Fault Detector
Fault Detector
Fault Detector
This Project is developed to Detect and Locate Low Voltage (LV) fault on a Secondary Substation
of Distribution Transformer. The Distribution Lines spread on the entire nation and this must be
connected in such a way to prevent energy losses and revenue losses. For this matter, it is very
important to understand and monitor the Distribution System behavior.
Substation is made up of a small building called control room with a fenced-in yard that consist
of transformers, switches, circuit breaker, bur bars, voltage regulator or tap changer, supporting
porcelain, disconnect (isolators), metering equipment, surge arrester, lighting arrester, relay and
other protective device that are used to regulate voltage and monitor system parameters [2].
Substation can be classified into two category; primary substation and secondary Substation [3].
Primary substation consists of feeders that send power from Distribution Substation to Distribution
transformer [4] whereas a Distribution Substation carries electric energy from Distribution
Transformer to Electricity meters of end customers [4].
This research is typically based on Fault Detection and Reporting on Second Substation of
Distribution lines. The Distribution lines are connected to either Pole Mounted Transformer or
Ground Mounted Transformer. Pole Mounted Transformers are Electric utility Distribution
Transformers that are mounted on Electricity service pole (wood or concrete) and are usually at
the level of the overhead cables [5] whereas Ground Mounted Distribution Transformers are used
to step down three-phase high voltage to Low Voltage for Energy Distribution, mainly in
Metropolitan areas and for industrial application [6].
The Device is mounted on the Pole Mounted Transformer or the Ground Mounted Transformer of
the Distribution Transformer. The Device Detect fault on the Distribution line and give location
of the area at which the fault is affected through Wireless Network System.
Pole Mounted Transformers are electrical utility Distribution Transformer that are mounted on an
Electrical Service Pole (wood or concrete) and are usually at the level of the overhead cables. Pole
mounted transformer are the common transformer used for converting distribution voltage to 415
/ 240 volt power used by homes and low-volume commercial installation [12].
Pole Mounted Electrical Transformers are used in extensive rural areas. These Transformers rang
from 50KVA TO 315KVA and 11KV to 33KV volt down to a low voltage 400 volt [12]. Pole
Mounted Transformer are reasonable small in size and mass so that it is easy to install them on
single pole structures, and larger unit on two-pole structures, approximately 5 meters above the
ground. This makes the Transformer inaccessible, reducing the risk of injury to animals and
people and minimizing vandalism.
Ground Mounted Transformers are used to step down three phase high voltage to low voltage for
energy distribution, mainly in metropolitan areas and for industrial applications. Ground Mounted
Transformers are made in power rating from around 500KVA to 26MVA and often include built-
in fuses and switches. Ground Mounted Transformer have self protecting fuses consist of a bayonet
mount fuses placed in a high voltage compartment, with a back-up high energy current limiting
fuse in series to protect against secondary faults and Transformer overload.
Figure 2 ground mounted transformer
Single and three phase ground mounted transformer are used in underground industrial and
residential power distribution systems, where there is a need for safe, reliable and better
appealing transformer design. Their enclosed construction allows the installation of ground
mounted transformer in public areas without the need of protection fencing. In residential areas,
I. The aim of this project is to Detect fault on the Distribution lines and give location
of the affected area by sending SMS to the Engineer.
II. Send message to the District Engineer when there is outage on the distribution lines
of a particular area.
III. To reduce revenue loses.
IV. To provide rapid solution to faulty part and attend to the fault as soon as possible.
V. To provide adequate values when taking reading for monitoring.
I. To develop a prototype wireless network system that can detect fault on the
distribution line and locate the affected area.
II. To interface a buzzer with Arduino to sound alarm when there is fault on the
distribution lines
III. To interface LCD Display with Arduino to display electric current values on each
of the three phases of the distribution lines.
IV. To interface GPRS with Arduino to send SMS message to the District Engineer or
the Gang leader of the fault team when a fault on the distribution lines occur.
V. To interface RF Transmitter and Receiver with Arduino to Transmit and Received
current values provided by the Acs712 current sensor for processing.
VI. To interface Acs712 current sensor with Arduino to measure and compare the
current on each of the phases.
