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ISSN 1816-112X

Science Citation Index Expanded,

Materials Science Citation Index
and ISI Alerting

EDITORS-IN-CHIEF L. Dezi C. Scawthorn

Univ. of Ancona, Italy Scawthorn Porter Associates, USA

Asian Pacific, African D. Dubina P. Schaumann

The Politehnica Univ. of Tim osoara, Univ. of Hannover, Germany
and organizing Editor Romania
S.L. Chan G.P. Shu
R. Greiner Southeast Univ. China
The Hong Kong Polyt. Univ., Technical Univ. of Graz, Austria
Hong Kong J.G. Teng
L.H. Han The Hong Kong Polyt. Univ., Hong Kong
Tsinghua Univ. China
American Editor G.S. Tong
W.F. Chen G.W.M. Ho Zhejiang Univ., China
Ove Arup & Pa rtners Hong Kon g Ltd.,
Univ. of Hawaii at Manoa, USA Hong Kong K.C. Tsai
National Taiwan Univ., Taiwan
European Editor B.A. Izzuddin
Imperial College of Science, Technology C.M. Uang
R. Zandonini and Medicine, UK Univ. of California, USA
Trento Univ., Italy
J.P. Jaspart B. Uy
Univ. of Liege, Belgium University of Western Sydney
S. A. Jayachandran M. Veljkovic
EDITORIAL BOARD IIT Madras, Chennai, India Univ. of Lulea, Sweden
F.G. Albermani S. Kitipornchai F. Wald
The Univ. of Queensland, Australia City Univ. of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Czech Technical Univ. in Prague, Czech
I. Burgess D. Lam Y.C. Wang
Univ. of Sheffield, UK Univ. of Bradford, UK The Univ. of Manchester, UK
F.S.K. Bijlaard G.Q. L i Y.L. X u
Delft Univ. of Technology, The Netherlands Tongji Univ., China The Hong Kong Polyt. Univ., Hong Kong
R. Bjorhovde J.Y.R. Liew D. White
The Bjorhovde Group, USA National Univ. of Singapore, Singapore Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
M.A. Bradford E.M. Lui E. Yamaguchi
The Univ. of New South Wales, Australia Syracuse Univ., USA Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan
D. Camotim Y.L. M o Y.B. Yang
Technical Univ. of Lisbon, Portugal Univ. of Houston, USA National Taiwan Univ., Taiwan
C.M. Chan J.P. Muzeau B. Young
Hong Kong Uni v. of Science & Technolog y, CUST, Clermont Ferrand, France The Univ. of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Hong Kong
D.A. Nethercot X.L. Zhao
T.H.T. Chan Imperial College of Science, Technology Monash Univ., Australia
Queensland Univ. of Technology, Australia and Medicine, UK
S.P. Chiew Z.H. Zhou
Y.Q. N i
Nanyang Technological Univ., Singapore Alpha Consultant Ltd., Hong Kong
The Hong Kong Polyt. Univ., Hong Kong
W.K. Chow D.J. Oehlers
The Hong Kong Polyt. Univ., Hong Kong The Univ. of Adelaide, Australia
K.F. Chung K. Rasmussen
The Hong Kong Polyt. Univ., Hong Kong The Univ. of Sydney, Australia
G.G. Deierlein J.M. Rotter
Stanford Univ., California, USA The Univ. of Edinburgh, UK

Cover: Curved Roof of the New Wuhan Bullet Train Station in China
General Information
Advanced Steel Construction, an international journal
Aims and scope
The International Journal of Advanced Steel Construction provides a platform for the publication and rapid dissemination of ori ginal
and up-to -date research and tec hnological development s in steel c onstruction, design and anal ysis. Scope of research p apers
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Asian Pacific , African and organizing editor : Professor S.L. Chan, Email: ceslchan@polyu.edu.hk
American editor : Professor W.F. Chen, Email: waifah@hawaii.edu
European editor : Professor R. Zandonini, Email: riccardo_zandonini@ing.unitn.it
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Journal: [1] Chen, W.F. and Kishi, N., “Semi- rigid Steel Beam-to-column Connections, Data Base and Modellin g”, Journal of
Structural Engineering, ASCE, 1989, Vol. 115, No. 1, pp. 105-119.
Book: [2] Chan, S.L. and Chui, P.P.T., “Non-linear Static and Cyclic Analysis of Semi-rigid Steel Frames”, Elsevier Science,
Proceedings: [3] Zandonini, R. a nd Zanon, P ., “Experimental Analy sis of S teel Beams with Semi -rigid Joint s”, Proceedings of
International Conference on Advances in Steel Structures, Hong Kong, 1996, Vol. 1, pp. 356-364.
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Email: ceslchan@polyu.edu.hk Website: http://www.hkisc.org/
ISSN 1816-112X
Science Citation Index Expanded, Materials Science Citation Index and ISI Alerting
Copyright © 2010 by:
The Hong Kong Institute of Steel Construction.
ISSN 1816-112X
Science Citation Index Expanded,
Materials Science Citation Index and
ISI Alerting


Asian Pacific, African Technical Papers

and organizing Editor Progressive Collapse of Steel-Framed Buildings: 932
S.L. Chan Influence of Modelling Approach
The Hong Kong Polyt. Univ., Hang Yu, Bassam A. Izzuddin and Xiao-Xiong Zha
Hong Kong
Theoretical Analysis and Experimental Research on 949
Email: ceslchan@polyu.edu.hk
Stability Behavior of Structural Steel Tube and Coupler
Falsework with X-Bracing
American Editor Hongbo Liu, Zhihua Chen, Xiaodun Wang and Ting Zhou
W.F. Chen
Univ. of Hawaii at Manoa, USA Experimental Behavior of High Strength Concrete-Filled 963
Square Steel Tube under Bi-Axial Eccentric Loading
Email: waifah@hawaii.edu
GuoChang Li, Zhijian Yang and Yan Lang

European Editor Load-Carrying Capacity and Practical Design Method of 976

R. Zandonini Welded Hollow Spherical Joint in Space Latticed Structures
Trento Univ., Italy Xing Li
Email: riccardo.zandonini@ing.unitn.it
Bond Tests of Partially Encased Composite Columns 1001
Marisa Pecce and Francesca Ceroni

Advanced Analysis and Performance Based Evaluation of 1019

Concrete Filled Tube (CFT) Columns
Jong Wan Hu, Joonam Park and Roberto T. Leon

Tensile Behavior of Welded Tee End Connection for 1034

Circular Hollow Members
Vittorio Nascè and Francesco Tondolo
Advanced Steel Construction Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 932-948 (2010) 932



Hang Yu1,*, Bassam A. Izzuddin2,* and Xiao-Xiong Zha3

PhD Candidate, Shenzhen Graduate School, Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen 518055, China
Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Imperial College London, United Kingdom
Professor, Department of Urban and Civil Engineering, Shenzhen Graduate School,
Harbin Institute of Technology, China
*(Corresponding author: E-mail: yuh119@gmail.com and b.izzuddin@imperial.ac.uk)

Received: 8 December 2009; Revised: 1 March 2010; Accepted: 2 March 2010

ABSTRACT: This paper compares the influence of several modelling approaches for progressive collapse
assessment of steel-framed buildings, considering sudden column loss as a design scenario. A typical steel moment
frame structure is modelled at various levels of structural idealization, including assembled beam models, grillage
models and frame models with the reinforced concrete slab. Both peripheral and corner column loss scenarios are
investigated, where the maximum dynamic response of the above floors is regarded as a key factor defining the
structural robustness. Both nonlinear dynamic finite element analysis and a novel simplified dynamic assessment
method are employed, where it is confirmed that the simplified approach has good accuracy considering various
structural idealizations. The influence of the level of structural idealisation is investigated, where it is shown that
grillage models using a simplified assembly procedure predict the response of a frame idealisation under sudden
column loss quite well. On the other hand, the incorporation of the reinforced concrete floor slab can significantly
affect the structural response to sudden column loss beyond the predictions of grillage models due to 2D slab effects.
It is recommended that progressive collapse assessment of multi-storey buildings under sudden column loss is
performed using the simplified dynamic assessment procedure, and that grillage models can be used as a
conservative representation in the absence of detailed slab models.
Keywords: Progressive collapse; modelling approach; simplified analysis method; column failure; steel frame
building; pseudo-static analysis


Since the Ronan Point collapse in 1968, progressive collapse of multi-storey buildings has attracted
the attention of several researchers. Several related design codes have since been developed, where
most of these, such as GSA 2003 [1], DoD 2005 [2] and ACI [3], consider three types of
requirement, namely, interconnection or continuity via tying forces, alternate load path, and local
resistance of key elements. However, there are still numerous issues that remain to be resolved,
including the treatment of dynamic amplification for sudden column loss, which has been recently
adopted as an even-independent scenario for the assessment of structural robustness [4].
Williamson et al [5] suggested decreasing the dynamic amplification factor to 1.5 for the static
nonlinear analysis of steel structures, and they argued that none of the parameters as the number of
bays, stories and so on significantly affected the dynamic multiplier. Marjanishvili and Agnew [6]
compared four methods for progressive collapse analysis by analyzing steel moment-resistant
frame with linear elastic static, non-linear static, linear-elastic dynamic and non-linear dynamic
method. They supposed that 2 is a good estimate of the amplification factor. Rather than providing
a determinate amplification factor, Izzuddin et al. [7, 8] proposed a novel simplified framework,
which enables the evaluation of dynamic response to be predicted using pseudo-static analysis
method. In the case study of this paper, the dynamic amplification factor estimated with this
method proved to be accurate enough compared with the nonlinear dynamic analysis results. More
recently, the effect of available ductility on dynamic amplification has been incorporated in an
empirical manner within the recommendations for the new DoD design code [12], though Izzuddin
[13,14] has shown that these recommendations ignore the nature of the nonlinear static response
The Hong Kong Institute of Steel Construction www.hkisc.org
933 Hang Yu, Bassam A. Izzuddin and Xiao-Xiong Zha

and can be unsafe, Izzuddin [13,14] proposed that the simplified dynamic assessment procedure
used in this work, resulting in the so-called ductility centred approach, offers a more rational
approach for progressive collapse assessment under sudden column loss scenarios.

In addition to the issue of dynamic amplification, and although computing power is now order of
magnitude more than decades ago, it is still impractical for structural engineers to set up detailed
FEM models for real building structures. Accordingly, research efforts have been dedicated towards
the development of simplified structural modelling approaches, which satisfy both accuracy and
efficiency requirements, for example utilising and improving the component method in EC3 to
simulate the response of beam-to-column connections [8,15]. However, physical testing is still
necessary to validate these connection models, since the ductility of connections is still not very
well understood and cannot be simply derived from FEM modelling. Besides the beam-to-column
connections, the modelling of the floor slab is also of great concern, since it can play a significant
role in the structural resistance to progressive collapse. Khandelwal et al [9,10] and Sadek et al,[11]
developed a reduced component connection model and simulated the composite slab in detail using
LS-DYNA, which provided a useful insight into structural pushdown behaviour. However, this
modelling approach is too complicated and computationally demanding for practical application in
the design and assessment of structure for robustness.

In the current paper, several modelling approaches at various levels of idealisation are compared
with reference to a typical seismically-design steel moment-resisting framed building, considering
the sudden loss of middle peripheral corner columns. Since the floor of the structure is crucial in
assessing the robustness of the structure, a composite beam frame model is firstly adopted for
idealization rather than the bare steel frame, which neglects composite action between the steel
beam and the concrete slab. This is compared to a simpler grillage model for which the response is
obtained using a simplified assembly procedure [7], where good agreement has been achieved. In
order to consider the contribution of the floor slab more realistically, a plate element is also utilized
at the higher level of idealisation, where it is shown that the more complete structural system is
typically less prone to progressive collapse than the grillage models. In considering the effect of the
structure surrounding the affected bay, various representative boundary conditions have also been
applied to the affected bay. It is found that when the edges of the slab are rotationally restrained, the
structure behaves similarly to a full structural model with the entire floor slab. In all of the
idealisations, the novel simplified dynamic assessment method proposed by Izzuddin [7] is utilised,
which evaluates the dynamic response as a pseudo-static response, and this is shown in this paper
to be quite accurate compared to detailed nonlinear dynamic analysis at the various levels of
structural idealisation.



When the scenario of sudden loss of a single vertical member is considered, the vertical support of
the affected bay is lost. The floor begins to deflect towards the damaged column under the action of
the unbalanced gravity load, which will lead to a considerable concentration of deformations in the
connections within the floors above, provided the redistributed gravity load can be sustained by the
adjacent columns, and thus the vulnerability of the structure is largely determined by the maximum
deformation demands on the connections in relation to their ductility supply.

The framework of structural progressive collapse assessment approach, which is presented by

Izzuddin et al. [7, 8], is based on this typical failure mode. It utilises three main stages for assessing
this limit state:
Progressive Collapse of Steel-Framed Buildings : Influence of Modelling Approach 934

a) non-linear static response, which considers the damaged structure under gravity loading,
b) simplified dynamic assessment, in which the maximum dynamic response can be evaluated on
the basis of the energy conservation, and
c) ductility assessment, which compares the ductility supply against the ductility demand with at
the maximum dynamic response.

In the nonlinear static analysis stage, this framework can be applied at various levels of idealisation
[7], such as the individual beam level, grillage/floor model level provided that the affected floors
are identical in terms of structure and loading, and the level of several floors. On the beam level,
the beams are simulated with elasto-plastic beam-column elements. The semi-rigid beam-to-column
connections can be modelled as a series of springs according to the component method introduced
in EC3 [17]. This level also has the additional benefit of enabling the realistic representation of
composite action between the steel beam and the floor slab, including the influence of partial/full
shear connection. In the cases that the arching and 2D slab action of the slab are significant, the
resistance provided by the floor slab can be modelled with shell elements. The framework proposed
by Izzuddin et al. [7] is based on the simplifying assumption that the maximum dynamic response
can be estimated from the nonlinear static response under amplified gravity loading (λP0), where λ
is the dynamic amplification factor, and P0 is the designed gravity loading. Moreover, this nonlinear
static response also forms the basis for simplified dynamic assessment method without the need for
detailed non-linear dynamic analysis.

In the simplified dynamic assessment stage, the energy conservation is utilized to predict the
maximum dynamic response using only the nonlinear static response. In the initial stage of
dynamic response, the differential work done over the incremental deformation by the unbalanced
gravity load is transformed into additional kinetic energy. As the deformation increase, the static
resistance exceeds the gravity loading, and hence the velocities are decreased until the kinetic
energy is reduced back to zero, provided the beam-to-column connections satisfy the ductility
demand. Therefore, at the maximum dynamic deformed configuration (i.e. at rest), the work done
by the gravity loads become identical with the energy absorbed by the structure, and the dynamic
equilibrium is achieved.

In order to evaluate the total energy absorbed by the structure, a dominant deformation mode is
assumed. The equivalence between external work and internal energy is obtained when the two
depicted hatched areas become identical [7], as illustrated in Figure 1 (a-b), where the nonlinear
static load-deflection response is employed for two levels of suddenly applied gravity loading
(P=λ1P0 P=λ2P0). The level of suddenly applied gravity loading (Pn=λnP0) that leads to a specific
maximum dynamic displacement (ud, n) is therefore easily obtained from Eq. 1 [6]:

u d ,n
Pn  n P0 
ud , n 0
Pdus (1)

In the final ductility assessment stage, the ductility capacity of the structural system is checked and
compared to the ductility demand, which is established from the maximum dynamic displacement
(ud) obtained from the pseudo-static response. It is noted that, in order to establish the ductility
supply of various connection types under general deformation conditions, more experimental work
is required, since their ductility under the combination of axial force and bending moment is still
not very well understood.
935 Hang Yu, Bassam A. Izzuddin and Xiao-Xiong Zha

(a) (b)


Figure 1. Simplified Dynamic Assessment and Definition of Pseudo-Static Response

(Izzuddin et al. [7])
(a) Dynamic Response (P=λ1P0); (b) Dynamic Response (P=λ2P0); (c) Pseudo-Static Response


In order to compare and verify the various modelling approaches with this simplified assessment
method, a steel moment frame is designed. Considering the case that the affected floors are
identical in terms of structure and loading, the axial force in the columns above the lost column
immediately becomes negligible. A typical level of the steel framed structure investigated is
illustrated in Figure 2. For the purpose of introducing great damage caused by the sudden column
loss, the steel frame members are deliberately selected as small as possible, while still satisfying the
design requirements under normal loading. All the steel members are Grade S275 steel and the slab
is Grade 30 normal weight concrete of 120 mm thick with reinforcement ratio ρ=2.09% in long
span and ρ=1.038% in short span. The steel section sizes and dimensions are summarized in Table 1,
and the total floor load at accidental limit state is assumed 7.25 kN/m2. In order to focus on the
influence of the modelling approach, the beam-to-column connections are designed as rigid
connections as appropriate to design in a seismic area. However, the model can be extended
without great difficulty to semi-rigid connections in non-seismic areas by introducing a series of
springs according to the EC3 [17] component method.

As shown in Figure 2, two sudden column loss scenarios are investigated for the considered
building structure, specifically the loss of a peripheral middle column and the loss of a corner
column. At the floor level of structural idealisation, the lower ends of the remaining columns are all
fixed, while the upper ends are rotationally restrained, assumed as the restraints provided by the
upper floor.
Progressive Collapse of Steel-Framed Buildings : Influence of Modelling Approach 936

Figure 2. Layout of Steel-Framed Building Structure

Table 1. Structural Member Cross-Sections

Beams Section Columns Sections
B1 UB 305×127×48
B2 UB 178×102×19 C1 UC 356×406×287
B3 UB 127× 78×13
B4 UB 178×102×19
B5 UB 127× 78×13
C2 UC 356×358×153
B6 UB 178×102×19
B7 UB 203×102×23

3.1 Case Study: Scenario 1

3.1.1 Simplified assembly of beam models

To evaluate the vulnerability of the structure to progressive collapse as a consequence of the sudden
column loss as well as to obtain an insight into the relative contribution of the affected beam
members, the beam level of structural idealisation is firstly considered, in which the affected beam
members are individually modelled. Since the composite action between the concrete slab and the
steel beams is critical, and the beams are designed as composite beams, the concrete slab on the
steel beam is simulated with elasto-plastic beam-column elements as a flange using the nonlinear
structural analysis program ADAPTIC developed by Izzuddin [16], which can also include the sla
reinforcement, where an effective width of L/4 simplicities chosen. Composite action between the
concrete slab and the steel beam is realised by connecting the centroids of the concrete slab and the
steel beam cross-sections through rigid links.

In Scenario 1, two bays of the structure are directly affected, in which the peripheral edge beam,
secondary beam and transverse beam are assumed to deform according to the compatibility mode
depicted in Figure 3. The nonlinear static responses of these individual beams are obtained as part
of the first stage of progressive collapse assessment.
937 Hang Yu, Bassam A. Izzuddin and Xiao-Xiong Zha

Considering the affected double-span peripheral edge beam illustrated in Figure 4, the nonlinear
static analysis is carried with ADAPTIC. The steel members and reinforcement bars are simulated
using a bilinear steel model with kinematic strain-hardening. The concrete is simulated using a
trilinear concrete model with tensile response. Proportional point loading is applied on the middle
node of peripheral edge beams, and full axial restraint is assumed from the surrounding structure,
while rotational restraint is assumed for the peripheral end node of the transverse beam. The
nonlinear static response of the middle node of the peripheral edge beam is obtained as a sequence
of values (ud,i, Pd,i) with small increments and depicted in Figure 5, in which 1≤i≤n. In order to
obtain the pseudo-static response, the algorithm proposed by Izzuddin et al. [7] is applied as

a) For i=1, (ud,1, Pd,1) is (0, 0), and the absorbed strain energy is Ud,1 =0. Thus the pseudo-static
response (ud,1, P1) is also (0, 0).
b) For i=2, the static response is obtained as (ud,2, Pd,2), and the absorbed strain energy is
Ud,2 = Ud,1 + (Pd,1 + Pd,2)( ud,2 - ud,1)/2 .
c) On the basis of Eq. 1, the pseudo-static load corresponding to ud,2 can be obtained as
P2=Ud,2/ud,2 , and thus the pseudo-static response is obtained as (ud,2, P2).
d) Similarly for i = m  n, the static response is (ud,m, Pd,m), the strain energy is obtained as
Ud,m = Ud,m-1 + (Pd,m-1 + Pd,m)( ud,m - ud,m-1)/2 , and the pseudo-static load is determined as
Pm = Ud,m / ud,m , thus the pseudo-static response is established as (Pm , ud,m).

Figure 3. Affected Members in Scenario 1

Figure 4. Modelling of Peripheral Edge Beam

Progressive Collapse of Steel-Framed Buildings : Influence of Modelling Approach 938

Figure 5. Nonlinear Static and Pseudo-Static Responses of Peripheral Edge Beam

Noting that the secondary beams undergo a similar deformation mode to the peripheral edge beam,
they are idealised and simulated in a similar way, where the nonlinear static and pseudo-static
responses are shown in Figure 6. It is observed that the catenary effect of the beams plays a
significant role when the deformation becomes large both in the edge beam and the secondary beam,
provided that the ductility supply and axial restraint contributed by the surrounding structure are

For the transverse beam, this is modelled as a cantilever beam with one end fixed, while the other
end is rotationally restrained. A point load is applied on the outer end of the beam to obtain the
nonlinear static response. It is noted that the specific distribution of loading is not very important in
the context of an assumed mode approach [7], since this is only required for obtaining the internal
energy that is more dependent on the deformations than the applied load. The static and
pseudo-static responses are shown in Figure 7, where the catenary effect is much smaller than for
the previous two beams due to the absence of axial restraint. Accordingly, the contribution to the
overall resistance provided by this beam is obviously lower than that of the other two beams.

Figure 6. Static and Pseudo-Static Responses of Secondary Beam

939 Hang Yu, Bassam A. Izzuddin and Xiao-Xiong Zha

Figure 7. Static and Pseudo-Static Response of Transverse Beam

Considering the deformation compatibility of the beams, the displacement of middle node of the
double-span edge beam is equal to that of the end node of transverse beam and to twice the
displacement of middle node of the double-span secondary beam. In order to estimate the
relationship between the total load applied on the system and the structural deformation, a set of
displacement value are selected at the location of the lost column, varying between 200mm and
1400mm. From the previous results, the corresponding static and pseudo-static load resistances are
provided in Table 2.

According to the layout at the floor level of idealisation, the deformation compatibility factors are
given by:

1  1, 2  0.5 , 3  1,

By assembling the responses of individual beams in accordance with the simplified assembly
approach proposed by Izzuddin et al. [7], the equivalent point load at the location of the lost
column resisted by the overall system is illustrated in Eq. 2:

1 1

   P  1 (11 P  1 0.5  P  11 P )
i i i 1 2 3
i (2)

in which αi are non-dimensional weighting factors which depend on the assumed load distribution
on the beams, where all αi values in this case are 1.

Table 2. Static and Pseudo-Static Resistance of Affected Beams

Edge Beam Secondary Beam Transverse Beam
us u1 Static Pseudo-Static u2 Static Pseudo-Static u3 Static Pseudo-Static
(mm) (mm) (kN) P1 (kN) (mm) (kN) P2 (kN) (mm) (kN) P3 (kN)
200 200 32.9 22.8 100 46.4 26.3 200 53.5 41.7
400 400 34.3 28.2 200 57.5 38.3 400 58.6 49.0
600 600 59.2 33.6 300 45.6 59.7 600 61.8 52.7
800 800 95.5 44.6 400 50.3 65.6 800 64.6 55.6
1000 1000 121.6 57.7 500 78.8 54.0 1000 67.0 57.4
1200 1200 149.1 70.7 600 101.2 58.8 1200 68.9 59.0
1400 1400 176.2 83.8 700 129.7 68.4 1400 70.9 60.6
Progressive Collapse of Steel-Framed Buildings : Influence of Modelling Approach 940

us: reference vertical displacement at the location of the lost column

u1: vertical displacement of the middle of the edge beam
u2: vertical displacement of the middle of the secondary beam
u3: vertical displacement of the outer end of the transverse beam
On the basis of Table 2, the equivalent point load resistance corresponding to various levels of
maximum dynamic displacement can be obtained, as provided in Table 3.

Table 3. Equivalent Point Load Pseudo-Static Resistance of Floor System

us 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
P (kN) 77.65 96.35 116.15 133 142.1 159.1 178.6

As previously noted, the gravity load is assumed to be 7.25kN/m2, hence the equivalent line load of
the beams is obtained as 10.875kN/m for the peripheral edge beam and 21.75kN/m for the
secondary beam. The equivalent point load at the top of column can then be determined on the
basis of work equivalence as Eq. 3:

1 1 1 1
P0  q1  2l  q2  2l   10.875  18   21.75  18  195.75kN (3)
2 4 2 4

The equivalent point load pseudo-static resistance obtained previously can be normalised relative to
the corresponding gravity load given by Equation (3), where the resistance/load unity factors are
provided in Table 4 at various levels of reference vertical displacement. These values allow the
determination of the level of anticipated maximum dynamic displacement for various levels of
gravity loading (ie. the displacements at 50% of the above gravity load correspond to a unity load
factor of 0.5).

Table 4. Resistance/Load Unity Factors for the Floor System

Displacement (mm) 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
Fully restraint 0.397 0.492 0.593 0.679 0.726 0.813 0.912

In order to verify the accuracy of the design-oriented approach based on simplified assembly of
beam responses into an overall floor system response, a detailed grillage model is considered in the
next section.

3.1.2 Detailed Grillage Model

Based on the same multi-level assessment framework [7], the assessment is undertaken here
directly at the floor level using a grillage model with composite beams as shown in Figure 8. For
the purpose of verifying the accuracy of the proposed simplified dynamic assessment method,
detailed nonlinear dynamic analysis method is first performed to evaluate the dynamic response.
Figure 9 depicts the structural dynamic response after the sudden column loss under the assumed
gravity load. The maximum dynamic responses corresponding to a series of gravity load factors,
including 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 … 1.1, are obtained and provided in Table 5.

Table 5. Maximum Dynamic Response of Grillage Model from Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis
Gravity Load Factor 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1
Vertical Displacement
32.1 69.8 138 267 538 788 968 1100 1230 1380 1510
941 Hang Yu, Bassam A. Izzuddin and Xiao-Xiong Zha

For comparison with the simplified dynamic analysis procedure proposed by Izzuddin [7],
nonlinear static analysis is also performed as the first stage of assessment approach, and the
pseudo-static response is subsequently obtained. It is noted that the relationship between the load
factor and the maximum dynamic response has been established with three simplified modelling
approaches for the same frame structure, namely the assembled beam model with fixed boundary
condition, assembled beam model with more realistic boundary conditions and the grillage model.
The dynamic response obtained from the nonlinear dynamic analysis method is hence compared
against these responses in Figure 10. It is observed that the pseudo-static responses predicted by the
three models are quite accurate compared with the results obtained from nonlinear dynamic
analysis of the full grillage model. It is therefore evident from this comparison that the simplified
dynamic assessment method [7] is applicable to different types of simplified model and provides an
accurate prediction of the maximum dynamic displacements much more effectively than detailed
nonlinear dynamic analysis.

Figure 8. Grillage Model of Floor System

Figure 9. Nonlinear Dynamic Response Predicted for Full Gravity Loading

(Load Factor = 1.0)
Progressive Collapse of Steel-Framed Buildings : Influence of Modelling Approach 942

Figure 10. Maximum Dynamic Responses Predicted by Different Modelling Approaches

3.1.3 Detailed Slab Model

Since the 2D slab action may play a critical part in the structural resistance to progressive collapse,
the floor slab model is modelled here with shell elements to address this issue, as shown in Figure
11. The same boundary conditions at the column ends as the grillage model are adopted, and the
tensile softening is ignored in the slab model. The nonlinear static, nonlinear dynamic and
pseudo-static responses are also obtained in a similar way, where the corresponding maximum
dynamic displacements for different levels of gravity loading are compared in Figure 12. Compared
with the responses obtained using the grillage model, it is clear that the slab reduces the maximum
dynamic response significantly for the considered building structure due to 2D slab action and the
ignorance of concrete cracking in slab model. Despite ignoring 2D slab action, the assembled beam
models and the grillage model are still useful since they provide a conservative prediction of the
structural response under sudden column loss.

Figure 11. Steel Frame Model with Concrete Slab

943 Hang Yu, Bassam A. Izzuddin and Xiao-Xiong Zha

Figure 12. Pseudo-Static and Dynamic Responses of Frame Model with Slab

Considering the fact that the shell element is computationally demanding, and that the adjacent bay
of the floor does not affect the response in a direct way, it is next assumed that the adjacent floor
slab only provides planar and rotational restraints. Consequently, another idealised model is set up
based on this assumption, where the adjacent floor slab is omitted as in Figure 13. No planar and
rotational restraints are initially applied at the edges of the slabs. The nonlinear static, pseudo-static
and dynamic responses are obtained in Figure 14. It is worth noting that the dynamic response
predicted by the simplified dynamic assessment method also shows very good accuracy compared
with the results of nonlinear dynamic analysis, which confirms that the dynamic and amplified
static loads are associated with a similar dominant deformation mode under sudden column loss.

Figure 13. Floor Model with Partial Concrete Slab in Affected Bay
Progressive Collapse of Steel-Framed Buildings : Influence of Modelling Approach 944

Figure 14. Pseudo-Static and Dynamic Response of Floor Model with Partial Slab

Although the above model hugely reduced the computational demand by ignoring the unaffected
floor slab, the influence of the restraints provided by the surrounding floor slabs appear to be
significant. Therefore, different kinds of boundary conditions, namely rotational restraint, planar
restraint, and both rotational/planar restraints, are applied on the edge of the slabs of the affected
bay, representing the assumed restraints provided by the surrounding floor slab. The pseudo-static
responses of these models are compared in Figure 15. It is noted that the planar restraints have
limited influence on the damaged bay, while the rotational restraints at the edge of the slab may
lead to similar response as obtained from the realistic whole slab model. The adjacent concrete
floor normally provide hogging moment at the boundary of the affected floor, which significantly
increases the robustness of the structure, and hence applying the rotational restraints plays the same
role in this idealised model.

