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Gantala Drug Stusy-Tabhso

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GANTALA, FERDINAND JR, M West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City

Drug Classification and Indications and Contraindications Side Effects and Special Precautions Nursing Responsibilities
Name Mechanism of Adverse Effects
Classifications This medicine may cause Check doctor’s order very well.
Generic Benzodiazepines Midazolam is used before surgery or a Headache. drowsiness, trouble with
Name: procedure. It helps to cause drowsiness, Drowsiness. thinking, trouble with Observe 10 rights in administering
Actions: decrease anxiety, and to decrease your Nausea. controlling movements, or medications.
Midazolam acts on memory of the surgery or procedure. Vomiting. trouble with seeing clearly. Monitor vital signs
Trade/ glycine receptors This medication may also be used to Hiccups. Do not drive or do anything Monitor respiratory rate
Brand and produces a help with anesthesia or to sedate people Coughing. else that could be dangerous
Name: muscle-relaxing who need a tube or machine to help Pain, redness, or until you know how this Oxygen saturation continuously during
effect. Almost all with breathing. hardening of the skin medicine affects you. parenteral administration for
Nayzilam the pharmacologic at the injection site. underventilation
effects, including Contraindications
Dosage: sedation, anxiolysis, Apnea
anterograde Drug abuse.
1.5mg Record patient response to medication
amnesia, and Closed angle glaucoma.
Route: anticonvulsant and level of sedation.
effect, can are Chronic heart failure.
IVTT explainable through Observe site closely for extravasation.
its action on GABA Constriction of blood vessels of the
Frequency receptors extremities. Monitor for adverse reactions.
Timing Saunders, 2021 Obstructive pulmonary disease. Continuous cardiorespiratory
Q6H 12-6- Decreased lung function.
12-6 Assess level of consciousness for
Hardening of the liver.
Acute kidney failure.
GANTALA, FERDINAND JR, M West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City
Drug Name Classification and Indications and Side Effects and Special Nursing Responsibilities
Mechanism of Action Contraindications Adverse Effects Precautions

Generic Name: Classifications Indications: Gastrointestinal Dysphagia; Combination with antibiotics, proton pump
Omeprazole Gastrointestinal system: Omeprazole is effective upset. metabolic or inhibitors are used to eradicate H. pylori
proton pump inhibitors. in the treatment of - Headache. respiratory infection, one of the main causes of
Trade/ Brand Name: Zollinger-Ellison - Dizziness. alkalosis; lactation. recurring stomach ulcers.
Losec Actions: syndrome and acid Dry mouth.
The proton pump reduction during general - Insomnia. - The differences between proton pump
Dosage: inhibitors inhibit the anaesthesia. - Drowsiness, inhibitors in clinical efficacy and safety are
20mg production of gastric acid malaise. considered to be minimal.
by blocking the hydrogen- Contraindications - Blurred vision.
Route: potassium adenosine Long-term use for - Rashes, itching. - Patients who require long-term symptom
Oral triphosphate enzyme gastroesophageal reflux management should reduce their use of
system of the gastric disease (GERD), prescribed medication stepwise: using the
parietal cells duodenal ulcers; proton lowest effective dose, then as required before
Frequency and Timing pump inhibitors (PPIs), returning to self-treatment with antacid
OD References: hypersensitivity; children and/or alginate therapy
HS 8 Saunders, 2021 <2 y; use of OTC
formulation in children .
<18 y or GI bleeding;
pregnancy (category C);
use of Zegerid in
metabolic alkalosis,
hypocalcemia, vomiting,
GI bleeding.
GANTALA, FERDINAND JR, M West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City
Drug Name Classification and Indications and Side Effects and Special Precautions Nursing Responsibilities
Mechanism of Action Contraindications Adverse Effects
Generic Name: centrally acting alpha- Indications: Drowsiness, dizziness; You should know that
● Monitor blood pressure and pulse
Clonidine agonist hypotensive Treatment of attention deficit Feeling tired or irritable; clonidine may cause
agents hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in Dry mouth; dizziness, lightheadedness, rate frequently.
children Constipation, loss of and fainting when you get ● Monitor daily pattern of bowel
Trade/ Brand Actions: Management of tics commonly appetite; or. up too quickly from a lying
Name: Clonidine treats high found with Tourette syndrome. Sleep problems position. This is more
Catapres blood pressure by Adjunct therapy for severing (insomnia), nightmares. common when you first start ● Stool consistency
decreasing your heart cancer-related pain taking clonidine. To avoid
rate and relaxing the this problem, get out of bed ● Dosage is usually adjusted to the
Dosage: blood vessels so that Contraindications slowly, resting your feet on patient’s blood pressure and can
75mg/tab blood can flow more Clonidine is contraindicated in the floor for a few minutes cause hypotension, bradycardia, and
easily through the patients with a hypersensitivity to before standing up. sedation.
Route: body. clonidine. Generalized rash,
SL urticaria, and angioedema have Patient/Family Teaching
Reference: occurred with clonidine use.
● Sugarless gum, sips of water may
Frequency and Saunders, 2021 Administration of epidural
Timing clonidine above the C4 require dry mouth
dermatome is contraindicated ● Avoid tasks that require alertness,
because there are no adequate
safety data to support such use. motor skills until response to drugs
is established
● To reduce hypotension effect, rise
slowly from lying to standing
● Avoid alcohol

