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Pegasus (W&G) W600 Instruction Manual

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Cylinder Bed 2,3-Needle Interlock Machines

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
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brv>35:v>3Stt, i®<^|gS:it6^CU^:v>-eTSv^.

5 d fc .


From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC

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From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC







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From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
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From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
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From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
[2] (04-7)

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From the library of: Superior —

Machine & Supply LLC
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
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C^fft^^lSl) k:@bTiRf«)#ltrT$v>.

—6 —
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
5; cssedkcq fe^ ^

■rt, iAcjKwMHK^isitji^feyif.

0'<;i/h:*j^^-, §Sc:^OfcftoSB-S>Sisatt,

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Ov>o%ttacc^«6fflIM<fc0U:. H#0R^,^lftS:effiv''bfr.

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From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
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[1] (01) 01 ® ^ d »c.^-:::^;i/;&^iinx$liTv>s ri:&?S

Vi- L/X"F v^o



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From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
[3] (03)

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^ —t'yi'^n i'-r No.lOSriaS^
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JS^©^^t m L T v^-5 ^ i: S:?I3S L-CT 5 .



From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
[61 (07-8)

3 V?ftl:An-CT$V>.

07 08

[7] ^^>g)[51fe:)^|^g)jf|Sg (^9) 09

y-c*r, it (±) tcafeu

$:18 0' @Ur, ^U§^-CT$v>.

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From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
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^rtJ icj© b fciS$ tSlffli b TT$ v^ „

(0^b) &i^^tcSlfflSbTT$v>.

2 ti
ll « tl lU :£tMt^$(a)

3.2n 9.1 a n o (o) <o)

4.On 8.6
l*^ n 1
4.8n 8.2 n 1
5.6n 5.6n 7.8 n
6.4n 7.4 n 6.4n 7.4 n

[2] tf-K:j^'r^;!/w'<~ofeBasiflg (018-23)

fcSISr* (0^a) ^cS5fiiibTT$v^.

^ l±:fe tft b r015 b TT$ v>.

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2 tl
n m 9l§»a) tf m 9I$S(a)

3.2n 4.7'^5.0n
4.0n 4.3'^4.8n
4.8n 3.9'^4.2n
5.6n 3.5'^3.8n 5.6n 3.5—3.80
6.4n 3.1-3.40 6.4n 3.1-3.40

— 12—
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
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1^20 1^21



fe ttle,
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"1p$ V* «■

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^ S: ^t5Xl±« lcS& U T ®fiji t TT t

;i/-y<~5feig €) -e." & iSiil-^

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[31 (@24~25)

11 ic d 0 ® fflS S: tf fe V ^ ^-f o
fe €) ti-0a® I: :&^Si ^«
;i/— @ "CIS 3 -3 . 5 m m
0fitas-etfettle, 3.0 — 3.5mm

(@^b) ®^ieM;!»^ieg?tt-rSJ:dieTS50^

(1) Xie^t)-fr-c, ;i/—MfitE®

SI®S&^y®b-CTti>« (022-23#®)
(2) @igie«v>^tS:l&ffl-rstto
:fyh©S:5&0, 5 Vi? f>®S:0^A:;&
1^ KWiii^bxmm^.
:^2^hOS:§a0, tr>®%05^B:fe
m (^IT) ie«id>bTSifi5i-S.

— 13 —

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
C4] m (om mzs-zs) - - ' v\f ii^ ^ •'

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^ l:rft OS: ±XltT k:«l ?&» b r WfilS U T T ^


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[5] (if) ®afig (Bi29)

(ir) ©i:®RRiai mma) li,

(ttr) T8E®5l«-e8aiJib-CT;S

(1) :^i^'OS:9a®. (le) ©i:feXttik:

0br. RRIBI (lajRa) 10

(2) ^5/'OS:««), (SiT) ©S:#B?fXtta

Jc|&;5»br, RRfB! (05ta) S:5afi5bTT$v^.

— 14—
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
[6] (B30-31)

(1) ]®$<oeifi5 -
x:f tf|g±©A^6x:f
l/yi''—Tffi^'C, 8mm"e-fo

1/y i^-®S:±XtiTtcS&;i^ trS3f® tTT

$ V'^ c K f<:
(2) tB^i:fe:&(Z)SSfiiS

©32, 33(2)<fc-5 tcitfilORSraA'O.5 mm

0&m (@wA) feiijaUT,
bfci; 4.5-5.0 mm
©feM (©5^B) icUTTSv^,

y.3^-®S: »Ci& U T ^fiJS U TT
$ vn




®&tS fc
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y i; 18mm
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4.5'-'5.0mm -«-
#< bt:T$v>- 17 .0 mm


[7] A:/l/y 3^-g)^yftCDTO (031-32)

-5t$l±, :^y h®&5atf>T,

•Dy K®S:±tcl&3&^-ri:. ii y
y tto

•□y K®S:TtC«/>^-rt, iSyfid^#<55:V


— 15—
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
t8l (033-34) I ia33

ftfe U ift^P^OcOT®?!'^ 5/^''"® Jt® S"e

mJ55-t-5i:ttt. ^2/'@S:5fi8?)T,
±X(±T left b T S3«iS b ^-r.

191 (033-34)

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S3®S^-5b^t4, :^i/"OS:§fiJ?)T, 4® U
ig S:±X1±T icfii b r S3g5 b ^t-

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC

GO n 8 m M* o J> m a W- 44
z: ac z: tsd H-k
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I tt u',

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
[1] (@40)

lrO.6 — 151.3

• 4.5mm

O0jt«?)^i^0S:04O<Z)feS (S3fiiS^'
A-Oamml : 1.3 J:y±ic±j&»€)^jci>«ke>



[2] ^S&lbl : 1.3 11± 1 : 1.8


ilS^# :&aftcJ:y^l61bS:
1:1.3 ll±-e«effl-rs«-&K:l±.

