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Main plant volatiles as stored grain pest management approach: A review

Article in Journal of Agriculture and Food Research · March 2021

DOI: 10.1016/j.jafr.2021.100127


35 966

6 authors, including:

Kabrambam D. Singh Jacobs Mobolade Adesina

Institute of Bioresources and Sustainable Development Rufus Giwa Polytechinic, Owo


Y. Rajashekar
Institute of Bioresources and Sustainable Development


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Journal of Agriculture and Food Research 4 (2021) 100127

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Main plant volatiles as stored grain pest management approach: A review

Kabrambam Dasanta Singh a, c, Adesina Jacob Mobolade a, b, Rupjyoti Bharali c,
Dinabandhu Sahoo a, Yallappa Rajashekar a, *
Insect Bioresource Laboratory, Animal Bioresources Programme, Institute of Bioresources and Sustainable Development, Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India,
Takyelpat, Imphal, 795001, Manipur, India
Department of Crop, Soil, and Pest Management Technology, Rufus Giwa Polytechnic, P. M. B, 1019, Owo, Ondo State, Nigeria
Department of Biotechnology, Gauhati University, Guwahati, 781014, Assam, India


Keywords: Insect pests inflict severe damage to stored food grains in many parts of the world. Though effective and reliable,
Plant volatile organic compounds (PVOC) several discouraging aspects of synthetic pesticides such as high cost, non-biodegradability, and the harmful ef-
Stored product insects fects on humans and the environment have urged agriculturist to look for an alternative approach that is
Pest control
powerful, eco-friendly, and economically viable. Plant volatile organic compounds are known to possess insec-
ticidal properties. They may be advocated for alternatives to synthetic insecticides. This review focused on how
plant volatile organic compounds can be used as botanicals pesticides, which could reduce the application of
synthetic insecticides in stored grain pest's management. The review discussed key challenges for product
commercialization for instance i) availability of natural resources, ii) maintaining quality, iii) simplification of the
legislation. The review also highlights the importance of having clear objectives in the biopesticides research.
While a dedicated regulatory framework exclusively for biopesticides manufacturing could help in expanding its

1. Introduction which cause postharvest losses of food grains and pulses, and damage
inflicted by insects represents the highest threat. It has been reported that
The current human population of our planet is approximately 7.6 there is a wide range of losses of approximately 5–30% of the world's
billion and, the number is projected to reach approximately 8.6 billion in total agricultural production due to insect infestation alone on stored
2030, and 9.8 billion in 2050 [1]. Food and Agriculture Organization food grains [5,6]. This wide variation in the estimation is partly due to
(FAO) predicted that the world may face a huge scarcity of food if the different geographical zones, different climatic conditions, also the
total world food production is not increased by 70% by the year 2050 [2]. disparity in the major crops grown. There is also no concrete method to
Even though, the available land resources could be enough to feed the accurately estimate the losses [5].
future world population, FAO however cautioned that majority of this Insects can cause enormous damage to grains and pulses by directly
potential land is suitable for growing only a few crops, not necessarily the consuming the kernels or through the accretion of exuviae, webbing, and
crops with highest demand and it is concentrated in a few countries [2]. cadavers. Accumulation of insect detritus may result in loss of food
Food grains and pulses constitute most consumed and the most common commodities qualitatively as well as quantitatively, thereby making the
stored food products in the world, especially in the tropical and grain unfit for human consumption [6]. Insect infestation may change the
sub-tropical regions, hence occupying a crucial position in the resolution environment of the storage chamber which could provide favorable
of food insecurity problems. Unfortunately, more than 70% of the pro- conditions for invasive storage fungi that cause further losses [7]. Major
duced grains are stored in villages in traditional structures such as primary stored grain pests include rice weevil, Sitophilus oryzae (L.),
earthen pots, silos, gunny bags, steel drums, and baskets [3]. This often granary weevil, Sitophilus granarius (L.), (Coleoptera: Curculionidae),
leads to loss of food grains and pulses, particularly in less developed lesser grain borer, Rhyzopertha dominica (F.), (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae),
countries where the need is the greatest [4]. There are various factors Khapra beetle, Trogoderma granarium (Everts), (Coleoptera:

* Corresponding author. Institute of Bioresources and Sustainable Development, Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India, Takyelpat Institutional Area, Imphal,
795001, Manipur, India.
E-mail address: yrajashekar.ibsd@nic.in (Y. Rajashekar).

Received 7 November 2019; Received in revised form 21 January 2021; Accepted 24 February 2021
2666-1543/© 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-
K.D. Singh et al. Journal of Agriculture and Food Research 4 (2021) 100127

