Ring Valve
Ring Valve
Ring Valve
Purdue e-Pubs
International Compressor Engineering Conference School of Mechanical Engineering
Jianmei Feng
Xi'an Jiaotong University
Yuefei Wang
Xi'an Jiaotong University
Xueyuan Peng
Xi'an Jiaotong University
Wang, Yu; Feng, Jianmei; Wang, Yuefei; and Peng, Xueyuan, "Investigation on Ring Valve Motion and Impact Stress in Reciprocating
Compressors" (2010). International Compressor Engineering Conference. Paper 2011.
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This paper presented the theoretical and experimental investigation on ring valve motion and impact stress in a
reciprocating compressor for a purpose of extending the life time of valve. A simulation model was established to
describe the motion of valve plate and the physical behavior of valve plates during compressor operation was
measured using an eddy current displacement sensor to validate the mathematical model. Meanwhile, a finite
element model was established to simulate the impact process of ring valves. The results indicated that great impact
speed and inclining motion could result in high impact stress and it increased nearly in a direct proportional with the
growth of impact speed and inclining angle. In order to reduce the magnitude of impact stress, the lift of valve was
controlled by adjusting the design parameters and it was also validated experimentally. The comparison of impact
between valve plate to seat and limiter has also been conducted in this paper, showing that valve plate suffered more
impact stress when it impacted the seat, and a new method to reduce the impact magnitude had been presented.
The operating characteristics of self-acting valves in any reciprocating compressor can have a profound effect upon
the overall performance of the compressor (Tramschek and Boyle, 1988), and they are typically the controlling
factor for scheduling compressor maintenance downtime. According to an industry investigation mentioned by
Leonard(1996), compressor valves also contribute to almost 36% of unscheduled shutdowns of reciprocating
compressors. Thus, to improve the efficiency and extend the lifetime of valve is of great meaning for compressors.
The excessive impact stress of compressor valve plate against the lift limiter and the valve seat is one of the main
causes for the valve failure (Soedel W. 1974). The impact stress is related to the valve impact velocity. Soedel(1974)
proposed a supposed velocity Vs, which was defined as the product of valve lift and angular velocity of the crank,
and suggested that Vs was not more than 0.1-0.2 m/s. But the defined Vs was not the practical impact velocity, and
the practical Vs of a high speed compressor was much higher than 0.2 m/s. So it was necessary to investigate the
practical permissible impact velocity in detail. The stress of impact is also related with the amplitude of inclined
motion of valve plate. Pan et al. (1995) established a mathematical model to calculate the inclined motion of a plate
valve, and analyzed the influence of the inclined motion on the reliability of the plate valve. With the emergence of
new reinforced plastic materials, non-metallic valve rings can withstand higher impact stress. To clarify the
difference between metallic and non-metallic valve rings when they impact the seat and guard is very essential for
further improvement in compressor valves.
The aim of current study is to improve the durability of compressor ring valves. Theoretical model was established
to predict the valve motion and test apparatus was set up to validate the model. On the basis of valve motion, a
finite-element model was established to simulate the valve impact process in compressors. The key factors
influencing the reliability of valve were identified and effective measures were recommended.
dm dmi dmo
dT dT dT (2)
where, mi and mo mean the mass flow rate into and out the cylinder respectively.
The gas state equation: R-K equation is used to calculate its property.
RT a
p 0.5
v b T v (v b) (3)
The valve plate movement equation:
d2y Fg Fs
dT 2 M vZ 2 (4)
where, y is the displacement of valve plate, Ȧ is the angular velocity of crank angle, Mv is the mass of valve, Fg and
Fs are the gas force and spring force acting on the surface of valve plate.
Thus, simultaneous equations are established and can be solved with the fourth-order Runge-Kutta method for the
working process, and the performance parameters of the compressor can be obtained, such as displacement,
indicator power, efficiency, as well as the valve plate movement.
Fig. 2 showed the movement of a discharge valve, and the result was compared with the calculated one. Generally,
the experimental result compared well with the calculated one, so the mathematical simulation could be used for
calculating the valve motion and investigating its characteristics. But there were still some differences between them.
As could be seen in point 1 in Fig. 2, the rebounding amplitude of the calculated result was a little larger than that of
the experimental one. The reason was that the rebounding coefficient was 0.3 in the simulation, and the viscous
influence of oil was not considered. However, the experimental result showed that the oil could reduce part of the
impact stress. When the valve plate returned back to the valve seat, the area of the valve passage decreased, which
made the pressure in the compression chamber increase, and the gas force was bigger than the spring force, so the
displacement of the valve rose again in simulation result as could be seen in point 2 of Fig. 2. While considering
point 3 of the experimental result, the returning speed of the valve plate was also decreased, which implied that the
pressure in compression chamber was rising too and slowing down the valve plate to the valve seat, and this agreed
well with the calculated result.
Finally, large lift may result in flutter, especially for those small molecular gas, since they are very sensitive to flow
areas. As Fig. 3 showed, the lift of a suction valve in hydrogen compressor had changed from 0.8mm to 1.5mm.
Obviously, the latter one fluttered more severely than the former one.
Above all, bigger lift may contribute to high impact speed, large inclined angle and flutter, all of which would bring
along excessive impact stress and finally lead into valve failure.
Fig.4 finite element model of valve plate and seat Fig.5 finite element model of valve plate and lift limiter
Fig.6 comparisons between front impacts with the limiter and seat
Fig.7 comparisons between front impacts and inclining impact with the seat
By simulating and measuring the valve motion during the compressing process, several characteristics about valve
motion had been analyzed and the factors influencing the performance and reliability were identified.
(1) The valve plate suffered larger impact stress when it impacted the seat compared with the limiter because the
flow passage in the seat made the valve plate undertook addition bending and impact stress.
(2) The valve impact stress increased when inclining motion happened, and it grew almost linearly with the
increment of inclining angle. That’s because only one point of the valve plate nearly suffered all the impact force,
which resulted in stress concentration and valve failure.
(3) Compared with metallic valve material, nonmetallic material, such as PEEK, can withstand larger impact
velocity and inclining angle.
Tramschek, A.B., Boyle, R.J., 1988, A Cautionary Note on Reciprocating Compressor Valve Design, Proceedings of
1988 International Compressor Engineering Conference at Purdue, p. 124-132.
Leonard S.M., 1996, Increasing the Reliability of Reciprocating Compressors On Hydrogen services, < www.
dresser-rand. com/e-tech/PDF%20Files/tp012.pdf >.
Soedel W., 1974, On Dynamic Stresses in Compressor Valve Reeds or Plates during Co-linear Impact on Valve
Seats. Proceedings of the International Compressor Engineering Conference at Purdue, p. 319-328.
Pan S.L., Lin M., Shu P.C., 1995, A Study of Leaning Motion of Plate Valves of Reciprocating Compressors.
Chemical Engineering & Machinery in China, p.272-276.