•i^i 3.3mm ^«!iJt:l.3i'l± mwiAmm

(a) (a)

ic^Pfibt-r. TS2®gi^T'S!S5brT^fv>o

(1) lii^$fSi®Si'v5O:^S^0(2®) SrSfisi),

(iS^aS) ;&*€) 3.2 mmffiS<k O Kl^®i

(2) X Hy^'«-OOjh«)4^i^©S:3fl«)'C, 042©

fea (g3«ib>'<-©®'^v^-7-i7A^0^
1 : 1.8©a^^c-^^ffig) JCXhy^-?-

d : 1.311T) KMbr^mir
5«-&, fcr>o©«i. ais$a®2^^5o
(0^ a 0) €> 0.5 mmiiSS J:"3 b®

From the library of: Superior Sewing

— 18— Machine & Supply LLC

(11 (043)'.. . ■


®3fi5"r^i:#l±, -fy>Ty
h S: ten! brUgBUTT$ .

••:f=y>TyV (0^a) U (@/Ttb)

7 5mm
t-eoWlf!SfeS: 7 SmmtCbrT^V^o

® S: ic|& 75^ b r Sifi5 b rT$ v> o

•:fe mm e ):^mKWiii'irt,
•;& (05^ © ) i:,


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[2] #f-jfe^0^giS (^44) /

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7.0 m m IC bTT5 V'*o

:^i/'®S:5aJ?)T. tf-i^iai®
&±X»iT tc|& 75^ b-ClSf® b TT$ v^ „

vC?17?0 S:044(C5tt*ifiS ic b TT5 .

SIfiJi-rSiittt, ®. ®S:§fi«)T,
tf^ftii®, ® , ® &±XttTJCftA^bTm
•±tii t-2:if t y ^to
•T U:S)Ti^-r i:if ^t*-
04§tttc t)iifT »i{® b TT^ v^,

[3] if.^^tt0^85 (045) ~~

[4] fi(^yjfi^y0^gfi (046)

«&y^«fey®;5»®±fi:aoi:5^, «^y5^^3t®0B
5^ (05^ c) ;!>»@460<J:e»»c, fiSy^lfey®®!^
B5^0T^C3!$S J; ic bTTv>.

®&§a«?)-c, isyji55«si
y ® S:±XttT ic® ;«)> b rSiSB b TT$ V>,

From the library of: Superior—Sewing

19 —
Machine & Supply LLC


e.^#i5 J: "5 tc U rT S V ^,

gSSSf-Silttt, :^i^@S:§a«?)-C,


C3 t TT^Ifzt^
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[6] (@47)

^T?oraPS (@5^b)

v:feif) \Z\tm< U-CT^v^o

{23{5:ti-5 K\t

[7] ifejiO. 0(D^ni-t (@50)

.0, 0&§fl«)"C. -fvd-vhO)^^ (@3^o) S:

•;i/— S:#. < as Ufev> ^#

S v^ o

•;i/— ^ S:ii>35c < as U fc i: t

ifejiO, 0C5B5^0fia&«Sc«id»U-CT^

From the library of: Superior Sewing

—20— Machine & Supply LLC
■1 -< a

(@51~52) £9 1 mm S3 1 m m

;u~y'?-^fej(gAV tf-

@51® J: ^ -|g 1mm

|&<fc#®i''r5Vi^<fc U)K;lmm^<35cy

(1) :^5/(D(42t:) S:®®, V —;^®S:

Hlb-Cv (±) ®®-fey httSS:

•/Nv KJh>r-;i/S: (@w + )


K^N>r-;i/^ (@^ - )

5t>r 5>i^;!^s<:tey^-ro

[2] 5 >'^®iia

Vif®ISgjSti. h®^01 (05^A)

(@3j^B) &—

giSSl-'S!: ttt, x#-fev®S:


[3] (@54)

®3»'< $ h®
-^PP (@5^C) icx#-feV®®'^PP (@5^D) Sr

^i^©S:5fiJ«)-C, x#-fev®S:

if & 'b :/3&':^ t <

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From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
[4] (055)

ittOO-^PP m^A) \Z
x#-b>00'&® (0^B) S:-SS[$-frTT$tv

:^S^®(24c) S:9fi«>T, x:^

-fe V 0S:in tTSIfiB 1/rT5 v>.

[51 (056)

t|-0±Tjl8&tc^1'-5#|-^Siy ©5'-< 5

(05%) S:6.5mmJCfCT;SEV>o

T, SaiiiL/TT^t^.

— ^

5S/>0a51^^lCtt. ti-OiTjlS&lcfcv^UT,


^^)U-:ft)h}^^ < y tto

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
ziT ^® ® 8S3fiiS @57
ru«& ■ ^ ^
-M d ;2 3 1
0 Pi O
[1] MD23 1 K-DV^X '
rt]i^fe40ffimi -e03*A. U'-X
ait- ^to

[2] (057)
. ©~©<7)iii(c


[31 |&?a (1358-59)

[4] 7 y (B58)
:7x>i5^©t. x'j-ro,
l&?An^t->*©^(itL-C. iiac7)irij

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1SiJc7)A d)

[6] l/-X3fefi (T) 0ft#t^feS08SfflS @60


.-e#'6mtMc3£-cf{t-t:^0'ftitr <

— 23—
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
I im (H61) Ua:^ C-"'/vS V./"»Jf S52ii

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From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
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fill Kg)»<i>H (066)


From the library of: Superior—Sewing

25— Machine & Supply LLC
•j"- .-•'.-.i'-


F T 24 O

ft 2 4 Oi

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.BiS^-&v>JEfJ S:S <fS111±,

S8lt5f*y H@S:ilc!5lb-rT$vv

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
— 26—
[5] T^:^^:fe:&fegg)Sgai (B71) .

m (05^a) It,
t-r. TffB^H^-CSIfflJU-CTSv^o

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JC, ±>lX#®0®<tttiS^S:Sil®bSt-,
0. 5 mm 1^72

S:±XltT ICS& b T0fi5 b TT$ -

[7] ±XX0.35il (072)

(1) :^i/-®$:^bT, ☆v>J:;*X®S:^1-bTT$


(2) jgfbi^±XX®0jS® (0aKb) S:±^X^

Uff bott-C, I8J (072)
(1) _hji X^®&:felCl0F-ti-
(3) 3f-y~S:0b"C±::*X®S:ftTfitSt-bT, T, ^i>T>ix.®&^1-b-CT^v>.
±>ix®5fejSi:T;*x®0Bfi^-^v^Sg$ (^
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(4) ±T>iX®ratC5feS:Aix, T^-U-feabT (3) :7'-U-S:0b"C

— 27—
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
mm V [21 #±tfl/>^'<~0^VV3^.(H73) ■- - :.