Dermestidae), and the pulse beetle Callosobruchus chinensis (L.) (Cole- and has since been phased out as per the Montreal Protocol [14]. It created
optera: Bruchidae) [6]. There are also several secondary pests that inflict a paradigm shift in the magnitude of the used of phosphine, not just in
damage to stored grain, such as Tribolium castaneum (Herbst), (Coleop- quantity but also extended its application to a variety of stored products
tera: Tenebrionidae), rusty grain beetle, Cryptolestes ferrugineus (L.), other than the food grains, such as spices, cocoa beans, dried fruit, nuts,
(Coleoptera: Cucujidae), saw toothed grain beetle, Oryzaephilus sur- and even fresh fruits [15]. However, the adoption and implementation of
inamensis (L.), (Coleoptera: Silvanidae), mites, (Acarina: Tetranychidae) synthetic insecticides have been characterized by several shortcomings,
Liposcelis corrodens, (Psocoptera: Liposcelidae) [6]. Improper storage such as toxicity to humans and livestock, ozone depletion, toxicity to
methods could lead to the loss of huge amount of food grains and pulses non-target organisms, product adulteration, erratic supplies, and unavail-
throughout the world. Thus, farmers in anticipation of grain losses due to ability at critical periods [15]. Pest resurgence and secondary pest out-
pest infestation are forced to sell their produce early after harvest with breaks are other major problems associated with synthetic pesticides.
minimum monetary returns. Persistent use of such chemicals also leads to the emergence of resistant
The objective of the current review was to identify the gaps in the strains of the targeted pests [16]. Development of resistance in target pests
food storage system and propose an alternative approach for stored grain against phosphine is one typical example [17]. Moreover, the cost of in-
pest management. The review briefly covered the different approaches of secticides often puts a burden on the economic status of small-scale
stored grain pest management, considering both traditional and farmers. There is an urgent need for an alternative approach that could
chemical-based practices, emphasizing on the recent advancement in the effectively scale down the use of chemical insecticides. In this regard, plant
field. The varied mode of action and target site of plant volatiles organic volatile organic compounds have long been advocated as effective alter-
compounds (PVOCs) on insect's biological system has been discussed. natives to synthetic chemical insecticides for pest management.
The review also explored the reasons for low adoption of plant volatiles
as favored approach. 3. Plant volatile organic compounds (PVOC) as an alternative to
synthetic pesticides
2. Stored grain pest management approaches
Plants being one of nature's chemical producers provide several
2.1. Traditional practices bioactive organic chemicals whose major role in plants was found to be
defensive, especially against insect pests (Table 1) [12,18,19]. Those
The struggle between mankind and his insect enemies has a history organic bioactive compounds provide an odor that is typically volatile in
even older than the early period of human civilization. Farmers have nature and hence termed as plant volatile organic compounds (PVOC).
always depended on several indigenous traditional knowledges to pro- Such compounds have been traditionally used by farmers all over the
tect stored grain products from insect damage. Several crop-specific world in the fight against stored grain pests. The dawn of synthetic in-
storage techniques have been developed throughout the globe to retain secticides, after the Second World War, has made a significant impact on
the quality and quantity aspects of the food until their consumption or it agriculture with farmers drifting away from these old traditions. How-
is transported somewhere else. Farmers developed various conventional ever, considering the dangers associated along with the chemical in-
structures for food grains storage using locally available raw materials secticides, use of plant components with no or fewer threats forms the
such as bamboo, straw, wooden plank, mud, bricks, cow dung, etc. [8]. most viable option for the effective control measures against the various
The use of plant parts or plant extracts as natural insecticides was also pests of tropical agricultural systems [12,20,21].
very much common. In fact, it was the introduction of nicotine, rotenone, There are various plant species which embody a rich source of phy-
derris dust, and pyrethrum from Nicotiana tabacum (L) (Solanaceae), tochemicals that could be explored for use as insecticides [22]. The
Lonchocarpus spp. (Fabaceae), Derris elliptica (Wall.) Benth. (Fabaceae), secondary metabolites of plants were once considered to be waste
and Chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium (Asteraceae), respectively, in the products. However, the important role played by them in the plant de-
1850s, which led to the wide-scale use of plant extracts as insecticides fense mechanisms make them as one of the most interesting aspects of
[9]. Pyrethrum, an insecticide based on pyrethrin extracted from the crop protection [23]. In addition, they also act as attractant or repellent
flower heads of C. cinerariifolium [10] is very effective against several in insect-pest management. Secondary metabolites are known to influ-
insect pests, including moths and larvae. Therefore, it has been used ence the growth and development, ecdysis, mating behavior, fertility,
universally to protect stored grains and products from insect damage in and adult emergence of insect pests [24]. Numerous defensive chemicals
both temperate and tropical climates [11]. Several others plant extracts of plant origin have already been identified. Plant volatiles organic
and plant preparation have also been found to act against various insect compounds are generally much safer to human beings and to the envi-
pests. In the year 1939, Paul Muller, a Swiss chemist, developed a new ronment (Table 2). There is also less chance of developing resistance to
compound that greatly changed the fate of farmers throughout the world. the different botanical pesticide by the insect pests since these botanical
The development of dichloro diphenyl trichloroethane (DDT) by Muller pesticides possess a mixture of chemical components of a complex nature.
marked the advent of a new synthetic pesticide era. DDT performed a Hence, plant-derived molecules could thrive in the fight against
great role during World War II in which many diseases like typhus and insecticide-resistant insect pests [25]. It is well documented that farmers,
malaria carried by insects, took the lives of many soldiers and civilian. especially in the developing countries like Asia, Africa, and other parts of
the world are using botanicals as a measure to protect stored grains from
2.2. Conventional practices of stored-grain pests control bruchid infestation with varying degrees of success [26].
The secondary metabolites are often involved in plant defense
The control of insect pests from damaging food grains in an effective mechanism, but not directly involved in growth, development, or
way has long been the task of postharvest technologies throughout the reproduction of plant. Secondary metabolites include terpenoids, phe-
world. With the advent of the chemical era, the use of synthetic in- nolics and alkaloids [27] and these phytochemicals possess enormous
secticides was established as the most successful and reliable means of potential to act as biopesticides (Table 1). Over 2000 plant species boast
controlling storage insects throughout the world [12]. Synthetic fumigants pesticidal properties against several stored grain pests [28]. Several au-
are extensively and exclusively used in many developing countries as a thors also set forth various plant products along with their efficacy
measure to effectively kill all the developmental stages of insect pests against the stored grain pests [29,30]. These plant-derived botanicals are
within the storage facilities [6,13]. Methyl bromide and phosphine were generally used in the form of aqueous/solvent extracts, powders, slurries,
the chemical fumigants most used to protect stored grain pests all over the volatiles and oils, or as shredded segments [6,21]. Hence, plant-derived
globe. However, methyl bromide has proven detrimental to the strato- botanicals hold promise as an alternative to synthetic insecticides to
spheric ozone layer and listed as an ozone-depleting compound in 1993 lessen the negative impact of the pesticide on the environment.

