Received: February 20, 2023 Abstract: This study aims to develop STEM student worksheets. The research
Revised: August 15, 2023 method used is research and development (R&D) using the ADDIE model
Accepted: Octoober 25, 2023 stages. Determination of the research sample using random sampling method
Published: October 31, 2023 with research subjects are students of class XI IPA 1 SMA Inshafuddin Banda
Aceh. The results showed that students' science process skills increased
Corresponding Author: significantly and were significantly different from the pretest based on the T-
Ridha Maulana test. Students' science process skills increased in each indicator with an average N-gain score of 37 belonging to the medium category. Students' motivation to
learn science is high with an average score of 87.38% belonging to the very good
DOI: 10.29303/jppipa.v9i10.3254 category.
Learning with the STEM approach can solve student percentage formula based on the Yusrizal equation
problems by combining science, technology, (2016).
engineering, and mathematics (Astuti et al., 2021). To
support the learning process, teaching materials are Score Obtained (1)
P= × 100%
needed, one of which is student worksheets. One of the Max Score
potential educational resources that can be created is a
student workbook. This workbook includes pages The SPS test was analyzed using the t-test to see
designed to enhance cognitive skills and encompass significant differences before and after learning using
various learning components. The student workbook the STEM student worksheet. The n-gain test was also
serves as a document providing students with conducted to see the differences in student SPS before
information or directions for engaging in learning and after treatment on each SPS indicator. The N-gain
activities, which involve practicing or applying acquired test and t-test were carried out using the Statistical
knowledge toward specific objectives. (Kuswidyanarko, Package for the Social Science (SPSS) application.
Rohana & Jannah, 2021).
Student worksheets can be combined with a Results and Discussion
learning approach. One of them can be combined with
the STEM approach. The STEM approach complies with Development of STEM student worksheets
the 2013 curriculum requirements (Ramli et al., 2020). STEM student worksheets were developed using
The STEM approach can create fun learning for students the ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development,
because, with the STEM approach, students can Implementation, and Evaluation) model stages. The
understand concepts and relate them to everyday life. ADDIE stages carried out in this study are as follows:
(Herak, 2019). STEM student worksheets can be used as
an alternative to training students' scientific literacy. Analysis
STEM student worksheets can affect learning outcomes The stages of analysis were carried out using a needs
(Sulistiyowati et al., 2018). Even though STEM student analysis questionnaire and teacher interviews. The
worksheets can improve learning outcomes, there has results are that teachers rarely use worksheets in
not been found a STEM student worksheet whose learning, STEM worksheets are never used, and teachers
learning produces floor cleaning formula products as rarely do practicums because of a lack of supporting
one of the innovative learning so that can increase facilities. The teacher also said that he needed STEM
students' motivation to learn science. student worksheets. Therefore, this study developed
worksheets for STEM students to overcome teachers'
problems hampered by the lack of material preparation
for practicums.
This research uses the Research and Development
(R&D) method, a type of research intended to develop,
deepen, or expand existing (educational) knowledge
Table 1. STEM concepts in student worksheets
(Arifin, 2011). The development carried out in this study
STEM Aspect STEM Concepts
is the STEM student worksheet with the STEM project to
Chemistry related to the concept of
produce floor cleaning formulas. Science
The development stages in this research use the Technology Make a floor-cleaning formula
ADDIE model (Analysis, Design, Development, Design procedures for making floor
Implementation, and Evaluation). This study used a pre- Engineering cleaning formulas and ways to prove the
experimental method. The research design used was the formula's success
One Group Pretest-Posttest Design, which was to Calculate the amount of material used to
compare the results before and after the treatment Mathematics make floor cleaners, calculate costs, and
calculate the selling price.
(Sugiyono, 2012). The research instruments were needs
analysis sheets, student worksheet assessment sheets,
SPS test questions, and a science learning motivation This stage designs STEM student worksheets and
questionnaire. project ideas appropriate to STEM aspects. The products
The subjects in this study were students of class XI produced from STEM learning in this student worksheet
IPA 1 at Inshafuddin Private High School Banda Aceh. are floor-cleaning kits. The STEM concept in student
Investigation of research subjects using a random worksheets is shown in Table 1. floor-cleaning kits
sampling technique, namely by providing equal designed in STEM student worksheet consist of four
opportunities to each student to become a subject in this different formulas. It is designed so that students are
study. Student worksheet feasibility data and students' more active in learning.
