE" alarm
Arrived at the final destination
will occur. After confirming the alarm contents, press the [ALARM ACK] key
("ROUTE" alarm occurs.)
on the operation panel or the alarm button on the display panel to stop the alarm.
Select "UNLOAD". Then the route selected disappears from the screen.
Unload the route
End of sailing
[PWR] key
Note: If no menu item is selected within about 10 seconds, the [Startup screen] appears automatically.
E Planning
C Chart Portforio
P Playback
[Startup Menu]
1) If ARCS has been installed, the “ARCS PIN” panel will be displayed after [ECDIS] is selected in the
Startup menu. Input the ARCS PIN and left-click on the [OK] button. The [Startup screen] will be
displayed if the inputted ARCS PIN is correct and the [OK] button is left-clicked on the “ARCS PIN”
panel, or if the [Cancel] button has been left-clicked. If ARCS has not been installed, however, the “ARCS
PIN” panel will not be displayed. The [Startup screen] will be displayed instead.
Note: ARCS will not be displayed unless a correct ARCS PIN is inputted on the “ARCS PIN” panel.
ARCS will not be displayed if the [Cancel] button is left-clicked on the “ARCS PIN” panel.
Note: Be sure to carefully read the caution displayed on the startup screen.
[Startup Screen]
3 Basic Operation 3-16
2) After the Startup screen appears, the ECDIS screen will be displayed after a short while.
[PWR] key
[PANEL] key
Menu operation:
1) Select [MENU] - [(4) View] - [(1) Day-Night] in that order, and then select one of items you want.
The ✔ mark will be attached to the selected item.
In the following screen, [(1) Day Bright] is selected.
When you select one of items, the menu closes and the display color of the screen will be changed.
Note: When you change display colors, note that a [Night] color especially can make displayed information
difficult to read/see.
Caution: Do not stop the alarm unless you confirmed its cause.
Memo: For alarm settings, see 3.24 “Setting the Alarm Options”.
Lights in green.
Blinks in red. Blinks in red. ACK Stays lit in red. Stays lit in red.
Left-click the alarm
button (e.g. [ARR])
If an XTE (Cross Track Error) occurs, the XTE alarm occurs and the [XTE] button blinks in red.
Blinking stops when you press the [ALARM ACK] key on the operation panel or when you left-click the
[XTE] button on the display panel, and the [XTE] button stays in red.
When the ship enters the acceptable range, the [XTE] alarm is released and the alarm name “XTE” disap-
pears from the button. Also, if the ship enters the acceptable range during blinking the alarm, the alarm is
Note: The alarm lit or blining in red disappears only when the alarm cause is removed.
2) If two or more alarms have occurred, confirm the alarms and press the [ALARM ACK] key on the opera-
tion panel repeatedly until all alarms stop.
• Left-clicking the alarm button repeatedly will also stop the alarms.
To stop the blinking alarms, you can repeatedly left-click the left-most alarm button. (As you press the
left-most alarm button, the alarm not yet stopped will shift to the left for easy alarm stopping operation.)
You can also open the “Alarm List” panel from the menu:
• Select [MENU] - [(7) Alarm] - [(1) List] in that order.
The “Alarm List” panel opens. (See the next page.)
2) Left-click the [Close] button to close the “Alarm List” panel.
Note: The alarm list will be cleared when the unit is turned OFF. To see the past alarm lists, see 3.22.1
“Displaying the Logbook”.
Menu operation:
1) Select [MENU] - [(7) Alarm] - [(2) History] in that order.
Then, the “Alarm History” panel opens.
2) Left-click the [Close] button to close the “Alarm History” panel.
Note: To display a radar image, the optional rader board must be installed on the unit. Also, a radar image must
be sent from the radar system.
The menu is closed and the image from the Radar 1 will be superimposed on the chart.
Note: If menu panel adjustment ([(4) View] -[(0) Option] - [(1) Radar] “Rader Option” panel) is selected,
the following dials do not work. In this case, change the menu setting to activate the dials. For
details, see 3.25.1 “Setting Radar Options”.
• ARPA information is displayed only when it is received from the ARPA radar system.
• AIS information can be displayed only when it is received from the AIS receiver.
1) Select [MENU] - [(4) View] - [(3) ARPA/AIS] - [(1) ARPA 1], - [(2) ARPA 2], - [(3) AIS], or - [(4) ALL]
in that order.
Each time you select [(1) ARPA 1], [(2) ARPA 2], or [(3) AIS], its display is turned ON and OFF.
When you select [(4) ALL], items [(1) ARPA 1], [(2) ARPA 2], and [(3) AIS] are simultaneously turned
ON and OFF.
When the selected item is turned ON, the ✔ mark is attached.
1) Select [MENU] - [(4) View] - [(3) ARPA/AIS] - [(5) ALL List] in that order.
The “ARPA/AIS List” panel opens.
2) Perform the following operation.
• Left-click one of the tabs, to open the “ARPA - Port”, “ARPA-Starboard”, or “AIS” list.
When you opened “AIS” panel, the [View AIS Detail] button becomes active.
• Left-click the [Close] button to close the “ARPA/AIS List” panel.
List items:
The items are the same for ARPA-Port, ARPA-Starboard and AIS. The P1, P2, etc. are the target number.
• Bearing: Bearing to the ARPA/AIS target
• Distance: Distance to the ARPA/AIS target
• Heading: Heading of the ARPA/AIS target
• Course: Course of the ARPA/AIS target
• Speed: Speed of the ARPA/AIS target
• Position of the ARPA/AIS target
• CPA (Closest Point of Approach)
• TCPA (Time to Closest Point of Approach)
For categories 2X, 4X, 6X, 7X, 8X, and 9X, the second digit indicates types of loaded cargoes/status.
For categories 6X, 7X, 8X, and 9X, the second digit indicates a vessel status.
X5: NOT UNDER COMMAND: Not under command
X6: RESTRICTED BY (her ability) MANOEUVRE: Steering capabilities are limited
X7: CONSTRAINED BY (her) DRAUGHT: Draft is limited
- Length: Length of the AIS target
- Beam: Beam of the AIS target
- Draft: Draft of the AIS target
- Heading: Heading of the AIS target
- Rate of Turn: Turning speed of the AIS target
- Destination: Destination of the AIS target
• Up to 3 targets can be simultaneously displayed on the “Selected Target” panel. The target that was
selected first is displayed in the top panel. As new targets are selected and displayed, previous targets
move down by one. When the fourth target is selected, the bottom target display panel will no longer
display the first target selection.
• To delete a panel display, left-click on the [Release] button provided in each panel. If there is a panel
below the deleted panel, it moves up by one.
Target ID:
Name of the ARPA/AIS target
Bearing towards the ARPA/AIS target
Distance to the ARPA/AIS target
Course to the ARPA/AIS target
[Additional] tab Speed of the ARPA/AIS target
[Common] tab
Closest point of approach to the
AIS target
Time to closest point of ap-
proach to the AIS target
[Release] button: Current status of the ARPA/AIS
Release the selected target. target
[PWR] key
After a while, press the [PWR] key on the operation panel to turn ON the system again.
Notes: If the scheduled route is on floppy disk or on the navigation workstation, you can copy it to hard
disk using the File Manager. See 7.1 “File Manager”.
2) Select the route by left-clicking it, and then left-click the [OK] button. Then, the selected route is dis-
played on the chart. Name of this route is displayed on the “ROUTE” panel of the display panel.
• Left-clicking the [Display WP List] button will open the “Select Next WP” panel. For this panel opera-
tion, see the next page.
2) Select the WP you want by left-clicking it, and then left-click the [OK] button. Then, the selected WP is
displayed on the “To WP” panel of the display panel.
Note: When the chart is firstly displayed, the standard display is displayed. For safety for sailing, use the stan-
dard display or other information display, and not the display base.
You can change the object category by left-clicking the [BASE], [STANDARD], or [OTHER] button on the
display panel.
The illuminating button in green is the selected one. The [BASE] button is always lit.
Left-click Left-click
Left-click Left-click
• You can also use the menu to select an object category. Also, in the [STANDARD] and [OTHER]
display methods, you can specify how objects belonging to these categories should be displayed.
The display will show specified objects. Click on so that all the other objects
belonging to the [STANDARD] display will be displayed.
For selection of object display, see 3.23.1 “Setting S-57/C-MAP/ARCS Options.”
1) Rotate the trackball and move the cross cursor to the position you want to set it at the center of the chart.
2) Left-click at that position.
1) Rotate the trackball and move the cross cursor to the position you want to grip the chart.
2) Keep left-clicked until the cross cursor changes to the hand cursor.
3) While keeping left-clicked, rotate the trackball to move the chart.
Hand cursor
Note: If the cursor is not the cross cursor (e.g. lens cursor), select [MENU] - [(1) Cursor] - [(1) Scroll] to
return the cursor to the cross cursor. Right-clicking and selecting the shortcut menu “Abort” will
also return the cursor to the cross cursor.
Note: Before using this function, you should register a desired position as a port. See 3.21.1 “Adding to My Port
• To jump to the port, left-click a port name then the [Jump] button.
• To delete the registered port, left-click a port name then the [Delete] button.
• To close the panel, left-click the [Close] button.
1) Select [MENU] - [(2) Chart] - [(2) Off Center] - [(1) Enter Position] in that order.
The “Enter Position” panel opens.
2) Enter the position (latitude and longitude), and left-click the [OK] button.
The panel closes and the chart will be displayed to the designated position.
2) Rotate the trackball to move the cursor to the top left of the area “A” you want to enlarge, and left-click
3) Rotate the trackball to move the cursor to the bottom right of the area “B” you want to enlarge, and left-
click there.
The rubber band surrounds the specified area to be enlarged.
• After enlarged, the lens cursor returns to the cross cursor.
Selected area
Switching charts:
Usually, charts with different scales are displayed in the same area. Due to the zoom in/zoom out functions,
charts with a matching scale are selected and displayed. When a displayable scale range is assigned to an
original scale of a chart and when this original scale is beyond the range, the chart will not be displayed unless
there are other displayable charts. This equipment shows in background a chart that looks like a world map as
a reference. This chart will be displayed when charts are zoomed out to a scale of 1:1,500,000 or smaller.
Over-scale alarm:
When the ship enters a different chart, an over-scale alarm occurs if
the displayed chart is more than double in size than the original
data. The “Chart” alarm will then be displayed on the alarm display
panel. Meanwhile, vertical lines as seen in the figure on the right
will appear to notify lower chart accuracy and clarity. The alarm
will occur if the size has been made larger (double or more) through
proper operation.
Warning lines for overscaling
Zoomed out
Zoomed in
Inactive range
Note: To enable or disable the selectable scales, select [MENU] - [(2) Chart] - [(0) Option] - [(3) Scale].
For details, see 3.23.3 “Setting Scales”. Disabled scale will be displayed inactively (faintly).
Zoomed out
Zoomed in
1) Select [MENU] - [(1) Cursor] - [(3) High Resolution Area] in that order.
2) Left-click the cross cursor. Then the high resolution area is displayed on the screen with the left-clicked
position centered.
1) Select [MENU] - [(2) Chart] - [(3) ARCS] - [(2) Select Chart from all]
in that order.
The “Select Chart” panel opens.
2) Left-click the chart No. you want, and then left-click the [OK] button.