K.D. Singh et al. Journal of Agriculture and Food Research 4 (2021) 100127

Table 1
List of plant volatiles and their insecticidal activity.
Plant species Family Part of the Product Active principles Bioassay test Target Insect References

Acorus calamus (L.) Acoraceae Rhizome extract β- Asarone Contact, S. zeamais [76]
Aloysia citriodora (Pal
au) Verbenaceae Leaves Essential citronellal and sabinene Repellent, T. castaneum, T. confusum [100]
oils fumigant, contact
A. polystachya (Pal
au) Verbenaceae Leaves Essential carvone and limonene Repellent T. castaneum, T. confusum [100]
Artemisia annua (L.) Asteraceae Leaves Essential 1, 8-cineole Fumigant T. castaneum [101]
Baccharis salicifolia (Ruiz Asteraceae Leaves Extract 3-Carene Contact, Repellent T. castaneum, S. zeamais [102]
& Pav.)
B. salicifolia Asteraceae Leaves Extract β-Pinene Contact, Fumigant T. castaneum, S. zeamais [73]
Brugmansia suaveolens Solanaceae Flowers Fractions – Oviposition Zabrotes subfasciatus [103]
(Willd.) deterent
Carum carvi (L.) Apiaceae Leaves Essential Carvone Contact R. dominica, S. oryzae, [104]
oils Limonene, (E)- Anethole S. zeamais
Chamaecyparis obtusa Cupressaceae Leaves Essential Bornyl acetate Contact fumigant S. oryzae, [105]
(Siebold & Zucc.) oils C. chinensis
Chenopodium ambrosioides Amaranthaceae Leaves Essential Hexadecane Contact T. castaneum, S. granarius [106,107]
(L.) oils
Cinnamomum aromaticum Lauraceae bark extract Cinnamaldehyde Contact T. castaneum, S. zeamais [108]
(Nees.) Fumigant
Citrus Rutaceae Fruit peel Essential Limonene Eugenol Fumigant Contact T. castaneum, S. oryzae [109]
Colocasia esculenta var. Araceae Rhizome Extracts 2, 3-Dimethylmaleic anhydride Fumigant S. oryzae, T. castaneum, C. [21]
esculenta (L.) Schott chinensis
Convolvulus arvensis (L.) Convolvulaceae Leaves Extracts Hexadecanoic acid Contact R. dominica, S. oryzae [110]
Conyza dioscordis (L.) Asteraceae Leaves Extracts Dicotlyhexanedioate Contact T. castaneum, S. granarius [106]
Coriander sativum (L.) Apiaceae Seeds Essential Linalool Contact S. oryzae, R. dominica and [36]
oils C. pusillus
Cupressus lusitanica (Mill.) Cupressaceae Leaves Essential umbellulone and α-pinene Contact, Fumigant T. castaneum, A. obtectus, S. [33]
oils cerealella and S. zeamais
Duguetia lanceolata St.- Hil. Annonaceae Leaves Extract 2,4,5-trimethoxystyrene Oviposition Zabrotes subfasciatus [111]
Eucalyptus spp. Myrtaceae Leaves Essential α-Terpinene Fumigant S. oryzae [110]
oils 1, 8-Cineole
α -pinene
Eucalyptus saligna (Sm.) Myrtaceae Leaves Essential p-Cymene (Cymol) Contact, T. castaneum, S. oryzae [33]
oils Fumigant,
Evodia ruticarpa (A. Juss.) Rutaceae Fruit Essential Triterpenes Fumigant, T. castaneum, S. zeamais [112]
T.G. Hartley oils Repellent
Feeding deterrent
Feoniculum vulgare (Mill.) Apiaceae Fruit Extract phenylpropenes (E)-anethole Contact S. oryzae, L. serricorne [35]
Estragole (þ)-Fenchone Fumigant
Juniperus foestidissima Cupressaceae Juvenile Essential Citronellol Fumigant T. granarium [113]
(Willd.) branches oils
Lantana camara (L.) Verbanaceae Leaves Extracts Coumaran Fumigant S. oryzae, T. castaneum, R. [29]
Melaleuca cajuputi Myrtaceae Leaves Essential Terpine-4-ol Terpiniolene Contact Fumigant T. castaneum, S. oryzae, E. [114,115]
(Powell) oils γ - Terpinene kuehniella, R. dominica
Mentha citrate (Ehrh.) Lamiaceae Aerial part Essential Carvone, Menthol, Linalool, Contact, Fumigant T. castaneum, C. maculatus [116]
oils Linalyl acetate
Nardostachys jatamansi Caprifoliaceae Roots Essential Aristolone Contact, Fumigant T. castaneum, S. oryzae [117]
(D.Don.) oils
Ocimum canum (Sims) Lamiaceae Dried leaves Essential Linalool Fumigant T. castaneum, S. granarius [118]
Ocimum kilimandscharium Lamiaceae Fresh aerial Essential Camphor Contact S. oryzae [119]
(Gürke) part oils
Pimenta racemose (Mill.) Myrtaceae Leaves Essential Linalool Fumigant S. zeamais [120]
Rosmarinus officinalis Lamiaceae Leaves Essential Camphor Fumigant S. oryzae [121]
(Spenn.) oils
Spent hops Flowers Extracts Xanthohumol Feedant deterent S. granarius L., T. confusum [122]
and T. granarium
Tagetes filifolia (Lag.) Asteraceae Aerial parts Essential (E)-anethole and estragole Fumigant T. castaneum [123]
Thespesia populnea (L.) Malvaceae Leaves Extract Phenol Fumigant, Contact C. maculatus [124]
Zingiber officinale (Roscoe) Zingiberaceae Rhizome Essential 1, 8-cineole Repellent, T. castaneum, S. zeamais [125]
oils Fumigant
Z. officinale Zingiberaceae Rhizome Essential β-Zingiberene Antifeedant, IGR T. castaneum [120]

