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Wednesday 15 May 2019 - Morning: AS Level Mathematics A

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Oxford Cambridge and RSA

Wednesday 15 May 2019 – Morning

AS Level Mathematics A
H230/01 Pure Mathematics and Statistics
Time allowed: 1 hour 30 minutes
* 7 6 6 1 8 6 9 1 9 8 *

You must have:

• Printed Answer Booklet
You may use:
• a scientific or graphical calculator

• Use black ink. HB pencil may be used for graphs and diagrams only.
• Answer all the questions.
• Write your answer to each question in the space provided in the Printed Answer
Booklet. If additional space is required, you should use the lined page(s) at the end of
the Printed Answer Booklet. The question number(s) must be clearly shown.
• You are permitted to use a scientific or graphical calculator in this paper.
• Give non-exact numerical answers correct to 3 significant figures unless a different
degree of accuracy is specified in the question.
• The acceleration due to gravity is denoted by g m s–2. Unless otherwise instructed, when
a numerical value is needed, use g = 9.8.

• The total mark for this paper is 75.
• The marks for each question are shown in brackets [ ].
• You are reminded of the need for clear presentation in your answers.
• The Printed Answer Booklet consists of 16 pages. The Question Paper consists of
8 pages.

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AS Level Mathematics A (H230)

Binomial series

^a + bhn = a n + n C1 a n - 1 b + n C2 a n - 2 b 2 + f + n Cr a n - r b r + f + b n ^n ! Nh,

where n C r = n C r = c m =
r r! ^n - rh !

Differentiation from first principles

f ^x + hh - f ^xh
f l^xh = lim
h"0 h

Standard deviation

/^x - x h2 / x2 / f ^x - x h2 / fx 2
= - x 2 or = / f -x
n n /f

The binomial distribution

If X + B ^n, ph then P ^X = xh = c m p x ^1 - ph , mean of X is np, variance of X is np ^1 - ph

n n-x


v = u + at

s = ut + 12 at 2

s = 12 ^u + vh t

v 2 = u 2 + 2as

s = vt - 12 at 2

© OCR 2019 H230/01 Jun19

Section A: Pure Mathematics
Answer all the questions.

1 It is given that f (x) = 3x - .

(a) f l (x) , [3]

(b) f ll (x) , [2]

(c) y f (x) dx . [3]

2 The circle x 2 + y 2 - 4x + ky + 12 = 0 has radius 1.

Find the two possible values of the constant k. [4]

3 In this question you must show detailed reasoning.

(a) The polynomial f (x) is defined by f (x) = 2x 3 + 3x 2 - 8x + 3.

(i) Show that f (1) = 0 . [1]

(ii) Solve the equation f (x) = 0 . [4]

(b) Hence solve the equation 2 sin 3 i + 3 sin 2 i - 8 sin i + 3 = 0 for 0° G i 1 360° . [5]

4 (a) Find the coordinates of the stationary points on the curve y = x 3 - 6x 2 + 9x . [4]

(b) The equation x 3 - 6x 2 + 9x + k = 0 has exactly one real root.

Using your answers from part (a) or otherwise, find the range of possible values of k. [2]

© OCR 2019 H230/01 Jun19 Turn over

5 (a) Prove that the following statement is not true.

m is an odd number greater than 1 & m 2 + 4 is prime. [1]

(b) By considering separately the case when n is odd and the case when n is even, prove that the
following statement is true.

n is a positive integer & n 2 + 1 is not a multiple of 4. [4]


x cm

A 60°

y cm

The diagram shows triangle ABC, with AB = x cm, AC = y cm and angle BAC = 60°. It is given that
the area of the triangle is ^x + yh 3 cm 2 .

(a) Show that 4x + 4y = xy. [2]

When the vertices of the triangle are placed on the circumference of a circle, AC is a diameter of
the circle.