For the past 70 years, Electrical Power Systems have rapidly grown. This has resulted in a large
increase of the number of lines in operation and their total length. This distribution lines
experiences faults due to fallen trees on the lines, storm, lighting, insulation breakdown and short
circuit caused by bird and other external objects. In most cases, electrical faults manifest in
blowing off the fuses protecting the lines, which must be replace before returning the lines in
supply. The restoration of supply can be expedited if the location of the faulty area is known.
Speedy and precise fault location plays an important role in accelerating system supply.
Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG), Northern electricity of Ghana (NEDCO) and other
Electricity Distribution Company, lacks the facility and the Technology of knowing the faulty
location of the affected area when fault occur on the distribution lines. These Companies has
provided a fault reporting numbers to customers to call when fault occur in their areas. This has
become a big problem for the customers, because some of them think when they call the fault team
it attract money so they decide not to call and when the serial caller of that particular area happens
to travel then it means those in that particular area has to sleep in darkness and that also reduces
revenue to the distribution companies. Because when the lines goes off for a longer period of time
the meter at the customer end will not record any unit for the customer to pay.
The most important feature of this project is to develop a technology that will detect and give
location of the faulty area.
This chapter presents existing research done on the technology relating to microcontroller based
on detection of fault on electrical distribution network in secondary substation. This research is
based on detection and location of fault in distribution line using Acs712 current sensor,
Microcontroller, GSM and LCD Display []. This technology lacks the ability to transmit and receive
the value of the Acs712 current sensor remotely.
The SCADA, which is an abbreviation for Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition is a system
that became popular in the 1960’s, its purpose is to monitor and control remote equipment. The
early SCADA systems used mainframe technology and required human operators to take actions,
decisions and maintain the information systems. As a result of the increased human labour cost,
early SCADA systems were very expensive. Today, SCADA is much more automated and
consequently more cost-efficient. The SCADA is the foundation for the distributed automation
system. The use of the SCADA system in electrical utility companies started in the early sixties for
smooth monitoring and control of the overall power system. For remote operation of large power
system network which comprises of generation, transmission and distribution system by using
SCADA started first in the USA in 1962 [7].
The RTU (remote telemetry unit), microwave communication network and RCS (remote control
server) are the back-bone of the SCADA system. The RTU of each substation gathers operational
information of switchgears of the substation and transfers that to the central database through
microwave linkage. Basically the RTU collects all information related to remote and manual
operation. The SCADA master or control station comprises of Local Area Network (LAN) of RCS
(Remote Communication Server) and workstations. The RCS stores and processes data according
to the system requirement and generates necessary commands for remote operation of the
substation switchgear. Initially the SCADA software was based on VAX (Virtual Address Extension)
and VMS (Virtual Memory System) and OpenVMS (Alpha) platforms. However UNIX and Windows
platforms are now used for most SCADA software. SCADA is now used for large automation
system having many service points. The system is resided on LANs with communication front end
(CFE) processors and user interface (UI) attached locally either on the same LAN or across a WAN
(Wide Area Network) [8].
The Electricity Company of Ghana operates most of its primary substations by SCADA system.
The SPIDER, open source software which is provided by the vendor, ABB, Switzerland is used as
the main operational software for the SCADA system. This software is basically based on different
programming languages such as C++, FORTRAN, and Pascal. The UNIX operating system is used
for this software.
4. SCADA master units: These are larger computer consoles that serve as the central processor
for the SCADA system. Master units provide a human interface to the system and automatically
regulate the managed system in response to sensor inputs.
5. Remote communication server (RCS): The RCS communicates with the RTU and collect
information which is also called master station. The master station, an HMI (Human Machine
Interface) or an HCI (Human Computer Interface) performs data processing on information
gathered from sensors [11].
The functions of SCADA are discussed below:
between the sensors and the SCADA network. The RTU encodes sensor inputs into protocol
format and forwards them to the SCADA master or central station. Again the RTU receives control
commands in protocol format from the master station and transmits electrical signals to the
appropriate control relays [11].
This chapter describe how to detect and locate fault on electrical distribution network in
secondary substation using Arduino Uno. This research is group into two Sections which is the
Transmitter Section and the Receiver Section. The following the steps shows how to implement
the research.