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—28— Machine & Supply LLC


From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
- . • •*. • •• . . • • •• .
C1 d 1 di L' vJ »•?'t} >■••

This instruction manual describes the sewing machines and th^ir

"anufactured by PEGASUS. For those'not manufactured by
PEGASUS such as machine motors, machine tables or legs, please
refer to their respective instruction manuals.
This instruction manual includes;
* Instruction manual part for operators
manual part for engineers and service/maintenance
personnel to provide information on the installation, mountino
adjustment and maintenance procedures.

is ■requiring special expertise and knowledge

the unless you
following requirements. are adequately qualified and can meet
* You must be capable of using safely the tools for installation,
mounting, adjustment and maintenance of the machine.
* You must be familiar with the procedure to install, mount,
adjust, and maintain the machine safely.

t^tL^Srocedurer^'''" carefully before you get down

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
— 31

ITo Operators (Following Bust be observed for safety.)- 34
[ 1 3 Threading " ~ 36
[ 2 3 Replacing Needles — 36
[ 3 3 Needles
[43 Regulating Thread Tention 37
[ 5 3 Adjusting Presser Foot Pressure 37~38
[ 6 3 Adjusting Differential Feed Ratio 38
[73 Adjusting Stitch Length

To All Engineers And Service / Maintenance

im Installa-tion of Machine
[ 1 3 Table Preparation 40
[23 Setup of Machine Rest board - 41
[33 Installation of Machine 41
[ 4 3 Mounting Belt Cover
- 41
[53 Lubrication
- 42
[ 6 3 To Fill Oil for HR Device
- 42
[73 Checking the Turning Direction of Machine

■1 Lubx-ica-ticn
[ 1 3 Oil Level —
[23 Manual Oiling
[ 3 3 Oil Change
[ 4 3 To Drain Oil—
[ 5 3 Checking and Replacing Oil Filter

Adjustment: and Maintenance

1 Needle Height Setting
2 Setting Position of Looper
3 Adjusting Looper Avoiding Motion"
4 Adjusting Needle Guard (Rear) —~
5 Adjusting Needle Guard (Front)
6 Setting Position of Spreader-
7 Adjusting Spreader Stroke
[ 8 Setting Position of Spreader Thread Guide
[ 9 Setting Thread Guide
[ 10 Adjusting Feed Tilt — ^ ~
[ 11 Adjusting Feed Height
[ 12 Adjusting Foot Lift —

■ Dif f er-entiai Feed Ratio Adjustments

[ 1 3 The Machines of Sandard Specifcation Use the Differential Feed Ratio-
[ 2 3 To Use the Differential Feed Ratio Range 1:1.3 1:1.8

— 32—
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC

■ NeedXe T'thr'eaci Talceup and Thr*ead GuXde

1 1 Adjusting Needle Thread Takeup^ 51
2 ] Adjusting Needle Thread Guide 51
3 1 Adjusting Needle Thread Guard 51
4 ] Adjusting Spreader Thread Takeup 51
5 ] Adjusting Looper Thread Takeup^ — 52
6 ] Setting Looper Thread Guard — 52
7 ] Setting Thread Guide O and ® 52

■ TXinXne Adjustment:
1 ] Adjusting the Timing between Needle and Looper 53
2 ] Adjusting the Timing between Needle and Looper's Back and Forth Movement 53
3 ] Adjusting Needle Guard (Rear) Timing— 53
4 ] Adjusting Spreader Timing — 54
5 ] Adjusting Needle Thread Takeup Timing ^ 54

■ Met:ar*d.ns Device Adjustment: C A/H H) 2 3 1)

1 ] M D 2 3 1 (Metering Device) — 55
2 ] Setting Lace Guide^ ~~
3 ] Lubrication
4 ] Lubrication to clutch
5 1 Lubrication to Bearings — ~
6 ] Setting Position of Lace Guide (Lower) ~~~ 55
7 ] Setting Position of Elastic Guides- ~~~~ 56
8 1 Adjusting Elastic Feeding. Rate^ ~~~ 56~57
9 1 Adjusting Tention ~~
10 1 Lace Guide (L G 2 1 0) — ; ~ ~~
11 1 Setting Lace Guide— ~~

■ Undeir Fabric Trimmer Adjustment C I'' T 2 4 O)

1 ] Manual Oiling — ~~~
2 1 Adjusting Fabric Guide """""
3 1 Adjusting Tilt of Presser Foot^ — 58
4 ] Adjusting Presser of Upper Knife^ ~ 58
5 ] Position of Lower Knife Holder — 59
6 ] Adjusting the Height of Upper Knife Holdei " 59
7 ] Replacing Upper Knife ——~~~~
8 ] Replacing Lower Knife ~ ~~

■■ R. P Device Adjustment

( 1 ] Manual Oiling
[21 Manual Lever^ —
[ 3 1 Adjusting Pressure of Roller^ —— ~ ~~
[ 4 1 Adjusting Feeding Amount of Fabric ~

From the library of: Superior—Sewing

Machine & Supply LLC
r Kt
I • . . i •:
./ , r ;' K..-' :V-'
To Oper-ators

Following must be observed for safety,

* Be sure to fit such device or parts for safety as belt
cover, safety guard, safety cover, etc, before operating
the machine.

Do not replace these device or parts for safety to

prevent accidents,

* It is dangerous to leave tool or any objects on the

machine table when you operate the machine. The vibration
of the machine may cause them to fall off the table,
* To prevent an accident, make sure that the power is turned
off and the machine does not run when pressing the machine
pedal before maintenance, adjusting, cleaning, threading
or replacing the needle,

* Turn the power off before leaving the table,

* Be sure to turn the power off when the power fails.
This part of this manual provides the brief and easy-to-
understand instruction for operating this machine.
Operate properly as instructed.

This part of this manual provides the brief

and easy-to-understand instruction operat
Operate properly as instructed.

