TLE 10-Lesson-Exemplar-stocks-3rd-quarter
TLE 10-Lesson-Exemplar-stocks-3rd-quarter
TLE 10-Lesson-Exemplar-stocks-3rd-quarter
Lesson Exemplar
Skills show creativity and enthusiasm in applying the task in real life situations
Ingredients of stock
( , black pepper, salt, onions, carrots, bones, celery ,vinegar)
3. Explain Stocks- are flavorful liquids used in the preparation of soups, sauces,
(10 minutes) and stews, derived by gently simmering various in water.
The teacher will discuss the ingredients for stocks
1. Bones – Most of the flavor and body of stocks are derived from the
bones of beef , veal, chicken , fish, and pork.
2.Mirepoix – is the French term for the combination of coarsely
chopped onions, carrots , and celery used to flavor stocks.
as well as the basic formula for mirepoix
2 parts onion
1 part celery
1 part carrot
The teacher will discuss on how to compute the basic formula of
mirepoix by using the ratio and proportion. (2:1:1)
1. If there are 6 parts of onion and 3 parts of carrots , how many
parts are needed for celery?
Possible Answer : 3 celery
2 6
C= no. of celery cross multiply =
1 C
2 c 6 C=3
2 2
2. You want to make a stock good for 12 people in the ratio of
2:1:1. How many parts of onion is needed if there are 10 parts of
carrots and 10 parts of celery?
Possible Answer: 20 onions
3. How many parts of onion is needed if there are 18 parts of carrots
and 18 parts of celery?
Possible Answer : 36
VII. Learning Enablement The students will list down all the ingredients needed for stocks. The
(5 minutes) students will fill in the given work sheet. The teacher will provide the
work sheet.
Prepared by:
Teacher I
Checked by:
School head