Basis E
Basis E
Basis E
1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................................2
3 Start-up ...........................................................................................................................................3
4 Operation ........................................................................................................................................5
5. Maintenance ...................................................................................................................................6
6 Guarantee .......................................................................................................................................7
1 Introduction
Dear customer,
With the purchase of this minimum lubrication system M&K® BASIS you have decided to choose an
economical technology protecting in the same time our environment. Our high-tec appliances have
been designed for the use in modern machine tool.
If you do have hints, advices and questions regarding the operation of the appliance or in the use or
improvement of this instruction manual, do not hesitate to contact our staff.
2 Security information
Store this instruction manual carefully and hand it over to the following owner or user if necessary.
This MKS® BASIS is in conformity with the recognized rules in technology and the appropriate security
MKS® BASIS may only be used for lubrication on machining and conversion processes. The manufac-
turer is not liable for any damages caused by improper use or wrong operation of the appliance. The
user of the appliance is strongly requested to respect the following advices.
•• The general rules and security advices for machinery and appliances using compressed air are
equally valid for M&K® BASIS and it is strongly requested to respect them.
•• Do not direct spray on human beings or animals.
•• Do not spray into the eyes and do not directly inhale the aerosol.
•• Do not put in use damaged appliances.
•• In order to secure safe operation of M&K® BASIS only install and operate the appliance according
to the instruction in this manual.
•• Before filling in the lubricate, disconnect M&K® BASIS from the compressed air supply and re-
lease the pressure vessel.
•• In case of rupture of the appliance, immediately disconnect the appliance from the compressed air
supply (open quick-release coupling).
•• Repairs, exchange of spare parts as well as interventions on M&K® BASIS should only be made
after having contacted our after-sales-service.
•• Check before each start-up, if the compressed air connection and the regulating valves are in
proper condition.
•• Don’t get flames or sparks near to the spray stream.
•• Only use original accessories.
•• Before each cleaning and maintenance of M&K® BASIS it is essential to remove the compressed
air connection and to release the pressure vessel.
•• Make old and worn out appliance immediately unfit for use. M&K® BASIS must then be properly
3 Start-up
1. The appliance is screwed tight to the machine tool or fixed to a plane surface with a magnet.
Take care not to fix the appliance on a spot exposed to strong oscillations or vibrations.
2. M&K® BASIS will be mounted next to the machine. Equally take care, that M&K® BASIS is
fixed tight on a fixation point.
Which ever method you choose, please pay attention to the following important advices for the mount-
ing of M&K® BASIS:
Damages caused by non conform installation of M&K® BASIS are under the sole liability of the user.
3.2.3 Topping up (whenver min. marking is reached)
In case the M&K® BASIS has already been in service the appliance must be made pressureless be-
fore any topping up. For this purpose disconnect the appliance from the compressed air supply and
unscrew the release tap.
Is the appliance pressureless, then the topping up of lubricate can be done according to the descrip-
tion in above chapter 3.2.1
•• Important: Take care that for topping up you use the same lubricate as before. In case you want
to use another lubricate as the one before, then consult the supplier in regard of compatibility of
the lubricate or entirely drain the old lubricate and refill the appliance completely with the newly
chosen lubricate. After that, drain the lubricate again through the drain screw located laterally on
the bottom of the appliance (alan cap screw with hexagon socket) and let it drip about half an
hour. The drained lubricate must then be properly disposed. You can now fill in the lubricate you
use and the appliance can then be operated. No guarantee will be granted by us for damages
caused by using a lubricate non compatible with the previous one without proper and thorough
cleaning before, or by using aggressive or non compatible cleaning agents.
For security reasons the air supply of the compressed air circuit should not exceed 10 bar!
Before connection to compressed air make sure that the push handle valve (2) is closed.
4 Operation
The adjustment of M&K® BASIS for the machining is similar to the adjustment for machining with full
stream lubrication. It depends on the total process parameters like for example cutting speed, mate-
rial, cutting tool, etc. and must therefore be newly determined from case to case by the machine op-
As from now on you can individually adapt the adjustment of regulators (4) and (7) to their kind of ma-
chining. The position of the screw (3) is normally not modified during the job, unless the user wants to
lower the main pressure/jacket pressure in order to reduce the noice level. But in this case take care
that the necessary quantity of aerosol for the machining ist still available.
Notice: After adjustment of the throttle valve of the jacket air the appliance needs several seconds to
synchronize the oil supply to the new jacket air regulation.
Adjust the quantity of aerosol to the machining process similar to full stream lubrication, where crite-
rias like lubricate, cutting parameter, attained surface roughness and tool wear determine the modifi-
cation in adjustment.
The larger the distance, the larger the effectiveness of the nozzle!
Ö lm en g e b ei S M AR T
Ö lfeinregulierung m in.
Ö lfeinregulierung m ax.
1 2 3
[b ar]
5. Maintenance
Do not use aggressive or abrasive cleansing agents. After the cleaning, dry M&K® with a soft cloth
and fix it again at its place of destination. Prior to reconnecting M&K® BASIS to the compressed air
supply, make sure that all other connections have been fitted. It is absolutely essential to follow the
recommendations and security advices in chapter 3 “Start-up”. The appliance must normally be read-
justed after each cleaning. Follow hereto the recommendation in chapter 3 und 4.
6 Guarantee
We assure guarantee on this M&K® minimum lubrication system according to the following conditions:
•• We remove free of charge damages or failures on M&K® – in industrial use and single shift or
similar to that within 12 months – where the fault is proven factory-provided and where we are in-
stantly notified after detection within 12 months after delivery. The guarantee does not include
easy breakable parts like for example glass or plastic. Guarantee duty does not occur in the case
of slight tolerances from the nominal structure which appear unimportant in point of view value of
the appliance or its fitness for use, for damages caused through chemical or electrochemical in-
fluence, through water as well as generally through abnormal environment conditions.
•• Accepted guarantee claims are dealt with in a way, that defective parts are being repared free of
charge or replaced by unobjectionable parts. Any recondition on site can only be requested for
stationary employed (fixed base) large appliances. Other appliances, for which guarantee request
is claimed, are to be forwarded to our nearest after-sales service point or contractual workshop.
Copy of invoice or delivery note must be provided together with the defective part. Replaced parts
do become our property again.
•• The guarantee claim becomes void, if repairs or interventions are being done by unauthorized
personnel or if our appliances are fitted with supplementary parts or accessories which obviously
do not match with our appliances.
•• Further or other claims, especially claims for occured damages exterior to the appliance will be
rejected, unless liability is being enforced by law.
•• Further or other claims, especially those regarding damages causing loss of production will equal-
ly be rejected.
7 Parts on M&K® BASIS
8 Declaration of conformity
Maschinen-Nr. : BASIS
Applied EC guide lines: EC- machinery guide line (89 / 392 / EWG)
EC- low voltage guide line (73 / 23 / EWG)
EG- electromagnetic compatibility guide line
(89 / 336 / EWG)
Applied harmonized
standards, especially : EN 292-1, Safety of machinery, basic principles
EN 292-2, Safety of machinery,
Safety requirement
Applied national
standards and technical
especially: 9. GSGV, Decree to the law regarding safety on appliances
VBG 4, Directives for accident prevention “electrical equip-
ment" and accessories”
Managing Director