Since the tensile cracking of concrete in the slab is also a key factor which should be considered in
assessment of structural progressive collapse, a concrete softening modulus of 500 N/mm2 is
introduced in the whole slab model to address this issue. The pseudo-static responses of the
structure with and without consideration of tensile cracking are given in Figure 16. It is observed
that concrete cracking does not have a significant influence in this case, which is attributed to the
fact that the reinforcement plays an important role in reinforced concrete slabs in both bending and
2D slab action. However, cracking affects the onset of rupture of the reinforcement bar, and this
should be further investigated with more detailed models accounting for bond-slip effects.

Figure 15. Pseudo-Static Response of Floor System with Different Restraints

945 Hang Yu, Bassam A. Izzuddin and Xiao-Xiong Zha

Figure 16. Pseudo-Static Response of Floor System with/without Cracking of Concrete Slab

3.1.4 2D Slab Action Resistance Amplification Factor

Having shown that 2D slab action affects the level of deformation sustained by the bay affected by
column loss, the pseudo-static responses obtained from the grillage model and the floor system
model including the slab are compared. A 2D slab action resistance amplification factor δ is defined
as Eq. 4:

s , co
 (4)
s , slab

where λs,co is the load resistance factor of the composite grillage model and λs,slab is the load
resistance factor of the floor model with concrete slab corresponding to the same maximum
dynamic response us.

The relationship between displacement and resistance amplification factor is depicted in Figure 17
for Scenario 1, where the amplification factor varies little around 2.3 in this case. Clearly, the 2D
action of reinforced concrete slabs has a significant effect on the pseudo-static resistance,
increasing it by more than two fold.

Figure 17. 2D Slab Action Resistance Amplification Factor in Scenario 1

Progressive Collapse of Steel-Framed Buildings : Influence of Modelling Approach 946

3.2 Case Study: Scenario 2

Here, the second scenario involving of the sudden loss of a corner column is investigated, where
again various levels of idealisation are considered. The nonlinear static, pseudo-static and dynamic
responses of these models are obtained using the same modelling approach as for Scenario 1, as
depicted in Figure 18. The simplified dynamic assessment approach [7] again shows great accuracy
in predicting the maximum dynamic response. It is also observed that the grillage model is again
conservative compared with the slab model. The 2D slab action amplification factor is also
employed to evaluate the contribution of the 2D slab action of the floor slab, and is depicted in
Figure 19.

Figure 18. Nonlinear Static, Pseudo-Static and Dynamic Response for Scenario 2

Figure 19. 2D Slab Action Resistance Amplification Factor in Scenario 2

It is observed that the 2D slab action resistance amplification factor also varies little with
displacement, and is smaller than the factor obtained in Scenario 1, as expected due to reduced
continuity of the slab in Scenario 2. Despite the variation of the amplification factor in different
bays, it still provides an insight on the contribution of the 2D slab effect towards the resistance to
structural progressive collapse. Further research should be carried out to establish whether a
generalisation of these findings can be made so as to provide practical robustness design guidance
for buildings of different structural configurations.
947 Hang Yu, Bassam A. Izzuddin and Xiao-Xiong Zha


A typical steel moment-resisting framed building structure is investigated for robustness under sudden
column loss considering several modelling approaches and employing the simplified framework for
progressive collapse assessment previously proposed by Izzuddin and co-workers at Imperial College
London. The first and second stages of this framework, consisting of the nonlinear static response under
gravity loading and the pseudo-static resposne, are utilised in the current paper, where the latter is
compared with the the maximum dynamic response obtained from detailed nonlinear dynamic analysis.
Two scenarios are investigated for the chosen building structure, including the removal of a peripheral
middle column and a corner column. It is evident from the undertaken analysis that the simplified
dynamic analysis approach can be used to evalute the maximum dynamic response with very good
accuracy, thus offering an effective design-oriented approach for the assessment of maximum dynamic
deformations due to sudden column loss.

With the consideration of the required modelling detail and the feasibility of model reduction, the
structure is considered at the floor system level, and is idealised starting from different levels, including
the simplified assembly of composite beam models, grillage floor models, and a floor model inclduing
the 2D influenece of the reinforced concrete slab. In the process, some important modelling related
findings are made. When using the assembled beam model, significant benefits arise from the
evaluation of the contributions of individual members, as this sheds significnat light on their relative
contribution to the overall system response. Importantly, the dynamic response evaluated with the
assembled model using the simplified dynamic assessment approach agrees well with the results
obtained from detailed nonlinear dynamic analysis of the grillage model, which can be used as a
conservative assessment method that ignores the 2D slab action.

With the consideration of 2D slab action, it is evident from the obtained results that this action plays a
significant role in resisting progressive collapse under sudden column loss. In order to evaluate
nonlinear static and dynamic structural response more efficiently, reduced slab models are employed by
omitting the floor slab surrounding the affected bay. Various types of boundary condition are introduced
to substitute for the effect of the omitted slab. It is found that employing rotational restraints on the
edges of the affected bay is a reasonably accurate way to represent the restraints provided by the
adjacent structure, which can thus be utilised to reduce the computational demand. Furthermore,
cracking in the concrete slab is also considered and shown to have limited influence on progressive
collapse resistance, since the reinforcement plays a relatively more critical role.

In order to determine the contribution of the 2D slab action, an amplification resistance factor is
introduced in this paper, by dividing the load factor in slab model with that or the grillage model
corresponding to the same maximum dynamic displacement. It is found that this amplification is larger
for sudden column loss in the middle bay than in the corner bay, since there are more restraints provided
by the surrounding structures in the former case.

In conclusion, the framework proposed by Izzuddin and co-workers at Imperial College London can be
used as a practical approach for progressive collapse assessment of multi-storey buildings. The
simplified dynamic assessment method leads to a new and practical method for addressing the relatively
complicated issue of nonlinear dynamic response under sudden column loss. By investigating the
different levels of structural idealisation, it is shown that simplified assembly of beam contributions into
the pseudo-static response of the floor system is similar to grillage modelling, and can provide efficient
and conservative prediction of resistance to progressive collapse. On the other hand, full floor models
including the 2D reinforced concrete slab can enhance the resistance by over two fold, though the
computational demands are typically much more extensive than those of the assembled beam and
grillage models.
Progressive Collapse of Steel-Framed Buildings : Influence of Modelling Approach 948


[1] GSA., “Progressive Collapse Analysis and Design Guidelines for New Federal Office
Buildings and Major Modernization Projects”, The US General Services Administration,
[2] DoD., “Design of Buildings to Resist Progressive Collapse”, Unified Facilities Criteria
(UFC), 2005.
[3] ACI., “Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (ACI 318-05) and Commentary
(ACI 318R-05)”, American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI, 2005.
[4] Gudmundsson, G.V. and Izzuddin, B.A., “The ‘Sudden Column Loss’ Idealisation for
Disproportionate Collapse Assessment”, The Structural Engineer, 2010 (Accepted for
[5] Peter Ruth, S.M., Kirk A. Marchand, P.E., and Eric B. Williamson, P.E., “Static Equivalency
in Progressive Collapse Alternate Path Analysis: Reducing Conservatism While Retaining
Structural Integrity”, Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 2006, Vol. 20, No. 4,
pp. 349-364.
[6] Shalva Marjanishvili, P.E. and Elizabeth Agnew, “Comparison of Various Procedures for
Progressive Collapse Analysis”, Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, Vol. 20,
No. 4, pp.365-374.
[7] Izzuddin, B.A., Vlassis, A.G., Elghazouli, A.Y. and Nethercot, D.A., “Progressive Collapse
of Multi-Storey Buildings Due to Sudden Column Loss – Part I: Simplified Assessment
Framework”, Engineering Structures, 2008, Vol. 30, No. 5, pp.1308-1318.
[8] Vlassis, A.G., Izzuddin, B.A., Elghazouli, A.Y. and Nethercot, D.A., “Progressive Collapse
of Multi-Storey Buildings Due to Sudden Column Loss – Part II: Application”, Engineering
Structures, 2008, Vol. 30, No. 5, pp.1424-1438.
[9] Kapil Khandelwal and Sherif EI-Tawil, “Collapse Behavior of Steel Special Moment
Resisting Frame Connections”, Journal of Structural Engineering, 2007, Vol. 133, No. 5,
[10] Kapil Khandelwal, Sherif EI-Tawil, Sashi K.Kunnath and Lew, H.S., “Macromodel-Based
Simulation of Progressive Collapse: Steel Frame Structures”, Journal of Structural
Engineering, 2008, Vol. 134, No. 7, pp. 1070-1078.
[11] Fahim Sadek, Sherif EI-Tawil and Lew, H.S., “Robustness of Composite Floor Systems with
Shear Connections: Modeling, Simulation, and Evaluation”, Journal of Structural
Engineering, 2008, Vol.134, No. 11, pp. 1717-1725.
[12] Department of Defense, “Unified Facilities Criteria, Design of Buildings to Resist
Progressive Collapse”, UFC 4-023-03, Washington, DC, USA, 2009.
[13] Izzuddin, B.A. and Nethercot, D.A., “Design-Oriented Approaches for Progressive Collapse
Assessment: Load-Factor vs Ductility-Centred Methods”, Structures Congress’09, Austin,
Texas, 2009, Vol. 341, pp. 198-198.
[14] Izzuddin, B.A., “Mitigation of Progressive Collapse in Multi-Storey Buildings”, Journal of
Advances in Structural Engineering, 2009, (Accepted for publication).
[15] Stylianidis, P.M., Nethercot D.A., Izzuddin, B.A. and Elghazouli, A.Y., “Progressive
Collapse: Failure Criteria Used in Engineering Analysis”, Structures Congress’09, Austin,
Texas, 2009, Vol. 341, pp. 200-200.
[16] Izzuddin, B.A., “Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of Framed Structures”, PhD Thesis, Imperial
College, University of London, 1991.
[17] Eurocode 3, “Design of steel structures - Part 1-8: Design of joints”, European Committee
for Standardization, 2005.
Advanced Steel Construction Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 949-962 (2010) 949


Hongbo Liu1, Zhihua Chen1,2*, Xiaodun Wang1 and Ting Zhou1
Department of Civil Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin, 300072, China
Tianjin Key Laboratory of Civil Engineering Structure & New Materials, Tianjin University,
Tianjin, 300072, China
*(Corresponding author: E-mail: zhchen@tju.edu.cn)

Received: 9 December 2009; Revised: 12 March 2010; Accepted: 18 March 2010

ABSTRACT: This paper presents a systematic study on stability of the structural steel tube and coupler falseworks
with X-bracing (hereinafter referred to as STCF with X-bracing) through experimental and analytical investigations.
Two full-scale STCF specimens were constructed and static tests were conducted in the lab in order to get the
strength and failure modes of typical STCF with X-bracing. Test data from literature on two full-scale STCF
specimens with same geometric parameters but without X-bracing are also adopted for comparison to investigate the
effect of X-bracing on its structural property. Advanced nonlinear finite element analysis was conducted on the
specimen models using ANSYS in order to study the capacity and failure modes of the tested specimens. Based on
the FEA results, parametric studies were carried out in order to investigate the influence of various geometric
parameters on the capacity of STCF with X-bracing.

Based on the experimental and analytical results, it seemed that the typical failure mode of STCF with X-bracing was
that only upper two storey posts and the U-head buckled evidently about the short axis, and other lower posts
deformed little which can be negligible, and the findings reveal that the existence of X–bracing causes an evident
increase to the load carrying capacities of STCF, especially of STCF without additional spans. It is clear that the
strength of the STCF with X-bracing system would 1) increase linearly with the right-angle coupler rotational
stiffness, thickness of steel tube to a certain extent; 2) decrease linearly with post spacing, initial imperfection, the
storey height to a certain extent; 3) decrease nonlinearly with the U-head height, the sweeping staff height, which has
little effect on the failure load of STCF with X-bracing at initial stage and large effect at later stage.
Keywords: Steel tube and coupler falsework, X-bracing, experimental research, numerical modeling method,
parametric analyses


Due to the ease of fabrication, installation and dissemination, the structural steel tube and coupler
falseworks (referred to hereinafter as STCF) are widely used in the construction of large-span
spatial structures such as gymnasiums, train stations, garages, bridges, etc, especially in developing
countries, such as China. However, structural failure of these systems often occurred on the
construction site due to inadequate design, poor installation and over-loads, which would cause not
only project delays but also more serious injuries and casualties of the construction workers [1]. A
picture of the steel falsework collapse is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. A Collapse Example of STCF using as Shoring Systems

The Hong Kong Institute of Steel Construction www.hkisc.org

950 Theoretical Analysis and Experimental Research on
Stability Behavior of Structural Steel Tube and Coupler Falsework with X-Bracing

Currently, most researches on falseworks have focused on the door-type steel falseworks [2~6],
high clearance falsework systems [7~8], single-wall and two-wall steel tube and coupler falseworks
[9~12], but very few has referred to the STCF. However, many disastrous collapses of STCF have
happened during the construction because of no rational design rules for STCF available currently
in the national standards in China, Japan, UK and USA [13~17]. As a result, there is a growing
concern in many countries on the structural properties of this type of system. Semi-rigid behavior
of couplers in STCF was investigated through experiments by R.G. Beale [9], Li Guoqiang [11],
Jin Weiliang [12] and Chen Zhihua [18]. Moreover, the stability behavior of STCF without
X-bracing was also studied through both numerical simulation and experimental research [18].

It should be noted that there is remarkable difference in the stability behavior between STCF with
X-bracing and STCF without X-bracing, so the stability behavior of STCF with X-bracing must be
studied. Due to the high slenderness of posts, existence of X-bracing, unloading area, and the
semi-rigid properties of couplers, it is important for the researchers to understand the structural
behaviors of STCF through both experimental and analytical studies.


An extensive study has been conducted on the stability behavior of STCF with X-bracing through
both experimental and analytical investigations. Here the STCF with X-bracing system consists of
steel beams (horizontal members), steel posts (vertical members), X-bracing members, right-angle
coupler at the intersection of beams and posts, swivel coupler at the intersection of posts and
X-bracing member etc. The objectives of the study included:

 Indentify the strength and failure modes of STCF with X-bracing through experiments.
 Present an effective numerical modeling method considering the semi-rigid nature of the
couplers to analyze the structural properties of STCF with X-bracing and verify it by
full-scale tests.
 Investigate the effect of various geometric parameters on the stability of STCF with

The following tasks have been undertaken to achieve the research objectives:

Task 1 – Two full-scale tests were carried out to provide not only insights into the
structural behavior of STCF with X-bracing, but also data to compare with and
verify the numerical results obtained from subsequent finite element analyses.
Test result of two full-scale tests from literature is also adopted for comparison.

Task 2 – Establish FEM model based on the characteristics of STCF with X-bracing
system and verify it by results of full-scale tests.

Task 3 – A series of parametric analysis were carried out to investigate the effect of various
geometric characters on system stability.
Hongbo Liu, Zhihua Chen, Xiaodun Wang and Ting Zhou 951


3.1 Test Specimens

Two full-scale static tests, both of which were over 8m high, were carried out in order to examine
the strength and failure modes of tall STCF with X-bracing. During the static tests, vertical loads
were applied to the top of the STCF specimens at a very low loading rate until the specimens failed.
The layouts of the two specimens are shown in Figure 2 and Figure 3. The geometric properties are
summarized in Table 1. The steel tubes used in the test specimens had a diameter of 48 mm and a
thickness of 3.5 mm. In order to guarantee that the tests realistically reflected the actual structural
behavior of STCF on the construction site, the following actions were taken:

(1) All the steel tubes, couplers and U-heads used in the test specimens were acquired
randomly from the falsework market;

(2) All the test specimens were built by actual workers from the construction site;

(3) The torque applied to the coupler bolts were controlled to be 40 N·m

(4) All intersections between X-bracing and vertical posts were set a joint to fix them together
using swivel couplers.

(5) The X-bracings were not only fixed on the four edges, but also on all intersection between
them and vertical posts.

Therefore, the tests would provide an insight into the behavior of STCF in practice and also
important references for future study and design.

Table 1. Parameters for the Four Specimens

H_1 H_3 H_4 S_1×S_2 PT

Spec # Num X-bracing
(m) (m) (m) (m) (kN)
TF1 8 0.9 0.4 0.5 0.6×0.6 yes 32.5
TF2 [18] 8 0.9 0.4 0.5 0.6×0.6 no 21.17
TS1 5 1.5 0.2 0.5 0.9×0.94 yes 28.38
TS2 [18] 5 1.5 0.2 0.5 0.9×0.94 no 23.22

Note: Num stands for the number of stories in the test specimen.
952 Theoretical Analysis and Experimental Research on
Stability Behavior of Structural Steel Tube and Coupler Falsework with X-Bracing

(a) Elevation View from South (b) Elevation View from West

(c) Plan View

Figure 2. General Arrangement of TF1

Hongbo Liu, Zhihua Chen, Xiaodun Wang and Ting Zhou 953

(a) Elevation View from South (b) Elevation View from West

(c) Plan View

Figure 3. General Arrangement of TS1

3.2 Loading Mechanism and Test Set-Up

Four loading frames with a height of 10 m were fabricated for the tests. Two 50-ton hydraulic jacks
were fastened to the top of each loading frame, and vertical loads were firstly applied by the
hydraulic jacks to the two top steel distribution beams, and then transferred to the group of bottom
steel distribution beams in the perpendicular direction, and finally to the falsework system, as is
shown in Figure 4. In this way, the vertical concentrated loads applied by the hydraulic jacks would
be converted into a vertical uniform load applied to the top of the falsework system through two
steel tubes with same diameter with post of specimen right below the bottom distribution beams
and the U-heads, as is shown in Figure 4(b). Because there are four loading frames, there are eight
50-ton hydraulic jacks used in each test, and they were fixed under loading frames simultaneously
and not gradually. Moreover, all hydraulic jacks were connected with each other by oil tube in order
to make them bring pressure simultaneous.
954 Theoretical Analysis and Experimental Research on
Stability Behavior of Structural Steel Tube and Coupler Falsework with X-Bracing

(a) Elevation View from West (b) Elevation View from South

(c) (d)

Figure 4. Loading Mechanism and Test Set-Up

For these falseworks, it is clear from Figure 5 that the bottom end of the falsework system was not
restrained in the horizontal directions, so theoretically it is free. However, during the tests as well as
in common practices, there were no horizontal displacements observed at this location, therefore
the boundary condition here would be considered pinned. On the top end of the falsework system,
the boundary condition there would be considered as a roller condition, since the horizontal friction
force between the two steel tubes and the bottom surface of the distribution steel beams was very
small, as is shown in Figure 4(b).

Figure 5. Bottom of the Falsework System

Considering the safety of the experiments, the collapse of the falsework system was not allowed.
Since the pressure induced by the hydraulic jacks will decrease once the STCF specimen reached
its peak load and start unloading due to instability, the specimen would be considered “failed” at
this point and the test will be stopped.
Hongbo Liu, Zhihua Chen, Xiaodun Wang and Ting Zhou 955

3.3 Test Results of Tested Specimens

It is interesting to note that two specimens of STCF, which have all same geometric parameters,
material properties but not X-bracing, were reported, which were tested at the same time with the
specimens presented in this paper [18], therefore, it can be compared with the test results obtained
in this paper to get the effect of X-bracing on the stability of STCF. Consequently, it is considered
to be appropriate to adopt the tests results and re-presented as TF2 and TS2 for direct comparison
with the test results in this paper.

Typical deformed shapes of both TF1 and TS1 with X-bracing at failure are shown in Figure 6(a)
and Figure 6(b). Considering failure modes are not clearly enough in the Figure 6(a) and Figure
6(b), a sketch view of failure mode is provided to give a clear view as is shown in Figure 6(c).
There only a failure mode for a single post is given in the Figure 6(c) because all posts of both TF1
and TS1 have the same failure mode. From Figure6 it can be seen that only upper two storey posts
and the U-head buckled evidently about the short axis (that is south-north axis, and the long axis is
east-west axis.), and other lower posts deformed little which can be negligible. but Typical
deformation of both TF2 and TS2 without X-bracing at failure is that the posts buckled about the
short axis, since the system flexural stiffness about this axis would be lower than the long axis are
shown in Figure 7(a) and Figure 7(b). Therefore, it is clear that the failure mode of STCF with
X-bracing is different from that of STCF without X-bracing.

For STCF with X-bracing, the system below U-head has evident lateral stiffness due to the
existence of X-bracing, and there is a little lateral stiffness for the top end of U-head, therefore,
there is a large bending moment at bottom end of U-head under effect of vertical load and initial
imperfection. Hence, the two top stories will easily buckle under interaction of bending moment
and axial force induced by vertical load and initial imperfection.

It should be noted that both deformation and maximum displacement of all posts of TF2, which is
absence of both unloading area and X-bracing, are similar, but for all posts in each specimen of
TF1, TS2 and TS1, only deformation are similar and maximum displacement is different due to the
existence of either unloading area or X-bracing. Moreover, for TF1, TS2 and TS1, the maximum
displacement occurs in the middle posts of loading area along long axis.

From the load-displacement curves shown in Figure 8 obtained from tests, it is clear that when
applied load on the per post reach the maximum load, the load carrying capacity of TF2 and TS2
reduce evidently, but for TF1 and TS1 it changes little. Here, the applied load on per post can be
calculated by following method: all load applied on the falseworks (including pressure of hydraulic
jacks, weight of hydraulic jacks, weight of steel distribution beams and so on) divided by the
number of post in the loading area of falseworks.

Table 2 summarizes the PT at failure, which is maximum applied load per post in the
load-displacement curve when the capacity of the specimen started to decrease. It is shown that the
average applied loads per post PT at failure are 32.5 kN and 28.38 kN for TF1 and TS1 respectively,
and hence, the axial buckling resistances of the posts are only 23.44% and 20.46% of their section
capacities PC respectively. Moreover, it should be noted that the load carrying capacities of TF1 and
TS1 are 53.52% and 22.22% higher than those of TF2 with PT of 21.17kN and TS2 with PT of
23.22kN due to the existence of X-bracing. The findings reveal that the existence of X–bracing
causes a evident increase of the load carrying capacities of STCF, especially for STCF without
unloading area such as TF2.
956 Theoretical Analysis and Experimental Research on
Stability Behavior of Structural Steel Tube and Coupler Falsework with X-Bracing

(a) Specimen TF1 (b) Specimen TS1 (c) Sketch View of

Failure Mode of Post

Figure 6. Failure Modes for TF1, TS1 Observed from Full-Scale Tests

(a) Specimen TF2 (b) Specimen TS2

Figure 7. Failure Modes for TF2, TS2 Observed from Full-Scale Tests

Table 2. Both Experimental and FEM Results of Specimens

Spec PC PL PNL PT PT PC PL PNL ( PL  Pt ) Pt ( PNL  Pt ) Pt

# (kN) (kN) (kN) (kN)
TF1 138.68 77.22 34.13 32.5 0.2344 2.26 137.60 5.02
TS1 138.68 68.56 30.32 28.38 0.2046 2.26 141.58 6.84
Note: PC stands for the strength of specimens calculated using section area.
PL stands for the strength of specimens obtained from eigenvalue buckling analysis.
PNL stands for the strength of specimens obtained from nonlinear buckling analysis.
PT stands for the strength of specimens obtained from test.
Hongbo Liu, Zhihua Chen, Xiaodun Wang and Ting Zhou 957

(a) Results of Specimen TF1and TF2 (b) Results of Specimen TS1and TS2

Figure 8. Typical Load-Displacement Curve of Specimens


In order to predict the structural behavior and the load deformation characteristics of STCF with
X-bracing up to maximum applied loads, non-linear analysis is required. In the present study, an
advanced non-linear analysis software ANSYS is used to evaluate the load carrying capacities of
STCF with X-bracing.

Since the beams (horizontal member) and posts (vertical member) are continuous in the
longitudinal direction and there is no disconnection of the members at the right-angle coupler
location in practice, three-dimensional beam element (BEAM188) was used to model the horizontal
beams and vertical posts. At the intersection between a post and two beams in perpendicular
directions, three nodes NVi, NHi, NLi were defined at this location with the same coordinates as it
shown in Figure 9(a), where one NVi belongs to the post element, and the other two NHi, NLi belong
to the beam elements in perpendicular directions. Coupling was defined for the three nodes so that
the nodes would have the same displacement in all directions and the same rotation about the
vertical axis. In order to simulate the semi-rigid behavior of the right-angle couplers, spring-damper
element (COMBIN14) was used with a spring constant of 16.0 kN-m/rad, which was the mean
initial rotational stiffness obtained from previous right-angle coupler tests[18]. The COMBIN14
element was added between the node on the post and the node on each beam, in order to simulate
the in-plane rotational restraints provided by the right-angle couplers. Since the X-bracing members
are continuous in the longitudinal direction and there is no disconnection of the members at the
swivel coupler location in practice, three-dimensional beam element (BEAM188) was used to
model the X-bracing. In order to simulate the connection between post and X-bracing, two nodes
Nbi, NVmi are defined at the location of swivel coupler as it shown in Figure 9(b), where one Nbi
belongs to the X-bracing elements and the other one NVmi belong to the post elements. Coupling
was defined for the two nodes so that the nodes would have the same displacement in all directions.
958 Theoretical Analysis and Experimental Research on
Stability Behavior of Structural Steel Tube and Coupler Falsework with X-Bracing

(a) Intersection of Posts and Beams (b) Intersection of Post and X-Bracing
Figure 9. Method for Building the FEM Model

A concentrated load was applied to the top end of each post of STCF. For the boundary conditions,
the top of the falseworks was assumed free with only vertical loads applied from the bottom
distribution beam, since the rolling friction between the falseworks and the bottom distribution
beams is very small. The bottom of the falseworks was considered pinned, since no displacement at
the bottom was observed during the tests. FEM model built in ANSYS for two specimens are
shown in Figure 10.

(a)TF1 (b)TS1
Figure 10. Axonometric Projections of FEM Model of Specimens

As the first step, eigenvalue buckling analysis was carried out in order to indentify the upper limit
of the critical buckling load as well as the failure modes for the nonlinear buckling analysis in later
steps. Note that neither the material nonlinearity nor the geometric imperfections were considered
in the eigenvalue buckling analysis, therefore the results could not be used directly, but it would
provide useful information for later nonlinear buckling analysis. The critical buckling load PL
obtained from the eigenvalue buckling analysis of each specimen was listed in Table 2.

Nonlinear buckling analysis was then carried out based on the results from the previous eigenvalue
buckling analysis. Material nonlinear was considered using perfect elastic-plastic model in ANSYS
with elastic modulus of 184kN/mm2 and yield strength of 374N/mm2, and the stress-strain curve
obtained from coupon test were shown in Figure11. A group of concentrated load was applied
incrementally to the top of the model until the STCF becomes unstable and the solution cannot
converge. The first buckling mode identified from the eigenvalue buckling analysis was generally
considered as the most critical one, which was used as the initial imperfection in the nonlinear
buckling analysis. According to literature, the maximum imperfection allowed in practice is 0.05 m
for STCF with height less than 10 m [13]. Therefore an initial geometric imperfection was applied
by scaling the first buckling mode from the eigenvalue buckling analysis so that the maximum
imperfection would be 0.05m.
Hongbo Liu, Zhihua Chen, Xiaodun Wang and Ting Zhou 959

Figure 11. Strain-Stress Curve of Steel Tubes

From the result of the nonlinear buckling analysis, some typical conclusions can be obtained as

1) Only upper two storey posts and the U-head buckling significantly about the longitudinal weak
axis, and the other lower posts deformed little that can be negligible for specimens STF2, STS2
as shown in Figure 12;

2) Typical failure modes for two specimens obtained from the nonlinear buckling analysis are
shown in Figure 12, which were quite consistent with the full-scale test observations.

(a) TF1 (b) TS1

Figure 12. Failure Modes of Specimens Obtained from FEM Model

The strength PNL obtained from the nonlinear buckling analysis of each specimen was also listed in
Table 2, where it is clear that PNL was generally less than PL from the elastic eigenvalue buckling
analysis by a factor of 2.26. Therefore, it can be concluded that the strength of STCF is sensitive to
the initial imperfection and material nonlinearity.

It is also clear from table 2 that the strength PNL obtained from the nonlinear buckling analysis of
each specimen was generally consistent with the full-scale test results, with a maximum difference
of 6.84%. Reasons attributing to the error could include variance in the rotational stiffness of
couplers, variance in the mechanical properties of steel tubes, initial imperfections of the steel tubes,
etc. The FEM simulation results for the STCF test specimens were then considered precise to a
reasonable degree and could be used for future parametric studies.
960 Theoretical Analysis and Experimental Research on
Stability Behavior of Structural Steel Tube and Coupler Falsework with X-Bracing


Parametric studies were conducted in order to indentify the controlling factors for the critical
buckling load of the STCF with X-bracing system. The parameters investigated included the
rotational stiffness of the right-angle couplers, the storey height, the sweeping staff height (that is
the height of H_3 illustrated in Figure 2 and Figure 3), the post spacing, the U-head height,
thickness of steel tubes and initial imperfection. The primary layout of the FE model here is as
same as specimen TF1.