Drug Name Classification and Indications and Side Effects and Special Precautions Nursing Responsibilities
Mechanism of Action Contraindications Adverse Effects
GANTALA, FERDINAND JR, M West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City
Generic Classifications Indications: Rash, Call your doctor right away if Monitor signs of
Name: cephalosporin antibiotics Susceptible bacterial infections of Diarrhea, you have itching; hives; pseudomembranous colitis,
Ceftriaxone the lower respiratory tract, skin Nausea, hoarseness; shortness of including diarrhea, abdominal
Actions: and skin structure, bone and joint, Vomiting, breath; trouble breathing; pain, fever, pus or mucus in stools,
Trade/ Brand Cetriaxone, a parenteral acute otitis media, UTIs, Upset stomach, trouble swallowing; or any and other severe or prolonged GI
Name: cephalosporin antibiotic, septicemia, pelvic inflammatory Blood clots, swelling of your hands, face, problems (nausea, vomiting,
Rocephin exerts its bactericidal disease (PID), intraabdominal Dizziness, or mouth after you receive heartburn). Notify physician or
action through inhibition of infections, meningitis, Headache, this medicine. Ceftriaxone nursing staff immediately of these
Dosage: bacterial cell wall uncomplicated gonorrhea. Surgical may cause diarrhea, and in signs.
1gram synthesis. Chemical prophylaxis. some cases it can be severe.
structure modifications Observe site closely for
have enabled this Contraindications extravasation during
Route: compound to be resistant to diarrhea from an infection with administration. Observe for signs
IVTT the action of Richmond I, Clostridium difficile bacteria. of adverse effects, especially those
III, IV, and V beta- a type of blood disorder where the suggesting a superinfection.
Frequency lactamase enzymes. red blood cells burst called Observe for signs of renal, hepatic
and Timing hemolytic anemia. or haematological dysfunction
Q8h 8- 4- 12- Reference: liver problems. during prolonged therapy
8 Saunders, 2021 disease of the gallbladder.
severe renal impairment.
yellowing of the skin in a newborn