The panel closes and the selected chart is displayed on the screen.
• Set the “Preview” to ON to use preview function. You can see the
selected chart on the screen while opening this panel.
○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
You can open the “Select Chart” panel by left-clicking [Select Chart] button on the display panel.
1) Select [MENU] - [(2) Chart] - [(3) ARCS] - [(3) Change Active Panel] in that order.
An available chart will be displayed as a blue square.
2) Left-click on the blue rectangular so that the selected chart will be displayed.
Blue square
[Selected chart]
1) Select [MENU] - [(2) Chart] - [(3) ARCS] - [(5) Note and Diagram] in that order.
The “Note and Diagram” panel opens.
2) Select the item you want to display, and then left-click the [OK] button.
1) Select [MENU] - [(2) Chart] - [(3) ARCS] - [(6) Temporary and Preliminary Notice] in that order.
The “Temporary and Preliminary” panel opens.
2) Select the item you want to display, and then left-click the [OK] button.
Then, the “Information” panel of the temporary and preliminary notice list for the current chart is dis-
played as shown in the picture.
Note: Do not adjust datum offset unless you need it. This adjustment will be required only when the
geodetic system of the chart is the local one and its display position is misaligned.
You can shift the chart position by entering offset values (latitude/longitude) or by using the cursor.
1) Select [MENU] - [(2) Chart] - [(3) ARCS] - [(7) Adjust Datum Offset] in that order.
The “Chart Shift” panel opens.
2) Enter the offset value and left-click the [OK] button.
Orange Line
1) Select [MENU] - [(2) Chart] - [(3) ARCS] - [(8) Datum Transformation] in that order.
The “Reference Position” panel opens.
1) Select [MENU] - [(2) Chart] - [(4) Select S-57/C-MAP Chart] in that order.
The “Select Chart” panel opens.
2) Left-click the chart name you want and then left-click the [OK] button.
The “Select Chart” panel closes and the selected chart is displayed on the screen.
By pressing the [HOME] button on the display, you can display the chart on whith your ship is.
Note: Before use of this function, you need to make a user chart beforehand. See 5 “Chart Editing”.
1) Select [MENU] - [(2) Chart] - [(5) User Charts] - [(1) Select User Chart] in that order.
The “Open Chart File” panel opens.
2) Left-click the user chart name you want and then left-click the [OK] button.
The “Open Chart File” panel closes and the selected user chart is displayed on the screen.
1) Be sure that the SENC information level is set to STANDARD or OTHER and not BASE.
STANDARD is selected.
2) Select [MENU] - [(2) Chart] - [(2) Accept S-57 Updates] in that order.
The “Accept Updates” panel opens.
Accept updating
objects by left-clicking
the [OK] button.
Updating objects will be dis- The updating objects are merged with the
played in red. original chart and its color is changed from
red to normal one.
Information mark
Own ship
EVENT mark
Tidal Stream mark
• To check the information on the EVENT mark, see 3.13 “Reading Out Information of the Objects
1) Select [MENU] - [(2) Chart] - [(1) Marking/Highlighting] - [(2) Information Mark] in that order.
The “Location/Attributes” panel opens and the cross cursor changes to the cursor.
2) Rotate the trackball and move the cursor to the point you want and left-click at that position.
The left-clicked position is displayed in the position box of the panel.
3) In the “Location/Attributes” panel, perform the following editing operation.
• Enter the comment on the information mark.
• You can edit the minimum scale and maximum scale that limit the display of the information mark.
• To edit the information mark position, left-click the [Edit] button.
The latitude and longitude entry panel opens.
• Enter the value and left-click the [OK] button.
• To fix the contents and close the panel, left-click the [OK] button.
You will see that the information mark ( ) is put on the screen.
Information mark
Position of the information mark
• For viewing the information on the information mark or editing/deleting the information mark, see 3.13
“Reading Out Information on the Objects ([INFO])”.
1) Select [MENU] - [(2) Chart] - [(1) Marking/Highlighting] - [(3) Tidal Stream Mark] in that order.
The “Location/Attributes - Tidal Stream” panel opens and the cross cursor changes to the cursor.
2) Rotate the trackball and move the cursor to the point you want and left-click at that position.
The left-clicked position is displayed in the position box of the panel.
3) In the “Location/Attributes - Tidal Stream” panel, perform the following editing operation.
• Set/Drift setting
• Left-click either Actual or Predicted.
• Enter the bearing and speed.
• Enter comment on the tidal stream mark.
• You can edit the minimum scale and maximum scale that limit the display of the tidal stream mark.
• To edit the tidal mark position, left-click the [Edit] button.
The latitude and longitude entry panel opens.
Enter the value and left-click the [OK] button.
• To fix the contents and close the panel, left-click the [OK] button.
You will see that the tidal stream mark is put on the screen.
Position of the tidal stream mark
Tidal Stream mark
• For viewing the information on the tidal stream mark or editing/deleting the tidal stream mark, see 3.13
“Reading Out Information on the Objects ([INFO])”.
1) Select [MENU] - [(2) Chart] - [(1) Marking/Highlighting] - [(4) Highlight] in that order.
The “Location/Attributes” panel opens and the cross cursor changes to the cursor.
2) Use the trackball to move the cursor to the part to be highlighted. Then, click on the coordinates of a point
which will be the starting point of the area to be highlighted.
3) In the “Location/Attributes” panel, perform the following editing operation.
• Enter comment on the highlighting.
• You can edit the minimum scale and maximum scale that limit the display of the highlighting.
• To edit the highlighting position, left-click the [Edit] button.
The latitude and longitude entry panel opens.
Enter the value and left-click the [OK] button.
• To fix the contents and close the panel, left-click the [OK] button.
You will see that the highlighting is put on the screen.
• For viewing the information on the highlighting or editing/deleting the highlighting, see 3.13 “Reading
Out Information on the Objects ([INFO])”.
2) Rotate the trackball, point the cursor to the object on the chart, and left-click the cursor.
Then, the information panel on the S-57/C-MAP chart or ARCS chart will open and you can see the
information on the object selected.
[Display Example]
[Example for the EVENT mark: When [(1) Other Chart Information] is selected]
View 1 screen
Multi view
screen example
View 2
View 2 screen (Red when inactive)
(Single view) (Top Bottom view) (Right Left view) (Right Top view)
View 1 View 2
View 1 View 2
View 1
View 2
View 2
View 1 View 1
View 1
View 2 View 2
1) Select [MENU] - [(4) View] - [(6) Multi View] - [(9) Wide Range View] in that order.
The wide view screen appears in the display panel area.
In the wide view screen, the currently displayed area is surrounded by the blue line.
If multi view function is used, both areas for View 1 and View 2 will be surrounded with the blue line (for
active view) and red line (for inactive view), if both are on the same chart.
[Close] button
Wide view
Area currently displayed
To close the wide view screen:
Left-click on the [Close] button on the left top corner of the screen.
Then, the wide view screen disappears from the display panel and the buttons return to the original place.
Ship’s heading
Log speed (speed through water)
Course to Steer
Note: It is displayed during Automatic Sailing only.
[OFF] button
Time labels
Every 10 to 60 min.
COG vector
Ship’s name
Note: The position fixing system displayed for the primary and secondary positions depends on the ship’s
specifications set by the service engineer.
(a) (b)
[Your Ship Symbol]
Heading line
HDG vector
COG vector
Vector time mark (1 min. each)
COG vector
4) Left-click the [OK] button on the “Alarm List Option” panel, and then the [OK] button on the “Own Ship
Option” panel to close all panels.
Your ship
Distance of VRM1
Position of crossing point of EBL1/VRM1
Information for EBL1/VRM1
• For VRM1 and VRM2, use [VRM1] and [VRM2] key in the same way as for EBL1 and EBL2.
• They will be displayed as floating EBL/VRM while operating in free mode.
The following operation should be carried out to set the base point at the ship’s center:
1) Make sure that the base point of the displayed EBL1 is not at the ship position. Hold down the [EBL1] key
for more than 2 seconds.
The base point moves to where the ship is.
(Floating EBL/VRM) (Ship-centered EBL/VRM)
The EBL cursor appears. The base point is reset at the ship’s position.
Your ship
Center point
EBL1 3
Your ship
3) Rotate the trackball to move the EBL1 and then left-click at the bearing you want.
Then, the EBL1 is fixed and VRM1 appears on the chart.
4) Rotate the trackball to move the VRM1 and then left-click at the distance you want.
Now, both EBL1 and VRM1 are fixed at the position you intended.
• The bearing and distance are displayed on the chart.
After fixing, the cursor appears.
EBL1 (fixed)
EBL1 (fixed)
Your ship
VRM1 VRM1 (fixed)
Your ship
EBL/VRM cursor
(c) (d)
Intersection EBL1 (fixed)
To delete the fixed EBL2/VRM2:
Select [MENU] - [(1) Cursor] - [(6) Remove EBL/VRM] - [(2) EBL2/VRM2 (Dash-Dotted-Line)] in that
Fixed position
Your ship
2) Rotate the trackball to move the cursor and left-click at the position to be fixed.
• The bearing and distance are displayed at the fixed place on the chart. As the ship moves, the bearing
and distance displayed change accordingly.
Your ship
Fixed position
REACH Maneuver curve
Note: Properly set each value. Otherwise, the maneuver curve will be affected by the improper value.
If the WOL is behind own ship’s position, the line color of the WOL will change to warn you. In this case,
you should change the starting point of the supplemental line.
5) Turn the [EBL] dial on the operation panel and set the bearing of the supplemental line.
The bearing of the supplemental line will be the bearing in which own ship will finally move. The position
of WOL will change depending upon the bearing of the supplemental line.
When the WOL is behind the ship, the WOL line becomes red. When this occurs, correct the bearing or
the position of the supplemental line.
S-57/C-MAP Chart:
[Possible combination between Motion and Azimuth modes]
Azimuth North Up Course Up Rotation
True Yes No Yes
Relative Yes Yes Yes
For Rotation mode Free Yes No Yes
Motion drop-down
list button Azimuth drop-down
list button
ARCS Chart:
Motion drop-down
list button Fixed
(not selectable)
Own ship
Own ship
Motion drop-down
list button
Azimuth drop-down
list button
For Rotation mode
2) Select one of items (North Up, Course Up, or Rotation) by left-clicking it.
Then, the display changes according to your selection.
• If you select “Rotation”, enter its rotational angle in degrees. (0 - 360 degrees).
1) Select [MENU] - [(2) Chart] - [(2) Off Center] - [(3) My Port List] in that order.
The “Marked Position” panel opens, where the registered port names are shown.
2) Left-click the port name you want to delete, and then the [Delete] button.
The selected port name will be deleted.
3) Left-click the [Close] button to close the panel.
[Filter]: The “Logbook Option” panel opens. You can set the filtering conditions. For logbook
option settings, see the next 3.22.2 “Setting Logbook Options”.
[Export]: Logbook content is saved as a CSV file. The saved file can be edited by using a spread-
sheet application. Select one of the following items in the “Export” panel:
• Select Message: The selected log will be exported.
