Bhaskar Devops
Bhaskar Devops
Bhaskar Devops
Mobile No:+91-8050223842
Associate Consultant
To pursue a challenging and satisfying career in the industry and to prove myself as a dedicative and worthy software
engineer in a progressive organization that provide me an ambience to apply and enhance my knowledge and skills and be
a member of team that dynamically works towards the success and the growth of the organization.
Build infrastructure design GIT, SVN, Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery tools Jenkins, Configuration
Management, Build languages, Scripting, Shell, Ant, Maven, AWS EC2, Windows, Linux, Virtual Machines, Apache,
testing tools.
Extensive experience in setting up the CI/CD pipelines using Jenkins, Maven, Nexus, GitHub, CHEF,
Terraform and AWS.
Experience Terraform to manage and provision Infrastructure as Code
Experience DEV, QA, PROD environments with Terraform
Experience in Amazon Web Services(AWS),Creating EC2 Instances and Configuration all web Services
EC2,S3 bucket, ELB IAM through AWS Console and cloud VPC setup and instance creation activities.
Experience with cloud infrastructures of AWS & deploying the services i.e. VPC, Subnet, Routing Table,
Security Group, IAM, S3.
Also having experience in services like EC2, CloudWatch, CloudTrail, Routes53.
Technical Summary
Professional Experience
Working as a Associate Consultant HCL Technologies., Bangalore from Jan 2022 to till date.
Worked as a Devops Analyst in Accenture Services Pvt Ltd., Bangalore from July 2015 to Dec 2021.
Mobile No:+91-8050223842
knowledge of TFS, Apache Subversion (SVN), and Jenkins Continuous Integration Server – Installation,
Managed branching, merging, and other source control tasks in CI/CD tools.
Designing, Creating and Managing Continuous Build and Continuous Integration environments combining and
automating tools and smoke test using Selenium.
Working with and supporting multiple World-wide development teams delivering a wide range of software
Good experience Devops CI/CD pipeline configuration.
Automating the build, deployment and testing of Front End,
Developing custom reporting tools, setting up automated health monitoring and alerting for builds and
Debugging CI and demo build failures, coordinating with developers and testers to resolve related issues.
Troubleshooting all CI and Demo Environmental issues using ubergui, errorgui,
Creating CI/CD pipelines by integrating Git, GitHub, Maven, Jenkins, Chef, Monitoring
Tools and AWS (provisioning).
Based deployments to Amazon–EC2.
Responsible for taking the source code and compiling using ANT and package it in its distributable format, such as
a Jar, War, Ear.
Used Kubernetes to orchestrate the deployment, scalling and management of Docker Containers.
Managed Docker orchestration and Docker containerization using Kubernetes.
Creating Mass Branching for all the modules and granting access to the developers to checking their changes.
Working on Daily demo deployment. Ensure the entire CI environment is deployed to demo Environment.
Purpose of the project is to develop the application were ‘n’ no. of users can access it and
making sure that it is consistent.
So, we use the below process for the DevOps and AWS end.
Mobile No:+91-8050223842
We use git,Jenkins, SonarQube, JFrog artifactory & Kubernetes as a tool and formonitoring EFK which is
Elastic search, FluentD & Kibana
With the help of jenkins, we create the pipeline as a code for all the services Integrating
sonar JFrog in the pipeline and proceeded with the end to end process with deployment.
Dealed and solved many issues we encountered in our application
We set up the process w.r.t environments (dev, qa stage,pre-prod prod)
We have written the scripts w.r.t to the env & application validation where it checks the
end to end for the infra & app.
We use EKS(Elastic kubernetes service) which is hosted in the AWS cloud.
We create the yaml files for every service and making sure the image should pick from
that yaml standardization and the same has been deployed in the EKS.
We have encountered issues with memory especially the container side and we made it
standardize across env.
Sprint plan will be processed for every 7 days and the same as been created tasks in TFS
Involved in all the meetings regularly and provided solutions for the issues when we
Data dog is the monitoring tool which used especially for business transactions
Setting up the infrastructure and environments (i.e. dev, stage, preprod, prod) using
Participation in on call escalation to trouble shoot customer facing issues.
Given an idea to implement the dev sec ops as it is the main important aspect for the
current situation and hoping that it will implement in further Release.
Performed all the subversion activities such as authentication, branching, tagging, merging and work space setup
activities for development team.
Repository setup, backup, restore and user authentication on Subversion server.
Configured MAVEN repositories and POM.XML with different plug-ins.
Installed Continuous integration server Jenkins as a service, configured the projects on Jenkins and automated the
build, deployment and test execution on all target platforms and shared the nightly build results with teams.
Implemented the setup for Master slave architecture to improve the Performance of Jenkins.
Monitoring each service deployment, and validating the services across all environments.
Deployed J2EE applications to Application servers in an Agile continuous integration environment and also
automated the whole process.
Build scripts using MAVEN build tools in Jenkins, Bams to move from one environment to other environments.
Responsible for bringing up the various server environments like DEV, UAT, QA, Prod like and Production
Experience in configuring and deploy the artifacts to Application server.
Mobile No:+91-8050223842