DFT Avsafety PDF 507894
DFT Avsafety PDF 507894
DFT Avsafety PDF 507894
Passenger - 1
Injuries: Crew - 1 (Minor)
Commander's Licence: Private Pilots Licence with Night and IMC Ratings
Commander's Flying
162 hours (of which 60 were on type)
The aircraft was departing from Netherthorpes Runway 24 in calm wind conditions. It failed to
accelerate to an appropriate speed for takeoff but became airborne when the pilot rotated some 20
metres before a low hedge at the airfield boundary. It touched this hedge but when faced with the
prospect of clearing a higher hedge and a barn at the end of the next field, the pilot decided to land
in that field but penetrated the hedge. The impact tore off the right wing and a fire ensued. The pilot
and passenger received burn injuries but were able to exit the aircraft. Given the aircrafts
performance, its weight, the weather and the runway surface conditions at the time, there was
insufficient runway length available for the aircraft to become safely airborne. No safety
recommendations were made.
History of the flight
The pilot and his passenger had flown in from Retford (Gamston) Airfield and had spent about half
an hour at Netherthorpe Airfield before undertaking to return to Retford. Netherthorpe is a small
airfield with two short grass runways. It had been raining over the previous few days but at the time
of departure the sky was clear and the wind was calm. The pilot elected to depart to the south-west
from Runway 24 which has a take-off run available (TORA) of 490 metres and a total runway
length of 553 metres. The pilot described the runway surface as damp and Runway 24 has an
upward gradient of 1.9%. The aircraft was loaded to approximately its maximum take-off weight of
1,670 lb with the centre of gravity within limits.
After completing the pre-take-off engine power checks, which were satisfactory, the pilot waited
for four aircraft ahead of him to depart. After approximately five minutes the pilot taxied onto the
runway but did not use the entire length leading up to the displaced threshold. The flaps were set to
21 degrees (one notch of flap) which is the recommended setting for a short field or soft field
takeoff. After turning on to the runway he applied full power from a slow taxi speed. The sun was
shining in the pilots face and he wasnt wearing sunglasses. The low sun reduced the runway
visibility and required the pilot to concentrate to maintain the runway centreline. He raised the
nosewheel off the ground as soon as it was possible in accordance with the soft field takeoff
technique. When he had covered approximately two-fifths of the runway length he checked the
airspeed. The airspeed indicator was difficult to read due to the bumpy runway surface but he
thought it was reading 40 kt. When he was halfway down the runway he checked the airspeed
indicator again and he thought the speed was still reading 40 kt. The pilot considered aborting the
takeoff but then dismissed the idea as being over cautious.
[The recommended rotation speed of the aircraft is 53 kt for a normal or a short field takeoff. For a
soft field takeoff the flight manual recommends that the pilot ease back on the control wheel just
enough to raise the nose wheel from the ground as soon as possible, and lift off at the lowest
possible airspeed and then accelerate just above the ground to the best angle or best rate of climb
The pilot anticipated achieving 55 kt by the time he was two-thirds of the way down the runway but
when he realised that he was only doing 46 kt, he was most alarmed. He then tried to raise the nose
further to lift the aircraft off the ground. Due to the poor visibility caused by the sunlight, the end of
the runway was suddenly closer than he had realised. There was a 2-foot hedge and a road at the
end of the runway. The aircraft lifted off approximately 20 metres in front of the hedge with an
airspeed at or below 50 KIAS. The stall warning horn activated for two seconds and the wheels
grazed the hedge. The pilot then lowered the aircrafts nose to try to accelerate in ground effect with
the airspeed indicator reading approximately 48 kt. As he was flying in ground effect over a field,
he noticed another hedge, approximately 7 feet high, approaching with a barn on the other side. At
this point the aircrafts engine was still set to full power and the pilot believed it to be performing
normally but he decided not to risk trying to jump the hedge and thereby possibly stall the aircraft.
He deliberately touched down in the field approximately 30 metres short of the 7-foot hedge. Just
in front of the 7-foot hedge was a road running perpendicular to the aircrafts track, and in front of
the road was another smaller hedge. The aircraft passed through the first hedge at approximately 55
kt and then it crossed the road and cut through the 7-foot hedge before coming to a rest a few
metres to the right of the barn, in a yard covered with loose bricks and rubble.
The impacts tore off the right wing and ruptured the right fuel tank. Within one second of the
aircraft coming to rest the released fuel vapour ignited. Both the pilot and the passenger
immediately began to vacate the aircraft. The pilot estimated that they were clear of the aircraft
within 12 seconds of the aircraft coming to a stop. Despite their rapid exits, the pilot received minor
facial burns but his passenger received serious burns to his face and hands. The fire service arrived
at the scene within five minutes and extinguished a smouldering fire.
