CTT Reviewer
CTT Reviewer
CTT Reviewer
Those citizen of the Philippines at the time of the adoption of the Income from services as a result of employer-employee
Constitution. relationship.
Those parents are citizens of the Philippines. If taxable, subject to graduated income tax.
Those born before January 17, 1973.
Those naturalized in accordance with the law.
2. Self-Employment / Professional Income
Alien actually present in PH who is not mere a transient or
Has definite purpose that requires and extended stay.
Has no definite intention as to his stay.
CGT from Sale of Shares of Stock NOT traded in the stock exchange 15%
Individual taxpayer is
self-employed. Gross
sales- 2.0M; Gross
Receipts- 400,000; Cost
of 5. Marites is a professional who is engaged in the practice of her
profession. Her total gross receipts amounted to P4,250,000 for
Sales/Services- 1,300,000 taxable year 2022. Her record cost of service and operating
expenses were P2,150,000 and P1,000,000, respectively.
2. Individual taxpayer is self-employed. Gross sales- 2.0M; Gross a) How much is the income tax due on Marites?
Receipts- 400,000; Cost of Sales/Services- 1,300,000 b) What business Tax is due? Subject to Value-added tax because
it exceeds the 3M threshold
Noted that graduated income tax table on 2023 will be different from the 7. In 2021, Dean Medel, professor of accounting in one university,
current tax table. earned an annual compensation of P900,000, inclusive of 13th
month pay and other benefits in the amount of 120,000 but net of
mandatory contributions to SSS, PhilHealth and Pag-Ibig of P8,000.
Aside from employment income, he practices his profession as a
CPA, with gross receipts of P2,200,000. His cost of services and
other operating expenses amounted to 600,000 and 250,000,
respectively, and with non-operating income of 100,000. Compute
for the income tax due if he opted to be taxed at 8%.
1. One Person Corporation (OPC)
1. GPP
2. A joint venture or consortium formed for the purposed of
a. Construction projects; or
b. Engaging in petroleum, coal, geothermal and other energy
operations pursuant to an operating or consortium
agreement under service contract with the government.
1. Beginning on the 4th taxable year immediately following the taxable
year in which such corporations commenced its business operations
Business commenced operations/registered with BIR in 2021
2022 1st
2023 2nd
2024 3rd
2025 4th- start MCIT
Section 27(E)(1) and Section 28(2) [for DCS and RFCS, respectively), as
amended, under CREATE Law, provide:
PCSO is taxable beginning Jan. 01, 2018 (TRAIN Law)
HDMF or Pag-ibig is exempt only upon the effectivity of CREATE
Law (April 11, 2021)
All other benefits given by employers which are not included in the
above enumeration shall not be considered as "de minimis benefits”, and
hence, shall be subject to income tax as well as withholding tax on
De minimis benefits in general are limited to facilities or privileges Employer gives benefit beyond the ceiling- The amount of de minim
furnish or offered by an employer to his employees that are of relatively benefits conforming to the ceilings herein prescribed shall not be
small val and are offered or furnished by the employer merely as a means of considered in determining the P90,000 of other benefits. However, if the
promoting the health, goodwill, contentment, or efficiency of his employer pays more than the ceiling, the excess shall be taxable to the
employees, such as the following: employee if such excess is beyond P90,000.
1. Monetized unused vacation leave credits of private employees not
exceeding 10 days during the year,
2. Monetized value of leave credits paid to government officials and
3. Medical cash allowance to dependents of employees not exceeding
P1,500 per semester or P250 per month;
4. Rice subsidy of P2,000 or one sack of 50 kg. rice per month
amounting to not more than P2,000,
5. Uniforms and clothing allowance not exceeding P6,000 per annum;
6. Actual yearly medical benefits not exceeding P10,000 per annum;
7. Laundry allowance of P300 per month;
8. Employees achievement awards, e.g. for length of service or safety
achievements which must be in the form of a tangible property
other than cash or gift certificate with an annual monetary value not
exceeding P10,000 received by an employee under an established INCOME TAX: DEALINGS IN PROPERTIES
written plan which does not discriminate in favor of highly paid
employees; Capital Assets- properties not used in business operation
9. Gifts given during Christmas and major anniversary celebrations not
exceeding P5,000 per employee per annum, OA 1. Office equipment
10. Flowers, fruits, books or similar items given to employees under CA 2. House appliance
special circumstances, e.g. on account of illness, marriage, birth of a CA 3. Air conditioner in a bedroom of a house
baby, etc.; OA 4. Aircon in motel
11. Daily meal allowance for overtime work not exceeding 25% of the CA 5. Accounts receivable
basic minimum wage.