Results from the parameter studies are shown in Figure 13. From the Figure 13, it is clear that the
critical buckling load of the STCF with X-bracing system would 1) increase linearly with the
right-angle coupler rotational stiffness, thickness of steel tube to a certain extent as it shown in
Figure 13(a)~(b); 2) decrease linearly with post spacing, initial imperfection, the storey height to a
certain extent as it shown in Figure 13(c)~(e); 3) decrease nonlinearly with the U-head height, the
sweeping staff height as it shown in Figure 13(f)~(g), which has little effect on the failure load of
STCF with X-bracing at initial stage and large effect at later stage.

(a) Influence of Rotational Stiffness of Right-Angle Coupler (b) Influence of Thickness of Steel Tube

(c) Influence of Post Space (d) Influence of Initial Imperfection

(e) Influence of Storey Height (f) Influence of U-Head Height

Hongbo Liu, Zhihua Chen, Xiaodun Wang and Ting Zhou 961

(g) Influence of Sweeping Staff Height

Figure 13. Results of Parameter Studies on STCF with X-Bracing by FEM


This paper presents an extensive study on the stability behavior of STCF with X-bracing through
full-scale tests as well as numerical investigations. It is demonstrated that:

1) The failure mode of STCF with X-bracing is different from that of STCF without X-bracing.
Typical deformed shapes for STCF without X-bracing at failure is that the posts buckled about
the short axis, since the system flexural stiffness about this axis would be lower than the long
axis. But typical deformed shapes for STCF with X-bracing at failure is that only upper two
storey posts and the U-head buckled significantly about the short axis, and other lower posts
deformed little which can be negligible;
2) Both deformed shapes and maximum displacement of all posts of TF2, which is absence of
both unloading area and X-bracing, are similar, but for all posts in each specimen of TF1, TS2
and TS1, only deformed shapes are similar and maximum displacement is different due to the
existence of either unloading area or X-bracing. Moreover, for TF1, TS2 and TS1, the
maximum displacement occurs in the middle posts of loading area along long axis;
3) Axial buckling resistances of the column members are only 23.44% and 20.46% of their
section capacities respectively, so the stability is the control factor for failure;
4) The load carrying capacities of TF1 and TS1 are 53.52% and 22.22% higher than those of
TF2 and TS2 due to the existence of X-bracing. The findings reveal that the existence of
X–bracing causes a significant increase to the load carrying capacities of STCF, especially of
STCF without unloading area such as TF2;
5) The FEM simulation results for the STCF test specimens were then considered precise to a
reasonable degree and could be used for future parametric studies;
6) It is clear that the critical buckling load of the STCF with X-bracing system would 1) increase
linearly with the right-angle coupler rotational stiffness, thickness of steel tube to a certain
extent; 2) decrease linearly with post spacing, initial imperfection, the storey height to a certain
extent; 3) decrease nonlinearly with the U-head height, the sweeping staff height, which has
little effect on the failure load of STCF with X-bracing at initial stage and large effect at later

The authors sincerely thank the Tianjin Municipal Science and Technology Commission for the
financial support provided to this research project (Research Project No.08JCZDJC19600). The
authors also thank the China Academy of Building Research for their partial support on the
experiment research and are especially grateful to Mr. Qun Liu, chief engineer, for his advices and
support during the process.
962 Theoretical Analysis and Experimental Research on
Stability Behavior of Structural Steel Tube and Coupler Falsework with X-Bracing


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Advanced Steel Construction Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 963-975 (2010) 963


GuoChang Li*, Zhijian Yang and Yan Lang

School of Civil Engineering,Shenyang Jianzhu University, Shenyang, China

*(Corresponding author: E-mail: cegcli@sjzu.edu.cn)

Received: 31 January 2010; Revised: 7 June 2010; Accepted: 25 June 2010

ABSTRACT: An experimental investigation on the behaviour of square steel tube columns filled with high-strength
concrete in this study was done. A total of six high strength concrete-filled square steel tube (HCFST) columns
subjected to bi-axial eccentric loading were constructed and tested. The primary test parameters were the slenderness
ratios (varied from 13.9 to 27.7),steel ratios(7% and 13%), and eccentricity along major axis was 71mm. The test
results demonstrate the influence of these parameters on the strength and behavior of concrete-filled square steel tube
columns. As what shows in the experiment, the steel ratio is an important factor which influences the bearing
capacity of the specimens, and the stable bearing capacity of the specimens decreased rapidly with the increasing
slenderness ratio. The specimens failed to work out of instability. Proper material constitutive models for HCFST
columns are applied and verified by the nonlinear finite element software ABAQUS against experimental data. A
comparison of experimental failure loads with the predicted failure loads in accordance with the method described in
the reference showed good agreement.

Keywords: Square steel tube, High strength concrete, Bi-axial eccentric loading, Finite element analysis,
Slenderness ratio, Steel ratio


Concrete-filled steel tube columns have recently undergone increased usage throughout the world,
which has been influenced by the development of high-strength concrete. With the ever-increasing
application of high-strength concrete in civil engineering, the research on steel tube filled with
high-performance concrete columns is imperative nowadays. Concrete-filled square steel tube
(CFST) column has a high bearing capacity, good plasticity, toughness, fatigue resistance and other
superior mechanical properties, but it also has unique characteristics, (1) simple form of
beam-to-column connection, (2) flexible building layout, (3) good stability behavior with large
cross-section moment of inertia, (4) convenient construction (Han [1], Shosuke [2]). Thus, in recent
years CFST columns have been widely applied in practical project, such as, the cross-section of
1400mm × 1400mm concrete filled square steel tube columns were used in Wuhan International
Stock Exchange Building with 68 stories and a height of 243m.

When subjected to the load of horizontal wind or earthquake, frame columns of high-rise building
structures usually tend to be bi- axial bending, especially the corner columns of the structures. It is
very important to describe the behavior of such columns for rational analysis and design, but most
of studies on CFST at home or abroad mainly focused on axial compression and uniaxial eccentric
compression(Toshiaki [3], Han [4], Campione [5]). Some theoretical and experimental studies have
been conducted for the determination of the behavior of eccentrically loaded CFST columns
(Zegbicbe [6]). Mursi and Uy have presented experimental and theoretical studies of fabricated
high strength steel columns subjected to biaxial bending (Mursi [7], Uy [8]). Serkan Tokgoz
constructed a experimental investigation on the structural behavior of steel tubular columns
in-filled plan and steel reinforced concrete subjected biaxial bending and axial load (Serkan and
Cengiz [9]). Su-Mei Zhang has done a lot of research on concrete-filled rectangular hollow section
(RHS) steel tubes subjected to axial compression combined with bi- axial bending, and achieved a
few success (Guo [10]). Bridge, R studied on four concrete-filled rectangular hollow section(RHS)
The Hong Kong Institute of Steel Construction www.hkisc.org
964 Experimental Behavior of High Strength Concrete-Filled Square Steel Tube under Bi-Axial Eccentric Loading

steel tubes subjected to bi-axial eccentric loading, and showed that the bearing capacity of the
specimen has a close relationship with the eccentric angle (Bridge [11]). Shakir-Khalil H conducted
a test of nine concrete-filled rectangular hollow section(RHS) steel tube columns subjected to
bi-axial eccentric loading, with a eccentric angle of 45° and concrete strength of 94.1MPa
(Shakir-Khalil [12]).

The main objective of this study is to investigate the behavior and strength of high strength
concrete-filled square steel tube (HCFST) columns. For this purpose, several HCFST columns were
constructed and tested subjected to bi-axial eccentric loading. The test results of HCFST column
specimens have been compared with the analysis results and discussed in this paper.


2.1 Specimens and Parameters

A total of six CFST column specimens were constructed with high-strength concrete. The
cross-section of the specimen was 200mm×200mm with a wall thickness of 4mm or 6mm. The
length of the columns varied from 800mm to 1600mm in increments of 400mm and the steel tube
was cold-formed Q235 square tube. The eccentricity along major axis was 71mm, and eccentric
angle was 45°. The primary test parameters were slenderness ratios and steel ratios, Table 1 gives
the details of the specimens.

Ready-mixed concrete with a designed strength of C60 was used in the test. Three150mm cubes
were cast and cured in conditions similar to the related specimens. The 28 day cube strength (fcu)
was 65MPa and slightly increased on the column test day that was 79.7MPa (shown as in the Table
1). The modulus of elasticity (Ec) of concrete was 3.81104. Where B is cross section height of steel
tube, t is nominal thickness of steel tube; t ' is measured thickness of steel tube. fy is yield strength
of steel; fu is ultimate tensile strength of steel; Es is elasticity modulus of steel.
Table1. Specimens in Details
Specimen B L t t' fy fu Es
Number (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (MPa) (MPa) (Gpa)
ES4-4-71 200 800 4 3.5 306 430 200
ES4-6-71 200 800 6 5.8 340 440 206
ES6-4-71 200 1200 4 3.5 306 430 200
ES6-6-71 200 1200 6 5.8 340 440 206
ES8-4-71 200 1600 4 3.5 306 430 200
ES8-6-71 200 1600 6 5.8 340 440 206

To determine the steel properties, three specimens were cut from randomly selected steel sheet. The
specimens were tested in tension. From these tests, the average yield strength (fy), ultimate tensile
strength (fu) as well as Young’s modulus of elasticity (Es) were got. They are shown in Table 1.

First of all, the bearing plate was welded at the bottom end of each CFST column specimen. Then,
the concrete was casted into steel tubes. Progress vibration was employed in order to eliminate air
pockets in the concrete and give a homogeneous mix. The CFST specimens were left with top open
to the air for two weeks for the concrete to set. Prior to testing, the top surfaces of the
concrete-filled steel tubes were ground smooth and flat using a grinding wheel with diamond
cutters to ensure that the load was able to be applied evenly across the cross-section and
simultaneously to the steel and concrete. Finally, the base plate was welded at the top end of each
CFST specimen.
G uoChang Li, Zhijian Yang and Yan Lang 965

2.2 Testing Equipment

All of the columns were carried out on a 5000kN capacity loading jack in the Structural
Engineering Laboratory of Shenyang Jianzhu University. Knife edges were used on either end to
ensure that pinned ends were achieved in all the experiments conducted. The test setup is illustrated
in Figure 1 and Figure 3. A number of linear varying displacement transducers (LVDT’s) were used
to measure the out-of-plane deflections of the column at the mid-height and quarter points of the
column (two for short column, six for long column ), and two LVDT’s were set up at the bottom to
observe the total vertical deformation of the specimen.

Strain gauges were used to measure the surface strains of the steel tube at the mid-height section at
various locations. Each column was instrumented with twenty-two strain gauges. Figure 2 shows
the strain gauge location and numbering scheme for the columns. The transducers were calibrated
before they were used in the test. The U-CAM 70A static data acquisition system was arranged to
collect the load, the lateral deflections, and the strain measurements.

2.3 Testing Method

At each load increment, the strain readings and the deflection measurements were recorded. Special
attention was given to verifying the correct position of the column before loading. The load was
applied in small increment. Each load interval was maintained for 1 minute. Each of the first few
increments of load was about 10% of the predicted failure load. For the first increment, a complete
check of displacement, strains and load was carried out. Several loading and unloading cycles were
performed at this stage. When the results were satisfactory, began to load in increments of 10%
estimated ultimate load each step. After steel tube yielded, each step was about 1/15 of estimated
ultimate load. Every load lasts about 2~3 min. Slow and continuous load was applied when the
specimen approaches to destroy.

Figure 1. Experimental Equipment Figure 2. The Location of Strain Gauges

2.4 Testing Phenomenon and Analysis

It was observed in the experimental study that the column specimens tested mostly illustrate overall
buckling or global instability and behaved in a ductile manner. The load carrying capacity of the
columns decreased when reached the failure load. It was concluded from the test that the
slenderness and steel ratio had significantly effect on the ultimate strength capacity of HCFST
columns subjected to bi-axial eccentric loading. The typical failure mode of a HCFST column is
illustrated in Figure 4.
966 Experimental Behavior of High Strength Concrete-Filled Square Steel Tube under Bi-Axial Eccentric Loading

Figure 3. The Typical CFST Column Figure 4. The Typical CFST Column
Specimen before Testing Specimen after Testing

Figure 5(a) shows the specimen after failure. All column specimens failed at the mid-height by
rupture of the steel casing in the tension zone and buckling of steel in the compression zone at the
termination of loading. Typical failure mode was overall buckling failure. The removal of steel
from the failed columns revealed crushing and cracking of concrete in the compression and tension
zones, respectively, at mid-length sections, which is illustrated in Figure. 5(b) and Figure. 5(c).

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 5. Specimen after Failure

The load (N) versus axial strain (ε) curves for the columns are presented in Figure 6. which is the
maximum absolute value of strains in the compression and tension zones. The strain value
measured on the compression side of the CFST column was about 0.003, which indicated that the
steel tube yielded before the critical load was reached.

Figure 7 is the deflection curves of two typical column specimens measured in the process of load,
which is compared to ideal half-sine-wave. The vertical coordinate is height (H) of position on the
column. The abscissa is the deflection (um) of different position in the process of loading. n is the
ratio of real-time load (N) to ultimate bearing capacity (Nu), and the dashed line is half-sine-wave in
Figure 7. The deflection um was calculated by the deflection of two tension face ( u m  u x2  u y2 ).
From the deformation observed in the test and the test dates gained, the values of ux and uy are very
close. The deflection curves of test and the ideal half-sine-wave curves fit well, and the smaller of
the load, the better the curves fit.
G uoChang Li, Zhijian Yang and Yan Lang 967

2000 2000

1500 1500

ES8-4-71 ES4-6-71
ES8-4-71 ES4-6-71
500 500
ES8-6-71 ES6-6-71
ES8-6-71 ES6-6-71
0 0
-30000 -20000 -10000 0 10000 20000 -30000 -20000 -10000 0 10000 20000
 

N/kN 1500

500 ES4-6-71
-40000 -20000 0 20000 40000

Figure 6. Load (N) Versus Axial Strain (ε) Relations

n=1.0 n=0.91
1200 1600
n=0.87 n=1.0
n=0.78 n=0.87
900 n=0.67


600 800

300 400

0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
um(mm) um(mm)

(a) ES6-6-71 (b) ES8-6-71

Figure 7. The Deflections Curves of Specimen

When the load was small, the lateral deflection at middle height was small and approximately
proportional to the applied load. However, when load reached about 70% of the ultimate load, the
deflection of the mid-span increased significantly. As the deflection reached a certain value, the
bearing capacity began to descend slowly, and the deflection increased quickly.

Figure 8 is the cross-sectional longitudinal strains distribution of column specimens. In order to

check plane-section assumption, the strain values on x and y-axis are projected to the diagonal axis.
Figures 8 shows that the strains of specimen can be connected to a straight line from the beginning
to the ultimate bearing capacity under different level loading and the strain distribution of cross
section is consistent with plane-section assumption.
968 Experimental Behavior of High Strength Concrete-Filled Square Steel Tube under Bi-Axial Eccentric Loading

5000 5000 2000

0 0

300kN 600kN

400kN 700kN
0 300kN
500kN 800kN
600kN 1000kN
800kN -5000
-2000 1100kN
-2500 1200kN 1200kN
1400kN 1300kN
1400kN 1500kN 1400kN
1490kN 1550kN 1530kN

-10000 -4000
-113.12 -56.56 0.00 56.56 113.12 -113.12 -56.56 0.00 56.56 113.12 -113.12 -56.56 0.00 56.56 113.12
y(mm) y(mm) y(mm)
(a) ES4-4-71 (b) ES6-4-71 (c) ES8-4-71
5000 4000 4000

2500 2000


0 0 300kN
360kN 700kN
540kN 600kN
720kN 800kN
-2500 900kN -2000 1000kN
1290kN 1200kN -4000 1400kN
1500kN 1400kN
-5000 1650kN
1800kN -4000 1600kN
1890kN 1700kN
1900kN 1730kN
-7500 -6000 -8000
-113.12 -56.56 0.00 56.56 113.12 -113.12 -56.56 0.00 56.56 113.12 -113.12 -56.56 0.00 56.56 113.12
y(mm) y(mm) y(mm)
(d) ES4-6-71 (e) ES6-6-71 (f) ES8-6-71
Figure 8. Plane-Section Assumption


3.1 Material Properties and Constitutive Models

The nonlinear finite element program ABAQUS (Al-Rodan A [13], Hsuan-Teh Hu [14,15]) was
employed to perform numerical stimulations of HCFST columns subjected to bi-axial eccentric
loading. To achieve this goal, proper material constitutive models for steel tube and concrete were

In the analysis, the Poisson’s ration  and the elastic modulus Es of the steel tube are assumed to be
 =0.3 and Es=206Gpa.The constitutive relationship of steel adopts elastic-plastic constitutive
model provided by ABAQUS to meet Von Mises yield criterion, and Isotropic strengthening rule.
The steel’s stress-strain relationship was shown by entering corresponding steel stress and strain
point. As cold-formed steel tube was used in the test and the steel stress-strain relationship referred
to four-line model suggested by Abdel-Rahman and Sivakumaran, in this analysis, the material was
divided into corner area and flat area (Abdel-Rabman N [16]). The stress-strain curve is described
with the following equations:
 Es  (   e )
 f  E (   )
 p s1 e ( e     e1 )
  (1)
 f ym  Es 2 (   e1 ) ( e1     e 2 )
 f  E (   ) ( e 2   )
 y s3 e2

Where fy is the yield strength of flat area; Es is Young’s modulus of elasticity, Es1, Es2 ,Es3 is Slope
of line,Es1=0.5 Es, Es2=0.1 Es, Es3=0.05 Es; fp, fm is stress of feature point fp =0.75 fy, fp =0.875 fy ;
 e ,  e1 ,  e 2 is strain of feature point  e  0.75 f y / Es ,  e1   e  0.125 f y / Es1 ,  e 2   e1  0.125 f y / Es 2 ;
The yield strength of flat area fy was given with the following expression:
G uoChang Li, Zhijian Yang and Yan Lang 969

 
f yc  0.6b(r / t ) m  0.4 f y (2)

Where b  3.69( f u / f y )  0.819( f u / f y ) 2  1.79 , and m  0.192( f u / f y )  0.068 , fu is ultimate

tensile strength of steel.

Concrete used a plastic damage model provided by ABAQUS, and the model can simulate the
plastic behavior of concrete well. The Poisson’s ration of concrete was assumed to be  =0.2.
When concrete is subjected to laterally confining pressure, the concrete compressive strength and
the corresponding strain are much higher than those of unconfined concrete. And the softening
phenomenon and ductility has also been improved compared with the case of uniaxial compression.
Thus, it is difficult to simulate core concrete that is passive constrained by steel tube through
entering ordinary uniaxial compression stress-strain model. Considering the confinement factor ζ
and concrete strength fc, the stress-strain relationship of the core concrete proposed by Liu Wei is
applied to ABAQUS finite element analysis ( Han, L.H [1]).

In this study, fracture energy-crack displacement model was used to express tension stress-strain of
concrete, which is calculated as following [17]:

f c 0.7
Gf  a( )  10 3 (N/mm) (3)

Where Gf is fracture energy; coefficient a =1.25dmax+10, dmax is the maximum particle diameter of
coarse aggregate; fc is mean compressive strength of concrete.

3.2 Finite Element Model

Element types of steel tube and concrete were C3D8R (an 8-node linear brick, reduced integration,
hourglass control). Mapping mesh was used to mesh the element. The contact between the concrete
and the steel was modeled with hard contact at normal direction and Coulomb friction at tangential
direction. Coulomb friction model was used to simulate the steel tube and the mezzanine section of
concrete shear force transfer. The friction coefficient used in all the analyses is 0.3.

Due symmetry, only one fourth of the HCFST column was analyzed (Figure 9). Symmetric
boundary conditions were enforced on the symmetric planes which were XSYMM and ZSYMM
boundary conditions. The plate of the column was allowed to rotate at x -axis, and displacement
was allowed to take place in the z direction. The analysis load was applied by displacement control,
and incremental iterative method was used to solve nonlinear equations.

Figure 9. Boundary Condition of Analytical Model

970 Experimental Behavior of High Strength Concrete-Filled Square Steel Tube under Bi-Axial Eccentric Loading

3.3 Numerical Simulation

The results of numerical simulations of HCFST are given in the Table 2 and curves of load versus
lateral deflection of mid-height for these columns are plotted against the experimental data in
Figures 10. The numerical results show good agreement with the experimental data.
2000 2500 2000
FEM Test Test
1500 FEM 1500 FEM
Load (kN)

Load (kN)

Load (kN)
1000 1000
500 500

0 0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Deflection (mm) Deflection (mm) Deflection (mm)
(a) ES4-4-71 (b) ES4-6-71 (c) ES6-4-71
2000 2000 2000
Test Test
1500 1500 FEM 1500
Load (kN)

Load (kN)
Load (kN)

1000 1000 1000

500 500 500

0 0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Deflection (mm) Deflection (mm) Deflection (mm)
(d) ES6-6-71 (e) ES8-4-71 (f) ES8-6-71

Figure 10. Comparisons of Predicted Load Versus Deflection Curves of

Columns with Tested Results

The concrete stress isoline of mid-height section, the longitudinal stress distribution in the core
concrete section of column along the length of specimen EF6-6-71 is illustrated in Figures 11. The
picture of A, B and C are stress contour plots respectively corresponding to the load which is
0.75Nc1 (the ultimate bearing capacity of finite element calculation), 1.0 Nc1 and 0.85 Nc1. As what
can be seen from Figures 11, the tension area expends and compression area reduced with the
increasing of load, and the neutral axis gradually approaches to compression zone.

(a) A (b) B (c) C

The Longitudinal Stress Distribution in the Core Concrete Section

G uoChang Li, Zhijian Yang and Yan Lang 971

(d) A (e) B (f) C

Figure 12. The Longitudinal Stress Distribution in the

Core Concrete Section of Column along the Length

The concrete stress isoline of mid-height section is illustrated in Figures 12. The tension stress of
concrete decreases from 0.0708 f ' c (Figure 12A) to 0.0583 f ' c (Figure 12C) with the increasing of
the deflection. In addition, what the confined stress of compression zone corner increases
constantly shows that corner confining effect is obvious.


Figure 12. The Longitudinal Stress Isoline in the Core Concrete Section

Figures 13 is the longitudinal stress distribution of steel tube along the length of specimen
ES6-6-71. What the corner area of steel tube yielded earlier than flat area, shows that the confining
effect of corner area is obvious. When the specimen reached ultimate bearing capacity the
mid-length began to yield, from the mid-length to the ends.

(a) A (b) B (c) C

The Longitudinal Mises Stress Distribution of Mid-Height Section

972 Experimental Behavior of High Strength Concrete-Filled Square Steel Tube under Bi-Axial Eccentric Loading

(d) A (e) B (f) C

Figure 13. The Longitudinal Stress Distribution of Steel Tube along the Length

Figure 14 shows the ultimate bearing capacity of finite element calculation (Nc1) and measured
values (Ne). The ratio of Nc1/ Ne is listed in Table 2. The average is 1.005 and standard deviation is
0.038. It can be seen that the calculation results agree well with the test data.

Table 2. Comparison of Test Results and Calculation Results

Specimen t' fy Ne N c1 N c2
 xy N c1 / N e N c2 / N e
number (mm) (MPa) (kN) (kN) (kN)
ES4-4-71 3.5 306 0.957 1524 1636.9 1501.2 1.074 0.985
ES4-6-71 5.8 340 0.958 1895.6 1899.4 1827.7 1.002 0.964
ES6-4-71 3.5 306 0.909 1548.4 1546.3 1406.1 0.999 0.908
ES6-6-71 5.8 340 0.913 1844.9 1818.2 1722.7 0.986 0.934
ES8-4-71 3.5 306 0.863 1516.5 1455.4 1314.4 0.96 0.867
ES8-6-71 5.8 340 0.869 1717.3 1738.4 1619.2 1.012 0.943

2500 2500

2000 2000

1500 1500

1000 1000

500 500

0 0
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500

Ne Ne
Figure 14. Comparisons of Finite Element Figure 15. Comparison of Results of Simplified
Results Versus Test Results Method and Test Results
G uoChang Li, Zhijian Yang and Yan Lang 973


Paper [1] proposed a simplified formula which is applied to predict the stability bearing capacity of
CFST under bi-axial eccentric loading. The formula fits the condition that confinement
coefficient   0.2 ~ 5 , yield strength of steel f y =200~700MPa, cubic compressive strength of
concrete fcu =30~120MPa, steel ratio   0.03 ~ 0.2 , slenderness ratio   10 ~ 200 . Formula can
be expressed as follows:

When N / N u   x3 2 0
N a M M y 1.8 1 / 1.8
 [( x )1.8  ( ) ] 1 (4)
 xy N u d M ux M uy

When N / N u  2 x3 0
N2 N 1 M x 1.8 M y 1.8 1 / 1.8
b 2
c  [( ) ( ) ] 1 (5)
Nu N u d M ux M uy

Where Nu is ultimate axial compressive strength of CFST;  xy is stability coefficient of CFST under
bi-axial eccentric loading; Mx and My are bending moment along the x-axis and y-axis respectively,
which are given by Mx=Nex and My=Ney; In this paper, the loading angle is 45°, and ex=ey=50mm;
Mux and Muy are flexural bearing capacity along the x-axis and y-axis respectively; Where a, b, c, d
is calculating coefficient, 1/d is amplification factor of the bending moment considering the
second-order effect. The detailed calculations of these parameters are given by paper [1].

The stability bearing capacity of test specimen was calculated with the simplified formula. Figures
15 shows calculation results (Nc2) and measured values (Ne) .The ratio of Nc2/ Ne is listed in Table 2
whose average is 0.934, standard deviation is 0.004. It can be seen that the calculation results agree
well with test data. It means that the simplified formula can be referred to calculate the bearing
capacity of HCFST within the parameters of this test.


5.1 Steel Ratio

With a constant slenderness ratio and the steel ratio changing from 7% to 13%, the ultimate bearing
capacity of growth rates are 24.4%, 19.2% and 13.2% respectively. Table 2 shows that steel ratio is
an important factor to influence ultimate bearing capacity. In addition, as slenderness ratio increases,
the growth rate of the ultimate bearing capacity decreases.

5.2 Slenderness Ratio

Figure 16 shows the relationship of the load and slenderness ratios. When the steel ratio and
eccentricity are constant, the bigger slenderness ratio is, the smaller the ultimate load bearing
capacity is, because the stability coefficient  xy reduces with the increasing of the slenderness
ratio. In addition, Table 2 shows that with a constant slenderness ratio, the greater the steel ratio is ,
the bigger stability coefficient is.
974 Experimental Behavior of High Strength Concrete-Filled Square Steel Tube under Bi-Axial Eccentric Loading

Figure 17 is the interaction curve of slenderness ratio and deflection. Steel ratio imposes little
influence on the mid-span deflection when the slenderness ratio is 13.86. With the increasing of
slenderness ratio, the impact of steel ratio becomes obvious, because the bigger steel ratio and the
greater stiffness of the specimen result in a small deflection of mid-span under the ultimate bearing

2000 16
12 t=6mm

Load (kN)


10 20 30 0
10 20 30
slenderness ratio
Slenderness ratio

Figure 16. The Relationship between Load Figure 17 The Slenderness Ratio and Deflection
and Slenderness Ratios Interaction Curves


(1) The HCFST columns subjected to bi-axial eccentric loading failed to work because of instability,
and showed a certain degree of ductility.

(2) The deflection curves of test fit the ideal half-sine-wave curves well. The strain curves of
specimen are consistent with plane-section assumption.

(3) The ultimate bearing capacity of HCFST subjected to bi-axial eccentric loading resulted from
analyzing with finite element software ABAQUS shows good agreements with the test data the
numerical method is verified to be reliable in predicting the load versus deformation relationships.

(4) The simplified formula was used to calculate bearing capacity of the test specimens, and the
calculation results agree well with test data. The simplified formula can be referred to calculate the
bearing capacity of HCFST within the parameters of this test.


This project was supported by National Science Found of China (50678106), Shenyang Talent
Development Fund (2009140403038) and Liaoning BaiQianWan Talents Program.
G uoChang Li, Zhijian Yang and Yan Lang 975


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Advanced Steel Construction Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 976-1000 (2010) 976


Xing Li
School of Civil Engineering, Zhejiang Shuren University, Hangzhou 310015, China
E-mail: xingli_sru@126.com

Received: 31 January 2010; Revised: 7 June 2010; Accepted: 25 June 2010

ABSTRACT: A newly developed space structure, the polyhedron space frame based on the bubble theory, is adopted
in Chinese National Swimming Center-the Water Cube for 2008 Beijing 29th Olympic Games. Circular hollow
sections, square hollow sections and rectangular hollow sections are employed as structural members, while welded
hollow spherical joints are employed to connect the members. However, for welded hollow spherical joints
connected with rectangular/square steel tubes, no previous study has been reported and no design criterion has been
established. This paper investigates the structural behavior and load-carrying capacity of the joints subject to axial
forces, bending moments and combined loading of the two. Based on the elastic-perfectly plastic model and the
Von-Mises yield criterion, a finite element model for the analysis of the joints is established, in which the effect of
geometric nonlinearity is taken into account. A major parametric study is then carried out employing this model.
Experiments on ten typical full-scale joints are conducted to understand directly the structural behavior and the
collapse mechanism of the joint, and also to validate the finite element model. A simplified theoretical solution is
also derived for the loading-carrying capacity of the joint based on the punching shear failure model, and the basic
form for the design equation is obtained. Finally, by utilizing the results from the simplified theoretical solution,
finite element analysis and experimental study, the practical design method is established for the load-carrying
capacity of the joints subject to axial forces, bending moments and the combined loading. The results from this study
can be applied for direct design use, and also provide a reference for the revision of relevant design codes

Keywords: Space structure; welded hollow spherical joints; rectangular steel tubes; load-carrying capacity;
finite element analysis; material nonlinearity; geometrical nonlinearity


A newly developed space structure, the polyhedron space frame based on the bubble theory, is
adopted in Chinese National Swimming Center-the Water Cube for 2008 Beijing 29th Olympic
Games. Water cube is located in the central area of the Olympic Green, it is a cubic with the size of
177mx177mx31m, with a total architectural area of 80,000m2, as is shown in Figure 1. It has a
seating capacity of 11,000 plus 6000 temporary seats, and served as the centrepiece of 2008
Olympic Games venue for swimming, diving, synchronised swimming and water polo events. It
also provided multifunctional recreation, sports and fitness services for the public after the Event.
The project was completed on time, despite its complexity and a fast-track schedule of design and
construction. The interior view of the project in construction is shown in Figure 2. Three types of
steel hollow sections are applied in the space frame: the circular hollow section, the square hollow
section and the rectangular hollow section. Herein, the circular hollow section is used in the
internal members and the square or rectangular hollow section is used for members on the opposite
surfaces of roofs and walls for convenience of connection with the ETFE air pillow (Figure 2).

