Mini Guitar
Mini Guitar
Mini Guitar
Digital Patterns
Designed by Steve Good
Note to commercial print employees: I give my permission to print as many of this pattern book as your customer requires. Copyright Steve Good 2017
General Pattern Information
You may use this pattern to make as many of
the project as you like. You are free to use any
technique including mass production to build
the project. The pattern may be copied and
given to others provided the entire book is kept
intact. You may not sell the pattern or include it
in another commercial package of any type.
Note cutout.
Cut the fretboard but do not remove the pattern.
We will use the pattern to drill the spots and cut
the frets. Use a sharp knife to cut the frets through
the paper. It does not have to be a deep cut.
Use a 1/16” diameter drill bit to drill the spots.
Glue the neck and fret board to the body. Clamp
and let dry. Make sure it is straight.
Cut the nut. I uses a stir stick and cut it to size.
You can also just use the 1/8” BB and sand it to fit.
Glue the nut in place and cut six slots for the
strings. Space them as accurately as possible.
The two outside cuts should be very close to the edge
of the fret board.
String Guide
1/8” Thick
1/8” Thick
3/4” X 3/4”
Compound cut.
1/8” Thick
1/2” Thick
1/8” Thick