• From/To: Logs saved during the term specified in the entry boxes will be
The “Save As” panel will be displayed after you left-click on the [OK] button in the
“Export” panel. Enter a name in the [File name] box and then left-click on the [OK]
(to be continued)
[View Navtex]: Left-click the log that is including “Navtex” in the Event column, and then left-click this
button to open the “Letter” panel that shows the detailed information on the Navtex
1) Select [MENU] - [(4) View] - [(0) Options] - [(4) Logbook] in that order.
The “Logbook Option” panel opens.
2) Left-click the option items you want to select in the “Logging” and “View” panels, and left-click the [OK]
button. Log data is automatically saved according to the settings on the “Logging” panel. Also, log data
will be saved for displaying in the “Logbook” panel,
For example, if you left-click and select “At Noon”. The log data is saved at noon.
Contents of the logbook options are as follows:
• At Noon: Data will be saved at 12:00 (LTM).
• Every X minutes:
Data will be saved after set duration of time.
• Route Alarm: Data will be saved when an alarm related to ECC, ACC, ACCa, arrival, deviation, or
routes occurs.
• Chart Alarm: Data will be saved when an alarm related to charts, contour lines, areas, danger, or ARCS
• Navtex: Data will be saved when data from Navtex are received.
• When press X: Data will be saved when the [Event] button is held down.
• Autosail/Sensors:
Data will be saved when an alarm related to auto navigation, calls, A/P, POS1, POS2,
position, position differences, gyros, logs, low speeds, radar, or ARPA occurs.
• Others: Data will be saved when any other kind of alarm (settings, equipment, timer, and so on)
[Navtex Option]: The “Filtering for display” panel opens. (See the next page.)
The following Navtex mark will be displayed on the chart according to the
Navtex information.
• Station: You can filter the stations by specifying the first letter of the station name. For example, if you
select the letter “A”, the station name that begins with “A” will be accepted.
• Month/Year: You can filter the Navtex messages by specifying the month/year.
• Message: You can filter the Navtex messages by specifying the kind of the message. For example, if you
select the letter “A”, the navigational warnings will be accepted.
1) Select a setting item and enter a value in the value entry box. Left-click the [OK] button on the panel to
close it.
Shallow Contour
Deep Contour
very shallow water
medium-shallow water
medium-deep water
deep water
Safety Contour
Shallow Contour
Safety Contour
Safety Depth
Deep Contour
Shallow Pattern
• ARCS can be selected only if the ARCS chart has already been installed and the ARCS PIN is correctly
inputted when the ECDIS is started.
• ARCS and other S-57 or C-MAP cannot be selected at the same time.
[“View1” panel]
[-]: Items that can be set when the chart object display is in [BASE], [STANDARD], or [OTHER] mode.
[S]: Items that can be set when the chart object display is in [STANDARD] or [OTHER] mode.
[O]: Items that can be set when the chart object display is in [OTHER] mode.
(For chart object display, see 3.5 “Changing the Object Category (S-57/C-MAP only).”
[S] objects:
• Unknown objects
• Points where geographical names are displayed
• Rivers, riverbanks, lakes, lakeshores, causeways, dykes, and dams
• Highly visible radar objects, other objects, and construction areas
[O] objects:
• Data accuracy, measurement reliability, measurement sources, and data reliability
• Information on attributes
• Data scales and ranges
• Magnetic variations and local magnetic anomalies
• Top of: dunes; hills; ridges; and quays, contour lines, and altitudes
• Trees, plants, mangroves, marches, rivers, lakes, rapid streams, waterfalls, tidal channels, and salt fields
• Landmarks, buildings, tanks, cranes, airports, railways, roads, tunnels, control stations, and quarries
• Harbor types and customs
• Distance marks
• Berthing facilities, berth numbers, mooring facilities, floodgates, dry docks, and cranes
• Spot depth
• Depth contours other than safety depth contours and line depth areas
• Whirlpools, tides, and tidal information
• Ocean floor topography, riverheads, and marine plants
• Fish banks, fish stakes, and so on
• Rocks, wrecks, and obstacles that do not cause danger during the course of navigation
• Undersea cables and undersea pipelines
• Continental shelves
• Port areas, tariff-free areas, and tariff areas
• Fishing grounds
• Contiguous areas, exclusive economic areas, national territory areas, territorial sea, territorial sea baselines,
and administration areas
• Radar stations, radio stations, coastguard stations, rescue stations, and small-craft facilities
[-] objects:
• Updated objects
Single view Top Bottom view Right Left view Right Top view
[“View2” panel]
The scales selected here will be displayed when you left-click the “Scale drop-down list” button on the
display panel. Also, when you select the scale from the menu, the scales selected here are shown actively.
While the scales that are not selected here will be displayed inactively.
a) Limit
• Difference between Primary and Second:
Displays an alarm on the screen when the primary and Secondary positions have deviated by more than
the distance preset here.
• Shift of Primary Position
Displays an alarm on the screen when the movement distance per unit hour of the ship is larger than the
distance preset here. This is useful for detecting when something influences your ship’s position in such
a way that it is displayed at a wrong position on the chart. (This does not apply when Dead-Reckoning
(DR) is used.)
• Off Course (OffCo)
Displays an alarm on the screen when your ship has veered off the current course more than the preset
• For details on each setting item, refer to the INSTRUCTION MANUAL for Radar being used.
• The “Rader Option” panel will not be displayed if an optional radar board is not installed.
• IR (Interference Rejection)
• Echo Process:
When waves are rough, the echo caused by waves is displayed on the screen. This may prevent the ship’s
echo and other echoes from being easily seen. The echo process function uses signal processing to sup-
press echo caused by waves. To select, left-click the drop-down list button.
• Echo Color:
This drop-down list button sets the color of the radar echo. You can set one of four colors: green (default),
red, yellow and amber.
• Gain/Anti Sea Clutter/Anti Rain Clutter/Echo Brill
You can adjust these items from the keyboard (operation panel) using dials or using the “Radar Option”
Note: When you select “Use This Dialog”, you cannot use the [ECHO], [RAIN], [SEA] and [GAIN] dials
on the operation panel.
Note: For details on each setting item, refer to the INSTRUCTION MANUAL for ARPA/AIS to be used.
a) ARPA/AIS Target
• Display Vector: Displays the vector for the ARPA/AIS targets.
• Display Track: Displays the track for the ARPA/AIS targets.
b) AIS Target
Display within Sector area:
• Distance: The AIS targets within the specified distance are displayed.
• Bearing: The AIS targets within the specified bearing are displayed.
Display within Guardring area:
• Radius: The AIS targets within the guardring are displayed. (Bearing is always 360 degrees.)
Own ship
ARPA symbols:
Item Symbol
Tracked target
Dangerous target
Lost target
AIS symbols:
Item Symbol
Sleeping target
Activated target
Selected target
Dangerous target
Lost target
1) Select [MENU] - [(4) View] - [(0) Option] - [(6) Date/Time] in that order.
The “Date/Time” panel opens.
2) Left-click the setting items to set them ON and OFF, and, for the items that require value entry, enter the
Left-click the [OK] button on the panel to close the panel.
Time zone
Caution: Do not use this function unless otherwise it is required since this function can conduct misoperation.
When own ship position is shifted by this function, the background color of the position panel on the
display panel changes to sky blue. So, be sure to check this color to check if your ship position is
shifted or not.
When own ship’s position is shifted, the color changes from gray to
sky blue.
To clear the offset and return to gray, select [MENU] - [(3) Ship] -
[(1) Adjust] - [(4) Clear Offset] in that order.
However, offset is not cleared when Dead-Reckoning (DR) is used.
Note: The special editing menu has the same menus as for normal menu. Explanation of these menus is omit-
ted in this Chapter.
Route Type:
Normal type or ANTS type route can be made. After you have made a route using the Normal type, you can convert
it into the ANTS type, and vice versa.
Note: When converting the Normal type into ANTS type, the items that are not included in the Normal type
become default values. When converting the ANTS type into Normal type, conversion will be made com-
Planned speed
Planned course
Arrival radius
Note: For each default value, see 4.1.1 “Setting the Route Options”.
1) In the normal menu, select [MENU] - [(5) Route] - [(0) Option] in that order.
In the Table Editing menu, select [MENU] - [(7) Tool] - [(0) Option] in that order.
Then, the “Route Plan Option” panel opens.
(Normal Menu)
2) Left-click the setting items to set them ON and OFF, and, for the items that require value entry, enter the
value, if necessary. Then, left-click the [OK] button to close the panel.
a) Default
• Width Prt: Port side width
• Width Stb: Starboard side width
• Arr Radius: Arrival radius
• Speed: Planned ship’s speed
• Sail: RL (Rhumb line)/GC (Great circle)
• Turn Rate: Turn rate
• Turn Radius: Turn radius
• Time Zone: Time zone
b) Max Latitude
Maximum latitude
c) Check Safety in Editing
During editing the route, safety check is automatically conducted.
(You can manually conduct safety check with the [Safety Check] button or from the menu in the
editing mode.)
(1) File
Same button operation:
[Save] (When making a new file)
(2) Edit
Same button operation:
[Divide] (for GC leg)
No button
No button
(3) Cursor
(5) View
(6) Alarm
(7) Tool
Same button operation:
[Safety Check]
[Limit Check]
Left-click to close the route file and exit the Table Editing mode.
Left-click when checking the safety of the route. As a result of the checking, warning
dialog box will appear if the route is not safety.
Left-click to check if the route exceeds the limit (leg length, etc.).
Left-click the drop-down list button to left-click one of the items. The Name column
contents in the editing table change according to the selected item.
Left-click [Save]
Enter the Table In the normal menu, select [MENU] - [(5) Route] - [(5) Planning] - [(1)
Editing mode. Table Editor] in that order.
• When you open the Table Editing menu, left-click the [MENU] button on the display panel.
Then, the Table Editing menu title bar opens. To close it, left-click the [MENU] button again, or left-click
any position on the chart.
2) Left-click either “Normal” or “ANTS”, and then left-click the [OK] button.
Now you can enter WPs.
Entering GC/RL:
To enter a sailing method, you must enter a letter G (for GC) or a letter R (for RL). Press the [GHI] key once
to enter GC, and press the [PQR] key three times to enter RL.
Left-click WP No. 2, for example, and then left-click the [Insert] button.
Then, the new WP will be added to the WP No. 2, and the WP2 and later WPs will
move by one line downwardly.
Left-click WP No. 2, for example, and then left-click the [Delete] button.
Then, the WP2 is deleted and WP3 and later WPs will move by one line upwardly.
After entering WP(s), left-click the [Safety Check] button to check the safety.
The “Route Waring Check” panel opens. Left-click “Select Leg” or “All Leg” and left
click the [OK] button. (When you use “Select Leg”, you should select a WP to be
checked beforehand.)
If safety problem dose not arise, the following dialog box will be displayed.
[For “Select Leg” ]
(to be continued)
If the following dialog box is displayed, you should modify the route.
The leg warned is displayed in red in the table. Left-click the [OK] button, then the leg
is displayed in red on the chart.
To return the WP No. to the normal color, left-click the WP No.
Shown in red
Shown in red
You can make a route while watching the WP on the chart. For example, above chart is
made with the [View Sync] button left-clicked to set it ON.
Left-click to check if the route exceeds the limit (leg length, etc.).