The Hong Kong Institute of Steel Construction www.hkisc.org

977 X ing Li

Two kinds of joint for rigid connection of the steel hollow section members are proposed by
Chinese relevant Code or Specifications [1,2,3]: the welded hollow spherical joints (WHSJ), and
the intersecting joint. The welded hollow spherical joints, which are popular for the domestic
latticed structure for recent years, are mainly employed for connections of the members in this
project. At present, studies on structural properties and load carrying capacity of WHSJ are aimed
at the connections with the circular hollow pipes [4,5,6]. Ultimate bearing capacity of the WHSJ
connected with circular pipes was investigated by Han et al [4]. The strength collapse criterion and
ultimate criterion were put forward by the numerical analysis of the experimental data. It was
indicated that the collapse was a strength problem under axial tension load while it was
elasto-plastic buckling collapse under axial compressive load, and both failure mode are related to
the design strength of the material. The practical design method was also proposed for the
load-carrying capacity of the joints connected with circular hollow section members [5]. Based on
the elastic-perfectly plastic model and the Von Mises yield criterion, a finite element model for
analysis of welded hollow spherical joints subject to planar tri-directional loading of axial force or
planar tri-directional combined loading of axial force and bending moment was established, the
results showed that shows that load carrying capacity of welded hollow spherical joints mainly
depends on the diameter ratio of steel tube and joint, the joint thickness and the load ratio [6].
Analytical and experimental researches on structural behavior of the intersecting joints were also
performed during the past several decades and the design criterion were also proposed [7-12].

Figure 1. Water Cube for 2008 Beijing Figure 2. Interior view of Water Cube
29th Olympic Games, China (in construction)

Whilst the WHSJ connected with rectangular hollow section members has been extensively applied
in the practical engineering, few studies have explored the structural behavior of joint under load
(axial force, bending moment, and the combination of the two, etc), and the practical design
methods have received even less attention. In particular, members in Water Cube are subject to not
only the axial force but also very large bending moment, where it is much different from members
carrying mainly the axial force in common reticulated structure or trussed structure. Accordingly,
the effects of pure bending moment or combined axial force and the bending moment should be
taken into consideration for researches on load carrying capacity of WHSJ connected with
rectangular/square section member and practical calculation method, besides the common joints
subject only to axial force.

This paper is focused on the structural behavior and load carrying capacity of WHSJ connected
with rectangular/square tubes subject to axial force, bending moment and combination of the two,
based on the three ways: the finite element (FE) analyses, the experimental study and the simplified
theoretical solution. The Practical design method for joint load-carrying capacity is also presented
for direct engineering design use in the end.
Load-carrying Capacity and Practical Design Method of Welded Hollow Spherical Joints in Space Latticed Structures 978


2.1 Finite Element Model

It is shown by the test [5] that the collapse load of WHSJ connected with circular pipes under
uniaxial and biaxial force are very close. The design criterion in Chinese specification for trussed
structure (JGJ 7-91) is also deduced from the uniaxial loading test. The whole FE model including
the steel hollow tube and the spherical joint is established on the basis of uniaxial loading. The
analyses are carried out using the commercial general purpose finite element package ANSYS. For
the simplification of calculation, one quarter of the whole model is chosen for symmetry in the
analyses. In order to make full comprehension of stress distribution along the thickness in the
sphere when loading, and the stress concentration in the junction of the sphere and the tube, the
eight-node isoparametric solid element SOLID45 is used for discretization of the model. The finite
element mesh is shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3. Finite Element Meshes

The perfect elasto-plastic stress-strain relation and the Von-Mise yielding criterion are adopted in
the paper and the load-displacement curve is traced down by the arc-length iterative technology.
The precision of the FE mesh is firstly investigated prior to the analyses. It is indicated that
four-layered mesh along the thickness of the tube and the sphere, producing about 10,000 elements,
will satisfy the precision. Mesh precision of the type is applicable to all the following analyses,
except if it is specifically stated. Furthermore, influences of geometric nonlinearity on joints under
combined axial tension or bending moment and under combined axial compression and bending
moment are investigated through typical joint analyses. It shows good agreement with the results in
Ref. [5]. Namely, geometric nonlinearity is favorable for joints under combined tension and
bending, and unfavorable for joints under combined compression and bending. But the differences
should be small as a whole. With a view to practicability and reliability in the practical engineering,
the differences between tension and compression are usually disregarded as too large deformation
is not allowed in the joints. The analyses are based consistently on the results of combined
compression and bending. The peak value of the load-displacement curve is taken as the collapse
load for the geometrically imperfect joints under combined axial compression and bending moment.
It is expected to be conservative for joints under combing axial tension and bending moment, but is
always on the safe side.

2.2 Stress Distribution in the Punching Area of Joint subject to Axial Compression

Structural properties of thirty groups of joints subject to axial compression are firstly investigated
with the geometry covering a large extent: diameter of sphere ranging from 300mm to 1000mm:
300mm≤D≤1000mm, ratio of diameter to thickness of sphere up to 35: D/t≤35, ratio of long side
of tube to diameter of sphere ranging from 0.2 to 0.6: 0.2≤a/D≤0.6, ratio of long side to short
979 X ing Li

side of tube up to 0.2. To avoid buckling collapse of joint subject to compression, ratio of diameter
to thickness of sphere is strictly defined according to the structural measures to the WHSJ specified
in Chinese Specification of reticulated structure (JGJ 61-2003).

The WHSJ D500x18 connected with rectangular tube 300x210 is taken as the example for
investigating stress distribution in the punching area (shown in Figure 4 (a)) where the steel tube
meets the sphere. Normal stress  x ,  y ,  z and shear stress  xy ,  xz ,  yz exist as a rule in the
punching area. The stress distributions along the height of punching area are shown in Figure 4(b)
together with the Von-Mises equivalent stress curve. It is revealed that normal stresses are usually
larger compared to shear stresses, but are close to each other, and shear stresses  xy ,  yz are near to
zero. The Von-Mises equivalent stress may be estimated by the following expression:

      z   x    3( 2 xy   2 xz   2 yz )  3 xz
2 2
 Mises          (1)
2  x y y z

It is indicated that shear stress  xz is the dominant stress for punching shear design. Shear stress
 xz curve is parallel on the whole to that of Von-Mises stress, and the Von-Mises stress is about
3 times of shear stress in the same node, which could also be observed from Figure 4 (b). It is
also indicated from the analyses that stress distribution of joints under axial tension is consistent
with that under axial compression, only different sign of stress produced, and shear stress  xz
dominates also the punching shear design.

The main factors which have influence on load carrying capacity of joints under axial compression
could be derived from the studies on collapse load of the 60 groups of joints, which are listed as
follows: the outer diameter of sphere D, sphere thickness t, side lengths of tube a, b. The load
carrying capacity increases with the increase of sphere thickness t and side lengths of tube a, b,
decreases with the increase of sphere diameter D, and is almost independent of the thickness of
 xz
σ /MPa

 xy h /mm
0 5 10 15  20yz
 z
-200 y
D -300 x
(a) Punching Section (b) Stress Distribution in Punching Section

Figure 4. Punching Section and Its Stress Distribution

2.3 Joints subject to Combined Compression and Bending

The geometries of models are in the same range as that studied before, typical joint with sphere
D400x14 and rectangular tube 100x150 is also adopted as the illustrative example. The stress
contour and deformation of the collapsed joint are shown in Figure 5 (a). Radial and hoop stresses
of typical section numbered in Figure 5 (b), on external surface of the sphere, are illustrated in
Load-carrying Capacity and Practical Design Method of Welded Hollow Spherical Joints in Space Latticed Structures 980

Figure 5. (c) ~ 5(f) respectively. Herein, the tensile stress is marked outside the surface and the
compressive stress is marked inside the surface. Moreover, curves are stress distribution for the
load 40kN time FE result, and the dots are stress distribution or the load 40kN time test result. As
the load acts antisymmetrically about Sec.3 (Figure 5 (b)) on the joint, stresses in the section are so
small as to be omitted, the distribution is not given in the figures. In the adjacent area where the
sphere and the tube meet, not only membrane stress but also very large bending stress is induced
for joint under axial compression. The effect of stress concentration in the area above is visible,
area A near the conjunction is concave and area B a little far from the conjunction is convex, as is
shown in Figure 5 (a). For most area of the sphere, the radial stress is compressive, and the hoop
stress is tensile (compressive only in local area near the conjunction). The external surface near the
conjunction yields originally in the course of loading, bringing forth plastic area which is expanded
to the inner surface gradually. Area B turns to be plastic with the increase of load, and the plasticity
is expanded progressively to area A. When plastic area A is expanded to the inner surface and
coincides with plastic area B, large deformation is induced in the sphere, and the joint reaches its
ultimate limit state.

1 1

B 3 3

1 1

(a) Collapsed Deformation and Stress Contour (b) Section Number

412  275
104  199 
547  330 
384  465 

Test Test Test Test

(c) Sec.1 Outside Radial Stress (d) Sec.1 Outside Hoop Stress (e) Sec.2 Outside Radial Stress (f) Sec.2 Outside Hoop Stress

Figure 5. Stress Distribution and Deformed Shape of

Joint under Combined Compression and Bending

2.4 Correlation between Axial Compression and Bending Moment

Seven groups of typical joints (listed in Figure 6) are chosen for analyses among 60 groups referred
in Section 2.2. Eight to nine combinations of axial force and bending moment are specified for each
group, then structural behavior is investigated for joint subject to combined axial compression and
bending moment, i.e. various eccentricities e are taken into consideration when loading, e =M/N,
where, M is the bending moment and N is the axial force. Different combinations of loads are
applied at the end of the tube. As pure bending might be regarded as the combination of axial
tension and axial compression, the combined axial compression and bending could be consequently
regarded as the combination of axial tension and axial compression, and also as the transition from
axial compression to pure bending. The stress distribution is also very similar from the FE results.
981 X ing Li

1.2 ηN




0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2

S350×14T200×200 S400×14T150×100
S500×20T270×180 S500×20T300×200
S500×18T300×210 S500×16T300×300
S550×16T300×300 S600×16T300×300
S600×20T300×270 S600×20T300×400

Figure 6. Dimensionless Axial Force – Bending Moment Correlation for Joints under Combined
Compression and Bending (Note: S- Hollow Sphere; T-Rectangular Tube)

For joint under combined compression and bending, the correlation between axial compression and
bending moment is the issue which we most concerned with. Only if making the correlation clear
could we provide further evidence for the setup of practical calculation method. The axial
compression N and bending moment M of joint when collapsed are made dimensionless using the
relevant load carrying capacity Nmax and Mmax (both FE results). The dimensionless parameters
 N , M are introduced as Expression (2).

N  , M  . (2)
N max M max

The correlation of dimensionless axial compression-bending moment is shown in Figure 6, where

 N , M are the vertical and horizontal coordinates respectively. It may be found that the results data
are concentrated in the same curve for various joints with various eccentricities. That is to say,
correlations of axial force and bending moment among different joints are consistent, and the
correlations are independent of joint geometries, including sphere diameter and thickness, side
length of tube. The property shows good agreement with that of WHSJ connected with circular pipe
[5]. It is so important as to simplify, to a large extent, the calculation method of load carrying
capacity of joint subject to combined axial force and bending moment.
Load-carrying Capacity and Practical Design Method of Welded Hollow Spherical Joints in Space Latticed Structures 982


3.1 General of the Experiment

Experiments on ten typical full-scale joints as are listed in Table 1 are conducted to understand
directly the structural behavior and the collapse mechanism of the joint connected with rectangular
tube, and to validate the finite element model, and also to provide the most reliable proofs for
practical calculation method. Two types of welded hollow sphere are adopted, where Specimen 1
and Specimen 2 are identical in geometry with bending moments in different orientation acting on
them. As the experiment is carried out primarily to investigate the collapse mechanics of joints, and
meanwhile the thickness of steel tube has little influence on joint load carrying capacity, steel tubes
with larger wall thickness (steel tube geometries: 150 mm×100 mm×16 mm, 200 mm×200mm×
16mm, 300 mm×200mm×22mm, 300mm×300mm×22mm, welded with four steel plates) are
adopted to assure that the steel tubes would not collapse prior to the sphere. Four full-scale
specimens are load with different eccentricities, where Specimen 3 and 5 is loaded with no
eccentricity, i.e., axial compression. As experiment with infinite eccentricity is impossible to
perform in the laboratory, pure bending loading test is not carried out here.

Experiment is conducted with 500-ton compression testing machine in Civil Engineering Testing
Center of Zhejiang University. Overall view of the experimental setup is shown in Figure 7.
Schematic loading and testing station are shown in Figure 8. Various eccentricities are produced by
changing the loading position on the specimen. Rigid box beams are welded to both ends of the
specimen to ensure that the combined axial force and bending moment acting on the sphere are
accurately simulated by eccentric loading on the box beams. Strain rosettes are arranged on the
surface of sphere to measure the spherical outside strains, and strain gauges are arranged
longitudinally on the tube surface to verify whether the loads are centrally directed and check the
eccentricities. In addition, the dial indicators are used to measure displacements in various positions
of the specimen.

Figure 7. Overall View of the Experiment

983 X ing Li

Table 1. Specimen Geometries and Summary of Experimental Results

Specimen Sphere Dxt Tube axb Moment e Fs Fy(kN) Fs/Fy
No. (mm×mm) (mm×mm) direction (mm) (kN) e=0 e0 e=0 e0
1 D400×14 150×100 Dir.1 160 240 251 200 0.96 1.2
2 D400×14 150×100 Dir.2 160 282 294 256 0.96 1.10
3 D400×14 200×200 Dir.3 0 1910 1846 – 1.03 –
4 D400×14 200×200 Dir.4 160 760 763 661 0.996 1.15
5 D500×20 300×200 Dir.3 0 3500 3326 3308 1.05 1.06
6 D500×20 300×200 Dir.2 60 2260 2405 2216 0.92 1.02
7 D500×20 300×300 Dir.1 180 2095 2073 1853 1.01 1.13
8 D600×20 300×300 Dir.1 40 3080 3270 3006 0.94 1.02
9 D600×20 300×300 Dir.1 100 2400 2481 2251 0.97 1.07
10 D600×20 300×300 Dir.4 30 3350 3410 3160 0.98 1.06
Note: Dir.1-along tube short side; Dir.2-along tube long side; Dir.3-along compression;
Dir.4-along tube diagonal line.

Strain gauge
Strain rosette
Dial indicator

Figure 8. Schematic of Loading and Instrumentation

3.2 Experimental Results and Analyzing

Large numbers of data for strain and displacement are recorded during the testing. Herein,
specimen 4 is only used for short as the illustrative example to elucidate the main testing results.
Load-displacement curves for specimen 4 are shown in Figure 9 with θ as horizontal coordinates.
The nominal angular displacement θ of joint under bending moment is estimated by the measured
translational displacement with the dial indicator, provided that no bending deformation of steel
tube is induced during loading. It could be observed from the curves that the displacement
approximately increases linearly with the increase of load in the initial stage of loading, and the
displacement subsequently increases nonlinearly. Plasticity in local area of the hollow sphere is
meantime induced and the plastic area is enlarged gradually. The displacement increase rapidly
with small increase of loading in the final stage, and continues to increase rapidly with the decrease
of loading after collapse. As the experiment is conducted without servo loading, the curves during
unloading are not recorded. Deformed shape of specimen 1 after failure is shown in Figure 10. It
could be obviously observed from the photo that collapse of joint is chiefly induced by the large
Load-carrying Capacity and Practical Design Method of Welded Hollow Spherical Joints in Space Latticed Structures 984

plastic deformation in local compressive area of spherical wall where the steel tube and hollow
sphere meet. Great concave deformation is very clear as is shown in the photo. The collapsed load
of specimens is listed in Table 1, where e indicates the eccentricity, Fs indicates result from testing,
and Fy indicates finite element result.

Specimens are also simulated for finite element analyses. Perfect elasto-plastic stress-strain relation
is adopted in the preceding parametric analyses, and herein, the practical stress-strain relation
(stress stiffness stage included) obtained by the material testing is adopted for accurate simulation
of the experiment. In addition, the eccentric load acting on the end of specimen is always parallel to
the axis of the steel tube in the preceding parametric analyses, and the eccentricity keeps unchanged
during loading, i.e., the bending moment acting on joint keeps unchanged. This is actually true in
the practical engineering. Nevertheless, the eccentric load acting on the end of specimen is always
vertically downwards during the experiment, and the eccentricity would increase with the
increasing deflection, corresponding to an additional eccentricity introduced. Accordingly, the
actual bending moment acting on joints increases constantly. Two kinds of simulations of loading
for each specimen are carried out in order to take account of the influence of additional eccentricity
in the finite element analysis. The eccentric load acting on specimen is made parallel to the axis of
the steel tube in the first simulation (i.e. taking no additional eccentricity into account), and the
specimen is loaded vertically downwards in the end for the second simulation (i.e. taking account
of the additional eccentricity). Load-displacement curves for specimen 1 of two types of loading
are shown in Figure 9. In the initial stage of loading, the deformation in specimen is small, and the
two curves almost coincide. With increasing loading, large deformation is induced in specimen, and
the effect of additional eccentricity becomes notable. Load carrying capacity of joint without regard
to additional eccentricity is obvious higher than that with regard to additional eccentricity.
Moreover, the FE load-displacement curve agrees well with the experimental results in the initial
loading stage. With increasing loading, differences between two curves become larger and larger
especially in the elasto-plastic stage. It is probably because elasto-plastic stress-strain relation
adopted in finite element analysis is impracticable to be exactly equal to that of the tensile
specimen in the testing. Two groups of FE collapse load of specimens are listed in Table 1. The
additional eccentricity has little influence on joint under axial compression. For joint under
combined axial compression and bending, load carrying capacity without regard to additional
eccentricity is obviously improved, averagely by 15%.


100 FE(e=0)
50 FE(e≠0)
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2


Figure 9. Load-displacement Curves Figure 10. Deformed Shape of Specimen 1

for Specimen 4 after Failure

It is shown in Table 1 that the FE collapse load of specimen is close to that from experiment. But,
the experimental result is slightly larger than that from FE results of joint with regard to additional
eccentricity. Main possible factors making the differences are as follows: (1) Fillet welds besides
butt welds exist in the conjunction where the tube and the hollow sphere meet, whereas the effects
are disregarded in the FE simulations; (2) The material strength of weld is normally higher than that
of the parent material, whereas strengths of both types are regarded to be identical in FE analysis.
985 X ing Li

Furthermore, material properties of hollow sphere may vary during machining, and the testing
instruments and measurements may also introduce certain errors, making differences between them.
As a whole, the FE model established in the paper can present accurately structural property and
collapsed load, thus be used for parametric analyses on a large scale. It should be pointed out that
the additional eccentricity is supposed to be regarded, for accurate simulation of experimental
condition, for joint subject to combined axial compression and bending (additional eccentricity
disregarded for joint under axial compression). Additional eccentricity may be disregarded for
parametric analysis of practical engineering.


4.1 Simplified Theoretical Solution of Joint subject to Axial Compression

It is indicated by the previous studies that ultimate collapse of WHSJ with circular pipe has the
feature of punching shear failure [5]. The WHSJ with rectangular tube is addressed in the paper, of
which stress distribution in the area where the tube and hollow sphere meet is even more
complicated. It has been shown from stress analyses in Section 3 that ultimate collapse of joint of
such type has also the feature of punching shear failure. Simplified theoretical solution in the paper
is based accordingly on punching shear failure model. Shear stress in punching section may be
assumed to be kf for hollow spherical joint (as is shown in Figure 11(a)) under axial compression,
where, f is the design tensile strength of joint material, and k is a coefficient to be specially
determined in Section 4.2. When side length of tube is less small, punching shear failure is greatly
obvious. On basis of Von-Mises yield criterion, failure shear stress tends to be f 3 , i.e., k  1 3
( k  1 2 base on Tresca yield criterion). When side length of tube is quite large, especially identical
in geometry to sphere diameter, tensile stress (or compressive stress) instead of shear stress will be
dominant, and the value tends to be f.

On ground of FE stress analysis, WHSJ with rectangular tube under axial compression yield
originally in the corners, inducing plastic area, and plastic area are expanded gradually to the side.
Expanding course of plasticity from the corners to the side centers is shown in Figure 11 (b). Figure
11 (c) shows the final stage of expanding plasticity with whole section permeated. The
dimensionless parameters are introduced,

x y a
 ,  ,   (3)
a b b

where, a, b is the side length of rectangular tube; Δ is the aspect ratio of rectangular tube (a=b,
square tube).In the expanding stage of plasticity, the relation between axial compression acting on
joint and shear stress in punching section is given by:

   
N  4k a 1 ftd  b 1 ftd  (4)
 2 2 

where, t is the wall thickness of hollow sphere. In the final stage when plasticity expands to the
whole area, the axial compression reaches its maximum value, in which  varies from 1/2 to 0
and  varies from 1/2 to 0.

N  N max  k 2(a  b)tf (5)

Load-carrying Capacity and Practical Design Method of Welded Hollow Spherical Joints in Space Latticed Structures 986

y y
x x y y
x x
b b b

D a a aa

(a) Joint under Axial Compression (b) Plastic Area Expansion (c) Final Stage of Plastic Expansion

Figure 11. Model for Simplified Theoretical Solution for Axial Force

4.2 Simplified Theoretical Solution of Joint subject to Combined Axial Compression and

For joint under combined axial compression and bending, as is shown in Figure 12a (M acts in the
plane where long side a of tube lies), the expanding course of shear stress in punching section may
be divided into two stages. In the first stage, upward shear stress is induced in part area of the
punching section which is numbered 1 and without shadow, as is shown in Figure 12b-1, while
downward shear stress is induced in other part which is numbered 2 and with shadow. The
boundary area of upward and downward shear stress depends on the ratio of axial compression and
bending moment.

Based on the force equilibrium in the first stage, bending moment M is resultant from the upward
shear stress in Area 1 and downward shear stress in Area 2, and the remainder downward shear
stress composes the axial compression N. the axial compression N and the bending moment M
could be easily obtained by the definite integral of shear stress in punching section.

N  k 4tf ( a  b ) (6)
M  4ktf  2 bd (7)
 2

where, a is the long side length of rectangular tube in the plane where the moment acts, b is the out
of plane length.

When the ratio M/N of bending moment to axial compression increases, upward shear stress in Area
1 expands gradually from the corners to the side centers, till the shear stress in the side turns wholly
upward, as is shown in Figure 12 b-2. This is the dividing line between the first and second stage.
When the ratio M/N further increase, upward shear stress turns around the corner to adjacent side
and expands to the side center, as is shown in Figure 12 c-1. Herein, the second stage is reached,
and the relation between the resultant force N, M and the shear stress in punching section may be
derived from the following expressions.
987 X ing Li


(a) Joint under Combined Axial Compression and Bending

y y y y
y 1 x x
x x
b b b b

a a a a
b-1 b-2 c-1 c-2
(b) First Stage (c) Second Stage

Figure 12. Model for Simplified Theoretical Solution for

Combined Axial Force and Bending Moment

N  k 4atf (8)

 1a 1

M  4ktf   2 bd   2 aad  (9)
 2
0 

When dividing line lies in the middle of the section side, as in shown in Figure 12 c-2, the bending
moment reaches its maximum value, namely pure bending without axial force.

 1a 1
  1 
M  M max  4ktf   2 bd   2 a ad    abktf 1    (10)
 2  2 
0 0

The dimensionless parameters are introduced,

N  , M  (11)
N max M max

In the first stage, the following expressions can be deduced from Eq. 5, 6, 7, 8, 10,

N 2  
N   (12)
N max 1 

M 1  2
M   (13)
M max 1
1 
Load-carrying Capacity and Practical Design Method of Welded Hollow Spherical Joints in Space Latticed Structures 988

In the first stage, the following expressions can be deduced from Eq. 5, 8, 9, 10,

N 2
N   (14)
N max 1

M 2 2
M   1 (15)
M max 
The relation between  N and  M may be derived from Eq. 12 ~ 15.

  1
 1 0  M 
2 
 N  1  M 1
 1  2
 (16)
  1 2  1
  11   M  
 M  1
 N
1  
 1 1
  2
N 7
1 N  1 M
1 4
M  
0.6  7

0.2 3 7
N  (1   M )
5 3
0 M
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
S350×14T200×200 S400×14T150×100
S500×20T270×180 S500×20T300×200
S500×18T300×210 S500×16T300×300
S550×16T300×300 S600×16T300×300
S600×20T300×270 S600×20T300×400
S650×20T300×400 Design
Figure 13. Dimensionless Axial Force – Bending Moment Correlation for Joints under Combined
Compression and Bending (Note: S- hollow Sphere; T-rectangular Tube)

It is indicated from Eq. 16 that, for hollow sphere joint under combined axial compression and
bending in given aspect ratio Δ of tube, the load carrying capacity correlation between axial
compression and bending moment can be expressed as a line combined with a parabolic curve with
 M  1 (1   2) as the dividing point. Dimensionless axial force–bending moment correlation for
joints under combined compression and bending is shown in Figure 13, where the simplified
theoretical solution is illustrated for   1.5 as example. Meanwhile, large numbers of FE results
are also expressed in Figure 13. It can be found that results of the two show good agreement. In
practice, when the ratio Δ varies in the common range, curves determined by Eq. 16 are nearly
equal. The FE results for various ratios Δ are actually covered in Figure 13. The correlation of axial
force-bending moment is proved theoretically to be independent of the geometric parameters of
joint on the one hand, and on the other hand FE results are also proved to be rational. It can also be
found from Eq. 16 and Figure 13 that the axial compression decreases with the increase of bending
989 X ing Li

It is found out from Eq. 12, 13 that the relevant expression about should be primarily solved to
obtain  N , M in the first stage. Eq. 6 and Eq. 7 may be rewritten as:

ktf  (17)
2a  4b

ktf  (18)
ab  2ab

Combined Eq. 17 and Eq. 18, expression about can be derived:

 b (19)
2N 

It is indicated in the above equation that  is equal to 1/2 for M=0, and  is equal to 0
for N  2 M b . Thereby, the first stage is characterized by N  2 M b . It is found out from Eq. 14,
15 that the relevant expression about  should be primarily solved to obtain  N , M in the second
stage. Eq. 8 and Eq. 9 may be rewritten as:

ktf  (20)
4 a
ktf  (21)
1 2
ab  a  2a 2 2

Combined Eq. 20 and Eq. 21, expression about  can be obtained:

M  M   1 1
        (22)
Na  Na   2 4 

For joint under combined axial force N and bending moment M, it should primarily determine
which stage the joint falls into based on N, M and side length b of tube. For N  2 M b , the joint
belongs to the first stage, and for N  2 M b , the joint belongs to the second stage. In the first stage,
expression about  is determined by Eq. 19, and the corresponding expressions about  N , M are
obtained accordingly by Eq. 12 and Eq. 13. In the second stage, expression about  is determined
by Eq. 22, and the corresponding expressions about  N , M are obtained accordingly by Eq. 14 and
Eq. 15. Finally, the load carrying capacity of joint may be determined based on the axial force:

N   N k 2(a  b)tf (23)

and may also be determined based on the bending moment:

 1 
M   M k 1   abtf (24)
 2 
Load-carrying Capacity and Practical Design Method of Welded Hollow Spherical Joints in Space Latticed Structures 990

The two expressions are equivalent. The physical meanings of  N , M are rather definite from Eq.
23 and 24, where  N is the influence coefficient of axial force with regard to bending moment, and
M is the influence coefficient of bending moment with regard to axial force.

4.3 Simplified Theoretical Solution of Joint subject to Combined Axial Compression and
Biaxially Equivalent Bending

For joint under combined axial compression and biaxially equivalent bending, the upward shear
stress is induced in part area of the punching section (numbered 1 and without shadow, shown in
Figure 14b-1) and spreads from the corner to the midpoints, while downward shear stress is
induced in other part (numbered 2). The boundary area of upward and downward shear stress
depends on the ratio of axial compression and bending moment. For case a=b, the equivalent
moment M acts in the diagonal plane of the section. Based on the force equilibrium, bending
moment M is resultant from the upward shear stress in Area 1 and downward shear stress in Area 2,
and the remainder downward shear stress composes the axial compression N. The axial
compression N and the bending moment M could be easily obtained by the definite integral of shear
stress in punching section.
y y
x y x
M x

a a a

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 14. Model for Simplified Theoretical Solution for

Combined Axial Force and Biaxially Rquivalent Bending Moment

  1
N  k 4atf  1 d  k 4atf     (25)

2  2

1 3 
M  k 4  2 (   ) a 2tfd sin 45  k 2a 2tf      2  (26)
 2
4 

For   1 2 , the upward shear stress is actually inexistent in Area 1 (shown in Figure 14a), while
only the downward shear stress is induced in the section. The axial force reaches its maximum
value, namely pure compression or pure tension without bending.

