Rules and Trick For Option Buyers
Rules and Trick For Option Buyers
Rules and Trick For Option Buyers
You buy Call Option when you're Bullish about a stock. For
example, if you're Bullish about #RELIANCE that it's going to rise
to say 2900 (CMP 2700) in December Series, you may plan to buy
2700 CE of December series by paying ° premium of that
Particular option. You're locking that particular price of stock for
the number of shares assigned per lot. We've 250 shares per lot
in 'RELIANCE F&O Contract.
If you're u capital is 54K, you may buy 20 Shares and your gains
would 200/share, so you'd earn 4000 on at total investment of
54K once stock hits 2900. However, gains in Option Buying would
be much more as Premium paid is much less than ' the
underlying assets itself.
Assuming the stock rose to the levels you calculated, your Option
would increase, and you'd be in decent gains. But 2 things which
can Option Buying are...
1. Stock moving against your direction
2. Consolidation
3. ViX
Thank you.
Vikas from Metaverse trading academy
3 Learn how you could fit the stock market into your
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