The selected components are based proper manufacture and tested according to standard with
I. Inexpensive: Arduino boards are relatively inexpensive compare to other microcontroller
platforms. The least expensive version of the of the Arduino module can be assembled by hand,
and even the pre-assembled Arduino modules cost less than $50
II. Cross-platform: the Arduino Software (IDE) runs on windows, Macintosh OSX, and Linux
operating system. Most microcontroller systems are limited to windows.
III. Simple, clear programming environment: the Arduino Software (IDE) is easy-to-use for
beginners, yet flexible enough for advance users to take advantage of as well. For teachers, it’s
conveniently based on the processing programming environment, so students learning to
program in that environment will be familiar with how the Arduino IDE works.
IV. Open source and extensible software: the Arduino software is published as open source
tools, available for extension by experience programmers. The language can be expanded
through C++ libraries, and people wanting to understand the technical detail can make the leap
from Arduino to the AVR C programming language on which it’s based. Similarly, you can add
AVR-C code directly into your Arduino programs if you want to.
V. Open source and extensible hardware: the plans of the Arduino boards are published under a
creative commons license, so experienced circuit designers can make their own version of the
module, extending it and improving it. Even relatively inexperienced user can build the
breadboard version of the module in order to understand how it works and save money.
In generally, the wireless system designer has two overriding constraints: it must operate over a
certain distance and transfer a certain amount of information within a date rate. The RF modules
are very small in dimension and have a wide operating voltage range i.e. 3v to 12v
Basically the RF module is 433MHz RF transmitter and receiver modules. The transmitter draws
no power transmitting logic zero while fully suppressing the carrier frequency low power in
battery operation. When logic one zero while fully suppressing the carrier frequency thus
consume significantly low power in battery operation. When logic one is sent carrier is fully on
to about 4.5mA with a 3volt power supply. The data is sent serially from the transmitter which is
received by the tuned receiver. Transmitter and the receiver are duly interfaced to two Arduino
III. Receiver supply current 3.5mA
V. Sensor reporting
applications including, over current protection circuits, battery chargers, swicthing mode power
supplies, digital watt meters, programmable current source, etc. one of the simplest techniques
of sensing current is to place a small value resistance (also known as shunt resistor) in between
the load and the gound and measure the voltage drop across it, which in fact, is proportional to
the current flowing through it. Whereas this technique is easy and straightforward to
implement, it may not be very precise because the value of the shunt resistor slightly varies
with its temperature, which in fact is not constant because of the joules heating. Besides, this
simple technique does not provide an isolation between the load and current sensing unit,
which is desirable in applications involving high voltage loads. Today we will talk about ACS712
device which provides an economical and precise way of sensing AC and DC current based on
hall effect.
Figure 5 ACS712 current sensors
The ACS712 current sensor is based on the principle of hall-effect, which was discovered by Dr.
Edwin Hall in 1879. According to this principle, when a current carrying conductor is placed into
a magnetic field, a voltage is generated across its edge perpendicular to the directions of both
the current and the magnetic field. It is illustrated in the figure shown below. A thin sheet of
semiconductor material (called Hall element) is carrying a current (I) and is placed into a
magnetic field (B) which is perpendicular to the direction of current flow. Due to the presence
of Lorentz force, the distribution of current is no more uniform across the Hall element and
therefore a potential difference is created across its edges perpendicular to the direction of
Figure 6 Hall Effect
This voltage is known Hall voltage and its typical value is in the order of few microvolts. The Hall
known, then the observed Hall voltage can be used to estimate the other.
In low frequency applications, it is often desirable to add a simple RC filter circuit at the output
Figure 7 Pin diagram of Acs712
The ACS712 contains an internal resistor (RF) connected between the output of the on chip
signal amplifier and the input of the output buffer stage (shown above). The other end of the
resistor is externally accessible through pin 6 (filter). With this architecture, users can
implement a simple RF filter through the addition of an external capacitor (Cf) between the
filter pin and ground. It should be noted that the use of external capacitor increases the rise
time of the sensor output, and therefore, sets the bandwidth of the input signal. The maximum
bandwidth of the input signal is 80 KHz at zero external filter capacitor. The bandwidth
decreases with increasing Cf. the datasheet of ACS712 recommends using 1 nf for Cf to reduce
I. 100mv/output sensitivity
III. Output voltage proportional to AC or DC currents
GSM is a mobile communication; it is stands for global system communication (GSM). The idea
of GSM was developed at Bell Laboratories in 1970. It is widely used mobile communication
system in the world. GSM is an open digital cellular technology used for transmitting mobile
voice and data services operate at the 850MHz, 900MHz, 1800MHz, and1900MHz frequency
GSM system was developed as a digital system using time division multiple access (TDMA)
technique for communication purposes. A GSM digitizes and reduces the data, then sends it
down through a channel with two different streams of client data, each in its own particular
time slot. The digital system has an ability to carry 64 kbps to 120 Mbps of data rates.