=N max  k 4atf  21 d  k 4atf

N’ (27)


For    1 2 , the dividing line of the upward and downward shear stress lies in the middle of the
section side, as in shown in Figure 14c, and the length of Area 3 becomes zero. The bending
moment reaches its maximum value, namely pure bending without axial force.

1 1 1 2 2
M ’ =M max  k 4  2
1 (   )a 2 tf sin 45 d   k 2 2a 2 tf  2      k 2a 2 tf (28)

2 2  1
991 X ing Li

Combining Eq. 25 and Eq. 27,

N 1
N    (29)
N max 2

Combining Eq. 26 and Eq. 28,

M 3
M    2 (30)
M max 4

The relation between  N and  M may be derived from Eq. 29, Eq. 30.

 N  1  M (31)

It is indicated from the above equation that, for hollow sphere joint under combined axial
compression and biaxially equivalent bending, the load carrying capacity correlation between axial
compression and bending moment can be expressed as a parabolic curve, as is shown in Figure 15.
Meanwhile, the results show good agreement with the obtained FE results. The correlation of axial
force–bending moment is proved theoretically to be independent of the geometric parameters of
joint on the one hand, and on the other hand FE results are also proved to be rational. It can also be
found from Eq. 14 and Figure 15 that the axial compression decreases with the increase of bending

1.2 S350×14T200×200
N S500×16T250×250
1 S600×16T300×300
Simplified solution


0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2

Figure 15. Dimensionless Axial Force-Bending Moment Correlation for

Joints under Combined Compression and Biaxially Equivalent Bending

It is found out from Eq. 29, Eq. 30 that the relevant expression about  should be primarily solved
to obtain  N , M in the first stage. Eq. 4 and Eq. 5 may be rewritten as:

katf  (32)
 1
4   
 2

From Eq. 26, the following equation can be obtained,

Load-carrying Capacity and Practical Design Method of Welded Hollow Spherical Joints in Space Latticed Structures 992

katf  (33)
3 
2 a     2 
4 

Combining Eq. 32, Eq. 33

 2 2M 
 2  1    2M  3  0 (34)
Na  Na 4
 

Solving the above equation,  can be obtained,

1 2M   
      1   2M  (35)
2 Na   Na 
   

For joint under combined axial force N and bending moment M acting in the diagonal plane of
section,  can be obtained by Eq. 35 when M, N and a are given. The corresponding expressions
about  N , M are obtained accordingly by Eq. 29 and Eq. 30. The load carrying capacity of joint
may be determined based on the axial force:

N R   N N max   N k 4atf (36)

and may also be determined based on the bending moment:

M R   M M max   M k 2a 2 tf (37)

The two expressions are equivalent. The physical meanings of  N , M are the same with that
defined in the above expressions, where  N is the influence coefficient of axial force with regard to
bending moment, and  M is the influence coefficient of bending moment with regard to axial force.


The load carrying capacity of WHSJ with rectangular/square steel tube under combined axial
compression and bending has been discussed based on the simplified theoretical solution, as is
shown in Eq. 23 and Eq. 24. Load carrying capacity will be further evaluated in this section to
establish the practical calculation method, with the FE analyses and experimental results.
Calculation methods for axial compression and bending moment are established respectively, and
calculation method for combined axial compression and bending is accordingly established.

For consistency with the current specification for latticed shells [3] and design criterion of WHSJ
with circular pipe under combined axial force and bending [5], load carrying capacity of joints
under axial force is given by Eq. 5 in the following expression.

 ab 
N R   A  B 2(a  b)tf (38)
 D 
993 X ing Li

The expression in the first bracket corresponds to the coefficient k discussed in Section 4.1.
Similarly, load carrying capacity of joints under bending is given by Eq. 10 in the following

 ab  1 
M R   A'  B ' 1   abtf (39)
 D  2 

In Eq. 38, 39, A,B, A' , B ' are coefficients to be determined based on the FE and experimental results.
For joint under axial force, load carrying capacity made dimensionless by 2( a  b)tf is used as
the vertical coordinate, while ab D as the horizontal coordinate. The correlation is shown in
Figure 16 which is used to determined coefficients A, B. The lower envelop of FE results shown by
the real line in Figure 16 is chosen as the design line for safety. The coefficients are then
determined, A = 0.3,B = 0.57,for consistency with the design criterion of WHSJ with circular pipe
[5]. Namely the design criterion is 0.3  0.57 ab D . For tubes and hollow spheres in practical
engineering, ab D usually ranges from 0.25 to 0.60, and k ranges correspondingly from 0.44 to
0.64, which is equal to that determined by Mises or Tresca yield criterion. It is indicated that
collapse of the type is characterized by shear punching failure.

0.8 N
0.7 2( a  b)tf
0.1 Design ab D
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8

Figure 16. Determination of Coefficients in Formula for Axial Force

For joint under pure bending, load carrying capacity made dimensionless by ab 1  0.5  tf is
used as the vertical coordinate, and the correlation with ab D is shown in Figure 17 which is
used to determined coefficients A’, B’. It is found that design equation determined by A’= A = 0.3、
B’ = B = 0.57 can also regard to be the lower envelop for FE results. In this way design equations
of load carrying capacity are normalized and simplified for axial force and pure bending.
Load-carrying Capacity and Practical Design Method of Welded Hollow Spherical Joints in Space Latticed Structures 994

0.8 M
0.7  
1  abtf
0.6  2
Design ab D
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8

Figure 17. Determination of Coefficients in Formula for Bending Moment

For joint under combined axial force and bending moment, as is mentioned before, load carrying
capacity of joint may be determined based on the axial force taking account of the corresponding
influence coefficient  N , and also on the bending moment taking account of  M . The design
equation based on axial force is given in Eq. 40.

 ab 
NR  N  A  B 2( a  b)tf (40)
 D 

and design equation based on bending moment is given in Eq. 41.

 ab  1 
M R  M  A  B 1   abtf (41)
 D  2 

The simplified theoretical solutions by Eq. 40 and Eq. 41 coincide in format with that by Eq. 23
and Eq. 24. The coefficients are also chosen as A = 0.3, B = 0.57. The FE load carrying capacity
based on axial force is made dimensionless by  N 2(a  b)tf , and the correlation with ab D is
shown in Figure 18, in which  N is determined by Eq. 12 or Eq. 14. It is found that design
equation determined by 0.3  0.57 ab D is also applicable for the lower envelop of FE results.

0.8 N
0.7  N 2(a  b)tf

0.1 ab D
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
Figure 18. Determination of Coefficients in Formula for
Combined Axial Force and bending moment
995 X ing Li

Comparisons of collapsed load between the experimental results and the design formula are made,
as is shown in Table 2. The safety factor in the design formula is about 1.47 which is smaller than
that (about 1.6) specified in Chinese Specifications [JGJ 61-2003]. It has been shown from studies
on WHSJ with circular pipe in Ref. [5] that the eccentricity would increase with the increasing
deflection, corresponding to an additional eccentricity introduced. Namely, the actual collapsed
bending moment acting on joints is larger than the designed value. When load carrying capacity is
determined by the design formula, the influence coefficient  M is obtained by the design bending
moment. The influence coefficient is consequently larger, and the corresponding design load
carrying capacity is higher. Load carrying capacity without regard to additional eccentricity is
obviously larger than that with regard to additional eccentricity, improved averagely by 15%. The
safety factor of experimental results in the paper for evaluation of proposed formula is smaller,
where it is mainly caused by the inescapable additional eccentricity. As additional eccentricity is
actually inexistent in practical engineering, design formula proposed in this paper is regarded to
have the equivalent safety factor with that specified in the current specification [JGJ 61-2003].

Table 2. Evaluation of Proposed Formula

Sphere Tube Design Test/
No. value
(mm×mm) (mm×mm) (kN) Design
1 D400×14 100×150 240 164 1.46
2 D400×14 150×100 282 210 1.34
3 D400×14 200×200 1910 1409 1.36
4 D400×14 200×200 760 533 1.36
5 D500×20 300×200 3500 2375 1.47
6 D500×20 300×200 2260 1662 1.36
7 D500×20 300×300 2095 1433 1.46
8 D600×20 300×300 3080 2272 1.36
9 D600×20 300×300 2400 1727 1.39
10 D600×20 300×300 3350 2500 1.34

In summary, practical calculation methods of load carrying capacity for WHSJ with rectangular
tube are given in following expressions.

For joint under axial force:

N R  (0.3  0.57 )2(a  b)tf (42)

For joint under pure bending:

ab  1 a 
M R  (0.3  0.57 )1  abtf (43)
D  2 b

For joint under combined axial force and bending:

 ab 
N R   N  0.3  0.57 2( a  b)tf (based on axial force) (44)
 D 

Load-carrying Capacity and Practical Design Method of Welded Hollow Spherical Joints in Space Latticed Structures 996

 ab  1 a 
M R   M  0.3  0.57 1  abtf (based on bending moment) (45)
 D  2 b 

Where, D is the sphere diameter, t is sphere wall thickness, a, b is the side length of tube
respectively (when a=b, the tube is the square tube ), f is the design tensile strength of steel,
 N ,M are the influence coefficients.

The design steps are as follows for joints under combined axial force and bending.
1) Determine which stage the joint falls into based on N, M and side length b of tube.
For N  2 M b , the joint belongs to the first stage, and for N  2 M b , the joint belongs to the
second stage.
2) In the first stage, expression about  is determined by Eq. 19, and the corresponding
expressions about  N , M are obtained accordingly by Eq. 12 and Eq. 13. In the second stage,
expression about  is determined by Eq. 22, and the corresponding expressions about  N , M are
obtained accordingly by Eq. 14 and Eq. 15.
3) For given  N , M , the load carrying capacity of joint may be determined based on the axial force
by Eq. 44 or on the bending moment by Eq. 45.

The FE analyses and experiment in this paper are aimed at WHSJ under uniaxial force. For WHSJ
under biaxial or spatial force, preliminary FE results show that structural behavior of the type has
little difference with the uniaxial joint. In addition, influence of stiffener is not taken into account in
the paper. As no experimental results about influences of stiffener on load carrying capacity of joint
under bending has been reported, and measures can hardly be taken to insure the stiffener fixed in
the plane in which the bending moment acts, effect of stiffener may be disregarded for safety for
joint under large bending moment. For the case where the axial force is dominant, the load carrying
capacity can also be improved according to coefficients specified in Chinese Specifications [2, 3]
(i.e., 1.4 for compressive sphere, and 1.1 for tensile sphere).



The practical design method for load carrying capacity is presented for WHSJ under combined
axial force and bending in this section. Whereas, biaxial bending moment usually acts on elements
in the practical engineering, i.e., bending moments M x , M y act in two main planes, where M x acts
in xz plane, and M y acts in yz plane. The resultant bending moment of M x , M y ( Figure 19a) is given
by Eq. 46.

M  M x2  M y2 (46)

An angle of  is staggered between the resultant moment and x-axial,

  arctan (47)

For   0 or  2 , it corresponds to the uniaxial bending. For biaxial bending,  ranges randomly
from 0 to  2 . For cases of the type, following the simplified design method is put forward: The
997 X ing Li

resultant bending moment M obtained by Eq. 46 acts in two main planes of tube respectively, as are
shown in Figure 19b, Figure 19c. As load carrying capacity for joint under combined axial force
and uniaxial bending is established in the previous study, practical load carrying capacity can be
obtained by linear interpolation. Namely, solution to  which ranges from 0 to  2 may be
obtained by linear interpolation of the results for   0 and    / 2 .
y y y
N Mθ b N M x N M x
b b
a a a
(a) Resultant of Biaxial Bending (b) Resultant Bending in xz Plane (c) Resultant Bending in yz Plane

Figure 19. Simplified Calculation for Biaxial Bending

For joint under combined axial force and biaxial bending, the load carrying capacity can also be
determined based on the axial force or the bending moment. It is revealed from Eq. 44 that the
influence coefficient  N is only needed for interpolation when design of joint is based on the axial
force. It is also revealed from Eq. 45 that not only the influence coefficient  N but the expression
1  a 2b  is needed for interpolation when design of joint is based on the bending moment. As
bending moment acts in different plane, expression 1  a 2b  should be converted to 1  b 2a  .
Hereby joint design based on axial force is simpler. Detailed design steps based on axial force are
presented as follows.

1)The resultant bending moment M is obtained by composition of M x , M y ,  from Eq. 46, 47.
2)The resultant moment M is supposed to act in xz plane (where the long side a of tube lies).
Determine which stage the joint falls into based on N, M and side length a of tube. For N  2 M b ,
the joint belongs to the first stage, expression about  is determined by Eq. 19, and the
corresponding expressions about  N are obtained accordingly by Eq. 12. And for N  2 M b , the
joint belongs to the second stage. Expression about  is determined by Eq. 22, and the
corresponding expressions about  N are obtained accordingly by Eq. 14. It should be notified that
  a b in above expressions (12,14,19,22). Herein,  N is signified as Nx .

3)The resultant moment M is supposed to act in yz plane (where the long side b of tube lies).
Determine which stage the joint falls into based on N, M and side length b of tube. For N  2 M b ,
the joint belongs to the first stage, expression about  and  N are obtained accordingly by Eq. 19
and 12. And for N  2 M b , the joint belongs to the second stage. Expressions about  ,  N are
obtained accordingly by Eq. 22 and 14. It should be notified that   b a in above expressions.
Herein,  N is signified as Ny .

4)For given Nx , Ny , the influence coefficient  N for biaxial bending can be obtained by the
interpolation formula, as is shown in Eq. 48.


N  2  Nx   (48)
  Ny
2 2
Load-carrying Capacity and Practical Design Method of Welded Hollow Spherical Joints in Space Latticed Structures 998

5)Load carrying capacity is determined by Eq. 44.

The above simplified design method is an approximate solution for random combination of biaxial
bending moment, and the physical meanings are definite. For case a=b (i.e. the square section), the
result for 0     4 can be obtained by linear interpolation of that for   0 and    4 .

The correlation of  N ,  M (aspect ratio   1.5 ) is plotted in Figure 20 where   0 ,    2

corresponds to resultant bending moment M acting in two main plane xz, yz. For angle  ranging
from 0 to  / 2 , correlation of  N ,  M is supposed to fall into the region whose boundary is marked
by the two curves. As discrepancy between two curves is not large, enclosing a narrow region,
linear interpolation is supposed to be rational for the solution. For instance, the correlation of
 N ,  M for   0 is composed of a line and a curve with (4/7, 3/5)as the dividing point. The
physical meaning corresponding to the point is N  2M b . Similarly, dividing point (0.6, 0.52)
corresponds to    2 . The dividing point (0.586, 0.560) can be obtained by interpolation for
   4 . The correlations are plotted in Figure 20. It can be observed clearly that results for
   4 falls in the region whose boundary is marked by the two curves for   0 and    2 .
1.2 N
1  0

 
2 
0.8 4
 4 3
 , 
7 5
0.586,0.560 
0.4 0.6,0.52

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
Figure 20. Simplified Calculation Method for
Combined Axial Forces and Biaxial Bending Moments

In order to validate further the simplified design method, the results from the FE analysis and that
from the simplified design method for   0.694738 and   0.588003 are obtained and plotted in
Figure 21. It is shown in the figure that the results show good agreement, and the linear
interpolation method is validated to be feasible.
1.2 S350×14T200×200
1 S500×16T250×250
0.6 Interpolation solution



0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2

Figure 21. Dimensionless Axial Force-Bending Moment Correlation for

Joints under Combined Compression and Biaxially Random Bending (   0.694738 )
999 X ing Li


1)Based on the elastic-perfectly plastic model and the Von-Mises yield criterion, a finite element
model for the analysis of these joints is established, in which the effect of geometric nonlinearity is
taken into account. Great deal of FE parametric analyses are carried out by the model for WHSJ
with rectangular tube under axial force, bending moment and combination of the two. The main
factors which have influence on load carrying capacity are investigated.

2)Experiments on ten typical full-scale joints under axial force, bending moment and combination
of the two are conducted to understand directly the structural behavior and the collapse mechanism
of the joint connected with rectangular tube, and to validate the finite element model.

3)For joint subject to combined axial force and bending moment, FE analysis shows that axial
force-bending moment correlation is independent of joint geometries, including sphere diameter
and thickness, side length of tube. The property is further proved by the simplified theoretical
solution. It is so important as to simplify, to a large extent, the calculation method of load carrying

4)Based on simplified theoretical solution and the FE, experimental results, calculation methods
for axial compression, bending moment and combination of the two are established respectively.
For joint subject to combined axial force and bending moment, the concept of influence coefficient
is put forward for joint design based on axial force with respect to influence of bending moment (or
on bending moment with respect to influence of axial force). The calculation method for influence
coefficient is also presented. It is noteworthy that the above proposed design formulas are
approximate evaluations for joint design, which are suggested to be used in the preliminary design
stage for rough results. For more precise results, the finite element analyses are indispensable to
joint design in the practical engineering.

5)For joint under combined axial force and biaxial bending, simplified calculation method is
proposed in which load carrying capacity can be derived from linear interpolation of the results
obtained by resultant bending moment acting in two main planes respectively.

6) In the present design code, design method is only provided for joint (circular tube with WHS)
under axial force. The proposed design method has extended the application range of joint design to
a great extent that is applicable to the load-carrying capacity of the joints subject to axial forces,
bending moments and the combined loading. The results from the studies can be applied for direct
design use, and also provide a reference for the revision of relevant design codes.


The author gratefully acknowledges the support of the Technological Project Foundation of
Zhejiang Province (No. 2008C21149). The author also wishes to thank the anonymous reviewers
for their constructive comments and suggestions.
Load-carrying Capacity and Practical Design Method of Welded Hollow Spherical Joints in Space Latticed Structures 1000


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[5] Dong, S.L., et al, “Load-carrying Capacity and Practical Calculation Method of Welded
Hollow Spherical Joints Subject to Combined Axial Force and Bending Moment”, China
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Subject to Combined Planar Tri-Directional Axial Force and Bending Moment”, Journal of
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[7] Lie, S.T., Lee, C.K. and Wong, S.M., “Model and Mesh Generation of Cracked Tubular
Y-Joints”, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2003, Vol. 70, pp. 161-184.
[8] Lee, C.K., et al, “Numerical Models Verification of Cracked Tubular T, Y and K-Joints
under Combined Loads”, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2005, Vol. 72, pp. 983-1009.
[9] Lee, M.M.K., “Strength, Stress and Fracture Analyses of Offshore Tubular Joints Using
Finite Elements” Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 1999, Vol. 51, pp. 265-286.
[10] A. N’Diaye, et al, “Stress Concentration Factor Analysis for Welded, Notched Tubular
T-joints under Combined Axial, Bending and Dynamic Loading”, International Journal of
Fatigue, 2009, Vol. 31, pp. 367-374.
[11] Zhu Shi-zhe, et al, “Experimental Investigation of X-joint in Double-arch Structure”,
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Ad vanced Steel Construction Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 1001-1018 (2010) 1001



Marisa Pecce* and Francesca Ceroni

Department of Engineering, University of Sannio
Piazza Roma 21, 82100, Benevento, Italy
*(Corresponding author: E-mail: pecce@unisannio.it and ceroni@unisannio.it)

Received: 31 December 2007; Revised: 22 July 2008; Accepted: 28 July 2008

ABSTRACT: This paper deals with bond behaviour at the steel-concrete interface of partially encased composite
columns. The topic is especially interesting to determine the stress transfer between the two materials at sections
where composite structural elements are connected, such as in a beam-column joint, and to ensure a short transfer
length to attain the strength of the composite section. The few experimental tests in the technical literature usually
concern other types of composite columns. The Authors therefore designed and carried out experimental bond tests to
investigate the transfer mechanism and ascertain the reliability of some code provisions (Eurocode 4 [5]; New Italian
Code [8]) concerning the design value of bond strength for partially encased columns. A suitable test set-up was
designed to measure the shear stresses transferred to the steel profile and the slip between the two materials, allowing
compression or tension to be applied to concrete according to monotonic or cyclic load history. The test results give
interesting information about the bond stress-slip relationship and bond strength; the cyclic tests highlight the effect
of seismic action and indicate considerable degradation of strength and stiffness.

Keywords: Composite Columns, Steel-Concrete Structures, Bond Strength


Steel concrete composite constructions can offer many benefits in structural performance due to
technical solutions that allow problems of both RC and steel structures to be solved. However, the
design approach still needs suitable procedures and code provisions (Cosenza and Zandonini [1])
since the structural behaviour of steel-concrete composite elements is due to the interaction
mechanism between the two materials based on suitable mechanical devices or bond at the interface.
In particular the bond between steel profile and concrete is usually completely neglected in the
design of beams made of a steel profile and a concrete slab, where the stress transfer is entrusted to
mechanical devices (connectors). By contrast, in composite columns the contribution of the bond at
the steel-concrete interface can be taken into account in the calculation because the contact surface
is wider and the concrete is completely or partially encased in the steel profile, that gives a
beneficial confinement effect. A large contact surface usually leads to low bond strengths but
allows total interaction of the two materials to be obtained. The composite section can then reach its
plastic bending moment; this can happen particularly for sections where the centroids of the
concrete and steel section coincide.

The bond mechanism in composite columns is complex and depends on many geometrical and
mechanical parameters discussed elsewhere (Virdi and Bowling [2]; Hamdan and Hunaiti [3];
Hunaiti [4]). Behaviour depends on the type of composite column (partially or fully encased,
concrete-filled), the shape of the section (rectangular, square, circular), the loading procedure (on
concrete, on steel, on both materials), the type of load condition (axial load, bending, tension,
cyclic loads), the concrete properties (class, age, shrinkage, creep, temperature). Design values of
bond strength are suggested by international codes, such as Eurocode 4 [5] and AISC [6], and
Italian codes, such as CNR 10016 [7], and now also by the new technical instructions for
constructions in Italy (NTC, DM 14 [8]).

The Hong Kong Institute of Steel Construction www.hkisc.org

1002 Bond Tests of Partially Encased Composite Columns

Clearly, bond capacity is an essential matter in order to ensure suitable stress transfer in the zones
where structural elements are connected. Although composite joints can be achieved with various
systems, it would be preferable to choose solutions where both materials are loaded in order to
transfer the stresses from one element to another more efficiently and attain full composite action.
This result can be reached by ensuring sufficient bond capacity to guarantee short transfer lengths
or by using mechanical connectors.

The threshold values of bond strength suggested by codes are based on a few experimental results
of monotonic tests on concrete-filled composite columns (Khalil [9]; Hunaiti [4]; Kilpatrick and
Rangan [10]; Johansson and Gylltoft [11]; Mouli and Khelafi [12]). Some details concerning Khalil’s
[9]) tests are discussed in section 4 in order to underline the different bond behaviour of concrete in
filled and partially encased composite columns. For applications under seismic action, information on
the effect of cyclic loads is required to evaluate the severe degradation of strength and stiffness.

In order to study the bond behaviour of partially encased composite columns, tests were designed and
carried out at the Laboratory of the University of Sannio at Benevento, Italy. The specimens are made
of HEB (double T wide flange) steel profiles partially encased with concrete, with and without
longitudinal and transversal steel rebars. The influence of the interface roughness was tested by
spreading the interface with oil in some cases; some tests under cyclic loads were also performed.
The test results are presented below; some comparisons with code limits and the results of other
researchers on concrete-filled columns are also made.


The tested specimens were made of steel profiles HEB 180 (flange thickness tf=14 mm, web
thickness tw=8.5 mm, width and height of the section H = B = 180 mm) 630 mm long with a bond
length of 450 mm. The profile HEB 180 (Figure 1a) was chosen in order to have as the maximum
dimensions, significant for composite columns in buildings, compatible with the testing machine
frame and allow correct positioning of the loading plates and instruments. Bond length was
established as 2.5 times the section width.

180 180







85,75 8,5 85,75

85,75 8,5 85,75

Figure 1. Section of the Specimen:

a) Steel Profile; b) Steel Profile with RC Reinforcement (Measures in mm)
M arisa Pecce and Francesca Ceroni 1003

The experimental program includes specimens with and without steel reinforcement, oil along the
interface before casting, monotonic and cyclic loading histories in compression and tension.
Application of compressive, tensile and cyclic loads was aimed at investigating the seismic
performance of the system also when, under cyclic action, load reversal can occur.

In Table 1 a list of specimens with the following characteristics is reported: the type of load, the
presence of steel reinforcement (Figure 1b) and oil along the interfaces, the mean compressive
strength of concrete, Rcm, evaluated on three cubes (side 150mm) for each casting. The profiles
were made of steel type S275 (yielding strength 275 MPa) and the internal rebars were type Fe430
(yielding strength 430MPa); in these tests the mechanical characteristics of steel were not
experimentally evaluated since stresses were very low and far from yielding.

Each specimen was designed and constructed with the concrete part staggered from the steel one
longitudinally by 50 mm at both ends (Figure 2a) in order to allow stress transfer between the two
materials. Tests were carried out by placing the specimens in an electro-mechanical universal
testing machine with a capacity of 300kN and anchoring the profile to a stiff steel plate at the base
(Figure 3a). Using another stiff steel plate the compressive load was applied directly on the
concrete; the tensile load was applied by gripping steel re-bars embedded in concrete, even in the
presence of internal steel reinforcement (Figures 2b and 3b).

Table 1. Data of Specimens for Bond Tests

Specimen Stress Load Internal steel Oil Rcm [MPa]
C1 Compression Monotonic - - 22
C2 Compression Monotonic - - 22
C3 Compression Monotonic - - 35
C4 Compression Monotonic - - 35
C5 Compression (on steel) Monotonic - - 35
Ca1 Compression Monotonic Yes - 22
Co1 Compression Monotonic - Yes 22
T1 Tension Monotonic - - 22
T2 Tension Monotonic - - 22
Ta1 Tension Monotonic Yes - 22
To1 Tension Monotonic - Yes 22
CYC1 Compression-Tension Cyclic - - 35
CYCa1 Tension-Compression Cyclic Yes - 35
CYCo1 Tension-Compression Cyclic - Yes 35

When the load is applied to the specimen (either in compression by the steel plate or in tension by
the steel re-bars), the concrete blocks move with respect to the steel profile in which they are
embedded; this activates the load transfer mechanism from concrete to steel with development of
bond stress at the interfaces. For tests in compression in one case (specimen C5) the load was
applied directly on the steel profile by turning the specimen over.

In all cases the stress transfer from the concrete blocks to the steel profile was measured and
analysed. Thirteen strain gauges were glued on the steel profile along the interfaces before casting
and on the outer surface of the flanges to measure strain distributions (Figures 4 - 5). Four
displacement transducers were applied: two were placed vertically to measure the slip between the
concrete and steel; the other two were positioned horizontally on two opposite sides to check the
effects of accidental load eccentricity (Figure 3a). In Figures 4a and b specimens before casting with
and without oil at the interfaces are depicted; in Figures 4c and 4d the specimens arranged for the
tensile tests with and without internal reinforcement are reported.
1004 Bond Tests of Partially Encased Composite Columns

Re-bars for application

of tension load

a) b)
Figure 2. Specimen Geometry: a) Element in Compression; b) Element in Tension

(a) (b)

Figure 3. Set-up for Bond Tests on Composite Elements: a) Plate at the Base and Transducers;
b) Plate at the Top and Rebars for Tensile Tests
M arisa Pecce and Francesca Ceroni 1005

a) b)

c) d)

Figure 4. a) Specimen for Compression Test; b) Specimen with Oil for Compression Test;
c) Specimen with Internal Rebars and Reinforcement for Tensile Tests;
d) Specimen with Rebars for Tensile Tests

external side of flanges internale side of web

1 3 8 9

14 15 12 13

2 4 10 11

5 6

Figure 5. Position and Number of Strain Gauges


3.1 Compression Tests

The experimental load is plotted against slip curves obtained by monotonic tests in compression in
Figures 6a-b; the slip is obtained as the mean value of the measures of the two vertical transducers.
The elements marked C1 to C4 are characterized by two different castings of concrete with
different compressive strengths (22 MPa for casting 1, 35 MPa for casting 2); element C5 (casting 2)
was tested by applying the compressive load directly on the steel profile.

The bond-slip relations of specimens C1 and C2 (casting 1, Figure 6a) have a three-branch shape;
the beginning of the curves shows a stiff behaviour without slip up to a peak bond strength, then
there is a steep descending branch and finally a stable, practically horizontal, branch as far as great
slips with a residual strength that is about 40% of peak stress.
1006 Bond Tests of Partially Encased Composite Columns

casting 1: C1, C2
120 casting 2: C3, C4, C5
Load [kN]


0 10 20 30 40
Slip [mm]
casting 1
Load [kN]



0 10 20 30 40
Slip [mm]

Figure 6. Load-slip Relationship for Specimens in Compression:

a) Standard Specimens; b) Specimens with Oil and Internal Reinforcement

The experimental curves of specimens C3 and C4 (casting 2, Figure 6a) have a different shape from
the previous ones: small slips occur from the beginning, there is no peak of stress, the maximum
load is attained in the horizontal branch (mean value = 50 kN) and is greater than the residual
strength of specimens C1 and C2 (mean value = 30 kN) of about 24%. For specimen C5, tested
(same casting 2) by applying the compressive load on the steel profile, the result is similar with
slips from the beginning and the same value of residual strength (50 kN).