[1] Threading (Fig.l~3)

(1) Turn OFF the push button switch O under

the machine table and turn off the power

— Note
In case a crutch type motor is used. It
ill keep on rotation by inertia after
turning off power supply. If the machine
pedal 0 is stepped on inadvertently, it
is dangerous because the machine will
move unexpectedly. Keep on stepping on
the pedal0until the machine comes to a
stop after turning off power supply.

From the library of: Superior Sewing

— 34— Machine & Supply LLC

(2) Refer to Fig. 3, and pass threads


For use with

woolly threads

For use with cotton and

spun threads, etc.

Inco^rlct threading may cause skip stitches,

thread breakage, uneven stitch formation-
Thread your machine correctly.

Generally, pass threads as shown by continuous lines.

Dotted line •When the stitch length

Dotted lines •When the looper does not Dotted lines(D, ©-When the stitch length is coarse and the needle
is fine and the needle gauge is wide.
catch the needle threads gauge narrow.
because of too small
needle thread loops.

When threading, press the button©. The

Dotted line ©•••When the stretch ^ bracket ©will eject. To replace itJ.n^
threads are ^
used. * its original position, push the bracket©-

— 35 —
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
[2] Replacing Needles (Fig.4^7) "

(1) Turn OFF the push button switch O under

— Note '
In case a cruteh type motor la used. It
tuLinn'' "potation by inertia after
?» 5 ®
a if Stepped on inadvertently,
'=''® "lachlne
because the machine will
frhl '^®®P ®" stepping on
stoDP after
turning offmachine comes to a
power supply.

(2) Loosen screw © by using alien key

(accompanied tool).
(3) Remove the old needle by using a
pincette (accompanied tool). k
thf fMr"ff^^® facing Its scarf toward
fSl fhffk! to Pig. 6
(5) Refer to Pig. 7 and Insert a new needle
into the needle hole as far a2 It till
go by using a pincette.
(6) Tighten screw @ by using alien key.

r 3] Needles

The standard needle Is as shown In Table 1.

needle system and size OK! NO! a

laoie 1

needle system NEEDI.E SIZE

bchmetz UY128GAS
#6 5 #70
^Jrgan UY128GAS # 9 #I 0


From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
on the, machine fs to be adjus
by triaX sewina J.>^Get readv fabrtc>:.etc

■■f r> »• a.''•f' «*'«)»rfW i

C;4l Regulating Thread r(^tion (Fig.8)

Changes of fabricsV-threads",Jseam width,

stitch length, etc;C. require re-adjustment of
thread tension. •'. •
According to sewing conditions, adjust by
needle thread tension nutO» spreader thread
tension, nut0, looper thread tension nutO.
Use each tension nut as follows:

* To increase tension:
Turn the nut clockwise.
* To decrease tension:
Turn the nut counter-clockwise.


[5] Adjusting Presser Foot Pressure (Fig.9) Rg.9

Presser foot pressure should be as light as

possible, while still sufficient to feed
fabric and obtain proper stitch formation.

To adjust, loosen nut O and

* To increase presser foot pressure:

Turn the screw0 clockwise.
* To decrease presser foot pressure:
Turn the screw @ counter-clockwise.

[6] Adjusting Differential Feed Ratio

This adjustment is to be made when the sewn
fabric is stretched (Fig. 10) or- gathered
(Fig. 11).

(1) Turn ON the push button switch O under

the machine table and turn on the power

(2) Do trial sewing by stepping on the

machine pedal 0. The adjusting
differential feed ratio is not necessary
if the straight seaming is possible
without stretching or gathering.



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Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
(3) To adjust, turn nut O counter-clockwise ,pnlws8 j
and loosen it.

^When _the fabric ..is sewn to stretch,

, * • adjust to move lever O upward.
* When the fabric is sewn to gathered,
adjust to move lever ©downward.

(4) After adjustment, turn nut O clockwise

and tighten it.

The stitch length adjusthient must be done

after adjusting differential feed ratio.

[7] Adjusting Stitch Length (Fig.15)

To change the stitch length, this adjustment

is to be made.

(1) Turn rock nut e counter-clockwise and

loosen it.

* For longer stitch length, turn knobO


* For shorter stitch length, turn knob O


(2) After adjustment, turn rock nut ©

clockwise and tighten it.

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— 38—
Machine & Supply LLC
To AIX •the Engineers end Service
/Maintenance Personnei

Following must be observed for safety.

* Use specified electrical parts or components suitable for the

power supply voltage. The use of wrong parts or components may
cause excessive heat or burnout.

* Do not replace such device or parts for safety as belt cover,

safety guard, safety cover, etc. to prevent accidents.
Though for the sake of safety the utmost care is taken, the
operators, engineers and service/maintenance personnel should
operate the machine abiding the basic rules on safety. Thus,
operating with utmost care will prevent the operators from the
danger beforehand.

* To prevent an accident, be sure that the motor is not running with

the power turned off before maintenance, adjusting, cleaning
threading or replacing the needle.

* Turn the power off before leaving the table.

* Be sure to turn the power off when power fails.

0"ttier cautions

* Should the machine fail to operate, contact us or our distributor.

Do not attempt to disassemble.

* Check that the machine's grounding core is connected firmly with

the machine.

* Perform daily routine maintenance procedure to keep the machine in

the best possible condition.

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— 39— Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
InstalXat:JLon of Machine

Check to prepare the table as shown in Fig.

[1] Table Preparation (Fxg>l) 1.



fi ^
I ta

[2] Setup of Machine Rest board (Fig.2) Rg.2

Assemble the rest board as illustrated in

Fig. 2. Make sure that everything is
assembled securely without any backlash.

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Machine & Supply LLC
[3] Installation of Machine (Fig.3)

Set the machine on rest boardf and be sure

to fit pulley belt on machine.
Adjust the tension of the pulley belt so
that it can be 2cin bent inward when you
press the middle of it. Adjust the position
of the machine motor to do this.

[4] Mounting Belt Cover (Fig.4)

Refer to Fig. 4, mount the belt cover,

[5] Lubrication (Fig.5~6)

(1) Lubricating oil

Use Mobil Velocite oil No. 10.