(b) Determine the value of x and the value of y. [4]

7 (a) Write down an expression for the gradient of the curve y = e kx . [1]
(b) The line L is a tangent to the curve y = e 2 x at the point where x = 2 .

Show that L passes through the point (0, 0). [4]

(c) Find the coordinates of the point of intersection of the curves y = 3e x and y = 1 - 2e 2 x . [6]

© OCR 2019 H230/01 Jun19

Section B: Statistics
Answer all the questions.

8 (a) Joseph drew a histogram to show information about one Local Authority. He used data from
the “Age structure by LA 2011” tab in the large data set. The table shows an extract from the
data that he used.

Age group 0 to 4

Frequency 2143

Joseph used a scale of 1 cm = 1000 units on the frequency density axis.

Calculate the height of the histogram block for the 0 to 4 class. [2]

(b) Magdalene wishes to draw a statistical diagram to illustrate some of the data from the “Method
of travel by LA 2011” tab in the large data set.

State why she cannot draw a histogram. [1]

9 The table shows information about the number of days absent last year by students in class 2A at a
certain school.

Number of More
0 1 2 to 4 5 to 10 11 to 20 21 to 30
days absent than 30
Number of
7 12 9 1 0 1 0

(a) Calculate an estimate of the mean for these data. [2]

(b) Find the median of these data. [1]

The headteacher is writing a report on the numbers of absences at her school. She wishes to include
a figure for the average number of absences in class 2A. A governor suggests that she should quote
the mean. The class teacher suggests that she should quote the median, because it is lower than the

(c) Give another reason for using the median rather than the mean for the average number of
absences in class 2A. [1]

© OCR 2019 H230/01 Jun19 Turn over

10 The table shows extracts from the “Method of travel by LA” tabs for 2001 and 2011 in the large
data set.

Local Underground, Bus, Motorcycle,

All people in Driving a
authority metro, light Train minibus or scooter or
employment car or van
(LA) rail, tram coach moped
LA1 2001 79 226 14 369 5235 20 575 1227 16 052
LA1 2011 118 556 22 486 8336 30 541 1220 12 445

LA2 2001 203 614 190 1062 15 327 1256 121 690
LA2 2011 227 894 323 1865 13 732 1038 146 644

LA3 2001 42 993 35 482 4363 274 24 105

LA3 2011 49 014 33 828 3380 191 28 981

LA4 2001 101 697 65 693 21 758 846 45 407

LA4 2011 123 218 2495 1315 24 275 763 54 020

(a) In one of these four LAs a new tram system was opened in 2004.

Suggest, with a reason taken from the data, which LA this could have been. [2]

(b) Julian suggests that the figures for “Bus, minibus or coach” for LA1 show that some new bus
routes were probably introduced in this LA between 2001 and 2011.

Use data from the table to comment on this suggestion. [2]

(c) In one of these four LAs a congestion charge on vehicles was introduced in 2003.

Suggest, with a reason taken from the data, which LA this could have been. [2]

11 It is known that, under the standard treatment for a certain disease, 9.7% of patients with the disease
experience side effects within one year.

In a trial of a new treatment, a random sample of 450 patients with this disease was selected and
the number X who experienced side effects within one year was noted.

(a) State one assumption needed in order to use a binomial model for X. [1]

It was found that 51 of the 450 patients experienced side effects within one year.

(b) Test, at the 10% significance level, whether the proportion of patients experiencing side effects
within one year is greater under the new treatment than under the standard treatment. [7]

© OCR 2019 H230/01 Jun19

12 The Venn diagram shows the numbers of students studying various subjects, in a year group of 100

History Geography
7 12
15 8 10


A student is chosen at random from the 100 students. Then another student is chosen from the
remaining students.

Find the probability that the first student studies History and the second student studies Geography
but not Psychology. [4]


© OCR 2019 H230/01 Jun19


Oxford Cambridge and RSA

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© OCR 2019 H230/01 Jun19

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