Same as [Divide GC Leg] in the menu and this button is effective only when “GC” is
selected in “Sail” in the “Route Plan Option” panel. (See 4.1.1 “Setting the Route
1) Left-click the WP with GC leg you want to divide in the WP table. (When you want
to divide the leg between WP2 and WP3, select WP3.)
Then, the “Divide Route WP2 to WP3” will open.
(Before dividing)
(After dividing)
[Editing the Course and Distance in the “WP to WP” display mode]
In the Table Editing mode, left-click the following drop-down list button and select
[WP to WP]. You can edit the values of Cse (Course to the next WP) and Dist (Distance
to the next WP) columns.
In the following example, the Cse and Dist for the WP1 are modified. As a result, the
position of the WP2 changes according to this modification. Since the position of the
WP2 changes, the Cse and Dist values of WP2 for WP3 also change.
WP2 (After modification)
WP2 (Before modification)
In the Table Editing mode, left-click the following drop-down list button and select
[Total]. You can edit the value of ETA (Estimated time of arrival to the WP from WP0)
When you edit the WPn’s ETA, the ETA and ETD of WP0 to WPn-1 are calculated
based on the WPn’s ETA, and the calculated ETA values are displayed in the table.
[Sort Reversely] In the Table Editing mode, select [MENU] - [(2) Edit] - [(5) Sort Reversely] in that
order. Then, the WPs in the list and chart are displayed in the reverse order.
• To display the Normal type route files, left-click the [Normal] to set it ON.
• To display the ANTS type route files, left-click the [ANTS] to set it ON.
2) Select a route file you want to edit, and left-click the [OK] button.
Then, the recalled file opens on the screen. Now you can edit the file in the same way as when you make
a new route file.
CSV format:
For each WP of a route, a file
containing a data row is created.
Data are divided by a comma
in this file. You can use
Microsoft EXCEL to edit this
When exporting a file “test.rtn,” its name will
be set to “rtn_test.csv.”
The file operation using [New], [Open], [Save] and [Close] button is the same as for Table Editor. In the Graphic
Editor, you can make a route graphically by positioning the WPs. The position (latitude/longitude) of the cursor is
shown on the bottom of the display panel for your reference. After you have entered the WP, you can move the WP
with the [Move] button or edit the WP position with the [Info] button. Also, the route you have made can be edited
with the Table Editor.
For positioning the WPs, you can also use the EBL/VRM keys and dials on the operation panel.
(1) File
(2) Edit
Same button operation:
Undo the deletion operation
Set to ON for using the EBL/VRM on the operation panel.
Divide GC Leg
Sort Reversely
(3) Cursor
(5) View
(6) Alarm
(7) Tool
Left-click when terminating the current editing operation or when selecting the WP or leg.
WP0 entry
(using the cursor)
Next WP entry
(using the cursor)
Left-click [Save]
Enter the Graphic In the normal menu, select [MENU] - [(5) Route] - [(5) Planning] - [(2)
Editing mode. Graphic Editor] in that order.
• When you open the Graphic Editing menu, press the [MENU] button on the display panel.
Then, the Graphic Editing menu title bar opens. To close it, left-click the [MENU] button again, or left-
click any position on the chart.
Note: When [(7) Use EBL/VRM] is off, operations are conducted without EBL/VRM. When it is on (with
a checkmark), operations are conducted with EBL/VRM. Select [MENU] - [(2) Edit] - [(7) Use
EBL/VRM] in that order to turn it off.
1) Entering WPs:
Left-click at the WP (WP0) position and rotate the trackball to move the cursor to the next WP (WP1).
Then, left-click there.
[WP0 fixing/WP0 to WP1] [WP1 fixing]
2) Terminating WP entry:
Left-click the [Select] button to terminate WP entry. (You can also terminate the operation by selecting
[Abort] after right-clicking the trackball.)
Entering position
First, left-click on the center of EBL/ Then, decide where the EBL/VRM
VRM. intersection will be and left-click on it.
[Divide GC Leg] This menu is effective only when “GC” is selected in “Sail” in the “Route Plan Option”
panel. (See 4.1.1 “Setting the Route Options”.)
1) Left-click the GC leg you want to divide.
2) Select [MENU] - [(2) Edit] - [(8) Divide GC Leg] in that order.
Then, the “Divide Route WPn-1 to WPn” will open.
(Before dividing)
(After dividing)
• To display the Normal type route files, left-click the [Normal] to set it ON.
• To display the ANTS type route files, left-click the [ANTS] to set it ON.
2) Select a route file you want to edit, and left-click the [OK] button.
Then, the recalled file opens on the screen. Now you can edit the file in the same way as when you make
a new route file.
When exporting a file “test.rtn,” its name will
be set to “rtn_test.csv.”
Note: Before starting, be sure that [(7) Use EBL/VRM] is set to ON. If not, select [MENU] - [(2) Edit] -
[(7) Use EBL/VRM] in that order to set it ON.
Be sure that the check mark is attached.
The EBL cursor is displayed on the screen. (The cursor type changes when [(7) Use EBL/VRM] is set to
ON.) Operate while watching the cursor position displayed at the bottom of the display panel.
1) Press the [EBL1], [EBL2], [VRM1], or [VRM2] key on the operation panel.
2) Move the cursor to the voluntary point. (e.g. cape) and left-click there.
4) Move the cursor to the voluntary point. (e.g. cape) and left-click there.
184.0 1000
Green line
(Starboard side) Red line
(Port side)
6) Follow the steps 4) and 5) until you make the final WP.
Whether the alternate route is replaced with the original route or not depends the saving methods.
• When you left-click the [Save] button and then [Close] button after you made the alternate route, the original
route is replaced with the alternate route. (In this case, the alternate route file name is “TEMP”.)
Normally, you will use this method for alternate route.
• When you saved as a new file using the “Save as” menu, the alternate route is not replaced with the original
route. (For details, see 4.2.2-(3) “Saving the alternate route file”.)
During voyage
(Route is displayed.) Be sure that the current route is displayed on the screen.
Enter Create Alternate In the normal menu, select [MENU] - [(5) Route] - [(4) Create Alternate Route] in
Route mode. that order.
Create the alternate route in the same manner as for the Graphic Editor.
To create an alternative route, you will use the following buttons.
Alternate route
making operation
Left-click the [Save] The original route is replaced with the alternate route.
button. (If you simply want to save the alternate route file and you are not intending to
replace the route, you should use “Save as” menu. In this case, the original route
remains as it is. For details, see 4.2.2-(3) “Saving the alternate route file”.)
[Original Route]
Added to the last WP.
Alternate Route
Position changed.
Inserted WP (WP2).
Added WP (WP6).
You can use this button to display and edit the selected WP and leg. For details, see (4)
“Making a route” in “Making a New Route File (Graphic Editor)”.
Note: In this case, the file is saved as “TEMP”, and, when you close the file, the alternate route “TEMP”
becomes the new route. Namely, the original route is replaced with the alternate route “TEMP”.
Note: In this case, the file is saved as the name you given, and, even when you close the file, the original
route is maintained. Namely, the route is not replaced with the alternate route.
1) In the Alternate Route Editing menu, select [MENU] - [(1) File] - [(4) Save As] in the order.
The “Save as Route File” panel opens.
User Charts
User charts can be created and displayed on other charts. User chart information contains various objects (symbols,
lines, areas, and texts). User charts can also be edited and updated. Also, you can merge multiple charts together to
create one user chart.
The following figures show how to use user charts:
(User Chart 2)
(User Chart 1)
123456789012345678901234 (User Chart 2) (User Chart 1)
You can merge.
123456789012345678901234 123456789012345678901234
123456789012345678901234 123456789012345678901234
Manual Update
Objects (symbols, lines, areas, and texts) can be manually updated. When you save data after manually updating
the objects, there will be a panel for you to enter the issue date of a notice to mariners. Enter the date. You can
check the issue dates of a notice to mariners by using S-57/C-MAP/ARCS information.
Objects that were entered during the course of manual update will be automatically deleted from the chart after a
certain period of time.
A valid period of objects is as follows:
January Entering date Example: January 15 (objects will be displayed after this date)
February (Objects are displayed)
March (Objects are displayed)
April (Deletion of objects) Objects will be deleted on April 1.
(1) File
Same button operation:
[Open] (function for user charts)
Import user charts (function for user charts)
[Save as] (when creating a new file) (function for user charts)
Merge user files (function for user charts)
(2) Edit
Same button operation:
Undelete the deleted object.
Hide saved objects (by object category) /
Show all hidden objects (function for manual update)
Set to ON when using the EBL/VRM on the operation panel.
(3) Cursor
(5) View
(6) Alarm
(7) Tool
Left-click on this button to close the file and to exit Chart Edit Mode.
Left-click on this button to open a created user chart (not available during manual update).
Left-click when terminating the current editing operation or when selecting an object.
Left-click when adding a segment to the end of the line or a area surrounding line to the
Files are opened and saved in different ways when you create a new user chart file and when you open a created file.
Open/Save a file following the procedure described in the Table/Graphic Editor section of 4. “Route Planning.”
Start User Chart Edit Select [MENU] - [(2) Chart] - [(5) User Charts] - [(2) Chart Editor] in that
mode. order.
• Symbols
• Lines
• Areas See 5.5 “Entering Objects” .
• Texts
Left-click on the
[Close] button. Exit User Chart Edit mode.
Start User Chart Edit Select [MENU] - [(2) Chart] - [(5) User Charts] - [(2) Chart Editor] in that
mode. order.
• Symbols
• Lines
See 5.5 “Entering Objects”.
• Areas
• Texts
Left-click on the
Exit User Chart Edit mode.
[Close] button.
• When you open the Chart Editing menu, press the [MENU] button on the display panel.
Then, the Chart Editing menu title bar opens. To close it, left-click the [MENU] button again, or left-
click any position on the chart.
• Select Datum:
You can convert the datum of the object from the source datum type to destination datum type.
• Enter Offset:
You can give offset to the object by entering the offset value (latitude/longitude).
4) Left-click the [OK] button to close the panel.
5) Left-click the [Close] button.
Then, the system exit the User Chart Editing mode.
When saving a file under a different name (using the [(5) Save As] menu):
1) Select [MENU] - [(1) File] - [(5) Save As] in that order.
The “Save as” panel will be displayed.
• [Select Datum]:
You can convert an object datum from [Source Datum] to [Destination Datum].
• [Enter Offset]:
You can specify offset (latitude/longitude) of the object and move the object.
4) Left-click on the [OK] button. The panel closes.
5) Left-click on the [Close] button
User Chart Edit mode ends.
1) Make a new user chart file or recall a user chart file. (For example, recall User-01 file.)
2) Select [MENU] - [(1) File] - [(6) Merge] in that order.
The “Open Chart File” panel opens.
3) Left-click the file you want to merge with the User-01 file (for example, User-02), and then left-click the
[OK] button to close the panel.
You will see that both objects of the User-01 and User-02 files are shown on the screen.
4) Left-click the [Save] button to save without changing the file name (User-01).
• If you want to save as the new file, select [MENU] - [(1) File] - [(5) Save As] in that order.
5) Left-click the [Close] button.
Then, the system exit the User Chart Editing mode.
(User Chart-02)
(User Chart-01)
You can merge.
(Electronic Chart)
1) Select [MENU] - [(1) File] - [(3) Import] in that order, and select a file format to be used at the destination.