<2) To fill oil

Take out a stopcock Oand pour fresh oil
into oil reservoir until the oil level
reaches the upper line (H) of oil gauge

(3) Oil circulation check

Be sure to check that oil is splashing
inside window e.
— Note ' —
If oil does not splash inside window, see
[Checking and Replacing Oil Filter] and
check the oil filter.

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[61 To Fill Oil for HR Device (Fig.7—8)
Never use any other oil except for silicon
Fill the silicon reservoirs Oand 0with oil.
silicon oil always.

Rg.7 Fig.8

[7] Checking the Turning Direction of Rg.9

Machine (Fig.9)

The turning direction of machine pulley is

clockwise^ seeing the machine from its right
side. If it turns reverse (counter
clockwise), turn the connector 0of machine
motor 180° and reinsert.

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— 42 — Machine & Supply LLC

[1] Oil Level (Fig.10)

Always keep enough oil in the machine so

that the oil level is between two lines
H and L of oil gaugeO*

[2] Manual Oiling (Fig,11)

Before starting machine for the first

time, or if the machine is idle for more
than a couple of weeks, manually
lubricate needle bar 0.

[3] Oil Change

Change oil after the first 1 month in

operation. After that, change oil every
6 months.

— Note ;
Be sure to change oil because dirty oil can
cause excess wear on moving parts and
shorten the life time of the machine.

[4] To Drain Oil (Fig.12)

Take out screw 0of drain plug and drain

oil from here.

[5] Checking and Replacing Oil Filter (Fig.13)

If oil filter © is clogged, normal
lubrication cannot be kept.
Check and clean it every 6 months at the
time of the regular oil change.

If oil jet in Window O is abnormally

restricted or weak, or oil contains
bubbles, check and clean oil filter €
if necessary, replace it with new oil

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Adjus'tmen't si nd M ain't ©nance

[1] Needle Height Setting (Fig.14'^17)

The standard setting is as shown in Table 1.

The needle height is the distance (a)
between the left needle point and the needle
plate surface when the needle bar is in the
highest position.

(1) When the needle bar is in its highest

positionr the mark P on the handwheel O
should meet the mark A.

(2) To adjustr loosen screw0, and move the

needle bar e up or down, and adjust the
needle bar height corresponding to
needle gauge.

After this adjustment, prior to tighten
the screw make sure that each needle
passes through the center of the needle
hole in the needle plate and that the gap
(b) is even as shown in Fig. 17.

Needle Height Table 1

2-needle 3-needle

Needle Left needle Needle Left needle

gauge height (a) gauge height (a)

3.2mm 9.1mm

4.0mm 8.6mm

4.8inm a.2mm

5.6mm 7.8mm 5.6mm 7.8mm

6.4mm 7.4mm 6.4mm 7.4mra

[2] Setting Position of Looper (Fig.IS'—23)

(1) Adjusting distance (a)
Set the distance (a) correctly according
to the needle gauge as shown in Table 2.
The distance (a) is from the right
needle centerline to the looper point
when the looper O right most
To adjust, loosen screw 0and move
looper holder 0 right or left.

Looper Setting Table 2

2-needle 3-needle

Needle Distance (a) Needle Distance (a)

gauge gauge

3.2mm 4.7 — 5.0mm

4.0mm 4.3'-4.6mm

4.8mm 3.9 — 4.2mm

5.6mm 3.5— 3.amm 5.6mm 3.5 — 3.8mra

6.4mm 3.1 — 3.4mm 6.4mm 3.1 — 3.4mm

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—44— Machine & Supply LLC
(2).Checking the position of looper and left
i~needle,: .—-
* When the looper point is behind the left * When the left needle comes dovm and tis
needle centerline, it should be Irom point is flush with the top of the
above the top of the left needle eye. looper blade^ the distance between the
(Fig. 20) looper eye center and the left needle
centerline should be 5.0%6.0mm.
(Fig. 21)


1.0 mm

5.0~6. 0 mm
(3) Clearance between needle and looper
Set the clearance between the left
needle and the looper point to 0.05 %
0.1mm when the looper point is behind
the left needle centerline.

* In the case of 3-needle machines» when

the looper point is behind the middle
needle centerline, the clearance between
the left needle and the looper point
should be 0.05*^0.1mm.

To adjust, loosen screw 0 of looper holder0

and move looper holder back or forth.

The right needle and the looper point come
in contact slightly when the looper point
passes the right needle centerline from
right most pisition (under the condition
that the needle guard does not work).

[3] Adjusting Looper Avoiding Motion(Fig.24~ 25)

Please note that the looper avoiding motion

may not be necessary to be adjusted unless
otherwise an extremely different size needle
is fitted.
When the looper O goes in front of the
needles to the right from its left most
position and the clearance between the
center of looper eye and left needle
centerline is approximately 3.0%3.5mm,
make adjustment so that the top of left 3.0 — 3.5mm
needle and the looper (b shown in Fig.)
touch each other slightly in the following

(1) Re-adjust the looper avoiding motion

according to the needle size. (Refer to
Fig. 22 %23.)

(2) In case an extremely fine needle is

Loosen nut0 and move the crank pin 0
back in the direction of A as illust

(3) In case an extremely thick needle is

Loosen nut 0and move the crank pin 0
forth in the direction of B as illust

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
— 45—
[4] Adjusting Needle Guard (Rear) (Fig.26' '28)

(1) Adjust so that the line (A) of needle

guard (rear) ©is 1/3 below the top of
the right needle eye as shown Fig. 26
when the needle bar is in the lowest
To adjust, loosen screw © and move
needle guard (rear) O uP down.

(2) When the looper point comes the right

needle centerline from right most
* The clearance between the right needle
and the looper point is 0 'v.O.OSmm. To
adjust, loosen screw e and move needle
guard (rear) O back or forth.

(3) When the looper point comes the middle

needle centerline:
* The right needle and the needle guard
(rear) O touch each other slightly with
0'\» 0.05mm clearance between the right
needle and the looper point. To adjust,
loosen screw and turn needle guard
(rear) left or right.

[5] Adjusting Needle Guard (Front) (Fig.29)

When the looper O advances to the left, it

passes behind the needles, the clearance (a)
between the needles and needle guard
(front)0 should be as small as possible
still sufficient for the needle threads to
pass through it.
Adjust in the following manner.