Selling Price xx
Cost (xx)
Net Capital Gain xx
Rate 15%
CGT xx
O 9. Real properties forming part of the inventory of a real estate
dealer which are foreclosed.
PRINCIPAL RESIDENCE - dwelling house, including the land on which it
Sale, exchange or other disposition of real property located in t Philippines, situated, where the husband and wife, or an unmarried individual, whether
including pacto de retro sales and other forms or conditional sales or not qualified as head of family, and members of his family reside.
IDENTIFY whether capital asset or ordinary asset. Sale of principal residence is exempt from capital gain tax if the proceeds of
sale shall be utilized in acquiring a new residence within 18 calendar months
O 1. A property purchased for future use in the business, this purpose from the date of sale. However, although tax exempt, the 6% shall be
is later thwarted by circumstances beyond the taxpayer's control. deposited in interest bearing account under an Escrow Agreement.
O 2. A building used in business and becomes fully depreciated.
C 3. A townhouse owned by an individual engaged in business. ESCROW- a third party temporarily holds money or property until a
O 4. Real property primarily for sale owned by a taxpayer who condition has been met
changed its real estate business to a non-real estate business.
O 5. Real properties owned by taxpayers originally registered to be Indicate whether subject to CGT or not:
engaged in real estate business but failed to subsequently operate.
C 6. Real properties formerly being used in the business of a taxpayer
not engaged in real estate business but subsequently abandoned
and became idle.
C 7. Real property transferred through succession or donation to the
heir or donee who does not subsequently use it in trade or business.
C 8. Real property received as dividend from a real estate corporation
by stockholders who are not engaged in real estate business and
who do not subsequently use such real property in trade or
Withholding agent/buyer shall remit the amount withheld (use BIR Form
No. 1606) on or before the 10th day following the end of the month in
which the transaction occurred.
1. Expenses in General
2. Interest expense
3. Taxes expense
4. Losses
5. Bad debts
6. Depreciation The following are deductible:
7. Depletion
8. Research & development a. A reasonable allowance for salaries, wages and other forms of
9. Contribution to pension trust compensation for personal services actually rendered, including the
10. Charitable and other contributions grossed-up monetary value of fringe benefit furnished or granted by
the employer to the employees: Provided, that the fringe benefit
OPTIONAL STANDARD DEDUCTION- can be claimed at the option of the tax imposed has been paid;
taxpayer b. A reasonable allowance for travel expense, here and abroad, while
away from home;
1. Corporation- 40% of gross income 1. Not taxable income on employee if he did not personally benefit
from it
2. Deductible expense on the part of the employer if the requisites
for deductibility are complied with
c. A reasonable allowance for rentals and/or other payments which
2. Individual- 40% of gross sales/receipts no more deduction of are required as a condition for the continued use or possession, for
COGS/services purpose of the trade, business or profession, of property to which
a. Taxpayer shall be considered as having availed itself of the the taxpayer has not taken or is not taking title or in which he has
itemized deduction unless it signified in his return the intention no equity other than that of a lessee, user or possessor;
to elect OSD d. A reasonable allowance for entertainment, amusement and
b. Such election when made in the return shall be irrevocable for recreation expenses during the taxable year, that are directly
the taxable year for which the return is made. connected to or in furtherance of the development, management
c. An individual who is entitled to and claimed for the OSD shall and operation of the trade, business or profession of the taxpayer,
not be required to submit with his tax return such financial not to exceed the ceiling of ½% of net sales or 1% revenue.
d. The General Professional Partnership and the partners
comprising such partnership may avail of optional standard
deduction only once, either by the general professional
partnership or the partners comprising the partnership.
Requisites for Deductibility
a. Ordinary and necessary (ordinary- common or usual, 2. INTEREST EXPENSE
necessary- helpful or appropriate) Requisites for Deductibility
b. Paid or incurred during the taxable hear a. There must be an indebtedness
c. Supported by proof (Substantiation Rule) b. The indebtedness must be that of the taxpayer
d. Connected with trade, profession or business (except c. Indebtedness is connected with the taxpayer’s trade,
charitable contribution) business or profession
e. Not against law or public policy d. There is legal liability to pay interest
e. Interest must be paid or incurred during the taxable year, Taxed as deduction means “tax proper” only. It does not include
f. Debtor and Creditor are not related taxpayers (not surcharges, penalties, or fines incident to delinquency.
members of a family)
Non-deductible taxes
a) PH income tax
b) Foreign income tax if claimed as tax credit
c) Estate and donor’s taxes
d) Special assessments
e) VAT
Requisites for Deductibility
a) Interest must be paid or incurred during the taxable year
b) Must be paid or incurred in connection with taxpayer’s
trade, profession or business
If an old building is demolished to construct a new one, the book value of
the building demolished plus demolition costs are deductible as losses.