• CSV file (WGS-84):
Select this when importing user chart data created with the WGS-84 geodetic system.
• CSV file (Japanese geodetic system)
Select this when importing user chart data, created with the Japanese geodetic system, as WGS-84
geodetic system data.
• JRC Chart (JLS700/NWU800):
Select this when importing user chart data created with the JLS700/NWU800.
2) Select a file you wish to import, and then left-click on the [OK] button.
The selected user chart will be displayed on the screen.
• Symbols
• Lines See 5.5 “Entering Objects.”
• Areas
• Texts
Left-click on the
[Save] button
Left-click on the
[Close] button. Exit Manual Update mode.
• [Select Datum]:
You can convert an object datum from [Source Datum] to [Destination Datum].
• [Enter Offset]:
You can specify offset (latitude/longitude) of the object and move the object.
2) Left-click on the [OK] button. The panel closes.
The “Notice to Mariners” panel opens.
Enter “the issue date of a notice to mariners.”
○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Tips! (How to check dates of issue of a notice to mariners for entered objects)
• You can use the Object “Information” panel to check the dates of issue of a notice to mariners for entered objects.
Use the [INFO] button on the operation panel, or select [(1) Cursor] - [(9) S-57/C-MAP/ARCS Information] /
[(1) Other Information] so that object information will be retrieved. Entered dates of the objects will be dis-
Display example
You can also select the item by left-clicking “+” and “-”
• Left-clicking “+” will open the behind items.
• Left-clicking “-” will close the behind items.
to . (To abort, right-click the trackball and select [Abort] from the pop-up menu.)
First entry Second entry
Last entry
Selected symbol
Difference in symbol display between User Chart Edit mode and Manual Update mode:
Symbols used in the manual update operation will have a mark as shown below. Symbols used in the user chart
edit operation will not have this mark.
[Symbols used in the user chart edit operation] [Symbols used in the manual update operation]
Using EBL/VRM on the operation panel:
You can use the EBL/VRM keys and dials on the operation panel when positioning an object or drawing a line.
When using EBL/VRM, see “Creating a Route Using EBL/VRM Keys and Dials.”
• When using EBL/VRM, first make sure that [(9) Use EBL/VRM] is checked.
to . (To abort, right-click the trackball and select [Abort] from the pop-up menu.)
○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Tips! (Moving the chart)
• Click the left mouse button while drawing lines. A hand icon will be shown on the chart. Move the mouse while
holding the left button down to move the chart.
○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Tips! (Selecting a segment)
• When it is difficult to properly click on the segment you wish to delete, press the Chart [Zoom In] button
provided on the right side of the display panel. This will allow you to click on the target segment easily.
to . (To abort, right-click the trackball and select [Abort] from the pop-up menu.)
Adding the segment (to the end of the line) [Add]:
1) Left-click the last segment of the line.
2) Left-click the [Add] button, and rotate the trackball to move the cursor.
3) Left-click the cursor at the position you want to add the segment.
Each time you left-click the cursor, the new segment is added.
4) To terminate addition, left-click the [Select] button or perform abortion operation. Then, the cursor changes
to . (To abort, right-click the trackball and select [Abort] from the pop-up menu.)
trackball and select [Abort] from the pop-up menu.) Area is created and the cursor changes to .
(Draw sides.) (Left-click [Select].) 5
to . (To abort, right-click the trackball and select [Abort] from the pop-up menu.)
5) To change the location/attributes of the circle or ellipse, left-click the object, and then the [Info] button.
Then, the “Location/Attributes” panel opens.
to . (To abort, right-click the trackball and select [Abort] from the pop-up menu.)
6) To change the location/attributes of the fan, left-click the fan, and then the [Info] button.
• Case 1 • Case 2
(When you select Small Font) (When you select Large Font)
cursor type changes to (to cancel: right-click the trackball and then select [Abort] from the pop-up
Note: You can no longer hide/unhide objects after you select a chart to be edited by pressing the [Add]
button in Manual Update mode.
The system calculate the set course (course to steer) from the relationship between the scheduled route and the
ship’s position. Automatic sailing along the scheduled route is carried by outputting the course to the autopilot.
The three kinds of automatic sailing methods can be used.
• ANTS Auto
• ANTS Manual
• Normal
Reach (nm)
Approach (nm)
ANTS Auto: When the ship arrived at the wheel over line (WOL) after reaching the reach line, turning auto-
matically starts at a constant radius.
Next Leg
Turning stops when the difference
between the heading and the next
WP2 leg becomes within ±3 degrees.
Reach line
Radius (nm)
Reach: Distance between when the wheel is steered and when the ship begins to turn
Radius: Turning radius
WOP: Wheel over point
WOL: Wheel over line (Steering point)
Next Leg
Turning stops when the difference
between the heading and the next
WP2 leg becomes within ±3 degrees.
Reach line
Radius (nm)
Reach: Distance between when the wheel is steered and when the ship begins to turn
Radius: Turning radius
WOP: Wheel over point
WOL: Wheel over line (Steering point)
Next Leg
Boundary of WP
Arrival alarm
a) Tracking Gain
• Low: Route keeping is loose.
• Mid: Route keeping is tight-loose.
• High: Route keeping is tight.
b) Drift Correction
When the autopilot made by YOKOGAWA is used, this item should be set to OFF state.
c) Dead Band
d) Autosail
• ANTS Auto
• ANTS Manual
• Normal
e) Turn Mode
• Constant Radius: ANTS Manual
• Actual Radiuss: ANTS Auto
• Tangential Lines: ANTS Manual, Normal
During automatic sailing, only “Tracking Gain”, “Drift Correction” and “Dead Band” are accessible.
Course Error:
Occurs when the difference in bearing between
the scheduled route and the heading of the ship is
more than 90 degrees.
XTE Error:
Occurs when the ship is apart exceeding the XTD
value being set.
Route Error:
Occurs when the predicted route directly intersects
with the next leg.
Overrun Error:
Occurs when the scheduled route is too near and
the approach run exceeds the scheduled route.
• During automatic sailing, check own ship position and bearing as usual.
• During automatic sailing, do not change the route unless you need avoiding.
During automatic sailing, you should turn the ship with the turn key
([GUARD] + [TURN]) as follows:
ANTS Manual:
When the ship arrived at the reach line, ACC (arrived at actual course change point) alarm is issued.
After this alarm, press the [TURN] key on the operation panel while pressing and holding down the [GUARD]
Then, the ship will turn at a constant radius when the ship arrives at the WOL (steering point). At the WOL,
ARR (arrived at WOL) alarm will be issued.
When the ship arrived at the boundary of the WP, ARR (arrived at WP) alarm is issued. Press the [TURN] key
on the operation panel while pressing and holding down the [GUARD] key.
Then, the ship will start to turn.
1) In the box “a)”, left-click the drop-down list button and select the system’s hard disk by left-clicking it. (If
you want to copy from the FD, you should select FD drive instead of hard disk.)
• You can also select the hard disk of the Navigation Workstation.
2) In the box “b)”, left-click the folder where the ECDIS data files are stored.
The stored ECDIS data files will be displayed in the box “c)”.
3) In the box “d)”, left-click the drop-down list button and select the FD drive. (The same operation as “Copy
from” applies to “Coyp to” boxes d), e) and f).)
• You can also select the FD drive of the Navigation Workstation.
4) In the box “e)”, left-click the folder you want to copy to, if any.
Deleting operation:
You can delete the files in the “Copy to” box.
1) Select one of files by left-clicking it, or select all files by left-clicking the [Select All] button.
2) Left-click the [Delete] button. Then, the confirmation dialog box opens.
Left-click the [OK] button to execute deletion.
Route File (Normal): Route files of normal type with the extension “.rtn” made in 4 “Route Planning”.
Route File (ANTS): Route files of ANTS type with the extension “.rta” made in 4 “Route Planning”.
User Chart: User chart files with the extension “.uch” made in 5 “Chart Editing”.
Manual Update: Manual update files with the extension “.mup” made in 5 “Chart Editing”.
Deck Logbook: Logbook files with the extension “.Lgb” obtained during voyage.
Past Track (Own Ship): Past track files of own ship. The file’s extension is “.own”.
Past Track (Other Ship): Past track files of other ships. The file’s extension is “.tgt”.
3) Left-click on Exist from the pop-up menu to exit the color pattern.
2) Left-click anywhere on the gray scale to exit the gray scale pattern. The ECDIS will start up.
E Planning
C Chart Portforio
P Playback
[Startup Menu]
2) Move the cursor with the trackball and left-click the “Chart Portfolio” in the startup menu.
Then, the Chart Portfolio main screen will be displayed.
Note: If nothing is selected in the startup menu for 10 seconds, the system automatically enters the “ECDIS
Main” and the ECDIS main screen is display.
(1) Menus
• [Retry Auto-Detect]:
Left-clicking this menu will re-read the charts of the selected type from the CD-ROM.
• Chart types ([S-57], [S-57 Primar (Offline)], [C-MAP], or [ARCS]):
The charts of the selected type will be displayed in the source/system chart table in the Chart Portfolio
main screen.
• [Selectable Filter]:
Turns ON/OFF the filtering function.
• [Select All]:
Selects the all cells/zones in the source chart table on the Chart Portfolio main screen.
• [Delete]:
Delete the selected cell in the system chart table on the Chart Portfolio main screen.
• [Enter Cell Permit (S-57 Primar)]: (Primar is not currently available)
The password entry panel opens. If the password is accepted, then the Cell Permit entry panel opens.
• [Chart Information]:
Shows the detailed cell information of the chart being selected in the source or system chart table on the
Chart Portfolio main screen. (For S-57/C-MAP)
• [Cell Permit Information (S-57 Primar)]:
Shows the Cell Permit Information for the chart being selected in the source or system chart table on the
Chart Portfolio main screen.
• [ARCS License Information]:
Checks the validity of the ARCS license information and shows the check result.
• [Log]:
Displays the log on the right side of the screen during importing/updating process. Other log may be
Caution: This is an administration tool. Do not use this menu.
• [Selectable Filter]:
Filters the source charts to be displayed in the source chart table on the Chart Portfolio main screen in
various ways.
• [Option]:
Used to set options for S-57, S-57 Primar, C-MAP, ARCS, Boot and Advanced panels.
• [Technical Tool]:
An administration tool.
Left-clicking this menu will re-read the charts of the selected type from the CD-ROM.
Shows the detailed information of the chart being selected in the source or system chart
table on the Chart Portfolio main screen.
Displays the log on the right side of the screen during importing/updating process.
Source Chart table: Display the charts read from the CD-ROM.
System Chart table: Displays the stored charts in the system. When the source charts are imported/updated,
they are stored in the system and appear in the system chart table.
“-” mark
“+” mark
You can also open/close the folders using the “+” and “-” marks in the folder tree.
• Left-click the “+” mark to open the subfolders included in that folder.
• Left-click the “-” mark to close the subfolder included in that folder.
Import (8.5.2)
Insert the CD and load
source charts (8.5.1)
If the CD path is incorrect:
Detailed settings
Import (8.5.2)
Import (8.5.2)
Select one of options explained below by left-clicking it and then left-click the [Next >] button.
1) Enter your authorization code.
2) Left-click the [OK] button to close the panel.
• If not, be sure the chart type selected in the Chart menu, load the CD-ROM, and left-click the [Auto
Detect] button. Then, the source charts will be displayed.