The wind was very light at the time of departure. The METAR for Leeds/Bradford Airport, 37 nm
north-west of Netherthorpe, reported a wind of 1 kt from 360 degrees, 10 minutes prior to the
accident and the same wind 20 minutes after the accident. The METAR for East Midlands airport
30 nm south of Netherthorpe reported a wind of 0 kt, 10 minutes prior to the accident and the same
wind 20 minutes after the accident. The approximate temperature and dewpoint in the Netherthorpe
area at the time of the accident were 9°C and 5°C respectively and the mean sea level pressure was
1008 mb (QNH). The total rainfall for the Netherthorpe area in the previous nine days including the
day of the accident was 43.8 mm. The total rainfall the day before the accident was 8.7 mm and an
additional 7.4 mm of rain fell on the day of the accident.
The Tomahawk flight manual contains a chart showing the take-off distance to a height of 50 feet
assuming the following: one notch of flaps, lift off speed 53 KIAS, full power before brake release,
paved level dry runway, and maximum take-off weight of 1,670 lb. Assuming zero wind, a
temperature of 9°C and a pressure altitude of 400 feet (Netherthorpe conditions at the time of the
accident) the published take-off distance to a height of 50 feet is 1,300 feet which equals 396
The flight manual contains a CAA change sheet that requires that the reported take-off distance
figures be factored by 1.05 because flight tests established that the Tomahawk failed to achieve the
reported performance. Therefore, the actual take-off distance to 50 feet is (396) x (1.05) = 416
metres. This figure assumes a dry level paved runway. Runway 24 at Netherthorpe was damp,
sloped uphill and had a grass surface. The flight manual does not provide correction factors for
these conditions but the CAA Safety Sense Leaflet 7B Aeroplane Performance does provide
The following factors in the Safety Sense Leaflet are to be multiplied by the take-off distance to a
height of 50 feet:
Condition Factor
Additional Safety
Runway 24 at Netherthorpe had a 1.9% uphill slope and therefore a factor of 1.095 is appropriate.
The grass runway was described as damp and therefore a factor of 1.25, which is halfway between
the dry grass factor and the wet grass factor, could be reasonably assumed. The CAAs 1.33 safety
factor is designed to account for variations in take-off technique and a reduction in performance
compared to published figures due to wear and tear on the aircraft and engine. If a flight manual
does not already include approved factored data, then the 1.33 safety factor should be applied.
Applying these three factors to the take-off distance results in:
This figure is the estimated take-off distance required to achieve a height of 50 feet given the
conditions at the time of the accident.
The Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP) does not publish a TODA (Take-Off Distance
Available) figure for Netherthorpe airfield. TODA is the sum of the useable runway length plus any
clearway. A clearway is an area beyond the end of the runway which is clear of significant vertical
obstacles; this area is always wider than the runway. The AIP entry reports a TORA (Take-Off Run
Available which means the useable length of runway) of 490 metres and states that the total length
of the grass strip is 553 metres. Since there is a road and a hedge at the end of Runway 24, the take-
off distance required of 757 metres significantly exceeded the take-off distance available.
The pilot performed a take-off distance calculation prior to departure. He applied a 1.1 factor for
the uphill slope, a 1.2 factor for the grass surface and a 1.33 safety factor. However, he mistakenly
applied these factors to the take-off ground roll distance in the flight manual rather than the take-off
distance to a height of 50 feet. The take-off ground roll distance he used was 213 metres and
applying the 1.1, 1.2 and 1.33 factors gave him a 375 metres take-off ground run distance which is
less than the TORA of 490m. In addition, the pilot assumed a 5 kt headwind in his calculations; he
assumed a dry runway and he did not apply the 1.05 factor required by the CAA change sheet.
The CAA safety sense leaflet on take-off performance only provides factors for calculating take-off
distance required and does not provide factors for directly calculating take-off ground run required.
The leaflet includes a note, referring to the factors for dry grass, wet grass and 2% slope, which
states: Effect on Ground Run/Roll will be greater.
Given the aircrafts performance, its weight, the weather and the runway surface conditions at the
time, there was insufficient runway length available for the aircraft to become safely airborne.
In his report the pilot was very honest and admitted that he had underestimated the take-off distance
required in his calculations. He had on a previous occasion departed safely from Netherthorpe
airfield in the same aircraft on his own and that may have affected his confidence. In addition,
witnessing four aircraft departing safely in front of him also convinced him that the conditions did
not present a problem. He also stated that he made a mistake in not aborting the takeoff at the
halfway point when it was first apparent that the aircraft was not accelerating sufficiently.
The CAA does not publish correction factors for calculating the take-off ground run required. The
factors in Safety Sense Leaflet 7B must be applied to the take-off distance to a height of 50 feet.
The same factors and guidelines are also included in Aeronautical Information Circular AIC
67/2002. AIC 67/2002 states: The pilot should always ensure that, after applying all the relevant
factors including the safety factor, the take-off distance to a height of 50 feet (TODR) does not
exceed the runway length available (or TODA if known). The TODR in this case was 757 metres
and the total published runway length was 553 metres.