Figure 8 GPRS module
There are various cell sizes in a GSM system such as macro, micro, Pico and umbrella cells. Each
cell varies as per the implementation domain. There are five different cell sizes in a GSM
network macro, micro, Pico and umbrella cells the coverage area of each cell varies according
III. Allows you to send SMS, MMS, GPRS and Arduino via UART using AT commands.
VIII. Support RTC (real time clock). It has a holder for a 3V CR1220 battery at the back.
IV. Remote control of electronic appliance- sending an SMS to turn something on;
V. Receive notifications- send SMS to your cell phone if movement is detected in your
VI. Receive sensor data- send periodic SMS to your cell phone with daily weather data
Frequently, an AT89C52 program must interact with the outside world using input and output
devices that communicate directly with a human being. One of the most common devices
attached to an AT89C52 is an LCD display. Some of the most common LCDs connected to the
AT89C52 are 16x2 and 20x2 displays. This means 16 characters per line by 2 lines and 20
characters per line by 2 lines, respectively.
Fortunately, a very popular standard exists which allows us to communicate with the vast
majority of LCDs regardless of their manufacturer. The standard is referred to as HD44780U,
which refers to the controller chip which receives data from an external source (in this case, the
AT89C52) and communicates directly with the LCD.
The 44780 standard requires 3 control lines as well as either 4 or 8 I/O lines for the data bus. The
user may select whether the LCD is to operate with a 4-bit data bus or an 8-bit data bus. If a 4-bit
data bus is used the LCD will require a total of 7 data lines (3 control lines plus the 4 lines for the
data bus). If an 8-bit data bus is used the LCD will require a total of 11 data lines (3 control lines
plus the 8 lines for the data bus).
The three control lines are referred to as EN, RS, and RW. The EN line is called "Enable." This
control line is used to tell the LCD that you are sending it data. To send data to the LCD, your
program should make sure this line is low (0) and then set the other two control lines and/or put
data on the data bus. When the other lines are completely ready, bring EN high (1) and wait for
the minimum amount of time required by the LCD datasheet (this varies from LCD to LCD), and
end by bringing it low (0) again.
The RS line is the "Register Select" line. When RS is low (0), the data is to be treated as a command
or special instruction (such as clear screen, position cursor, etc.). When RS is high (1), the data
being sent is text data which should be displayed on the screen. For example, to display the letter
"T" on the screen you would set RS high.
The RW line is the "Read/Write" control line. When RW is low (0), the information on the data
bus is being written to the LCD. When RW is high (1), the program is effectively querying (or
reading) the LCD. Only one instruction ("Get LCD status") is a read command. All others are write
commands so RW will almost always be low.
Finally, the data bus consists of 4 or 8 lines (depending on the mode of operation selected by the
user). In the case of an 8-bit data bus, the lines are referred to as DB0, DB1, DB2, DB3, DB4, DB5,
DB6, and DB.
The wireless alarm system is a whole different approach to alarm installation. Wireless alarm
systems have become increasingly popular in the recent past, because they are much easier to
install than hardwired systems. A basic wireless alarm system consist of a wireless receive control
with integrated siren and separate remote transmitters some of which have built-in-sensors.
Because of the ease of installation, the wireless alarm system has become a preferred system.
Wireless alarm systems operate in the 300-Mhz uhf radio range. The alarms transmitter all
operate on the same frequency, with a range of up to 300 feet, and up to 500 feet with external
antennas. The transmitter send 16-bit digital message, repeated up to 30 times in 2 seconds.
Most alarm transmitters have pigtail leads to connect to external sensors such as magnetic reed
switches or space protection devices such as passive infrared body heat sensors. As mentioned,
an inexpensive wireless system might include two transmitters, each containing a built-in reed
switch sensor with internal transmitters.