Drug Name Classification and Indications and Side Effects and Adverse Special Precautions Nursing Responsibilities
Mechanism of Action Contraindications Effects
GANTALA, FERDINAND JR, M West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City
1. Check the doctor’s order
Generic Name: Classifications: Indications: Cautious Use: 2. Observe the 10 rights in giving
Amlodipine Calcium Channel Blocker Used to treat high blood ● Liver disease medication
Actions: pressure and angina (chest ● swelling of the 3. Monitor BP for therapeutic
Trade/ Brand Amlodipine is a calcium pain). It works to control ● Concomitant effectiveness. BP reduction is
Name: channel blocking agent that blood pressure and reduces hands, feet, ankles, greatest after peak levels of
use with
Norvasc selectively blocks calcium the number of angina or lower legs amlodipine are achieved 6–9 h
ion reflux across cell attacks by widening and ● headache following oral doses.
Dosage: membranes of cardiac and relaxing blood vessels. ● CHF 4. Monitor for S&S of dose-related
5 mg 1 tab vascular smooth muscle ● upset stomach peripheral or facial edema that may
● Older adults
without changing serum Contraindications: ● nausea not be accompanied by weight gain;
Route: calcium concentrations. It Hypersensitivity to rarely, severe edema may cause
PO predominantly acts on the amlodipine, cardiogenic ● stomach pain discontinuation of drug.
peripheral circulation, shock, severe aortic 5. Monitor BP with postural
● dizziness or
Frequency & decreasing peripheral stenosis, unstable angina, changes. Report postural
Timing: vascular resistance, and severe hypotension, heart lightheadedness hypotension. Monitor more
OD increases cardiac output. failure, and hepatic ● drowsiness frequently when additional
8am impairment. antihypertensives or diuretics are
Reference: ● excessive tiredness added.
Saunders, 2021 ● flushing 6. Monitor heart rate; dose-related
palpitations may occur.
GANTALA, FERDINAND JR, M West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City

Drug Name Classification and Indication and Contraindications Side Effects and Adverse Special Nursing Responsibilities
Mechanism of Action Effects Precautions

Generic Name: Classification: Indication: headache, dizziness, Use cautiously in ● Monitor for adverse
Ketorolac Nonsteroidal Moderately severe acute pain drowsiness, diarrhea, patient with:
anti-inflammatory drug constipation, gas, sores in - mild to moderate reactions, especially
Trade/Brand (NSAID) Contraindication: throat, mouth, sweating. renal impairment, prolonged bleeding time
Name: cardiovascular and CNS reactions.
● Hypersensitivity To Drug, its
Acular, Acular Actions: CNS: drowsiness, headache, disease ● Check I.M. injection site for
LS, Apo- Interferes with components, aspirin, or other dizziness
NSAIDs hematoma and bleeding.
Ketorolac prostaglandin biosynthe-
sis by inhibiting ● Concurrent Use of Aspirin, other CV: hypertension ● Monitor Fluid Intake and
Dosage: cyclooxygenase path- NSAIDs, or probenecid Output.
30mg way of arachidonic acid EENT: tinnitus ● Inform Patient That Drug
metabolism; also acts as ● Peptic Ulcer Disease
Mean only for short-term
Route: potent inhibitor of ● GI bleeding or perforation GI: nausea, vomiting,
pain management.
IVTT platelet aggregation. diarrhea, constipation,
● Advanced Renal Impairment, risk flatulence, dyspepsia, ● Advise patients to minimize
Frequency and Reference: of renal failure epigastric pain, stomatitis GI upset by eating small,
Timing: Saunders, 2021 Hematologic: frequent servings of healthy
● Increased Risk Of Bleeding,
Q8H thrombocytopenia foods.
8-4-12 times 3 suspected or confirmed Skin: rash, pruritus,
doses cerebrovascular bleeding, diaphoresis
hemorrhagic diathesis, incomplete Other: excessive thirst,
hemostasis edema, injec- tion site pain
● Prophylactic use before major
surgery, intraoperative use when
hemostasis is critical
GANTALA, FERDINAND JR, M West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City

Drug Name Classificatio Indication and Side Effects and Adverse Effects Special Precautions Nursing Responsibilities
n and Contraindications
of Action