IGR ¼ Insect Growth Regulator.

K.D. Singh et al. Journal of Agriculture and Food Research 4 (2021) 100127

Table 2 infesting stored grains (Fig. 1). Plants are known to produce diverse
Mammalian toxicity of some plant volatiles organic compounds. secondary phenolic compounds which could have played a major in
Active ingredient Route Animal Mammalian toxicity LD50 inflicting the contact toxicity and mortality effect to these stored grain
tested (mg/kg) insects [12,26,29,31]. Kim et al. [32] reported that the extract from the
Anethole Oral Rat 2090 Cinnamomum cassia (L.) (Lauraceae) bark and oil, Cocholeria aroracia (L.)
β-asarone Oral Rat 275 (Brassicaceae) oil, and Brassica juncea (L. Czern) (Brassicaceae) oil
Carvacrol Oral Rat 810 showed potent insecticidal activity against C. chinensis. Reports on the
1,8-Cineole Oral Rat 2480 bioassay-guided experiment of Mexican cypress, Cupressus lusitanica
Apiol Intravenous Dog 500
Anisaldehyde Oral Rat 1510
(Mill.) (Cupressaceae) and Sydney blue gum, Eucalyptus saligna (Sm.)
Trans-Anethole Oral Rat 2090 (Myrtaceae) also showed contact toxicity to adults of Sitotroga cereallela
(þ)Carvone Oral Rat 1640 (Olivier) (Gelechiidae), Acanthoscelides obtectus (Say) (Chrysomelidae),
Cinnamaldehyde Oral Guinea pigs 1160 Sitophilus zeamais (Motschulsky) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) and
Citral Oral Rats 4960
T. castaneum [33]. The essential oils of C. lusitanica and E. saligna were
Cuminic Oral Rats 1390
aldehyde more effective against A. obtectus and S. cerealella with LC50 values of
Eugenol Oral Rats 2680 0.05–0.11% v/w in contact toxicity and 4.07–7.02 μl/L air in fumigation
Dillapiol Oral Rats 1000–1500 [33]. The dose dependent nature of contact toxicity was demonstrated by
3-Isothujone Sub-cutaneous Mice 442.2 Alpinia extract which shows significant increase in the toxicity with
D-Limonene Oral Rats 4600
Linalool Oral Rats 1000
increasing exposure dose against Lasioderma serricorne (Fabricius)
Maltol Oral Rats 2330 (Coleoptera: Ptinidae) adults [34]. Estragole, (E)-anethole and (þ)-fen-
Menthol Oral Rats 3180 chone are the Foeniculum fruit-derived constituents which are found to be
2-Methoxyphenol Oral Rats 725 toxic to S. oryzae adults by the direct contact application [35]. The
Methyl chavicol Oral Rats 1820
essential oil extracted from seeds of Coriander sativum (L.) (Apiaceae)
Methyl eugenol Oral Rats 1179
Myrcene Oral Rats 5000 contains linalool, which is found to be very active against stored rice
Pulegone Intraperitoneal Mice 150 pests viz; S. oryzae, R. dominica and Cryptolestes pusillus (Sch€ onherr)
ϒ-terpinene Oral Rats 1680 (Coleoptera: Laemophloeidae) [36]. The essential oils and its bioactive
Terpinen4-ol Oral Rats 4300 molecules from aerial part of Pelargonium hortorum (L.H. Bailey) (Ger-
Thujone Sub-cutaneous Mice 87.5
aniaceae) exhibited contact toxicity against Liposcelis bostrychophila
Thymol Oral Mice 1800
(Badonnel) (Psocoptera: Liposcelididae) and S. zeamais with LD50 values
Source [6]. 149.88 μg/cm2 and 14.41 μg/adult respectively [37]. Many compounds
were isolated from T. apollinea L., viz., Isoglabratephrin, (þ)-glabra-
3.1. Contact toxicity tephrin, tephroapollin-F and lanceolatin-A, which showed adulticidal
activity against S. oryzae, R. dominica and T. castaneum at concentrations
Plant products with potent insecticidal activity could be used for the of 0.875, 1.75 and 3.5 mg mL 1 [38] 100% contact toxicity was also
control of stored beetles. Many authors have reported that plant volatiles observed from the essential oils of Hyptis suaveolens (L.) Poit (Lamiaceae)
are toxic and effective in enhancing the mortality of adult beetles and Ageratum conyzoides (L.) (Asteraceae) against T. castaneum, at