• Horizontal datum: Left-click the drop-down list button and left-click one of geodetic systems. Nor-
mally, select “WGS-84” (initial setting).
• Projection: Use the “Mercator” (initial setting).
3) Left-click the [OK] button to close the panel.
Then, conversion starts, and progress meter and logs in process are shown on the right side of the Chart
Portfolio main screen.
First, checking process takes place and then the importing/updating process succeeds it. 8
[Checking Process]
[Importing Process]
5) You have finished conversion. To exit the Char Portfolio mode, left-click the [Exit] button. (See 8.1-(3)
“Exiting the Chart Portfolio mode”.
1) Be sure that the selectable filter function is set to ON state. See 8.6.1-(1) “Selectable Filter ON/OFF
Selection (Selectable Filter)” mentioned above.
2) Be sure that the source chart table is open. If not, left-
click the “Source Charts” tab in the Chart Portfolio
main screen.
3) Select [Tool] - [Selectable Filter] in that order.
Then, the “Selectable Filter” panel opens.
• in Chart Portfolio: Updating is done in the Chart Portfolio. Namely, the updating charts are merged
with the original charts stored in the system after importing. The “Accepted” col-
umn in the system chart table shows whether the updating chart is already merged
or not. (“Yes” in the Accepted column shows that the imported chart is already
merged with the original chart. While, “No” shows that the imported chart is not
merged with the original chart yet.)
a) Enter the current password, new password, and re-enter the new password.
b) Left-click the [OK] button to close the “Modify Password” panel.
Select one of options, “List and select Zone (Recommend)” or “List and select 20 deg Square”.
• List and select Zone (Recommend):
In the source chart table, source charts are displayed in the zone unit.
• List and select 20 deg Square: 8
In the source chart table, source charts are displayed in 20x20 degrees unit.
• [Register, confirm User/Authorized Code] button:
Left-clicking this button will open the following “C-MAP Authorization Wizard” panel. For detailed
operation, see 8.4.2 “Getting Permission (For C-MAP)”.
After setting, left-click the [OK] button to close the panel.
E Planning
C Chart Portforio
P Playback
[Startup Menu]
2) Move the cursor with the trackball and left-click the “Playback” in the startup menu.
Almost the same screen as for ECDIS will open and the “Staring Date/Time” panel is displayed.
Note: If nothing is selected in the startup menu for 10 seconds, the system automatically enters the “ECDIS
Main” and the ECDIS main screen is display.
*1 (Logging data): A series of logging files in which the logging date is continuing.
*2: Used to designate playback start time. During playback, the date and time that were recorded are
2) Specify the above items to select the logging data to be played back, and then left-click the [OK] button.
[Pause] Button
[Date/Time] Button
Left-clicking this button will open the “Start Date/
Time” panel as shown above.
• Even if the “Playback Panel” is closed, you can start, pause, or stop the playback from the menu.
Notes on Playback:
The time, date, and other information are not the current ones but the recorded ones as the logging data.
Playback Statues:
• Stop: STOP Shows “STOP” in red.
When you clean the front of the unit, do not use paint thinner, benzene or other
organic solvents.
Doing so might damage the paintwork.
Wipe off any dirt and dust on the front of the unit with a clean cloth, and wipe dry.
Do not rub the surface of the LCD strongly with a dry cloth. Do not use benzene,
alcohol, gasoline, thinner, and the like for cleaning the LCD. Use of those items will
cause the LCD surface to be damaged and deteriorated. Be sure to use a soft cloth
for wiping dirt off the surface of the tube lightly.
Turn off this equipment when displayed on the LCD screen "FAN" alarm message
and ask quickly our company's service man for repair fan motor. Otherwise this
equipment may be fired or damaged.
Before starting inspection, be sure to turn the power switch OFF.
Failure to do so might cause fire or malfunction.
1 Cleaning • Wipe off any dirt from the monitor display lightly with a soft, dry cloth.
• Wipe off any dirt on the main unit case lightly with a dry cloth. In particular,
wipe air vents carefully with a brush to improve air circulation.
2 Inspection • Turn the [BRILLIANCE] knob CW on the operation panel to make sure that
the brightness of the monitor increases.
• Turn the [BRILLIANCE] knob CCW on the operation panel to make sure
that the brightness of the monitor increases.
• Make sure that the trackball operates smoothly.
• Press the [EBL] and [VRM] dials on the operation panel to make sure that
dials operate smoothly.
• Press the [PANEL] key on the operation panel to make sure that the lighting
on the panel changes correctly.
10.2 Troubleshooting
If the unit is not working properly, check the following points and carry out the appropriate repair before you ask for
If the following remedies do not rectify the problem, or a location not mentioned in the following tables is not in
order, contact the nearest JRC office or agent, and ask for repair.
Power does not turn ON. The AC power is not ON. Turn the AC power ON.
The AC power cable is not con- Call the JRC sales representative
nected to the main unit. for repair.
"POWER FAIL" lamp is lit. DC power is not being supplied Supply DC power from the dis-
from the distribution board. tribution board.
The main unit has malfunctioned. Call the JRC sales representative
for repair.
"FAN" alarm message is displayed on the The fan motor has stopped. Immediately turn the power OFF,
LCD monitor. and contact the nearest JRC of-
fice or agent, and ask for repair.
The main unit has malfunctioned. Call the JRC sales representative
for repair.
Nothing is displayed on screen. The power switch is not ON. Turn the power switch ON.
The video cable is not connected. Call the JRC sales representative
for repair.
The main unit has malfunctioned. Call the JRC sales representative
for repair.
Sandstorm-like clutter on screen The monitor has malfunctioned. Call the JRC sales representative
for repair.
The video cable is not connected. Call the JRC sales representative
(terminal fault) for repair.
The main unit has malfunctioned. Call the JRC sales representative
for repair.
Screen distortion The monitor is not correctly ad- Call the JRC sales representative
justed. for repair.
The main unit has malfunctioned. Call the JRC sales representative
for repair.
Incorrect display The video cable is not connected. Call the JRC sales representative
(terminal fault) for repair.
The main unit has malfunctioned. Call the JRC sales representative
for repair.
Radar echo is not displayed correctly. The video cable is not connected. Call the JRC sales representative
(terminal fault) for repair.
The connector cable is not con- Call the JRC sales representative
nected to the radar. for repair.
The main unit has malfunctioned. Call the JRC sales representative
for repair.
Gyro compass is not displayed, and The initial setup has not been car- Carry out the initial setup cor-
"GYRO" alarm is displayed. ried out correctly. rectly.
The gyro compass is not ON. Turn the gyro compass ON.
The ratio setting on the gyro com- Set the ratio setting on the gyro
pass is incorrect. compass correctly.
The main unit has malfunctioned. Call the JRC sales representative
for repair.
Rudder angle is not displayed. Or, is not The rudder angle indicator is not Turn the rudder angle indicator
displayed correctly. ON. ON.
The ratio setting on the rudder Set the ratio setting on the rudder
angle is incorrect. angle.
The rudder angle indicator setting Set the rudder angle indicator cor-
is incorrect. rectly.
The main unit has malfunctioned. Call the JRC sales representative
The main unit has malfunctioned. Call the JRC sales representative
for repair.
The following analog data is not dis- The analog data setup has not Carry out the analog data setup
played: been set correctly. correctly.
• Relative wind direction and wind speed
• Air temperature The interface board is not ON. Turn the interface board ON.
• Relative humidity
• Water temperature The connector cable is not con- Check the connection between
• Main engine temperature nected to the interface board. the interface board and the main
• Pitch unit.
• Roll
• Bow displacement The main unit has malfunctioned. Call the JRC sales representative
• Midsection displacement for repair.
• Stern displacement
• Engine start pressure
• Turbo charger RPM
• Main engine RPM
• Torque
• CPP angle
Position information (e.g. GPS, gyro) is The initial setup has not been car- Carry out the initial setup cor-
not displayed. ried out correctly. rectly.
The navigation unit is not mea- Check the state of the navigation
suring. unit.
The navigation unit is not ON. Turn the navigation unit ON.
The main unit has malfunctioned. Call the JRC sales representative
for repair.
ARPA is not displayed. The [ARPA] key is not pressed. Press the [ARPA] key.
The main unit has malfunctioned. Call the JRC sales representative
for repair.
Wind direction, wind speed (digital wind The digital wind direction and air Turn the digital wind direction
direction and air speedometer) are not speedometer are not ON. and air speedometer ON.
The connector cables are not con- Check the connection between
nected to the digital wind direc- the digital wind direction and air
tion and air speedometer. speedometer.
The main unit has malfunctioned. Call the JRC sales representative
for repair.
UKC is not displayed. The depth sounder is not ON. Turn the depth sounder ON.
The main unit has malfunctioned. Call the JRC sales representative
for repair.
Engine data from data logger and The data logger is not ON. Turn the data logger ON.
weather data are not displayed.
The connector cable is not con- Check the connection between
nected to the data logger. the main unit and the data logger.
The main unit has malfunctioned. Call the JRC sales representative
for repair.
Automatic sailing is not possible. The initial setup has not been car- Carry out the initial setup cor-
ried out correctly. rectly.
Operation is not carried out cor- Carry out the correct operation
rectly. referring to the Instruction
Manual. 10
The autopilot is not ON. Turn the autopilot ON.
The main unit has malfunctioned. Call the JRC sales representative
for repair.
The brightness does not change even if The lighting control circuit does Call the JRC sales representative
the [BRILLIANCE] knob is turned. not work. for repair.
The main unit has malfunctioned. Call the JRC sales representative
for repair.
None of the keys on the operation panel The cursor is displayed as an Wait until the hourglass returns to
work. hourglass. a cursor.
The main unit has malfunctioned. Call the JRC sales representative
for repair.
The trackball does not work. The trackball is dirty. Clean the trackball.
The main unit has malfunctioned. Call the JRC sales representative
for repair.
The [EBL] and [VRM] dials do not work The [EBL] and [VRM] dials are Press the [EBL]/[VRM] keys.
even if turned. Or, response is slow. not ready for operation.
The main unit has malfunctioned. Call the JRC sales representative
for repair.
The [GAIN], [ECHO], [BRILL], The [GAIN], [ECHO], Press the [RADAR] key.
dials do not work even if turned. Or, re- and [SEA/RAIN] dials are not
sponse is slow. ready for operation.
The main unit has malfunctioned. Call the JRC sales representative
for repair.
Earth meter or earth lamp lights. The 24 VDC minus line is Check the ground.
grounded to the ship's earth.
● Poorly ventilated
Special care is required when the unit is installed in a waterproof case. An overheated rear panel may damage the
power supply.
• Product data that should be provided when you ask for service
* Name of product, model, date of manufacture and serial number
* Description of malfunction (as detailed as possible)
* Company address or name of organization, address and telephone number
Inquiries regarding after-sales service should be directed to JRC. Addresses and telephone numbers are listed on the
back cover of this manual.
(1) Confirmation
1) Press the [GUARD] key with the [ALARM ACK] key.
2) The alarm button which related the problem is displayed in red. (CPU CRT Fan, POWER Fan or Battery
3) Confirm the alarm type displayed in red and execute the shut down process and power off the unit soon.
4) Please contact the nearest JRC office, or agent for repair.