However this project is based on hardwired alarm system. The alarm system receives a
continuous pulse from the 555 timer in Astable mode through a microcontroller which then
sounds the siren.
Alarm system control usually contains a siren module that turns on and turns off the siren after
some time interval. The device used to implement a siren is the Buzzer.
3.5.5 BUZZER
Figure 9 buzzer
Piezoelectric buzzers are used for making beeps, tones and alerts. The fig below is piezoelectric
buzzer which can drive 3-30 V peak-to-peak square waves. To use, connect one pin to ground
and the other to square wave output from a timer or microcontroller. For the loudest tones, stay
around 4kHz, but work quite well from 2 kHz to 10 kHz.
i. Alarm device
ii. Timers
iii. Confirmation of user input.
iv. Electronic metronomes
v. Enunciator panels
vi. Game shows
vii. Sporting events
viii. Household appliance
This section basically describes how the various components such as the Arduino Uno, ACS712
current sensor, RF Transmitter, LCD, RF Receiver, buzzer, GSM module capacitors, resistors,
diodes, and transistors on a bread board
The Arduino IDE is used in developing the software
RF Transmitter 433
Acs712 Current
Power supply (5v) Arduino Uno Sensor
Acs712 Current
Acs712 Current
The schematic diagram which represents the blue print of our construction is as shown below
The following steps were taken to ensure the successful construction of the project:
Displa No Is yes
y Send sms
Red, yellow
curren or blue off?
y No yes
Jumper cut Send sms
on red,
yellow, or
Displa Is
No yes
y There any Send sms
curren short cct. On
t red, yellow or
In this project we have presented the design of a system based on Arduino Uno and ACS712
current sensor with RF transmitter and receiver module that is used to detect and locate fault
on electrical distribution network through a wireless system. The current sensor measures the
current which is connected in series with the load. The Arduino read the analog data from
current sensor and convert it into digital data. The Transmitter, transmit the data from the
Arduino at pin 12 to the Receiver which is located at the control room. The LCD displays the
data on the screen. The Buzzer ‘buzz’ when there is fault on the line and send message to the
According to the data sheet of Acs712, when there is zero current through the sensor, the
5v/2=2.5v which represent 0-5v (2.5-5v). The ADC of the Arduino is 10bit, so voltage ranges
from 0-1023 which is converted to digital 512 counts. So 512 represent 0 amperes.
As the current increases the voltage increases from 2.5 to 5v and this voltage is converted to
2. Further study should be undertaken on how to transmit and receive data at a long range
(more than 1.1Km) where Mobile Network is a problem of the area where the
Transformer is mounted.
3. Further study should be undertaken to display a console in the control room for all fault
[1] Mr. V. thiyagarajan, Dr. T.G. Palanivelu “An efficient monitoring of substations using
microcontroller based monitoring system”, PP 63-64 I, July 2010.
[2] Dr. Ghous Buksh Narejo, Engineer Shahyan Pervez Bharucha, Engineer Danny Zarir.
[3] J.B Gupta, a course in Power Systems (Generation and Economic Considerations ;
Transmission and Distribution of Electrical Power; Switchgear and protection including
Power System Analysis), Eleventh edition, New Delhi, S.K. Kataria and Sons, January
2013, PP 3 ( Part II Transmission and Distribution of Electrical Power).
[5] Prof. M. S. Sujatha, Dr. M. Vijaykumar,” On-line monitoring and analysis of faults in
transmission and distribution lines using GSM technique” Vol. 33, Issue 2 pages 258-265,
30th November 2011.
[6] Baiely and E.wright, Practical SCADA for industry, third edition, 2003. GM Publishing
Co, USA.
[7] Hadi Saadat, “Power System Analysis” 1999. TADA McGraw-hill Publishing Company
[9] McKenzie Smith. Hughes, “Electrical Technology” Seventh edition, 1993, TADA.
[10] Salivahumar, S. Smesh.N. And Vallavaraj, A.” Electronic Devices and Circuit” Fourth
edition, TADA Seventh edition, 2000, McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, USA.
[11] W.T. Shaw, Cyber Security for SCADA Systems, Second Edition, 2006, McGraw-Hill
Publishing Company Limited, USA.