Fig. 1. Molecular structure of plant volatile organic compounds with contact toxicity.

K.D. Singh et al. Journal of Agriculture and Food Research 4 (2021) 100127

250 ppm while Coleus aromaticus (Benth.) (Lamiaceae) at 350 ppm [39]. [49]. In another study, the fumigant activity of EOs from Zingiber officinale
The essential oil of C. lusitanica contains compounds such as umbellulone (L.) (Zingiberaceae) and Mentha pulegium (L.) (Lamiaceae) was tested
(18.38%) and α-pinene (9.97%) which showed contact toxicity with LC50 against eggs, larvae and adults of Callosobruchus maculatus (Fabricius)
values of 0.05–0.11% v/w against T. castaneum, A. obtectus, S. cerealella (Chrysomelidae). The LC50 value of EOs of Z. officinale was reported to be
and S. zeamais [33]. Recent report suggested that, Perillaldehyde, a major 1.151, 2.336 and 2.183 μl/l air for eggs, larvae and adults of C. maculatus
constituent in oil of Lippia javanica var. javanica (Burm. f.) Spreng (Ver- respectively. While it was 0.072, 0.113 and 0.093 μl/l air essential oil of
benaceae), showed contact toxicity against S. zeamais. 100% mortality of M. pulegium for eggs, larvae and adults of C. maculatus respectively [50].
S. zeamais was observed after 48 h exposure to Perillaldehyde at con-
centration 10 mg/mL [40]. 4. Main mode of action of plant volatile organic compounds

Phytochemicals exhibit their effect on insects in several manners,

3.2. Fumigant toxicity including toxicity, repellency, antifeedant or feeding deterrent, fumigant,
growth inhibitor, and suppression of reproductive behavior and reduc-
Fumigation is one of the methods in stored products pest management. tion of fecundity and fertility [6]. Another important aspect of insect
Fumigation is done for killing insects or to avoid further damage to
control is to elucidate the mode of action of the natural insecticides as it
infested commodities. Fumigants are substances that vaporize at the will provide rational information on the proper formulation (Fig. 3).
temperature above 5  C (Fig. 2). They act in gaseous or smoke form with
Plant volatile organic compounds from many plant extracts and essential
high penetration power and usually applied in an enclosure system. In the oils consist of alkanes, alcohols, aldehydes, and terpenoids, especially
vapor phase, plant volatile organic compounds can penetrate through the
monoterpenoids (Table 1) [28,29,51].
insect's respiratory system and exhibit its toxic effect [41]. The fumigant
activity of plant products may be due to different functional groups
attached to these volatile chemicals which enable them to persist in a 4.1. Growth and development regulators/inhibitors
closed environment for a longer time [42]. One of the advantages of bio-
fumigants is that it has the potential to provide a novel mode of action Phytochemicals are known to affect growth, development, and
against insects that could nullify the danger of cross-resistance as well as metamorphosis of insect. These cause irreversible changes in the physi-
offering a new lead for the design of target-specific molecules [29,43]. ology and behavior of insect, such as reduction in weight of larvae, pupa,
Hamdi et al. [44] reported the fumigant toxicity of the essential oils from and adult, as well as prolonged larval and pupal periods [52]. Several
Tunisian and Algerian L. nobilis against Ephestia kuehniella (Zeller) (Lepi- plant volatiles with potential insect growth regulator and sterilant
doptera: Pyralidae) (Mediterranean flour moth). Nenaah & Ibrahim [45] characteristics have been assessed in this respect (Fig. 4). Various plant
reported the insecticidal activity of Pimpinella anisum (L.) (Apiaceae), extracts showed inhibition in percentage pupation upon larval treatment
Cinnamomum camphora (L.) (Lauraceae) essential oils against T. granarium [53]. Essential oil from Cymbopogon schoenanthus (Spreng.) (Poaceae)
and T. castaneum. The plant volatile coumaran molecule from Lantana showed inhibition of growth and development in all life stages of
camara (L.) (Verbanaceae) showed grain protectant properties against C. maculatus [54]. Plant-derived botanicals were also found to inhibit the
stored grain pests [29]. 2, 3-Dimethylmaleic anhydride is a plant volatile development of eggs and immature stages inside grain kernels. Aqueous
organic compound from Colocasia esculenta var. esculenta (L.) Schott extracts of common cocklebur Xanthium strumarium (L.) (Asteraceae) leaf
(Araceae) that was toxic to various stored grain pests [21,46]. 1, 8 cineole was also reported to show several insecticidal properties including
isolated from Artemisia annua (L.) (Asteraceae) showed potent fumigant toxicity, repellency, inhibition of fecundity and adult emergence of the
toxicity against adult T. castaneum [47]. The main components of the insects, and grains protection against C. chinensis [55].
essential oils of Chinese medicinal herb, Blumea balsamifera (L.) (Aster-
aceae) leaves were 1, 8-cineole, 4-terpineol and α-terpineol and it was 4.2. Hormone regulator
reported to show distinct fumigant toxicity against S. zeamais adults [48].
In a comparison study of twenty different plant-derived oils for their Several investigations have been carried out to screen various plant
acaricidal and insecticidal property, it was found that A. graveolens, extracts for their juvenilizing effect. Rani and Jamil [56] discovered that
Achillea millefolium (L.) (Asreraceae) and Eucalyptus dives (Schauer) (Myr- plant extracts of water hyacinth contain a juvenile hormone analogue,
taceae) were toxic to S. oryzae and S. zeamais in the fumigant bioassay which causes abnormal moulting and metamorphosis of stored grains