If the LCD module breaks and the internal liquid that flows out touches your skin,
rinse it off with flowing water for more than 15 minuets. If any symptom develops,
immediately see a doctor. If the liquid enters your eye, rinse it with flowing water for
more than 15 minuets and see a doctor without delay.
13 Disposal 13-2
14.1 Bridge Display Terminal
(1) Display 21.3 inch color LCD
Resolution : 1280 x 1024
(5) Power voltage Voltage : 100 VAC, 110 VAC, 200 VAC, 220 VAC, VAC (±10%)
Frequency : 60 Hz/50Hz
14 Specifications 14-2
14.3 Navigation Workstation (Option)
(1) Display 17 / 21 inch color display
14-3 14 Specifications
Appendix A : Alarm Fuction
Button*1 Message*2 Meaning*8 Condition*9
Appendices App-2
Button*1 Message*2 Meaning*8 Condition*9
XTE Cross track error exceed ✔ 2 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ The amount of the cross track error exceeds the limit. During route
Route Arrived at LAST WP ✔ 2 ✔ ✔ ✔ Arrived at the last WP. During route
Radar BP failed ✔ 3 ✔ - ✔ - Rotation signal (BP) is out of specifications or signal During radar
line is cut. display
BZ failed ✔ 3 ✔ - ✔ - Rotation signal (BZ)is out of specifications or signal During radar
line is cut. display
Trigger failed ✔ 3 ✔ - ✔ - Trigger signal is out of specifications or signal line is During radar
cut. display
Video failed ✔ 3 ✔ - ✔ - Video signal is out of specifications or signal line is During radar
cut. display
Rotation reversed ✔ 3 ✔ - ✔ - Aerial is rotating in reverse. During radar
Internal error ✔ 3 ✔ - ✔ - Error occurred in the board. During radar
ARPA1 ARPA 1 signal failed ✔ 3 ✔ - ✔ - ARPA1 is defective or signal line is cut. During ARPA1
ARPA2 ARPA 2 signal failed ✔ 3 ✔ - ✔ - ARPA2 is defective or signal line is cut. During ARPA2
Chart Loaded different datum ✔ 3 ✔ - ✔ - Different datum chart is loaded. Always
Loaded unknown datum ✔ 3 ✔ - ✔ - [ARCS] Unknown datum chart is loaded. Always
Loaded Non-HO chart ✔ 3 ✔ - ✔ - Non-HO chart is loaded. Always
Over Scale ✔ 3 ✔ - ✔ - Over Scale Always
Larger Scale available ✔ 3 ✔ - ✔ - Larger Scale available Always
Chart image is Zoom out ✔ 3 ✔ - ✔ - [ARCS] Low-resolution chart is displayed. Always
Select different safety ✔ 3 ✔ - ✔ - Different safety contour is selected. Always
ARCS Security failed ✔ 3 ✔ - ✔ - [ARCS] An alarm related to ARCS security occurred. See B. "ARCS
Security Related
SafCon Crossing Safety Contour ✔ 2 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ [V] Crossing Safety Contour within set time. Always
AREA Crossing Traffic ✔ 2 ✔ ✔ ✔ [V] Crossing Traffic Separation Zone within settime. Vector=ON
Separation Zone (User setting)
Crossing Traffic Crossing ✔ 2 ✔ ✔ ✔ [V] Crossing Traffic Crossing within set time. Alarm item=ON
Crossing Traffic ✔ 2 ✔ ✔ ✔ [V] Crossing Traffic Roundabout within set time. (User setting)
Crossing Precautionary ✔ 2 ✔ ✔ ✔ [V] Crossing Traffic Precautionary within set time.
Crossing Two Way ✔ 2 ✔ ✔ ✔ [V] Crossing Two Way Traffic within set time.
Crossing Deeper Water ✔ 2 ✔ ✔ ✔ [V] Crossing Deeper Water Route within set time.
Crossing Recommended ✔ 2 ✔ ✔ ✔ [V] Crossing Recommended Traffic Lane within set
Traffic Lane time.
Crossing Inshore Traffic ✔ 2 ✔ ✔ ✔ [V] Crossing Inshore Traffic Zone within set time.
Crossing Fairway ✔ 2 ✔ ✔ ✔ [V] Crossing Fairway within set time.
Crossing Restricted Area ✔ 2 ✔ ✔ ✔ [V] Crossing Restricted Area within set time.
Crossing Caution Area ✔ 2 ✔ ✔ ✔ [V] Crossing Caution Area within set time.
Crossing Shore ✔ 2 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ [V] Crossing Shore Production Area within set time.
Production Area
Crossing Military Practice ✔ 2 ✔ ✔ ✔ [V] Crossing Military Practice Area within set time.
Crossing Seaplane ✔ 2 ✔ ✔ ✔ [V] Crossing Seaplane Landing Area within set time.
Landing Area
Crossing Submarine ✔ 2 ✔ ✔ ✔ [V] Crossing Submarine transit lane within set time.
transit lane
Crossing Ice Area ✔ 2 ✔ ✔ ✔ [V] Crossing Ice Area within set time.
✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
App-3 Appendices
Button*1 Message*2 Meaning*8 Condition*9
AREA Crossing Spoil Ground ✔ 2 ✔ ✔ ✔ [V] Crossing Spoil Ground within set time. Vector=ON
Crossing Dumping ✔ 2 ✔ ✔ ✔ [V] Crossing Dumping Ground within set time. (User setting)
Ground Alarm item=ON
Crossing Dredge Area ✔ 2 ✔ ✔ ✔ [V] Crossing Dredge Area within set time. (User setting)
Crossing Cargo ✔ 2 ✔ ✔ ✔ [V] Crossing Cargo Transshipment Area within set
Transshipment Area ✔ time.
Crossing Incineration ✔ 2 ✔ ✔ ✔ [V] Crossing Incineration Area within set time.
Crossing Specially ✔ 2 ✔ ✔ ✔ [V] Crossing Specially Protected Areas within set
Protected Areas time.
DNG Approaching Obstruction ✔ 2 ✔ ✔ ✔ [S] Approaching obstruction Sector=ON
(User setting)
Approaching Under water ✔ 2 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ [S] Approaching under-water rock
Approaching Wreck ✔ 2 ✔ ✔ ✔ [S] Approaching wreck
Timer Timer ✔ 2 ✔ - ✔ - Time out Timer=ON
(User setting)
AC power failed ✔ 1 ✔ AC voltage is low or AC power is not supplied. -
Battery is low voltage ✔ 1 ✔ UPS battery voltage is low.
CPU Fan failed ✔ 1 ✔ CPU fan is defective.
Power supply Fan failed ✔ 1 ✔ ✔ ✔ - Power supply fan is defective.
CPU Temp rising ✔ 1 ✔ CPU temperature is rising.
Inside Temp rising ✔ 1 ✔ Inside temperature is rising.
Appendices App-4
*1: Button
Button that will be displayed on the display panel when an alarm occurs. By left-clicking this button,
alarm acknowledgement is made for that button alarm.
*2: Message (detailed description of alarm)
When an alarm occurs, the alarm button blinks in red. At the same time, the detailed description of the
alarm is displayed in the message box at the bottom of the chart display area. When the [ALARM
ACK] key on the operation panel is pressed to acknowledge the alarm, the blinking alarm stops and
stays lit. The following table shows the alarm display on the button, in the message box and the
“Alarm List” panel. The “Alarm List” panel opens when the [Alarm List] button is left-clicked. (See
3.3.7 “How to Release the Alarm ([ALARM ACK])”.)
Alarm button No display Setup (Blinks in red.) Setup (Stays lit in red.) No display
In the message box No display Gyro initial course not set No display No display
POS1 not select
"Alarm List" panel Button Setup (Lights in green) Setup (Blinks in red.) Setup (Stays lit in red.) Inactive
Description Gyro initial course not set (Blinks in red.) (Stays lit in red.) Inactive
POS1 not select Gyro initial course not set Gyro initial course not set
POS1 not select POS1 not select
App-5 Appendices
Appendix B : ARCS Security Related Alarm
Message Meaning Timing
ARCS01: The contents of the GB.LCN file have been Invalid license (License has been altered.) At startup time of ECDIS Main.
altered. You may be in breach of the licens- When PIN of ARCS Index Access is checked.
ing arrangements that relate to the use of the
chart. License is invalid. Please contact your
ARCS agent/distributor to correct this error
ARCS02: Chart Chart#. Chart Permit corrupted. Please Abnormal chart permission When decryption is made for displaying the
reload original media. chart.
ARCS08: Warning - License expired in less than one The term of validity for license (chart permis- When decryption is made for displaying the
month. Please contact your ARCS agent for sion) is less than one month. chart.
a license renewal
ARCS09 Chart Chart#. Warning - License expired. Expired license (chart permission). (Less than When decryption is made for displaying the
The displayed chart may not be up to date. one month) chart.
Contact your Agent to arrange for a license
ARCS10: Chart Chart#. License expired. ARCS charts Expired license (chart permission). (More than When decryption is made for displaying the
can not be displayed. Contact your ARCS one month) chart.
agent for a license renewal.
ARCS11: Chart Chart#. The loaded version of this Encryption version for the chart is older than When decryption is made for displaying the
chart is too old to be used with the license. that for license (chart permission). chart.
Please load a more recent version of the chart. Penc# > enc#
Chart version is Enc#, Permit version is
ARCS12: Chart Chart#. The license is too old to be Encryption version for license (chart permis- When decryption is made for displaying the
used with this version of the chart. Please sion) is older than that for the chart. chart.
contact your agent to obtain s new license. Penc# < enc#
ARCS13: Chart Chart#. The license is not valid for this Issue number of license (chart permission) is When decryption is made for displaying the
version of the chart. Either load the version smaller than that of the chart. chart.
with an issue number of Pseq# or contact Pseq# < seq#
your distributor to update your license.
ARCS14: Chart Chart#. The Loaded version of the Issue number of license (chart permission) is When decryption is made for displaying the
chart is older than the one for which the li- greater than that of the chart. chart.
cense is valid. Please load the more recent Pseq# > seq#
version with an issue number of Pseq#.
ARCS15: Chart Chart#. The license is not valid for this NM number of license (chart permission) is When decryption is made for displaying the
version of the chart. Please contact your dis- smaller than that of the chart. chart.
tributor to update your license. PNM# < NM#
ARCS16: Chart Chart#. Warning - License does not NM number of license (chart permission) is When decryption is made for displaying the
allow access to latest correctional informa- greater than that of the chart, and also it is chart.
tion. License is valid to NtoM correction smaller than that of the updating NM number.
PNM#. Updates are available for NtoM cor- PNM# > NM# AND PNM# < UNM#
rection UNM#. Please contact your ARCS
distributor to update license.
ARCS17: Chart Chart#. Warning - License is valid to NM number of license (chart permission) is When decryption is made for displaying the
NtoM correction PNM#. Corrections are greater than that of the chart, and also it is greater chart.
loaded to NtoM correction UNM#. Correc- than that of the updating NM number.
tions are missing. Please load update CD that PNM# > NM# AND PNM# > UNM#
contain NtoM correction PNM#.
