Jagonoy, John Brix Baguio
Jagonoy, John Brix Baguio
Jagonoy, John Brix Baguio
1st Sem CRIM 1 Introduction to Criminology 2.0 3
2019-2020 PE 1 Fundamentals of Martial Arts 2.5 2
GE 1 Understanding the Self 2.25 3
GE 2 Reading in Philippine History
(with study of Indigenious People) 2.0 3
GE 3 Purposive Communication 2.0 3
GE 4 Science, Technology and Society
(IT Information Technology) 2.0 3
EC 1 Gender and Society
(with topics of HIV, SARS & Family Planning) 2.0 3
FIL 1 Komunikasyon sa Akademikong Filipino 2.5 3
NSTP 1 National Service Training Program 1 (ROTC 1) 1.75 3
2nd Sem CLJ 1 Introduction to Philippine Criminal Justice System 2.25 3
2019-2020 PE 2 Arnis and Disarming Technique 2.25 2
GE 5 The Contemporary World
(with study of PEACE EDUCATION) 2.5 3
GE 6 Mathematics in the Modern World
(Plane Trigonometry) 2.0 3
GE 7 Art Appreciation 2.5 3
GE 8 Ethics 2.25 3
LIT Philippine Literature/PANITIKAN 2.5 3
AdGE 1 Logic/ Deductive and Inductive Reasoning 2.0 3
NSTP 2 National Service Training Program 1 (ROTC 2) 2.0 3
1st Sem CRIM 2 Theories of Crime Causation 2.25 3
2020-2021 LEA 1 Law Enforcement Org. & Administration 2.25 3
CRIM 3 Human Behavior and Victimology 2.25 3
LEA 2 Police Patrol with Police Communication Systems 2.25 3
LEA 3 Comparative Models in Policing 2.0 3
RIZAL Life and Works of Rizal 2.0 3
P.E. 3 First Aid and Water Safety 2.0 2
EC 2 Environmental Science 2.5 3
EC 3 The Enterpreneural Mind 2.5 3
2nd Sem LEA 4 Intro. to Industrial Security Concepts 2.25 3
2020-2021 CDI 1 Fund. of Criminal Investigation with Intelligence 2.0 3
CDI 2 Specialized Crime Investigation 1
with Legal Medicine 1.75 3
CDI 3 Traffic Management and Accident
Investigation with Driving 2.5 3
AdGE 2 General Chemistry (Organic) 2.5 5
FORENSIC 1 Personal Identification (Dactyloscopy) 1.75 4
FORENSIC 2 Forensic Photography 1.5 4
P.E. 4 Fundamentals of Marksmanship 1.75 2
1st Sem CA 1 Institutional Corrections 2.25 3
2021-2022 CRIM 4 Police Professional Conduct and
Ethical Standards 2.5 3
CLJ 2 Criminal Law (Book 1) 2.5 3
CFLM 1 Nationalism and Patriotism 2.5 3
CDI 4 Specialized Crime Investigation 2
with Simulation on Interrogation and Interview 2.5 3
CRIM 5 Disputes Resolution and Crisis Mngt. 2.5 3
FORENSIC 3 Forensic Chemistry & Toxicology 2.25 5
FORENSIC 4 Forensic Ballistics (Firearms Indentification) 2.25 4
2nd Sem CDI 5 Technical English 2
2021-2022 (Investigative Report writing and presentation) 2.25 3
CDI 6 Introduction to Cybercrime and
Environmental Laws and Protection 2.0 3
CLJ 3 Criminal Law (Book 2) 2.75 3
CRIM 6 Juvenile Delinquency and Juvenile Justice System 2.0 3
CA 2 Non-Institutional Corrections 2.0 3
LEA 5 Law Enforcement Operation and Planning
with Crime Mapping 2.25 3
FORENSIC 5 Questioned Documents Examination 2.5 4
FORENSIC 6 Lie Detection Techniques 2.5 4
1st Sem CLJ 4 Criminal Procedure & Court Testimony 1.75 3
2022-2023 CRIM 7 Criminological Research 1
(Research Methods with Applied Statistics) 2.0 3
CDI 7 Technical English 2 (Legal Forms) 1.75 3
CFLM 2 Character Formation 2: Leadership, Decision
Making and Administration Course 2.0 3
CA 3 Therapeutic Modalities 2.25 2
CDI 8 Fire Technology and Arson Investigation 2.0 3
CRIM PRACT 1 Criminology Practicum (270 hours) 2.0 3
2nd Sem CLJ 5 Criminal Evidence 2.0 3
2022-2023 CLJ 6 Human Rights Education 2.0 3
CDI 9 Vice and Drugs Education and Control 2.0 3
CEP 1 Criminology Enhancement Program 2.0 3
CRIM 8 Criminological Research 2 (Thesis
Writing and Presentation) 2.0 3
CRIM PRACT 2 Practicum (270 hours) 2.0 3
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