The different shapes of the -s curves at the beginning up to the descending branch, on varying the
concrete casting, point to the sensitivity of the phenomenon to concrete quality, environmental
conditions (humidity and temperature) during hardening (the second casting was done in summer)
and shrinkage effect; furthermore in the first mixer a suitable additive to reduce shrinkage was used.
The residual strength after peak depends on average upon concrete strength: the greater concrete
strength of the second casting causes an enhancement of the residual strength.
M arisa Pecce and Francesca Ceroni 1007

In Figure 6b the reference specimen C1 is compared with specimens Co1 and Ca1, belonging to the
same casting, with oil at the interface and internal steel reinforcement, respectively. The surface
treatment with oil eliminates the initial effect of adhesion, the horizontal branch is reached without
a peak and the maximum load is about 25% of that of the specimen without oil. A negative effect of
internal steel reinforcement appears with a load reduction both at the peak and horizontal branch,
the residual load being about 15% lower than standard specimens. This last result may well be due
to a lower concrete quality since it is more difficult to vibrate concrete in the presence of steel
rebars to have homogeneity; concrete thickness (20-30 mm) between the steel rebars and the profile
surface, that govern the interface bond, could be particularly influenced by inefficient vibration.
The detrimental effects of internal reinforcement on bond performance could definitely be reduced
in real composite columns characterized by greater dimensions of the concrete section which, due
to the thicker cover of the steel rebars, allow better concrete quality particularly along the steel
profile interfaces.

In conclusion, the shape of the -s curve is sensitive to the quality of concrete depending on several
factors (casting and hardening conditions, shrinkage, internal reinforcement), and the effective
bond shear strength can be identified as that corresponding to the horizontal branch after the peak.
This value is less than proportional to concrete strength (when compressive strength increases by
50%, bond strength increases by 24%), but depends heavily on surface roughness, since it falls
below 50% when steel surfaces are impregnated with oil.

3.2 Tensile Tests

The experimental results of bond tests on specimens loaded in tension are presented in Figure 7a;
the bond-slip curves of these specimens are compared with those tested in compression (C1, C2)
and belonging to the same casting (casting 1). The experimental relations show that adhesion and
friction phenomena at the beginning are much lower than in compression tests and slips are
considerable also for low loads. The shape of the curve is similar to that in compression with a peak
and a sharp descending branch, after which the almost horizontal line gives about the same residual
strength (40% of peak) as that recorded in compression.

The different behaviour in compression and tension at the beginning of the test is related essentially
to the development of greater slip when the tensile load is applied. This result is probably due to the
beneficial lateral expansion of concrete in the compression test that improves the friction
contribution. After the friction effect wears off, bond behaviour becomes similar for both tensile
and compressive loading conditions.

In Figure 7b specimen T1 is compared with the other two of the same casting, but treated with oil at
the interface and with internal steel reinforcement. Reduction in surface roughness due to oil has
the same effect observed in the compression test: the peak disappears and the residual strength
reduces to 25% of the reference specimen without oil. Analogously the internal reinforcement, as in
the compression test, reduces bond efficiency, eliminating the peak and decreasing the residual
strength to 70% of the reference specimens (T1). Effects of oil and internal reinforcement are
related to the same phenomena already described for the compression tests.

Finally, the bond tests carried out by applying tensile loads to the concrete blocks confirm the
results obtained in compression tests, highlighting appreciable effects of friction at the
steel-concrete interfaces that are drastically reduced by oil or concrete quality.
1008 Bond Tests of Partially Encased Composite Columns

C2 casting 1 T: Tension
C: Compression
Load [kN]



0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Slip [mm]
casting 1
Load [kN]


40 Ta1


0 10 20 30 40
Slip [mm]
Figure 7. Load-slip Relation for Specimens Tested in Tension: a) Standard Specimens Tested
in Tension and Compression; b) Specimens with Internal Reinforcement and Oil

3.3 Cyclic Tests

As regards the three cyclic tests, aimed to analyse the structural response under seismic actions, the
first (CYC1, casting 2) was carried out by first applying a monotonic compression load history, five
cycles were then done between +20 kN and -20 kN, a monotonic compression load was applied up to
a slip of 17 mm and finally the load was reversed to achieve a zero slip (Figure 8a).

Interestingly, during the five cycles at a load equal to about 40% of the monotonic strength
(specimens C3 and C4 belonging to the same casting) when the load becomes zero, the slip is not
recovered and higher slip values are required to regain the same load. An evident phenomenon of
pinching occurs and the load is regained only when slip becomes as higher as concrete is able to
contrast again the steel profile along the interfaces where friction is not yet overcame. Pinching is
typical of bond mechanisms under cyclic loads that is well-known for the bond–slip behaviour of
steel bars in reinforced concrete elements or more in general in all phenomena where strength is
based on a shear stress transfer between separate components (i.e. at the interfaces of shear cracks in
concrete elements).
M arisa Pecce and Francesca Ceroni 1009


Load [kN]


casting 2: C3, CYC1

-70 casting 1: T1 T1

-8 0 Slip [mm] 8 16
Load [kN]


-20 Ta1

casting 2: CYC_a1
casting 1: Ta1
-10 -5 Slip [mm] 0


casting 1: To1
casting 2: CYCo1
Load [kN]




-14 -10 -6 Slip [mm] -2 2
Figure 8. Load-slip Relationship for Cyclic Tests: a) Test Started in Compression;
b) Test Started in Tension; c) Test on Specimen with Oil
1010 Bond Tests of Partially Encased Composite Columns

Comparison of the cyclic curves with the monotonic one of a similar specimen belonging to the same
casting (C3) shows that residual strength after 5 cycles is about half the monotonic. In the last branch
in tension the cyclic curve shows a higher strength reduction than the monotonic, that still refers to a
specimen T1 (casting 1) with a concrete strength (22 MPa) lower than that (35 MPa) used for the
cyclic tests (casting 2).

In Figure 8b the experimental load vs. slip curve is depicted for a cyclic test on specimen CYCa1
(casting 2) with internal steel reinforcement and loaded first in tension. In this case five cycles were
imposed between +30 kN and -30 kN. The same pinching effect is evidenced and the residual
strength reduces by about 18% against the same specimen (Ta1) loaded monotonically, but belonging
to casting 1 with a lower strength (22 MPa).

Finally, Figure 8c shows the result of a cyclic test on specimen CYCo1 treated with oil at the
interface. This test was started by loading the specimen first in tension, and then five cycles between
+5 kN and -5 kN were applied; the test was completed by applying monotonically the load until a
residual constant strength was attained. Comparison of the cyclic with the monotonic curve
(specimen To1, made of lower strength concrete 22 MPa) shows there is no reduction in strength
due to cyclic loads since the influence of friction, that strongly degrades under cyclic loads, is
already reduced by oil.


4.1 Code Provisions

The capacity of composite elements to avoid slip between concrete and steel is related to suitable
bond stresses at the interface or to mechanical connections. The Italian code (NTC, 2008) gives the
following bond strengths to design composite columns, according to the type of element:
- fully encased: 0.30 MPa
- circular concrete-filled: 0.55 MPa
- rectangular concrete-filled: 0.40 MPa
- for the flanges of partially encased: 0.20 MPa
- for the web of partially encased: 0.00 MPa

If these limits are exceeded, the entire load has to be transferred by connectors. The same limits are
also recommended by Eurocode 4 [5], and similar values were provided in the previous edition of
Eurocode 4 and in the Italian guidelines devoted to composite elements (CNR 10016 [7]); in these
instructions it was clearly stated that in the joints between elements the transfer length must be no
greater than twice the smallest dimension of the cross section. The American code (AISC [6]) gives
similar values for concrete-filled columns (0.40 MPa), supplies suggestions about the transfer
length at joints, and recommends to neglect bonds for partially encased columns.

The Italian code (NTC [8]) states that for structures under seismic action the transfer of shear
stresses by bond mechanism can be not sufficient so that mechanical connectors have to be
introduced to guarantee the composite action. In the European code for seismic constructions
(Eurocode 8 [13]) the transfer of stresses is not dealt with, but constructive details and geometrical
limits have to be applied in the design to assume active collaboration between materials and to
develop the required ductility. In columns partially encased with double T profiles, the concrete
between flanges can be connected to the web with steel stirrups or rebars in order to form a clear
transfer mechanism between the concrete and the steel web.
M arisa Pecce and Francesca Ceroni 101 1

4.2 Experimental Shear Stresses

In the hypothesis that bond interaction is effective along the entire interface, the mean values of
experimental shear stresses are evaluated by dividing the applied load (tensile or compressive) by
the entire interface area of the steel profile ( = N/Ap with Ap = 29.9 104 mm2). In Figure 9 the
shear stresses are plotted versus slips for all the monotonic tests. Clearly, bond strength (the value
indicated by the horizontal branch) is always lower than the limit of 0.2 MPa laid down by EC4 for
flanges but higher than zero suggested for the web.

In order to compare the experimental results with the code limits, it seems more appropriate to take
into account only the flange interfaces since most codes neglect the web contribution; hence shear
stress is re-calculated by dividing the applied load by the interface area of flanges ( = N/Afl with
Afl = 16.2 104 mm2). The bonded area of the flanges alone is about half the entire bonded area, such
that the bond stresses are about double those previously evaluated, as shown in Figure 9. In Figure
10 the new mean shear stresses are plotted versus slips. All compressive tests, except the specimen
treated with oil, show a residual strength greater than 0.2 MPa; for tensile tests the specimens with
oil and internal reinforcement give values below this limit.

The strain gauges glued on each specimen allowed local shear stresses to be calculated. If the
measured strains are multiplied by the elastic modulus of steel the stresses in the profile can be
determined neglecting the transversal stresses induced by the transversal deformation of the
embedded concrete blocks; this assumption was confirmed by the negligible values of transversal
strains in the steel profiles measured by two transducers positioned orthogonally to the specimen
axis (Figure 3 a). The difference between stresses in steel at two consecutive points gives the load
transferred in this length which, divided by the interface area, gives the shear stress. Shear stresses
can be calculated on the flanges or on the web where the strain gauges are glued; the following
formula is used to determine shear stress along the flanges:

( x )  t f  B  E s  (1)
(B  t w )  x i

tf being the thickness and B the width of the flange, tw the thickness of the web, and xi the distance
between two consecutive strain gauges.

In Figure 11a showing an example (specimen C1) of shear stress distribution, the flanges
demonstrate a greater transfer between points placed at 100 mm and 200 mm from the loaded end
(the end of the steel profile). Furthermore, normal stresses increase going away from the loaded end
(x = 0 mm). In Figure 11b the comparison between local bond stresses (1 and 2, respectively, at
position 100 mm and 200 mm from the loaded end) and mean bond stress ( = N/Ap, with Ap of
flanges) shows good agreement.

Evaluation of local stresses in steel is useful to accurately determine the distribution of load
between the profile components and to define the length necessary to transfer the entire load. The
steel stresses in the web and the flanges at 300 mm from the loaded end are multiplied by the
respective area to calculate the force sustained by each sub-component. In Figure 12 the sum of
both contributions is compared with the entire applied load: good agreement is shown until the
maximum load is reached. This proves that the flanges play the main role supporting almost the
entire force, even if the bonded area of web and flange is about the same. This last observation
seems to re-confirm the recommendation of Italian and European codes to neglect the bond strength
of the web. It is also worth noting that the load transfer is exhausted in the length between the
1012 Bond Tests of Partially Encased Composite Columns

measuring points (200 mm and 300 mm), since it proved complete at 300 mm from the loaded end.
After the peak the contributions of the sub-components decline, while the applied load remains
quite constant. This means that the bond strength was exceeded in the first part of the bonded
length and the transfer of shear stresses moved to the remaining undamaged interface (not
instrumented) that is still sufficient to sustain a slightly lower than maximum load.

In Figures 13a and 13b the stress-slip curves of Khalil [9] related to concrete-filled square hollow
sections (side ha = 150 mm and thickness t = 5 mm) are plotted; the compressive strength of
concrete was about 50 MPa. The specimens were realized with and without oil and are
characterized by three different bond lengths (250, 450, and 600 mm). The results of specimens
without oil show that both peak and residual strengths exceed the Italian code threshold (NTC [8])
for concrete-filled rectangular sections (0.40 MPa) only for a bond length of 250 mm; for greater
bond lengths the mean experimental value is 0.30 MPa. In the presence of oiled surfaces, the
strength declines considerably (about 50%) for all the bonded lengths tested.

In Figures 14a and 14b the experimental results presented herein for partially encased elements are
compared with those of Khalil [9], already introduced, and the others of Mouli and Khelafi [12]
realized on concrete-filled rectangular sections (mean strength of 45 MPa) with a bond length of
450 mm. For these tests both the results without (Figure 14a) and with oil (Figure 14b) are analysed.
It can be observed that the code limits are not safe for concrete-filled columns and safe, albeit with
a low margin, for the partially encased ones. For specimens treated with oil, residual strength is
strongly reduced in both types of columns once again indicating the importance of roughness upon
the bond stress transfer mechanism.

w/out oil
Bond shear stress [MPa]

with oil




-40 -20 0 20 40
Slip [mm]

Figure 9. Shear Stress-slip Relationship for All Monotonic Tests

M arisa Pecce and Francesca Ceroni 1013

w/out oil
Bond shear stress [MPa]

0.6 with oil



-40 -20 0 20 40
Slip [mm]

Figure 10. Bond Stress-slip Relationship of All Monotonic Tests

assuming only the Flanges Adherent

position of strain gauges [mm]

Load [kN]
0 100 200 300 400
Normal stress [MPa]

web 60

-6 media
-8 -1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0
Bond shear stress [MPa]
a) b)

Figure 11. a) Variation of the Bond Stresses along the Flange and the Web of Specimen C1;
b) Comparison of Local and Mean Values of Bond Strength for Specimen C1
1014 Bond Tests of Partially Encased Composite Columns


40 load applied

30 web+flange
Load [kN]

20 flange


0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
Slip [mm]

Figure 12. Contributions of the components

M arisa Pecce and Francesca Ceroni 1015

650mm 450mm 250mm

Bond shear stress [MPa]

NTC 2008


Profile RHS ha/t = 30

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Slip [mm]

650mm 450mm 250mm

Bond shear stress [MPa]

NTC 2008

Profile RHS with oil ha/t = 30


0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Slip [mm]

Figure 13. Bond Stress-slip Relationships of Tests by Khalil (1993): a) Concrete-filled Square
Sections; b) Concrete-filled Square Sections with Oil at the Interface
1016 Bond Tests of Partially Encased Composite Columns

rectangular section (150 mm x 100 mm) Mouli e Khelafi, 2007
quadratic section (150 mm) Khalil, 1983
Bond shear stress [MPa]
partially encased (C1, C5)

filled NTC 2008


partially encased NTC 2008

0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Slip [mm]

filled NTC 2008

Bond shear stress [MPa]

quadratic section with oil (450 mm) Khalil, 1983

part. encased with oil

partially encased NTC 2008



0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Slip [mm]

Figure 14. Comparison of the Experimental Results on Partially Filled Columns with those of
Khalil [9] and Mouli and Khelafi [12]: a) Specimens without Oil; b) Specimens with Oil
M arisa Pecce and Francesca Ceroni 1017


The bond tests carried out to study bond behaviour at the steel-concrete interface in partially
encased composite columns provided much information that was hitherto lacking in the technical
literature. The first part of the bond-slip relationship is strongly influenced by adhesion and friction,
that can result in a very stiff initial branch up to a peak followed by a sharp descending branch and
a last horizontal branch with a constant residual bond stress. In other cases, depending on the
casting condition of concrete, the behaviour at the beginning is less stiff and the horizontal branch
occurs without a peak being reached before. Evidently, bond strength is defined by the horizontal
line that allows large slip values to develop.

Application of compressive or tensile loads does not change the residual value of bond strength,
that is also invariable if the load is applied on concrete or steel, even though this aspect was
analyzed in only one test. The compressive strength of concrete influences the bond strength
according to a lower than proportional dependence. Hence concrete strength does not appear a
relevant parameter, as already assumed in the codes that set a limit value of bond strength
depending only on column type. The specimens with oil at the interfaces showed a reduction in
bond strength to less than 50% that of the reference ones, confirming the importance of friction
related to the roughness of the contact surfaces.

A reduction in bond strength of about 10-20% is also due to the presence of internal steel
reinforcement made of longitudinal steel rebars and stirrups, that influence the quality of concrete
due to practical difficulties in vibrating the concrete homogeneously in the reduced thickness
between the rebars and the surface of the steel profile. Application of tensile load highlights a
negligible effect on bond strength and a lower friction effect in the ascending branch due to the
absence of transversal dilatation of concrete when tension is applied.

Analysis of the local measures on the web and flanges confirms the higher collaboration of flanges,
as suggested by the Italian and European codes. Measurements of the transferred stresses also
suggest the transfer length is between 200-300 mm, i.e. 3 times the width of the steel flanges.

The comparison of the results obtained in this experimental program with those of other authors on
concrete-filled columns points out that friction is more important in partially encased columns,
since the reduction in roughness by treating surfaces with oil causes a larger decrease in bond
strength with respect to concrete-filled elements. Finally, the few tests executed according to cyclic
load histories show a strong degradation of stiffness and strength in the bond-slip relationship due
to the reduction of the fundamental effect of friction.

As regards design provisions, the experimental values of bond strength are always higher than the
limit established by Italian and European codes, if the web contribution is neglected and the stress
transfer is attributed only to the flanges, as codes suggest. However, since the experimental results
show that the limits of the codes do not guarantee a safety factor, the approach of AISC which
neglects bond strength in partially encased columns seems sound. Overall, the recommended limits
in European and Italian codes need to be reviewed with a view to a reduction, and details about
surface conditions may well have to be introduced. Furthermore, in seismic areas the bond
contribution has surely to be neglected and suitable connectors have to be applied to guarantee
strength and stiffness under cyclic action.
1018 Bond Tests of Partially Encased Composite Columns


The experimental tests presented in this paper were carried out by the research unit of the
University of Sannio for the RELUIS project – task 5 financed by the Civil Protection Department
in the period 2005-2008.


[1] Cosenza, E. and Zandonini, R., “Composite Construction”, Handbook of Structural

Engineering – W.F. Chen Ed., CRC. Boca Raton, Florida, 1997.
[2] Virdi, K.S. and Dowling, P.J., “Bond Strength in Concrete Filled Steel Tubes”, Proc. of the
IABSE Periodica, 1980, pp. 125-130.
[3] Hamdam, H. and Hunaiti, Y., “Factors Affecting Bond Strength in Composite Columns”,
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Steel-Concrete Composite Structures,
Fukuoka, Japan, 1991, pp. 213-218.
[4] Hunaiti, Y.M., “Aging Effect on Bond Strength in Composite Sections”, Journal of
Materials in Civil Engineering, 1994, Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 469-473.
[5] Eurocode 4, “Design of Composite Steel and Concrete Structures - Part 1.1: General Rules
and Rules for Buildings”, European Committee for Standardization, 2004, Brussels,
[6] American Institute of Steel Construction, “Specification for Structural Steel Buildings”,
ANSI/AISC, 2005, 360-05, Illinois, Chicago.
[7] CNR 10016, “Strutture Composte di acciaio e Calcestruzzo Istruzioni per l’impiego Nelle
Costruzioni”, CNR Bollettino Ufficiale no. 194 – Norme tecniche, Parte IV, 1999, Roma.
[8] Min.LL.PP, DM 14 gennaio, “Norme Tecniche per le Costruzioni (NTC)”, Gazzetta
Ufficiale della Repubblica Italiana, 2008, No. 29 (in Italian).
[9] Khalil, H.S., “Push-out Strength of Concrete-filled Steel Hollow Sections”, The Structural
Engineer, 1993, Vol. 71, No. 13, pp. 230-233.
[10] Kilpatrick, A.E. and Rangan, B.V., “Influence of Interfacial Shear Transfer on behavior of
Concrete-filled Steel Tubular Columns”, ACI Structural Journal, 1999, Vol. 96, S72, pp.
[11] Johansson, M. and Gylltoft, K., “Mechanical Behavior of Circular Steel–Concrete
Composite Stub Columns”, Journal of Structural Engineering, 2002, Vol. 128, No. 8, pp.
[12] Mouli, M. and Khelafi, H., “Strength of Short Composite Rectangular Hollow Section
Columns Filled with Lightweight Aggregate Concrete”, Engineering Structures, 2007, Vol.
29, No. 8, pp. 1791-1797.
[13] Eurocode 8, “Design of Structures for Earthquake Resistance - Part 1: General Rules,
Seismic Actions and Rules for Buildings”, European Committee for Standardization, 2003,
Brussels, Belgium.
Advanced Steel Construction Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 1019-1033 (2010) 1019



Jong Wan Hu1,*, Joonam Park2, and Roberto T. Leon3

Associate Research Fellow, Office of National R&D Investment Strategy and Analysis,
Korea Institute of S&T Evaluation and Planning (KISTEP), Seoul, 137-130, South-Korea
Senior Researcher, Korea Railroad Research Institute, Ui-Wang City, Kyung-gi, 437-757, South-Korea
Professor, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, 30332, USA
*(Corresponding author: E-mail: jongp24@kistep.re.kr; fax number: +82-2-589-2191)

Received: 5 July 2010; Revised: 6 August 2010; Accepted: 23 August 2010

ABSTRACT: This paper discusses the design of such composite structures which are based on the advanced
methods introduced in the 2005 AISC Specification and the 2005 Seismic Provisions. The 2005 AISC specification
explicitly allows the use of the full plastic capacities of concrete-filled tube (CFT) columns for members with slender
steel walls and provides substantially larger bending capacities than previous specifications. This study focuses
particularly on seismic design following the nonlinear method. The paper begins with an examination of
pseudo-elastic design interaction equations and the ductility demand ratios due to combined axial compressive force
and bending moment in CFT members. Based on advanced computational simulations for a series of low-rise
composite-moment frames, this paper then investigates both building performance and new techniques in an effort to
evaluate building damage during a strong earthquake. It is shown that 2 dimensional (2D) equivalent static analyses
can provide good design approximations to the force distributions in moment frames subjected to large inelastic
lateral loads. Dynamic analyses utilizing strong ground motions generally produce higher strength ratios than those
from equivalent static analyses, but on more localized basis. Finally, ductility ratios obtained from nonlinear dynamic
analyses are also sufficient to detect which CFT columns undergo significant deformations.
Keywords: CFT columns; Interaction ratio; Dynamic loads; Ductility; Composite-moment frames; Frame Analyses


In the last two decades, concrete-filled steel tubes (CFTs) have received widespread acceptance in
many parts of the world, particularly, in Japan and other countries in Southeast Asia. CFTs are used
as composite columns in multi-story buildings as well as bridge piers because of their superior
ductility and toughness. These outstanding performance characteristics are associated with the
synergetic action of its ductile steel and high compressive strength concrete components (e.g. Roder
[1]). Some of the advantages of CFT columns over other either steel or reinforced concrete systems
include (e.g. Azizinamini and Schneider [2]; Hajjar [3]):

 The use of the stiffening action from concrete to prevent the local buckling of slendersteel wall
elements and to permit the efficient utilization of thin steel tubes.
 The use of the confining action by the steel walls to increase both the concrete strength
(primarily for circular columns or CCFTs) and its ductility (in both CCFTs and rectangular
CTFs, or RCFTs).
 The use of concrete as a heat sink in case of fire so that the CFT element can be erected
without any fire-proofing, if minimal reinforcement in the form of bars is incorporated.
 The use of the steel section as the formwork that considerably reduces construction costs and
that speeds the completion of the building.

Composite CFT columns are especially suited for moment resisting frames in high seismic areas
because they (a) have a high strength to weight ratio due to the confinement effect of concrete core,
(b) provide excellent monotonic and dynamic resistance under biaxial bending plus axial force, and

The Hong Kong Institute of Steel Construction www.hkisc.org

1020 Jong Wan Hu, Joonam Park and Roberto T. Leon

(c) improve damping behavior (e.g. Hu et al. [4]; Rassati et al. [5]; Green et al. [6]). Composite
CFT frames consisting of steel I girder and either rectangular or circular CFT columns can be
classified into fully restrained (FR) composite frames when welded connections are used at the
panel zones.

Design provisions based on the full plastic behavior of composite members and systems are
particularly useful in limit state calculations for both non-seismic and seismic resistant design. The
new USA code provisions for composite construction - namely, the American Institute of Steel
Construction 2005 Specification for Structural Steel Buildings (e.g. AISC Specification [7]) and the
Seismic Provisions for Structural Steel Buildings (e.g. AISC Seismic Provision [8]) - present
designers with new guidance on the analysis and design of composite columns and moment
resisting frames. The current AISC Specification for composite columns is appropriate for
predicting the ultimate capacity of CFT beam-columns determined by means of a simplified full
plastic stress distribution. The full plastic interaction diagram for a cross section can be easily
generated through exact or piece-wise linear approximations so that any combination of axial load
and moment can be easily checked in design. The stress distribution used to evaluate the capacity of
composite columns can be considered as a simplified approximation on the ground that the tensile
capacities of concrete and, in particular, any tension stiffening effects are ignored. It is also because
materials are assumed to behave in a bilinear elasto-plastic manner.

The purpose of this research is two-fold. First, it examines the monotonic and cyclic behavior of
CFT beam-columns subjected to both axial and moment loading in an attempt to estimate both the
maximum strength and ductility for doubly-symmetric and axisymmetric composite cross sections.
Moreover, the ultimate capacities for rectangular/circular CFT beam-columns can be estimated with
reasonable accuracy by means of the axial and moment (P-M) interaction formulas provided by
2005 AISC Specification for composite systems. Second, based on the analytical study of CFT
cross-sectional strength and ductility, advanced computational simulations are carried out on a
series of five story composite-moment resisting frames. The primary aim of this portion of the
study is to develop preliminarily performance based damage assessment methods for CFT columns
in the low-rise composite-moment frames which are designed in accordance with the 2005 Seismic
Provisions when subjected to large seismic loads.


The case studies in this paper comprise both cross-sectional analyses (composite CFT cross section)
on 1D nonlinear beam-column elements with 2D fiber cross sections and nonlinear frame analyses.
The numerical experiments are performed using a nonlinear structural analysis program,
OpenSEES v.1.7.2 (e.g. Mazzoni et al. [9]). The cross-sectional analyses include both circular and
rectangular concrete-filled steel tube (CCFT or RCFT) columns. The cross-sectional specimens
were subjected to simulations that first applied a constant axial load and then monotonically
increased the bending moments while holding the axial load constant. The simulations utilized fiber
models consisting of steel and concrete two-dimensional fiber elements available in the OpenSEES
program. The mid-height moment-curvature response ( Μ  ) of cross-sectional specimens was
extracted in order to estimate the overall rotational capacity of CFT columns. The initial P-M
interaction curves were also formulated by cross-sectional analyses. These studies verified that the
P-M interaction formulas from 2005 AISC Specification are able to accurately predict the capacity
of the CFT beam-columns. These analytical results were used to determine the available curvature
ductility ratios for CFT columns (e.g. Varma et al. [10]), and these ratios were employed to assess
the performance of composite frames that undergo considerable deformations.
A dvanced Analysis and Performance Based Evaluation of Concrete Filled Tube (CFT) Columns 1021

The assessment methods implemented for composite CFT beam-columns as described above can be
extended to the nonlinear frame analyses. Within these frame analyses, both static pushover
analyses and nonlinear dynamic time history analyses were performed on 2D composite-moment
resisting frames. Two primary indices were employed to quantify expected performance. The first
index, which was used for the static pushover and nonlinear dynamic analysis, will be labeled the
elastic strength ratio (ESR) and compares the bending plus axial load ratio generated from the
frame analyses to that provided by the section selected in the design process. The second index,
which will be only used for the non-linear dynamic analysis, results in the inelastic curvature
ductility ratio (ICDR) and compares the required rotational ductility given by the frame analyses
with the yield ductility predicted by the cross-section one.


The current 2005 AISC Specification includes design guidelines for composite columns consisting
of rolled or built-up structural steel shapes, pipe or hollow steel section (HSS) and structural
concrete component acting together as a composite member. To qualify as a concrete filled
composite column, the following requirements should be satisfied:

 The cross sectional area of HSS shall be at least 1 percent of the total composite cross section.
 The maximum width-thickness ratio for a rectangular HSS shall be less than or equal to
2.26 Es Fy
 The maximum diameter-thickness ratio for a circular HSS filled with concrete shall be equal
to 0.15 Es / Fy .
 Larger slenderness are permitted in the practical design when verified by either experimental
tests or advanced analyses.

The 2005 AISC Specification endorses the use of the full plastic stress distribution to calculate
cross-sectional strength. The calculations are based on the assumption of linear strain across the
section height and perfectly elasto-plastic behavior. The nominal strength is estimated by assuming
that the steel has reached its yield stress under either tension or compression and that the concrete
has reached its crushing strength under only compression as shown in Figure 1. The corresponding
stress on an equivalent concrete stress block is taken as 0.85 fc and 0.95 f c for RCFT columns and
CCFT columns, respectively.