motivation to learn science were analyzed using a
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA (JPPIPA) October 2023, Volume 9 Issue 10, 7810-7815
The development stage begins with the validation
of student worksheets by expert validators. The
validator conducts an assessment of the STEM student
worksheets that have been prepared based on several
evaluation aspects including material factors, learning
components, presentation, language, physical
appearance, illustrations/drawings, and the
completeness of the details mentioned in the validation (a) (b)
sheet brought by 2 validator experts. The validation Figure 2. Comparison of ceramic samples: (a) dirty ceramics
results of STEM student worksheets obtained an average that are difficult to clean, (b) ceramics that have been cleaned
value of 83.75% with a very decent category according to with a floor-cleaning formula
Arikunto's eligibility score description (2013). Therefore,
the developed STEM student worksheets can be used Evaluation
with revisions according to the expert validator's Evaluation of the development of STEM student
suggestions. worksheets is carried out after the learning process uses
the developed STEM student worksheets. Evaluation by
120 analyzing the SPS test and questionnaire analysis of
Validation Avarage Score
The floor cleaning formula made by the students The average SPS score increased from 43 to 64.33.
proved its success on hard-to-clean ceramics as shown in Based on the n-gain test, a value of 37 is obtained which
Figure 2.
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA (JPPIPA) October 2023, Volume 9 Issue 10, 7810-7815
is in the moderate category. The acquisition of SPS which found that overall learning using STEM student
student scores increased in each indicator. The findings worksheets was very good and the SPS increased in each
of this study are supported by Mahjatia's research (2020), meeting.
80 72.5
70 63.33 64.33
SPS Average Score (%)
60 55
47.5 50
50 43 41.67 43
37 38.75 37 39 37
40 33
30 25
SPS Indicator
Pretest Posttest N-Gain
Figure 3. Percentage of Science Process Skills Tests (%); (A) Formulating Hypotheses, (B) Planning Experiments, (C) Conceptual
Concepts, (D) Making Observations, (E) Interpreting Data, (F) Averages.
The acquisition of the SPS score in this study shows Table 5. Assessment of Students' Science Learning
that the indicator for formulating a hypothesis has the Motivation
highest increase compared to other indicators, with a Motivation Indicator Total Value Percentage
value of 47.5 increasing to 70 with an N-gain value of 43 There is a will and desire to
1335 89
which is included in the medium category. This shows succeed
the beneficial impact of learning with STEM student There is a drive and a need
425 85
worksheet on students' ability to develop hypotheses. to learn
STEM student worksheet allows students to conduct There are hopes and
173 86,5
experiments, this can help students improve their ability aspirations for the futures
There are exciting activities
to develop hypotheses (Salsiah, 2015). 354 88.5
for learning
There is a conducive
Science Learning Motivation 247 82.33
learning environment
The motivation to learn science was measured in Average 87.38
this study consists of five indicators between the desire
and desire to succeed, the urge and need to study, the Motivation plays a crucial role in driving students
hopes and aspirations for the future, the existence of to actively engage in STEM subjects and pursue careers
exciting activities in learning, and the existence of a in STEM fields (Bayanova et al., 2022). The
conducive environment. implementation of STEM student worksheets in
Overall, students' motivation to learn science after chemistry learning has a positive effect on students'
learning with STEM student worksheets is very good motivation to learn science. STEM student worksheets
with an average proportion of 87.38 in the very good with learning activities to produce floor cleaning tools
category according to Purwanto's assessment are a variation of the learning method. Variations in
description (2013). The existence of a desire to learn and learning methods are one of the causes of increased
a desire to succeed is an indicator of motivation to learn student motivation (Aziz & Shaleh, 2019). Learning
science which obtains the highest average percentage motivation is an influential factor that can change
compared to other indicators. The indicator with the students' thinking because learning motivation is crucial
lowest percentage is a conducive learning environment. in learning activities (Arslan, 2017). The findings of
Based on statements from the chemistry teacher at Sugiyanto et al. (2020), study indicate that learning
Inshafuddin High School in Banda Aceh through motivation has a significant impact on the results of
interviews, school facilities related to chemistry learning learning.
are inadequate, especially in practicum activities.
Practicum activities are rarely carried out in schools Conclusion
because of the lack of preparation of the materials
needed. STEM student worksheets developed to improve
science process skills and students' motivation to learn
science through making floor cleaning kits can be
classified as very feasible with an average score of 83.75.
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA (JPPIPA) October 2023, Volume 9 Issue 10, 7810-7815
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School Inshafuddin Banda Aceh for hosting this research.
atas. Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan IPA, 4(2), 245-252.
Author Contribution
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writing supervisor, and Ibnu Khaldun contributed as a learning models implementations to increase the
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