Fig. 2. List of molecular structure of plant volatile organic compounds with fumigant activity.

K.D. Singh et al. Journal of Agriculture and Food Research 4 (2021) 100127

Fig. 3. Various molecular targets and mode of actions of insecticides.

Fig. 4. Chemical structure of phytochemicals showing hormone regulator, chemosterilant, oviposition suppression in stored grain insects.

insects. Their role in regulating the reproduction of insect is also well 4.3. Oviposition deterrent
studied [57] (Fig. 4). Lingampally et al. [58] reported that Solasodine at
concentration of 1 μg/μl could inhibit moulting and induced several Oviposition deterrents are chemicals which prevent or avoid insect
morphogenetic abnormalities which lead to the death of fifth instar from egg laying. Oviposition deterrents have huge potential to prevent
larvae of Tribolium confusum (Jacquelin du Val) (Tenebrionidae) during insect infestation and can offer the first line of defense against insect pest.
moulting and could affect the percentage of adult emergence. Plant volatiles are generally used as cues by ovipositing females for

K.D. Singh et al. Journal of Agriculture and Food Research 4 (2021) 100127

locating host plant or substrates [59,60]. Many experts have reported the unappealing or unpalatable [71]. Antifeedants can also induce cessation of
involvement of PVOC in part or completely preventing egg laying as well feeding either temporarily or permanently. The presence of certain
as the emergence from the laid eggs on stored grains by different families chemicals in plants prevents insects from feeding on them, thus leads to
of insect pests [61–63]. 1, 8 cineole isolated from essential oils and their starvation of the insects and, eventual mortality (Fig. 5). A very distinctive
volatile component of various plants within Lamiaceae family was found feature of antifeedants is the way it inflicts effect on insects when in
to affect the oviposition rate of various insect [64]. Used of garlic oil as an contact with such substances. Antifeedant attempts to eliminate insects
oviposition deterrent is also common [65]. The EOs of Eucalyptus citriodora without ever disturbing the ecological balance. Antifeedant don't kill the
(Hook.) (Myrtaceae), Eucalyptus globulus (Labill.) (Myrtaceae) and Euca- target insect, rather it allows them to be available for their natural en-
lyptus. Staigeriana (F.Muell. ex. F.M. Bailey) (Myrtaceae) have severe effect emies. The deleterious effects could be activated to serve a novel role in the
on the oviposition, thereby reducing the viability of eggs and insect's management of stored grain insect pest. The identification of azadirachtin
emergence of Zabrotes subfasciatus (Chrysomelidae) and C. maculatus [66]. and neem seed extracts, during 1970s and 1980s, as potent feeding
Essential oils of other plants viz., Trachyspermum ammi (L.) (Apiaceae), deterrent pave the way for natural antifeedant [10]. The essential oils from
Anethum graveolens (L.) (Apiaceae) and, Nigella sativa (L.) (Ranunculaceae) Gaultheria procumbens (L.) (Ericaceae) showed potent antifeedant proper-
has shown to affect the oviposition potential and delays the developmental ties against Coleopteran insects S. oryzae and R. dominica [72]. The feeding
period of T. castaneum [67]. It also caused deformities in insect meta- behavior of three stored grain insects, S. oryzae, R. dominica and
morphosis. Laurus nobilis (L.) (Lauraceae) and Rosmarinus officinale (L.) T. castaneum were reported to change significantly when flavanoids
(Lamiaceae) are known to cause egg mortality [68]. In a study, the effect of compounds, Isoglabratephrin, (þ)-glabratephrin, tephroapollin-F and
finely powdered and intact dried leaves of Ocimum canum Sims (Lam- lanceolatin-A (Fig. 4) isolated from Tephrosia apollinea (Delile), were
iaceae) on adults of Zabrotes subfasciatus (Roheman) in dried Pinto beans treated at different test concentrations of 0.65, 1.3 and 2.6 mg g– 1. The
were determined. It was reported that the finely powdered dried leaves relative growth rate and efficiency of conversion of ingested food were also
completely suppressed the oviposition at 2% W/W, with an EC50, of 0.45% significantly reduced by all the treated insects [38].
W/W. While there was no effect of intact dried leaves on the insect's
population [69]. In a similar report, powdered and intact dried leaves from
four locally grown plant species i.e. Chenopodium ambrosioides (L.) 4.5. Repellent activity
(Amaranthaceae), Tagetes minuta L. (Asteraceae), Azadirachta indica A. Juss
(Meliaceae), C. lusitanica, applied at a rate of 1.5 kg per 100 kg beans Repellents are chemical substances that protect plants or stored grain
(Phaseolus vulgaris) against A. obtectus and Z. subfasciatus was compared products from insect's damage by rendering the stored grains as unat-
under laboratory conditions. C. ambrosioides was found to be the most tractive, unpalatable or offensive to the infesting insect pests (Fig. 6).
effective with 100% mortality of adult insects in less than three days and PVOC mostly affect adult beetles causing them to flee from treated grains,
no progeny. T. minuta applied as powder also increased mortality and or not to invade it at all. The properties of repellency of plant volatiles
reduced oviposition and progeny production significantly. While A. indica could have an important implication in the traditional postharvest stor-
or C. lusitanica applied as powder or as whole leaves, had no significant age system. Generally, they are available locally and it makes them
effects upon mortalities, oviposition rate, or progeny production compared further an attractive candidate in the management of stored-grain insect
with control treatments [70]. pests. The α-terpineol, pulegol and germacrol volatile compounds iso-
lated from Baccharis salicifolia (Ruiz & Pav.) (Asteraceae) were revealed
that shows potent repellent properties against T. castaneum [73]. The
4.4. Antifeedant ar-turmerone isolated from Curcuma longa (L.) (Zingiberaceae) rhizomes
were reported to show effective repellent activity against S. zeamais [74].
“Antifeedants” or “feeding deterrents” are the chemical substances that Different solvent extracts (Hexane, chloroform, ethyl acetate) of three
disrupt the feeding behavior of insect by making the treated food widely grown plants Sphaeranthus indicus (L.) (Asteraceae), Tephrosia