The P-M interaction diagram (see Figure 1) for a composite section, which is based on a full plastic
stress distribution, can be generated as a conservative linear interpolation between five points (see
Table 1) (e.g. Galambos [11]). Point (A) and Point (B) indicate the plastic axial strength and
flexural strength of the section, respectively. Point (C) is anchored to the same flexural capacity as
Point (B), but its axial resistance comes from the concrete portion in compression only. Point (D)
corresponds to the balanced failure condition, giving the maximum flexural strength for the section
and an axial capacity equal to one half of that determined for Point (C). Point (E) is an additional,
arbitrarily located point to better capture any bulges in the interaction diagram region
corresponding to high axial loads. All five points are defined according to Table 1. For design, a
simplified bilinear interpolation may be used between Point (A), (D′) and (B) as also shown in
Figure 1. The simplified equations shown in Table 2 can be used for determining an index to use as
the member capacity in the computation of the elastic strength ratios (ESRs) of composite
beam-columns. This approach is reasonably accurate for steel columns and should provide a
conservative estimate for composite structures.
1022 Jong Wan Hu, Joonam Park and Roberto T. Leon

In so far as the frame designs are concerned, those are governed by the Seismic Provisions (e.g.
2005 AISC Seismic Provision [8]). 4 potential classes of composite moment frame (C-MF) are
identified in the Part II of the Seismic Provisions as shown in Table 3. For this study,
composite-special moment frames (C-SMF), the most ductile system, were selected for the design
of several trial low-rise moment frames. Five-story buildings with long bays (36 ft. or 11m) and
perimeter moment resisting systems were used because the intent is to demonstrate the economy of
this system for the market segment that constitutes about 90% of the steel frame construction in the
USA. The buildings were designed to the loading prescribed by the ASCE 7-05 (e.g. ASCE [12]).
The primary purpose of the ASCE 7-05 standard is to provide information useful to determine the
required strength, inter-story drift, and seismic use group for a given structure type and
geographical location. The seismic design category (SDC) assigned to a building is a classification
based upon the occupancy class and the seismicity of the site. SDC A, B and C generally
correspond to structures with the moderate seismic risk or low importance, while SDC D, E, and F
require special seismic detailing in the areas of high seismic risk or for critical structures. The
designs herein satisfy all the requirements of C-SMF for SDC D in terms of the allowable
inter-story drift and the stability limit (e.g. ASCE [12]).

Section Stress Distribution Section Stress Distribution

f c' Fy f c' Fy

ri b

h1=d-2t f

Full-Plastic Stress d C d C

Simplified Equation tf t tf
h1  b  2t w h  bd  2t
(A) (A)

hE hE
(E) PNA 2 PNA

(E) (E)
Axial Force (P)

hn hn

(C) (C)
Axial Force
Dominant : R1
(D') (D) PNA PNA

Bending Moment
Dominant : R2
(D) (D)



Moment (M)
(B) (B)

(a) P-M interaction diagrams for composite beam-columns (b) Full plastic stress distributions for RCFT and CCFT at point A to D

Figure 1. P-M Interaction Diagram for the Composite CFT Section and Full Plastic Stress
Distribution Over the Section Height at Five Specific Points
A dvanced Analysis and Performance Based Evaluation of Concrete Filled Tube (CFT) Columns 1023


Two CFT relatively stocky cross sections were modeled as numerical fiber sections using the
OpenSEES program as shown in Figure 2. The rectangular tube (HSS16X16X625) has a wall
slenderness of 24.5 which is well below the limit of 56.7 allowed by the 2005 AISC specification.
Similarly, the circular tube (HSS18X500) has a slenderness of 36 which is also below the limit of
103.6 allowed by this specification. The rectangular tube was designed with A572-Gr. 50 steel
material ( Fy = 320 MPa or 46 ksi), while the circular one was designed with A500-Gr.B steel
material ( Fy = 290 MPa or 42 ksi) as specified in the AISC-LRFD code (e.g. AISC [13]). The inside
core was modeled as the confined concrete with fc  27.9 MPa.

Table 1. P-M Interaction Strength Formulas for Five Specific Points

Point Equation for RCFT Equation for CCFT

A F A
s y c  0.85 f  c
 A F  0.85 f A *
s y
c c

d t
M 0 0
(A) A M
A 
 h2
A  areaof steel shape A  r t c 4
s s m
A  h h  0.858 r2 PA = As Fy +0.95f c' Ac (Loaded in only axial compression)
c 1 2 i

   sin  2 
1 PE   0 . 85 f c' Ac  F y A s   1  F y  d 2  h 2   1  0 .85 f c'  h 2   2 
PE  ' '   2   2    2 2 
 0 . 85 f c  Ac  0 . 85 f c h1h E  4 F y t w h E 
2 
M E  Z sE F y  1 Z cE  0.85 f c' 
2  
M E  M max   M E
hn d
(E) 2  Z
Z sE  bh E 2
Z cE  h1 h E
hE 

h  d  2t
d 3 sin32  h3 sin3  2 
 M E  Z sE F y  1 Z cE  0 . 85 f c'  ZsE   2  Z ZcE   2
2   cE
6 6
h d
hE  n 
2 4  2    2 arcsin  2hE h 
 

c  0.85 f  c
 0.85 f A
c c
M M

0.85 f , A 0.85 f , A
c c c c h  d  2t
P  P

D 2 2

Z F  1 Z
s y 2 c  0.85 f  c
, M
 Z F  1 Z 0.85 f
s y
2 c  c 
Z  full y-axis plastic section modulus of steel shape 3
s Z  plasticsection modulusof steelshape = Z
s 6 c
hh 3
1 2 3 h
Z   0.192 r Z 
c 4 i c 6

PB  0
P 0
M B  Z sB F y  1 Z cB 0 . 85 f c  
 0.85 f 
, 2
M M Z F  1 Z
B D sn y 2 cn c
 
3  , 2
2 d sin 1
3 K  f h
2 c c
Z  2t h
sn w n ZsB   ZcB K  F r t ("thin" HSS
(B) 2 6 s y m
h h
 
Z 3 1
cn 1 n 3
h sin h 
sin 
    h
, 2 n 
0.85 f A h ZcB  2  2  2
c c 2 6
h  
n 0.0260 Kc  2 Ks
2  0.85 f h  4 t F 
, 2 0.0260 KC  2 K S 2  0.857 KC K S
 c 1 w y 
 1  
0.0848 K 0.0848 K C

The numerical CFT beam-column specimens are made up of flexible elements based on nonlinear
stress-strain material response with discrete fiber sub-regions (e.g. quadrilateral, circular and
triangular shapes). The material properties for CFT columns were simulated utilizing the effects of
isotropic strain hardening, Bauschinger behavior, and biaxial stress for the steel tube and the
uniaxial compressive Kent-Scott-Park stress-strain behavior model for confined concrete. The latter
includes the effects of stress degradation and crack opening and closing (e.g. Mazzoni et al. [9]).
1024 Jong Wan Hu, Joonam Park and Roberto T. Leon

Table 2. Simplified Equations Determined for ESRs

Prior condition Simplified equation
Ρr  ΡD 1
Ρr  ΡD Μr
Ρr  ΡD  1
ΡA  ΡD Μ D'

The numerical test setup for a fiber based nonlinear beam-column element is shown in Figure 3 (a).
Both element deformations and forces were recorded at each integration point. These integration
points can be converted into simple zero-length section elements to extract the force-deformation
relationship (i.e. Ρ ε or M   ) for the composite cross section (e.g. Mazzoni et al. [9]; Varma et al.
[10]). This section element is defined by the two nodes at the same position and discrete fiber based
section as shown in Figure 3 (b). The test section model was subjected to various levels for the
axial force, roughly corresponding to the axial load levels of five interpolation points given by the
code provisions. Therefore, the fiber section analyses were conducted on the section elements based
on the loading control that the constant axial load level as applied first and then the moment was
continuously increased.
Table 3. Summarize Table for C-MF Structures
Yield Shape and Main
C-MF Type SDC Moment Connections Other System Requirements
C A nominal strength is at least equal to 50 Composite beams shall be encased
Limited yielding occurs in
or percent of Mp . Connections shall be and fully composite. The stiffness of
C-PRMF column base and main yielding
below capable of sustaining the total inter-story beams shall be determined by EIeff
occurs in the ductile components.
drift of 0.04 rad. for the composite section.
Limited inelastic deformations D The required strength shall be determined Composite columns shall meet the
occur in the columns and/or and with the expected flexural strength (RyMn). requirement of the special seismic
connections and main yielding above Connections shall be capable of sustaining systems of Sec. 6.4 or Sec. 6.5 (e.g.
occurs in the beams. the total inter-story drift of 0.04 rad. ANSI. 360-05 [7]), as appropriate.
Moderate inelastic deformations C The required strength of connections shall Composite columns shall meet the
occurs in the columns and/or and be based on the plastic capacity of steel requirement of the intermediate
connections and main yielding below beams. Connections can sustain the total seismic systems of Sec. 6.4 or Sec.
occurs in the beams inter-story drift of 0.03 rad. 6.5, as appropriate.
The limited inelastic action will A Composite columns shall meet the
Connections can sustain the total inter-
C-OMF occur in the beam, columns and B requirement of the ordinary seismic
story drift of 0.02 rad.
and/or connections systems of Sec. 6.4 or Sec. 6.5.

RCFT:HSS16X16X625 CCFT:HSS18X500 Fiber based beam column elements

Figure 2. Cross Sections for CFT Columns and Idealized Fiber Section Models
for Numerical Experiments
A dvanced Analysis and Performance Based Evaluation of Concrete Filled Tube (CFT) Columns 1025

The analytical test results plotted as the moment and curvature response for composite CFT
sections are shown in Figure 4 for the case where the zero-length section elements are subjected to
the eccentric load. It is composed of a constant axial load corresponding to the axial resistance from
half of the pure concrete part (i.e. P D at the Point D shown in Figure 1) and consecutively
increasing bending moment. The plastic moment curvature can be captured on the point determined
by the computation by dividing the yield stain of the steel tube into the half width of inside concrete,
such that  P  2 y h1 . The plastic moment based on the full plastic yield stress of the steel tube
( M P ) is obtained on the plastic moment curvature at the moment and curvature curve (see Figures
4 (a) and (b)). Therefore, the plastic moment capacities of composite CFT sections under each axial
force level are able to be estimated through the fiber section analyses (e.g. M P  M D  1260 kN-m
for HSS16X16X625 section under P  PD  1644 kN; see Figure 4 (a)).

Since the strain hardening effect was assigned into the steel tube sections, the extra section capacity
from the plastic yield moment to the ultimate moment ( M u ) was provided as shown in the curves.
The envelope of the post-yield section behavior can be used to develop the inelastic curvature
ductility ratio (ICDR). The proportional slope ( Ki ) is defined as the initial secant flexural stiffness
corresponding to the serviceability level of the moment generally taken as 0.6 M u (see Figure (4)).
The ICDR is defined as u divided by  y .  y denotes the curvature at the nominal yield defined
as M u divided by Ki . u indicates the ultimate curvature. The degree of the post-yield response is
well expressed by this ratio. On the other hand, the index defined as the ductility ratio at the
structural behavior can change in accordance with the amount of the material strain hardening.


Node J

Steel Fiber Section Concrete Fiber Section

Y Integration

Fixed BC’s

(b) Geometry of zero-length section element

Node I

(a) Element for beam-column

Figure 3. Test Setup for the Nonlinear Beam-column Element and

Zero-length Section Element

The P-M interaction diagrams resulting from the fiber section analyses are compared with those
from the equations listed in Table 1. Comparisons between two diagrams are shown in Figure 5. In
addition to the overall plastic yield of steel tube sections, the points obtained by the fiber section
analyses are equivalent to the achievement of the maximum concrete strength. P-M interaction
diagrams compared to each other show good agreement, indicating that the analytical results are
adequate to estimate the capacity of the composite CFT sections with considerable accuracy.
1026 Jong Wan Hu, Joonam Park and Roberto T. Leon

Applied Moment: M (kN-m)

Applied Moment: M (kN-m)



 P  2 ε y h1
 P  2 ε y h1
P=1644kN P=1917kN
Y U U
(Point D) Y (Point D)

Curvature:  (1/m) Curvature:  (1/m)

(a) RCFT Column (HSS16X16X625) (b) CCFT Column (HSS18X500)
Figure 4. Moment and Curvature response for
the composite CFT sections under the axial force PD

Fiber Analysis Fiber Analysis
P-M Interaction A P-M Interaction
Axial Force: P (kN)
Axial Force: P (kN)

Diagram Formula Diagram Formula




Applied Moment: M (kN-m) Applied Moment: M (kN-m)

(a) RCFT Column (HSS16X16X625) (b) CCFT Column (HSS18X500)
Figure 5. Comparisons of P-M Interaction Diagrams


For nonlinear frame analyses, five-story composite moment frames were designed with either
RCFT columns (5SRCFT model) or CCFT columns (5SCCFT model). These structures were first
evaluated using an equivalent static lateral load procedure (pushover) and then using nonlinear
dynamic analysis for a ground motion taken from the 1994 Northridge earthquake. Thus, the
structures were assumed to be located in LA area with high seismicity corresponding to SDC D and
a soil site (e.g. ASCE [12]) and designed by using the mapped spectrum accelerations
corresponding to SS=1.60g for the short period and S1=0.6g for 1 second period. The geometric
nonlinearity (i.e. P-Delta effect) was included in the frame model. The equivalent lateral loads (Ea)
used in the static analysis are based upon the code-calculated period of vibration (0.79 sec.) and not
the actual ones (1.28 sec. for the RCFT structure and 1.25 for the CCFT one). The frame models
were designed as a composite-special moment frame (C-SMF) for ordinary occupancy and a target
story drift limit of 0.02 radians for the 2 percent probability of exceedance in 50 year seismic
hazard level. The frame models were detailed in accordance with the Section 10 of the 2005
Seismic Provisions, and overall dimensions and member sizes are shown in Figure 6. The design of
this frame was governed by drift considerations, resulting in members with a substantial
over-strength factor ( Ω ) compared to that required from the strength design case. The frame with
RCFT columns was designed with longer bay length along the NS direction than that with CCFT
A dvanced Analysis and Performance Based Evaluation of Concrete Filled Tube (CFT) Columns 1027

columns (11m for the 5SRCFT model and 9m for the 5SCCFT model) because the composite
sections used for RCFT columns can accommodate more member capacity as shown in the P-M
interaction diagrams (see Figure 5).

For the static pushover analyses, factored dead loads (D) and live loads (L) along with the
earthquake loads were applied at the joints using the dominant load combination (i.e.
LC5: 1.2D  1.0L  1.0Ea ) specified in the ASCE07-05. For the dynamic analyses, the unscaled EW
base accelerations from the Tarzana station (see Figure 7) recorded during the 1994 Northridge
were used. The peak ground acceleration (PGA) for this record is 1.78g and this ground motion
includes strong directional effects. In the non-linear analyses, a dead load factor of 1.0 and live load
factor of 0.2 were used to provide a realistic gravity loading.

The nonlinear frame analyses were performed by the OpenSEES program with all members
modeled as nonlinear beam-column elements with discrete fiber sections. The steel beams and
composite columns extended from centerline to centerline and met together at a node, and rigid
end-offset corresponding to the panel zone was used in the beam elements. All analyses utilized the
Newton-Raphson iteration algorithm to ensure equilibrium at each time step. Static pushover
analyses were conducted using load a control method, while dynamic analyses were performed by
implicit integration using the Newmark-Beta constant acceleration method. For the dynamic
analyses, the structural damping ratio was assumed to be 0.025 and the equivalent point masses
were applied at the joints as specified in FEMA 355C (e.g. FEMA [14]).

5G1 5G2 5G3 5G4 5G5

W27X114 W27X114 W27X114 W27X114 W27X114

5C1 5C2 5C3 5C4 5C5 5C6
4G1 4G2 4G3 4G4 4G5
W27X114 W27X114 W27X114 W27X114 W27X114
4C1 4C2 4C3 4C4 4C5 4C6
3G1 3G2 3G3 3G4 3G5
W30x116 W30x116 W30x116 W30x116 W30x116

3C1 3C2 3C3 3C4 3C5 3C6

2G1 2G2 2G3 2G4 2G5
W30x116 W30x116 W30x116 W30x116 W30x116
2C1 2C2 2C3 2C4 2C5 2C6

1G1 1G2 1G3 1G4 1G5

W30x116 W30x116 W30x116 W30x116 W30x116
1C1 1C2 1C3 1C4 1C5 1C6

All column members: RCFT Column (HSS 16X16X625) or CCFT Column (HSS 18X500)
Steel property: Column(A572-Gr.50 and A500-Gr. B for RCFT and CCFT, respectively) Beam(A36)
Concrete: fc'=27.58 MPa including Confined Effect
Dead Load (D) =5.75 kPa and Live Load (L) = 3.83 kPa

Figure 6. Front View of the 5 Story Composite Moment Frame Model

1028 Jong Wan Hu, Joonam Park and Roberto T. Leon

EQ Data (1994 Northridge)

Site: Los Angeles Area
Max:1.78g Min: -1.56g
2% exceedence in 50 years

Acceleration (g)

Time (sec)
Figure 7. Ground Motion Used for the Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis

The resulting static pushover curves plotted in terms of the story drift ratio (SDR) at the roof level
vs. the base shear force normalized by the seismic design base shear force ( V Vdesign ) are shown in
Figure 8. The seismic design base shear force is defined as the summation of the equivalent lateral
loads ( Vdesign  Ea ). The design base shear forces for the 5SRCFT and 5SCCFT model are 1570 kN
and 1310 kN, respectively. The over-strength ratio was defined as the ratio of the ultimate base
shear force to the seismic design base shear force ( Ω  Vu Vdesign ). This over-strength ratio can be
easily observed through the static pushover analyses with displacement control increment and is
very useful to examine the strength of the moment frame for the seismic evaluation. The
over-strength ratios at both frame models are in close proximity to the value of 3.0 which the
guideline recommends during the seismic design (e.g. ASCE [12]). The design point level
( V Vdesign  1.0 ) is located on the proportionally elastic range.
Normalized Base Shear (V/Vdesign)

Normalized Base Shear (V/Vdesign)

Vdesign = 1570 kN Vdesign = 1310 kN

Story Drift Ratio (%) Story Drift Ratio (%)

(a) 5SRCFT (b) 5SCCFT
Figure 8. Resulting Static Pushover Curves

The results of nonlinear dynamic analyses are shown in Figure 9. The resulting curves are also
plotted as the story drift ratio (SDR) at the roof level vs. the base shear force normalized by the
seismic design base shear force. Under the ground motion (see Figure 7), the peak roof
displacement for the 5SRCFT and 5SCCFT model are roughly 218mm and 208mm, respectively,
corresponding to the roof SDR of 1.10 and 1.05 percents. The outbreak time for each peak value
slightly lagged behind the time of the PGA (approximately 0.2 second time lag). Overall, the
nonlinear dynamic analyses generate slightly larger base shear forces (around 3%) in comparison
with the static pushover analyses at the 1% SDR level. Based on these nonlinear frame analysis
results, the performance based damage evaluation for composite-moment frames is introduced in
the next section.
A dvanced Analysis and Performance Based Evaluation of Concrete Filled Tube (CFT) Columns 1029

Normalized Base Shear (V/Vdesign)

Normalized Base Shear (V/Vdesign)

Vdesign = 1570 kN Vdesign = 1310 kN

Story Drift Ratio (%) Story Drift Ratio (%)

(a) 5SRCFT (b) 5SCCFT
Figure 9. Results of Nonlinear Dynamic Analyses


The excess of the ultimate limit state in the columns indicates the severe failure state of the
building so it leads to the complete collapse. Moreover, there were no available design programs
which provide the performance based design check for composite CFT sections. In lieu of the
structural beams, the investigation of the structural damage for the composite columns under the
seismic loads is emphasized in this study because of these reasons.

There are two steps in proceeding with the damage evaluation, first step associated with
determining the capacity and second one with estimating the demand. The member capacity was
computed by the P-M interaction diagram for the composite sections based on a full plastic yield
stress distribution. To accomplish the second step, the demand at the composite columns must be
established from nonlinear frame analyses, which were carried out on a series of entire composite
moment frame structures.

The structural damage was estimated in this study through the comparisons of the elastic strength
ratios (ESR), which were defined as the ratios of the demand to the strength capacity for the
member cross section. Thus, the value of the ESR can be determined by the position of the required
strength on the domain of a simplified P-M interaction diagram. Two regions can be identified
insofar as axial strength is concerned (see Figure 1). If the required axial strength is low (R2), the
behavior of CFT columns is controlled by yielding in tension due to the bending moments. The
behavior in this region will be very ductile. It the required axial load is high (R1), the behavior of
CFT columns will be dominated by compression due to the axial loads. This will result in only
limited ductile behavior. The ESR is defined with the combination of the required axial load ( Pr )
and bending moment ( Mr ) as summarized in Table 2. Once P-M interaction forces acting on the
CFT columns under seismic loading exceed the conservative limit state referred to as the simplified
P-M interaction diagram, the value of the ESR is greater than 1.0. It indicates that the possibility of
the plastic yield failure is relatively higher. As mentioned above, the ICDR is another method to
estimate the structural damage with respect to the plastic deformation.
1030 Jong Wan Hu, Joonam Park and Roberto T. Leon

After the nonlinear frame analyses, the performance based damage evaluations referred to as ESRs
and ICDRs are summarized in Figs. 10 and 11. The ESRs under the seismic design force level
obtained from the static pushover analysis ( V Vdesign  1.0 ) cannot exceed 1.0 even at the bases of
CFT columns (e.g. ESR=0.47 at the 1C1 column of 5SRCFT model) because these frame structures
satisfied the code requirement for the seismic design. It means that the required member forces of
CFT columns subjected to the design earthquake force still exist under the proportional strength

The maximum ESRs and ICDRs resulting from the nonlinear dynamic analysis were computed at
the peak member forces under a real ground motion used in this study. The ESRs under the seismic
design force level are considerably smaller than those under the peak response from the nonlinear
dynamic analysis. Therefore, extensive member failure and overall frame damage can occur due to
the actual strong seismic ground motion. A symbol "-" in Figures 10 and 11 indicates that the
member force did not exceed the yield point. An ESR of over 0.95 under dynamic loads indicates
that the observed member exceeded its yield point and will potentially be subject to a large ductility
demand. Overall, the relatively higher ESRs are distributed over the lower story levels because of
the larger lumped masses converted from the gravity loads plus the partial live loads. The higher
ICDRs also concentrate on the lower story level. Especially, the peak values generally occur at the
bases of interior columns (1C2B, 1C3B, 1C4B, and 1C5B). This implies that the composite
columns located in the lower story levels are susceptible to severe plastic deformations under this
ground motion. Both indies for the damage evaluation decrease as the story level moves up the
frame. The values of ESRs less than 1.0 were distributed over more than third story level, and so
the possibility of the failure at the upper floor level is relatively lower. All frame models are
symmetric in plan and subjected to uniform gravity loads along all bays and stories. Therefore, the
values for damage evaluation show a similar distribution along the exterior or interior CFT column
lines (e.g. 1C1 to 5C1 and 1C6 to 5C6 for an exterior column line; 1C3 to 5C3 and 1C4 to 5C4 for
an exterior column line).

T:0.04 B:0.01 T:0.10 B:0.05 T:0.10 B:0.06 T:0.10 B:0.06 T:0.11 B:0.08 T:0.07 B:0.03
0.48 0.29 0.76 0.61 0.72 0.57 0.74 0.57 0.74 0.59 0.46 0.29
- - - - - - - - - - - -

T:0.14 B:0.08 T:0.21 B:0.18 T:0.21 B:0.18 T:0.21 B:0.18 T:0.22 B:0.19 T:0.15 B:0.10
0.65 0.55 0.98 0.96 0.97 0.95 0.97 0.94 0.98 0.96 0.64 0.55
- - 1.58 1.51 1.57 1.42 1.57 1.42 1.62 1.47 - -

T:0.22 B:0.17 T:0.35 B:0.31 T:0.34 B:0.30 T:0.33 B:0.30 T:0.35 B:0.32 T:0.22 B:0.18
0.74 0.71 1.11 1.07 1.11 1.07 1.11 1.08 1.10 1.07 0.74 0.70
- - 3.23 2.94 3.00 2.67 3.02 2.67 3.14 2.83 - -

T:0.29 B:0.26 T:0.47 B:0.46 T:0.45 B:0.43 T:0.44 B:0.43 T:0.45 B:0.44 T:0.28 B:0.26
0.86 0.77 1.14 1.10 1.13 1.10 1.14 1.11 1.13 1.09 0.87 0.76
- - 3.74 3.00 3.55 2.83 3.54 2.80 3.86 2.93 - -

T:0.28 B:0.47 T:0.48 B:0.60 T:0.46 B:0.59 T:0.45 B:0.58 T:0.45 B:0.58 T:0.26 B:0.45
1.01 1.24 1.26 1.34 1.25 1.33 1.25 1.33 1.24 1.31 1.04 1.28
1.94 10.13 6.90 10.84 6.96 10.11 6.96 10.89 6.97 10.84 1.58 10.08

(1) Equivalent static analysis (ESR at V/Vdesign=1) T: Top of RCFT members

(2) Pseudo-dynamic analysis (Max. ESR) B: Bottom of RCFT members
(3) Pseudo-dynamic analysis (Max. ICDR)

Figure 10. ESRs and ICDRs Distributed Over the 5SRCFT Model
A dvanced Analysis and Performance Based Evaluation of Concrete Filled Tube (CFT) Columns 1031

T:0.05 B:0.01 T:0.10 B:0.07 T:0.12 B:0.09 T:0.12 B:0.08 T:0.13 B:0.10 T:0.09 B:0.05
0.62 0.41 0.95 0.82 0.91 0.76 0.91 0.76 0.93 0.80 0.59 0.43
- - 1.16 - - - - - - - - -

T:0.16 B:0.11 T:0.25 B:0.22 T:0.26 B:0.23 T:0.25 B:0.23 T:0.27 B:0.25 T:0.19 B:0.14
0.97 0.81 1.18 1.18 1.17 1.16 1.17 1.16 1.18 1.18 0.95 0.79
- - 3.30 3.30 2.97 2.70 2.98 2.73 3.17 3.14 1.18 -

T:0.27 B:0.22 T:0.42 B:0.39 T:0.42 B:0.38 T:0.41 B:0.38 T:0.43 B:0.40 T:0.29 B:0.24
1.07 1.10 1.27 1.27 1.25 1.26 1.25 1.26 1.27 1.27 1.05 1.07
1.37 1.58 5.36 5.46 4.78 4.88 4.83 4.92 5.24 5.35 1.60 1.91

T:0.36 B:0.33 T:0.53 B:0.52 T:0.50 B:0.50 T:0.50 B:0.49 T:0.52 B:0.51 T:0.37 B:0.33
0.94 0.90 1.10 1.10 1.08 1.06 1.08 1.07 1.08 1.07 0.96 0.99
- - 3.08 2.37 2.51 2.91 2.56 2.95 2.96 3.28 1.21 1.31

T:0.37 B:0.56 T:0.57 B:0.68 T:0.55 B:0.66 T:0.54 B:0.65 T:0.55 B:0.65 T:0.36 B:0.55
1.11 1.26 1.23 1.24 1.21 1.23 1.21 1.24 1.20 1.21 1.15 1.29
2.10 7.10 5.35 7.67 4.90 7.60 4.87 7.64 5.45 7.70 1.85 6.90

(1) Equivalent static analysis (ESR at V/Vdesign=1) T: Top of CCFT members

(2) Pseudo-dynamic analysis (Max. ESR) B: Bottom of CCFT members
(3) Pseudo-dynamic analysis (Max. ICDR)

Figure 11. ESRs and ICDRs Distributed over the 5SCCFT Model


The new 2005 AISC Specification was used to estimate P-M interaction diagrams for composite
CFT beam-columns and the 2005 Seismic Provisions were used for the design of several low-rise
composite-moment frame structures. The comparisons between fiber analysis results obtained by
numerical experiments and interaction diagrams obtained by AISC design formulas indicate that
full plastic capacities by this new design code are quite reasonable for predicting the interaction
strength for composite beam-columns.

For the nonlinear frame analyses, both ESRs and ICDRs obtained from nonlinear dynamic analyses
show significant correlation with predicted damage based on the excessive deformation. Similar
numerical distribution trends between ESRs and ICDRs are observed in both RCFT frame and
CCFT frame structures and larger values are found in interior CFT columns of the lower floors
when structure models are subjected to either static or dynamic loading. ESR and ICDR values
decrease moderately with increasing building story, so damage in the upper floor columns is not

Finally, it is concluded with these reasonable proofs that the evaluation approaches proposed herein
are convenient and accurate to check the damage of the entire frame structures subjected to the
seismic loads.
1032 Jong Wan Hu, Joonam Park and Roberto T. Leon


The first author would like to also sincerely thank the National Science Foundation (NSF) for six
years of financial support (US Grant No. 0324542) as a research assistantship and a post-doctorate
fellowship at Georgia Tech.