(1) Loosen screw©, turn needle guard

(front)0 right or left and adjust the
clearance (a) to be in parallel.

(2) Loosen screw©, move needle guard

(front)0 back and forth and adjust the
clearance (a).

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Machine & Supply LLC
[6]' Setting Position'of Spreader (Fig.30^31) tE'>'1i: j T Ou6
' -.V /ij -
• ■' ,' 'jrLiii)
1. Height: The'height of the spreader O
from the needle plate surface should be
To adjust, tighten screw 0lightly and
move the spreader O up or down.

2. Sidewise position: The hooking point

should pass the point (A) approximately
0.5mm in front of the left needle. When
the spreader O reaches its left most
position, the hooking point should be at
the point (B) 4.5'V'5.0mm from the left
To adjust, lightly loosen screws 0and
0. While turning lever 0, move
spreader 0 back or forth to set the
sidewise position.

1. When making the above adjustment, turn Fig.31
the pulley and check the points A, B
where the hooking part tip of the
spreader passes.

2. If the spreader thread is hooked

imperfectly because of the number of
spreader threads or the fabric
thickness, then shift the point B to 0.5mm
the left not exceeding S.Omm and set
spreader threader guide 0 as near as
possible to the needle holder.
If the spreader thread is not booked
even under the above adjustment, then
increase the following (the spreader
stroke) not exceeding 18.0mm.

4.5~5.0 mm —
1 7.0mm

[7] Adjusting Spreader Stroke (Fig,31~32) Rg.32

The stroke of spreader 0 is 17.0mm. Adjust

in the following manner.

1. Remove the arm cover and screws and

shift cover .
2. Loosen nut 0 and move rod 0 up or down.
To decrease the stroke, move rod 0 up.
To increase the stroke, move rod 0 down.

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
[8] Setting Position of Spreader Thread
Guide (Fig.33"^34) -

Set the part (a) of spreader th^ad guide

A just below the eye of guide @ when the
needle bar is in the lowest position.
Also, set the clearance between spreader
thread guide Q and spreader to 0.5mm.
To adjust, loosen screws 0.

[9] Setting Thread Guide (Fig.33"^34)

When the needle bar is in the lowest

position, set the clearance between spreader
thread guide O and 0 to 1.0mm. The eye of
thread guide should face forwards.
To adjust, loosen screw O-



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[10] Adjusting Feed Tilt (Fig.35~37)"'*' "

When -the feed dogs rise to the highest

position, the standard angle is that the
straight line (a) across the tips of main
feed dog and differential feed dog 0is
parallel with the needle plate top surface.

To adjust, loosen screw 0and move the tip

of differential feed dog up or down.

[11] Adjusting Feed Height (Fig.36~37)

When the feed dogs rise to the highest

position, set the height of the straight
line (a) across the tips of main feed dog 0
and differential feed dog 0to 0.8 1.0mm.

To adjust, loosen screws 0and0, and move

the feed dogs 0and 0up or down.

[12] Adjusting Foot Lift (Fig.38'-^39)

The standard setting is as shown in Table 3.

When the presser foot 0is raised, the foot
lift is the distance (b) between the presser
foot and the needle plate.
To adjust:

(1) Turn the pulley and lower the feed dogs

to their lowest position.

(2) Loosen nut 0and tighten Screwi (Turn


(3) Lower lever 0and raise presser foot0

to the correct height for your machine.
In the above condition, adjust screw 0
so that its head touches lever 0. Lock
this position with nut0.

Presser Foot Lift Table 3

Presser foot lift

Machine type
2-needle 3-needle

W664-01 5.8mm 5.0mm

W644-01 6.3mm 6.3mm

W664-05 5.4mm 4.5rom

W644-05 6.3mm 6.3mm

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Dd-f ntial Feed Ratio Addustment;^^,;rj^^^ 1^0

[11 The Machines of Sandard Specifcation Use

the Differential Feed Ratio (Fig.40)

lsO.6 - lrl-3

* This range represents the stitch length

limited to 4.5mm (or 6 stitches per

Do not move the stopperO from the positi^

shown in Fig. 40. (The adjustment lever Q
is factory-set to keep the 1:1.3 line as
shown in Fig. 40.)

Depending the stitch length, using a
differential feed ratio greater than 1:1.3
may cause the feed dog to collide and be

[2] To Use the Differential Feed Ratio Range

1:1.3 - 1:1.8 (Fig.41-42)

Some materials such as blanket require the

differential feed ratio greater than 1:1.3.

* This represents the stitch length limited Differential feed ratio To set the differential
to 3.3rom (or 8 stitches per inch). greater than 1:1.3 (a) feed ratio back to the
surface standard
Adjust as follows.

(1) Loosen two screws on the stitch

length adjust knob so that the end of
pin O is 3.2mm out the bottom of the
stitch length adjust knob shown as (a).

(2) Loosen screw on stopper O to move

stopper O to the position to align the
mark on the adjust lever with the
1:1.8 position on the scale as shown in
Fig. 42.

To set the differential feed ratio back
to the standard (smaller than 1:1.3),
re-adjust the end of pin O so that its
end is 0.5mm out of the bottom of the
stitch length adjust knob shown as (a).

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®PNe©dle Xthreacd Xalceup
Xhiread GuXcle Acloust:ment:'s

[1] Adjusting Needle Thread Takeup (Fig.43)

In the' standard settingr the top edge of

bracket0should be horizontal when the
needle bar is in the lowest position.
The distance between the line (a) of Bracket
^ and the line (b) of the needle thread
takeup should be 75mm.
To adjust, loosen screws O and O.
7 5 mm
— Note — ;
* To tighten the needle thread, move
needle thread takeup 0 in the (-)
direction. To loosen the needle thread,
move it in the {+) direction. Adjust
according to the thread characteristics,

* Take care not to move spreader thread

takeup 0 from its original position.

[2] Adjusting Needle Thread Guide (Fig.44)

Needle thread guide 0

The distance between the center of screw 0
and the eyelet center should be 7.0mm.
To adjust, loosen Screw 0 and move needle
thread guide 0 up or down.
Needle thread guide 0, 0,0
The distance between the center of screw 0
and the eyelet center should be as shown in
Fig. 44.
To adjust, loosen screws 0, 0, 0 and move
needle thread guides 0, 0, 0 up or down.