Generic Classificatio Indication: CNS: Drowsiness, dizziness, Use cautiously in patients ● Assess Patient's Response to Drug 30
Name: n: Moderate to moderately vertigo, fatigue, headache, with:
Tramadol Opioid severe pain in patients somnolence, restlessness, euphoria, minutes after administration.
● Debilitated patients;
agonist who require around- the- confusion, anxiety, coordination ● Monitor Respiratory Status. Withhold
Trade/Brand clock treatment of pain for disturbance, sleep disturbances, ● chronic respiratory drug and contact prescriber if
Name: Actions: an extended period seizures. disorders; respiratory respirations become shallow or slower
Ultram, Ultram Inhibits CV: Palpitations, vasodilation. depression; than 12 breaths/minute.
ER, Conzip reuptake of Contraindication: GI: Nausea, constipation,
serotonin Hypersensitivity to vomiting, xerostomia, dyspepsia, ● older adults; ● Monitor patients for signs and symptoms
Dosage: and nor- tramadol or other opioid diarrhea, abdominal pain, anorexia, ● liver disease; of potentially life-threatening serotonin
50 mg epinephrine analgesics; patients on flatulence. syndrome, which may range from
in CNS MAO inhibitors; patients Body as a Whole: Sweating, ● renal impairment; shivering and diarrhea to muscle rigidity,
Route: acutely intoxicated with anaphylactic reaction, withdrawal fever, mental-status changes, and
● myxedema, seizures.
IVTT Reference: alcohol, hypnotics, syndrome (anxiety, sweating,
Saunders, centrally acting analgesics, nausea, tremors, diarrhea, ● hypothyroidism, or ● Inform patients (and significant others as
2021 opioids, or psychotropic piloerection, panic attacks, hypoadrenalism; appropriate) that drugs may cause
Frequency drugs; substance abuse; paresthesia, hallucinations) with
● GI disease; acute respiratory depression if used with
and Timing: patients on obstetric abrupt discontinuation.
alcohol. Recommend abstinence.
q6h preoperative medication; Skin: Rash. abdominal conditions;
12- 6 – 12 – 6 abrupt discontinuation; Special Senses: Visual ● Instruct patient to immediately report
● increased ICP or head
and alcohol intoxication. disturbances. seizure, suicidal behavior, or suicidal
Urogenital: Urinary injury,
retention/frequency, menopausal ● history of seizures.
● Tell patient to immediately report sign
and symptoms of allergic reaction (such
as itching, hives, difficulty breathing, or
swelling of face, tongue, or throat).
GANTALA, FERDINAND JR, M West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City

Drug Name Classification and Indications and Contraindications Side Effects and Special Precautions Nursing Responsibilities
Mechanism of Action Adverse Effects
Generic Indications:
● Assess for therapeutic
Name: Side Effects: The concurrent use of
Celecoxib Classifications Celecoxib is used to relieve pain, aspirin and an NSAID, response
Non-steroidal anti- tenderness, swelling and stiffness Hypertension
such as celecoxib, ● Pain relief
inflammatory drug caused by osteoarthritis (arthritis increases the risk of
Serious Skin Reactions
(NSAIDS) caused by a breakdown of the lining of serious gastrointestinal ● Decreased joint mobility
the joints), rheumatoid arthritis Anaphylactic Reactions (GI) events.
Trade/ Brand Actions: (arthritis caused by swelling of the ● Reduced joint tenderness
Name: Action of celecoxib is due lining of the joints), and ankylosing
Celebrex to selective inhibition of ● Improves grip strength
spondylitis (arthritis that mainly Adverse Effects:
cyclooxygenase-2 (COX- affects the spine). ● Observe for bleeding, bruising,
2), which is responsible for Cardiovascular
Dosage: prostaglandin synthesis, an Contraindications weight gain.
Thrombotic Events
200mg/cap integral part of the pain and
inflammation pathway. Known hypersensitivity (e.g., GI Bleeding, Ulceration
This pharmacologic anaphylactic reactions and serious skin and Perforation
activity gives celecoxib its reactions) to celecoxib, any
Route: analgesic, anti- components of the drug product. Renal Toxicity and
Oral inflammatory, and Hyperkalemia
antipyretic effects. History of asthma, urticaria, or other
Frequency allergic-type reactions after taking
and Timing Reference: aspirin or other NSAIDs. Severe,
Saunders, 2021 sometimes fatal, anaphylactic reactions
BID 8-6 to NSAIDs, have been reported in such

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