Αc : Cross section area of a concrete core

Αs : Cross section area of a steel tube
Es : Elastic modulus of steel
Fy : Yield stress of steel (e.g. Fy =350 MPa for A572-Gr.50 carbon steel)
Fu : Ultimate stress of steel (e.g. Fu =590 MPa for A572-Gr.50 carbon steel)
M : Applied moment
ΜA  ΜE : Available flexural strength (Capital subscript indicates the observed point)
P : Applied axial force
PA  PF : Available axial strength (Capital subscript indicates the observed point)
ZsB  ZsE : Plastic section modulus of steel shape at Points (B) and (E)
ZcB  ZcE : Plastic section modulus of concrete shape at Points (B) and (E)
b : Width of the composite section
d : Depth or diameter of the composite section
db : Depth of the steel beam
dc : Depth of the composite column
fc : Crushing strength of concrete
h : Height of the concrete core (e.g. h2  d  2t f )
hn  hE : Equivalent height of the composite section between center and PNA
rm : Effective radius of the CFT section
t : Thickness of the steel tube
t w : Thickness of the web of the steel tube
t f : Thickness of the flange of the steel tube
 c : Uni-axial compressive strain of concrete corresponding to fc
 y : Yield strain of the steel tube
 : Moment curvature of the composite section
 p : Plastic moment curvature of the composite section
u : Ultimate moment curvature of the composite section
 : Arc angle
A dvanced Analysis and Performance Based Evaluation of Concrete Filled Tube (CFT) Columns 1033


[1] Roeder, C.W., “Seismic Behavior of Steel Braced Frame Connections to Composite
Columns”, Connections in Steel Structure 4, AISC, 2000, pp. 51-62.
[2] Azizinamini, A. and Schneider, S P., “Moment Connections to Circular Concrete-filled
Steel Tube Columns”, Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 2004, Vol. 130, No. 2, pp.
[3] Hajjar, J.F., “Composite Steel and Concrete Structural Systems for Seismic Engineering”
Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2002, Vol. 58, pp. 703-723.
[4] Hu, J.W., Kang, Y.S., Choi, D.H. and Park, T., “Seismic Design, Performance, and
Behavior of Composite-moment Frames with Steel Beam-to-concrete Filled Tube Column
Connections”, International Journal of Steel Structures, KSSC, 2010, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp.
[5] Rassati, G.A., Leon, R.T. and Noe, S., “Component Modeling of Partially Restrained
Composite Joints under Cyclic and Dynamic Loading”, Journal of Structural Engineering,
ASCE, 2004, Vol. 130, No. 2, pp. 343-351.
[6] Green, T.P., Leon, R.T. and Rassati, G.A., “Bidirectional Tests on Partially Restrained,
Composite Beam-column Connections”, Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 2004,
Vol. 130, No. 2, pp. 320-327.
[7] 2005 AISC Specification, “Specification for Structural Steel Buildings (ANSI/AISC
360-05)”, 2005, Chicago, IL.
[8] 2005 AISC Seismic Provision, “Seismic Provisions for Structural Steel Buildings
(ANSI/AISC 341-05)”, 2005, Chicago, IL.
[9] Mazzoni, S., Mckenna, F. and Fenves, G.L., “OpenSEES Command Language Manual”,
Department of Civil Environmental Engineering, 2005, University of California, Berkley,
[10] Varma, A.H. et al., “Seismic Behavior and Design of High-strength Square Concrete-filled
Steel Tube Beam Columns” Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 2004, Vol. 130, No.
2, pp. 169-179.
[11] Galambos, T.V., “Guide to Stability Design Criteria for Steel Structures, Structural
Stability Research Council”, 5th Edition, John Wiley and Sons, 1998, New York, NY.
[12] American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), “Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and
Other Structures” ASCE 7-05, 2005.
[13] American Institute of Steel Contraction (AISC), “Manual of Steel Construction, Load, and
Resistance Factor Design (LRFD)”, 3rd Edition, 2001, Chicago, IL.
[14] Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), “State of the Art Report on Systems
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FEMA-355C, 2000, Washington, DC.
A dvanced Steel Construction Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 1934-1047 (2010) 1034



Vittorio Nascè 1 and Francesco Tondolo 2,*

Full Professor, Politecnico di Torino, Department of structural and Geotechnical Engineering,
corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24, 10129, Torino, Italy
Research Assistant, Politecnico di Torino, Department of structural and Geotechnical Engineering,
corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24, 10129, Torino, Italy
*(Corresponding author: E-mail: francesco.tondolo@polito.it)

Received: 8 August 2010; Revised: 23 September 2010; Accepted: 2 October 2010

ABSTRACT: The structural behavior of welded tee end connections used for circular hollow sections (CHS),
depends on the number and the position of the tee webs. International specifications, such as ANSI/AICS and
CIDECT Design Guide, provide design rules for joints made with one or two parallel tee webs, whereas the use of
cross tee webs is not taken into consideration. However, the performance of such extensively employed
connections cannot directly be referred to that of single tee web connection, as confirmed by the uniaxial tensile tests
presented in this paper. A numerical model, based on a nonlinear Finite Element approach, is also introduced to
show the influence of some geometrical parameters on the structural efficiency of the joints. As a result, a possible
extension of the current design rules for CHS connections is also suggested.
Keywords: Circular Hollow Section, Welded Tee End Connection, Uniaxial Tensile Test, FEM Analysis, Code


The design of connections has always been a key point for steel constructions; during the recent
years design codes have addressed an increasing attention on the design rules. The best choice is
generally a compromise among architectural, static and constructive requirements. In the case of
plane and spatial steel truss structures, circular hollow sections (CHS) are frequently connected by
joints hidden inside the element [1]. Possible connections for CHS in tension are described in the
Chapter 8 of the CIDECT Design Guide [2] (section “Bolted joints”) and are reported in Figure 1.

The first two connections, illustrated in Figures 1a and 1b present respectively one or two parallel
webs welded to a cap plate, which is connected to the tube by a fillet weld. Conversely, Figure 1c
shows a different connection. It consists of a slotted end connection and a gusset plate welded to
the tube by means of a corner weld. For this connection all the design rules reported in
International Specifications are based on a consolidated literature [3-5]. From the structural point
of view it is certainly more efficient but also more expensive than the connections showed in
Figures 1a and 1b.

Several tests performed on the welded tee end connections depicted in Figure 1a can be found in
the current literature [6-7]. In these works, tube and cap plate are generally joined with a fillet
weld. They are designed by assuming the presence of a stress diffusion zone between tube and tee
web, even if high tensile stresses are localized in the zone where tube, cap plate and tee web
converge. Starting from each face of the tee web, stresses are spread into the cap plate (with an
angle α) and produce dispersed effective load width le on the tube (see Figure 2a). In the CIDECT
Design Guide [2], a similar load diffusion is assumed for designing the tee web (ld = dispersed
effective load width on the tee web).

The Hong Kong Institute of Steel Construction www.hkisc.org

1035 V ittorio Nascè and Francesco Tondolo

Figure 1. Bolted End Connections [2]

tw ww tw
︳l d ︳l d


 °  °
︳ld ︳l d



 °  °



 °  °
 °  °  °  °
tp tp tp

le  ° le  0
t1 s t1 s t1


le  ° le 

le  ° le  °

le  ° le  °

Atw-t Atw-t

Ww Ww
Atw-t Atw-t

Atw-t Atw-t
d1 d1

Figure 2. Load Dispersion Mechanism for Tube and Tee Web Resistance for
Tee Joints with Diffusion Slopes of 60° and 68° for Welded-Tee end Connections
with a) One b) Two Tee Webs

If two cross tee webs are used, the stress transfer mechanism changes because the distribution
element (i.e. the cap plate) is stiffer. As a consequence, the state of stress within the structural
elements is completely different. In fact, the points of contact increase from 2 to 4, thus new rules
need to be introduced for designing these joints. This is remarked in the present work, in which
the structural behavior of CHS connection, obtained with one or two cross tee webs, are
numerically and experimentally compared.
Tensile Behavior of Welded Tee End Connection for Circular Hollow Members 1036


Design Guides for welded tee end connections (Figure 1a) with one tee web are included in some
International Specifications [3]. They are the results of several researches such as those
developed by Kitipornchai and Traves [6] and by Stevens and Kitipornchai [7] at Queensland
University (Australia). These works were taken as references by the American Institute for Steel
Construction [3] (see Commentary to section “k”). Before 1989, design guidelines for
“welded-tee end connections” for circular hollow tubes were reported in the Specifications of the
American Institute of Steel Construction [8] and in design codes of Australian Standard Association
[9]. In both the codes, stresses in the tube are calculated assuming a load diffusion slope of 60°
within the thickness of the cap plate (Figure 2a). However, according to other authors [4-8], the
assumption of a distribution slope equal to 2.5:1 [2] have to be used and therefore the diffusion
angle of 68° is used. Independently from the diffusion angle, the effective length for load
diffusion le can be computed by the following equation:

le  t w  m  t p

where tw = thickness of the tee web; tp = thickness of the cap plate; m = coefficient (if the diffusion
angle is 68°, m=5; if the diffusion angle is equal to 60°, m=3.5). Consequently it is possible to
define the design load resistance N1 for the tube of the CHS connection:

N1  2  fy1  t1  le (2)

where fy1 = yielding stress of the tube and t1 = thickness of the tube. In the Design Guide by
Wardenier et al. [2], an equation for designing load of the tee web Ni is also suggested. It is based
on a slope diffusion similar to that adopted for the bearing capacity of the tube (Eq. 2). If the web
width and the diameter of the cap plate are the same (and equal to di +2s), the design load Ni may
be calculated as:

Ni  2  fyw  t w   t1  m / 2  tp  s  (3)

where fyw = yielding stress of the tee web; s = edge distance of a cap plate (i.e. radius of the cap
plate minus radius of the tube). The coefficient 2, which appears into the Eqs. 2 and 3, is due to
the two areas Atw-t (see Figure 2a) that connect the tee web and the tube. Eq. 3 is only valid for
s  m / 2  t p and the maximum design load for the tee web results:

Ni,max  2  fyw  t w   t1  m  t p  (4)

If two cross tee webs are used (see Figure 2b), there are 4 areas of contact (Atw-t) and therefore the
efficiency of the joint increases. However, as confirmed by the experimental analysis reported in
the next section, Eqs. 2-3 cannot be simply extended to designing the connection depicted in Figure
1037 V ittorio Nascè and Francesco Tondolo


3.1 Specimens Description

The structural behavior of one tee web connection in tension (Figure 3a), is experimentally
compared with that made by two cross tee webs (Figure 3b). The specimens, named M19x6 and
M29x6, are respectively shown in Figures 3c and 3d. They consist of welded tee joints, having
s=0, whose dimensions (see Table 1) are chosen in accordance with those tested by Kitipornchai
and Traves [6]. In particular, the tube has a diameter of 88.9 mm, a length of 350 mm and a
thickness of 3 mm. The ratio between the diameter and the thickness of the tube is a value
commonly used in steel construction.

One of the ends of the specimen M19x6 is made with a cap plate and a tee web, having a thickness
of 9 and 6 mm, respectively. In this manner, the ratio between the thicknesses of the cap plate tp
and tube diameter d1 is equal to 0.1. The opposite end is designed to be stronger. More precisely,
a thick plate (12 mm) slotted into the tube for a length of 150 mm (see Figure 3a) is welded as
depicted in Figure 1c. The distance between the two ends, measured along the tube, is equal to
200 mm. The specimen named M29x6 (Figure 3b) is assembled with two cross tee webs (thickness
6 mm) and with a cap plate (thickness of 9 mm). To simplify the clamping jaw action, only a
single tee web is extended of 135 mm, and its thickness is doubled in order to ensure the same
resisting section area.


a) b) d)

Figure 3. Test Specimens Prepared in the Laboratory with

a), c) One Tee Web M19x6 and b), d) Two Tee Webs M29x6
Tensile Behavior of Welded Tee End Connection for Circular Hollow Members 1038

Table 1. Geometrical Characteristics of Experimental Tests

Tube Cap Plate Tee Web
d1 t1 Wp tP tP/d1 Ww Ww/d1 tw tw/d1 Area
[mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [-] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm2]
M19x6 88.9 3 88.9 9 0.10 85 0.96 6 0.07 510
M29x6 88.9 3 88.9 9 0.10 85 0.96 6 0.07 984

700 700 700

600 600 600

500 500 500

Load [kN]

Load [kN]

Load [kN]
400 400 400

300 300 300

Nominal Nominal Nominal
200 200 200
True True True
100 100 100

0 0 0
0.000 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.000 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.000 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25
Strain [-] Strain [-] Strain [-]

Figure 4. Stress-Strain Curve and Nominal Stress Strain Curve for

a) Cap Plate, b) Tee Web, c) Tube

The tube is cold formed whereas the cap plate and the tee webs are obtained by hot rolling. The
mechanical properties of the elements are listed in Table 2. They are measured from the stress
strain relationships (see Figure 4) from coupon tests. All the weldings are arc welded by means of
a semi automatic procedure. Double bevel tee welding is used between the tee webs and the cap
plate. A single vee corner connection is used to join the cap plate and the tube.

Quasi static loads are applied to the specimens (Figures 3a and 3b) through a MTS machine having
a bearing capacity of 1000 kN. A displacement control procedure with a rate of 7.8·10-4 mm/s is
imposed during the elastic stage. This rate is increased to 5·10-2 as soon as the nonlinear response
becomes evident. The test, conducted up to the global collapse of the joint, were performed at the
Department of Structural and Geotechnical Engineering of Politecnico di Torino (Italy).

In order to measure the local longitudinal strains, two couples of strain gauges (width 6 mm, length
10 mm, and maximum strain capacity 1%) are applied on the surfaces of each specimens. One
couple is positioned on tee web at a distance of 15 mm from the cap plate (see Figures 3a-b), while
the other couple is positioned on the external surface of the tube at a distance of 20 mm from the
cap plate.

Table 2. Mechanical Properties of Materials for the Elements

Yeld stress Ultimate stress Ultimate deformation Elastic modulus

[MPa] [MPa] [%] [MPa]
Tee web 343 476 34 204500
Tube 287 378 27.3 199400
Cap plate 391 502 33.2 202700
1039 V ittorio Nascè and Francesco Tondolo


The results of the tests, in terms of load-total displacement, are reported in Figure 5. For the
specimen M19x6 with one tee web, a yielding load (i.e. deviation from the linear behavior as the
ideal point corresponding to the load level where the linear and the plastic branch converge) equal
to 150kN and an ultimate load of 193kN are observed. In the same way, for the specimen M29x6,
having two cross tee webs, the global yielding is reached 210kN while the collapse occurs at
263kN. The specimens show different failure mechanisms. M19x6 collapses after the cracking
of the tee web close to the cap plate (Figure 6a). At the failure, the total elongation of the
specimen is 10 mm. The tee web shows a slight necking and the cap plate presents a large

The specimen named M29x6 reaches the ultimate state with an elongation of about 40 mm (see
Figure 5b) which involved the whole tube and produces a necking on it. As a result, a large
pseudo-plastic stage is showed in Figure 5. Moreover, at the collapse, a crack on the interface
between the cap plate and the tube appears (Figure 6b). In the same structural element, the
increase of mechanical strength (about 36%) can be ascribed to a tightening of the cap plate, and,
consequently, to a more uniform stress within the tube. However in this case, the ultimate and
yielding loads do not double with respect to those measured in one tee web joint, although the cross
sectional area is doubled, as it could be obtained with the application of the rules of Eq. 2 and 3 of
the design code. It is also probably due to a more restrained condition for the joint with two tee
webs that determine a multiaxial state of stress and a consequent reduction of the plastic resources
in the critical zone. In Figure 5 the increment of load level within the first millimeters of
deformation, that can be associated with the joint, show a lower increase of load level for the
specimen M29x6 if compared to the specimen M19x6.

The diagrams loads vs. strain, measured by the strain gauges glued on the specimen M19x6, are
reported in Figure 7a. In this Figure, the continuous curve reproduces the average strain of the tee
web, whereas the dashed line indicates the average strains of the tube. Similarly, for the specimen
M29x6 the load-strain curves of the tube (dashed line) and the tee web (continuous line) are
depicted in Figure 7b. In these Figures a different structural behavior appears. While in the
specimen M19x6 the nonlinear behavior of the tube and the tee web simultaneously occurs, in the
specimen M29x6 the deviation from the linearity begins initially in the tube for a load (about 20%)
lower than the yielding load of the tee web.



a 150



0 10 20 30 40 50

Figure 5. Load-displacement Curves for Tests M19x6 and M29x6

Tensile Behavior of Welded Tee End Connection for Circular Hollow Members 1040

a) b)
Figure 6. Detail of the Rupture in the Two Test Specimens:
a) Test with One Tee Web, b) Test with Two Tee Webs

280 280

240 240

200 200
Load [kN]

Load [kN]

160 160

120 120
Tee web M19x6 average Tee web M29x6 average
80 80
Tube M19x6 average Tube M29x6 average
40 40

0 0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Strain [%] Strain [%]
a) b)
Figure 7. Load-deformation Curves Recorded by the Strain Gauges Placed on the Tube and
on the Tee Web for a) One Tee Web Joint and b) Two Tee Webs Joint


Together with the experimental tests, the structural behavior of the joints is modeled with a finite
element analysis (FEM). Tri-dimensional isoparametric elements, having 20 nodes, three
translational degrees of freedom, and able to encompass large strains, are adopted by using ADINA
v8.3 program [10]. Nominal stresses and strains in the tee webs, the cap plate, and the tube, are
defined by the following equations:

r  ln 1  n  (5)

r  n 1  n  (6)


l  l0
n  (7)
1041 V ittorio Nascè and Francesco Tondolo

Where n , n = nominal strains and stresses, r , r = true strains and stresses, l0 = reference
length, and l = final length. The curves of nominal and true stress vs. nominal and true strain,
obtained with Eq. 5 and 6 are reported in Figure 4. The nonlinear analysis is based on the
Von-Mises flow rule with the isotropic hardening assumption ; the rupture plastic strain
corresponds to the effective plastic strain at the last point input for the stress strain curve for the
materials (Figure 4).

Due to the double symmetry of joint with respect to load and constraints, only a quarter of the
entire structure is modeled (Figure 8). In particular, the finite element mesh regards the tee webs,
the cap plate and a part of the tube. The analysis is performed by imposing displacements on the
free end of each model and computing the corresponding tensile load from the reaction. The FEM
models are shown in Figure 8a for the specimen M19x6 and in Figure 8b for the specimen M29x6.

Figure 8. Boundary Conditions for the Model

a) FE1 that Simulates Test M19x6 and b) FE2 that Simulates M29x6

The results of the numerical analysis, in terms of load displacement, are called FE1 and FE2 for the
specimens M19x6 and M29x6, respectively. They are reported in Figure 9, whereas Figure 10
shows some images of the plastic strains. For the specimen M19x6 the measured load
displacement diagram is in good agreement with the numerical results of the analysis FE1. From
these diagrams, the nonlinear behavior of the whole joint appears at 125 kN. However, if lower
loads are applied, the joint is in the linear elastic regime, although the edges of the tee web show
plastic deformations at the connection with the cap plate. This is evident in Figure 10a, where the
plastic strain distribution of step I, which corresponds to a load N = 100 kN (see Figure 9) is
reported. For loads higher than 125 kN (step II in Figure 10a) a more extended plastic zone can
be observed between the tee web and the cap plate, which is also subjected to bending action. The
failure (step III in Figure 10a), which appears at N = 179 kN, is finally localized around the
connection between tee web and cap plate, as obtained in the experimental results (Figure 6a).

In the case of the specimen M29x6, the load-displacement curve obtained with the numerical
analysis (model FE2), is able to predict with good accuracy the yielding and the collapse loads
experimentally measured (Figure 9). The nonlinear behavior is evident for N > 200 kN, even if
plastic zones are generated for lower loads (step I in Figure 10b). However, with respect to FE1
(step I in Figure 10a), these zones are located in few elements at the connection between the tee
webs and the cap plate. If the load is increased (step II in Figure 10b) plastic strains affect a larger
area. Nevertheless, due to a more uniform distribution, maximum strains are lower than those
obtained with FE1 analysis (step II in Figure 10a). As illustrated in Figure 10b, during step III,
wide plastic strains affect both the interface between cap plate and tee webs, and between tube and
cap plate. In these zones the failure might occur. This explains the discrepancy between the
numerical results of FE2, in which a failure on the interface between tee web and cap plate occurs
Tensile Behavior of Welded Tee End Connection for Circular Hollow Members 1042

(load N = 247 kN, step III in Figure 10b) and the observed failure in the tube (Figure 4b). It is
sufficient a little variations of the material characteristics or small and localized defects (e.g., an
incomplete penetration of the weld between cap plate and tube) to obtain one of the possible failure

In Figure 11a the strains measured by the gauges glued on the tube of each specimen are compared
with the FEM results. In both the cases, FE1 and FE2 analyses provide, respectively, a good
approximation of the local strains in the tube. In the same way, the strains measured on the tee
webs are compared with those in Figure 11b with those numerically computed. In all the
diagrams of Figure 11, the higher load bearing capacity of the joint M29x6 is clearly evident.

Figure 9. Load-displacement Curves for Tests and Numerical Models

(S tep I) (S tep II) (S tep III)


N= 100 kN N= 150 kN N= 179 kN

(S tep I) (S tep II) (S tep III)


N= 100 kN N= 200 kN N= 247 kN

Figure 10. Plastic Strain Concentration for Increasing Load

a) One Tee Web Model and b) Two Cross Tee Webs Model
1043 V ittorio Nascè and Francesco Tondolo

280 280
Exp M29x6
240 240
Exp M29x6
200 200
Exp M19x6 Exp M19x6
Load [kN]

Load [kN]
160 160

120 120
80 80

40 40

0 0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Strain on tube [%] Strain on tee web [%]
a) b)

Figure 11. Comparison between the Numerical and Experimental Results

of the Strain Gauge Readings a) on the Tubes and
b) on the Tee Web of the Specimens and the Fem Models

500 500
M1_1 M2_1
M1_2 M2_2
M1_3 Ts M2_3 Ts
400 FM 400 FM
M1_5 M2_4
L oad [kN ]

L oad [kN ]

300 300
M1_6 M2_5
M1_9 M2_8 M2_7
M1_7 M1_10
M1_11 M2_9
200 M1_8 200
M1_12 M2_10
M1_13 M2_11
100 100

0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16

Displacement [mm] Displacement [mm]

a) b)

Ts = Initiation of crack on the tube towards the tee web

FM = Intermediate initiation of crack between the tee web and the cap plate
FL = Initiation of Crack on the lateral edge of the tee web


Figure 12. Load Displacement Curves and Type of Crack Initiation for the Models of Parametric
Analysis with a) One Tee Web and b) Two Tee Webs; c) Point of Rupture Initiation
Tensile Behavior of Welded Tee End Connection for Circular Hollow Members 1044

800 800
Eq. (2) Eq. (2)

Eq. (3) t1/d1=1/25 700
Eq. (3) t1/d1=1/25
Eq. (2) Eq. (2)
600 600
Eq. (3) t1/d1=1/50 ]
Eq. (3) t1/d1=1/50
[ 500
[ 500

d d
a a
o 400 o 400
300 300

200 200

100 100

0 0
0.050 0.075 0.100 0.125 0.150 0.175 0.200 0.225 0.050 0.075 0.100 0.125 0.150 0.175 0.200

a) b)
Eq. (8)

Eq. (9) t1/d1=1/25

600 Eq. (8)

Eq. (9) t1/d1=1/50
[ 500

o 400



0.050 0.075 0.100 0.125 0.150 0.175 0.200

Figure 13. Loads of Non-linearity Behavior for Joints for Models with
a) One Tee Web (α = 68°), b) Two Tee Webs (α = 68°) and c) Two Tee Webs (α = 60°)


Starting from the good agreement between the test results and the numerical evaluation of the
bearing capacity a parametric analysis is performed. By means of the numerical models
previously introduced, it is possible to analyze the influence of some parameters such as the ratios
t1/d1 and tp/d1 on the mechanical response of the joints with one or two tee webs. These ratios
were also considered in the analysis made by Kitipornchai and Traves [6] and by Stevens and
Kitipornchai [7] for one tee web joints.

If the tube diameter is fixed at d1 = 100 mm, the ratios t1/d1 and tp/d1 for the joint with one tee web
(named M1) have been varied as listed in Table 3. In the same manner, for joints with two tee
webs (named M2) the parameters have been modified according to Table 4. In total, 15 models
with one tee web (named from M11 to M115) and 11 models with two tee webs (named from M21
to M211) have been analyzed. For all the elements the thicknesses of the tee webs are designed in
order to have a cross sectional area higher than the cross-sectional area of the tube of about 15%.
An area increase like that is generally used in bolted lap joints to compensate the reduction
produced by the holes.

The ratios t1/d1 = 1/25 and t1/d1 = 1/50 corresponds to tubular elements with a medium and thin
thickness, respectively. The numerical results in term of load displacement curves are reported in
Figure 12a (models M1) and in Figure 12b (models M2). They are obtained by assuming the
constitutive relationship of materials of Figure 4. In the same Figures, different points of failure are
also reported. They are named Ts, FM, and FL, if the ultimate strain is reached respectively in the
tube, in the internal part of the tee web, or on the edge of the tee web (see Figure 12c).
1045 V ittorio Nascè and Francesco Tondolo

Table 3. Thicknesses for One Tee Web Joints with d1 Equal to 100 mm
Joint tp/d1 Joint tp/d1
M1_1 1/5 M1_9 1/5
M1_2 18.5/100 M1_10 18.5/100
M1_3 17.1/100 M1_11 14.8/100
M1_4 14.8/100 M1_12 1/8
M1_5 1/8 M1_13 1/10
M1_6 1/10 M1_14 1/12
M1_7 1/12 M1_15 1/14
M1_8 1/14
t1/d1=1/25 tw=14.7mm t1/d1=1/50 tw=7.4mm

Table 4. Thicknesses for two tee web joints with d1 equal to 100 mm
Joint tp/d1 Joint tp/d1
M2_1 1/6 M2_7 1/7
M2_2 1/7 M2_8 1/8
M2_3 1/8 M2_9 1/10
M2_4 1/10 M2_10 1/12
M2_5 1/12 M2_11 1/14
M2_6 1/14
t1/d1=1/25 tw=7.7mm t1/d1=1/50 tw=3.8mm

Increasing the thickness of the cap plate, both the ultimate and yielding loads increase. The
presence of two tee webs determines a more uniform stress pattern in the tubes and consequently an
increase of their efficiency. For models with two tee webs, the failure is always located on the tee
web (close to the cap plate), whereas for joints with one tee web it generally affects the tube, even
if in the models M11, M12, M17, and M18 the concentration of plastic strains regards the tee web.

The yielding loads evaluated with the FEM analysis and those obtained with Eqs. 2 and 3 are
compared in Figure 13 for models with one tee web (Figure 13a) and two tee webs (Figure 13b).
All the curves are grouped according to the different thicknesses (t1/d1 = 1/25÷1/50).

It is not possible to compare directly the results obtained with model of M1 series with model of
M21 series because they have the same ratios t1/d1 and tp/d1, but they have different thicknesses tw
for the tee webs.

For joints with one tee web, the yielding loads computed with numerical models and design
approaches [2] increase with the thickness of the cap plate. Both for thick (t1/d1 = 1/25) and thin
tubes (t1/d1 = 1/50), the Eq. 2 provides a design load lower than Eq. 3, and therefore (Eq. 2) rules
the load design capacity of the joint (Figure 13a). The ratio between the yielding load value
obtained from FEM analysis and that from Eq. 2 is approximately constant for each type of tube.
More precisely, for thin tubes, this ratio is almost equal to 1.4, whereas for thicker tubes it reduces
to 1.1. For the specimen M19x6, the Design Code with Eq. 2 supplies a design load for the tube
equal to 87.8 kN, whereas the Eq. 3 provides a design load for the tee web equal to 105.0 kN; in
this case, in the test the failure is located on the tee web. The ratio between the yielding load
measured experimentally and that obtained with the Eq. 2 is equal to 1.7.
Tensile Behavior of Welded Tee End Connection for Circular Hollow Members 1046

Although they were developed for one tee web joints, Eqs. 2 and 3 are here used also in the case of
joints made with two cross tee webs. Precisely, they give substantially the same ultimate loads
(see Figure 13b). For thin tubes, the ratio between the yielding load of FEM simulations and
those obtained from the Eqs. 2 and 3 is constantly equal to 1.1, and reduces to 0.8 for tubes having
t1/d1 =1/25. Considering the aforementioned ratios, the design approach can underestimate the
yielding load for tube with medium thickness (t1/d1 = 1/25). For the joint M29x6, the design load
obtained with the application of Eq. 2 and Eq. 3 are respectively 175.6 kN and 210.0 kN (i.e. twice
the values obtained for joints with one tee web). On the contrary the yielding load measured
experimentally is only 1.2 times higher than that observed for specimen M19x6 .

According to the above observations, the design formulae, if applied to one and two tee webs joints,
do not provide the same ratio between the measured and predicted values of design load (Eqs. 2 and
3). In order to ensure similar ratios, for joints with two cross tee webs, a load diffusion angle of
60° (instead of 68°) has to be adopted in the Eq. 2 and Eq. 3. In this way, the design load for the
specimen M29x6 is reduced to 129 kN and the ratio between the experimentally observed
yielding load and that predicted is similar to the ratio of M19x6 (value equal to 1.6). Similarly, the
ratio between the yielding loads obtained for the fem simulations and the analytical value
calculated by means of a diffusion angle α=60°, in joints with two tee web, result to be almost the
same of those obtained for the elements with one tee web and angle α=68°. This can be clearly
seen from Figure 13c in which the new diffusion angle for two tee web joints is used. In other
words, the following equations, which can be considered as an extension of Eqs. 2 and 3 for the
two tee web joints, give the design loads:

N1  4  fy1  t1   t w  3.5  t p  (8)

Ni  4  fyw  t w   t1  1.75  t p  (9)


Some aspects regarding the structural behavior of joints for welded-tee end connections, made with
one or two cross tee webs and subjected to tensile load are investigated in the present paper.
According to this study, also supported by both the numerical and experimental results, the
following conclusion can be drawn:

• The current codes do not supply effective design rules for CHS welded tee end connections,
having two cross tee webs. The structural behavior of such connections is remarkably
different from those made with one tee web.
• In the case of two cross tee webs joints, the deformation of the tube is constrained by two
orthogonal tee webs welded on the cap plate and then the stress diffusion mechanism is
different from joints with one tee web
• The analytical formulae reported in the literature, developed for joints with one tee web, seem
to overestimate the design load for tube and tee webs, if applied to two cross tee webs joints.

With the aim of a harmonization between the two different types of joints, in terms of ratios
between the design load evaluated by mean of the structural response evaluated during
experimental and numerical test, and the design formula, a reduction of the assumed spread angle
through the cap plate is introduced for two cross tee web joints design equations.
1047 V ittorio Nascè and Francesco Tondolo


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[7] Stevens, N.J. and Kitipornchai, S., “Limit Analysis of Welded-Tee End Connection For
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[8] “Specification for the Design, Fabrication and Erection of Structural Steel for Buildings”,
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[9] AS 1250 Steel Structures Code, Standard Association of Australia, Sydney, 1981.
[10] ADINA Finite Element System for Structures, Release 8.3, Watertown, USA, 2003.

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