Requisites for Deductibility
a. Must be actually sustained during the taxable year
b. Must not be compensated by insurance or other forms of The excess of allowable deduction over gross income of the
indemnity business on the taxable year (net operating loss) can be carried over as
c. Must be incurred in trade, profession or business deduction from gross income of the 3 succeeding years.
d. Must arise from fire, storms, shipwreck, or other casualties,
or from robbery, theft or embezzlement Operating losses incurred in 2020 & 2021 shall be allowed as carry-
e. It must not have been claimed as a deduction for estate tax over and deducted from gross income in the next 5 consecutive taxable
purposes in the estate tax return. years.
f. In case of casualty loss, it must be filed within 45 days after
the occurrence of such event
If a taxpayer purchased the land and building without intending to use the
building, the value of old building razed plus other costs are added to the
cost of the land.
Requisites for Deductibility
a. There must be a valid and subsisting debt 7. DEPLETION
b. Must be ascertained to be worthless and uncollectible The general conditions and rules on its deductibility are the
during the taxable year following:
c. It must be charged off during the taxable year 1. The method allowed under the rules and regulations prescribed
d. The debt must be connected with the trade, profession or by the Secretary of Finance is cost depletion method;
business of the taxpayer 2. This method can be availed of by oil and gas wells and mines;
e. It must not be sustained in a transaction entered into 3. The basis of cost depletion is the capital invested in the mine
between members of the same family or related taxpayers which is the accumulated exploration and development
Recovery of bad debts previously allowed as deduction in the preceding 4. When the allowance shall equal the capital invested, no further
years shall be included as part of the gross income in the year of recovery to allowance shall be granted.
the extent of the income tax benefit of said deduction. 5. In the case of resident foreign corporations, allowance for
depletion shall be authorized only in respect to oil and gas wells
and mines located in the Philippines.
Requisites for deductibility are the following:
1. The employer must have established a pension or retirement
2. The pension plan must be reasonable.
3. It must be funded by the employer.
4. The amount contributed by the employer must no longer be
subject to his control.
First Question: Is the decedent married? If yes, what is their property
The requisites for deductibility:
1. The contribution or gift must be actually paid;
2. It must be given to the organization specified by law;
If decedent died married
3. It must be within the taxable year;
4. The net income of the institution must not inure to the benefit
of private individual or stockholder. Any
5. The taxpayer claiming the deduction must be engaged in trade,
profession or business
Use the highest and lowest price of the day when the decedent died,
if no record on the exact date of death, use the nearest date
b. If the premiums were paid out of common property of c. Other regimes
spouses, the proceeds shall be classified as common
c. if paid partly exclusive and partly common, proceeds shall PROPERTY REGIME OF UNIONS WITHOUT MARRIAGE
be in like proportion exclusive in part and common property
in part Wages and Salaries- owned by them in equal shares and properties
acquired by the both of them through their work or industry shall
be governed by the rules on co-ownership
In the absence of proof to the contrary common share;
If the other partner did not participate in the acquisition of
property, he/she shall be presumed to have jointly
Insurance: 2 conditions must be complied for the exception contributed if the former's efforts consisted in the care and
1. beneficiary is irrevocable maintenance of the family and household
2. beneficiary appointed must not be the estate, executor, or
What if the decedent is separated but there is no legal separation
1. Those acquired by onerous title during the marriage at the
(separated in fact but not in law)? Still with property relations
expense of the common fund, whether the acquisition be for the
RULES ON PROPERTY OWNERSHIP partnership, or for only one of the spouses (e.g., acquired through
1. Unmarried No property relations purchase)
2. With live-in partner or void 2. Those obtained from the labor, industry, work or profession of
Marriage (e.g., same sex marriage) Co-ownership either or both the spouses (income earned during the marriage
3. Validly married a. Absolute Community of conjugal)
Property 3. The fruits, natural, industrial or civil, due or received during the
b. Conjugal Partnership of marriage from the common property, as well as the net fruits from
Gains (CPG) the exclusive property of each spouse
4. The share of either spouses in the hidden treasure which the law
awards to the finder or owner of the property where the treasure is
5. Those acquired through occupation such as fishing or hunting
6. Livestock existing upon the dissolution of the partnership in excess
of the number of each kind brought to the marriage by either
1. If there was no pre-nuptial agreement, what regime governed the
properties of H and W? Conjugal Partnership of Gains
2. How much is the gross estate on the estate of H?
C. The transmission from the first heir, legatee or donee in favor of
another beneficiary, in accordance with the desire of the
COMPUTE gross estate if decedent was a:
1. Resident or citizen: 16,650,000
2. Nonresident alien: 11,600,000
3. Nonresident alien with reciprocity: 7,200,000