Fig. 5. Chemical structure of plant volatile organic compounds with antifeedant activity.

K.D. Singh et al. Journal of Agriculture and Food Research 4 (2021) 100127

Fig. 6. List of chemical structure of plant volatile organic compounds with repellent activity.

purpurea (L.) pers. (Fabaceae) and Prosopis juliflora (Sw.) DC. (Fabaceae) ovicidal effect on eggs of T. castaneum [83]. The EOs of cardamom
were reported to show repellent activity against T. castaneum. Repellent (Elletaria cardamomum) L. (Zingiberaceae), Cinnamomum zeylanicum
activity of hexane extract of P. juliflora were reported with EPI value in Blume (Lauraceae), Sygium aromaticum L. Merrill. et. Perry) (Myrtaceae),
2.5% 0.11 and 0.33 at 1 h and 6 h respectively, while the EPI value of Eucalyptus spp. and Azadirectica indica A. juss (Meliaceae) were also
chloroform extract of T. purpurea 2.5% at 6 h was 0.17. For S. indicus the found to have ovicidal effect on the eggs of T. castaneum [84].
EPI value was 0.65 at 2.5% and 6 h [75]. (Z)-asarone is an active con-
stituent isolated from the enthanolic extract of Acorus calamus (L.)
4.7. Chemosterilants
(Acoraceae). This compound is reported to have strong repellency against
S. zeamais [76]. The repellent property of essential oils of Callistemon
Chemosterilants are substances which deprive insects of their ability
lanceolatus (Sm.) Sweet (Myrtaceae) and Lippia alba (Mill.) N.E. Brown
to reproduce. Such substances produce irreversible sterility without
(Verbenaceae) against C. chinensis is also well documented [77]. The
affecting their mating behavior or its life span but only prevent the
essential oils of aromatic plants are such as Cymbopogon fexuosus (pao-
production of F1 progeny. In some cases, eggs may not be laid, fail to
ceae), C. winterianus (paoceae) and C. martini (paoceae) were also re-
hatch, larvae may not pupate, or the pupal development will be incom-
ported to have strong repellent property against T. castaneum and were
plete. Chemosterilants cause damage to the ovaries resulting in inhibition
significantly repellent at 1.41 μL/cm2 [78].
of egg formation [77,85]. Thus, ovarian development is prevented, and it
leads to sterility. Chemosterilants has proven to be an important aspect of
integrated pest management programs as it reduces the occurrence of
4.6. Ovicidal effects
pest-resistant [28]. Saxena et al. [86] found that asarone isolated from
the rhizomes of A. calamus possessed insect chemosterilant properties,
Substance or agent that has the potential to kill eggs especially the
causing inhibition of insect's interstitial cell activity. The active principle,
eggs of insects, mites etc. are considered to have ovicidal effect. Many
1, 3, 7-trimethylxanthine isolate from seed extract of proved effective as
plants are known to possess the ovicidal property. This property of plants
chemosterilant for C. chinensis [87].
is of great importance in the management of insect-pests at every stages
of their life cycle, thereby preventing the damage caused by other stages
[79]. Application of botanicals on eggs could tremendously reduce the 4.8. Behavioral disturbance
number of adult emergence which is probably due to either chemical
toxicity and/or physical properties, which cause changes in surface Like other toxic compounds, plant derived insecticides may also
tension within the egg similar to those of oils [80]. Salunke et al. [81] induce changes in the behavior of insects. They either stimulate or reduce
revealed that flavonoids isolated from Calotropis procera (Ait.) R. Br. the insect's mobility or flight patterns, and even cause physiological al-
(Apocynaceae) were toxic to eggs of C. chinensis with 100% progeny terations [88]. Naturally, insects will tend to move away from the
suppression at 10 mg/mL concentration. The essential oils of Indian dill, insecticide exposed area as soon as the presence of toxic compounds is
Anethum sowa (L.) (Apiaceae) were also reported to show ovicidal effect detected. Besides EOs are known to inhibit acetylcholiesterases enzyme
on eggs of C. maculatus [82]. L-menthol is an active component, isolated on insect's nervous system while also disrupting the GABAergic [89] and
from the essential oil of Mentha arvensi L. (Lamiaceae), which has high aminergic transmissions [90]. However, essential oils when given in sub