ARCS18: Chart Chart#. Warning - License is valid to NM number of license (chart permission) is When decryption is made for displaying the
NtoM correction PNM#. The Chart is cor- greater than that of the chart, and also no updat- chart.
rect to NtoM correction NM#. Corrections ing data exists.
are missing. Please load update CD that con- PNM# > NM# AND "No updating data"
tains NtoM correction PNM#.
Appendices App-6
Appendix C : Abbreviation for Geodetic System
No. Abbreviation Description No. Abbreviation Description
1 WGS-72 World Geodetic System 1972 56 KAN Kandawala
2 WGS-84 World Geodetic System 1984 57 KEG Kerguelen Island 1949
3 EUR European 1950 58 KEA Kertau 1948
4 ADI Adindan 59 KUS Kusaie Astro 1951
5 AFG Afgooye 60 LCF L. C. 5 Astro 1961
6 AIN Ain el Abd 1970 61 LEH Leigon
7 ANO Anna 1 Astro 1965 62 LIB Liberia 1964
8 AIA Antigua Island Astro 1943 63 LUZ Luzon
9 ARF Arc 1950 64 MIK Mahe 1971
10 ARS Arc 1960 65 MAS Massawa
11 ASC Ascension Island 1958 66 MER Merchich
12 ATF Astro beacon “E” 1945 67 MID Midway Astro 1961
13 SHB Astro DOS 71/4 68 MIN Minna
14 TRN Astro Tern Island (FRIG) 1961 69 ASM Montserrat Island Astro 1958
15 ASQ Astronomical Station 1952 70 MPO M'Poraloko
16 AUA Australian Geodetic 1966 71 NAH Nahrwan
17 AUG Australian Geodetic 1984 72 NAP Naparima, BWI
18 PHA Ayabelle Lighthouse 73 NAS North American 1927
19 IBE Bellevue (IGN) 74 NAR North American 1983
20 BER Bermuda 1957 75 FLO Observatorio Meteorologico 1939
21 BID Bissau 76 OEG Old Egyptian 1907
22 BOO Bogota Observatory 77 OHA Old Hawaiian
23 BUR Bukit Rimpah 78 FAH Oman
24 CAZ Camp Area Astro 79 OGB Ordnance Survey of Great Britain
25 CAI Campo Inchauspe 1969 1936
26 CAO Canton Astro 1966 80 PLN Pico de las Nieves
27 CAP Cape 81 PIT Pitcairn Astro 1967
28 CAC Cape Canaveral 82 PTB Point 58
29 CGE Carthage 83 PTN Pointe Noire 1948
30 CHI Chatam Island Astro 1971 84 POS Porto Santo 1936
31 CHU Chua Astro 85 PRP Provisional South American 1956
32 COA Corrego Alegre 86 HIT Provisional South Chilean 1963
33 DAL Dabola (also known as Hito XVIII 1963)
34 BAT Djakarta (Batavia) 87 PUR Puerto Rico
35 GIZ DOS 1968 88 QAT Qatar national
36 EAS Easter Island 1967 89 QUO Qornoq
37 EUS European 1979 90 REU Reunion
38 FOT Fort Thomas 1955 91 MOD Rome 1940
39 GAA Gan 1970 92 SAE Santo (DOS) 1965
40 GEO Geodetic Datum 1949 93 SAO Sao Braz
41 GRA Graciosa Base SW 1948 94 SAP Sapper Hill 1943
42 GUA Guam 1963 95 SCK Schwarzeck
43 GSE Gunung Segara 96 SGM Selvagem Grande 1938
44 DOB GUX 1 Astro 97 SAN South American 1969
45 HEN Herat North 98 SOA South Asia
46 HJO Hjorsey 1955 99 TAN Tananarive Observatory 1925
App-7 Appendices
A Display color ([DAY/NIGHT]) ............................ 3-19
Abbreviation for geodetic system ..................... App-7 Display panel ................................................... 2-4, 2-5
Abort ....................................................................... 3-7 Disposal ................................................................ 13-2
Accepting S57 updating chart .............................. 3-53
Adjusting datum (ARCS) ..................................... 3-49 E
After-sales service ................................................ 12-2 EBL maneuver ...................................................... 3-81
AIS symbols ....................................................... 3-112 EBL/VRM (route planning) ................................. 4-39
Alarm ([ALARM ACK]) ...................................... 3-19 EBL/VRM using menu ........................................ 3-70
Alarm function .................................................. App-2 EBL/VRM using operation panel ........................ 3-70
Alarm history ........................................................ 3-22 ECDIS screen ....................................................... 3-17
Alarm list panel .................................................... 3-21 Environment ......................................................... 11-2
Alphabetical input ................................................ 3-11 Event mark (EVENT) .......................................... 3-54
Alternate route ...................................................... 4-42
Alternate route editing mode ............................... 4-44 F
Analog meter ........................................................ 3-63 Features .................................................................. 1-3
ARCS chart display .............................................. 3-44 File manager ........................................................... 7-2
ARCS security related alarm ............................ App-6 Filter (AIS target) ............................................... 3-112
Area (user chart) ................................................... 5-27 Filter (chart portfolio) .......................................... 8-17
ARPA symbols ................................................... 3-112 Filter (Navtex message) ....................................... 3-92
ARPA/AIS list ...................................................... 3-26 Flowchart - Alternate route .................................. 4-42
ARPA/AIS target display ON/OFF ([ARPA]) ..... 3-25 Flowchart - User chart file ..................................... 5-7
ARPA/AIS target panel ........................................ 3-29 Flowchart - Graphic editor ................................... 4-27
Auto sailing status panel ........................................ 2-9 Flowchart (For sailing) ......................................... 3-13
Automatic sailing system ....................................... 6-2 Flowchart - Table editor ......................................... 4-9
Automatic sailing type ........................................... 6-7 Flowchart (General flow) ..................................... 3-12
Automatic sailing using ANTS Auto ..................... 6-8 Function of screen .................................................. 2-4
Automatic sailing using ANTS Manual/Normal ... 6-10
Avoiding danger ................................................... 6-12 G
Azimuth mode ...................................................... 3-83 Getting permission (C-Map) ................................ 8-11
Getting Permission (S57-Primar) ......................... 8-10
B Graphic editing menu ........................................... 4-24
Bearing and speed settings ................................... 3-69 Graphic editing mode .................................. 4-23, 4-29
Brightness (Adjustment) ...................................... 3-18 Graphic editor (route planning) ........................... 4-23
Guard ring ............................................................ 3-67
Chart display area ................................................... 2-4 H
Chart editing menu ................................................. 5-4 Hardware monitor ................................................ 12-3
Chart editing mode .......................................... 5-3, 5-9 HDG vector .......................................................... 3-66
Chart panel ............................................................. 2-6 Heading Line ........................................................ 3-66
Chart portfolio ........................................................ 8-2 High resolution area (ARCS) ............................... 3-44
Chart symbol ........................................................ 3-96 High resolution chart (ARCS) ............................. 3-47
COG vector ........................................................... 3-66 Highlighting ......................................................... 3-58
Color pattern (S-57 Only) ...................................... 7-6 How to select menu ................................................ 3-3
Color pattern (ARCS) ............................................ 7-7
Components ............................................................ 1-4 I
Construction ........................................................... 1-5 Importing/Updating (S57/C-Map/ARCS)............ 8-14
Coordinated universal time (UTC) .................... 3-114 Information mark ................................................. 3-56
Cursors .................................................................... 3-3
D Left-click ................................................................ 3-3
Danger detection vector ....................................... 3-67 Lines (user chart) ................................................. 5-24
Depth alarm .......................................................... 3-99 Local mean time (LMT) ..................................... 3-114
Display area ............................................................ 2-4 Logbook ................................................................ 3-88
Low resolution chart (ARCS) .............................. 3-47
1/2 Index
M Shifting own ship position ................................. 3-115
Maintenance ......................................................... 10-3 Ship’s shape .......................................................... 3-65
Manual update ...................................................... 5-15 Shortcut menu ........................................................ 3-7
Menu operation ...................................................... 3-3 Sound Volume (Adjustment) ................................ 3-18
Menu title bar ................................................ 2-4, 2-10 Specifications ....................................................... 14-2
Menu tree .............................................................. 2-10 Startup menu ........................................................ 3-15
Merge (user chart) ................................................ 5-13 Startup screen ....................................................... 3-16
Motion mode ........................................................ 3-84 Symbols (user chart) ............................................ 5-21
Multi view screen ................................................. 3-61 System configuration ............................................. 1-6
My port list ........................................................... 3-86 System restoration in case of abnormal operations ... 3-30
Names and functions .............................................. 2-2 Table editing menu ................................................. 4-6
Navtex mark ......................................................... 3-92 Table editing mode ........................................ 4-5, 4-11
Navtex message .................................................... 3-92 Table editor (route planning) .................................. 4-5
North arrow mark ................................................... 2-4 Table view (chart portfolio) ................................... 8-7
Note and diagram (ARCS Only) .......................... 3-48 Temporary and preliminary notice (ARCS) ......... 3-48
Numerical input .................................................... 3-10 Text (user chart) ................................................... 5-31
Tidal stream mark ................................................. 3-57
O Time label display ................................................ 3-68
Object category .................................................... 3-34 To WP ................................................................... 3-31
Operation panel ...................................................... 2-2 Tool menu ............................................................... 7-2
Over scale alarm ................................................... 3-41 Track display ............................................... 3-68, 3-69
Trackball ................................................................. 3-3
P Troubleshooting .................................................... 10-3
Playback mode ....................................................... 9-2
Playback panel........................................................ 9-4 U
Power OFF ........................................................... 3-18 User chart ............................................................. 3-52
Power ON ............................................................. 3-15
Primary position ................................................... 3-64 W
Printing out ......................................................... 3-117 Wide view screen ................................................. 3-62
Radar image ([RADAR]) ..................................... 3-23 Zooming in/out ..................................................... 3-41
Range .................................................................... 3-42
Reading out information of objects ([INFO]) ...... 3-59
Right-click .............................................................. 3-3
ROUTE ................................................................. 3-31
Route monitoring and system alarm ...................... 6-6
Route name and file type ........................................ 4-3
Route options .......................................................... 4-4
Route planning ....................................................... 4-2
Route type .............................................................. 4-2
Rubber band ......................................................... 3-40
Running fix ........................................................... 3-80
S57/C-Map chart .................................................. 3-51
Scale ..................................................................... 3-43
Secondary position ............................................... 3-64
Setting alarm options ......................................... 3-107
Setting ARPA/AIS options ................................. 3-111
Setting date/time ................................................. 3-114
Setting logbook options ....................................... 3-91
Setting radar options .......................................... 3-109
Setting scales ...................................................... 3-106
Setting the chart options ....................................... 3-93
Shifting chart ........................................................ 3-36
Index 2/2
● GRANT OF SOFTWARE LICENSE. This EULA grants you the following license:
➢ You may use the SOFTWARE only on the DEVICE.
➢ Note on Java Support. The SOFTWARE may contain support for programs written in Java.
Java technology is not fault tolerant and is not designed, manufactured, or intended for use or
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such as in the operation of nuclear facilities, aircraft navigation or communication systems, air
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nently transfer rights under this EULA only as part of a permanent sale or transfer of the
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➢ EXPROT RESTRICTIONS. You acknowledge that SOFTWARE is of US-origin. You
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DC50-JAN-901 MAR. 2003