To tighten the needle thread, move needle
thread guides 0» 0r 0 upward.
To loosen, move them downward. ,
Adjust this depending on the character
istics of the threads to be used.

[3] Adjusting.Needle Thread Guard (Fig.45)

Set needle thread guard 0 with screw 0 at

the center of its elongated hole.
To adjust, loosen screw 0.

[4] Adjusting Spreader Thread Takeup (Fig.46)

The eyelet A of spreader thread guide 0

should be below the long eyelet of spreader
thread takeup 0 as shown in Fig. 46 when it
is at its highest position.
To adjust, loosen Screws 0, 0 and move
spreader thread guide 0 up or down.

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— 51 —
[5] Adjusting Looper Thread Takeup(Fig.47^49)
.- "i

Looper thread takeup O should release the

looper thread at the point (a) when the left
needle point is in the following position.
1) 2/3 down the looper for 2-needle
machines. (Fig. 48)

2) Level with looper's lower edge for 3-

needle machines. (Fig. 49)

To adjust, loosen screws 0and turn looper

thread takeup0>

Rg.48 Rg.49

[6] Setting Looper. Thread Guard (Fig.47)

Set the distance (b) between the bracket ®
and the looper thread guard O* To increase
the amount of looper thread, set to be
narrow. To decrease the amount of looper
thread, set to be wide.
To adjust, loosen screws 0 and move
looper thread guard O*

[7] Setting Thread Guide O and 0 (Fii:.50)

Align the eyes of thread guides 0 and 0 with

the aligning mark on bracket(c).
To adjust, loosen screws 0 and0.
To increase the amount of thread in the
seam, move eyes of thread guide0,0 back.
To decrease the amount of thread in the
seam, move eyes of thread guide0,0forth.
Adjust the setting position according to
threctds, stitch length and needle gauge.

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■iTjLin±ne Adjustinient:

[ 1 ] Adjusting the Tinlng betveen Needle and

Looper (Fig.51'-'52)
1mm 1mm

At the position of-approximately 1mm above

the top of left needle eye;
As shown in Fig. 51, when the looper point
moves to the left behind left needle the
timing advances approximately Imra compared
with the timing when the looper point moves
to the right in front of left needle. 1mm
Adjust in the following manner.
(1) Loosen four screws 0, turn handwheel®
and shift the position of belt gear looper point looper point

* To advance the timing when the looper

point moves to the left behind left
needle, turn the handwheel in the {+)

* To retard the timing when the looper

point moves to the left behind left
needle, turn the handwheel in the (-)

[2] Adjusting the Timing betveen Needle and

Looper's Back and Forth Movement (Fig.53)

To adjust this timing, align the mark (A)

on the crankshaft with the mark (B) on the
eccentric (D.

Loosen screw >, turn eccentric and


[3] Adjusting Needle Guard (Rear) Timing (Fig. 54)

The basic adjustment of timing of the needle

guard (rear)(^avoiding motion against the up
and down movement of the needle should be
made by aligning the mark (C) on the crank
shaft with the mark (D) on the eccentric

To adjust, loosen screw and turn the


* When cotton yarn is used it might happen

that the needle thread loop becomes so
large that the needle guard (rear) ®
touches needle thread loop. In this case,
loosen screw ® and adjust by moving
eccentric ® in the direction of arrow
shown in the figure.

— 53—
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[4] Adjusting Spreader Tining (Fig.55)

'xhe adjustment of the timing of the spreader

left and right movement against the needle
up and down movement should be made by
aligning the mark (A) on the upper shaft©
with the mark (B) on the eccentric©.
To adjust the timing, loosen two screws ©
and turn eccentric ©.

[5] Adjusting Needle Thread Takeup Timing(Fig.56)

The adjustment of the timing of the needle

thread takeup against needle up and down
movement should be made so that the
clearance between the needle thread takeup
crank collar © (shown in figure) is

To adjust the timing, loosen screw © of

needle thread takeup crank © and move needle
thread take up crank back and forth.

At the time of shipment of the machine,
it is adjusted to synchronize against
needle up and down movement.
Timing should not be altered except when
the thread with extreme elasticity or
without it is used.

* In case the needle thread loop becomes too

large when cotton yarn is sued, loosen
screw © of needle thread takeup crank o
and move the needle thread takeup crank
forth. The needle thread loop becomes

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— 54 —
Met:eir±ng Device Adaus-tmen-t'Tg
<M 3 i )-

[1] MD 2 3.1 (Metering Device)

The metering device feeds elastic or lace O
(width up to 40mm) accurately. The feeding
range is 0.9'V'3.5ram per stitch.

[2] Setting Lace Guide (Fig.57)

Refer to Fig. 57. Remove screw 0and fit

lace Guide 0(0'V'0in sequence).

[3] Lubrication (Fig.58~59)

The clutches and bearings of the metering

device come pre-filled with grease. Always
keep them full with grease.

[4] Lubrication to clutch (Fig.58)

Align the mark A on crank 0and the mark A

on sleeve o with the mark A on plate0.
Remove cap screw 0and insert the grease.
Remove screw 0 and check whether the clutch
is full with grease or not.

[5] Lubrication to Bearings (Fig.59)

To lubricate the bearings, remove cap screw

0 and insert grease. The amount of grease
can be checked through the hole B.

[6] Setting Position of Lace Guide (Lover)


Set lace guide (lower) 0 as close as

possible to the needle but not touching the
To adjust, loosen screw 0 and turn stopper

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[7] Setting Position of EXastia Guides (Fig.61)

Set the positions of the elastic guides

according to the width or elastic.
(1) Guide O on the presser foot
Set guide O so that elastic is fed
under the presser foot in the correct
To adjust, loosen screw 9 and move
guide O sidewise.
(2) Guides and O 0
Set guides 0 and O in line with guide
o« A A
To adjust, loosen screws 0 and 0, and
move guides 0 and o sidewise.
(3) Guides 0 and 0
Set guides 0 and 0 so that elastic
runs into guides 0 and 0 in a straight
To adjust, loosen screws ® and 0, and
move guides 0 and 0 sidewise.