K.D. Singh et al. Journal of Agriculture and Food Research 4 (2021) 100127

lethal dose on insects can contribute to the development of resistance Not only the quality product, but the safety documentation through
against traditional insecticides that could also compromise the manage- proper toxicological studies is also required. Given the complexity of the
ment strategy of insect-pests [91,92]. In an experiment, Haddi et al. [93] metabolic pathway of secondary metabolite production it is not an easy
investigated the toxicity and locomotory as well as respiration responses ride to maintain the requisite quality all the time. It is time to re-evaluate
induced by essential oils of clove and cinnamon on S. zeamais. It was the existing regulatory norms making it more simplified and develop a
reported that S. zeamais populations gave stimulatory response in median better understanding and cooperation between the research personal and
survival time when exposed to sublethal dose. The respiratory rates of industries for wide scale dissemination of the technology involving
S. zeamais (i.e., CO2 production) were significantly reduced under low PVOCs [98].
concentrations of the essential oils.
6. Conclusion
5. Why low commercialization of products based on PVOCs
Plant-derived insecticides have always been a major weapon in the
The insecticidal properties of several plants are being well recog- farmers' armory in managing insect pests of their farm produce. It was
nized. Many researchers are working in this subject, and there are also only after the discovery of the organochlorine and organophosphate in-
several peer scientific publications and potential patents. Isman and secticides in the late 1930s and early 1940s that the focus shifted to
Grieneisen [94] analyzed over 20,000 research publications on botanical synthetic insecticides. The present review revealed that plant volatile
insecticides from 1980 to 2012. Their analysis pointed towards many organic compounds can be reinstated to accomplish the intention of
flaws in the recent publication on botanical insecticides that compromise reducing the application of synthetic insecticides in the management of
the reproducibility of data and the strong basis for equitable comparison stored grain insect infestation. But at first, we must understand the
with past and future studies. As a consequent, much of the scientific constraint associated with commercialization process of products based
literature on this filed are of limited use in the progress towards on PVOCs. Only after crossing the hurdles plant volatile organic com-
commercialization or advancement of knowledge, given the resources pounds may be recommended as a viable alternative to synthetic in-
expended. The reasons could be due to (i) lack of clear idea in the in- secticides since it is economical, easily available at farmer level and eco-
vestigator's objective of the research (ii) confinement of the experiment friendly with low mammalian toxicity. Plant volatiles organic com-
only in the laboratory condition (iii) scarcity of the natural resources (iv) pounds potentially offer a solution to problems associated with health
lack of proper standardization and quality control (v) stringent legisla- risks, availability, costs and resistance as in the case of synthetic pesti-
tions, etc. [94–96]. The above-mentioned issues need to be addressed at cides, and to that of lack of equipment for hermetic storage, gamma
first before we could see a significant rise in the percentage of irradiation, and controlled atmospheres.
commercialization. For instance, investigator need to have a clear-cut
objective of their research, whether to focus on the use of crude or
semi refined plant extracts for resource poor farmers in developing Declaration of competing interest
countries, or simply the isolation and characterization of bioactive
compounds for industrialized pesticides development [94]. Many of the The authors, Kabrambam D. Singh, Adesina J. Mobolade, Rupjyoti
publications are based on the experimental data in laboratory condition. Bharali, Dinabandhu Sahoo and Yallappa Rajashekar declare that they
Those data need to be consistent in the field trial. Besides, there must be have no conflict of interest.
an assurance that the starting material (the potential plant in question) is
abundant enough to meet the demand on consistent basis for industri-
alization, otherwise there will be little value for investing millions of
dollars [95]. The quality of the product and sometimes the chemotype
The authors wish to thank the Director, Institute of Bioresources and
itself will vary depending on several factors such as varieties, develop-
Sustainable Development, Manipur, India for his keen interest in this
mental stages, environment which includes soil parameters, climatic
study. The First author acknowledges the financial support by Depart-
conditions, and even plant's phenological phase. For instance, EOs of two
ment of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology, Govt. of
morphologically distinct varieties of L. javanica growing at different lo-
India, New Delhi through DBT Junior Research Fellowship Number:
cations in Malawi were found to produce different major chemical con-
stituents. Perillaldehyde and myrcenone (ipsdienone) were the major
constituents in oil of L. javanica var. javanica and L. javanica var. whytei
respectively. While Perillaldehyde was found to exhibit 100% contact References
toxicity at 10 mg/mL against S. zeamais, myrcenone (ipsdienone) was not
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