[8] Adjusting Elastic Feeding Rate (Fig.62)

Two settings are available for this metering

One is standard and the other is special.

(1) Standard setting

On the standard setting, the feeding
range is 0.9 2.2mm per stitch.
To adjust, loosen wing nut 0 and turn
adjusting screw 0.
To increase the feeding rate, turn screw
To increase the feeding rate, turn screw
0 in the (+) direction.
To decrease the feeding rate, turn screw
0 in the (-) direction.

If suitable feeding amount cannot be
obtained by only the adjustment mentioned
above, make adjustment according to
"Adjusting Tension" on Page 25 too.

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(2) Special setting
. On .the special setting, the feeding
range is 1.4-3.5mm per stitch.
To change the standard setting to the
special setting.

1. Loosen two set screws of eccentric®.

2. Insert a key wrench into either of
screws®, while keeping eccentric®
still, turn handwheel ®clockwise until
it stops. Tighten screws®.
3. Loosen wing nut ® and turn adjusting
To increase the feeding rate, turn ® in
the (+) direction.
To decrease the feeding rate, turn ® in
the (-) direction.

If suitable feeding amount cannot be
obtained by only the adjustment mentioned
above, make adjustment according to
"Adjusting Tension" listed below too.

[9] Adjusting Tention (Fig.65)

To adjust, loosen nut ®and turn adjusting

For more feeding, decrease the tension.
For less feeding, increase the tension.

[10] Lace Guide (LG 2 1 0)

The lace guide helps to control the flow of

lace. If the lace tends to flow irregular
ly, pass it through many guide pins.
If the lace is easy-to flow, pass it through
less guide pins.

[11] Setting Lace Guide (Fig.66)

Remove screws ® and set the lace guide

® in sequence.

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— 57—
Under Fabric -trimmer
Adjustment C F* T* 21 ^4 O)

The FT240 is an under fabric trimmer that

its knife movement is synchronized with the
feed dog motion.
The knives trim the excess fabric before
sewing so that together with the lace fed
by the metering device, it can be sewn

[1] Manual Oiling (Fig.67)

Before the machine with FT device is

operated for the first time or after it has
been idle for a period of time, lubricate
oil inlets 3 of lower knife holder O

[2] Adjusting Fabric Guide (Fig.68)

Adjusts the position of fabric guide O that

ensures to trim with constant distance from
fabric edge according to kind or thickness
of fabrics.

To adjust, loosen screw 0and move fabric

guide o right or left.

[3] Adjusting Tilt of Presser Foot (Fig.69)

The presser foot0can be tilted. Adjust

this according to the elastic and fabric to
be sewn. For thick elastic, tilt the front
edge of the presser foot ©upwards. The
elastic can then feed smoothly under the
presser foot.

To adjust, loosen nut O and turn screw 0


[4] Adjusting Presser of Upper Knife (Fig.70)

The overlapping pressure of upper and lower

knives should be as light as possible, while
sufficient to feed fabric. c
To adjust:

* To increase the overlapping pressure,

turn adjust nut 0clockwise.
* To decrease the overlapping pressure,
turn adjust nut0counter-clockwise.

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[5] Position of Lover Knife Holder (Fig.71)

The position of lower knife holder0

determines the trimming position (a shown in
Pig.) of the excess fabric from right needle
Adjust in the following manner.
(1) Remove screw®of lower knife holder
bracket®, loosen screws®, ® and® of lace
guide®. Move lower knife holder left or

(2) Re-adjust the pressure of upper knife.

r— Note:
Re-adjust the position of Lace Guide ® on
the presser foot when the above adjustment
is made.

[6] Adjusting the Height of Upper Knife Holder


Set the height of upper knife holder ® so

that the overlap of upper knife edge and
lower knife ® is approximately 0.5mm when
the upper knife ® is in the lowest
position. 0.5mm

needle plate
To adjust/ turn the pulley bring upper surface
knife® to the lowest position, then loosen
screw ® and move upper knife holder ® up
or down.

[7] Replacing Upper Knife (Fig.72) [8] Replacing Lover Knife (Fig.72)

(1) Remove screw ® and old upper knife ®. (1) Loosen screw ®, shift upper knife
holder ® to the right and remove old
(2) Set new upper knife ® with screw ® so lower Knife ®.
that its edge (b) is flat on upper knife
holder ®. (2) Shift upper knife holder ® to the
right. Insert new lower knife ® into
(3) Turn the pulley and bring upper knife lower knife holder®. Be sure that the
® to the lowest position. Make sure cutting edge of lower knife is level
that the overlap of knives is with the needle plate surface. Tighten
approximately 0.5mm. screw ®.
If above dimension cannot be obtained, (3) Insert a piece of thread between the
re-adjust the height of upper knife knives and make sure that the knives cut
holder. sharp.

(4) Insert a piece of thread between the

knives and make sure that the knives cut

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R JP Device AdJList:ment

[1] Manual Oiling (Fig.73) [2] Manual Lever (Fig.73)

Before the machine with RP device is Shift the lever0 up when sets and removes
operated for the first time or after it has fabric, or does not use this device.
been idle for a period of time, I^nd- Shift the lever 0down when sewing operation
lubricate oil hole ^ of the linkO*
is performed using RP device.

[3] Adjusting Roller © hold Pressure (Fig.73) [4] Adjusting Fabric Feeding Rate (Fig.73)

The spring pressure should be as light as Makes an adjustment so that fabric feeding
possible, while sufficient to feed fabric. amount is same as machine's sewing amount.

To adjust: To adjust:
* To increase the spring pressure, * To adjust roughly, loosen nut © and then
turn adjust screw Q clockwise. When raise the rod ©, feeding amount will
* To decrease the spring pressure, be decreased.
turn adjust screw o counter-clockwise. When lower the rod 0, feeding amount will
be increased.
* For fine adjustment, loosen nut 6 and then
When raise the link Or feeding amount will
be decreased.
When lower the link Or feeding amount will
be increased.

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.■ r- .'i* t".-- " j.-'-
^ "" V-;v;V' w V;- ; - -l.


telephone:0376 551771
Fax:0376 551055

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